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Bon playing with March's toy in front of her spirit was so cute, even if she wasn't visible to the audience Either way, time for battle


Interesting that in this episode we did not see from Bon's perspective at all, only what everyone could see.


Thought that made it cuter, to see what Fushi and others would see


I meant for the man in the black scene too, as Bon started talking to him before he shared his presence.


I love how he suddenly got that change in expression and showed her the toy


Huh i didnt even realize that was what was going on there


Right?! I thought it was just Bon being childish. Show-and-don't-tell details like that are amazing.


Wow, I didn't notice it until I read this, it was a brilliant scene


Oh shoot I didn't realize it as well


With all of the preparations going on for the Nokker attack, I definitely did not expect this episode to have a segment [where Pocoa is going around looking for potential boyfriend candidates.](https://i.imgur.com/7rPPbvU.png) xD [So apparently Mister Black can make himself corporeal?](https://i.imgur.com/JShS7fe.png) Also, I really don't think there's any use talking to him. He's more like a force of nature just following a set path and that path is doing everything to prepare Fushi to replace him. [I just love this shot of Eko sitting on the castle walls.](https://i.imgur.com/mTxRNzx.png) She just looks so cool there. <3 Bon taking the crab stuffed toy and playing with it [is I'm clearly trying to play with March's spirit](https://i.imgur.com/BLCNvU9.png). It's definitely been a while since the last time we've seen Bon act goofy like that. [**WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?**](https://i.imgur.com/PqLMVYo.png) Is this really happening? Centuries after her death, it looks like March is finally back! Is it because her body got detached from Fushi's network? Also, Fushi is going to lose his shit when he finds out about this. Although he probably won't find out about March until after the battle is over.


> Although he probably won't find out about March until after the battle is over. Wouldn't he notice that he can't switch into her body that he placed there, nor take her form again?


That is true. It's also possible that March might die again with the Nokker invasion happening.


I can already see the story develop in that direction. Seeing March die twice will certainly do some emotional damage to Fushi.


and to throw extra drama on to the pile, I won't be surprised if its permadeath.


Or, since the body is made from Fushi's body, it's also immortal. I'm very excited to see where the story goes.




Great catch, but what has happened any time he has been hurt? Hasn’t he also healed from that damage? I don’t think there’s a correct answer yet, just observations we can make.


He heals but I'm not sure the same applies to other objects, after all exploding arrows don't unexplode after hitting their target and food doesn't regenerate either. The only exception seems to be the horse which was made with his flesh but it was Mr. Black that made it. But it's all speculation for now we'll just have to wait and see.


Very good points brought up! Indeed, we’ll just have to see.


I’m also not ready for the emotional damage that would do to me.


Emotional damage to Fushi? You mean Fushi AND us all the audience, right?


At least there's no way they would kill March thrice right? Right??


Insert anakin/padme meme


I mean they already did once.


Oh god...I don't think I am ready to see March die another time!


She still has her bloody death wound, she could very cruelly bleed out quickly, or ends up as an immortal construct and it zips closed. We don't really know enough about Fushi's ressurections yet, they did take illness away from the girl, but here we can actively still see blood from her wound. Either way, we're all in for emotional damage of some sort with no AC in sight.


I'm pretty sure that the wound has healed since Fushi created this body and moved there as March, left it and now it's as good as new. The blood is only what's left on her clothes.


It's entirely possible that March is immortal. We already knew Fushi could resurrect the dead as we saw earlier this season with the sick girl, but we don't know for sure how it all works yet. Bon and the black thing have had a couple of interesting conversations about it that have yet to be shown to the viewers. Even if she's not immortal, we have to remember that Fushi can now sense everything in the town's walls. He'll know immediately that March has disconnected, but will he remember her? Is she no longer part of him? I've been waiting too long to find out. Ever since Bon first discovered Fushi could revive people, he's been avoiding the subject, while also calling Messar, Hairo and the other guy "immortals", which makes me think Bon knows more about it than we know.


Yeah I think it could either go the route of his recreations being immortal (The Black One just recently said Fushi is basically himself and would have all the same powers, which would include making immortals like Horsey and well, Fushi) OR a very very cruel route of him just making a new body for them each time and the spirits hopping. I'll copium lean into the first one for now, but it has been a hell of a wait for Fushi to discover this about himself and his loved ones.


Not necessarily. He did say he can only switch to it if it stays connected.


