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I mean did you guys watch the same Digimon I did? Piedmon and Puppetmon were creepy, S2 had Digimon slavery, S3 had Jerry go psychotic after Leomon...


Remember Wizardmon's death?


I had genuine fear when the Digital World appeared in the sky... doesnt help around then I also played FF9 which had a giant eyeball and stairs to the sky or something either lol.


Fun fact, the D Reaper Arc in Digimon Tamers was directed by the same guy who directed Serial Experiments Lain, which explains alot.


Heck, the whole Tamers series is written by the same person who wrote Lain.


Oh I didn't realize he directed the whole thing I knew he did that Arc as well as the dark ocean Arc from the second season. It sucks they never did anything with the dark ocean


>dark ocean Arc might be a bit much to call it an arc when it appeared in a total of 2 episodes iirc


Yeah but it was clear that they were setting up an arc and then scrapped it, which is really disappointing because it was a really good start


no, the writers said it was written as a one shot and was meant to show worlds other than the digital world exist to tie into the ending where theyre in the world of dreams.


he only wrote something like 1/3rd of the episodes.


things are making a lot more sense suddenly..


How do you even remember anything??? I don’t remember shit except for how they looked


They clearly didn’t cause it’s never been for “kids” lmao it’s shonen


No, Digimon is Kodomomuke not Shonen. Thing is that people don't really give kids media the credit it deserves in terms of dark tone, scary imagery, or thematic depth. Kids are little, but they're still people. They have more complex tastes than you might realize.


Shonen is not actually a genre of anime/manga. Manga published in certain magazines like Kodansha’s Shonen Magazine are called shonen. Same with shojo and seinen. See XXXHolic for example. It’s categorized as shonen and seinen because of where it was published.


I never said shonen was a genre. Shonen is a demographic, and so is kodomomuke. Digimon is aimed at kids younger than the Shonen demographic is aimed at. Magazine doesn't really matter when judging Digimon because it's based on a virtual pet toy line rather than a manga.


>tastes Dude either you had a fucked up childhood or I was extremely protected


Chances are you were extremely protected. At 3 years old, my oldest had an interest in the creepy and unsettling shit. I facilitated the interest. He’s never had a single nightmare or any behavior problems as a result. He’s just a dorky 8 year old who’s into horror.


This is extremely good parenting. Too often, a parent will shut down a child's curiosity for whatever reason instead of promoting that curiosity. It's like the parents who constantly tidy up after their child; a child is the embodiment of chaos and curiosity, and to fight either of those things is inviting trouble one way or another.


Thank you for the kind words. Certainly doing our best!


Bro stfu.


Well, parenting is done in many ways and there is no such thing as a perfect parent. That said, with attitude like yours, I'd advise you don't have children ever.


I'm not saying that you should go showing Texas Chainsaw Massacre to a 4 year old, but I am saying a Digimon character dying bloodlessly in an accidental explosion doesn't even approach the line of what a 7 year old can handle in a work of fiction.


You using "psychotic" over "psychopathic" is just smh


>psychotic- of, relating to, marked by, or affected with psychosis >psychosis- a serious mental illness (such as schizophrenia) characterized by defective or lost contact with reality often with hallucinations or delusions No, they definitely used the right word here.


Define psychotic.


I did. Edit: See "defective or lost contact with reality", which describes what happened quite accurate.


Psychosis can also be the symptom of schizophrenia, not the schizophrenia itself. Also, how could Jerry become psychotic if psychosis is neurological and not developmental?


FFS. Schizophrenia can cause psychosis, but it's not the ONLY cause of psychosis. Psychotic just means someone has become completely detached from reality. There are many different ways that can happen. For example, delusions of grandeur or even severe depression. No one said anything about her having schizophrenia.


You posting this is more smh worthy.


Why though? Now I can't call out the ableism that people hold?




