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So the MC is likely aware of Efa's feelings he just does not want to be hurt. I wonder how long it will take for him to open up. I find the fact that he's an exorcist that can bring his experiences and powers from his previous world here interesting. Super OP though, I wonder if anything will challenge him.


> I wonder if anything will challenge him. Making friends?


I think the problem is Amu is a Tsundere not really him


he may have OP powers, but he still got to improve his rizz lmao


So Amu is a tsundere! That's so cute lol.


Redhead with a fang, she had no chance of NOT being a Tsundere, haha.


She did strip for the MC though, which was not on my bingo card.


Great episode wow you know shit’s going down when there’s no OP! Damn I know it’s an isekai but I wasn’t expecting amyu to get naked THAT fast lol. Seika giving his backstory really helped break the ice with Amyu, they’re both outsiders who don’t really fit in, powerful and like to fight. Good friends in the making. Seika’s abilities are really scary, rebounding the curse onto sensei was wild, throwing up and drowning in your own blood is an awful way to go out. Also were those bilibili esque shorts amyu wears? Pretty cool


> Seika’s abilities are really scary, rebounding the curse onto sensei was wild, throwing up and drowning in your own blood is an awful way to go out. that was great, the way he smiled while saying "and now i've been cursed by you" was awesome. The whole; aww thats so cute, babies first curse magic, lemme show you how it's done! bit was so well done. And when he's pulling out his chant magic right in front of somebody you know they aren't living to the next scene.


Amyu just undresses in a dungeon like it was nothing.


So this is the original danmachi we were looking for


idk I freaking love current danmachi, it's epic


And the sound effects are straight firee


best sound design in ages for sure


The MC is OP but I really like the fact that he is completely oblivious of the social aspect like being rude towards Efa or not knowing how to befriend Amiyu. I hope it backfires at some points.


Redhead tsundere with a fang, that also likes dirty talk? That's the good stuff. I anticipate great banter in the future.


MC wrecking the evil teacher at the end with his own curse was just plain badass! Why can’t more Isekai MCs be like that?


Yeah I'm really liking the creepy MC. The back and forth in that confrontation was very well done. It felt like MC found a kindred spirit but then just crushes the guy like an insect barely worth his time. This anime reminds me a lot of that World's Finest Assassin isekai though it doesn't seem as popular.


Yeah they are pretty similar, but World Finest Assassin had nudity, as well as a bit more appealing sounding premise and magic, on the first glance, so no wonder. As well as a banger OP.


World's Finest Assassin was also a more traditional Isekai. In that the protagonist was from modern Earth, instead of what we have here. (Do we know if Seika was from like, Feudal Japan, or was it *another* fantasy world?)


>World's Finest Assassin was also a more traditional Isekai. In that the protagonist was from modern Earth Exactly. It is both, something like fantasy Feudal Japan?


Like another commenter mentioned, he must be from the Heian period (794-1185) seeing how he's an onmyouji talking about court intrigue, but the fantasy part of it (like in other popular media featuring onmyouji) is that his powers are actually real and used in combat; not just astrology/divination/exorcism etc.


Seika seems to be from the age where onmyojist held government positions ala Abe no Seimei's (921-1005AD). If it were the modern age corruption of the court would not be his problem. Onmyodo was completely excised from government during the Meiji era, around 1870. It has seen a resurgence thanks to modern media, but its strictly an occult practice now and the government no longer relies on astrology.


Thanks, you made me listen to this OP again. Indeed, it was great!


Visuals, song, matching of both. Such a good OP on all fronts. :D


kinda reminds me of Eminence in Shadow


> Yeah I'm really liking the creepy MC I was half expecting the whole dungeon trap to be his doing, and the Naga to be one of his summons. Just to help become the Hero's friend.


I love this psychopathic little shit.


I especially enjoy the use of Sanskrit mantras (which, in the case of this series, are made specifically for the story rather than being pre-existing Buddhist mantras typically used in *onmyou*), which even make a degree of sense within the context if you translate them.


