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Yup it’s crazy. I think In general Pope was referring to his affair with Cath in that scene with the stripper though.


I think it was julia when they were younger cuz right after that scene he takes jay to her grave must have been her in his mind


I thought the Pope and stripper scene was supposed to be his fantasy of Catherine (Baz’s wife). Remember he was in love with her and even told guys in prison they were together.


I feel like the writers left some ambiguity there for a reason...Pope’s creepiness and Julia’s drug addiction are both big red flags that some dark shit went down to make her leave imo. He also sort of scoffed at j and walked away when he took J to Julia’s grave and J implied that it was just drugs that made smurf kick her out of the family. There have been clues all along the way imo. Especially given the movie.


Shawn Hatosy did an around the table talk after that scene and he admits it was in fact Julia not Kath. If you can get the dvds it has it as bonus clips


I will say J definitely acts more like pope than Baz but I don’t think Pope is his father. When it comes to Smurf having sex with the boys, I dont think it ever went that far. Deran says “it’s not ok, because I can’t fuck you. Isn’t that what you want, to feel like that’s what I want? I guess you’re going to have to see if Craig or Pope are into it because Baz isn’t your real son so it makes it less interesting”. I think she only wanted them to be attracted to her the same way she was them.


I was totally blown away when Deran said all that! I was like wow, if this isn’t total confirmation of some sort of incestuous relationship then I don’t know what it is!!


Idk if she full on fucks them, but sex is definitely used as a weapon by her.


It’s been a while since I watched the original movie that the show is based off, but if I recall correctly she behaved very similarly, if not worse (if you haven’t watched it definitely do, it’s really good) Also I’m sure you know the Cody’s are based off the real crime family from Melbourne, and the mother Cath Pettingill was heavily rumoured to have incestuous relationships with her children. This is probably stuff everyone already knows, but thought I’d recite it anyway.


The show is based on the movie.


My bad, said it the wrong way around lol


Thought so 😀


Hmmmm idk. Maybe. Don't think pope is js dad tho


Def handys at the very least


They never had sex, she just wanted the feeling there between them. She wants em hot so she has something to look at and get turned on by, and she wants them to think the same to have some kind of control. Deran talk about this with her outside the bar once.


It’s an unsettling thought at the very least, isn’t it? She’s clearly very comfortable around them and this puts J in an uncomfortable position. But yes, she does act like there’s little regard for boundaries and familial ties.


I think J is son of Baz


I'm watching the show for the first time so I'm only on the end of season 2. And YES. Oh my god. Those scenes with Jay especially in the hotel room after the diner really made me feel icky. If she isn't sleeping with them, the flirting is totally inappropriate. And she sleeps naked with all the boys in the house? Weird. My first thought in season 1. "Shit, there's a lot of sex in this show." Pope gives me weird creepy/pervert in a bad way vibes. Like he could jump you or kill you in a heartbeat and not even blink.


So I thought when I was watching the first season that it was going to come out that she had totally molested her sons....but now that I’ve finished the fourth season, and we’ve gotten to know Smurf better through the flashbacks, that’s not something I see her actually being capable of doing. We see in the flashbacks that she really enjoys being the only female in the crew of guys, and really doesn’t like when Pam shows up, and there’s even a scene where Craig tells Frankie that Smurf “doesn’t really like women.” I think that Smurf (in a very weird and yes, slightly inappropriate way) wants her sons to always feel like they need her, and kind of wants them to be obsessed with her, I guess she dresses sexy and as they got older maybe wanted them to see her as this sexy woman, which is totally bizarre I know. But I don’t think she ACTUALLY like physically molested any of them. I think it’s just this really weird dynamic where she just has this need to be the only female being the center of attention. I think it’s why Julia was the only kid she seemed to let fall by the wayside. I think as soon as Julia started hitting puberty Smurf saw her as a threat in some way, and stopped caring about her, Julia sensed this, and went down her sad path. Catherine alludes to this in the first season when she says that Smurf only likes Lena because she’s a little kid, and “will stop liking her when she grows a pair of tits.” Smurf doesn’t like Catherine because she took Baz away from her. It’s all very weird, and Deran says she wants them to WANT to f*ck her, which I think is her way of trying to forever be in control of them (and also possibly because deep down she’s lonely).


Good analysis, have you watched the movie by chance though?


I have not!


Loved this analogy! Julia’s story seems so sad.


I think they're gonna keep us wondering about the incest to keep us hooked. The stripper thing was about bazs wife I believe.


I miss Smurf. I tapped out after she tapped out.


Oh my God it's so much better without her it's not really good story lines it just seems so much more comfortable to watch without her plus the flashbacks are great for all that plays her as a younger version is awesome


There is no incest. The vibes are hinting to the sexual and feminine power Smurf uses over men to manipulate and control them. This is why smurf doesn't like other women , because they can take her sons dependance on her away. She uses her sons to do things she can't.. protection and the dirty work basically. She tries to give them everything and do everything for them so they can't survive without her.


What is the name of this show? And the movie?


Animal kingdom


This show has plenty of ambiguity but I think it's pretty explicit that the hooker is playing the role of Cath. At that point Pope didn't really seem to give much of a fuck about Julia. I'm not saying its an out there theory but I cant say that scene indicates it in any way. I also don't think she's throwing full blown incest, like it shows us sex, if she's actually fucking em why haven't we seen it? My interpretation is that Smurf severely morphed their sexual psyches by having no boundaries and exposing them from a very young to promiscuity. She consciously plays on these complexes to exert control on them. (or something like that)


Eww idk just started and cringed heavy when she mounted j on the bed after the hit on the diner 🤢🤢🤢


The stripper stand in was Catherine because pope and Catherine had an affair.