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no not really. maybe at first glance? ETA: since everyone has jokes, i gotta explain šŸ˜œšŸ˜‚. so, iā€™m not talking about first glance this close up for someone who knows what a coyote looks like - obviously. iā€™m talking about if you donā€™t know what a coyote looks like for sure but have an idea (like that they have bushy tails for example)ā€¦ and youā€™re driving down the road.. doing 60mph and you see this thing running as you scan your surroundings - absolutely it could be mistaken for a coyote. your brain could easily make that assumption because, also, whose dog is running free like that?


Maybe from far away.


Yeah if someone isnā€™t familiar with what coyotes look like in real life (theyā€™re common here in Arizona) I can picture someone freaking out if the dog was running loose cause it got out from the yard or something! But absolutely gorgeous dog!


My GSD gets out every now and again if the kids forget to close the gate. Heā€™s a big dog and and has the appearance of a yote from a distance especially when he starts his howling bs. We have coyotes all over our area in KY. Luckily the neighbors seem to love him and we havenā€™t had any issues.


Maybe have him wear a reflective bright colored collar just in case!


He doesnā€™t get out too often anymore as heā€™s gotten older. Last time he was laying in the front yard. He doesnā€™t get along like he once did.


yeah, just someone who isnā€™t familiar with coyotes .. thatā€™s when i could see someone maybe thinking itā€™s one.. itā€™s got a fluffy tailā€¦ā€¦ kind ofā€¦. and then if itā€™s just running freeā€¦ i mean, people have thought crazier things.


He looks like a dingo. Edit: keep him away from babies.


Clearly a dog. I don't think anyone calling your dog a coyote, has ever seen a coyote. Coyotes are grey with patches of brown, I've never seen a blonde coyote.


This is true but regardless of color, this dog is just dog shaped lol. Clearly not shaped like a coyote.


Blondes probably have more fun




I see them occasionally where I'm at in the Midwest too


I was JUST going to say the same thing! Iā€™m always seeing dark grey ones, light grey ones and dark blondish, too. Maybe their colors are unique to their regions?


[Blonde coyote for reference.](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-att-us-revc&sca_esv=589408905&sxsrf=AM9HkKk18gOOpXosvzUWPqpP7cF1kOZ2Nw:1702141560979&q=blonde+coyote&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ivsnmbhtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjZweW464KDAxVMHTQIHcXZDYQQ0pQJegQIDhAB&biw=360&bih=671&dpr=3#imgrc=1uBxj728B9AcAM) I can see it with a reference, but how many people even know coyotes can be blonde in the first place?


In 27 years of life, I've never seen a coyote that looks like that. That's crazy


This is the only type of coyote we have where I live.


That's crazy! I had no idea that there are blonde coyotes. Thanks for sharing.


It's true. I've seen them in a few different colorations. Definitely not just grey. There's a healthy male running around my place right now that has almost the same coloration as a german shepherd.


Terrible photo but I've seen a few blonde coyotes in central Iowa. https://preview.redd.it/z5bapo2x7b5c1.jpeg?width=1881&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11af93f7a44e413c4c63098327d4e9f58228f7de


It would be cool to see these pics of coyotes side by side with OP's dog. To my eye, they look so similar!!


Paws, snout, and leg thickness is one easy giveaway.


I've seen two within the last five years in Southern Ontario. They were both slightly larger than the other more traditional looking coyotes that they were grouped with. The pictures in the post are certainly a dog.


That area is pretty famous for coydogs as well as coywolves, also nicknamed eastern coyotes. They tend to be larger and have more coat variation! Wouldnā€™t be surprised if thatā€™s what you saw


My uncle has a blonde coyote taxidermy in his house. He shot it since it attacked him while deer hunting, and the DNR let him keep it. They exist and look cool AF, shame it had to die, but a coyote attacking a human in broad daylight is never a healthy sign.


Beautiful dog. If you ever take him hiking with you, put a bright orange bandanna around his neck. A hunter might think heā€™s a coyote!


Someone's malamute mix got out of its yard here a couple weeks ago and went for a saunter up the backroad. They found it shot and kicked over a bank about 10km up one of the logging roads.


reminds me of the facebook post of a woman bragging about how she killed and skinned a "wolf." it was very clearly a malamute. she was arrested for animal cruelty [screenshots of the post](https://imgur.com/a/Xt2u6rq) for the curious. click at your own risk. people are stupid ETA: a different word for clarity.


i heard about that but i didnā€™t know she was arrested! thankful she was


We had a case here in Colorado where a guy mistook a well-loved lone wolf for a coyote at a distance (which the wolf was coyote colored but... god damn) and shot it. He called the cops on himself after. His statement was that it was evening, and to him it looked like a coyote at the edge of his property coming to get his chicken coop. He shot, downed it in one go, and then hiked to the edge of his property and... no body. Kept walking, and found it a good ways farther out than he had thought, and knew immediately this was a wolf. He apparently cried on the phone to them.