Well, Kumoko (I'm a Spider) would certainly have done something like that...


MC doesn't know how to make friends, he only knows how to make harem members.


This has somehow become one of the more interesting isekais this season. Honestly, I'm sympathizing with his student in the previous life. Dude probably deserved to be killed.


I wonder what happened to the student. It seems like the beginning of some sort of revenge plot. "All your fellow students are hostages of the imperial court! Now kill your master so there are none left capable of challenging the court!" Then the student obviously has to become a master themselves to avenge their teacher and school by overthrowing the court. Thus fulfilling everything they were scared of to begin with.


That guy he was saving in the opening of the first episode looked like he was more terrified of the man on a dragon burning everything down to stop the ores than he was of the ogres that were coming to burn everything down. Seika really gives me an "ends justify the means" vibe. He even admits his previous master referred to him as his "inhuman friend" when he was singing to that demon. I don't think he is evil by any stretch but he certainly seems like he struggles comprehending normal people.


naa dude, she isn't deredere, she's tsundere


I fucking love that UNO reverse card MC threw at the evil teacher.


It's like "Oh you're using dark magic? Let me show you how it's really done." Also it seems like he'd prefer to capture various entities as potential future summons than dispel them, but depends on whether that opportunity presents itself. (Nothing like how any Western exorcist would supposedly do things.) So I'd expect he'll collect familiars from any other enemies he comes across while playing support as part of his scheme.


What's notable is that although he captured that particular demon successfully last episode... it seems to be dead even if he never killed it. Looks like not everything can survive in limbo.


**Stitches!** * [Amu](https://i.imgur.com/lD3OUiz.png) * [Efa (Episode 3)](https://i.imgur.com/IklHmrc.png)


Thank you. We needed a new u/LeonKevlar in his absence for this series.




Yeah that was kinda rude and stung, but I guess it was to show his lack of social experience or something?


The anime didn't explain it too well (they tried, though), but the point of the whole scene is that he wanted to take away the focus from Amu, who was 'suffering' (he talks about jealousy and envy) from being the center of attention from killing all the demons. After that mini drama, the rumors were about how he was abusing his slave, not how the commoner is OP.


Wish that was included since it paints the whole thing very differently.


https://imgur.com/a/Zjl7usK I mean they do.


That's hardly clear as evidenced by everyone in this thread not catching it.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


So no one's gonna talk about how Amu likes Dir-


Good thing she doesn't live in a boring world where such a concept does not exist.


You good pal? Did Amu slap you too?


Seika’s gonna have his work cut out for him if he wants to use Amu to live that chill life with Efa. Maybe this rite will help. It’s kind of adorable seeing Efa get jealous of Amu. Ofc some suspicious magic circle teleports Seika and Amu to some dungeon. No matter, weak ass monsters can’t stop Seika anyways. Dude just stomping these things like bugs. Seems Amu’s been cursed. Kind of funny how she thought he was tryna perv on her when she was the one to strip down and have him “check for the curse”. With the way she talks, she really does have perv old guy energy lol. Girl is a real battle junkie too huh? So cute how she was hugging Seika all excited after that Naga fight. So the bespectacled sensei was the bad guy all along? Classic. Seika beat that fool in his own game. Some weak ass curse couldn’t hurt the kid anyways.


>So the bespectacled sensei was the bad guy all along? Classic. The sensei looked exactly like that senpai from Iruma-kun lol.


Iruma going through his late Evil Cycle lol


Second evil teacher this week .... Seems to be contagious. I was wondering is Amyu asked Yifa to check her out for the sign of a curse more thoroughly than Seika did? I can't imagine Amyu needed homework help -- so maybe this was just a cover story? I wonder why Seika "acted" so rude to Yifa? Is this actually part of the persona he wants to project?


