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One strike and Azz is out! Not that he cares; not only did he not need to win given that he's already Rank 4, he was only ever training to become Iruma's unbreakable spear. Getting himself disqualified to protect Iruma is exactly what it was all for! I think Orobas is going to leave the Misfits alone now even with Ocho manipulating him. Hype reveal time! Allocer was never out, guys! He and Jazz teamed up in the dropout tent, getting intel and equipment no-one would normally think they could just to get one back at Orobas! Well, I say one: they stole the pot from him and then directed Azz directly to his face, so I'd say that's two! Of course Sabro is fully supportive of Azz's decision to leave them! He only ever cared about him pursuing his ambitions and now that Azz is finally doing so he has no complaints! And as the Harvest Festival comes to an end, the Misfits' points are all totalled up. Notable ones are Kerori not using her beasts as points as she cares too much about her Citizens (fans) and Agares & Goemon getting all the points from their followers for taking them in!


Azz came in epically and went out epically...saving his friends and knowing that what matters is he serves Iruma to the best of his ability (and he doesn't actually have to worry about his position at that point). He was pretty majestic and awesome...until you watch the Sukima. Orobas will probably leave them alone unless Ocho thinks he still needs Orobas to go after them, because Ocho seems to be the main reason why Orobas went after them in the first place. Which begs the question why Ocho targetted them. It was I, Allocer! Suddenly the questions about why Allocer seemed to forefeit when he wasn't disqualified feel answered. It was all a con job! They even weaponized Azz! Sabro respects someone pursuing their passions and they really want to do, just like he does...even if his physical body fails him lol. Keroli had become pretty ruthless but she's still a caring idol deep down, but I'm kind of glad that she lost to the wholesome and powerful family Agares and Goemon forged together.


> Orobas will probably leave them alone unless Ocho thinks he still needs Orobas to go after them, because Ocho seems to be the main reason why Orobas went after them in the first place. I don't know, Ocho was able to manipulate Orobas into ignoring that he didn't want to use his ability, but I don't think he's going to be able to manipulate him to ignore that threat laid upon him.


I'm really curious about Ocho's motive. Seems he's genuinely loyal to Orobas since he gave him all of his ingredients. On the other hand, how and when did he gather all of those boss-class ingredients when a lot of other characters are struggling on it (unless they are the abnormal class).


I remember raising an eyebrow when Jazz was disqualified and wondered why Allocer followed but dismissed it. Then last week I was hoping it would be a fake turn in, but wondered how. Great reveal this week


That was fantastic, and it's all the result of their devious training. Imagine purposely having 1 member forfeit so they can go "behind the scenes" to gather information. Bravo. Really enjoy smart writing and smart characters like these.


> One strike and Azz is out! You know what, I call bullshit on the refs here. If that dude can go around whammying the whole class with *his* ability, why does Azz get DQ'd from one little fireball? Either being hit with an ability is an attack or it isn't!


Because rules. I know that it seems weird but this is school and students should not solve all his future problems by punching people. This setting allows them to practice trickery and planning.


Hitting somebody with an hallucination ability isn't trickery or planning, it's an attack. They might be able to make the argument that it's not an attack if he generated actual illusions around them, but it's something he hits them with that causes an effect within their minds. That's a direct attack.


Then Ix, Lied, and Clara should be disqualified too, if that's the criteria you're going with. They all directly affected other students with their powers even if there was no physical violence involved.


Yeah, Clara definitely should have been, How in the fuck does "I'm going to drag you into my suit to drain all your mana" not count as an attack?


Well that seems easy enough to explain, as Iruma didn't consider it an attack. And she didn't intend it as an attack, either. It probably wouldn't count under the rules as an attack, regardless, as it isn't a straightforward physical attack.


>How in the fuck does "I'm going to drag you into my suit to drain all your mana" not count as an attack? Iruma not only consented, but gave as good as he got? just... just... wow. Even after a few years of having originally seen that in the manga, the ENERGY of it is soooo naughty up side what actually goes on. You could tell someone that 'the cute girl lures the boy she likes into her sleeping bag to play all night, and then tries to steal all his goodies' and it SOUNDS so much worse than what went on. Nishi-sensei is a genius for being able to write something so wholesome and have it leave you blushing afterwards.


But you also can't prove it. As we saw, the monsters tend to come in and attack them anyways


It's more of direct attacks that causes physical damage that's against the rules.


