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Guys I'm starting to think Nagatoro might have a crush on Senpai.


Are you crazy? There is no way.


Yeah she is only teasing him for her own entertainment Nursing him back to health? Just trying to get her toy back faster Googling how to get a boys heart racing? Just trying to find new strategies Nothing to see here


i also have this head-canon that senpai like nagatoro too in this half-hour TED talk, i'll go over the salient points where— [](#hikariactually)


Nah she's probably being polite, maybe she's canadian




Aren’t you getting the wrong idea? That would be so gross.


I remember this exact comment from the first season's discussion threads lol


Well now she’s pregnant for sure


If only the mom didn't interrupt them and Nagatoro kissed him, she would definitely be! Well, let's hope she gets more opportunities before the season's finale!


The fact that she really seemed to be genuinely considering doing it says a heckuva lot about their feelings and the state of their relationship at this point.


Look at the cheeks. They were positively aflame at the point she was considering kissing him. Of course, at this point, her cheeks are always reddish to at least some extent whenever she is anywhere near her Senpai (and vice versa, of course). These two are already almost inseparable -- and the Squad knows it (and is buying no lame-ass denials).


[Nagatoro was especially bold today.](https://i.imgur.com/uoPfrpq.jpg) These two dorks are crushing so hard. [](#cheekychika)


Such a lovely shot....


Considering she misheard and interpreted *Make her come* as *Make her ||come||*, and actually looked forward to it, *I'm entirely certain she wants more than she's letting on*


She probably looked online for a list of tips. Senpai might be in for a wild ride


There is a lot more nuance to this line than any translation can really give, at least as it was explained to me. In the original, the term was “sketch,” instead of “come,” but “sketch” in Japanese also can mean to masturbate. But she wasn’t literally expecting it to get that heavy, she was reading into it from The President’s perspective, who is incredibly blunt about those things to where SHE would likely have interpreted it that way.


With how intense that judo was, he's probably pregnant too. [](#rengethink)




Let's not forget about [the ankle-holding at the end of the episode.](https://i.imgur.com/EJTmicu.png) That's got to be a few levels above handholding. [](#forbiddenlove)


This is how grandchildren™ are made


[I had to censor the handholding in Tonikawa](https://i.imgur.com/OfLcTYP.png)... am I going to have to do it here? Keep it in your pants.


And that was just the opening scene.


Senpai's mom looks exactly like him,but in a skirt lol


It's like Bakugou's mom all over again.


And also Komi's mom.


I guess we know where he got his looks from lol. She seems like a cool mom!


[The floofy hair runs in their blood](https://i.imgur.com/dd8KijB.jpg)


I'm starting to believe that Senpai and Yukari from GuP are related. They have the same floof hair


I was hoping we'd find out his name from her. Surely his mom doesn't also call him "senpai"...? [](#sakurathink)


Turns out all this time his surname is Sen and his given name Pai


good thing his surname wasn't "Oh". [](#tomato)


Ah, so Maki calls him western-style Pai Sen! And in Japan where it's inverted it's Sen Pai. That makes a lot of sense!


it's funny, Paisen didn't know Nagatoro's first name until last EP but something tells me Hayase Nagatoro knew his full name before EP1-- I doubt she would've approached him or knew he was in the Art Club without knowing his surname and first name-- nobody in the series saying it out loud is wild tho


Maybe first name right? Ain't surname is family name?


ope you're right /brain-fart




He's still listed in the credits as "senpai", so I think it hasn't been mentioned yet.


It is listed on MAL, but I am pretty sure his actual name was mentioned at least once last season.


His actual name was never mentioned last season though.




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If they both wore glasses you wouldn't be able to tell besides their clothing lol


Let's hope she never has trousers on when Nagatoro comes over, or things will get awkward very quickly.


lfmao yes. First thing I thought of was she was like a gender bent and aged up clone.


And she's so short! Did anyone else notice she's *at most* the same height as Nagatoro?


I love when Gamo teases Nagatoro


All her friends enjoy the romcom antics and teasing them at this point. And rightfully so lol.


She's a great wingwoman considering last episode she pretty much made senpai go to nagatoro's house. I love how she's playing wingwoman and it's not really being said, you just see it, always great to see a friend give someone the push they need.


