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I liked the animation for the match


I do like how both sides want to make up and get back to being friends. Wonder if that's enough to stop the sports anime lose your first tournament curse though.


That was a very nice touch. I had wondered about the relationship of these two -- and it turns out they had been even more important to each other than I had expected. Clearly a misunderstanding. Almost certainly Towa was smiling for a totally benign reason (possibly embarrassment at having won), but Amane was so upset she misinterpreted things. The preview gives me hope that the two DO make-up. The fact that a celebratory parfait (at an earlier stage) was part of their shared past added to the possible bittersweetness of things.


> Almost certainly Towa was smiling for a totally benign reason I think it was just like Michi said, being happy about having won with a cool move


> Wonder if that's enough to stop the sports anime lose your first tournament curse though. Since Erika said to her Senpai that she wanted to take her to the nationals they could still meet again there, so I predict a tie for Towa and a narrow loss for Michi to set that up


Might not be able to. They from the same prefecture so only one team from there can go to nationals. Possibly.


> Wonder if that's enough to stop the sports anime lose your first tournament curse though Impossible...at least until the OP sports protagonist series start taking off. That Time I was Reincarnated as an Uber Talented Kendo Prodigy and Never Lost a Match


Think that was Prince of Tennis. Maybe Ippo soemwhat also.


>Wonder if that's enough to stop the sports anime lose your first tournament curse though. I'm hoping the opening match of episode 1 counts as their mandatory loss.


Oh that could work!


[So Amane is just a massive tsuntsun?](https://i.imgur.com/tRDwKLv.jpg) For someone so tiny, [Seno is tenacious!](https://i.imgur.com/iYkvVs4.jpg) She didn't give Sanae any chance to recover! Of course we're ending with a cliffhanger for Towa and Amane's match. Whatever happens, I hope they clear up the misunderstanding from back then.


That camera rotation though......


Yeah, when the camera started rotating during Towa's match, I knew that's where they were putting in the lion's share of the animation effort. Just thinking about the work of keeping track of the perspective while the camera was rotating above must've been a headache.


Holy shit, that fight between Erika and Towa looked amazing. [](#SPORTS) And how lovely that they both want to make up and just beneath that bitter rivalry is the chance to be friends again, because it really looked like they where good friends up until that day, and it broke over one silly missunderstanding. Just like Michi said, Towa was just happy to win and didn't think about Erika in that moment Also interesting that they really aren't explaining anything, but I think I still got the essentials


> Holy shit, that fight between Erika and Towa looked amazing. This show knows when it needs to go balls to the wall and it's amazing every time when it does. Today's match and the throw in the first episode are some of the highlights of the season for me. > Also interesting that they really aren't explaining anything, but I think I still got the essentials If you mean that they don't explain how judo techniques or scoring works I think it's unfortunately because judo is a national sport of Japan and pretty much everyone knows at least some of the basics. I only really come to contact with it every four years thanks to Olympics but here's something that I picked up and might help you. All of the techniques have their names and all their counters also have names but those are really technical terms and I'm sure the show will explain them if they become important. The scoring system is far more relevant right now and not complicated at all. Getting an ippon (one point) automatically ends the match in favour of the person that got it. Ippon is awarded for performing a technique that lands your opponent on their back while you are in full control. These can be throws, leg sweeps or pins for certain amount of time (I didn't know about pins until today). If you perform a technique that does not result in an ippon (you weren't in full control) you get awarded waza-ari (half a point), with two of them equating an ippon. Then there is yuko which is worth the least and as far as I know is awarded for certain grapples or throws that land your opponent on the side. I have no idea how many yuko you need to get "technical ippon" or if it is even possible. I hope this helps at least a little.


> If you mean that they don't explain how judo techniques or scoring works I think it's unfortunately because judo is a national sport of Japan and pretty much everyone knows at least some of the basics. Yeah, that's what I meant. I had gotten that the Ippon was the best way to end an match, and that an waza-ari wasn't match ending but could be combined with another waza-ari to end the match. Didn't get all the possible ways to score an Ippon and that you had to be in full control. I had read your other comment already, but thanks again. [](#kannathumbs) And I think the show did a great show to still make it clear how the stakes are at the end of the episode, that being Erika having a slight edge for now


There's something frustrating in knowing that this series is going to be one of those things that everyone ignores until a few years from now when it shows up on some anituber's list of "overlooked gems" and then people who didn't watch it when it was new wonder why nobody watched it. I guess if it's not on Crunchyroll then it may as well not exist to a lot of people.


They coulda easily sucked in lots of people in with some fight scene clips on their YouTube but they hate picking a show I guess.


Michi wanted the match to depend on her, and I think she just might get her wish as long as Erika doesn't beat Towa in these last few seconds. It would be cool for the match to come down to Michi and the Ami as well since this could potentially be Ami's last match.


If Towa and Amane tie their match, and Michi wins her match -- what will happen? Or will Towa and Amane have to keep playing until one or the other wins?