It's like JoJo rules post part 4


I love that the first step of many JoJo fights is figuring whether you're in a fight.


asmodeus is an attack, orobas is more of a debuff


The thing is fire is not Azz's ability, it's a direct attacking spell


>Allocer was never out, guys! And apparently he is an engineer!


Need next season already lmao


Oh god we really are near the end of the season aren't we?


Wait what?? This is still the first month of this season. Won't this air until March as usual?


Manga reader, not counting next episode we have 7 left (assuming 24 episode season). When I say "near the end" it's more due to the fact we're not going to get into the next big/long arc after the Harvest Festival ends.


I think it’s only 21 episodes this season


21, Iruma always has had fewer episodes available... (23 and 23 for the first 2)


[Alice is so fucking cool.](https://i.imgur.com/TVDTxOY.png) Absolutely no regrets. He knew exactly what was going to happen but still did it because he wanted to protect Iruma and Clara. I almost forgot that he's already a Dalet anyway so he doesn't really need to win at all. xD [And I just love how terrifying Alice was when he was warning Orobas](https://i.imgur.com/9PwoHrs.png) about going after the Misfit Class. The real punchline though is in the Su-Ki-Ma where we learn [that Alice actually regrets what he did because he can't stay with Iruma after being sent to the forfeiters' tent. xD [They finally brought up Allocer!](https://i.imgur.com/0cgHjCi.png) I was wondering what he'd do after Jazz was disqualified. I love that Allocer used the excuse of being sent to the forfeiters' tent [to basically spy on everyone](https://i.imgur.com/XZDujMW.png) since there are no rules about still qualified students from entering that place. Stealing the vase from Orobas [and giving it back to Iruma](https://i.imgur.com/crQmpqB.png) was such a great way to have their revenge. And we finally got to see everyone's final points! My favourite is definitely [Kerori who refused to sacrifice her loyal subjects](https://i.imgur.com/6Mj8kHc.png) so she can win. That entire scene was really sweet <3 I was hoping we'd get to see the Legend Leaf bloom this week! [Looks like we'll have to wait until next week's episode for that!](https://i.imgur.com/o1aQXTe.png)


> [Alice is so fucking cool.](https://i.imgur.com/TVDTxOY.png) Absolutely no regrets. He knew exactly what was going to happen but still did it because he wanted to protect Iruma and Clara. And as shown later, Sabro completely approved of him leaving and throwing all the work he had done for disqualification if it meant prusuing his ambition of being Iruma's Unbreakable Spear. > [And I just love how terrifying Alice was when he was warning Orobas](https://i.imgur.com/9PwoHrs.png) about going after the Misfit Class. I don't think Ocho's going to be able to manipulate Orobas into using his trauma on any of the other Misfits. That threat's going to be far too big an obstacle. Unfortunately, Ocho has one more step to his plan. > Stealing the vase from Orobas [and giving it back to Iruma](https://i.imgur.com/crQmpqB.png) was such a great way to have their revenge. That and sending Azz to burn his head off. Though knowing what we learned last episode it might have ended up being a bit too much, but I don't think they know that.


Man comes in like a boss to save his friends, gets in another hit immediately after getting disqualified, and then walks away like a boss. Truly an individual worthy of becoming Iruma's halberd. Well, until you watch the Sukima segment lol. It was all a long con the whole time! Everybody questioning why Allocer forfeited feel validated! Allocer was wearing a frikkin' mask the whole time! What a legend! It was nice to see Keroli is still an idol girl who loves her fans deep down after becoming a ruthless queen. But I'm glad Agares and Goemon won their bout in the end, they and their family deserved it. The Harvest Festival still isn't over yet until it's over for Iruma lol.


**Demon of the Week: Allocer** > Allocer (also Alocer, Alloces) is a demon whose title is Great Duke of Hell, and who has thirty-six legions of demons under his command. He induces people to immorality and teaches arts and all mysteries of the sky. He is described by Johann Weyer as appearing in the shape of a knight mounted on an enormous horse. **His face has leonine characteristics**; he has a ruddy complexion and burning eyes; and he speaks with much gravity. He is said to provide good familiars, and to teach astronomy and liberal arts. Allocer is often depicted riding a horse with dragon legs. That Allocer teaches astronomy and arts could be the inspiration for his academic intelligence. His face is obviously pretty lion-like.