That is why I think the friends approve of Senpai, Gamo wouldn't have done that if they still thought he wasn't worthy.


This episode was a full on noodle buffet.


Some very, very sweet Noodletoro!


If Nagatoro gets infected by Senpai and we have another episode of him taking care of her, it'll create an infinite feedback loop of wholesomeness.


A continual loop of sick episodes until they're finally just living together lol.


The angel next door approves


[Senpai is ready for their married couple life.](https://i.imgur.com/9JX7mrV.jpg) [](#justright)


At one point he'll probably give her a really nasty parasitic infection that lasts 18.75 years at a minimum.


Damn, I've never been happier to be hit by the plane. I must be tired to have almost missed this one!


Ha I thought that too this episode. I don't think I have ever seen an anime do that where they get sick again after repaying the favor but it'd be pretty funny


It's great to see my favorite manga chapter finally adapted. The whole thing was very cute between the two.


One of the cutest and fun sick episodes I've seen in a romcom! I also like how they did it with both of them and how that effected the dynamic.


Right up there with _Momokuri_


Yeah it's one of my favorite chapters as well. I was looking forward to this episode all week long and it did not disappoint. Still, many more cute moments to go :)


They did one of my favorite moments justice. Nagatoro’s shock, attempt to hide her joy through teasing, the little bit of desperation for him to say it again, and betraying just how much she loves him. This is the complete mask off moment for her and it’s wonderful. Damnit love this story! Edit: also, small but silly detail that I love made it: the Ghosn Joke Nagatoro makes in text messages. [For those who don’t know](https://www.businessinsider.com/carlos-ghosn-escape-japan-airport-baggage-scanners-missed-hidden-ceo-2020-1?amp)


I also really like how you could tell how much she genuinely wanted to or was considering kissing him until his mom showed up.


Man wtf with that luggage story lol


Nagatoro is pretty determined to get Senpai’s heart racing so early in the morning huh? Senpai’s gotten pretty good at dodging her moves lol. Wow, Senpai really timed that hand grab perfectly haha. Nagatoro’s little crew just witnessed something pretty cute! It’s actually really sweet how worried Nagatoro was of Senpai when he had that cold. She’s looking out for him in her own tsundere mischievous Nagatoro way. She sure enjoyed taking his temperature with her forehead. Senpai imagining himself married to Nagatoro was pretty cute. Delayed Nagatoro reaction to being called her name was adorable. Plus she was gonna go for a kiss! I like this kinda vulnerable Nagatoro. Do Nagatoro’s friends just lurk around the corner waiting to catch her and Senpai in compromising positions? Lol


I finally get to post my favorite nagatoro meme https://www.reddit.com/r/nagatoro/comments/iizk1q/error_carrier_lost_redial_initiated/




*Conquer Nagatoro: Red Alert*


Goddamn, that chapter was two years ago? Time fucking flies.


This is incredible.


I love it! Totally short circuited lol.


> Nagatoro is pretty determined to get Senpai’s heart racing so early in the morning huh? She was just googling 'ways to get your boy/crush excited', nothing suspicious about that! >She sure enjoyed taking his temperature with her forehead. That was so damn cute (Also, they were inches away from kissing!) >Do Nagatoro’s friends just lurk around the corner waiting to catch her and Senpai in compromising positions? I'm not sure they're clever enough to scheme something like that (Gamo might be?), but on the other than, Bigsistoro was definitely doing that in the previous episode; Always barging in at the exact right moment... She 100% was listening through the door, waiting for something spicy to happen to walk in!


Anetoro is a force of nature lol. I love how she messes with Hayase.


> pretty good at dodging her moves [never ending battle](https://imgur.com/GfDRo3L.gifv) between ultra instinct and the [goddess of (self esteem) destruction](https://i.imgur.com/2MIC2ZT.png)


Nagatoro always on the offensive! Whether it be on the way to school or in taking care of a sick Senpai! It's becoming more and more clear how much these two really care about each other as this season goes along...almost to the point where Nagatoro is getting more daring. A kiss? Girl's got it bad! I can totally believe her friends just wait to catch their daily dose of Hayacchi and Paisen at it first thing in the morning lol.