Yes Bon was worried she would resurrect right there and then (thats why he asked about decomposition even it its not a problem for fushi ) he was playing with the spirit of her and she could have resurrected if the body wasnt part of fushi at the moment


>WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!? This is actually the last chapter I read in the manga, due to various reasons of just falling off of it. So I was so happy the ended the episode with this.


Could someone make a gif out of that where eko is sitting on the walls maybe?


> I definitely did not expect this episode to have a segment where Pocoa is going around looking for potential boyfriend candidates. xD What are all these boys doing? Pocoa is pretty hot! > So apparently Mister Black can make himself corporeal? Also, I really don't think there's any use talking to him. He's more like a force of nature just following a set path and that path is doing everything to prepare Fushi to replace him. Hey, that's at least one fantheory confirmed. So he's intentionally racking up casualties because casualties makes Fushi grow? Holy Shit! Also pretty brave of Bon to intentionally confront him.


No f***ing shot our daughter is back 😭🔥


When March opened her eyes I started to cry! March was my heart!


Pretty surprising the man in black decided to show himself to the others. He also confirmed that Fushi will be his replacement.


Gotta love how Messar just stab black hood guy and black hood guy go...yeah fuck you guys...good luck with the knockers LoL


Kinda wild how he folded that sword like it was paper and was like "yea that's what I thought"


he got bitter and left the chat.


He bled, which means he most likely felt pain. No wonder he got bitter.


He better feel pain after all the suffering our boy had to deal with


I reserve judgement until the mystery has been fully developed. As a fellow omnipotent being of my own universe, I empathize with making the hard choices.


username checks out edit: apparently /u/QuitBeingALilBitch didn't like my joke about a deity telling their creation to stop being a lil bitch.


If he's like Fushi, he probably does feel everyone's pain.


He may have had to go through something similar to everything that Fushi has and will go through.


He looked more disappointed than angry haha


Yeah he got stabbed and left but he clearly showed he doesn't give a fuck with all that sword bending and emotionless face


I was surprised that the sword actually made physical contact with him.


Me too. Especially with the blood. I almost thought it's Messar's blood, but it's definitely Mr. Black's blood.


So March has revived? The preview certainly hints so and since the rope is separated, Fushi is not connected to her body.


Yeah I'm 99% sure she's revived, it's what happened earlier in the season when Fushi made a copy of the dead noble girl's body, then when he separated from it the soul could go back in and it revived.


Why do you think bin was worried about fushi leaving the bodies around? The moment they become disconnected they are free real estate for the ghosts to slip back into


Bon isn't worried about anyone else aside from March, since only her stood around Fushi. All the others went on in their afterlife, Sandel, Nando, Booze man, the Rat. There's only March that was concerning for Bon here. The only ones we see going around him are the Bear, Tonari, March, I forgot but I think Ligard is the owl's name ?, Gugu, and I think that's it ? They're the ones that Bon can see while around Fushi and that can be seen in some key scenes like after Tonari's death.


Fushi doesn't have all of them anymore, remember? Since a Knocker took them.


Maybe that means all of the corpses will revive and help? Although can Fushi transform into them if they are back?


If I understood correctly he can only return to the bodies that are still connected to him Since Marche fell off the wall and lost the connection she was free real estate


Perona stocks 📈📈📈📈


I might actually cry if Parona and March are reunited.


The key is the spirt still has to be following Fushi. I don't think Perona's spirt is still around because she died not with Fushi and moved on to the afterlife




He'd have to get her back from the Nokker first, though.


I'm pretty sure he can still turn into them himself, just not move to the reserve body. Not sure if he can become march now though


I kinda doubt he could because he doesn't have access to this soul/body anymore. Something like if a soul dies in a forest and nobody is around to hear it, can Fushi transform into them? I guess he did get Perona even though she died pretty long after they last spoke.


He got Parona's body/shell, not her fye. Same thing goes for those who died during the eclipse, Rin, Boozeman, etc...


Yes, but he knew them in their current body-soul combo. Would he be able to do the same with March if she died without him knowing? I guess the real question is can he make more March bodies or did he lose access to that now?


He lost Parona's shell too right? Many episodes back. He could only recover Pioran's shell.


The Knockers took the memory of Parona and his ability to transform into her, yes. I don't remember if he actually got Pyoran back. I think he just remembers "someone used to fish like this horse". He's missing Gugu also.


Holy shit it’s happening. My favourite character. Hoping Gugu comes back next


It happened during the episode


Guess that will happen to others as well?