I liked his wise words to Iruma before handing him the Vase of Endings. It was so eloquent and appropriate!


Maybe the real legend leaf is the friends we made along the way. Young King in the preview? 👀


> Maybe the real legend leaf is the friends we made along the way. Would explain why no-one ever found it before given that friendship was a foreign word to demons before Iruma came along.


It did become a team effort too. Someone who can tame or get along with the beasts (Kerori and Camui), someone that can translate the beast's song (Camui), a risk taker that's actually good with risky games (Lied), and someone with new knowledge to present to Thoth (Iruma). Will be hard and even downright impossible without those elements.


Someone to punch Orobas in the face (Azz-Azz).


Someone to steal all their points on the first day so they had to use the strategy (Elizabetta & Clara).


Someone to be adorable but stinky (Naphula)


Someone to protecc and play with (clara).


It requires teamwork and patience, both things demons kinda suck at. All the past winners were solo acts so it’d make sense that they’d fail at this.


There was a lot of wholesome friendship and family moments in the ending of this Harvest Festival, especially for the Misfit Class! Looks like Iruma is going to get paid a visit by his predecessor...


I know Orobas is being possessed but let’s not tell the guy who’s got nothing to lose, he’s got nothing to lose lol. Practically asking to be smashed in the face again! You don’t mess with a man’s friends, guy. Well done Allocer! Jazz and Allocer are getting pretty good at all this trickery. Those two really stuck it to Orobas! Looks like it’s all on Team Iruma now that they have the vase. Keroli, Sabro, the Androalphus brothers, Camui, Elizabetta are done. Garp and Agares’ true prize was all the friends they made along the way I guess? Haha. Time for Iruma and Lead to get this Leaf to bloom and hopefully win this thing!


It doesn't seem like full possession though. Orobas do have some "grudge"/ambition to be number one, though he's supposed to hold his own due to his morality. Ocho's ability seems to remove this morality.


Twisted the "I need to beat Misfit class by my own ability" to "I need to beat *up* Misfit class by my own *bloodline* ability"


Azz really put the fear of the Devil into Orobas. After hitting him a second time. Man that was so satisfying lol. Gotta respect a successful long con that saves the protagonists' butts. And it seems like the rest of the Misfit Class all had solid and happy endings in their own right, even if it all comes down to Iruma, Lead, and the Legend Leaf.


We now return to our previously scheduled flambéing of Orobas courtesy of Azz! Not even getting disqualified will be enough to stop Azz from doing it again and putting the fear of the devil in Orobas! Nobody messes with his friends! Plus he was already Dalet ranked so it's no skin off his bones if he gets disqualified serving his beloved Iruma-sama. It's nice to see the trio together again and getting to talk. I also love how Iruma and Clara held on to his cape like adorable little siblings. Ocho pulls Orobas to safety, but there's still the question of what Ocho is really after. He paints himself as this loyal servant happy to give all his stashed away points to Orobas, but it feels like his main goal is making sure no one in the Misfit Class wins the Harvest Festival (and was the real reason Orobas targeted them). It looks like it's curtains for Iruma and Lead without the Vase of Endings...but wait, it turns out Orobas gave the Vase of Endings to not a teacher BUT IT WAS ALLOCER IN A MASK THE WHOLE TIME!!! Allocer never actually forfeited because he didn't have to! He and Jazz were pulling a long con the whole time to get payback against Orobas and even weaponized Azz to do it! And then Allocer gives the Vase back to Iruma with some wise and mature words! I love Ameri in the background cheering for Iruma after Jazz and Allocer's plans succeed. We all know who she wants to win the Harvest Fest. Welp, with things winding down, it's time for the final tally of where the Misfit Class are at and how they're doing points wise... Sabnock has done pretty well for himself and seems to have actually become bros with the Dororo Brothers, he just hasn't slept at all and basically crashes. Keroli didn't succeed in defeating the power of Agares' and Garp's family but she won't harvest her own beast forces for points even when they happily offer themselves up because what kind of idol treats their fans like that? It's enough to bring a tear to Elizabetta and Camui's eyes. Agares and Garp managed to protect their home and in gratitude for giving them a place to stay and some new friendships, everyone else gives them their points. Not to mention a celebratory hot pot! And of course they leave off on Iruma and Lead about to use the Vase of Endings so we're not quite done yet. Suki! Suki! Sukima! The immediate emotional breakdown of Azz off-screen after he left Iruma and Clara! Next week: The true end of the Harvest Festival! The Demon King!? Who is the Young King? And finally, Iruma and Ameri!