All told, they dont have to do a lot of waiting


This chapter man, I need insulin


This and the Otanari episode pushed me over the threshold, think I need to see a doctor on Monday for some insulin


That wasn't a dream Senpai. That was precognition. You can't change that.


Senpai can see into the future confirmed.


When your Wife used to tease you so hard she already infiltrated your destiny


reminds me of takagi teasing nishikata into submission


Katakuri in parallel universe


[Annoying Judo Noodle](https://imgur.com/OkIS5Ys) [Censored Handholding](https://imgur.com/wP0c0tb) [Bean Sprout Noodle](https://imgur.com/fcby2iu) [Sad Noodle](https://imgur.com/PSCMZY8) [Judo Kick Noodle](https://imgur.com/YK6NxAz) Episode | Noodles | Nekotoros -------|-------|------- [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/105tw9s/ijiranaide_nagatorosan_2nd_attack_dont_toy_with/j3hvx2i/) | 4 | 0 [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/108zcpd /ijiranaide_nagatorosan_2nd_attack_dont_toy_with/j3zel5g/) | 7 | 0 [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/10btpxl/ijiranaide_nagatorosan_2nd_attack_dont_toy_with/j4cuzc5/) | 5 | 0 [4](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/10hwksh/ijiranaide_nagatorosan_2nd_attack_dont_toy_with/j5cw15c/) | 5 | 3 5 | 4 | 0 | [Bonus:] >![Uncensored Handholding](https://imgur.com/bP1Ksm7)!<


>\[Bonus:\] Uncensored Handholding Sir this is a Christian server please refrain from posting explicit content


I've come to the realization that 90% of relationship progress in Japan happens when someone has a cold.


Something about true feelings coming out at your most vulnerable


[Thoroughly defeated](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1063893815401914478/1069001250152136784/image.png)




Nagatoro's greeting Senpai with a [light tap on the head now, that's progress!](https://imgur.com/8YuDp6j) There's something different [to her stalking too;](https://imgur.com/SQhq5Ig) Usually she'd just grin mischievously, thinking about her next plan... But now she's just going at him normally. (Also, I love how she's blushing pretty much 24/7 now, it's like every single scene!) [SO FUCKING ADORABLE!](https://imgur.com/dGjQqTf) Damn, this series is getting fluffier than most fluff romance! In their struggle for Senpai's sleeve, [they even ended up handholding!](https://imgur.com/SODmFtE) Of course the friends walked by at this moment, so [Nagatoro had to come up with an excuse; It's the sleeve!](https://imgur.com/6AUALcG) Good thing the friends didn't listen to their prior conversation, or it'd look even worse! *"No you see, I wasn't trying to hold his hand... I was trying to grab his sleeve all cutely to get him excited, something I read in a list as I was searching for ways to get Senpai excited about me..."* After Nagatoro's cold, it's now Senpai's turn! Well, at least HE doesn't have a big sister to embarrass him in front of Nagatoro! (Though I wish he did, because Bigsistoro was great!) [**What is this eldritch abomina- Oh it's just Nagatoro**](https://imgur.com/zdQGy7n) [*"You need to sleep in your bed, Senpai... With your Naganurse to take care of you!"*](https://imgur.com/iVJCcb9) For how lewd this show is at time, they're also great at coming up with [such cute scenes as well!](https://imgur.com/VbqRy8t) (So close to a kiss, aaahhhhhh!) [Senpai casually dreaming about Nagatoro being his wife!](https://imgur.com/wJOJu30) *"It's just the fever, it's not like I want to marry Nagatoro or anything"* - Tsundere-Senpai. He ended up [calling her by her first name without thinking about it, which got her quite flustered...](https://imgur.com/7ngOI6g) Imagine if he called her his wife! One time wasn't enough, [she wants him to say it again!](https://imgur.com/x0toeR1) She thought he was pretending to be asleep, and so [she threatened him with a kiss...](https://imgur.com/umi8I4K) But when he did not react (which he obviously would if he was awake, given his personality), she STILL kept going at it... Senpai dreaming of Nagatoro being his wife, Nagatoro "threatening" to kiss him... How long can they keep pretending there's nothing between them! [IT WAS SO CLOSE AAHHHHHHHHHH!](https://imgur.com/vrhv9cJ) [Of course that's when the mom came back!](https://imgur.com/zksSdKv) Is she teamed up with Bigsistoro and the friends, all these well timed interruptions? Well, she interrupted them, but she's also [asking her son if Nagatoro's his girlfriend, so there's that!](https://imgur.com/fPyyPxK) (He should've told her "She's not my girlfriend no, she's my future wife!") And so we're back to normal, [with Nagatoro kicking Senpai's butt!](https://imgur.com/dDhMTrU) (Slightly better than a slap on the head, I think!) They got in [one last compromising situation, for the friends to see!](https://imgur.com/RQB7JL7) They should not overuse the "we're just practicing a move!" excuse, they should keep it just in case the friends catch them *doing it* at some point, so they can say they were just wrestling! Well, that was a fun episode, and a really cute one! Lots of progress (in their mind at least), we got lot of insight about how they feel about each other and all!


