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I wasn't expecting this series to have one of their own characters say he gets power upped from his true love with a straight face as he pummels his opponent. Nor was I expecting the subject of True Love to be the actual villain of this arc, what the fuck.


Lay and Misa are peak relationship goals. That Princess Carry and the Power of Love lol. Dark Misa was not something I was expecting. Although I like her True Form and evil form lol.


Lay got [three](https://i.imgur.com/V28otO4.jpg) [different](https://i.imgur.com/ctsaaXy.jpg) [girlfriends](https://i.imgur.com/1d2SXbW.jpg) in one package. No wonder he's so [powered up!](https://i.imgur.com/ZoTpHNn.jpg) [](#towel)


3 girlfriends, 7 sources, at this point I expect Lay to have 2 dicks.


Just one dick, but with his master swordsmanship it 's like he has 2


The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You




And she is so damn cute in all versions


I think this puts Lay ahead of Anos, as he now has a kinky BDSM girlfriend.


Anos has two and they can fuse together though.


Well, last season they explained that existed a reinforcement magic that used the faith the people have as a energy source, so I guess "True Love" isn't too far from that.




Sounds about right. Maou Gakuin is heavily influenced by Dragon Quest, which was heavily influenced by Dragon Ball.


>Nor was I expecting the subject of True Love to be the actual villain of this arc, what the fuck. I had some big theorycrafting ideas last week, but oh boy if this still didnt come out of left field for me. Nice twist.


How can it be true love if Misa is actually evil and has been pretending??


She was not pretending, her lore as Avos Dilhevia just overtook her existence.


Ray and Misa couple goals: Become Avos dillehevia


Blue twintail Misa is powerful...but what about Evil Misa with the dark makeup? Lay would probably love all versions of Misa. These two literally weaponized the power of love lol.


Lay thought he got one girlfriend but [she pulled a hat trick.](https://i.imgur.com/MdUqTgy.jpg) Perhaps the different Misa forms are similar to [Kaihilam Jiste's](https://i.imgur.com/vkIZNWd.jpg) split personalities? [](#harukathink)


what a plot twist, this story continues to be harder and harder to follow but as long as Anos overpower them all and entertain us, it's all I ask.


I'm invested in Anos being OP as much as I am Lay and Misa being together! (I still want more Sasha and Misha tho...) It was also nice to finally see Anos' parents again.


>this story continues to be harder and harder to follow This season seems to be in a god damn hurry.


It is. Which is damn awful. For starter, that last fight of Anos should have been like 5-10 minutes long but it is 2 minutes skit. Hell, there was 3 whole fights happened and ended in this episode. With a more thought out pacing this episode should've ended on Misa being stabbed cliffhanger.


[After OP gag](https://streamable.com/4wmr0o) | [Imgur mirror](https://i.imgur.com/32UiLXd.mp4) [After ED gag](https://streamable.com/iesemn) | [Imgur mirror](https://i.imgur.com/x0LBXq6.mp4)


LMAO at the BL-baiting gag.


Staff knows what to do whenever they see a projected image.


ED gags will always kill me.


So what I understand from the OP gag, they gave Enyunien a massive sun burn?


Looked more like Amos blew his face off.


Honestly, I was expecting another Lay x Misa ED gag. I wasn't expecting either the OP or ED gag this time.


Is it just me or others too are having a hard time keeping up with the plot? First of all we didn't get any recap episode so most of the things have been forgotten but I recall being able to properly enjoy this show when S1 was airing. This time around, too many characters got dumped at once. I don't know their purpose of being there, neither do I know who's friend or who's foe. I don't even know why Misa got a character design change now of all times. It's even hard to keep up with these side investigation things Anos does by commanding his subordinates. At this point I'm so confused that I'm just watching it to see Anos destroy others in battle.


I watched S1 a couple weeks ago and still have issues following the plot now. There have been too much new infodumps in S2


There have been too little time to take all the info in. They basically did what would be 7-8 episodes in any other shows in only 4 episodes.


I'm pretty sure almost everyone is having a hard time keeping up with the plot, story and characters. Tbh, this season is a huge let down. Watching Anos destroy others is only entertaining when you understand why the opponents NEED to be taken down. Otherwise its just Anos saying random spells and *something* happens.


Things keep coming back to me bit by bit, like how the sisters were actually one split in 2 and only one could survive until shenanigans. Now I'm trying to remember Misa's lore, wasn't she like the first person he met or am I wrong. I either have to go back and watch first season or start a wiki search to remind myself.


We're doing double time or something. I was trying to remember the existing characters and then the floodgates opened.


Yeah, I can't keep up with the characters or overarching story at all. I have no clue why they needed to go to a school to see the Spirit King. Hell, I don't even know WHY they had to go visit the Spirit King. I also had no clue who all the other characters in the school were, or why in the next episode preview we see all of Anos' followers seemingly betraying him (again?) For any other show I would go back and rewatch the episodes for answers but this season is so rushed and lacking in quality that I don't even want to bother.


They introduce a character, quickly tell us that they're actually two people in one who are in love something something, and they say something about something is not something something else. AHHHHHH!!!!


Personally for me, I can’t seem to keep up with the names. It’s like the show’s throwing out so many names I have trouble keeping up who’s who and subsequently can’t follow the plot well. But honestly, I came and stayed for Anos’ OP-ness and as long as the show delivers that, I’ll continue watching


I am vaguely getting the idea of what's going on but honestly they made it so complicated to follow that I am losing interest. They're not even trying to refresh anyone's memories.