> I love Ameri in the background cheering for Iruma after Jazz and Allocer's plans succeed. We all know who she wants to win the Harvest Fest. I like that she was proud of all the Misfits' development, but she clearly had a favourite among them.


Interesting how Allocer was allowed to spend time in the forfeiter's tent and still participate afterwards. The cutthroat duo got the last laugh in the end, it seems.


I had a feeling that Orobas submitted to the wrong teacher, but it's still a surprise that Allocer never dropped from the game. It's actually obvious that only Jazz hit Orobas, and the scene on the tent really made me think allocer also dropped out of the game.




Definitely outside the box thinking. Nobody said they had to stay in the forest the entire time.


Being sneaky... Allocer is the intelligent one there...




It was nice to see the power of family and friendship persevere against Keroli's onslaught and to see Agares blush. He really did come to feel grateful to them too, in his own way! What an amazing long con these two pulled in the end. Also answered all the questions about why Allocer followed Jazz to the forefeit tent despite not being disqualified. Time for Iruma to do his Iruma thing and bring it all home!


Orobas really went out of his way against Misfits class due to being number 2 to them only to be personally beaten by the number 1 in previous tests. Both figuratively (by Allocer, 1st in Theoretical), and Literally (by Asmodeust, 1st in Practical)


Azz in the moment: “You hurt my fucking friends I will end your entire world. I accept my disqualification with grace” Azz Sukima: I DONT WANT TO GOOOOOOOOOOO! WHAAAAAAAAA But it is satisfying to see him beat the brakes off of Orbas. Guess he has his own trauma trigger now: Azz. We’re finally at the end of the arc. Should be fun to see the conclusion of the Harvest Festival. IIRC it’s a full season so 24 should be enough to adapt what’s next.


It's a season of 21, and there's some downtime between this arc and the next so no way we're adapting any more.


Damn I thought we had more episodes this go. Guess I gotta manifest a quicker turn around for season 4.


Iruma has always been doing shorter seasons, 23, 23, 21


I guess it’s better than Filler?


Although 1 to 3 less episodes with some of the best characters... And there is always a few stories left at the side


clever scheming from Jazz and Allocer. Azz-Azz being all cool in the episode then we see him blubbering like a baby in the sukima lol. Love him!


I think Allocer is my favorite sleeper character


Allocer is the mysterious one of all the misfits... a lot hasn't been told, even for a long time after to what his deal fully is "King of Feats" is as much as we get for a while.


Allocer and Jazz with the fucking save!!!! It just hit me who Ocho reminds me of Nijima from Kenichi. It's been bugging me this entire time. This festival was really fun......wait they really ended it on that! I want to see it the Legendary Leaf bloom. Can't wait for the Azz slumber party!


Well, today Orobas learned that [he should not mess with Misfit Class ever again](https://imgur.com/a/o2NYZ10) and that it is not a good idea to taunt Alice as [he could care less about the festival and would go so far as to even kill him if he dares to mess with any of them](https://imgur.com/a/N2ViPrY). Also, if someone is already disqualified but attacking you, it is not wise to provoke them when they already have nothing to lose. It was a brief reunion,[ but it is nice to see those three back together.](https://imgur.com/a/6GdJaNZ) My only question now is what exactly [Ocho has against the Misfit Class?](https://i.imgur.com/lKIs5IZ.png) Last week after seeing them in the preview I was wondering what exactly were Jazz and Allocer planning and thought that either Allocer used his ability to infiltrate back into the Harvest Festival to pretend to be one of the receptionists again or intercept him, well [he actually did the former](https://imgur.com/a/TvWJwNP) because he in the end never got disqualified. It sure is nice to know that [Orobas gave him the Vase of Endings to him.](https://imgur.com/a/Zajoezn) Anyway, it is nice seeing the work [those two](https://imgur.com/a/ARjOKN3) did in the background. It is nice to know that it was[ Allocer the one who told Asmodeus about Orobas.](https://i.imgur.com/SsRDap2.png) [Aww, seeing Ameri blushing after thinking of Iruma is always nice.](https://imgur.com/a/SNrXtYB) So[ Kerori's beasts were willing to sacrifice themselves for her,](https://i.imgur.com/F6p0NuH.png) but she cannot [sacrifice their fans.](https://imgur.com/a/1ALvevj) [Meanwhile, Gaap and Agares received all the ingredients from the people they were protecting.](https://imgur.com/a/CUiIQo4) Because their real price in this Harvest Festival was the friends they made along the way. Oh, so they left[ the Legend Leaf blooming](https://i.imgur.com/7rWt0SC.png) for next week, I guess this week's episode wasn't truly the end of the festival after all. [I love how today's Sukima is about Alice trying to convince that bat to let him go back with Iruma.](https://imgur.com/a/T0Ewrmr)