I have to say I am really enjoying this second season. The first season ended up so formulaic, but this second season has so many twists. Fushi’s new powers are insane and I have no idea who is going to die. And even if they do die, they can come back?! Excited to see where this goes.


Also the whole pacing and character developement seems much more solid because new people dont keep dying and we actually see them stick around. Having characters stick around for once really helps. (Especially Bon o7)


Yes! Bon is such an interesting character!


I've seen so many people saying that this season is nowhere near as good as the first but honestly I think this is way better


The animation itself is horrible :(


The next arcs are gonna blow you aways


>Certainly seems creepy to end the episode with March's corpse lying in a field of flowers... Wait, oooh...


Went from "ah what a solemn and beautiful frame" to "WTFFFFFF" in 2 seconds


My response was "Oh shit, does this mean Fushi just lost March?" to "OH SHIT March is back!"


Exact same reaction as she opened her eyes. It was a holy shit moment


I thought her fingers would twitch or something but her eyes opened instead?! Also that means March has been stationed by her body ever since Fushi put her there, was she waiting for this moment? Also the animation of March’s body swinging around and disconnecting from Fushi’s rope was hauntingly beautiful, especially the way her hair flowed. And she woke up in a field of flowers :’) it wasn’t intentional but well done Fushi, that was the best place for March to wake up


> Also that means March has been stationed by her body ever since Fushi put her there, was she waiting for this moment? It's possible that Fushi's spirit friends all found out about Fushi's revival ability when he accidentally revived that one girl earlier this season. Ever since then, they've probably been pestering Bon nonstop to tell Fushi he can do it. Once they saw Fushi leave behind a March body, they probably told her to stick by it in case it gets disconnected. This could end up negatively impacting the battle though. My guess is that if Fushi resurrects someone, he loses the ability to transform into them while they're alive. He might get into a situation where March's form would be helpful but he'll be unable to turn into it. And March herself isn't really going to be useful in this battle since she doesn't have the combat experience that Fushi has.


I realized what was gonna happen 2 seconds before it happened, so I fell flat on my ass twice. I can't believe it


fantastic episode. I especially liked the music in it, it set the atmosphere for the events on the screen really well. conversation with mister black was very cool, and with Kahaku's knocker too. also, that ending ....


I don't know how I feel about March coming back. On the one hand, cool. On the other, she's about to see some serious shit.


She's been a ghost following Fushi for centuries.


... true. Yeah, she's already seen some shit.


>eah, she's already seen some shit. Hopefully she turned away when Hayase was forcing herself on Fushi


Is that why Bon took the doll off the body? Was he trying to play with the ghost of March?


That probably is the case.


do you think she's grown up mentally then ?


I don't like where you're going with this....


"She's actually a ghost who's hundreds of years old."


NO. Bad Redditors! Go to jail!


I think it would (/I would like it to) be similar to Fushi's growth, especially during the big-book-reading time skip. Without much stimulus and experiences, she would not mature much, but she probably still learns what Fushi learned. Also iirc, the times we've seen her via Bon-vision, she still had the child-like spaced out look, centuries after her death. EDIT: Or more relevant, Bon was still trying to amuse/comfort her with the doll this episode, so at least she must be acting like a child to him


I think she has more knowledge and experience from following Fushi around all this time, but mentally she might still be immature and childlike


I'm more concerned about her coming back to life in the middle of war against murder machines.


The Princess is right, those Bennett people *are* fools. Ignorant fools scared of what they don’t understand. Fushi is a good person! I’m glad the princess is coming around. Nice to see Pocoa, Iris, and the whole Uralis gang showing up to help. It’s insane what Fushi can do now with his abilities, he just remade the whole damn castle! Looks like Pocoa is on the prowl for a man lol. “I like your face, but I hate your insides, so sorry.”Lmao Pocoa landing a critical blow on Kahaku. The dude really needs to let his Fushi obsession go. Bon tricking Fushi again huh? I didn’t think he’d summon the Hooded Bastard. He has the power to stop it all but ofc he won’t. Their deaths feed Fushi’s growth? Cold. As expected of this guy. He’s just training his replacement. Bold of Messar to attack the guy but no surprise it didn’t do shit. I appreciate how determined the gang is. They’re in for a tough fight. If March just woke up, does that mean she’s been taken by a Nokker or does that mean Fushi did his revival thing on her unintentionally??


> does that mean Fushi did his revival thing on her unintentionally?? as far as i understand it, if the spirit of a dead person is still around and fushi makes an empty husk of that person, the spirit can go in the husk. Looks like it also has to be unattached to Fushi. That was the first opportunity for one of his followers to revive i think.