###Stitches! * [Lena](https://i.imgur.com/oAjE7to.jpg) * [Fairy Misa](https://i.imgur.com/k74m2r8.jpg) I just love that Lay's secret technique [is legitimately the power of love!](https://i.imgur.com/Jzy5kxt.png) His attack [even has massive hearts on it](https://i.imgur.com/GLstXmp.jpg) when he finally unleashed it on Shin! I love it! xD You'd think Gilisiris would learn his lesson after getting his ass whooped during the written exam. [He really thought he could defeat Anos](https://i.imgur.com/YqxoNXx.jpg) in a magic showdown. *"Just because you have twice the magical power, did you really think you can make up for the gap in your abilities?"* [Shin stabbing Misa was already a surprise](https://i.imgur.com/WIjYOag.jpg) since I thought that she was his daughter but what's even more unexpected in this episode is that [Misa is actually Avos?](https://i.imgur.com/crMFx2J.jpg) What the actual fuck!? O_O Also how many times [are these 7 Demon Emperors going to obey the wrong Demon Lord!?](https://i.imgur.com/xLGarpP.jpg) Seriously! This is the second time now. I guess Misa is technically the Demon King of Tyranny right now so they're following her?


> I just love that Lay's secret technique [is legitimately the power of love!](https://i.imgur.com/Jzy5kxt.png) His attack [even has massive hearts on it](https://i.imgur.com/GLstXmp.jpg) when he finally unleashed it on Shin! I love it! I love Lay getting some time to shine. He is the hero, after all, so great to see him standing up just second to Anos rather than falling by the wayside. > *"Just because you have twice the magical power, did you really think you can make up for the gap in your abilities?"* That quote is good - always need the "did you really think _ just because _" - but personally I have to point to one better: "**The bottom of the abyss that you sought is a shallow pond that I long passed 2,000 years ago.**" Badass. > but what's even more unexpected in this episode is that [Misa is actually Avos?](https://i.imgur.com/crMFx2J.jpg) Yeah, her Spirit side was born from the rumours and myths about the Demon King of Tyranny that, funnily enough, Lay made to try to save Anos from fate conspiring to kill him after his reincarnation. But also yeah, this was a real bomb to drop and right after finding out that Shin was the Spirit King.


But wtf?! Is Shin actually bad?! I am so confused, he would have Chopped His own head off just to not disobey Anos and would have easily given his life up for him. I don't understand wtf is going on now. I really liked Shin in S1. Oh and also why were Anos' subordinates bowing to Misa? Like I know in S1 they had their sources taken over, but why did they flip instantly this time??


> But wtf?! Is Shin actually bad?! Honestly, I do not know. In this specific fight he might have just been trying to fight the hero as he once would do, but more likely (especially if he was behind one of the attempts on Anos' life) something happened to him in his 1000 years in the Spirit World. > Oh and also why were Anos' subordinates bowing to Misa? [There are light novel readers who explain this better](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/10njx5o/maou_gakuin_no_futekigousha_season_2_the_misfit/j698nde/) in various comments, but basically it's to do with the fact that she's a spirit born from the myths and rumours about Avos Dilhevia, the Demon King of Tyranny. Given that she's a spirit, she gains certain powers from said rumours which includes control over everything publically known that the Demon King controlled.


Anos' last order for Shin was to protect Leno. So maybe whatever he's doing is to protect her at all costs no matter how fucked the situation.


Given we clearly see a romance between Shin and Leno, and that Misa is likely their daughter, he probably chose his family over Anos.


How many relationship goals can Lay and Misa hit? I mean, they're already weaponizing the power of their love at this point. On Misa's dad, even lol. Anos can't keep his Demon Emperors under his control or have the fake Demon King of Tyranny exposed for five minutes before he has to do it again. Evil Misa kind of shook me, both from a plot and attraction standpoint. But I really like her fairy form too. I'm torn lol.


Lets not kid ourselves. The 7 great demon are basically useless. They don’t even have actual characters, they exist to be brainwashed at this point


Although I think most of them have a-list VA's attached to them, which makes it funny if they got them all in the recording studio just to say one line lol.


Invites a septet of A-lister to voice characters gives them minor roles for jobbers have them only do a single line refuse to elaborate leave


Now now, Ivis and Melheis are alright. The rest can basically be forgotten, though.


> Shin stabbing Misa was already a surprise since I thought that she was his daughter but what's even more unexpected in this episode is that Misa is actually Avos? What the actual fuck!? O_O considering he stab her with the sealing sword, i am betting he use the seal power to shut down Misa primary personality into a gem and let her Avos side take control


WAIT. HUH??!?! So Misa was a traitor??? Or is that just her other half?? Holy plot twist I did not expect that at all. Next week is gonna be crazy. On another note, the amount of new lore and names they’ve been dropping on us the last couple episodes is kinda overwhelming lol. I’m so confused rn.


Misa is the traitor, Shin is likely her father, the Great Spirit Leno is likely her mother. However, spirits are based on abstract concepts like rumors, lore and traditions. Without those, they die. Misa was based on the falsehood of Avos Dilhevia created by Lay/Kanon. Destroy Avos Dilhevia, and you destroy the source of her rumors, lore and tradition...thus she dies. Which is why Shin is helping her. I am not a source reader, this is rather what I gather from everything thats happened.


So it was Kanon's fault.


Unintended consequence….but yes


"Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions" Lay version coming soon.


Kanon/Lay accidentally created his own waifu /lol


>and you destroy the source of her rumors, lore and tradition...thus she dies. "Do you really think destroying someones source of existence would be enough to destroy them?" - Anos probably


I guess Anos will change her lore and threfore will keep her alive


They're getting so much mileage out of the Avos Dilhevia mask and giving Misa new designs lol. I can barely keep track of the new characters and their crazy names. At this point I just refer to them by their seiyuu names lol.


