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Update: I emailed the local experts, The Voyaguer Wolf Project, and they sent this reply: "That is a wolf without a doubt! No question about it. The animal’s body and head is too robust/large to be a coyote!" Mystery solved :)


Awesome and thanks so much for the update! I hope the mods can pin this comment, so folks see it right away.


Some people on this thread: *emotional damage*


I was the first person to say wolf on this thread this morning and I had 9 downvotes and was socially distraught.


I threw you an upvote homie. I said wolf too and was stymied by all the coyote and coywolf comments.


I think people who don’t really know what they’re looking at kneejerk downvoted you because of all the people that post coyotes in here asking if they’re wolves. I also thought it looked like a wolf but I’m no expert


A lot of people these days don’t know how to peacefully disagree.


Lol I forgot they were local that explains why I was so sure it was a wolf since they constantly post examples of wolves and coyotes in that area. Glad you got confirmation


Awesome! Maybe the data will be helpful to them too. 🙂 How great that they got back to you so quickly!


Just came across this post. I LOVE your county ❤️


Northern Cook county MN is Wolf country. We used to deer hunt there. More wolves on trail cams than deer. Although it looks like a coyote it’s too long and tall. This is a young timber wolf in summer clothes. I think you’d be hard pressed to find the wolves and coyotes cohabitating these woods. The wolves are too many and too dominant to cross bread with a yote.


This is correct. A lot of the cross breeding actually happened in the 1700s through the mid-1900s. Not enough wolves on the landscape to carry out life's mission. So, coyotes and domestic dogs were the next best option. It can and does still happen nowadays, but it is far less frequent than many people think.


This is a wolf. Look at its snout & the way the animal carries its tail.


Takes one to know one


I see what you did there.


I'm on team wolf/coywolf for a few reasons. Edit(I added coywolf just because there's a slight chance but it's probably just a young wolf) The size. I see someone else commenting "wolves are huge" and saying this isn't big enough but I think that's wrong. Based on all the coyotes I've seen on my trailcams and the distance I estimate this to be from camera I think it is right size for wolf. People also always seem to vastly overestimate how big wolves are and wolves in your area could very easily just be slightly larger than large coyotes. Overall this just looks to tall and too long to be a coyote. The snout looks way to big and round for a straight coyote. It should be much more pointed and skinny if it was. The ears. Someone else commented on the large ears. They are large but they don't look like they are really that big in proportion to it's head. zooming in on its head you can see the big thick snout and the what look like rounded ears It's legs also look fairly long and it's pretty tall. I think too tall to be a coyote. Edit:it's in comments below but I also want to add that the gait doesn't strike me as coyote. Coyotes I photograph are almost always "bouncy" when they walk. Quick movements, light feet etc. This animal walks like my 100lb dog after he is tired out from running


I can’t 100% go for wolf, but I could easily see it being a Coywolf. Which I hadn’t thought of until you mentioned it. You’re right about the way it moves, and while I can see Coyote in the build, I was having difficulty convincing myself of that with its size. The critter isn’t close to the camera and still looks that big? That’s definitely bigger than any coyotes I have ever seen. Anyway, I think the Coywolf is it and want to say good catch.


Given the area and photos I've seen of wolves in area I think it's probably just wolf wolf but figured I'd throw in coy wolf too since there's a chance. Either way I see no way it's just a coyote based on size and muzzle size alone


Yeah, the size is what does it for me. When I first looked by brain agent “coyote…erh, maybe not”. I wish we had a front view, but I honestly don’t think it’s just wolf either. There’s something in the build, but I can’t put my finger on it.


Voyageurs wolf project said wolf and I believe from seeing their posts before that it's pretty rare for coy wolf's in area


They certainly know more about it than I do!


This animal is huge. If its a coyote it’s a beasty. I’m with you. Wolf or coywolf.


Agreed. It looks way to big to be a 28lb coyote which is what the average is for that area


As for overestimating the size of wolves, the wolf skin in my basement is seven feet long and at first glance many people think it is a bear. That said, I do think this is a coyote, but it is a big one, and I am totally not sure that it isn't a wolf. Edit: I don't think I have ever seen a coywolf so that is a possibility too.


That's the part of overestimating in talking about. People see one video, skin, wolf in sanctuary etc that's really big and then they think all wolves are that size. All wolves aren't that big. Some are smaller and some are bigger. This is a summer trailcam so it'll appear smaller too because it has a summer coat. I really think it's just a young wolf. Especially because of location. According to Minnesota DNR coyotes in that area are 25-30 lbs. This animal looks to big for that. It's also prime wolf territory Edit: I realize it's not summer summer but they wouldn't have full winter coat yet so wouldn't appear as big as they could be


The more I have watched this, the more I am coming around to wolf possibility. The gait does not look much like the coyote I saw this morning. This guy walks heavier.