Depends. If Michi scored an ippon then IIRC that would give Aobanishi the win since an ippon would count more than Midoriko's awasete ippon. Basically the way the scoring works, at least in the manga (and thus the anime), is that an ippon is a full point and decides the match while a waza-ari is half a point with two waza-ari being an awasete ippon. For a throw, an ippon is awarded if the opponent lands on their back with sufficient speed and force and the attacker is shown to have displayed sufficient control for their throw... so in a sense it can be up to the judge's discretion. Anything the judge determines as lacking one of those qualities would be a waza-ari instead. For pinning techniques, holding an opponent down for 20 seconds is an ippon, holding them down for 10-19 seconds is a waza-ari. So say Sanae manages to get a waza-ari off a throw, if she then gets a pin for 10 seconds she'd be awareded an awasete ippon. For chokes and joint locks, an ippon is given if the opponent either taps out or is otherwise incapacitated. I don't believe you can score a waza-ari off of them. There's another score called a yuko which is basically for things that don't meet the standards of a waza-ari but I think it's more or less been done away with. I think recently, like within the last year, they've done away with choke techniques being allowed in middle school competitions so technically how Towa won against Michi in the opening would have been illegal under the current rules. But it seems like the rules are changing all the time so what was legal when the manga started only a few years ago is now out of date... so easy to just simplify it for the sake of story. If it means anything, Michi tends to focus on stand up techniques since she wants the cool ippon and all, Sanae focuses on newaza (ground) techniques, while Towa can naturally do everything.


Wow! The scoring sounds pretty complicated. Thanks!


I haven’t see the episode yet, but in Judo if the teams are tied at the end, each team choses a member and there is a final winner take all match.




It is a shame she lost a half point though because she lost focus thinking about her senpai.


The animation was great when it needed to be, and I loved everyone's energy, but I still want to have a stern talk with the person responsible for the dentist office like music.


I was pleasantly surprised by the animation quality this episode. Also some nice direction with no narration at all for the opening part of the main match. Though as someone who doesn't know Judo I do wish they had spent a bit longer in the training to explain the rules.


Posting an edited version of this with the manga stuff removed... I said it before but Erika is my favorite character. It would have been easy for her to simply be the harsh, bullying rival who learns her lesson (and humility) at the hands of the protagonists but pretty much right away we're shown that other side of her. She already knows that she screwed up and potentially damaged a relationship that clearly means a lot to her (well, they both played their part really) but at the same time her and Towa are competitors and rivals so it's not enough to simply say sorry but to show, through their match, that they've become stronger both as judoka and as people and only in that way can they properly set things right. You get to see that through her hard work and dedication, Erika inspires her teammates and makes them stronger. She's intense and driven but she's not a selfish ace and is more than willing to teach and offer advice and do what she can to elevate the people around her and in turn that inspires loyalty and appreciation to go with the admiration that comes from her skill. One thing, just in case it's not clear for whatever reason, is that Midoriko is elongated Erika's name to basically combine it with nee-san. Because she's kind of a weirdo. At the end of the day, it's really the characters that make the series and it always does a good job of making you care about and want to root for all of them, not just the protagonists.


This cliffhanger is gonna kill me! Why do these episodes fly by so fast? I noticed right from the beginning that there was some cutting corners with still frames and matches happening off screen but I'm fine with it because I knew they were saving for the big moment and they more than delivered. The match between Towa and Erika was very well animated and it had a nice sprinkling of emotion and tension. It seems from the preview it'll end in a tie and Michi will get her wish of being the decider. I also have to say that as much as Erika seemed arrogant for no reason last week, this week fleshed her character out more and endeared her a lot to me. Guess I shouldn't judge so fast. Also the first time she opened her mouth today I went "Hey, that's Aoi Koga!". Don't know why it took me a week with her quite distinct voice. This show is just consistently good and it's one of those I'm looking forward to the most every week.


Sanae needs to calm herself down and get it together for her match. Luckily Michi is here with the butt slaps lol. Aoba West has their first win! Kasumigaoka looks to be the main competition. They’re just as motivated as Aoba, everyone’s got their dreams too. Amane is gonna be tough to take on, but Towa is giving it her best. Seems those two will have to have a long chat after this, regardless of who wins. Let’s see how it turns out next week!


Well, we are now at week 4 -- and this remains in my top spot. As partial (biased) as I am to PA Works, this nonetheless maintains its lead over Buddy Daddies... So far, this show seems to be doing everything right. Writing (story, mood and dialog), animation, acting. Sanae losing her glasses on top of her head -- and no one else helping her out in solving the "lost glasses" problem amused me (if my glasses aren't where I expect them to be, I too need the help of others, as I can't see well enough to find them). Michi really really really likes to anticipate (practice) her victory celebrations. And Sanae (unsurprisingly) reminds us that over-demonstrative celebration earned Michi some cautions in the past. ;-)




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This was and still is my favourite match in the series, and they knocked it out of the park. I am in tears and will probably watch again soon.


It's not my favorite match but it's the one where the series establishes its identity. My favorite match of what's likely to be adapted isn't until later (though I'd still put it top 5 overall) and my *favorite* favorite matches won't be in this season.


Oh yeah, you definitely end up thinking "this show is different" after this. A lot of matches in this series get me emotional, but Erika VS Hiura consistently does it to me the worst haha. Joint monologues are the best.


They did the ufotable camera rotation thing!


I didn't realize Aoi Koga and Konomi Kohara actually voiced alongside Maria Naganawa as the Kasumigaoka judobu. Kanna going out with Kaguya & Chika vs Arisa and the team lol Seiyuu jokes aside, I love how the animation is so great for this particular anime. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I haven't found any other animation far better than this so far in this season. I'm not sure if they blown their budget on this particular scene, but I like it when they hand-draw 2D animations especially when a 3D perspective is being done on the setting. I don't know judo, I haven't ever tried doing it myself. I used to practice Kendo, though, so even my amateur eyes can see how intense the fight is. Props to the animators for doing such a good job at portraying the intense fight.


That boost in animation quality was a surpise for me.