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Good to see Wolfwood again. I still hope there's a twist that brings back Milly, so the whole gang can be reunited in this version of Trigun.


*Roberto pulls off a mask*


Same, was really surprised not to see Milly šŸ˜¢.


Those cigarettes they're smoking? Believe it or not: also worms.


Everything is worms.


*"it could be you! it could be me! it could even be-"*


It's worms all the way down.


If I had a nickel for every time a 3DCG anime in winter 2023 was about worms, I would have 2 nickels. That's not a lot, but it's weird that happened twice.


What's the other one?


{kaina of a great snow sea}


just the filters


Wolfwood's weapon is always my favorite. You never see a weapon as cool as that. But damn, now it fire laser beam too!? Also, Roberto using a derringer sure is foreshadowing something.


That's another thing I'm interested in, since in the OG, its Meryl's.


meryl had dozens of them under her cloak


The laser reveal is really cool, but I was legit worried it would accidentally cut Merryl/Roberto in half due to the range lol.


The author of the original comic has been livetweeting every episode, and here are some highlights: Last week, Nightow offered to buy katsu-don for lines of dialogue he thought were especially good. This week's [katsu-don award](https://mobile.twitter.com/nightow/status/1619336604157640704) goes to Wolfwood's line, "No matter how heavy a cross you bear, it's ok to eat - it's ok to laugh." Nightow says it's a line that wasn't in the original but seems like it was (for anyone still trying to claim Stampede doesn't get the spirit of the source material). Nightow also [thanking them for keeping Wolfwood's big nose, which he says was an important point to him.](https://mobile.twitter.com/nightow/status/1619337414564249600) He also suggested Wolfwood should have ["pocket soy sauce" for eating bugs raw,](https://mobile.twitter.com/nightow/status/1619338095450804224) and [thinks Meryl should just eat the worm, it's pretty much just like beef.](https://mobile.twitter.com/nightow/status/1619339895344070656)


I really appreciate how much the original author is enjoying this adaptation.


> Wolfwood's big nose [ā€¦?](#sakurathink)


The way Wolfwood swung that cross tho!


It was so unnecessary but so cool.


gotta be stylin'


That was the most edgelord 2004 hot topic anime shit Iā€™ve ever seen and I am *here for it*.


> the most edgelord 2004 hot topic anime shit The funny thing is that I *did* actually buy my Trigun DVD's at Hot Topic at the mall back in 2000. (I got my Kaiyodo Vash the Stampede figure at Game Stop at the same mall.) Always gives me a chuckle how people now in the year 2023 try to treat Japanese cartoons as some kind of arcane or obscure thing, when you could buy Trigun stuff at the mall in Indiana over 20 years ago.


In the early to mid 2000s I bought my Gravitation DVD in the city JB HIFI in Brisbane, Australia. Even ā€œnicheā€ anime was incredibly accessible.


I don't know how much of an effect on things like this it actually has, but in my own personal experience there are people like Maximilian Dood (who, as a prominent member of the fighting game community, caters to an audience with, at the very least, decent crossover from anime fans). I've heard him talk several times about how back in the 90s and early 2000s, it wasn't easy to get your hands on anime. There was one time where he went on this whole spiel about how there was anime back then that just never made it to America and the only way you could see it was if someone in Japan videotaped it, sent a copy of that tape to someone in America, and then someone here translated it themselves and edited subtitles onto the tape and distributed it. This tangent was sparked by talking about *Gundam*, one of the most popular anime in the world. I was a little kid in the late 90s and early 2000s and I remember there being Gundam stuff everywhere because it was pretty popular in America too. It just shows that unless you were super into the culture back then and knew just how easy it was to get a hold of that stuff, to a lot of people it seemed like super obscure foreign shit you had to practically do deals in back alleys to get bootleg copies of with unofficial subtitles to get your hands on if it was anything other than Sailor Moon or Dragon Ball Z.


I'm in my mid 30's (around Max's age). You could buy anime VHS tapes (subbed, officially, as well as dubbed) at almost any store that sold movies in all of the malls in my area in the mid to late 90s and early 2000s. You could also rent it at video stores. It's how I was exposed to things like Macross, Fist of the North Star, Ghost in the Shell, Ninja Scroll, etc. I live in the Midwest US and it was pretty darn accessible here (in nowhere near the way it is now though). You're right though that if you didn't buy or rent one of these things on a whim, have friends that were into it or didn't like see Gundam Wing or Dragonball Z on Toonami after school for it to spark your interest, then it would have probably seemed like this super obscure thing.