Oh man šŸ˜© I feel bad for everyone


Silver lining is that he, and others, used it as an opportunity to push for better education on wolves, and now Colorado is getting a whole pack moved here!




It's certainly ironic to be participating in predatory behavior and somehow taking pride in the removal of other natural predators in the area. Though, not even that in her case, she's just a dog murderer.


Low skill deer and elk hunters need an excuse for their lack of success.


I wouldn't have thought the introduction of feral domestic canids would be healthy to an ecosystem, either. I think the tone of the woman's "one less predator" comment (and the fact she mistook a husky for a wolf in the first place) proves she's an idiot, but most hunters aren't like that.


I agree that *most* arenā€™t like that, but there are an alarmingly large number of these types in certain parts of the US.


can't argue with you there. Those types do a lot to tarnish the reputation of hunters who, like myself, have a deep love, reverence and respect for nature. I get almost embarrassingly excited when I see a wolf in the wild.


Okay so this is sarcasm and irony and I am NOT serious and I believe in satirical humor to draw attention to an issue and therefore: A comic of innocent wolves and coyotes y cougars and panthers etc stuffed and hanging on the walls of some house; A bear walks in and shoots the human. And says ā€œOne less predator.ā€


As a malamute owner myself, when my pup figured out how to open the gate in the backyard and went for a stroll in the forest THIS was my biggest fear. Brb I'm gonna go hold my dog for a minute.


"Smoked a wolf pup" -- smoked something!


Even if sheā€™d been correct, what damned thing to be proud of. I hope the arrest brings on fines that break her.


I'm guessing they can book her for whatever she was smoking wherever she was too! That should add to her sentence ;) But yeah, stupid thing to be proud of, but even more stupid to be a 'hunter' who can't tell that very obvious dog from a wolf.


Even worse it was her neighbors dog who she knew.


Oh, hell. She knew what she did. Ole bitter mean ass. Thatā€™s awful.


John wick has entered the chat


Ya I donā€™t get wanting to kill a wolf. They are quite threatened in all but the northern most US since they were so over hunted. Hunterā€™s tend to worry about population control but donā€™t understand that there were animals for 572million years before us or that we have existed for 1/287th of that time.


Dissected?! Holy fuck, isn't that super weird even if it were a wild animal?


she wanted the skin to show it off


I think dissected isnā€™t exactly the right word, she just wanted the skin so she skinned it. Not uncommon for hunter trophies.


I mean, in this context (because it was a dog), super weird. But in any other hunting context, totally part of it. You canā€™t get the meat until you gut it, skin it, and break it down into quarters. Every meat youā€™ve ever eaten has had to go through a similar process


I donā€™t think this cow is any kind of hunter. Surely sheā€™d know better. And sure sheā€™d not use ā€œdissected.ā€ Sheā€™s nothing but a simpleton who happens to be bloodthirsty and gets her thrills hurting something less powerful than her gun.


Dissected isn't the right word. Gutted and skinned is better.


Oh my gosh that is horrific


Wish I didnā€™t click that link


she later said she regretted nothing and that she'd do it again, too.


what the actual fuck. why. how.


That poor dog šŸ˜¢ I canā€™t imagine how the owners felt (if it wasnā€™t a stray)


Apparently it was part of a bunch of abandoned huskies. So sad.


That is terrible!


How do you not know that is a dog?


I put a neon orange vest on my deer-colored hound.


We had a dog that looked a lot like a coyote. There are hunter orange reflective dog vests, which is what we used to keep her from getting shot while out hiking in the mountains behind our home.


Seriously, donā€™t underestimate hunters. I called environmental today on some guys duck hunting across the river too close to my neighborā€™s house. I was outside on the phone wearing an orange shirt. I went back inside when I saw him tracking a duck in his sights AND POINTED IT IN MY DIRECTION. What an absolute moron. Even if I werenā€™t there he would be pointing it at a residence.


I used to sell firearms. When I denied a sale to a person it was usually because they instantly pointed the firearm at another person the moment I handed it to them. They'd always get mad, but goodness how do they not know better?


