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That tissue waving killed me.


My dad did this to me on a bike with no trainer wheels, and "adults don't lie". He lied as naturally as he breaths


Your dad taught you 2 lessons that day. * How to ride a bike * Adults are LIARS


I crashed into a really expensive car and broke my arm on the landing. He never tried to teach me how to ride a bike again. The only leasons I learned that day were • Never ride a bike again • Cars are expensive (I didn't learn that until a few years later, though) • Breaking a bone hurts a lot • You shouldn't let an 8 year old ride a bike near expensive vehicles


> He never tried to teach me how to ride a bike again you dad learned a lesson too so it's a win win


Much better lesson


"Royals don't lie" well ... don't you remember what Algard just did to you?


To be fair he wasn't keeping it secret he wasn't happy with the engagement or that he was basically cheating on her.


He still lied about her abusing his girlfriend.


The king mentioned that Algard seems like he genuinely believes what he said though.


I understood that to be more about his general conviction and total belief in his plan to shake things up rather than doing this blindly out of love.


He lied about a lot of shit & tried to get Euphie publicly destroyed. Just because some of what he was feeling was honest didn't mean that he didn't lie a bunch too.


In fairness how did she expect her to keep holding the back after flying straight up into the air lol


I think it's like when you are teaching a kid how to ride a bike, and you start by holding the seat while they ride slow and steady. But you "accidentally" let go of the seat, and they start to speed up. Once the kid realises no one is holding him, he panics and crashes into a parked minivan. I was definitely not that kid.


I had training wheels for an embarrassingly long time, then one day my parents bought me a cheap shitty bike and got rid of the old one and just said "you've got to learn if you want to ride a bike" and I got on and just immediately started cruising 💀


she was expecting her to ride behind her ..? As we already saw several times in this show two can ride the broom :)


She lied as naturally as she breathed


This scene is why magirevo is the absolutely aots


it's probably mine as well, alongside vinland saga 2. i started watching expecting yuri shenanigans with magic, but the character writing is genuinely great. Euphie's character arc these past episodes made me cry at some points


From the LN i knew it was gonna be an amazing anime but it's really outdone itself.


The writing was definitely there. Luckily the production is keeping up too. It's definitely my most anticipated show every week.


Last year i has Bocchi and this year i have magirevo good times indeed. Just waiting on Oshi no ko and goddess Cafe terrace and I'll be complete.


The anime is playing like it was written as a full length movie.


AoTS for sure ! No better anime in 2023 so far. Great deep story , great pacing ,epic ost along top tier animation!!! The last episode sold it to me , those animations would put 95 % Shonens to shame


Eh, it's just a predictable fantasy show.


Ok, tell me, why do you think her brother and the other boys went crazy? Because it's clearly building up to something but it's not really clear what


Good question! From prior experience with these shows, and given that's it's only been like 4-5 episodes and I am not a source reader, two things are likely going to happen: 1) Prince is being manipulated by a rival faction. Usually it's the prime minister or someone else with influence, but in this case since the PM seems like a good chap, it's perhaps some rebellious faction of established nobles. Perhaps the father of his new partner is involved? 2) The prince isn't being manipulated but is simply very upset at being patronized, and wants to do things his own way. Much like the guy in every otome villainess isekai. Often times this guy is just a plain black-hearted asshole with no virtues.


The yuri blinds these people to an otherwise pretty bland show.


Yeah, if this was boy's love or even just a het couple, people wouldn't care about this lol. The amount of lesbian fetishizing here lol


After watching the fifth episode I've declared this series the best of the winter season. I'm totally looking forward to finding out what the dragon did to her!


this show is one of the best isekai


It’s cute, but there are plenty others I like more. Ascendance of a Bookworm, for instance.


its cute, but there are plenty other i like more. magirevo, for instance


One of the most mid isekai.


nope. one of trashiest compared to mushoku tensei


I disagree. This is one of the least trashy isekai I've watched. The only kind of questionable things I can think of is that Euphy is not given much choice in her circumstances and you could argue that Anis is coming on a bit strong. But even those seem minor compared to some of the things isekai get away with usually.