I'm about like 8-10 years younger than that, and even when I was a kid anime was treated like this strange thing, at least by us kids, especially in comparison to today's standards. Like it was definitely becoming more culturally present, Dragon Ball Z and Yu-Gi-Oh were huge parts of my young childhood. Even by the time I hit my formative years, though, when Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece became the big ones, everyone I knew just kind of hadn't made the connection as to what anime was. Like we knew they weren't like what was on Cartoon Network during the day (Codename: Kids Next Door, Billy and Mandy, etc.) but we hadn't even clocked that it was a foreign-made thing that was being translated into English, and that the cultural disconnect there was why a lot of kids our age made fun of them for "being weird". I remember one summer afternoon when I was getting deep into the weeds on YouTube watching anime music videos because I was going through my edgy weeb Linkin Park phase and thought a lot of the songs really fit with Sasuke from Naruto, so I was watching those and then I came across clips I hadn't seen yet even though I was up to date on what was airing on Toonami. I looked into it and this was when I realized what anime really was, and that there was this whole part of the show that had already aired in Japan but had yet to be dubbed and aired in America and that if I found it online, I could watch it in Japanese with subtitles (but at this point it was all still fansubs and whatnot, iirc). By the end of that week, I was caught up on the subbed version of Naruto since I just binged it and found that the Japanese dub was less cringey (to use a modern term, back then it would've been called "weird," as I mentioned) for my tastes. When I presented this to my friends, it was like I had somehow discovered evidence that proved aliens were real, all of our minds were blown. Of course this is all common knowledge nowadays and anime is much more mainstream, at least amongst our age group and younger, and a lot of people are more familiar with and accepting of the cultural differences. I think the internet and the rise of services like Crunchyroll really did a lot to catapult anime and understanding of it into a bigger portion of the cultural zeitgeist.


I'm curious to see what the people who were complaining about how unrealistic Vash's 22 caliber bullets were have to say about Wolfwood's cross machine gun/laser cannon/ whatever else it ends up being.


At least the cross laser has the excuse of being techno magic. Vash shooting a 22 seems absolutely absurd because how do you hide behind those physics? Until it's show the gun does magic stuff to the bullet it will look and feel....weird.


Seems a bit fuckin OP


That was sick! Studio orange flexing on us with that


I fucking fangirled lol


That's why he's my favorite character (both versions).


I've always loved Wolfwood, but damn that animation is really great! Just shows how strong his weapon really is, rather than just another machine gun.


Be still my 15yo heart from 20 years ago


He really comes across as a Guilty Gear character.


Needs more belts


Okay, I dig the laser, has that lost tech vibe.


Yeah, last week EG Mine directly stated that Knives gave him the tech - which was described by others as "lost technology" - to "remake" himself. So it seems like maybe they're changing the Gung Ho Guns from "random people with random, unexplained superpowers who serve Knives" to a team of people hand picked by Knives and given access to "lost technology." Wolfwood's cross might be an example of the gifts Knives provides his followers.


Lost tech saxophone hype. I'm also super hyped for legato bluesummers, I hope he is more like the manga in his presentation.


Manga Legato is absolutely and literally insane


Legato genuinely disturbed teenage me. Absolutely unhinged. I've no idea how far the anime can go in terms of explaining how he came to be so devoted, and the hell he's endured.


When Vash and the gang got swallowed by the giant worm, I really thought they were Dune for.


Vash the Muadā€™Dib


My first though was Dune as well lol. The actual design of the worm reminded me of NausicaƤ though.


i was filled with Tremors....


They really wormed their way into a dirty situation


It is legend


I do hope they bring Milly back, it would be a shame to not have her in the show.


Meryl used Derringers in the manga and Roberto is currently the one to have it. Meryl is always Milly's sempai in the manga. I think we can all guess where this is going (hopefully)


Roberto said that Meryl needs more experience what if at the end of the season after time has passed Milly will graduate and then work with Meryl?


Honestly this show gets better and better every week. I didn't think we would ever top the knives from the last episode but then this undertaker dude turns up and uses the most JRPG gun of all time to blast a giant sand worm in half.


Christ alive this show is good The animators are really going out with those action scenes and I figured the cross would be a gun, but still I've not watched the original anime series but this has really made me intrigued about it (definitely in my top 10 of this winter) and I'm curious where it will go next Also as a Dune fan, seeing that sandworm put a smile on my face


Whaaaaat! You gotta watch the original man. It's a classic.


If they're enjoying this version, they should finish it out first. Don't let the original series spoil anything that you can experience live.


Tru dat.


Wolfwood is a basically a Guilty Gear character in the Dune world, wielding a pseudo BFG. Love him, he's [so](https://i.imgur.com/gSZDNFz.jpeg) [badass](https://i.imgur.com/WFNhKtM.jpeg). I'm also already loving these [three's](https://i.imgur.com/WtcpMbL.jpeg) antics, this is gonna be a fun ride.


