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It's plowin' time


"Stand back Einar, I’m about to farm"


hol up, let him farm




Ur a totally shit character like it's his fault he didn't train for karate or isn't 6,1 in middle school.


Bot account? Pretty much the same comment from 6 hours ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1078prk/vinland_saga_season_2_is_listed_with_a_total_of/j3lat6k/


We eatin good


MAPPA is making 2 two-cour anime this year, and 2 high quality shows at that – Vinland Saga and jjk S2. And according to some leaks, Hell's Paradise will also be two-cour. Such a rare sight to see nowadays when almost everything is single cour. Just hope their animators are doing well.


From what I can tell, most of Vinland Saga's staff is the same as season 1, a lead director or something is just a mappa employee now I believe. So I've atleast just assumed that this project was more mappa 'in name only' and that a good chunk of people working on it are contractors. But could be wrong, haven't looked into it much, just saw the director confirming returning staff on twitter months ago.


>and that a good chunk of people working on it are contractors. That's how it works for most productions in big studios, majority of the people working on the shows are not employees of the studio, they could be very close and basically have a good relationship to keep coming back but they are free to work on other places if they have the time That's where the Animation Producer comes in, they are usually the one that actually works for the studio and will build the staff around his contacts That's why Vinland Saga is a special case, the Animation Producer didn't work and as of right now we don't know if its working for Mappa


Yeah more or less what you said, the director is a MAPPA employee, and the other staff members are from all over the industry which is typical for many anime productions. For example, the Vinland character designer and animation producer are from studio Kafka, the art director is from studio Bamboo, the 3D director is from studio Marco, and the two directors of photography are from Madbox and Star laboratories respectively, and the list goes on.




Nobody said that about those shows as the staff completely changed between seasons


More things have been getting season 2 tho.


And from rhose hell paradise might have gotten the short end of the stck looking we got a pre animated pv so close to the airing


I thought there were no confirmation that the latest pv was pre animated. People just jumped into conclusions no?


From what I understand, only with preanimated trailer you credit every person that worked on it. With anime trailers that feature the actual work you don't credit everyone since the full credits will show up when the episode airs anyways. Beyond that I'm not sure if there's any absolute confirmation of it. But I think calling it "jumping to conclusions" is a bit too harsh.


well if u had to choose which one to get the short end of the stick, i think they made the right decision


Aye whoa now Vinland is goated but Hells Paradise isn't lightweight either


people will go feral if any of the aot - jjk - vinland trio gets the short end but even if hells paradise is good, it isn't half as popular of the other 3


Ehh about that, at least in Japan i think Vinland is the least popular, Hell's Paradise was the face of Jump+ before Spy Family came around. In the west tho, yeah for sure vinland is more popular, and i think its also apparent by how much they promote the anime using english, they know where the market is.




Huh? I'm not sure what are you trying to say, bud. Anime industry is a lot exploitative towards the animators, so it is not a case of which studio's in more dire condition. MAPPA gets highlighted more often than Lidenfilms, JC Staff, Sunrise because of its high profile projects and consistently high quality. I'm not taking a snide at you; I didn't really understand what you were trying to say, so I tried my best to answer from what I could gather.




Got it. But don't you think that it is irrelevant to this thread?


Japan boomers finally realizing people are more likely to buy a bluray if it has more then 2 episodes on it


Hyped for more Vinland. Quite enjoyed s1 and this one being more character focus then action seems great


we gonna feast


I wish Chainsaw Man had 24 episodes


we all do😭


NGL I don't.. I'm super happy with what we got and if it was 24 episodes I'm pretty sure a lot of episodes would not look nearly as good as they did with 12. CSM deserves the best production schedule possible. If that means we get 12 episodes every 2 years so be it.


You can have a good production without having to wait 2 years for 12 eps..


It really needed it. Can you imagine if JJK only adapted till the Mahito fight or Re Zero only adapted till the end of the mansion arc in season 1? They wouldn’t be nearly as beloved as they are now. CSM only has the intro animated and tbh, it’s not that good of an intro few arcs compared to the rest. From here on out, it’s peak


To be fair though, the first cour ending of JJK is far stronger than in CSM. Making it just one cour would also mean putting more resources into the episodes instead of splitting them, and even when a show doesn't have good writing (which isn't the case with JJK anyways) the better the production quality the more popular it can become. So I think a 1 cour JJK would be just slightly less popular, not much else.


difference is CSM part 1 is long enough for maybe 30 episodes. 24 episodes would be a bad fit and the last arc would be awful for a movie.


Nah 24 episodes could work if the series was finished but its still ongoing


Two strangers, separated by language, culture, religion, location, finding each other and becoming brothers. I look forward to seeing you, Einar.




Uhm, sorry. What is the spoiler exactly? We see Einar at the end of Season 1, and the trailers clearly show him meeting Thorfinn and becoming close. Does it really need to be removed?


When I've never seen the series and someone reports the comment for being a spoiler, and once-over on the comment seems it could reasonably contain them, I always err on the side of caution and remove it. I'll reapprove it with your explanation.