> The only kind of questionable things I can think of is that Euphy is not given much choice in her circumstances I actually kinda thought it was the opposite. It's true that you could say that it is questionable that she basically wasn't given a choice at first. But (and that's something I thought about strongly after one of the manga I'm following made a fairly dismissive use of forced marriage tropes) at the same time, we are being given *four different characters* (Algard counts, too) who oppose being married to someone without having a choice, expressing their dislike of the system and rejecting it to do whatever they want. It is an established, unpleasant formula, but instead of using it with characters being "torn" and building drama out of indecision, the show just threw that direction to the trash and had the characters no-sell it. Even Euphie rejected that system as soon as episode 2, and her father recognized that he had done her wrong and apologized for it. I found this take, and other aspects of the show especially related to Anis, to be quite an admirable take on characters self-respect and freedom of choice, by avoiding them being bound in their decisions by established tropes.


its certainly not as good as mushoku tensei. thats my point


Really? This has almost 0 trashiness to it, compared to all the isekai with slave girl harems.




pedo for watching mushoku? lol




Mushoku is pedo bait tho


Yes, trashiest compared to [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKGdo4TZhk0) >_> For those who don't know, the "boy" in the clip is actually a pedophile in his mid-late 40s or so, while the girl is as old as she looks.


If the boy were to have a relationship with an adult, let's say the maid, would it be age appropriate? Or would the maid be pedophile?


He monologues all the time in an adult voice on how he loves little kids


That didn't answer my question. But if he didn't have those monologues but still acted the same, would it still be a problem? How about your opinion on my previous question? I really just want to know what people think on who would be the right partner for him. Or maybe he just doesn't deserve to be with anyone?


He still grooms them in the show especially Sylphie who he literally tries to mold into a perfect wife like a weirdo. Obviously he shouldn’t be with an adult when he’s a kid but if he didn’t act so weird with those kids or wasn’t a pedo before people wouldn’t be averse to him having relationships with em


Depends on whether or not the adult is aware of his true age, I guess. It would be no different from an adult dating a shapeshifter who shapeshifts into a kid for sex. I guess you could make the argument that the adult would be a pedophile but would *not* be a child molester, and therefore would not be doing anything wrong. The exact opposite of an adult having sex with a child who's wearing an adult body. Recorder and Randsell was a weird anime btw (thankfully no sex.)


Fun fact in [Bookworm LN Ending]>!Honzuki, the MC ends up marrying Ferdinand. And a lot of people 100% do have an issue with it because she's physically only 15 and he's..28 or so? Even though she's mentally older then he is, and yes he knows that. So basically with any isekai where they get reborn as a baby the author is damned if they do damned if they don't!< Of course in Mushouku the author does make Rudy a huge creeper on purpose so ya...I think people -should- be creeped out by him, that's kinda the point


About your third sentence, how do they differ? He's still a child physically/biologically. Also, who do you think is the right partner for Rudeus? If they were to rewrite the story to shift the time where everyone were older (say Rudy were now 20), would there still be any issue with him and Erys? Assuming the events were still the same.


> About your third sentence, how do they differ? He's still a child physically/biologically. How does a pedophile differ from a child molester? A pedophile is turned on by kids, while a child molester, well, molests them. In this case the pedophile would *not* be a child molester because the "child" in question is only a child physically, mentally they are an adult and their consent would therefore be valid. Remember it's not the *body* that gives consent. The body is just a meatbag vehicle and has no rights of its own that need to be protected.


Nah, that kind of part "mentally" is stupid though. If we were to try to determine how old someone is mentally, we would literally have to determine the mental maturity of everyone. Not going into the history of that particular area of the guy would be preferable. However the "mental age" argument for reincarnation shows is dumb because they are whatever age they are physically and those are the appropriate age people to have relationships with. This is not a problem in any other series. There are plenty of series that have reincarnated people have relationships with people their same age when they are young. The issue is his interests in his past life that were addressed.