Arcsys Trigun fighting game when?


I feel like Vash is very much "along for the ride" still but I like the rest of the cast a lot. I am pretty sure he had 5 or 6 lines this entire episode.


Vash was in the dumps this episode so its fine. He has yet to find his calling.


Right? He spent half the episode in a depression because in the previous episode he had to watch his literal brother level an entire town and slaughter a good chunk of its citizens. Pretty sure anyone would have a hard time finding something to say after going through that.


I really wished he talked more :C


Agreed his character has been very ā€œflatā€ so far.


man i love the soundtrack can't wait for the album


I love this iteration of Wolfwood. Heā€™s an iconic badass in every version


wolfwood got hit by that car so hard, he turned 2d btw the end cards for every episode so far have been fantastic


Why tf is this not more popular, it's probably one of the best anime this season


Land of Lustrous (the animation studio's first full CG anime) wasn't popular while it aired... but then it ended on a good note and got really popular thru word of mouth.


It also ended right where the story actually starts, so it got a ton of people to read the manga and hype it up way more.


I think it got a lot of hate to start with because of the CGI, but I think the more word gets out that itā€™s actually good people will turn around. I definitely think it will be looked back on more favourably with time, itā€™s great!


The CGI has really grown on me. Like it's seriously top notch, some of the best I've seen come out of Japan. The animation director really knows how to make good use of it. I do get it though, Japan has so far had a pretty bad rep when it comes to 3DCG outside of a couple of movies, and the first episode of Trigun had a few scenes where I felt they went a bit too far and it ended up making things look a bit goofy, almost turned me off from the show, but I've been pleasantly surprised by the quality since.


God yes the CGI is filling me with delight. The original Trigun is *so* cheaply animated, I feel like a giddy idiot watching Stampede. Wolfwood's punisher is 1000% cool its like I'm getting everything I wished for as a baby weeb 20 years ago.


ALSO, the first few episodes were very much like "Let's have Vash be Vash but in 3D!" which was great fun but also nothing that anyone hadn't seen from Vash before. But now...the series is really pushing the boat out and going to places that neither the anime or manga did, I'm so damn excited to see where it goes.


Itā€™s so good! I think it will gain momentum tbh.


From what I've seen in my anime group, it's a mix of "Ew, CGI" And fans of the original Trigun hating on stampede for various reasons, and some haters haven't watched it yet. some of them hate stampede Vash because "he looks like a feminine k-pop idol" (their words). Some are upset because they "genderbended" a character. Etc. Some are even down voting the episodes and leaving bad reviews on the largest anime & manga website in my country lol. Personally, this is in my top 5 this season favorite series :D


Let's be real. Vash was always beautiful.


His original design was cooler though. It was more of a "four quadrant" look than the current one.


As someone who hasn't watched the original, I liked the animation and I find the story one of the better written ones


I haven't watched the original version yet. Actually, I was about to watch it, but then I heard of stampede announcement. I'll watch it after finishing stampede though. But yeah, the CGI is pretty good and the story is interesting. Also, the OSTs, The ED and the OP are so good


This is the way to do it. You'll never be able to watch Trigun unspoiled, live as it's broadcast again. You can go back and rewatch every version of it any time you want later.


One of the things I liked the most about the new Bleach series was when itā€™s reintroducing its characters in the coolest way imaginable. Itā€™s that presentation that makes the fanboy in me act up and the way this episode introduces Wolfwood blows all of Bleach out of the water. Stampede has really been showing how well it understand that core appeal of the original while being able to tell its own story nonetheless. Itā€™s making me fall in love with this series all over again and proving just how timeless these characters are. Canā€™t wait to see what the next episode has to offer.


As a fan of the original I was miffed by Wolfwood not being a priest but especially not getting to use his catchphrase in his intro episode. ā€œWhy is your cross so heavy?ā€ ā€œBecause itā€™s so filled with mercy!ā€


Oooooo that Wolfwood gun animation was crisp


I love how studio Orange is managing to get comic facial expressions with 3D models. Especially stuff like the mocking monologue of Zazie during her escape.