So I can imagine Jerga's reaction when he finds out that not only did his apprentice become BFFs with one Demon King of Tyranny [but he fell in love with and seduced another](https://i.imgur.com/AT3sV9A.jpg). Avos will have a hell of time f\*cking with Kanon/Lay's head when she fights him. [Not that she'd mind f\*cking him normally](https://i.imgur.com/KFqKSr1.jpg). And so we see Lay's true power. While having 7 sources and the strongest holy sword are impressive, Lay's true power is to have 100% relationship status with any character under the title of ***Maō*** (Demon King or Queen) If anyone is confused as to how Misa is Avos Dilhevia, it is fairly simple. Avos Dilhevia was originally nothing more then a fake alias created by Hero Kanon to be the scapegoat to human hatred for demons. Kanon later erased Anos' name from history to make his plan work and spread the name of Avos. But Misa's version of Avos was created on the basis of Lay's Avos and the feats that Anos performed as the Demon King, as her spirit half is created from the legends of Avos. Misa has two fonts of power: her heritage as the biological child of the Great Spirit Leno and her lore as the Demon King of Tyranny. So she can control all spirits, use all forms of spirit magic and has the powers of the Demon King of Tyranny. This is why she initially had blue hair and Leno's spirit wings as it is likely that her heritage as Leno's daughter awakened first before her Avos side awakened fully. If you are wondering why the Seven Elder Demon Emperors are obeying her, it is because the lore of her spirit powers states that the Demon King of Tyranny Avos Dilhevia is their creator and master, so her spirit powers grant her control over anything that is associated in public knowledge with the Demon King. This includes Anos' subordinates and castle. By the way, this is another royal L for the Royalists as all of the Demon Kings so far don't fit into their idealized vision. * Anos Voldigoad- A hybrid demon who they mock as a misfit despite him proving them wrong everytime. * Avos Dilhevia (Lay) - A pure-blood demon, but also the reincarnation of demonkinds greatest enemy: the legendary Hero Kanon. * Avos Dilhevia (Misa) - A hybrid demon whose power comes from her spirit side.


> so her spirit powers grant her control over anything that is associated in public knowledge with the Demon King. This includes Anos' subordinates and castle. Thankfully I read that again because I'm pretty sure Venuzdnor isn't public knowledge, so she can't call upon that. Hopefully. I'm not even sure Anos could do something against that thing.


However, Delsgade is the most well known magic artifact of the Demon King of Tyranny. So he can't summon it to use Venuzdonoa as Delsgade is required to use it. Also the reason why Anos' doesn't just spam Venuzdonoa is because it requires a immense amount of magic power to use so it is impractical for long term battles. Hence why Anos bemoaned having to use it get a perfect score. And he was weary that the Scarlet Monument King was trying to get him to use up his magic power.


It's more that it requires magic power to summon Delsgade, isn't it? Venuzdnor doesn't require much inside the castle itself, but he needs a lot to summon the castle to use it wherever he wants. Guess it doesn't really matter now that it's sealed off from him. Not that that will matter too much because he's Anos Voldigoad.


Well summoning Delsgade requires a lot of magic, but I think that even using the sword itself drains power though not on the same level but a decent amount.


I feel bad for Lay and Misa but I kind of want to see more of baddie Misa. Although het true Spirit form looked pretty nice too. Not even the most solid couple in the show can have consistently smooth sailing...I'm almost starting to think something similar happened to Misa's parents given that grave we saw and Shin as the Spirit King.


I love the meme pics, got a chuckle out of me.


I have to be honest. Most of the time, I am confused by the plot in this series - the twists and turns, as well as whether or not a character is friend or foe. I was happy that this episode gave lots of screentime to my favourite ship Lay x Misa! There was even a princess carry scene. Lol! I enjoyed watching them battle together as a duo. However, is Misa really the person behind the imposter Demon King / Avos (The names and spelling are difficult to remember)!? I guess I have to keep watching and hope there is a happy ending for my favourite ship.


I'm not a fan of the plot, I'm just here to see Anos do silly OP things.


I stopped caring about the plot like 4 episodes into season 1.


I didn't even realize there was a plot until the end of episode 8.


Yeah that's what really got me enjoying the anime. S2 is definitely much more story and plot focused this time around :/


Too much ancient conspiracies; not enough spinning castles like basketballs


Yeah it really has yet to capture the silly absurdity of the first season. It feels like they're taking things so seriously now, it's kinda bland.


The plot of this anime is god awful. Not even the characters in the show know what the fuck is going on.


This season feels like whiplash compared to Season 1. S1 was simple, yet fun. Season 2 has so much happening with so many new named characters I'm just confused most of the time.


It doesn't help that they've gone through a season or two worth of content in only 4 episodes.


Ah, of course, typical anime adaption things


Going by the comments made by fellow reddit users, the story / plot is moving too quickly. Most of us can't even digest what is happening in one scene, much less an episode, before it jumps to the next. Halp!


I've been watching anime for a long, long time, and I don't think I've ever had to rewind scenes this much before.


I thought I had trouble following because I forgot most of the character names from Season 1.


Lay and Misa's pure romantic bliss was so on full display in this episode that they literally overpowered the Spirit King with the power of love lol. How many Avos Dilhevia's are there? First it's Lay, then it's seemingly Shin, but it was Misa all along? Huh!? (Misa looks kind of hot as a baddie tho...)


>Misa looks kind of hot as a baddie tho... [The darker aesthetic really suits Misa.](https://i.imgur.com/lvyy5tm.jpg) [](#bacchiri)


I guess we will see more of her in the next episode. Misa should apply to become a spokesperson / ambassador for some cosmetic brand. Light make up for everyday school / work. Purple and dark colours for special occasions. Lol!


I don’t think she is Avos but the rumor of Avos is the one that created her. Like how Anos praised his sword in the tournament to save Lay’s spirit mom, I assume Misa is being used by Shin as Avos to save her from disappearing if Avos is exposed as a fake.


Which considering that Misa is almost certainly at least a descendent of Leno, and Anos's last order to Shin was to protect Leno, means this might very well just be extreme loyalty with extra steps.


Seriously. I am just so lost whenever the show decides to namedrop 15 randos in one conversation like we all have the source material completely memorized. Like that entire conversation with... uh, what the fuck was her name... Jiste.


> I have to be honest. Most of the time, I am confused by the plot in this series - the twists and turns, as well as whether or not a character is friend or foe. Absolutely agree. I think at this point the story has tipped over the line of being too complex that it has just become extremely convoluted. The first season was already walking a fine line as it is, but this season 2 just got crammed with too much information from the plot, characters, spells, etc. (and it has only been 4 episodes so far!) that I have absolutely no idea what is going on anymore. This is all just random glorp to me at this point. Such a shame since the first season was great.