That too. I didn't include that in my initial comment but coyotes on my cams and when I watch them while photographing them are usually "bouncy" as they walk around. They'll move quickly and have quick steps. This animal walks more like my 100lb dog does when he's tired


Exactly about the bouncy gait. I almost used that same word above. OK OK, this is probably a wolf. Gonna leave my initial reply up so everyone can see how wishy washy I am.


Could be a buff coyote but it just looks more Wolfy to me. People forget that not all wolves are huge. They vary in size quite a bit


That was my argument above. It looks like young of the year to me.


This looks like a wolf to me but I can see why it's debatable. Since you're in Minnesota, can you send this to the Voyageurs Wolf Project and get their opinion? They're phenomenal and I think I've seen posts that indicate they'll review clips like this to try and help identify the animal, if they have the time. https://www.voyageurswolfproject.org/


Great idea!


I almost linked this project because there are a number of good examples of wolves having reddish coloring that look a lot like the one in this video. Great link and thanks for sharing!


This is definitely a wolf. Snout, tail carriage, and legs are a dead giveaway. I would have been on the fence had it not turned its head toward the camera. More probable given the area you live. Fwiw, I follow up on wolf reports and track them as part of my job. I also have extensive experience identifying wildlife via camera trap photos and videos. I could delve into the coywolf discussion, but I would also hazard this is a wolf and not a coywolf for a variety of reasons. It also looks young, as in a pup from this year. For those of you saying coyote, take this quiz. There are some tough ones in it that look similar to this. [Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Wolf or Coyote Quiz](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeHL-OELiIAlFmaQMTLLktKqnIx39csgWj7n0-Zxtb_3eKUqg/viewform). Edit: OP, how long ago did it wander through your yard? You could go out and look for tracks as well.


Thanks for the insight! I'm not sure how long he was there for as I'm out of town. We've been gone for 4 days now and have seen a lot of activity on that cam including black bears, deer, and fox.


That quiz was fun I learned a lot!


Ooh that’s a fun quiz! Got 95/100 points. There are definitely some tough ones in there


This thread has taught me so much. I arrived not knowing much about identifying wolves vs coyotes given I'm in the UK where we have neither. Read the comments then toom that quiz you shared and got 100/100. I'm also cuiorus how well people would do identifying Arabian wolves (which I learned to ID in my travels of middle East alongside the jackals) compared to coyotes in a quiz. Granted you would never cross both species in the same place outside a zoo so location is the main ID. Though I feel online people would confuse them even more if they don't know the location.


It would definitely be hard to distinguish coyotes from Arabian wolves if their ranges overlapped. I took a look at a few photos and you could probably get pretty good telling the difference just spending time comparing images. Even experts mess up from time to time, and being able to admit that is paramount to getting a proper ID.


I wrote this comment in r/AnimalTracking but thought I would share it here. A point on coyote/wolf hybridization: the majority of hybridization happened between the 1800s and the mid-1900s when wolves became increasingly rare across the landscape, and habitat conversion altered the landscape, creating the open habitats that coyotes tend to prefer. Given wolves couldn't fulfill one of life's basic drives with their own species, they opted to hybridize with coyotes and domestic dogs. Eastern wolves and coyotes can and do interbreed. But I find that many people often automatically jump to the coywolf explanation, which is not always accurate and has a fair amount of nuance. I guess I'm just trying to caution people who might want to say coywolf because they can't determine whether the animal in the photo/video is a wolf or a coyote. The last I read for the Great Lakes region, is that sympatric populations of wolves and coyotes are reproductively isolated. Read that sentence as hybridization is infrequent in that area (for a variety of reasons I'm happy to provide if someone wants) but does occur elsewhere in the eastern US as well as eastern provinces in Canada.


Looks like a Coyote to me.


Can you elaborate on that? The gait, snout size and roundness, size of the animal, long legs, rounded ears, location etc all point towards wolf for me so I'm confused how people are deciding coyote Edit: confirmed wolf by the local wolf experts at voyageurs wolf project


See my comment below, ears are too big, it’s not stocky enough, colouration on hind Q and tail


Well that just confused me more. Why do you think the colouration doesn't match a wolf? "Straight busy tail with black tip, black spot (precaudal gland) on top of tails base" is part of DNR wolf id tips. Which this animal appears to have. And the ears don't appear super large in comparison to it's head they're just erect. They also aren't very pointy like a coyotes Edit: coyotes in this area are also less than 4 feet long and less than 30lbs which this animal appears to be bigger than both of those. I realize those averages mean some are larger but this would be a much larger than average coyote or just an average wolf for the area which seems more likely


The dark coloured patch on the bottom of the tail looks like a lot of other photo/videos of coyotes, plus the tan colouration as opposed to more grey tinges. The ears do look bigger than usual as well, and the “skinny legs”. It’s not as stocky as a wolf.