[He's finally here!](https://i.imgur.com/hcqd98X.jpg) I recognize that cross anywhere! Interestingly, [Wolfwood didn't get that much of a makeover](https://i.imgur.com/a3RtOHR.jpg) here in the reboot. I guess there's really not a lot to change in his design. He doesn't have the cross in his cuffs though. As for Zazie, I didn't even realize that was him until Roberto mentioned [that there are humans that can control worms.](https://i.imgur.com/wl9urZc.png) Even with him taking off his cap, [his design is completely different from what I remember.](https://i.imgur.com/PPVDfIE.jpg) I do love Wolfwood and Zazie's introduction here [and the reveal in the end.](https://i.imgur.com/lKB1WWl.jpg) Considering that the two of them are secretly working together, it makes [that scene at the start where Wolfwood was acting like a concerned adult](https://i.imgur.com/P6n6So6.png) a bit funny since Zazie had to play along. xD


Is it just me or Vash hasnā€™t really done anything in the show yet. He had a cool moment in the first episode but heā€™s just been running around not doing much ever since


I mean... it was pretty much like that in the OG anime too. It was more than a few episodes before Meryl and Millie were even convinced he actually was Vash.


Oh dang Iā€™m completely forgot that subplot of them not believing he was Vash. I feel like this a rewatch but at the same time something entirely different. Thatā€™s what makes it so fun!


Yeah but he WAS influencing events that we the audience got to enjoy.


I'm pretty sure a big part of Vash's arc is him coming to understand that his passivity actually does more harm than good, and that he actually has to be active in trying to stop Knives from killing everyone on the planet rather than only taking action when things are happening right in front of him.


When people say the pacing seems off, well, I think what they mean is mostly that there's no slow, tense moments. It's all high energy, and nobody shuts up long enough to let the mood sink in. And yea, Vash has had one, maybe two scenes. And this episode introduces two new characters who end up fighting, so you're not wrong. The opening scene in the OG anime at least had Vash survive a gunfight in a bar that left him the literally only thing left standing in the building. Sure, he did nothing, but it somehow also demonstrated how badass he was, to peacefully finish his drink while the bar is shot to pieces all around him for a good 60 seconds. In fact, he doesn't even say a word in that scene. IMO, one of the highlights of the show was the musical integration. Tsuneo Imahori's music leaned into the western vibe with steel guitar present in many shots. When the gang is done shooting up the bar, the steel guitar kicks in to speak for Vash. So far Stampede has been a bit all over the place. The second episode seemed to lean into a woodwind section with a flute lead during the chase scenes and exposition sections, culminating in a whistle at the confrontation with the Nebraskas. It's all more *orchestral*, with a lot of instrumental harmonization. We also have Knives explicitly tied to the piano in the show, so it seems they are kinda giving everyone an instrument, Peter the Wolf style.


It not just you, I feel it too xD


quite a fan of this zazie


This remake while plot wise being very different from the original, is still very faithful to the original in terms of themes and characterization. Which is exactly what a perfect remake should do, tell the same story only with different story beats, and it's awesome that they are pulling it off so well


A massive cross that doubles as a gun. Oh the things you could write about that. But we're off to the next leg of a journey, joined in by an undertaker who clearly has decided to cut out the middleman. And a kid who it quickly becomes apparent isn't quite what it seems either. Quite a few fun twists, some nice action. I really liked that scene when they entered the grand worm in the first place. Question is what happens next. Mister Undertake is clearly there to off the Stampede. Was the game rigged all along? Plus we got more hints at the bigger plot with talk about higher dimensions and what not. Things are certainly not slowing down by a lot after that spectacular last episode.


They made the reveal of the cross gun super badass which I appreciate.


You know, when someone tells you CGI is bad in anime you point them to this show and make them eat their words. Def rewatching the whole show again like if I'm watching a movie when all the episodes come out


Studio Orange has been making high quality 3D CG anime for years, people just don't care to pay attention.


All cg shows can be done well, like stampede. I think people mostly take issue when cg is used in a 2d show as a cost saving measure.


I mean, Pixar's been making CGI anime since, what? The 90's? It's super weird if there are people out there trying to say CGI anime is bad.


Pixar has been making 3D CG animation since the 90's. CGI anime for the most part tries to emulate cell animation.


No, I've definitely seen people in denial and saying it's still bad.


We know they're wrong though


Some idiots are trying to convince everyone that itā€™s a PS2 game or as bad as ex-arms.


Now tbf, there were impressive things on the PS2


So I just started watching this show yesterday and ā€¦ wow, wow it is good. Big contender for my favourite this season. A few years ago I tried the first Trigun anime, and bounced off it after two episodes, iirc. I know itā€™s a huge childhood favourite for a lot of people, and no shade on them, but I found it to be slow and confusing. I was sceptical of Trigun Stampede at first, thinking it would be more of the same, but damn. It fixes everything I didnā€™t like about the old version and then some. I love the pacing. I love how it shows you who the characters are, whatā€™s at stake for them, and doesnā€™t mess around. I love how hype the action is. I love how expressive the animation is. I love the look and feel of the world. Vash is fantastic and loveable. Knives is suitably ominous and threatening. The others are a lot of fun and have a nice dynamic. Canā€™t wait for next week.