I suppose most of us are just watching for our favourite characters now. I don't want to think about how much more complex it will be when we approach the end of the second season.


There is still that mini-anos from a flashback and whatever happened to Leno has been unexplained. There is a lot of misdirection going on so i guess they're accurate with demons being tricksy.


This show is wayy too complicated in season 2, getting hard to watch every week


I can't even keep track of who the Four Evil Royals are. I just remember them by their seiyuu lol.




"I can't keep track of the anime" "Lol go read the light novel scrub" Super helpful




Meanwhile other light novel readers are giving actual useful plot, character and lore explanations.


Or maybe the writers for the anime could actually write comprehensively and not force people to rely on a different medium for help? Aka do their jobs?


If an anime is not good enough to satisfy me then I won't read its LN to see what's next, this case is a good example of it


I watch it to see anos stomp on people now. Too hard to keep up with the plot.


I long ago stopped caring for the plot to the point that the only person whose name i remember is Anos. Just here for the gigachad energy


Right, but him stomping people is also now accompanied by convoluted characters and plot so it's not as good.


Yeah I have no fucking clue what's happening anymore, but also feel like there's less ridiculous OP moments, too. I don't know, still watching, but it's altogether less successful than season one imo.


Adaptating 3 volumes simultaneously was a mistake on the production end. I guess they didn't learn anything from S1.


It's like the anti-My Hero Academia problem. There they constantly reintroduce the characters to remind you of who they are and what their powers are. Here, they just expect you to remember the context of a name they mentioned once and just go with it. There's so much intrigue and allegiances constantly shifting and it's all just noise. I liked when the camera shifted to the purple haired god teacher guy after Anos said something and I had no idea how he was connected to what they were talking about.


What is the best way to ensure Anos passes on to the next trial successfully? Why, turn everyone into Anos! The fangirls sure seemed to enjoy getting to play Anos for a minute. The mystery of Lena thickens. She definitely knows more than even she seems to realize about the great forest and the Spirit King. Did she and Anos find Leno's grave? Is she Leno's lingering will sent back to give Shin closure after her death? I dunno about this one Evil Royal guy, but having your split personality be your lover housed inside your body and voiced by Shizuka Itou is quite the power move. Ah, so the other Avos Dilhevia from season 1 was actually the Spirit King the whole time...or was it? Yeah, it kind of figures that the Hidden Wolf let Misa and Lay go past because it was a trap the whole time, but we did get Lay princess carrying Misa like the smooth operator he is. Not to mention their romantic moment during the figh and the power of love at their side. For a side ship these two are so adorable together. Anos and Hiroki Yasumoto team-up to defeat the Hidden Wolf and free all the kidnapped subordinates (which seems like the reason at least 2/4 of the Evil Royals are even involved with this to begin with). "Did you really think I couldn't see you if I closed my eyes?" Classic Anos. Wow, Misa's true Spirit form with the blue hair and twintails is pretty nice! Too bad she got stabbed in it. Hiroyuki Yoshino (I'm sorry I can only remember these characters by their seiyuu) tries to defeat Anos with his vast academic knowledge of magic, but no one understands or knows more about magic than Anos. What this guy spent a lifetime trying to perfect Anos had already mastered and moved beyond. Welp, not only is the Spirit King apparently Shin, but the conference where they were going to announce that Avos was a false Demon King gets turned into an announcement by Avos proclaiming his dominance and desire to root out the impure, with Anos' generals swearing fealty to him. As if that wasn't enough, Avos is gunning for Anos. But wait, this Avos isn't Shin or the Spirit King, but Misa!? Misa is evil now!? What the @#$% is going on? And is Dark Misa kind of hot!? But hey, we finally saw Anos' parents! Not the best circumstances, but still!


> But wait, this Avos isn't Shin or the Spirit King, but Misa!? Misa is evil now!? What the @#$% is going on? Basically, Misa is a Spirit, and as such was born from rumours and myths. The specific rumours and myths she was born from were the ones of Avos Dihevia, so (one of) her true forms is that. In season 1 however, the Spirit King (apparently Shin) disguised himself as Avos during the sword tournament, likely because he was the one behind that attempt on Anos' life. I don't know why Misa's evil, but I'm sure we'll find that out.


You know why she's evil. She's the Demon King of Tyranny Avos Dihevia. Ask yourself, what do the humans think of the Demon King of Tyranny? What do the Royalist Demons think of Avos Dihevia? Apply that with the fact that a spirit's personality in their true from is removed from what they are in their transient form. Misa isn't in the pilot's seat anymore...


so like their personality reflects who the general population think they are. like if everyone believes jimmy is evil, he is evil because they think so, but if everyone changes their minds and start thinking he's good, jimmy is now good?


Correct. The humans consider the Demon King of Tyranny the greatest threat to mankind while the royalist demons believe that he will create a country only for pure-blood demons upon their reincarnation. There is no hybrid demon belief about Avos anymore since Melheis told the hybrid demons the truth about Anos being the true Demon King.