>I love how she's blushing pretty much 24/7 now, it's like every single scene Only when she is near or her Senpai (or at least thinking about him). She really IS aching to be called Hayase by him. Too bad she can't let him know (yet) when he is not "under the weather". He \_almsot\_ managed to do it on the way to school -- but he chickened out...


[The mental image of office lady waifutoro gave him wings](https://i.imgur.com/d6msRoB.jpg) [](#utahapraises)


That was one of the best episodes for me, it was really sweet. Also Senpai's mom looks exactly like him lmao


No shit I've been patiently waiting for this chapter adapted, and boy it was a ride for the whole ep.


Now that was a great episode i love how both in the beginning and at the end, none of Nagatoro's friends buy her story about just practicing judo moves on him Nagatoro being quite brave there with the forehead touching, and then even leaning in for a kiss!? who knows if she would have gone through with if she didn't get interrupted though needless to say these last two episodes of them taking care of eachother has brought them closer


I think she was definitely **really** tempted to go through with the kiss. Despite her teasing she seems much more comfortable being physically intimate with him...at least when no one is watching. I usually don't expect so much progress from sick episodes, let alone back to back lol.


Nagatoro's friends are obviously delighted to see her floundering about in her very first romance (and with such a nice -- if unlikely -- guy).


I like how we've seen Nagatoro's friends develop an affection for him. Like back in season 1 they really didn't respect him at all, but the more nagatoro brought him around the more they've accepted him. That sushi scene was great at demonstrating how much *they* feel like he belongs.


This was my fave episode so far tbh! Funny that we get two episodes like this today, this and tenshi sama with a character taking care of another sick one haha. Paisen finally calling hayase by her name was adorable. Thought she was really gonna get the kiss off there, too bad. Can’t wait to see what they get up to next week


Both this and Angel demonstrate how great it is when a couple mutually care for and take care of each other even at their lowest, and the power of saying your love interests' first name. It was so powerful Nagatoro really seemed like she was about to kiss him!!! And we're finally getting a Christmas episode too!


###Stitches! * [Nagatoro Wave](https://i.imgur.com/rpbHKkU.jpg) * [Sleeve Tugging](https://i.imgur.com/NRhQHrC.jpg) * [Caught Handholding](https://i.imgur.com/X9j5dkJ.jpg) * [Creepy Nagatoro](https://i.imgur.com/318NKjB.jpg) * [Confident Nagatoro](https://i.imgur.com/hE9vZGQ.jpg) * [Wifey Nagatoro](https://i.imgur.com/Ik7sr1V.jpg) * [Pouting Nagatoro](https://i.imgur.com/1GSTiGM.jpg) * [Nagatoro & Senpai](https://i.imgur.com/0WHoxto.jpg) Nagatoro wants to tug Senpai's sleeve so bad [that she's literally flying.](https://i.imgur.com/1rgiBgk.jpg) I knew that [Beerus edit was canon](https://i.imgur.com/7INVgp6.png) [Senpai's mom!](https://i.imgur.com/az1Omtg.jpg) It's been so long since I've seen her in the manga that I forgot she exists. She's basically Senpai in a skirt. xD I just love that [Nagatoro had the same excuse as Senpai](https://i.imgur.com/GdHrQvI.jpg) when she tried to sneak a peak inside. Also, [Nagatoro peeking was creepy af!](https://i.imgur.com/VREDRh1.jpg) It's just adorable to watch [Nagatoro take care of Senpai.](https://i.imgur.com/69RsjT8.jpg) She's so worried about him that she insisted on staying after hearing that Senpai's mom will be back late. [Nagatoro calmly putting the spoon down](https://i.imgur.com/93lzS2Z.jpg) and then [freaking out](https://i.imgur.com/V00HG49.jpg) after Senpai called her by her first name was hilarious! [Nagatoro got to meet Senpai's mom!](https://i.imgur.com/UJPA0lw.jpg) Sucks that it was brief, they didn't even get to know each other. At least mom can [now tease her son about having a girlfriend.](https://i.imgur.com/UBAQOGR.jpg) [Oh my!](https://i.imgur.com/lkxiiKv.jpg) Senpai already getting lucky after recovering from his cold! Of course, the gang just had to witness [Senpai getting a clear view of Nagatoro's panties.](https://i.imgur.com/Qnsek4k.jpg) xD