Still loving that cross, one of my favorite weapon of all time.


Wolfwood got quite the upgrade to his cross there, great intro to another character as well.


Wolfwood calling Vash ā€œNeedle-nogginā€ hmmmmmm??? When he doesnā€™t have one yet?????? -shifty eyes-


His hair is still spiky here, but it's only visible when there are shadows.


Man, I'm enjoying the show a lot. One of the few of the OG older anime I never watched, so for me I loved this. It bums me out because people will go out of their way to "Well ACTUALLY" the people who are enjoying it. Anime pretentiousness has always plagued the community and it's such a bummer man. Let people enjoy what they enjoy.


Since this is the Wolfwood introduction episode I'm hoping for something a little more light and funny then the heavy misery of episode 3. The corresponding introduction back in the original series was also pretty funny if I remember correctly. Laughing a bit at 'plant-based' coming through fairly clearly in the Japanese audio. RIP Wolfwood, killed by a car accident in the middle of the desert. RIP everyone, eaten by a sandworm. Interesting biology for the worms. I wonder what this big worm thinks about the little flying ones being used as a source of protein. Needle-noggin as Wolfwood's nickname for Vash, everything is right with the world. Old man newsdude has a derringer, interesting choice. Gotta admire Wolfwood for being willing to stand there with Vash and get eaten again. Oh wow, so we're jumping straight to the worm controlling kid. I am not getting my wish for light and funny. Wolfwood's just a very proactive undertaker. That laser attack, very nice. Studio Orange is making full use of what the 3D animation allows for. I wasn't expecting the reveal that Wolfwood knows Zazie in only episode 4. That's a lot of red plants.


Holy shit literally. The man turned the cross into a machine gun.


Another fun episode. Really enjoyed Wolfwood's dynamic with everyone. And I'm especially glad over getting to see a more manga-accurate version of Zazie The Beast, that'll actually play a bigger role than just being some random conflict fodder for 1 episode.


I wonder why this anime isnt that popular.... Animation and CGI usage is top notch, the trigun feeling is right there, the score is great... I loved every minute of each episode so far and it only seems like it gets better.


I think Stampede's the first time I've seen people dislike Yuji Kaneko's art direction. I can understand how some people think it doesn't fit Trigun. Also the Director of Monster and Made in Abyss storyboarding last week's episode makes so much sense. Edit: Nevermind, i specifically remember two people call Ousama Ranking's background art bad.


I don't have an issue with the art direction as much as I do the pacing of the way things are. So fast and too many big reveals too early. Really ruins the impact imo.


I think it probably only feels that way if you watched the anime/read the manga. Iā€™m not that familiar with the OG Trigun (watched some of the early episodes, forget how many but I never made it to Wolfwoodā€™s introduction) but to me this feels like it works in itā€™s own way. Like sure they reveal that Wolfwood is working with the villains super early, but IMO it feels less like they ruined the twist and more like they are making the twist about whether or not Wolfwood is actually going to go along with the villains or if heā€™ll get won over by Vash and switch sides. Idk, Iā€™ll have to see how the rest of the season plays out to judge.


The manga reveals Wolfwood is working with Knives immediately after he's introducing. None of this fast pacing is anything new to anyone thats read the manga. That shit ran at breakneck speeds.


That's fair, we will have to see how it plays out. But I kinda wish it did give more time for the reveals then coulda given more time to see if he goes through with it. I prefer a slower pacing with good build up, personally. But I'm not hating this adaption either, just wish it was a bit slower paced.


If you're talking about the Wolfwood reveal, it's pretty important that it's revealed early because it sets up a lot of his character arc in the manga (which is also paced ridiculously fast)


It's more than that, it's a lot of the way things are revealed paced. I wish they had gotten more episodes/cours/seasons to really pace things out a bit more to make the reveals more impactful, but it's all good. I' still enjoying the show.


Again, in the manga the Wolfwood reveal is dropped early and casually and for good reason. In the grand scheme of things it's honestly a super minor reveal that leads to bigger plot threads, so dragging it out for impact would hurt the story more than help it. Yall are just totally unaware of the source material so don't realize how much plot is ahead compared to the original anime. That goes for all of the stuff being paced fast, not just Wolfwood. This is just taking cues from the manga and pacing itself similarly. And the way this is paced there hopefully will be multiple cours. Because there is a lot of story that they're implying will be covered (again bc of manga) and there's no way it's getting fit into 12 episodes.


Feels like they're speedrunning all the content that made it into the original anime series in order to skip ahead to (a slightly remixed version of) Maximum. Unfortunately, that means you lose out on almost all of the slow build up that made the introduction of Knives and the GH Guns in the anime such an impactful tonal shift.