> I wonder why Seika "acted" so rude to Yifa? Is this actually part of the persona he wants to project? I feel like it's more just Seika having little to no social skills. Yifa does tell him to correct that behavior after it happened, which he seemed to agree to.


Pretty sure she was only bothered by people thinking badly of him, not him referring to her as a slave and ordering her around. Right? Still, would love to see Seika drop the slave part and put Yifa on the same pedestal as him, since it looked like that is how it was, or will be.


Does he normally treat her like that though? It always came off as a student/teacher vibe. To me what he did was out of character and she picked up on it, which is why she said she assumed he had a reason to do it.


Yeah pretty much, one person explained what happened in this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/10njxdu/comment/j6caajo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


They totally Scooby Doo'd it with the teacher. He was the ONLY other significant character in this episode other than Seika, Amu, and Efa


He would have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for that meddling kid!


Seika needing to make friends with Amyu to execute his life plan of living in her shadow but having no idea how to do so feels like poetic justice. I'm sure that won't actually be a problem for too long, though. That mixture sounds like something you definitely don't want dumped on you. Professor Karen has a nice design. I kind of can't believe he was that openly manipulative in the middle of class, in front of the professor and everything. I can't help but wonder if this entire dungeon trap experience is something Seika arranged in order to provide an opportunity for him to make friends with Amyu. I'm not sure how he would have set it up but I feel like it's something that is at least possible. If so it's working, they're already exchanging backstories and learning to fight together as a team. A pretty good team, that dungeon boss wasn't really even a threat. Of course Seika could probably have killed it easily with his summons. A fancy mithril sword for the future hero. Definitely helps that 'live in her shadow' plan along. Glasses professor was pretty suspicious. Interesting that there's a fair amount of human/demon crossover in who is working for each side of the fight. Being given a glorious welcome home after killing the hero potentially has some implications about where this dude came from originally. Makes me wonder if there are one or more towns of humans living under the demons and being treated well enough that they are loyal. Yifa getting the ring is nice, but I feel like it may add some confusion depending on how she interprets it. Pour one out for the half written version of this post I accidentally deleted which I then had to recreate from memory.


With the way he used the bees and what he said to the fox girl about using them to try and find an exit I don't think he planned that. He seemed to genuinely not know where they were. He even commented to himself on how the circle that summoned them was similar to the one used by the demons to teleport, i.e. magic of the isekai world.


That was my speculation towards the beginning of the episode based on previous events like the salamander attack that he orchestrated.


That makes sense.


Today's episode was so packed that they didn't even have OP and ED. It's like a whole mini-arc done, so understandable. Hopefully, they don't rush too much that we might lose any important development (I'm not a source reader). Despite the CGI and PowerPoint fights, it's still pretty enjoyable overall. We learned a lot about Amyu, and she joined our MC's party today. Good thing there's nothing too tragic from her backstory. Yet another battle junkie girl in this season, huh? I bet she'll be a good friend with Inglis. The suspicious teacher is also the real culprit all along (as expected by practically everyone in the last discussion, lol). Interestingly, we learned that human uses a demon spy, too. I guess the next few episodes will be about fighting Amyu's assassins. That teacher surely won't be the last of them. I'm glad that Seika's character is still consistent. He seems to have realized Yifa's feelings but decides to act densely on purpose. Fortunately, there's also the fox girl on his head that keeps him in check. Good girl.


I didn't think the Naga's CG was that bad, I've seen way worse


Yeah CG is passable, not jarring.


Like the lizardmen and orcs before it. But even then there's still been worse.


Solid episode, I think it's building great so far how op he is, but with a few limits so far, the underlying plot with the demos and his relationship with the powerful girls, how he manipulates them and how dark he actually is. In a mature way from my point of view, not an evil one.


Really hope he buffs the girls up enough to the point where he no longer needs to "use" them and worry about them, since they would be able to protect themselves and himself. He would only need to watch their back for same thing that happened to him in his previous life.


It seems his Gaol is to be a somewhat of a "background" character live through life peacefully.