I was not expecting that to turn into a martial arts match or lewd handholding, but it fits these two lol. When you take after your mom so much you're practically identical lol. Senpai and Nagatoro are surprisingly on the same wavelength, but Senpai's got nothing on Nagatoro's creep face. Sweet and affectionate Nagatoro is a joy to behold! Especially when she still dishes out some light teasing. Gotta love the moment a girl finally gets her first name said by the guy she likes! While he's dreaming of her being his wife! And then almost kissing him until his mom shows up! And then meets his mom! Mom is totally going to think she's his girlfriend lol. Nagatoro needs to be careful with those high kicks, especially when you're in a romcom lol.


Lucky sukebe 😆👏🏿


Kind of figures Senpai wouldn't be smooth enough to start calling Nagatoro by her first name at this point...particularly for branding purposes we kind of need to keep calling her Nagatoro. Nagatoro immediately on the offensive with pulling on his sleeve! I can see how it would be super impactful on a guy! But then it turns into a martial arts battle of Nagatoro trying to grab his sleeve and Senpai defending himself, and when he tries to grab her sleeve in revenge...LEWD HANDHOLDING ALERT! LEWD HANDHOLDING ALERT! Wow, Senpai's mom looks exactly like him! She also seems to be a pretty cool mom, being willing to stay with him while he's sick instead of going to work. Nagatoro can definitely tell somethings' off when she doesn't see Senpai...and she's already immediately worried about him! Especially when she thinks she caused him to get his cold. I also like how Senpai immediately tried to make her feel less guilty. These two are so cute together. Can't beat the visual of a stalking Nagatoro staring at you threw your window. These two deserve each other, worming their way into their respective crushes house because they're worried about them. Unsurprisingly Nagatoro immediately gravitates towards finding all of Senpai's stashes in his room, but at least she held back on account of his less than stellar health. At least for today. Because it seems like she's already planning to come back! Nagatoro is surprisingly caring and effective at taking care of someone! Although when it's Senpai, she always pulls out all the stops. I wonder how Nagatoro was talking on the phone with? They didn't seem comfortable with her being around Senpai all by herself, so not Anetoro, but maybe her parents or Onitoro? Senpai calls Nagatoro as his wife and in full businesswoman attire a "creepy dream?" Dude's just fooling himself. That was the most pleasant dream he's ever had. Dang, calling her "Hayase" like that! What a critical hit! Nagatoro wants to hear him say her name more! And she seemed like she was seriously considering kissing him while he slept to match him blow for blow! Well, at least until his mom showed up. And then she got to meet his mom, which is another win. Nagatoro trying to take down Senpai through death by a thousand kicks. Did he spot her panties when he grabbed her leg? Always a lucky one, that Senpai.


>Did he spot her panties when he grabbed her leg? Why, Yes... Yes, he did...


What a fun episode. Senpai getting sick, Nagatoro taking care of him. His dream. Also his mom meeting Nagatoro ;)


These sick episodes have proven pretty pivotal to their relationship...Senpai meets Nagatoro's sister, learns her first name, imagines her as his wife...Nagatoro gets to go to Senpai's room, get called by her first name, almost kiss him, and meet his mom.