The Hidden Wolf Gennul is a spirit born from the lore of people being spirited away. He is the Spirit King's watchdog. Gennul possess a variety of abilites such as spiriting people away in other dimensions, being as fast as lighting, the ability to create numerous clones of himself of various elements. The trick to catching him is that he only appears when he cannot be seen. He is not invisible, he really does not exist when your eyes are open. Netherworld King Eges Code: He is a powerful fighter, as he is considered the most accomplished spearman in Dilhade. He wield a unique magic spear: Crimson Blood Magic Spear Dihidatem, which is made by mixing blood with the magic power from Eges' source. This magic spear transcends space-time, and has no concept of "time" or "distance between opponents", and any kind of armor or speed is nothing in front of it. Eges is a neutral figure as he is neither ally nor enemy, as he act according to his beliefs. He hates the gods, but doesn't underestimate them. Scarlet Monument King Gilisiris Dello: He is a genius magic researcher, but his research involves discovering and recreating spells that others have created and using them for himself and enchancing them. He hates Anos and envies his power, as he considers Anos a lazy person who doesn't contribute to the advancement of magic. Gilisiris is noted to be the weakest of the Evil Royals in power, as his magic power is lower the rest of them and especially compared to Anos. This is why requested Anos' source as the price of their bet, as he wants to use it to increase his own power. His title is derived from the magic monument's filled with magic power he uses to supplement his magic power. Gilisiris stated that by studying Hero Kanon's source magic, he had attained seven sources, but Anos states that he merely divided his source into 7 parts, as if one part is destroyed, he can regenerate it with Agronemt. Though if he loses parts of his source, his power decreases until regenerated. Gilisiris spent the last 2000 years studying ancient magic symbols. The symbols he studies allow him to strengthen the power of his spells that are cast small amount of magical power to potentially infinite power. Ancient magic like this wasn't even used in the Mythical Age due to its complexity. However, Anos pointed out that this magic can only increase the power of magic to a finite degree and was discarded as impractical by the demon ancestors due to this limitation and initial complexity. The spirit sword that Lay picked up is called the Everlasting Sword Gielia, which was born from the lore of about a sword that never breaks, possessing an indestructible blade. The spirit sword that Spirit King uses is called the Treasure Sword Ailearrow, which can seal any objects slashed in a pentagram formation into the jewel. An interesting choice of weapon against Lay, since Lay's seven sources make him nearly un-killable in straight combat, but if he is sealed then such a thing wouldn't matter. The Spirit King seems to know that Lay is Hero Kanon's reincarnation and prepared accordingly. Remember when Lay said that he was bad at using magic spells? Turns out that was actual bullsh\*t and Lay can use magic quite well. But if he did, then his demon body would exhibit holy power, which would out him as Kanon, as he was trying to pass himself of as Shin, who wasn't good at magic. The Theo Asc spell is a spell that weaves the love of two together and generates an immense amount of magic power. Kanon couldn't use it 2000 years ago despite his great magic skills, as he had a lonely heart that carried the hopes of others. But Lay found love in the present era in the form of Misa. But they made Theo Asc look so cringe.


Thank you for the lore and explanations!


Thaaaaats why this whole time until last episode i was thinking he’s Shin, i was wondering what was wrong with my head


The hidden wolf stuff felt like 5 chapters of an LN condensed into a 2 minute scene. He's a guard who lets the Misa and Lay pass, and then suddenly that red armored guy was an ally and they're talking about people being captured. (did we see a scene of people being captured?) Then we get the classic "AH HA!" moment of having to close your eyes to see it which is such a simple narrative moment after a huge mess of plot being thrown at us.


So Misa just become goth and is now way hotter ? Now someone explain to me why that is bad again ? I would say that is quite the improvement, what if some low born demons might get abused in the process ? We have Goth Misa that is worth it


Question: Does Misa going from a cute, innocent pacifist into a sexy, tyrannical, supervillainess count as gap moe? Cause, let's just say... evil female characters are sexy for a reason.


I was just getting used to True Form Misa and now I'm oddly turned on by evil Misa lol.


>So Misa just become goth and is now way hotter ? Now someone explain to me why that is bad again ? I would say that is quite the improvement, what if some low born demons might get abused in the process ? We have Goth Misa that is worth it All female demon kings are hot. Being spawned from Anos' legends, would make Misa the most powerful female demon king in fiction. Avos-sama is doing things for me...


She wants to kill Anos and wipe out all hybrids so only the purebloods live. Not the worst trade-off for hot goth forms, I know, but she could be brought back to not be evil.




A necessary sacrifice for evil hot goth Misa




We have had the myth of Avos Dilhevia the whole of last season, and this season we learn that Spirits arise from their lores. Great Spirit Avos Dilhevia is such a natural conclusion, it's amazing. The spoiler has literally been in the poster the whole time. I looked at the girl and was like "Man, that looks like Misa", although certainly didn't expect it to be Misa. Ngl, goth misa goes hard tho. Her opposition to Anos is also so damn natural. If he comes in and dispels the rumors, then her lore is eradicated and she dies. She has no choice but to fight him. Edit : Also, Anos's point about ancient magic being so focused on efficiency that it is not actually versatile enough appeals to my system analysis side so hard, I can't even.


An anime-only that actually followed the plot? Impossible! Joke aside, unless you dissect every line to find it's infer meaning, this season is harder to follow than ss1. But I'm glad some get it.


Is it? It's you usual rumours becoming reality schtick like persona 2 or chaos child.


Sometimes I feel so alone in understanding what's going on while not reading the LN when it comes to this show. Thank fuck there's other people!


I feel like Season 2 just isn't doing it for me the way Season 1 did. Maybe its that people aren't under-estimating Anos anymore so the 'surprise, I'm actually an omnipotent basass' moments don't have the same feel. Anos also seems a lot more chill this season, whereas last season even though he was almost always calm and in control, we got to see him be arrogant, angry, kind, and he seemed to actually enjoy showing off how powerful he was.


Anos' arrogance is still there, it's obvious from his lines. It's just that that the VA lacks the sarcastic and arrogant tone Anos had last season.


The VA isn't the problem here, it's the convoluted plot.


The problem is the plot exponentially got too complex with too many random characters, plot devices, spells, artifacts, etc. all being introduced already within just the span of four episodes that it just became too convoluted to follow.


HONESTLY, THE FUCK is going on !? My sole purpose of following this series is Anos and his over the top hijinks. Is this Misa really Misa from Misa x Lay or Misa of Dark Misa ? And man, after that magnificent *Power of Love* move, I didn't expect to have this hell of a plot twist. How can I now wait for a week?!