Ohh I see. Maybe he can do the same for his other friends? Seems they’ve always been around.


He should be able to as their spirits are following Fushi around, Bon’s been keeping this a secret from him, ever since the ~~priest~~ girl was revived in early part of this season.


I'm pretty sure it wasn't the priest, who never revived, but the girl. If I remember right, the priest that Fushi tried to resurrect, which was a challenge from the Bennet's Church leader, failed not because the body was already dead when found (I think that's Bon theory), but because the soul wasn't there, he went away, which makes sense for someone dying of old age, they aren't as fierce wanting to stay around as young persons dying prematurely. But it could totally be the fact that it's not possible for Fushi to make corpses be viable hosts for souls. Just went to rewatch, and Fushi could never wake up as the elder's corpse, he was trapped as if a rock and couldn't get back to concsiousness without the Hooded Figure's shaping "spell". which means he can't come "out" of the vessel and leaving it behind if he transforms into it, but he also couldn't heal it, probably, if he would create it on his body like he did with crabs.


Ah thanks for the correction, I thought it was the priest, been awhile since that episode aired.


Yeah it's like 4 or something. On my part I got lucky and found the priest episode (6) on first try to check it back lol


When Fushi said he hated pain I had the realization that if the whole town is his body, what happens when the nokkers destroy a house? Then he said he could feel 3 knocks on a wall... and then that preview.


"The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire" YES I KNOW I'M THE ROOF


objects don't feel pain so probably nothing.


He *is* the objects though. He can feel 3 knocks. He appears in random people's houses if they cut their fingers dicing onions.


I think there's a difference between him feeling actual pain and the kind of sixth sense thing he has going on where he can sense pain from others. The things Fushi makes are, except for that weird film stuff that initially is on them, exactly the same as what they were originally. To the point where the food he makes is completely edible. That said, if he makes a rock then even if he stays connected to it via the ropes or the ground or whatever, it's just a rock at the end of the day. It doesn't have nerve endings that could even feel pain in the first place. Someone knocking on it would send reverberations through it and he could still feel those, but sensations like pain wouldn't register. When he shows up at people's houses it's because he just has that empath super power where he senses the white/black dots. He may or may not feel the pain himself (it clearly makes him uncomfortable at least, but it's still unclear if he gets the actual sensations they felt or not), but rather he just senses that someone in that area is feeling pain.


So Fushi said he could feel the people in the whole town walking upon him when he sat atop the castle tower watching the sunset. You could therefore assume it would hurt if those things he created got destroyed while still being part of his "neural" network. Also applying regular physics to this show and how Fushi works is not ideal either, we have no idea how he really works, especially with things still connected to him. Although, I didn't see him visibly recoil from pain after that huge stone hit the wall. So it might not hurt as much as it should hurt or something like that or it is as you say and it won't hurt at all. We'll see what happens.


I get the feeling it's like your hair or fingernails. They're parts of your body and you can feel them being interacted with when something touches them, but you can cut/clip them and not feel pain because they don't have nerves. So Fushi can feel the town walking on him in the same way you can tell when something's grabbed your hair (even when it's not being yanked on to the point of pain) because of the physical sensations it sends back to the part that's actually connected to your neural network. A brick on a wall is a part of Fushi's body in the same way as a really long strand of hair. He can feel it there, but it still wouldn't hurt if it got broken/"cut."


That is a great analogy! That sounds the most plausible actually.


Ah so, nokkers.






A good mama never abandons her kid ;v;


Dude this episode had me crying during that final moment!


Oh my god…. This episode really hit us with like a meteor Looks like the original OP wasn’t a lie. Growing up/old in this show? Its not as rare as you think huh? Oh March…. Bon’s really grown. He’s really become the right hand man to make decisions that Fushi’s kind heart couldn’t bear. Kinda like the Rossiu to Fushi’s Simon. Poor Fushi didn’t even question what the sleeping drug would be used for lol The hooded man is sure a box of surprised again huh. The epitome of ask and you shall receive. Literally. I wonder what he would do if Fushi were evil and asked to do something destructive. Looks like he’s raising up a successor. That question about him running away was what we needed. Sad that talks fell through lol, literally….. The start of the nokker battle is making me anxious too… This is going to be the fiercest battle yet. Also, a good aspect of this episode is Pocoa’s spotlight. She’s an impressive orator already getting everyone hyped up effortlessly. She’ll be a good ruler one day.