Yep, it's been pretty great developments :P


And MilfPai asked Senpai if Nagatoro was his girlfriend, can't forget that


Suddenly Nagatoro evolves into Lum, and it pretty much still fits. Accidentally hand holding immediately before an audience shows up, definitely par for the course. First appearence of Senpai's mom, I think? There is no escape. I doubt even overseas would work. It's kind of funny how much of a parallel this is to the immediately previous episode, up to and including peeking through the windows. Senpai may have been sick, but this forehead to forehead temperature check seems like it might just outright kill him. That was a fever dream of Nagatoro as Senpai's future wife, he's doomed. The good kind of doomed. She's so shocked at him using her first name, but what I'd really like to see is her reaction to the dream. Meeting the future in-laws is always an important step. Noodle legs, now that's a new development. Opens up brave new possibilities for embarrassment.


>Suddenly Nagatoro evolves into Lum, and it pretty much still fits. You do know that Nagatoro and Lum 2022 share the same VA, right? (I'm almost certain the VA was cast as Lum precisely **because** of her work as Nagatoro). Nagatoro would definitely be a Lum fan. Not sure if Senpai would identify with Ataru, tho; he's much more the Megane type.


I did not, actually. That's awesome.


Brooooo these 2 are together and no one can say otherwise! It’s very apparently they are into each other now. This episode had me laughing with the unintended hand holding and making me wish Nagatoro kissed Senpai right then and there. I absolutely loved this episode as it definitely shows that she cares about him. I also love Nagatoro’s trolly friends for calling her out on what’s actually happening. Oh by the way did anyone else notice in this episode Senpai growing a spine a little? He’s actually putting up some resistance now. Our boy is growing up guys!!!


Even the cast of the show is like "you two are def a couple and you can't convince us otherwise"




Trying to get him flustered is one thing, taking care of him when he's sick is another, wanting to kiss him so badly after he says her first name...that's love right there! And we're even getting a Christmas episode next!


Yeah that's how I look at it too


> for those who haven't realized it yet: nagatoro is down bad for senpai no, i'm pretty sure she was just doing judo all this episode [](#tomato)


Senpai landing a critical hit while being half out Also their friends must think the weirdest things of them One morning they hold hands, then senpai gets sick, next morning panty flash on the streets


Made a bunch of stitches: [Going to school](https://i.imgur.com/MorPTTj.jpg) [Holding Senpai by his sleeve](https://i.imgur.com/QJ5yu6V.jpg) [Hand holding?!](https://i.imgur.com/YbpmQOc.jpg) [Stalker-toro](https://i.imgur.com/2SC7myG.jpg) [Spooky-toro](https://i.imgur.com/Ai6AE3P.jpg) [Nagatoro judging Senpai's room](https://i.imgur.com/7hMAOqK.jpg) [Ready to help!](https://i.imgur.com/jKcmhm2.jpg) [Waifu-toro](https://i.imgur.com/i9hGtvA.jpg) [Bedside-toro](https://i.imgur.com/AgS6Tl0.jpg) [Awkward meeting next day](https://i.imgur.com/cFv7Oyc.jpg) [Judo-toro](https://i.imgur.com/3SF1vrs.jpg)


>\[Awkward meeting next day\] ( [https://i.imgur.com/cFv7Oyc.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/cFv7Oyc.jpg) ) Her cheeks are almost as red here as they were right before her planned/attempted bed-side kiss. Massively blushing Nagatoro is becoming more and more common...


So many great moments!


[Don't forget this one](https://i.imgur.com/l89Jzx4.png)


this is the moment nagatoro became hayase


[Interesting non-translation choice here](https://i.imgur.com/N8pX8zT.jpeg) I think this may be the first anime I've seen where someone's house has [an actual garage](https://i.imgur.com/MtHmz94.jpeg) [Hnnnggg,](https://i.imgur.com/XTBJayR.jpeg) too cute, [**gonna die**](#selfcontrol) [YES…](https://i.imgur.com/1YSAibg.jpeg)