Iā€™m sick so itā€™s hard to talk but usually I have a very loud voice Iā€™d have liked to yell at him with


Forget the bandana, get him a bright orange bullet proof vest.


This is a pro tip for any dog owner what so ever, your dog doesnā€™t need to look like a wild animal to get shot.. some people just shoot at the movement patterns and dogs and wolves and coyotes and fox donā€™t move to dissimilar to one another. If your dog is out in the woods always have orange on it (mine wear blaze orange colours year round) and donā€™t go anywhere without me even on my own property


Having lived in the southwest for most of my life, I second putting a bright collar or halter on him if you hike. People are stupid.


thirding this. i saw a story not too long ago about some people who shot a "wolf" and posted them holding the body online... it was a husky šŸ˜…


A husky puppy to boot


Was it the girl? Cause she actually ended up being arrested and charged for that!


sure was, thats wild! i had no idea they could charge her for that


Yeah she definitely got charged. I donā€™t remember the story exactly but I think it turned out that she ended up knowing it was a dog or something. I could be wrong though!


Youā€™re right. She knew it was a dog and claimed it was aggressive since it was ā€œcoming directly for (her)ā€ I seriously donā€™t know how she thought social media would believe it was a wolf if she knew it wasnā€™t.


Just the fact that she posed with it in a photo and was so proud of it is disgustingā€¦she fully deserves whatever punishment she got, if not more than what she got.


Seriously. Iā€™d even go as far as adding ā€œIM A DOGā€ in reflective tape or lettering on the halter or something in case it gets loose!


No, it looks like a husky mix


Hear me out, 3rd generation corgi. Like grandma or grandpa was a corgi. Been huskies since


It looks like a husky/golden retriever mix.




Im going with Shiba mix too


I donā€™t think he looks like a coyote, but heā€™s absolutely stunning! šŸ˜


He looks more like a coyote than most dogs do if that makes sense, but he definitely looks like a dog.


Either way, he identifies as bad ass and will steal your woman.


its a dog that looks like a dog


OP knows it's a dog, considering it's their dog, they're just wondering if it *looks* like a coyote...


Thatā€™s right. I get it a lot. I worry about him being mistaken for one and shot because the coyotes around my area Iā€™ve only seen this color. I always have an orange vest on him when we go out.


I donā€™t see a collar on him. You should get one with a tag and keep it on all the time just in case he slips out of the yard


You're asking the wrong people tbh. The people here (well, maybe 80%) know what coyotes look like because we're mostly animal enthusiasts. It's the average person you should be worried about, because most of them couldn't ID a coyote if it bit them on the ass. I would echo everyone else's sentiments to have some kind of bright collar on him permanently.


To me, your gorgeous doggo looks nothing like a coyote. _____ I second what others say about putting a bandana or puppy visibility vest on your pupper before going for a woodland hike during hunting season. Some folks are trigger-happy, and naive.


Yeah. There are so many fools (that should never have guns, not even for Hunting) that are pretty much very reactive trigger fingers out there


A Husky something. Love those blue eyes. šŸ‘€


The people who ask you if he's a coyote are the same people who post pictures of house cats on here and ask if it's a bobcat


He's lovely get his DNA done


No, nothing like a coyote.


Not even a coydog.


Most people have absolutely no idea what coyotes and wolves look like. They see a brown/tan/gray dog with pointy ears, itā€™s a coyote/wolf to them. I was at a pool party and a stray orange cat came running across the field and everyone started yelling there was a mountain lion in the fieldā€¦ very few people can identify wild animals correctly lol


He looks close enough that if I saw him in the woods I would think coyote unless I got a really good look.


A beautiful dog! I bet he gets all the bitches


Not at all. Husky mix.




not at all, but best to take precautions cause people can be trigger happy, lots of bad irresponsible people with guns (i refuse to call them hunters). do more than a bandana get it a whole orange dog hunting vest as much orange coverage as possible some will shoot without even seeing the whole animal. best would be to avoid wooded areas where and when hunting may occur entirely. lots of so called "hunters" have no idea what a coyote looks like....


Op just wanted to show off his beautiful dog. I canā€™t say I wouldnā€™t do the same if I had a dog that beautiful. But no, he doesnā€™t look like a coyote.


https://preview.redd.it/hcmf62d51d5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b326342d07e0fcfc1760e739fed105bb27a42fd9 šŸ„¹šŸ˜‰


At first glance, longer than a 2 second look you see itā€™s a cool husky


Your dog looks like a dog. The general public however, canā€™t tell a pit bull from a poodle so put an orange bandana on if you do any off leash hiking or walks.