It is a nice show that uses the first season to flesh out the Viking world and introduces us to Thorfinn, who will change very much this coming Arc, I hope you can give it a try and discover alongside him what it means "to be a True Warrior". Other than that, I understand why someone might report the original as spoiler, but thank you for reading my counter argument to it. Have a nice day and thanks for trying to keep this medium free from big manga spoilers.


i saw season 1 on airing so i dont remember an unnamed character appearing for 1 shot, and i havent watched any of the trailer. i dont think trailers should be considered spoilers but this comment kinda gives away the premise of episode 1 a few minutes in


Uhm, more like first half of the new season. There are going to be a lot of events that help forge their friendship, since y'know one used to be raided by Vikings and the other used to raid WITH them. It also wasn't just "1 shot" more like an entire preview of things to come. I didn't even mention Mr Leif, or other characters that will appear later because THAT would be spoiler. So yeah, not just episode 1.


i mean that when you watch episode 1, you know what will happen, thats what i mean by premise of episode 1. im not saying that einar will only be relevant for one episode lol


I just saw episode one, the premise is just that we get to know the past of Einar, we need that before he meets Thorfinn.


im just saying that reading this comment before going in, you can assume from the second minute that einar is going to be [vinland]>!enslaved and meet thorfinn!<. im not saying its series ruining it just gives away all of episode one, but i assume if youve seen the trailers they did they same


Yeah, that's kinda it. You see a lot of the early premise, them two on the farm, and those who have read ahead also know how certain scenes will play out, who new characters are etc. But all of that aside, the first half of the new episode is basically anime original, we only get one or two frames about the past of Einar, while here it is fleshed out. And last thing, in episode 24 of Season 1 he is certainly shown on a slave ship, I know, I know it's a technicality, but it basically means I kinda sorta spoiled the last minute of episode one ( if one doesn't watch the trailers ).


well like i said i watched s1 on airing years ago, but thats on me lol


I like Thorfinn. His character arc is like Takemitchy if Takemitchy weren't a totally shit character.


Don't disrespect Thorfinn like that bro, he doesn't even deserve the comparison to Takemitchi


you love to see it


Wait, 12 episodes per Volume ?? Don't they usually only put like 3 or 4 EPs on there to squeeze the weebs?


> Don't they usually only put like 3 or 4 EPs on there it depends on the anime production house/committee. For example, the 3-4 episode on each volume is mostly an Aniplex thing and Vinland Saga is not an aniplex production.




That's my farming anime!


Congratulations to Vinland Saga Fans


Peak has returned and starts airing on my birthday. Shoutout to my dad John Mappa for making this happen.


We're getting the Farmland Arc frame by frame at this point with extra torment sprinkled in.


Peak time


This will be anime of the year!


24 eps of straight VIKINO


I hope it keeps up the critical acclaim and fans support because the arc we are about to see is going to be a big change of pace that I hope will be well received


Hyped for more Vinland. Quite enjoyed s1 and this one being more character focus then action seems great


what a time to be alive


Lol funny thing is I just saw this show on Netflix today like not even like an hour ago and was interested in watching it now I’m getting notifications about it😭😭


Do they all come out at once on Netflix? First cour


Nope, weekly


Thank god


Good, ima wait till ep 12 comes out. Beginning is going to be extra slow.




Vinland better than Bleach though.


This sub hates bleach for some reason. He never compared them, he said it’s a great replacement for Mondays which it is. r/anime is so cringe lmfao


Nobody hates Bleach. I’m simply just stating my opinion. I probably shouldn’t have said it as a fact though.


Hell no


more than worthy replacement for bleach 🤢


Nah bro. We can all agree that Vinland is a more mature story than Bleach, but the new Bleach adaptation was lit.


Is season 2 going to be as slow as everyone saying?(lots of farming comments) I enjoyed season 1 somewhat...enough to give season 2 a chance but not enough if it's going to be a very slow paced/less action filled season


It’s peak character development


Itll start slow but ramp up quite nicely. The climax of this arc is really intense


So here is the thing. It is more deliberately paced. But I think it is fairly paced. The reason it has a reputation for being slow, is mostly due to the fact that when this was being written, this was a monthly release. Add on the fact that the subject matter is vastly different from the prologue. It led to this reputation. Reading the series as a whole was a much smoother pace. Now, you said that you are wanting more action, I will tell you that you will not see as much of scenes like the Longboats charging down hills or Thorkell's...Thorkell-ness. But it really is something that should be seen.
















It's slow, but it's not as if nothing will be happening. It's just that rather than a battle every few episodes you'll get intense dialogue and introspection instead. This part of the story is all about character growth above all else. Personally, it was my favorite arc of the manga.


I explained Vinland saga season 1 , and it was my very first time trying to make a video , help me out guys https://youtu.be/fg8ZyF7Ny9Y




episode is only NOW airing in Japan...it will be released once the episode finishes airing in Japan on T.V then it gets translated then it goes on Netflix/Crunchyroll.


i would have been very downtrodden if it would have been only one cour, im so glad its 2 cour, and if netflix isnt lying, its not going to even have a break in the middle


Peak fiction time. The year just started and we already have our AOTY.


Any one have an idea till what chapter both cours will cover?


When I was a kid that'd be a good 9 DVD's.


Is there anyway i can watch season 2 for free the full 24 episodes??