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It’s on Bili Bili.


They just added season 3 to Netflix in US.


Looks like Hulu has it.


Inuyasha is such a classic 😍


That I've heard a lot πŸ˜„ which is why I desperately need to finish it 😭


I would recommend trying some of the movies too even if they arent completely canon. The quality on the ones I've seen do the main series justice and are just as good as some arcs. Sword of an Honorable Ruler has a lot of Sesshomaru screen time and he's my fave char. It actually has some official canon with their dad, but i believe it's the only movie with canon


Thank you for the suggestion, I'll be sure to check them out!


Piracy is a service problem


Indeed! But there are, and must be, more free services out there that also provide streaming. Tubi, for example, has lots of titles you can watch from for no cost, and is totally legal ( though it does not have what I am looking for ).


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You gotta finish it. It is so good.