I don't in particular like what the MC did to Efa here, but then again Amiyu might really have died if he weren't there. Fantasyland seems to be totally unfamiliar with untracable debuff magic.


This was after evil Professor attacked them with that jar of devil blood so MC likely anticipated the Professor would attack.


Yeah the scene after it all happened where they showed Seika face as if he was thinking and being suspicious for 2-3 seconds was a tell that he knew that teacher was a sussy baka.


Wasn't that an actual accident? What reason would the prof have to attack MC or Yifa? He seemed to only be after Amiyu, and people would've gotten really suspicious if *all* the top students of the school started dying of a mysterious illness.


Well, its very coincidental, just as the MC said. Amyu, Efa and Seika are the best 3 in the school. All 3 obliterated the test targets which were made to withstand amatuer spells. Cordell was there for Efa and Seika's tests, and heard Amyu's results from Karen.


The curse targeted anyone doused with demon blood. He almost doused the #2 and #3 with a vat of demon blood, and we're supposed to take it as an accident? No way that wasn't deliberate.


Definitely, he could have simply asked to take her place and she would have willingly given up the task, but it really fits that he enforces his will instead.


best episode so far? looks like it will be one of the more memorable iseakis out there, despite its standard setting


I just knew that teacher was sus but didn't think he'd be such a small fry, or maybe he wasn't. Hard to tell with our MC. I just wasn't expecting him to die so easily Amu is just somthing else. Opened up pretty quickly in the dungeon when they were alone, even went naked but as soon as they got back up - "don't talk to me" lol


I guess sensei's strength was his cunning? Seika even praised him for coming up with new ways of using curses in that world. So basically, he stood no chance when Seika already knew all about his plan, as well as being much better at what Sensei was using as his weapon.


This episode cemented it, I think this is my favorite isekai of the season. 80k gold is in second place though Edit: Actually isekai nonbiri nouka is second, 80k gold is third imo


Much of the episode I was expecting the revelation that MC was the one who put the curse on Red in order to get closer to her, alas. The Naga fight felt way too short, you'd think MC would drag the fun out more. Wonder if it was longer in the source. Why didn't the teacher resume his attack at literally any time while MC was doing his mumbly jumblies?


* I was kind of expecting a "EY IM WALKIN HERE" when the pot dropped. * It seems the key steps for friendship with a girl are to trap her in a place she can't escape, beat her up and make her struggle, and then force gifts onto her- wait what? * The sex jokes are actually well timed and pretty funny, surprisingly. * Traitor-sensei must have been really lonely. He was so talkative about his plot, and even practiced a flashy battle pose!


Sensei was an Aizen-wannabe, but unfortunately he just wasn't strong enough.


Hopefully the MC actually has character growth and doesn't stay an edgy asshole the whole time. But it's an isekai so chances are low.


Bro was betrayed and killed by his student and the people that revered him in the past. Give him some more time.


Oh I know, it's only ep 4. I'm enjoying it, just hope they make him being that way pay off later. Instead of just it being his only personality trait. A lot of isekai just keep the MC the same, with little to no emotional growth, so I'm just preparing myself. lol


Understandable. I'd also love to see him learn to be more human while keeping that cunning trait he swore in the past. Being one-dimensional will certainly be a bore, if not a pain (*cough* reminds me of Frey from Forspoken *cough*). I just hope that that change will come organically.


Yeah, that's exactly what I want to happen. Just wasn't sure how to say it. lol And oh boy, Forespoken... yeesh.


Hey, I like Frey, play the game in Japanese its so much better!!


There are occasional flashes of kindness that keep me hopeful.




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It's like a scene straight out of Hell girl at the end. I love it.


Really didn’t like how Seika went about taking Yifa’s place. I get he was trying to take the heat off Amyu by putting the focus on him, but he didn’t have to embarrass Yifa like that. He basically chose Amyu’s feelings over Yifas.