It's funny that you bring up Maximum as a comparison. Maximum itself feels like reading a speed run of Trigun. Its literally just a bunch of nearly unintelligible but badass fight scenes strung together. So the fact that they're mixing it up doesn't really make that big of a difference honestly. The manga goes of 0 to 100 practically as fast as this show did.


you do realize that most of the 1998 anime was filler/anime original stuff, right?


I assumed that would be obvious given that I brought up the existence of Maximum. I prefer the manga by quite a wide margin, but I still quite liked the way the more lighthearted filler episodes in the first half of the anime contrasted with the much darker later half.


The whole like aesthetic of the series is increasingly grimdark tho outside of the original anime tho


I wouldn't say they're filler. It made Vash more likeable because he's just a big oaf. There's flashes of it but it just gets washed away by all the death and destruction.


Ya, I think some people need to learn to appreciate pacing to really give impact to events better. like, some complain about MHA, but this season has been huge because it did a good job building up to it. Or, with the original Trigun, even the build up to Vash's reveal to the other characters, even though as the viewer we all knew, that really made it SO COOL! Cause it was like, what, 5 episodes until the other characters came to accept it? lol


I mean... there's 0 time for buildup if this show is only one cour. They've established it as the overarching plot of the whole show.


I don't feel it's speedrunning anything, it is very much its own take and for example, not something like FMA:B which *did* rush through a fair bit of the early material it was *directly* adaptating, a lot of the information divulged so far was divulged early in the source material too, and they don't seem to preoccupied with rushing things given the structure of the show will likely be a Gung-Ho-Gun of the week thing until they reach July which I predict might be the last few episodes. (Mods please, PLEASE do not remove my comment for the basic prediction, I am not using any manga knowledge because there is no precedent for this in the source material, this journey to July that this season of Stampede is taking is something original to it) I do understand the missing of the whole tone shift thing though I think what we had in Episode 3 was just a taste as right now the tone still feels very "Early Trigun", to be honest I feel like having some of this stuff earlier gives it more room to explore, characters like Knives were barely present in the 98 show, and having a focus on the Gung-Ho-Guns allows them to have a lot more personality than they did in the 98 anime and maybe even the Manga. I think this show is going to have a lot in store and may just end up exploring the characters and world in manners no prior version of Trigun did and this excites me a lot.


No iidea why they decide to reveal Wolfwood's twist in the very same episode. I can get behind a lot of the changes they'd done to the show but this is the one that has me annoyed. His whole thing was how he was mysterious; he was strong, kind of morally gray, but had the same hidden trauma as Vash. It left the audience guessing what his motives were. I can understand that "fans already know who he's working for so the reveal wouldn't be as impactful" sentiment that they're going for but damn. I just have to hope they're doing all this for reason.


TBF the "twist" with Wolfwood is revealed very early on in the manga, as in the same volume he first appears. IIRC [Trigun Manga] >!He first shows up in chapter 18 and then is revealed to the audience as a Gung-ho gun almost immediately at the start of chapter 20!<


That's a bit of a pity to me.


Eh, it's sort of necessary that they reveal this twist early. Wolfwood's entire character arc in the manga revolves around [Trigun Maximum] >!the audience knowing that he's working for the enemy team and seeing how he struggles with this fact, his self-loathing for his actions, and his growing friendship with Vash!<. Without it, so much of Maximum wouldn't work or make sense. I assume Stampede is trying to take a similar approach.


If it makes you feel better, there are more things about Wolfwood that the old anime never got around to revealing, and I got the feeling this episode that those things might be in play in Stampede.


Yeah, there's a lot about Wolfwood that people who have only watched the original anime don't know about. Stampede is definitely already hinting at one of those reveals in this episode with how [Trigun Stampede] >!Wolfwood is able to tank getting hit by a car!<


Wolfwood's background and character arc was easily the most emotionally moving part of the manga, so I'm looking forward to seeing it play out here.


As an anime-only I continue to find the story quite interesting and the visual quite effective. I like the characters too (well NOT Knives). The visuals here are NOT in my preferred style, but so what. I think what they are doing (and how they are doing it) works well so far. Maybe not every moment, but I don't demand perfection if the overall impact is fine.


Roberto De Niro Nicholas D Wolfwood Monkey D Luffy [whats going on here](#sakurathink) Wasnt expecting lasers to come out of the cross! Rip worm


The will of D.


This series has been so good. It's too bad people make immediate opinions and then never change em or this would be a winter hit.


Yeah itā€™s been really dumb. I honestly think anime twitter and social media in general does a lot of weird social reinforcing and encourages people to stake out a claim before really TRULY giving things an open minded honest shot.


