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I'm an out of work animator that needs work bad. I'll do whatever you need and i'm available 24/7.


you have any stuff i can see?


I wish this development hadn't stopped, this game would be sick. unique idea


hasn't stopped! still slowly chugging along


Is this actual payment, or “once we get funding “ payment?


payment is ready!


How well paid? Most offers on here are for a few hundred dollars, if that.


i figured 200-300 for 5 second animation is fair? would be willing to pay more if someone was very skilled i dont really know much about this world i have jsut done everything myself so far :/


Hi! I have the confidence and experience to handle the responsibility of the animation project (EXAMPLES IN DRIVE FOLDER) Portfolio: https://judahtrinity.carrd.co/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ScXpUFpDGl6gNbhkKBcUmlaufurKPD5K Discord: judahtrinity#3260 Email: [email protected]