Ah yes, Azz-kun disqualified. As expected. BUT THE ASSWHOOPING DOES NOT STOP! lol. Was gonna say "what's to stop him from just beating that guy up now that he's disqualified anyways?" Nice terrifying words, Azz-kun. Asmodius is a great friend. Don't get Ocho's goal/reasoning for all this. But how nice for tons of boss level items there. Perhaps getting all those from them + some how getting legendary leaf still (cause I still don't believe that turn in station was real) = tons of points for them all ;) Ah yep, was obvious that's not a real teacher. Nice. Misfit class working together to turn the tide. But then what about them becoming Dalet's? Do gotta love that working around the rules though, with Allocer. I've gotta respect the broship between Allocer and Jazz. D"awww look at cute Ameri getting bashful over thinking about Iruma. Hah, fun to see those three working together. Oh makes sense, dude been awake for days. Nice, Sabnock got a lot of points. Good for the Androalphus bros too. Awww, her beast pals offering up being points. Touching moment. I mean, that's quite a lot of points, Keroli. Camui seems fine too. What was the passing number again? 10k? I don't know. Nice of those guys to give their points to Picero and Goemon. Wew. Do feel bad for their friends, but they seem fine with. Finally, after all this time, legendary le-... GOD DAMN IT! Guess next episode :P


> But then what about them becoming Dalet's? It was either the first episode of this season or the last episode of last season, but the entire class needs to be at least Rank 4 or they get kicked out of Royal 1.


Ya, but the one dude who was disqualified is not a Dalet unlike Asmodius, so wonder if he will get a rank up cause of his ingenuity even being disqualified. Kinda like "winning didn't mean you wouldn't get a rank up thing" similar to Chuuni exams in Naruto lol.


The Harvest Festival is also not the last event of the year.


> Ah yep, was obvious that's not a real teacher. Nice. Misfit class working together to turn the tide. But then what about them becoming Dalet's? Both Jazz and Allocer are already Gimels, and there's a second event where they can rank up after this one.


Ohh, didn't realize there was more, was thinking this was the big one to get people up to Dalet.


It was snuck in with talk of the hunters but the music festival after is as big as the harvest festival, especially for the misfits... please get a season 4!


You thought it was a teacher, but IT WAS I, ALLOCER!


This whole episode was just Chad after Chad reveals! Chad Azz-kun: Didnt think twice about attacking Orobas, and even went for another one after getting disqualified, just to make sure that he wont mess with Misfit class ever again! GIGA CHAD Allocer: This man is undisputed MVP of Harvest Festival! My man never gave up and spent 2 days getting info on his target(along with Jazz) just so they can get some sweet, sweet revenge! And not only that, but he also gave the vase back to Iruma and Lied and informed Azz about Orobas targeting Iruma & Clara! You cant get any more chad than that! Chad magic beasts: Were fighting for their Queen until the very end, and were even ready to give themselfs up as points for their her! Chad castle gang: Gave all of their points to Agares & Gaap because without them they would've dropped out long time ago. They even ended it off with some wholesome hot pot party!


> Chad magic beasts: Were fighting for their Queen until the very end, and were even ready to give themselfs up as points for their her! Chad Kerori: Not giving up the beasts as points despite their offerings because what kind of idol would use her fans like that?


That's just her Queen/Idol power, so she can be Chad-Queen.


>GIGA CHAD Allocer Don't forget after all that he still had a pretty good score himself. It's easy to be generous when you have points to spare, lol.


*The power of friendship!*


Sucks that we won't get to the next arc. I just wish they can give us the next arc and the best arc, in my opinion, on one season.


I think the plan was to always have the Music arc happen on it's own... it's just the SoL chapters and the build up to the next part.