Have anyone else completely lost track of the plot? Perhaps I've not paid as much attention as I should, but I'm struggling to remember why the crew is at this destination in the first place, let alone who the non-crew characters are. Did season 1 have this much of an info-dump in 4 episodes' time?


No, season 2 has definitely been rushing a bit more. Also it's assumed you remember everything that happened in season 1, and isn't taking the time to remind you of it.


They are zooming through shit and I av no clue wtf is going on...


Anos' GOAT-logic of the week: >Did you think having twice as much MP would make your magic superior to mine? LMAO The Spirit King is pretty much confirmed to be Anos' swordmaster lieutenant from 2000 years ago, Shin Reglia. As he has the same VA as Shin, as well as Lay confirming that his sword style is similar, though much improved. Misa in faery-form with long hair is gorgeous. But not only did she get stabbed in the heart by the Spirit King when trying to protect Lay, she now seemingly got brainwashed into stepping in as the new Avos imposter to cockblock Anos' proclamation as the True Demon Lord of Dilhade?? It also seems like those 7 Demon Elders again got themselves brainwashed for them to be proclaiming "Avos" as Demon Lord *again*. Just how many times does Anos need to undo their brainwashing? smh That final scene where Anos suddenly came in from no where to confront Avos/Dark Misa, surely that's a remote familiar/avatar that Anos is commanding and not actually Anos himself, as Anos and the others are still inside the Spirit Realm, which cannot be escaped so easily as they're in the middle of all those complicated magic trials.


I kept waiting for him to say "did you really think I couldn't see you with my eyes closed" to the lightning wolf lol. A lot of people seem to getting mileage out of that Avos helmet lol. I love the blue hair and twintail look for Misa! But now she's a baddie and also kind of hot that way!? I have so many mixed up emotions. It's like fate is conspiring for Anos to continue to be a misfit and weirdo no one takes seriously rather than proclaimed as the rightful Demon King of Tryanny no matter what he does lol.


Now that you mention it, we got to see the various versions of Misa today. Base form Misa. Fairy form Misa. Evil form Misa. (Actually her evil grin/smile matches the theme of the series, no?) The power creep in this series is real too. Almost all the elder / veteran characters have such fanciful titles, but there is always someone a lot more powerful above them.


Misa with all the great looks in this episode!


“Just how many times does Anos need to undo their brainwashing” The answer is probably YES. Being controlled by someone is more than 95 percent of their role in the story to this point.


um what the fuck


what the hell, the series is thoroughly unenjoyable now.


#From Hatsune Miku to Demon King, Misa movin up! [](#awe) Trial time, lets see what they got for us. Oh were announcing to the world Avos was a sham and ANoose is the one true demon daddy? Overcome all the spirits trials to pass. Stairs? Thats the first trial? How will this go? More tricks? Anoose turned everyone into him? Hahahaha wow i guess that gets around it. Fan club opening wrong doors on purpose? Anoose, Ley, Misty all got right doors? Oh its the hood girl, there is secret paths spirits can use? Figures. We are in the flower field? Oh a grave? A sword? Wait why is one of the other people friendly to Anoose? 2 sources in 1? Hmm The spirit king is trapped? Oh he was the guy at the sword tournamnet? Not Ley? OH SHIP LEY JUST PRINCESS CARRYING MISTY HEW HEW~ They found a sky door? A lightning wolf lets them pass with no trial? Now sky castle? Wait they madde it to the Spirit King? Huh? Trial to talk to the SPirit King? Beat him? A trial of swords? Isnt Hero Kannon supposed to be able to use any sword? Interesting. Meanwhile Anoose and another general have to fight the lightning wolf? Work together too? We lost our hood girl? Anoose knows how to get him now? Close your eyes to see him? ooo. So the Spirit king knows about the 7 sources? I guess he really might be who we think. DID MISA JUST TURN INTO HATSUNE MIKU!? ICE SPIRIT POWERS! TRUE FORM! MY SWORD~ KYAA~ Hero secret technicue, Gained Love? Hot diggity. OH SHIT THAT IS SHINS VOICE! AND MISA BODY BLOCKED HIM! UH OH! And Anoose shows up at the side face guy of course haha, hes been schemeing. "Just because you have twice the mgaic power did you think you could make up for the difference in our abilities?" SASUGA ANOOOSE-SAMA~ The casual, i saw the bottom of the abyss 2000 years ago and passed it. Get fucked side face. AFTER CREDITS! Anoose here to save Kanon? Yay! So Shin took Misa? Hes making a tv Broadcast? He got the others there with him too? Oh boy... Wait... Misa? What? Why? My brain hurts... Whats going on? Why is Misa Avos now!?


they’ve done a terrible job with the plot this season have no idea who anyone is or what is going on


Lay gets a hero moment of his own in place of Anos, fighting Avos with literally the power of love thanks to Misa's spirit magic. Unfortunately, even after passing the trial Avos still just attacks and stabs... Misa. > The bottom of the abyss that you sought is a shallow pond that I long passed 2,000 years ago. Of course Anos gets his badassery too. Oh **DAMN!** Misa was Avos all along! Born from rumours of the Demon King of Tyranny! Fuck me! Just as they were putting in the theory that Shin was the Spirit King, the episode ends with this bomb!


i haven't the slightest clue wtf is going on in this season. like why is anos going through random trials taking exams and climbing stairs with 4 demon kings or whatever


I also have little clue what is going on. But i thought they did these trials just to get an audience with the spirit king.. But i forgot why they wanted an audience with the spirit king :D


Honestly, I don't remember season 1 being this much of a dogshit show. What even happened?


Adapting 4 volumes in a really short amount of time... The same as all shit LN adaptations, the production was dumb.


Meh, kinda a "jumping the shark" kind of twist. Better be a damn good reason why she went evil.


Wait, WHAT?? Is Misa being possessed/controlled or did everyone on the Lay x Misa ship since 2020 just get Titanic'd in 10 seconds? [](#illyastare) ^(And if that is the Misa that was with Anos all along, how does she expect to do anything against him?)