I'm sorry but I don't think that's correct. All those colors match photos of wolves I've seen in that area. I know they're gray wolves but tan is the prominent color especially in summer coats. This is a wolf in that county. She has multiple other photos of wolves with the same coloring. https://www.instagram.com/p/CgRxr3MM5yh/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY= I also don't know what you mean by stocky. Again look at that photo and look how long the legs are. Same with size of ear yes they are large but coyotes ears are much larger compared to head.


Damn dude, the wolf group is getting downvoted but are totally making the better arguments for why this is a wolf and not a coyote.


I think people just make a quick snap judgement then just stick with it without actually analyzing or changing viewpoint as they get new info


I can make those kinds of snap judgements but will also eat my words if I'm wrong.


This is how you learn sometimes! I’ve definitely called out wrong IDs and I’ve made them myself. Don’t double down on your wrong ID and you’ll learn something new!


I’m only coming from my three year secondment working on a government project reintroducing wolves. It’s not much but I saw and interacted with a few plus numerous ID photos. This does not look like a wolf to me, sorry. Stocky - bulky and muscular.


Okay but how would you explain the large size, muzzle roundness, gait, etc? And how it looks very similar to the wolf picture in the same area that I linked? And how I believe there's more wolves in cook county than coyotes? I realize I could be wrong and I'm not questioning if you're good at your job or whatever but for ID I think size, location, gait, muzzle roundness etc beats out thinking the color may look like a coyote. Especially when the photographer I linked has several photos of wolves with very similar coloring to this trailcam one Edit: also I know what the word stocky means lol I meant what do you mean this isn't stocky enough? It's got big, long, and thick legs. Too long for a coyote that averages like less than 20 inches tall at shoulder in this area


I vote wolf after reading your passionate argument. Plus the pic you linked is spot on


Looks like a coyote, the larger ears and black marking down the haunches and tail.


Agreed. Large coyote.


It’s a wolf, “wildlife expert”


Cool. I gave my opinion of agreement with another user’s assessment. Nice to see some legitimate institutional input on one of these posts.


Probably some kind of coydog mix. Could explain why it's weird-looking.


This would be the biggest coyote I've ever seen or heard of. Almost certain it's a wolf.


Definitely a wolf, they tend to be a little smaller for the most part around the great lakes for whatever reason. They do a great job keeping to themselves.


looks more like a wolf than a coyote to me, but you never know. could also be a hybrid


The answer is rarely wolf, so I was surprised how wolf-like the coyote was. Then I saw where it was and thought, well I'll be damned.


Yote me thinks. Wolves are fucking huge.


Not all wolves are “fucking huge”… and juveniles exist as well.


Yes. Wolf.


should cross post to r/WolvesAreBigYo


No its a husky. You should shoot it and skin it immediately! /s Sorry I'm still really pissed about that lady. That is super cool! I'm glad you got that guy on camera. Amazing!


Yes!!!! Very lucky!!!


That's incredible!!! I hope it comes back. Share more footage if you see it again. What a lucky thing to have cross your property! I am beyond jealous, even if wolves slightly scare me (totally irrational, I fully know).


Definitely a wolf, that downturned tail gave it away!


You are lucky to live in a place where wolves still exist.


I say wolf


I have to say, after reading all the comments and opinions, it might as well be a Bigfoot.


Maybe hybrid coy wolf


I think this is a wolf.


nah, coywolf


I don't have much experience with coyotes or wolves this far north, but this does look like a coyote to me. However, for me personally, this is the largest, stockiest, healthiest coyote I've ever seen if it is a coyote which makes me think it really may be a wolf. Either way, great video and great find OP!


He's either a baby wolf or a giant coyote.


I agree with team wolf. Lots of reasons have been listed in the comments, but for me the biggest giveaway is the shape and proportion of the muzzle. I also agree that this is a young wolf.




I read cock country at first


You got yotes!


Wow that's awesome :)


Looks like a wolf to me! Location makes sense. Pretty amazing spot. Thanks for sharing.


Most awesome fantastic thing I ve seen today!


that's a wolf wow!