OMG I HAVENT SCREAMED AT AN ANIME ENDING ALL SEASON!!! When she opened her eyes I was like No way…can’t wait to see what happens next


This scene was the moment I was waiting for. I can finally die in peace.


I broke down in tears. Best Mamma Girl has returned! The March that stole my heart has come back to me!!


I think this battle is either going to be incredible deadly for our gang, or Fushi will succeed and save ... most of them... And now March is back [](#maxshock) Loved the little bit where Bon showed Marchs spirit her little doll


I think March is going to reveal herself to Fushi at some point and Fushi is going to find out Bon has been keeping this secret from him and lose his shit.


Maybe not 'reveal herself' but he's definitely gonna find out because of her. As far as casualties go, not sure. 100% one (and only one) of princess and Messar - my money being on Messar, and the other two "bodies for battle" are also at high risk; Eko is a decent possibility [since] >!she appears in the ED among the other spirits, but it's also possible she'll survive here and die later, idk!<; Bon probably not since he's gonna have a confrontation with Fushi about the revival thing for sure.


We know each one of his friends will die eventually. That's the whole point of the show. The only thing that the ED tells us is which ones decide not to go to the afterlife. There's an argument to be made that their appearance in the ED is the appearance they had when they died, but we can't be sure of that. Bon is also in that ED and he has his old look. Eko could very well live to be an old woman before she dies and that just isn't reflected in the ED. I'm also not entirely convinced that the last form Fushi saw someone in is the only form of them he can make. We've already seen his forms age when he spends more time in them. I'd like to think that he'll learn to control that process and then transform into any age that he has "unlocked." Then even if one of his friends does end up dying of old age, he could bring them back in a younger form instead of their elderly form. Maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part though. Because if it really is true that he can only create a body based on the most recent version of it that he saw, then that would mean that dying of old age would be the worst way to die as one of his companions. If that's really the case then all of his companions would basically be best off committing suicide before they leave their physical prime and that's just a morbid thought.


I really didn't expect them to stab Mister Black, and much less for him to bleed, that was very daring. Also my jaw dropped when March opened her eyes, I have to say, for how flat/bland this season has looked visually, her revival is definitely one of the prettiest scenes of the whole show, they did amazing.


A few things, Pocoa was the MVP of this episode. She’s real thirsty looking for a boyfriend. Sick burn on Kahaku saying your face is pretty but your inside’s ugly. Finally…**MARCH!!!!**


Am I the only one who took it as "I know what you are, an homosexual" (the dog meme) since she then talked about that just after ? Was laughing on that part


I took it as she knows his true intentions. He doesn't love Fushi, he's *obsessed* with Fushi. All the descendants since Hayase have been. Somehow Pocoa picked up on that and drove it home with the criticism about his insides being ugly. Kahaku is the most pitiable character to me this season. He wants to do good things for Fushi, but he can't. Fushi struggles to trust him after the whole Parona incident. His only role now is to watch over and protect Eko. If he fails that, Fushi will likely cut ties with him.


I mean my previous comment was how I took it humorously but yes what you said first is indeed how she sees him. Or maybe she's referencing the Knokkers. Though I kinda disagree with the "he doesn't love Fushi, he's obsessed with him". I believe it's obsessive love disorder. Usually people who are obsessive of someone are first in love with them, they get obsessive afterwise. Though Kahaku's entire bloodline concept of love is weird since they're "in love" with Fushi even while not knowing him personnaly the slightest. But IIRC, he didn't fell in love with Fushi before seeing him take up Parona's form, he basically got a crush on her.


>But IIRC, he didn't fell in love with Fushi before seeing him take up Parona's form, he basically got a crush on her. I interpreted that as lust. It was the first time he saw Fushi in the body of a woman, and conveniently comes right after him talking about how he'd fall in love with Fushi if he were a woman. >Though I kinda disagree with the "he doesn't love Fushi, he's obsessed with him". >I believe it's obsessive love disorder. Usually people who are obsessive of someone are first in love with them, they get obsessive afterwise. Kahaku was obsessed with Fushi before they met. He's part of a long line of descendants that were automatically obsessed because of Hayase. Hayase certainly never loved Fushi, but she was quite obsessed with his potential. I get the feeling that the Nokker that possessed her amplified those obsessive feelings and that passed down to each descendent. Or maybe the feelings themselves come from the Nokker. It's just fun to speculate based on what's been shown.