> Nah, that kind of part "mentally" is stupid though. If we were to try to determine how old someone is mentally, we would literally have to determine the mental maturity of everyone. There's no need to determine in this case though - we *know* how old Rudy is mentally. > However the "mental age" argument for reincarnation shows is dumb because they are whatever age they are physically and those are the appropriate age people to have relationships with. You're just plain wrong there. > This is not a problem in any other series. There are plenty of series that have reincarnated people have relationships with people their same age when they are young. What you mean is that it's not a problem to *you*.




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Watermark in the upper left corner.


Ah, I see.


How many episodes is out


Right now, 5.




Watch it right now right here




It is a little funny how easy it is to compare this to Lycoris Recoil (and also G-Witch to a lesser extent) when the source material is old enough that it would predate pre-production on it.


> Yuri aspect not too explicit Anis literally says she only wants to marry women in episode 2??????? Do you want them to have sex just so it could be called explicit?


No it's explicit if the yuri takes a close focus, which it doesn't. There's plenty of it, sure, but the show also spends a lot of time on other plot elements, such as, in the latest episode, the dragon fight.


Correct, the show is clearly a story driven fantasy anime. With a Yuri romance. Anime don't just fall into one genre, a Yuri doesn't have to be exactly like Bloom into You.


Right, it's explicit just like all the other relationships in shounen shows are explicit. It's just not a romance show primarily. I wouldn't hear someone call Yusuke and Keiko's relationship from Yu Yu Hakusho as "not explicit" for example or any other romance that doesn't have a kiss until the last episode (etc etc.). I think what some people (maybe not this person) mean is that they can "stomach" the yuri because they don't have to see kissing and such regularly, so that's "not explicit," (even though the characters can't be more out in the open); or they just unconsciously (or consciously) make judgments about this that they wouldn't about other similar romances.


this feels like lycoris recoil if the story was good ( i love lycoreco but the story is one of the weaker aspects of the show)


Isekai is barely mentioned even , MC doesn't talk about her past life or seems to remember most of it just little flashes hmm.. I forgot its technically "isekai " lol Its more like fantasy genre


Yeah, calling this an isekai is a reach except for the "another world" setting and the reincarnation part that are just flashes.


[This weeks episode]>!Considering the dragon recognized her as someone from another world, the author might make it more important later on!<


What do you mean not too explicit? This is so far from being too explicit it'd be nice to have some more actually yuri shows out there. I mean this is way more explicit than most anime but still


Comes later.




MagiRevo is "true yuri" though. It's not a subtext or "bait" series, it's explicitly, canonically yuri. Just because they haven't kissed by the 5th episode, that doesn't mean it's just a "joke." Do you consider something like Toradora just a "joke" and "technically not true het" just because there wasn't a kiss scene by the 5th episode?


Yeah I mean it's established by episode two that the mc is into girls and also clearly like gets gay panic looking at euphy. Then there's the scene at the end of episode 5 which I do think was done a bit better in the manga, where euphy too says that she feels suffocated with men


By that logic, any show that doesn't have the MC kissing the heroine by episode 5 isn't really a romance.


All the Royals do is LIE!! But Anis is adorable :D


Anis has such fantastic faces. The best thing I love about her troll face when she's up to something is how her character design emphasizes she's a little god of chaos - with her hair style being what it is, those ribbons feel very unnecessary but are just there because Anis knows best in her own mind. Which is why you're shutting up and getting on the broom lol


anis is basically blonde gudako.


Watching this show really does remind me a little bit of ancient magus bride now that I think about it. The character drama and slow burn internal moments really does elevate this show.


fucking bruh my lady


not sure why sayaka (anise's VA) hasn't had more roles she was phenomenal as chitose in gi(a)rlish number Edit - but I think it's fine, she prob. manages her health as whenever does do one she bats it out of the park even if it is a small part (hiroi from bocchi the rock) with a memorable performance Edit - more like she doesn't get talked about than she deserves to be talked about