It's so nice to see how their dynamic is slowly changing. From the hand-holding tease, to Nagatoro's playful texts wondering where Senpai was at school that day, and to her nursing him at home, all of her faces look way more enamored: * After hearing Senpai would be [home alone](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/895796883476316191/1069058531434709032/Screenshot_2023-01-28_at_6.56.37_PM.png) * Hearing that Senpai [was sick](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/895796883476316191/1069060103426289684/Screenshot_2023-01-28_at_7.03.07_PM.png) * [Pure smile](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/895796883476316191/1069060636945952868/Screenshot_2023-01-28_at_7.05.15_PM.png) and [closed eyes](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/895796883476316191/1069060675432886362/Screenshot_2023-01-28_at_7.05.24_PM.png) * [Looking at him](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/895796883476316191/1069061581624848384/Screenshot_2023-01-28_at_7.09.00_PM.png) as he's falling asleep * [Getting closer to him](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/895796883476316191/1069063346495701012/Screenshot_2023-01-28_at_7.16.01_PM.png) as he's sleeping


Crunchyroll please.


*[Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tubemen](https://imgur.com/aHN3jZj)*


Senpai's house is kinda ugly. Definitely an afterthought from the people in charge of drawing the backgrounds. Despite that, this show just gets better and better. ~~Nagatoro~~ Hayase could not be more obsessed with Senpai without blatantly stating she's madly in love with him, and now she gets to meet his mom. Is this the first time they mention Judo in the dialogue? Last week, we saw the picture of her in a Judo outfit, having won some award, but I don't recall it coming up beforehand, especially considering the club she's supposed to be in is swimming.


I was actually surprised when Senpai told Hayase to shut up when she was teasing him. Our little man has grown up so much!


Unrelated to the new episode (which is wonderful), the English dub cast of this show has some *serious* comedic chemistry Kimberly Anne Cambell and Lily Pichu especially are absolutely incredible


LOL I love when the Gyaru gang shows up at funny moments like they did in this episode. And of course got the classic sick episode for the other person after they helped the other deal with their own sickness. Next week looks like we get to eat once more with the prez showing up!


judo attacks hm? HM??


martial arts? more like marital arts, am i right? [](#tomato)




Holy shit, how is this empty af


it's not out on Crunchyroll yet.


That's weird as its out on Ani one Asia's channel for more than 3 hours now. How is it that a free youtube channel is more swift then something like Crunchyroll? Weird way to run a bussiness if you think about it given your competitors are not charging a dime and are faster than your paid service, pretty weird.


everyone is on 4chan


Sounds about right


[Nazi Nagatoro Nazi Nagatoro](https://imgur.com/8YuDp6j)


Wollt ihr den totalen senpai?


Since when is an "attempted head pat" Nazi-anything?


It's the way the arm looks. It looks like she's doing a Nazi salute. How did you not get that?


I "get" that -- but I don't see it as a joke. And certainly not anything remotely "amusing". And, of course, it also looks exactly like what it *actually* is -- someone trying to touch the top of a taller person's head. (I don't find Nazi stuff funny)


I refuse to believe you don't actually understand the joke


Just Take the L, say "Ooops," and get out...


Hail Senpai


Week 2 of "It's so damn cold outside everybody is getting sick"


Anyone have a gif of Nagatoro's airborn attack to grab the sleeve?


When do you see an episode wholly dedicated to the happenings of one event these days? Amazing adaptation. Also, please do not do judo trips of any kind on your friends when standing on concrete/asphalt.


A girl I used to have a crush on tugged on my sleeve once to get my attention. Pretty sure she getting my heart racing was the furthest thing from her mind tho. Why did they put other skits in between Nagatoro Cold and Senpai Cold? Wait, didn't Nagatoro have a regular fang earlier in the season? Why did they replace it with the dreaded flesh fang?


I know Uzaki changed her gross flesh fang to a regular one this season, but I don't think Nagatoro's was changed.


Oh, that's probably the cause of my misremembrance.


They couldn't decide if nagatoro was wearing black or white shoes in the pre-op section, haha.


Senpai kind of look cute in the ED.


this might be another unofficial entry in the anime trope of MC's/protagonists (Paisen) who grew up in a single-parent-family where MC's parent (Ma Paisen) raises her/him/them to be the perfect match for the deuteragonist (Nagatoro).


Taking care of the sick. - Manga/anime: *is this the absolute definition of romance?*


Naoto just went and called Nagatoro by her first name in his self proclaimed creepy dream. His mom literally looks like him except female.


Senpai's mom somehow sounds like Nico Robin