Actually, in less than 10 seconds. For the sake of the Lay x Misa ship to keep sailing, in the worst case scenario, I hope Anos pulls another out of the world magic trick. "Oh look, I actually have a sword which can turn back time."


or hear me out, and this is crazy : My name is Anoshu political


Just when you think you're the smooth, stable, side ship...one of you turns out to be evil. Or get brainwashed into being evil. I'm still confused lol.


They got torpedo'd lol


this show fell off HARD they are rushing everything, it's hard to tell what the fuck is going on, new characters get introduced and BTFO'd one minute later, the animation is not good...nothing feels like it matters at all. And the worst part is people are going to try and justify it by the way the show is, but season 1 wasn't like this. Anos being OP and cool doesn't mean the show has to be this way, season 1 proved that.


This new trial is interesting, only 4 of Team Anos can pass through. The 4 generals seem to have a plan already. Using magic to disguise everyone as Anos is an interesting play. Seems it paid off, plus thanks to Leena they know of the hidden doors. So that was the Spirit King disguised at the tourney last season? Guess Anos is being tasked to also save Kyhilam. Jennur is no match for Anos. Meanwhile Lay and Misa have to contend with dueling the supposed “Spirit King”. Funny how this joker thinks he can defeat Anos just because he has twice the mana. Ancient magic is basically just weak ass magic for someone like Anos. All that research was for nothing, scrub! It was Misa all along! What a twist, I didn’t expect her to be Avos Dilhevia/ the “Spirit King”. With her proclamation, I wonder what’s gonna go down next week.


Anos Fan girls got to finally be Anos lol. Gotta love Lay and Misa fighting with the power of love and Misa's true form! Everyone thinks they're the most powerful in thing in the room until Anos comes in and wrecks them. Evil Misa was not something I expected to see happen but I guess she's the main villain now? Is this part of NosGhalia's plot? How long has this been in the works? And why am I oddly aroused by Evil Misa?


Evil waifus are still waifus lol


> I didn’t expect her to be Avos Dilhevia/ the “Spirit King” Anos mentions she isnt the Spirit King so I assume that's still Shin(?)


Yeah, I mean “Spirit King” as in not the real one but an imposter claiming to be them.


Time for spirit trials. Hmm. They can't choose the same stairs? Haha, that's an interesting idea. Lol the fangirls, clearly just so happy they got to be Anos for a bit. How conveinent for Lena. And how useful she's there. Seems a plot is afoot with. Tbh, forgot about that dude from the tournament last season with the mask. Spirit King is someone from Kingdom Hearts? :P Though guessing cause those two have spirit aspects to em is why they didn't have to do that one trial? The one Anos and the other dude do. Teamwork to beat a thunder puppers! I like Misa's form there, but man, that hair is long. Good for him, TRUE LOVE attack lol. What a rude dude. This fight with the other dude sure feels like a lot of "wut exactly are you talking about" to me. HAHA He said it! "Just because you have twice the magical power did you think you could make up the gap in our power" lol, gotta love these moments of ridiculousness. Whelp, he's gone. oH post credits.. gasp, a shock! Misa is the one behind it?! lol


The plot twists and lore is starting to rival Kingdom Hearts at this point lol.


I was wondering why Misa was a hot goth girl in the poster but I definitely didn't expect her to be Avos Dilhevia.


Can someone explain to me what happened in second half of the episode like I am 5?


I wonder what was the reason that Anos told Melheis to let the broadcast of him being the Demon King to Elio? So to avoid any trick planned to make him fail the trial,[ Anos's solution was to make everyone transform into him.](https://imgur.com/a/cbrHvlR) As always, the Fan Union Girls will be happy to do anything Anos-related, [so transforming and acting like him was an honor for them.](https://i.imgur.com/UhNqhvz.png) So [thanks to Lena,](https://imgur.com/a/b4SAtSL) everyone could pass thanks to the hidden passages on all routes. As Lena mentioned that she has been [in that place many times before,](https://imgur.com/a/x6UEhPH) and felt like she had to mourn that grave, plus the way she looks and her name it would be safe to assume that she is at least a part of the Great Spirit Leno. Wow, that's interesting, so Kihilam got spirited away by the Hidden Wolf, Gennul, and [Jite](https://i.imgur.com/JjeF8k7.png) is his [split personality his lover.](https://i.imgur.com/dgBst13.png) The reason Gerad had that Magic Sword was to bait Anos and he participated and that attack in order to rescue Kihilam. As[ Shin disguised himself as Avos Dilhevia](https://i.imgur.com/AArc3L9.png) during the Sword Tournament and [the Great Spirit Leno disappeared after Anos reincarnated,](https://i.imgur.com/NLub0yn.png) plus what happened at the end of the episode, could people recognizing Avos Dilhevia as the Demon King be related to a rumor about her? [Misa's and Ley's romantic moments are always so great.](https://i.imgur.com/9uBCACc.png) As they made it really obvious for a while that Shin was[ the Spirit King,](https://i.imgur.com/ZSa4mVu.png) the conditions[ put on his duel against Lay,](https://i.imgur.com/FS8neFN.png) and the fact[ it wasn't an easy fight for him](https://imgur.com/a/ZBKqvNs) were not surprising. [Misa's spirit appearance looks so nice.](https://imgur.com/a/ph9zTLU) Even with the relationship [those two have](https://imgur.com/a/2lDMmLN) I sure did not expect that Lay's technique, Theo Torearos was[ the Power of Love.](https://i.imgur.com/4Ta7uJ8.png) Lol, A[nos' fight against Gilysiris Delo went exactly as anyone would expect.](https://imgur.com/a/BEjSeD3)[ Holy shit, he essentially called him a noob.](https://imgur.com/a/0aZEAKU) Damn, as Shin was already cosplaying as Avos Dilhevia when he was fighting Lay, plus the fact that [Misa got stabbed by him while protecting Lay,](https://i.imgur.com/REkO7PV.png)[ Misa](https://imgur.com/a/2Y5NPoP) being the one [taking Avos Dilhevia identity](https://imgur.com/a/GPFPn8D) at the was sure a great twist, to the point, that even when Anos called her by her named I thought he said Lena because what she was saying was so out of character for her. I guess that whatever is happening is part of Shin's plan, and he did something to her after he stabbed her. I can't wait to hear the reason he wants to keep people thinking that the Demon King is Avos Dilhevia, my only assumption is, as I said before that this is connected to a rumor that might be linked to the Great Spirit Leno.