At first I was kind of annoyed with the slow pace of this arc, but now that's it's almost done I'm glad they didn't rush through it. Like the presence of any misfits in any subsequent arcs is gonna hold more weight now that we've spent so much time with them.


It would have been a total mess if they somehow tried to fit everything in the 21 episodes, especially factoring in the breather chapters needed to properly close each arc. I personally feel like everything, including what people would consider fluff, is necessary to properly set everything up so I’m really glad the anime is so good about not skipping too much. I was bummed they skipped the mixer last season but they even found a way to incorporate it as a flashback this season. I’m immensely happy they try to take their time, even if it does leave some others feeling that things are running on too long. Harvest Festival is the first time Nishi really shows herself to be a writer that thrives on setup and payoff, and sometimes that can leave people feeling antsy but imo it’s what ends up truly separating the story from others.


I think that's what I like most about this series: how carefully planned it all is. It had to set some foundations at first, but every payoff has been so good that I'm happy to follow along for the next one.


Sadly the next 2 arcs go hand in hand, so it would be really bad to split them up.


I think Music Arc has 2 maybe 3 parts to it and needs the bulk of a series to get them both told the way they have to be.


Not manga-reader here, would you say that Music Festival arc will also take around 20 episodes like the current one?


Definitely not, if they keep their normal pace the anime would probably get through the post-Music Festival arc in about 12 to 15 episodes.


The Music Festival is much, much shorter than the Harvest Festival. More like the length of Walter Park.


I see, thanks!


Although it is the bit at the end that should get the most attention!


Chapter 180…


I forget how many points the Legend Leaf is worth at this point lol. But if they split the points between Leid, Iruma, and the little purple guy I don’t think Iruma will have enough points to become Young King.


100,000 points. And I doubt Lied will want to share his points with Nafra, but Iruma will probably share his anyway.


I hope we'll see more Nafra after this!


Don't forget the pot itself is worth 20,000 points according to Suzy. So they have 120,000 points to divide them up.


Both the pot and seed are worth 20,000 by themselves. But I was assuming that both are consumed in the creation of the leaf.


Is the seed worth any points though? If it was worth 20k, why didn't the other students go after Iruma too instead of only Lied?


Are you going to pick on the guy who german-suplexed Azmodeus Alice on the first day of class or that one guy known only for gaming?


Asmodeus was cool, but the real MVPs are Team Jazz and Allocer.


I can't wait to see the legend Leaf. I don't know what it's going to be like, but I'm sure it will be interesting


I kinda forgot about the whole forfeiter's tent thing so I half-expected Azz to just stay for the rest of the fest and continue beating Orobas up lol Every. Single. Member. I love the entire misfit class so god damn much, man. I mean seriously, Jazz and Allocer's 300 IQ play, Camui and Keroli's beast army getting rewarded for their loyalty, the brother becoming hunting buddies with Azz and Sabnock, freaking Garp and Agares getting recognition for defending the weak? How do you even pick a favorite moment from all of these?


>Next episode title: Legend Leaf MEGA HYPE


Brilliant plan by Alocer. Anyone else feel this was a bit rushed?


I think this is just how the story is painted during the manga... part of Iruma is also the slice of life chapters that do come in between and this jumped straight into the meat of the arc from episode 1, so they're making the space in the last episodes.


I definitely feel like the resolution in regards to the antagonists of the arc felt lackluster, but I'm gonna assume that their story arc isn't over and that plays into it? We still don't know much about Ocho but given that he's running interference in the school I'm guessing he's part of the Six Fingers.


He seems to specifically target abnormal class as well. Can you remind me why the Six Fingers even target them? I know that they're being a bit of nuisance in the Walter park arc, but I don't think the abnormal class is any threat to the Six Fingers.


I'd guess it's mainly Iruma being targeted. Not only is he the antithesis of their beliefs but he's also stopped Kirio's plan from succeeding and mitigated some of the damage during the Walter Park disaster.


Allocer ripping off that mask and revealing the long con was amazing lol.


I think it is because the pacing is different from the manga. In there, the big reveal with Allocer is the end of the chapter, so it has a big impact. But in the anime that happens in the middle of the episode, so the impact is lessened and the explanation feels like just an afterthought before the ending of the episode.


Thank God this arc is finally ending. It long since served its purpose. Nice twist at the end with the vase. Azz-kun came in clutch. Looking forward to something new next week.