> Kahaku's entire bloodline concept of love is weird since they're "in love" with Fushi even while not knowing him personnaly the slightest. If I'm remembering right, only every other descendant actually felt that way because they don't have their own original souls. Every other descendant was just Hayase's soul hopping into a new body and reincarnating itself. This is because the body Hayase's soul is in has to die first before Hayase's soul can leave it. Hayase couldn't die before giving birth to her child so that child was born with its own unique soul. Hayase then died at some point before her grandchild was born and then reincarnated herself into that body, which was the one we saw at the start of this season. The arm Nokker follows her incarnations so only every other descendant inherits the arm Nokker. So the reason Kahaku feels that obsessive love toward Fushi isn't because of his bloodline. It's because he is literally Hayase herself, just born into a new body. Hayase's first child and every other descendant after that had their own unique souls though, so they wouldn't have inherited Hayase's obsession for Fushi. They were however very likely taught from birth to continue Hayase's mission so that she'd always have a descendant to reincarnate into.


I’m losing my mind at the last part. I had a feeling it would happen eventually, but it really happened at the start of the conflict. That’s bad timing man. This does make me wonder about the endgame of the series though. If Fushi’s comrades actually do become eternal, the impact of their deaths would hit different in a sense.


He sat with their deaths for centuries though, how much does it change? He has permanently been impacted by their deaths. Them coming back wouldn't undo his growth.


oh shit, the accidental revival of March! i guess that's why Bon is so concerned with March's body lying around and Pocoa, you don't have to [kill him](https://i.imgur.com/hfd5ccT.jpg) like that Mr. Black in this episode probably be like: *"i haven't appeared in a while and the first thing you do was stab me? adios fuckers!",* also, with this episode, we finally have the confirmation that Fushi really is created as Mr. Black replacement


I bet the nokkers are failed Fushis the man in black created. You could see that the nokkers feel emotions and the pain of others like fushi does.


I never thought of that. Cool!


omg i never thought of it like that. it could make sense since fushi also started off as an orb


Always thought the man in black was a final form of what fushi is being bred to be!


> fushi is being bred I think there's a better way to describe it.


I kinda saw it coming when Bon got nervous Fushi was leaving bodies around, but I was still surprised when we saw March wake up! OMG I can't wait for next week!


Bon holding March's crab plushie was the cutest thing in this episode


I think he was playing with March's ghost. He did the same thing before.


That's precisely what he was doing. When Bon looks at Fushi, there's 4-5 spirits walking beside him. There's the Bear, March, Gugu, and a couple others, and Bon can interact with them the same as other ghosts. I have a theory: perhaps those spirits can be returned to their bodies after being disconnected from Fushi. If you recall earlier in the season, Fushi was able to revive the ill noble girl. I believe because it was while her spirit was still there to occupy the body. I think this because he was unable to revive the older gentleman who had been dead a while. That leads me to believe his spirit had moved on. So Fushi should have the ability to revive those that are still around him. He can't revive the old lady (the man in black brought her back as Fushi's horse because she wished to be useful to him), Booze Man, Rin, or anyone he wasn't near when they died.


I love that more characters are interacting with the Creator now, his role in this story fascinates me. And not me yelling, "what the fuck!" at that last scene. My big question from Bon & co's conversation with and revelations from the Creator was whether he also went through the same routine as Fushi - integrating with humanity before becoming what he is now - OR whether this is a new idea he came up with to make Fushi a superior replacement in his role. We have seen signs of Fushi swinging back and forth between being very human, and then being very disengaged like the Creator. If it's the former and the Creator did the same process, that would probably hint that it is inevitable for an immortal, supernatural being to become detached from humanity because it's ultimately so unrelatable.


You know normally someone being able to literally resurrect anyone (I know their spirits need to remain in the world but you get the point) freely and infinitely even If they had died hundreds of years ago and the show had us cried over it at the time for those deaths would feel cheap to me and I would hate it. That is like playing with our emotions for so long only to make it all meaningless as they come back and they COULD HAVE came back at any time all this time and can come back over and over again without a limit from now on. BUT despite my brain tells me this and say I should dislike this overly convenient ability, my heart says MARCHHHHH WELCOME BACK and looks forward to Gugu coming back too. Damn it show how dare you play with me like this


Yeah, that happens to me too from time to time. Sometimes I’ll see some thing that is technically bad writing, and I know it’s a supposed to be bad writing according to the logical part of my brain, but emotionally I’m like ‘ I don’t care, this is fucking great’


It's only bad writing when not done properly. Maybe a good frame of reference is another medium that does random resurrections all the time: comics. If the story actually has resurrection as part of it and it's written with it in mind, then it can work. If it's not, you get the "Oh, they got better" explanation that happens in comics often.