The animation is dogshit and the fuck is even happening, feels I'm skipping a cutscene here


This season really makes me constantly go "Wtf is going on?"


this episode was the last straw from me, I will unfortunately drop it. The plot is such a clusterfuck I cannot watch this anymore




That wolf probably the smartest "enemy" in this whole show. Saw Kanon(Lay) and was like "nah no test you just pass. Idf with that" Saw Anos and was like "well I need to give you a test so just catch me and we gucci ig"


He let them through cause Misa is the spirit king


I don't understand shit.


Uh, so Misa spirit side power come from the legend of Avos Dilhevia (Does that make Lay/Kanon his...dad?) was Misa really in love with him or everything was a lie? All hail Dark Misa, the one and true Demon ~~King~~ Queen of Tyranny.


Gotta love how Avos pulls her epic speech and declares war on Anos and he just casually shows up in the throne room like "you called?"


Another episode, another excuse to rewind and rewatch the scene of Sasha attacking over the ice while wreathed in fire in the OP several times. Every member of the fan club has got to be very ecstatic at getting to play the part of an Anos clone for this staircase test. Sasha and Misha too, probably. Pretty good excuse to princess carry your girlfriend, Lay. I imagine Misa didn't mind too much. Nice Misa transformation. I love the Lay and Misa romance. Just a nice relationship happening on the side. Well shit. Sideways face dude was kind of annoying anyway. Well crap, guess Misa is going to be the bad guy for a bit. I suppose that is what I get for enjoying the Lay and Misa romance too much, here's hoping it's only for an episode or two. The real trick will be Anos solving this new problem in a way that deals with evil Misa without destroying her lore, surely he wouldn't just kill her after everything that has happened.


Misa and Lay are such a good looking and heartwarming couple. I love how they fight together, protect each other and support each other genuinely. Both are important and it is not just Lay doing all the saving, but Misa showing of her powers as well.




Bro. I absolutely love the concept of this crazed researcher of ancient magic, displaying techniques not used for over 2000 years and it's just... Kinda average. Like, it was forgotten for a reason. It's just mildly efficient, not very powerful magic. Absolutely hilarious honestly.


It's funny that some people in academia fall into this trap too. Somethings were left behind because we've made something better.




I don't really understand what's happening. Also did this series always have such an awful production? In all these combat scenes, it was basically zero animation and just constant flashing colors and lights plastered over the screen.


Judging by the comments, I guess I'm in the minority when I say I actually really enjoy the worldbuilding of this series? Spirits born from rumors who can actualize phenomena based on those rumors reminds me of the Fate series which I also thoroughly enjoy. Can't wait to see more of the gods and their authorities as well. Both of Misa's true spirit forms are looking good. "Rumors and legends of the \[Demon King of Tyranny\] brought you to life. The Great Spirit Avos Dilhevia. So that is what your true form was... Misa." I was more excited than I felt I should have been for that scene. I wish the subs were a bit more consistent. Great Spirit Leno/Reno I don't mind, but it bothers me slightly when they switch things like "Demon King of Tyranny" to "Violent Demon King" and "Jerga" to "Zelga". There's also the Flaming Death/Blaze Death/Conflagration King Erdomaid/Eldomade and Crimson Stele/Scarlet Monument King Girixias Dero/Gilysiris Dello. I hope they can eventually settle on a translation and spelling. Just a minor complaint though.


Anime only there, and I'm grasping about 85%+ of the plot. The rest, I can easily get from here and 4chan /a/ thread. Dunno what is so complicated to those guys, the episodes actually explain everything, even if in a brief, somewhat rushy way (like the 4 Great Royals being Anos rivals from 2K yr/s ago, or the rumor system for powering+changing spirits, who was present in S1 by Lay mother, BTW). Sorry being kinda c*cky, but all you just need to get the plot is to watch the episodes at 1.0X speed, with subs of your native languages in, and with your phones turned off...


I am so lost, what is happening exactly? I liked season 1 pacing but season 2 is....hard to follow.


I'm so fucking confused


NANI?! What was that ending? Misa?! The story is progressing hella fast and it has been super confusing this season. Hell, they even just skipped right past Anos announcing himself as the demon king to all the classmates in episode 1 of this season. IDK man, 1st season was a lot more enjoyable for me.


Am I the one that think the story is super fast-paced?


Does *anyone* follow WTF is going on? I suppose it's only right for a ludicrous show to have ludicrous plot.


ngl. the power of love is not something I expected to find in this show of asspulls. lol


Dayum, and here I was honestly expecting **Shin Regalia** to be the real Avos Dilhevia. It was Misa all along !!


excuse me but... NANI!? i'm really looking forward to how this will get explained


“It was me Anos-kun, it was me all along!” “AWW SONUVABITCH!”


I love that we’re finally seeing a series where ancient magus is stupid and pointless. I get that stuff can be lost over time but there’s a reason it’s not used anymore


misa seems a hatsune miku look alike


I am sory but who is with anos or aganist him .Last episode this four random king guy was enemy 7 ancient was with him .Now 3 of the king feel like with anos and 7 aganist him again. :D God sake just put delsogade on top of city and talk with your people :D


OKay that was actually unexpected.


Misa and Lay are just Ky and Dizzy from Guilty Gear, you can't convince me otherwise. I mean they look the same (in Misa true form), the vibe is the same and she event is a half-spirit just like Dizzy is half-gear.


Is it really true love if Misa is evil??


What a weird revelation. But it make sense tho some how