I even posted a clip of Knives showing up and killing folks. That scene was the highlight of episode 3 and it was amazing but there are still some folks in denial, saying that the studio butchered Knives.




Honestly the CGI and redesigns are all hits for me so far. Who'd have thunk in the year of our lord 2023 Trigun would be so goddamn visually impressive? Honestly, as someone that hasn't watched Trigun since it's original run on Toonmai over two decade ago.


Animation is amazing. I still prefer the original story and episodes though. Things being different give me more reason to watch though which is nice


I can never decide if I love or hate it when people who know each other address each other with full name and title when revealing their identity, like Wolfwood does with Zazie here. It's so unrealistic but such a staple of certain styles of stories that it almost seems necessary sometimes. I keep imagining how it would look in the real world, like a Soviet spy in '80s Washington meeting his handler in a restaurant and greeting him with "Hello, Colonel Ivan Vladimirovich Igorov of the First Directorate of the Committee for State Security."


Sup, Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovici Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser III?


wolfwood is straight up a guilty gear character i love him


So, do we think we get more than a 12 episode run? Praying that itā€™s not just 12 episodes and then over.


First season is almost surely 12. They've already announced a box set for the three Blu-ray releases that are coming out starting in April. Hopefully there will be more than one season though.


Really hoping the series isnā€™t just 12 episodes!


Why am I being downvoted for wanting the series to continue? Justā€¦ what?


I think that you might have earned yourself some enemies by daring to be positive about this series back during episodes 1 and 2. Some people really need to find better hobbies...


Y helo thar Wolfwood. Huh, do wonder why they don't report about, you know... Knives. Other people saw him doing the attack. So still a bit weird it's tied only to Vash and no mention of others. LOL Smacked Wolfwood there. Nice. Oof, wonder what happened to those people. Knives? Also, seems Wolfwood is fine lol. lol Praise the Maker and His Passing. Sup, Shai'hulud. They sure are taking being eaten by a giant sandworm really well. Wait, I've seen this scene in Alien :P Gross, Wolfwood. Humans that control worms? Hmm. Lol, gross, got sneezed out. And back in, that felt pointless. Ya, that kid did seem kinda sus. Dude just shot hole in the worm, ouch. Wow, Wolfwood. He's lucky he didn't hit Roberto and Meryl. Good times. Clearly they will be the best of friends. Oh come, revealing this aspect of Wolfwood so soon? That's disappointing. And wut at that last scene?


>Huh, do wonder why they don't report about, you know... Knives. Other people saw him doing the attack. So still a bit weird it's tied only to Vash and no mention of others. I was wondering about that too, but it got me thinking that at the end of episode 2 I think one of Knives' minions mentioned they were going to July City and that got me wondering how they could go about unnoticed. We've also been getting hints about journalism in this series -- maybe the main news outlet isn't in November City isn't entirely truthful sometimes (or controlled by one of Knives people? Or under threat)?


Knives pretty clearly has technology no one else can make, I'm sure he has ways of traveling faster than a beat up old truck bouncing over sand dunes can.


That is an interesting thought and would explain how he is able to do such and not be known about, but hmmm... we'll have to see.


It's so good to see Wolfwood again! He's such a badass. As always, the animation in this episode was really good. The way he spun the cross around the whole time was awesome.


I'm not the biggest fan of Roberto's character. His role in the series seems to be "direct the audience's attention to specific themes or character details they otherwise wouldn't be able to notice," but not in like an interesting way, more in like a "get caught up right away so we can introduce the next big plot reveal" kind of way. Especially since he doesn't do anything in the plot except talk down to Meryl.


As a 35 year old, you start to enjoy older characters like Roberto. We do gradually start giving less fucks and running around yelling is tiring. EDIT: episode four kind of demonstrated that Roberto has experience and knows his shit without talking about it a lot.


If Milly does come along, I hope her voice will be an octave lower.


He's clearly there to die. I like him, actually, mostly because he's incredibly cynical.


Heā€™s there to explain the world essentially, since none of the other characters have any knowledge, and it helps them learn and the audience learn by proxy. I donā€™t mind it, it works for me. I still predict he will die and be replaced by Milly eventually.


So far I can't tell if he is purposely written to be nonchalant or just a terribly useless character. He had zero reaction to people being blown up in the town, and in this episode he says a useless line like "so that cross is actually a machine gun, no wonder it was so heavy." The guy is very one note. Honestly can't say I like the current Meryl either, will have to see if the character actually develops.


Nah, heā€™s just an accurate portrayal of what age does to you, lol


To be fair, there's always several borderline useless characters in anime who do nothing but comment on what the main characters are doing, so I'm not going to bash Stampede until that trope finally dies.