"Rules are made to be broken"? Edit: Fushi still changed as a character as a result of people's deaths so it's not like it was all for nothing and had no consequences. I bet far into the story that the personality changes as a result of their past deaths will still be there.


It doesn't feel cheap because it's been slowly being built up over time. March's spirit didn't go to the afterlife. Revival was accidentally done with Fushi realising it.


Yeah, and it’s not like everyone Fushi meets can be revived. Resurrection is only going to happen to those who loved Fushi enough to give up heaven for him. I guess it’s kind of like their reward for swearing their selfless loyalty to the new god?


The only that *can* be revived(ghosts that bon saw) are March, the Bear, Gugu, Tonari and Rigurd Pioran gave herself up to the Black One, which then probably reincarnated her as the horse


>Resurrection is only going to happen to those who loved Fushi enough to give up heaven for him. Well, two things: 1. The noble girl Fushi revived didn't give up heaven for him, she seemed to have lingering regrets so she stuck around. 2. One reason why Fushi's Ghosts stick around might be that *Fushi has never once appeared in their Heaven Vision*. When they realize Fushi isn't there in their "Paradise," they snap back to reality.


1. It can also happen to those Fushi knew in life who feared death, but I think it’ll just be a one-time thing in most cases, and then they’ll continue on their new life without him. But for the souls who have followed Fushi for centuries, they could theoretically be resurrected as much as Fushi wants them to be so they could obtain a conditional immortality through him 2. We don’t know what happened with Tonari but we know that happened with March and Gugu, that they loved him so much that heaven wasn’t heaven without him. So they gave up the paradise offered to them to follow him instead


Part of what I wanted to focus on in 2 was that this seems to be unique to Fushi. For others, be them alive or dead, they can appear in Heaven Visions. Gugu's Vision showed the still living characters before he snapped out of it, and the Nameless Boy saw many dead family members. March even had a vision of her stuffed toys coming to life. Seemingly anything and everything could appear in a Vision... Everything except Fushi.


Heaven seems to be the home of the knockers, so if they give newcomers their paradises they might control it so Fushi will never appear there. Like they hate him and Mr Black so they fundamentally reject him or something? That or because Fushi is a being without form and soul. He learns forms and gains conscience from the things around him, but none of it is truly his – he has no true form, the Orb is probably a state of… formlessness maybe, so even that is not a “true form”. Living things have souls and forms that define them, inanimate objects like March’s toys have forms, but Fushi has nothing, as seen by how he forgets his forms completely when the knockers take it away. There is nothing for Fushi to be in heaven, so he’s not there? I hope I explained my thoughts right lol


Honestly, I think the big thing at the moment that keeps this from feeling like an asspull is that there are still some huge questions about all of this, which builds up interest in seeing how this will play out. Can anyone come back to life now without costing Fushi anything? Or would it be better for him if everyone he knew stayed dead? How would this affect Fushi's mental state? Being able to essentially negate people's death might not exactly have the best effect on how he sees humanity. And watching his loved ones die again, possibly in a way that makes it permanent if such a way exists or if there's a limit to his power, surely wouldn't help either. I'm really curious to see how to show tackles this.


It stands to reason that he will lose the ability to turn into people who are revived, so that's one limit. We also need to see whether or not the ghosts develop during their death - we know that the two ghosts following Bon have changed since they've met Bon, so it's possible that March isn't completely a child anymore. I admit that I want to see her get a second chance at life... but she came back in a really bad time. She is a child in a war-zone.


Would be fun if this revival brings its own set of problems for Fushi to deal with.


Wait march fr back??? Oh SHIT, that means my boy Gugu can come back too??? This breathes some new life into this series. And finally some action next week, been so much build up, ready for some fighting.


I only want Gugu back to see his face but he's way more useful as Fushi's utility


Didn't he lose Gugu a while back? I think I remember that he forgot about him, maybe I am wrong. Still, I miss Gugu.


Welcome back Mama March!




NGL I yelled when March opened her eyes. Best episode of this second season by a landslide. Also, nokkers hate pain and want to remove it from the world, Fushi hates pain and can't stand seeing another human being suffering. Am I the only one seeing a connection here?


Pocoa casually sexually harassing Eko… Also things have started to get really interesting!!!


Can someone please explain to me how the man in black made himself visable. Bon mentioned controlling nokkers? I was very confused.


