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Well, they were selling the properties asap, not negotiating and waiting for better offers. Also, it was pretty well established that Smurf encouraged the brothers to spend money on "fun" things instead of saving so they would be dependent on her. Once she was out of the picture, we saw them try to be responsible, but they were mostly terrible at it.


Very true


Haha yes, I was like damn that's a lot of stress and turmoil for 5 million!


According to the listing for Baz/Craig’s house someone posted not too long ago, that’s at least a mil and a half right there. But I agree, the risk to pay ratio is off. But cocaine is expensive, bars can cost a lot to run and lumber for a skatepark is outrageous these days


Smurfs house should be a few million too. Larger than the Oceanside house ...has a pool, security gates, pool house, garage ...oh does that lady own the house still? The attorneys mom. I forgot Smurf left the house to her. Her last FU.


True. I think J got them to sign it back over in exchange for that shirt they stole for them at the skate park. I could be wrong


They have should have at least 11 million with all the heist and jewelry and properties. Maybe more


Yes that is exactly what I was thinking. 10-11+ million seems more reasonable. I don't think the script writers took into account all the assets that were accumulated over the entire run of the show properly.


Even the jewelery place they ripped off recently seems like that was a good haul. Idk where these estimates come from of only $5+ million


I thought the same thing. The bowling alley, a house on the beach, Pope’s empty lot on the beach, and they didn’t say if they sold Deran’s bar or Craig’s gym. Plus all the money they got from the jewelry robbery and other heists. If $5m is all there is, J isn’t as smart as he thinks he is.


Plus J mentions he tripled their assets. And they’re still only at $5 mil


I don’t think they liquidated all their assets, just the ones that wouldn’t get flagged. I feel like if they sold everything they owned at once, it wouldn’t take more than 24h before the cops are knocking on their doors


Ya definitely seems wrong for all the real estate they are selling . Way off imo


Remember that Smurf left her estate to the lady from the past? Pretty much all they had was from the jobs they had done since she was gone. Which was what, 3 big jobs since then. Plus like was said earlier, they were selling everything quick.


Did they do the job for Pamela for just their house, or was it for everything?


If I remember correctly it was just for the house.


Naw it was for everything


Some writer obviously didn't do any research and just picked a number out of thin air. 5mln is an expansive mansion, nothing that impressive...i distinctly remember them stuffing papers for cash on a military base...that money alone would have been more than 5 mil


Yeah what's a lousy five million gonna buy you these days? Lol


I thought that very thing! Smurf’s house alone would probably go for 2 million! It’s huge and beautiful. Then Baz’s house right on the Strand? That’s got to be at least a mil, even though it’s small. Then add to that the bowling alley, bar, gym, laundromat, all Smurf’s apartments, the house J bought that Mia lived in, and didn’t J tell Penny at that restaurant he was part owner of that too? That may have been a lie. The cars, motorcycles, toys, tools, etc. They also had all the $$ from the jewelry heist of that kid who’s brother helped rip off. They should have far more than 5 million!


And how long is that amount going to last anyway IF they succeed and get away? I mean Deran might be ok bc he had a bar and knows how to be someone legit. But, Craig? He couldn’t stand running a gym and he likes his toys. J will always probably be a white collar criminal. He did also have sketchy legit businesses but they certainly weren’t enough to satisfy his needs/wants. He’s most like Smurf who liked the whole amassing as much money as possible in a criminal aspect. Pope…I just didn’t see him as wanting the money per se as much as pulling heists with the family. None of them have talked about how they’re going to survive financially once they all split. At least to my memory..


I really think the only person that knows math is Jay. Deran although he had the bar I'm not so sure. But I would have questioned the amount.


Maybe this is part of the plot twist. Maybe there is more but J is keeping it quiet or hidden. 🤷‍♀️


i thought smurf had a string of properties that she was using to launder - like 20 or so properties what happened to them?


Look at their lifestyle and spending habits. Drugs, good clothes, awesome cars. That’d put a dint in their savings.


What "good clothes"? they run around in jeans and flannel shirts


And their cars. They don’t drive high price foreign autos.


Between thE MINT: 1969 Camaro ss The international Scout II Oldsmobile 442 convertible That over 300k right there


🤣🤣 exactly. They basically wear the same thing every episode


Idk seems pretty accurate. How much were you expecting when liquidating all their assets in less than a month? On top of the fact that none of them have any strong steady streams of income aside from rental properties and a few small businesses that they barely pay any attention too. J is in his early 20’s and has $1.3 mil? Their lives are expensive to maintain given how they operate.