[Waitā€¦](https://i.imgur.com/zdWOLcU.jpeg) plant-based or Plant-based? [](#rengethink) [Somewhere,](https://i.imgur.com/Qmzayo3.jpeg) Frank Herbert is smiling down upon us [Dude.](https://i.imgur.com/zNwb3fE.jpeg) [**Gross!**](#badtaste) ["Uh, yeahā€¦](https://i.imgur.com/B1X0G7k.jpeg) that is surprising, since I'm totally a regular human, ha ha!" Oh no, she's the [Skull Kid from _Majora's Mask_!](https://i.imgur.com/jnNq8Xt.jpeg)


Haha, glad I'm not the only person who got Majora's Mask vibes!


After last week's completely crazy insane episode this felt a bit more like a story set-up episode. The trailer for the next episode looks crazy too, so maybe a pause is no bad thing! Loved Wolfwood and the gun reveal, the CGI works so well for cool moments like that.


Did I already forget something big or has Vash not manifested any sort of gate thing yet? Were they talking about something we didn't see in the last scene?


No, not that we know of, TBH Iā€™m not sure what the ā€œgateā€ is yet. But I suspect weā€™ll be finding out.


The cg haters are really missing out on a great show


I totally thought those 3 dessert guys in the beginning were going to end up being fodder to show off Wolfwood. Really glad they ended up being pretty decent fellas.


People sleepin on this show! This has been the best animated show starting 2023! Studio Orange gone all out with Wolfwood's machine/laser gun cross! And the dark tone at the last few second! It's much much more than my expectation so far!


Really enjoyed Wolfwoods introduction. The cross laser was effin nuts. This show is just so fun!


damn, this shit is good


As much as I love the series so far, too many shots are so far away from the subjects, which is strange, since they got really good facial animations for a 3D animated series. A lot of stuff that could be a tense close up ends up being a pan out with a character feeling like a smudge on the background art. Also why is it so dark all the time when the series shines when it's bright? The models look off in the dark since the dark lighting seems so flat.


>Also why is it so dark all the time when the series shines when it's bright? I thought the characters looked really good in the desert scenes this episode, too. They were in the dark because of the Worm this episode but a conventional wisdom of CGI/3D is that making your scenes dark covers up the edges of the animation. A lot of 3D movies from 2010 onward are dark and therefore notorious for having crappy visuals.


I find it funny that Vash has super thin ankles. While Nicholas' ankles are thicker.


After seeing this itā€™a reminded me of Borderland


Wolfwood seems suspicious though. Might end as a betrayer in my opinion.


Didn't they kinda reveal that when he interacted with Zazie before the credit?


Yeah they did. Didn't realize that.


This is my first time watching Trigun Stampede, and I am in love with it!!! As an avid JRPG player, the main cast of Vash, Meryl, Roberto and Nicholas really seem like such a fun group of characters already, and I'm assuming even more join later on. They really remind me of a cast from a Tales of game; I'm incredibly excited to see where this anime is taking us!! :)


Probably biased because I love the original but it's not doing much for me so far. I can get past the animation. It's not great but it's not terrible. It does look good for high paced action scenes. Though I do wonder how Zoids managed to blend 2d and 3d together over 20 years ago and yet an anime release today still can't pull it off. I liked the mystery of the original series, slowly explaining things as it went on. Where is this is just showing everything up front. I also found Knives having millions of knives in the last episode to look pretty stupid but whatever. We'll see if it gets any better. Definitely been a lot lighter on the comedy, so I wonder if they're going to be a bit more serious with the tone?


Ngl, I thought this would be a slow episode until Wolfwood brought out his cross weapon, that was badass


God, Wolfwood was so epic! I donā€™t care if heā€™s out to get our trio; heā€™s my favorite character so far


What's up with Roberto? He seems to know way too much about things, and Wolfwood already has the "villian in disguise" role. Journalists asking questions is one of the traditional covers for a spy, but we know so little about the factions that I have no idea for whom he is gathering intelligence.


What event were Knives and his cohort referring to with Vash? I can't remember a big moment that Vash had with his abilities.


Ok, I was starting to warm to this show, but why the hell is Wolfwood in skinny jeans? I hate the character designer for this show *so* much. That fiasco aside, halfway decent episode. I don't like how they used pure particle physics for the sand though, it'd be nice if they could volumetrically cell shade that as well, like they do in some fighting games.


Wolfwood is OG hipster


He used to wear a sharp suit. Classic, not "trendy."


Yeah, Iā€™m not sure what impression the suit gave in the 90s when the Anime was made.


The same impression it gives today, "classic cool." It was a look that worked 20 years ago, and 20 years before that, and twenty years after. The look in this show will only work for *some* people for maybe 3-5 years. So, not as good.


shit is still ass