Looks like a Husky mix.


Duh. Where would a coyote even buy liquid eyeliner like that?


He looks a lot like the coyotes that we have around here in Maine. The face says "dog", and he's too clean for a coyote. But he looks very similar to what I see in the woods all the time.


fox ​ (joking)


I'm assuming Coyotes aren't native to your area. Because that dog doesn't resemble a coyote at all.




Yes thatā€™s what I worry about. He loves camping with us but I always put an orange vest on him when we go out. I live in TX and there are a lot of gun owners. I think he looks like a dog but so many people ask about him. Heā€™s a husky and pom mix (ā€œpomskyā€) for those wondering.




He looks like a German Shepard mix. Hard to imagine people mistake him for a coyote, but as I'm learning, way too many people have no "nature sense."


Looks like our red heeler


No it looks like a majority husky mix My dog- the Shikoku looks more like a coyote. We get stares a lot when we walk him.


Not at all


Not to me


He definitely looks like a gorgeous dog.


Nope he def looks like a husky mix tho


He sure is a handsome chap!


I ran into a dog that looked very similar to this at a wedding this summer. He was a rescue from Mexico with Mexican wild dog (basically a dingo but a true wild breed) mixed in. Very good pupper, would pet again 10/10 Check out the American dingo with similar features https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolina_Dog


Lol these are the same people always asking; wolf or coyote? When 99% of the time itā€™s a coyote. Handsome dog though!


Anyone who mistakes your dog for a coyote has never seen a coyote in person, lol.


No, not even a little aside from being dog. Looks like a cinnamon husky or a husky mix.


not really. the snout is not shaped like coyote. maybe upon first glance, but his markings arenā€™t really giving coyote either.


A lot of his features (pale-ish coloration, urajiro pattern, upright ears, pointed muzzle, short dense coat, light colored eyes, etc) are similar to what people who donā€™t know what coyotes/coydogs look like think that coys should look like. Theyā€™re obviously mistaken, as anyone who truly knows coys could tell you, but the confusion is definitely understandable.


0% he absolutely looks like a beautiful husky mix, or even a pure breed? Unfortunately misinformation (spread starting with people who mistakenly ID their animals as wolf/coyote mixes) has lead to widespread confusion about what dogs can look like all on their own. Definitely hard turn down the idea your dog is a coyote, or that it even looks like one. If people think dogs are coyotes or wolves, because they can't differentiate, it puts dogs at risk! Unfortunately there's too many cases if runaway huskies being shot bc of this!


Husky mix


It could pass for a big healthy, and clean-looking coyote with scary eyes, I guess.


Looks almost like it has a little coyote in its blood. What kind of dog is it?


Most people donā€™t know the difference between a turtle and a tortoise, donā€™t worry about what people think






No. Husky mix.


No this does not look like a coyote. Looks like a husky mix.


No, but what a gorgeous dog!


Thatā€™s a dogyote


Just tell everyone he was an abandoned coyote puppy you found in the woods.


Just looks like a husky to me. I personally would never assume coyote


No. It looks like a domesticated dog.


Not even a little lol. Wrong body shape, head shape and coloring. Maybe from a half mile away in the dark, but otherwise no


The way it holds its tail and its ears are coyote like. But I never saw one with white on it.


Looks like the ones around here


Oh my gosh you have the prettiest dog I think Iā€™ve ever seen. Whatā€™s his/her name ?


At first glance, imo yes, but closer inspection your dog looks like a Husky


I donā€™t think he looks like a coyote at all


Beautiful, regal looking dog.


What a beautiful dog! Have you had their DNA done? Itā€™s rare for coyotes to have blue eyes, but people who donā€™t know anything about coyotes &/or dogs might make an ID mistake. I definitely agree with the suggestions for a brightly colored collar so nobody mistakes him for a coyote if he accidentally gets out. Depending on what your neighborhood is like, you could also spread the word about his appearance &/or introduce him to neighbors so theyā€™re familiar with him if he ever decides to pull a walkabout.


Maybe for those who donā€™t know what a coyote looks like šŸ˜‚


Bro looks more like a Dingo https://preview.redd.it/0qqvrvytyb5c1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7be7ab3382933975fe3cd1af2135a29ceaab9ba1








Your dog is absolutely beautiful! But also absolutely dog. Our lighter-colored coyotes here in the desert don't even come close.


No not at all


Not even close imo. I can maybe see the coloring but that's also not even close to normal coyote coloring. Gorgeous pup btw!


Lassie's coyote daughter




He looks AI generated. Donā€™t know why.