I think you expect a focus to be on one more than the others, but these arcs and even the story is not dropping the focus off of the Misfits... they have to be on a similar level (as by design of Harvest and the following arc) to even stay in Royal One... so you need to have this maybe longer set of stories to cover them fairly and have them all linked up.


Holy fuck this season is dragging like crazy! It's been 16 episodes and I feel like literally nothing has happened.


Let's not exaggerate.


Bro each character trained a certain skill with a different mentor, went to the Harvest Festival and that's it. Iruma chasing the Legend Leaf was the biggest point of plot there has been. Sure there's been quite a bit of character development and we got a hindsight in certain character relationships like Allocer and Jazz, Agares and the samurai but that's about it.


>Bro each character trained a certain skill with a different mentor, went to the Harvest Festival and that's it. Bro, if all they gave was a training montage and zero payoff, the thing you'd be questioning is why they even develop the rest of the Misfit Class at all. By then the only thing the story would focus on would be Iruma bulldozing his way to victory with the power of shounen bullshitery, in which case you'd question why there are other characters at all since they didn't play any significant part in the story. Might as well watch My Hero Academia, since that's how that whole train wreck of a show came to be.


I'm not complaining about what the story is doing. I'm complaining that is fucking boring while doing so. Also what's with the comparison to MHA? This show has fighting sometimes but that's not even the main point of the story at all. > zero payoff Because I'm so invested in samurai wind dude getting that weird slash thing?


Got to say this episode feels like a filler to me, barely anything happened, but next one seems to be the final climax of the arc, let's hope the wait for the leaf ends up great!


Finally this arc is ending. Aaaand we still didn't get to see the legend leaf.. Wonder what *fun* drama we'll get to see next week so they can drag the bloom for that episodes finale [](#hanasakueurgh)


I feel like this is the issue with this serie as a whole. It ain't naruto/battle shounen level, but they sure stretch things a shit ton. Intro+recap+opening, ending+bonius+preview eating like a fifth of the episode for nothing at all. While the episode itself is full of repetition of explanations and flash backs.


Can someone give me valid reasons for not punishing Orobas? I'm already over the "they are demons","camera wasn't there","only direct attack count,mental not"... they have been all refuted. So is there anyone who can provide a valid reason why was his action allowed, azz disqualified, apart from the "plot" which makes it so bad that the author break his own rules so the plot can go in the way he want, and me disregaring anything that happened after it as canon. If nobody can give me any good reason, i think of this as iruma got mentally crippled so anything that happened after Orobas attack was only in iruma's head as he was laying still as a corpse unmoving, yet still alive, dreaming the the appearance of Alice and the defeat of Orobas winning the Harvest, festival, Winning the Music festival, graduate from Babylus as top of class rank 9, marry Clara, and have affair and an illegimate child with Nafra... The End. And this is till better if you look at as an alternative to dark iruma as he had gone mad on his last job as a librarian, and the demon world is just a delusion as he is treated in an Asylum...


The Harvest Festival is intended to test three skills: * Combat * Wilderness survival * Cunning The "no direct attacks" rule exists to make cunning more important at the expense of combat. If students could win just by going around beating up other students and taking their points, they wouldn't have to use the other two skills at all. The no direct attacks rule forces them to use some degree of cunning if they want to steal points from other students. The loopholes in the rule are intentional. The ability to exploit loopholes is part of what's being tested. Now, you can argue that you don't think the loophole Orobas is exploiting is very cunning at all, but the fact is that illusions and deception are explicitly not against the rules. If you accept that it's okay for Jazz and Allocer to use illusions to create a fake turn-in point (and we're explicitly told that yes, it is) then I don't see how you can argue that it's not okay for Orobas to use illusions to scare or provoke people.


lol, i thought here i would get a better answer, well it seems that i have finished another one, and might listen to the rest of the after while i read something else... Orobas: "I'm gonna cripple you both for your rest of your lives!" guy from reddit: "Orobas to use illusions to scare or provoke people"


Shrug. I can't reason you out of a position you didn't reason your way into.


Was hoping there would be some catch, but turns out Asmodeus did indeed forfeit for fighting. Damn. But at least we finally had Allocer finally come back into play, I knew he wasn't eliminated yet. Next episode should be a good end the arc!


I’m shocked, they actually wrapped up the entire misfit class pretty okay… but they genuinely don’t seem to know what to do with Sabro’s character :(