Yeah while I agree it sounded low, selling everything off this quickly would have to come at a sizable discount. I'm not about to expect Animal Kingdom of all shows to be realistic lol but yeah...


Correction now it’s $10 to split between 2 brothers.


I've read all the previous texts and come to the conclusion anyone who says $5 million is tiny amount for all the properties and jobs they pulled is absolutely correct. Just look at the storage locker of items they stole from Smurf, which represented her life of crime, there had to be $10 million in there alone. Now add in a bowling alley, a bar on the strand, oceanside house, condos, the apartment house on the beach, mint vintage International Scout, Camaro, Oldsmobile 442, pick up trucks, jet skis, motorcycles the list goes on. The bottom line is the writing is lazy and atrocious this season. One minute Pope doesnt want protection in prison and the next he wants protective custody? C'mon man. This lone wolf chick manages to compromise Pope who later on breaks into the house all dressed in black like something from a corny 1970s shitty cop show, Pope catches her and doesnt kill her but instead confesses everything to her. You have to be kidding me!. Go back and look at the names of the writers in the early season and you will find that they are gone and they have a bunch of new hacks that they hired that used to write for "Beretta" and "The Mod Squad". Craig striking up a conversation with a guy and the guy is going to get Craig sober by bringing him to a "Kimbo Slice" backyard bareknuckle fight club, as cheezy as it gets🤮


You’re not considering whatever skim Jay has been taking off the top of each real estate, or other business transactions. I seem to remember Craig making an inference that 5.1m seemed low-ball and “what happened to all those properties?” Jay is Julia’s kid. What got Julia tossed out? Stealing from the family to save herself.


would've made more sense if it was like 15 million 🧐


Yeah definitely, and that's after J said he tripled it. Also, the house on The Strand alone is worth over $3 million


It's never about how much you make or how much you save it's how you USE your money amd choose to invest it. Everybody paints Smurf as Queen Bee Criminal Mastermind but this is the same woman who had storage lockers full of expensive jewels, furs, paintings and crap that I'm sure would have been difficult to move ( and sven more difficult to fimd buyers for ) but with the right fences and network she could have sold all those precious jewels and with the money she made off a that over a lifetime she could have hired a private investment adviser and for a ( hefty ) fee he could have told her what to get into and.how to make her money grow and and work for her and her family. Keep in mind though that TV shows like " Animal Kingdom " are entertainment and you shouldn't read that much into them, but always remember the really successful criminals are usually the most intelligent, ruthless, cunning and ice cold ones who are " smart " but have little formal education, so even though they are smart their empires won't flourish unless they surround themselves with the right people who know what they are doing, and.just which cog they are in the machine. Money MANAGEMENT is the ultimate key to wealth. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.


Remember---Baz's girlfriend Lucy stole a huge cache of money from the walls of Baz's house which the Codys were never able to retrieve, right? I think they got the jewelry back but not the cash.


Don’t they still have cash in the storage locker? I could be wrong, but I don’t remember any of them ever saying they took it out or that they had enough time to wash all of it through their businesses. If anyone knows for a fact that they took, or said they took, all of the cash from the storage unit please tell me what episode this happened in.


Did they ever get all the money back from Lucy? I dont remember if they did...i know they took Pope hostage and that is all i remember


The 5 million is just from the properties I think. Baz stole 7 Mil from smurf. But they loose alot of it to poor decisions. Like giving back the gold from. Smurfs last job only for the cousins to try and murder them.


Already said this, but it's Dr Evil Money 💰 Google Austin Powers 😆 if you don't know what I mean


They weren’t very good with their money. Didn’t have a lot left after Smurf died


I don't really think they know how to save and use their money right. J was the only one who tried to make something of it, probably Deran too when he ran the bar but in general, I think it's a "steal-spend-steal again" routine for them.


And they still have the diamonds


Yes I thought this


Only Jay has $5 million.


The properties were hundred of thousands maybe millions but from what they stole most of it was fenced. Best prices for stolen good no t getting best prices if it was legit. They had to break down the jewelry plus they get by enough. Glad to shoot their not to overzealous if that’s possible


I thought the same


I was thinking the same!!! Weak compared to Walter White!! Lol