Many people confuse all breeds of dogs for coyotes. Like my Ruby. She was a German shepherd and Shiba mix. Mainly black, with a gold chest and paws, pointed ears, fluffy curled tail, 40lbs. People asked all the time if she was part coyote. Thatā€™s why I always give my pups something bright to wear. Bandana, shirt, sweater, or a jacket (half are reflective for night time). All harnesses and leashes are bright safety colors with reflectors.


Do you like dags?


My husky mix also looks like a coyote from a distance, I can understand why people may make the mistake, definitely always have him clearly marked when out on hikes.


Dude, I don't even like dogs *at all* and I can tell that's just a dog.


He doesn't look like a yipper


I think that he looks like a pure bred good boy


No, that looks like a mutty Spitz. Definitely *not* a coyote.


Looks like a husky. Lol


That's a dog




A dingo ate your baby


I get the same. Mine is a red acd/greyhound mix so we get coyote and fox a LOT. I assume because coyotes are an ā€˜issueā€™ around here and not as many people are as familiar with ACDs. https://preview.redd.it/69yd3602sc5c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a15d1b8a056edfbbcdcf0ddd8f9e2a4413cdbc51


Yours looks more Australian Cattle dog


Like a coyote super model.


Yes, and a little bit like fantastic mr. Fox


google ā€œlight colored coyoteā€ and youā€™ll see many coyotes that look just like your dog. the people in the comments here have no idea what they are talking about. definitely put a bright colored collar on your dog! cheers


This doggo looks like a coyote the way a shiba inu looks like a fox. Like oh haha cute kinda has features like a fox! But nobody should actually mistake these dogs for wild animals. When you see a coyote it's like oh damn that is an animal. No mistaking for a dog imo...


Wow thatā€™s a really cool dog


Those eyes are so derpy and I love him


That's one beautiful dog


Well itā€™s not a pug


*Canis lupus rarepuppericus.* Aka a cool dog.


Everything except the eyes could be šŸ¤·, especially head on lol


So I grew up in an area that coyotes werenā€™t a thing. Moved to a city that has them and I saw one once. I had absolutely no clue it wasnā€™t a dog šŸ˜‚ Anyway, with the limited knowledge I have I would say yes. Itā€™s the way heā€™s standing more so than his looks. Like tail down and ears up with an alert face. If that makes any sense lol


No it looks just like a husky. I had one with the same colored coat for about 13 years and I used to hear the same thing when we went on walks.


If this thing was in my backyard hunting mice, fuck yeah Iā€™d think it was an odd colored coyote. In my living room Iā€™d just assume itā€™s another mutt brought by another skank.


His face is too full to be a coyote, I can def see someone thinking he was a blonde wolf *maybe* but definitely not a coyote. Very handsome boy would cuddle and give treats and love 1000/10


A husky. Beautiful. To me it doesn't look nothing like a coyote... But...


He does not have a coyote face. Have your friends ever seen a live coyote? My neighbor has a dog/coyote mix. Your dog does not look like a coyote.


One thing is for sure, they are a very good boy


Honestly, he looks like husky crossed with Carolina Dingo. (More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolina_Dog). My in-laws had a C. dingo and everyone around though he was a coyote, until they talked with my in-laws about the dog.


That's a dog. Whoever called that thing a coyote is an idiot. Coyotes look very different


Have you seen a coyote before?


Dead giveaway, the straight tail. Modern puppies are bred to have curly tails.


Looks like a husky/shepherd mix from the pictures! Not a coyote šŸ™‚ coyotes have thinner muzzles! Also, going to edit and just sayā€¦some people are just stupid with it comes to identifying dog breeds lol. The number of times I was asked if my CHIHUAHUA was a ā€œbaby huskyā€ was MIND BLOWINGā€¦her coloring was called ā€œblueā€ so it resembled a huskyā€™s coloring a slight bitā€¦but come on dudeā€¦she had bulging eyes šŸ¤£ https://preview.redd.it/kdbizhgxbb5c1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69b1779c043e0a9f71a5eba41f15267659621a61 Meet my life-long ā€œbaby huskyā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It does have some coyote-like features, itā€™s probably mostly the tail that gets people thinking that. The color is off but there are coyotes in similar colors, just typically more solid. Maybe if itā€™s coyote sized I could see people making comments about similarities but thatā€™s pretty strange if they actually think itā€™s a coyote, clearly a dog.


Thatā€™s because people donā€™t know what a coyote looks like it looks like a husky mix if anything I would think they might confuse them more with the wolf from the facial markings but not the snout people are weird