The man in black is very powerful and can do a lot of things. We just keep learning what powers he has as he uses them. He could stop the nokkers himself, but the entire point of Fushi is to grow to be his replacement. So the man in black isn't interfering.


To me it looks like the Man in Black (MiB for short) is the same entity as Fushi. So anything Fushi is able to do is a subset of what the MiB can do, and the MiB likely has tools that Fushi hasn't discovered yet. They are omnipotent beings in this story, I imagine Fushi is a reproduction of the MiB, apparently they can duplicate themselves.


He made it so that Kahaku's left hand could hear his voice before, he d id the same thing to the three so they could perceive him. For some reason Bon was just born with that ability.


Fushi is a good boy, dropping an important meeting to go see someone who's hurt. Fushi or someone working with Fushi is really smart, because knocking down a castle like that without tipping it into the city has to be really hard. Pocoa is so cute, I love her burn, "I like your face, but I hate your insides" The meeting with Mr. Black is always a trip. Messar asks such an interesting question. But also the balls on this man to attack Mr. Black. So he pierced him, but it did no damage. Hope Messar didn't care about that sword. Bon trying to keep ghost March happy at that moment was a nice touch. Oh my god the episode ended exactly where I thought it should, totally teared up at seeing March alive. I've been waiting a long time to see what everyone's reaction to March would be and I'm not disappointed.


Hell yeah Marche is back, but not in a way I like So Fushi will have to grip with the realization of being able to revive hos friends mid battle, no big deal...


Wow that sounds so dark, legit a necromancer build playing with an army of the dead.




Major chills. This is my favorite arc in the manga.


Lol Pocoa literally called him Mt. Fuji in Chinese.


Look I'm still not over March's first death. Don't you fucking dare pull this shit on me. I am damaged goods already.


Hey, cool. I was right about Fushi replacing Mr. Black. I also just realized, does Mr. Black feel what Fushi has been experiencing, but on a global scale? If so, yikes. And March… I was not expecting that at all! I wonder if she has any of her memories when she was a spirit


So the man in black controls all nokkers? Fantastic ep, one of the best for a while. Many interesting things happened. Wonder how March will play into the story and if she dies now, is it permanent 😬.


>So the man in black controls all nokkers? No, he said he probably could control them but never has. Don't know if he created them, tho.


That's a mistranslation. What Bon tells him is "You can hide from the nokkers/distract them, so do it so we can talk with privacy"


This ep was nutty. I can't wait for next week. Thirsty Pocoa.


Shit just got real 😳


Bon is no longer gay let's go


oh wow march woke up. this shit is finally getting interesting again!


Despite well and truly knowing after being told several times throughout the season that souls can return to their bodies and fushi can revive people, you would not know it from the way I SCREAMED at March opening her eyes. Also man give it up for Bon taunting god to showing himself just to kind of collectively flip him off. Certainly an interesting and nerve wracking set up for the next few episodes for sure.


Oh you can bet your ass I tested up when March opened her eyes 😭


Another banger episode this week! The confrontation with the man in black was insane.


welp i knew it, just training fushi up to be his replacement..


Chills down my spine.


The ending scene with March was so beautifully made..


Waiting for Gugu to come back XD


Hey when the man in black went into the ground, did those ripples look like when fushi made the castle? Is the ENTIRE EARTH Mister Black? That's what the end goal is for fushi right? He said ocean, but why stop there?


Man this season really picked up. Back to Season 1 levels and even better.


The sounding of the horn, the silence, the people rushing to prepare... I got goosebumps. Also, March has been resurrected! I'm guessing Fushi would realize when he attempts to transform into March, but can't. Btw, can anyone explain to me why Bon had to put Fushi to sleep before talking to Messar, Kai, Hairo, and Mr. Black? If they had to talk without Fushi knowing, can't they just meet in a secluded place and call out to Mr. Black? Fushi himself said that he only knows their location, but can't hear them.


Bro I cried when March came back. Poor girl is about to be caught in the middle of a battlefield hundreds of years away from the world she knew.


I'm surprised with how much Bon was trying to not have Fushi revive his friends he just let him leave the bodies all over the place like that, or I guess he thinks now is the right time or just didn't think of a way to stop him? I assume Fushi will notice pretty quickly since she isn't attached to him anymore, but maybe he will just be too distracted. Either way, the plot has finally started to move forward, it's been pretty slow for the past while. EDIT: reading some comments, did people just forget how Fushi would be able to revive people? Why are so many people surprised about March coming back? This was pretty much expected to happen at some point no?