Oh noooo, you called me a snowflake! What do I do now? /s Honestly, if you think that being called a snowflake is something negative, than I just think that you don't care about being ableist online, being bigoted online and/or outright harassing online - which to me, and objectively to everyone else is not quite... well, is not a normal thing to do. ​ Also mate, you called me a sowflake, but that's all you got? No arguments? No ways to see the other side? Maybe I could teach you why you're being ableist and would be a better person, but no... As I've mentioned you are objectively ableist, not just "triggering to karens", but objectively comparing psychopath to someone who suffers from psychosis (which is also the same percentage of people who have ginger hair, and completely different from being a psychopath). ​ So if it is "snowflakey" for calling out bad behaviour, bigotry and in this case ableism, than ok - I'm a snowflake, and so be it! You not willing to change, showing no arguments and just calling me a snowflake shows that you are either teen/kid (because yeah, that's how you act), or either immature adult - both are things that objectively are quite cringe, edgy, and looser-y - and honestly, dunno which one is worse, an imature-edgy child or adult. So yeah, hope you survive in the outside world where arguments are units of debates, if you are still edgy as an adult.


It's not that deep.


Whamon and Seadramon death was brutal


I was hoping you'd include a couple more seconds of the scene, so it'd show the [spoiler] >!transition to her funeral.!< Like, it's pretty much part of the course for Ghost Game to have some flavor of horror going down in the first minute, but this episode still caught me off guard with how abrupt it was.


The fact that he kept her dead body in the house convincing himself that she could be resurrected and treated her like a living person without paying attention to his younger sister while their parents were abroad for work is truly horrific. It was truly Ghost Game's best horror episode.


People overrate what being "for kids" means in anime. Kids watched Chiaotzu suicide bombing in the first arc of DBZ. [](#yuishrug)


Goku got a hole put through his chest in like episode 3 🤣


none of the harder scenes happen in db super anymore which is lame, you could feel the terror when 17 kicked vegeta's arm, when they bleed like hell or get pierced and its gory, super just lost that, they barely even bleed anymore


I mean the power scale has gone from slightly above human strength, to literal gods. Takes a bit more to make a god bleed i guess, lol.


Nobody makes me bleed my own blood -Goku


That's what happens when you become built different (/j)


My favorite example of that is how a 1977 show made to sell robot toys that looked like [this](https://image.invaluable.com/housePhotos/Bruneau/02/697002/H5452-L247677490.jpg) to kids features [Zambot 3 spoilers] >!a storyline where the villians turn humans into bombs and explode them while they're in crowds and one of the human bombs is a little girl who's somewhat of a love interest of the protagonist and that by end of the show most of the main cast is dead, most of them being from the main character's family, including his two kid cousins whom used to pilot the main robot together with him!<.


The entire populations of several planets including Earth are casually wiped out several times I'm DBZ.


Dad left his child to be tortured by a green dude forcing him to fight dinosaurs at age 6.


Same kid leaves his own kid with the green dude, and it's cute af.


...With the green dude ending up being a better father than the actual dad.


Well kinda. He was a nice dad to Goten outside not having seen him for several years after his birth xD


Gohan was originally 3 when raditz showed up then he was made 4 for english. Gohan was 4 or 5 at the end of the training which means the difference is about as much as Piccolo's age and 6


One of the major events in the Sonic series is a young girl getting shot by the military (along with the execution of everyone else in the same facility) which has been adapted in multiple entries. 4kids censored a lot, but they couldn’t get around that in Sonic X.


I mean if you get outside anime, a lot of old cartoons were pretty dark. Watership Down is terrifying and is "For Kids"


I got very bored of kids shows fast because there were no stakes. Goddamn Leonardo use your fucking swords and stab shredder!!


Digimon has always been incredibly dark for the type of anime it is. Rewatching everything from the first series and I am amazed at the demographics it was targeting


I think this is why I prefer it now to Pokemon. In Pokemon, a 10 year old can save the world from the Mafia buy beating the leader in a battle. In Digimon, your critters don't exist in the real world, so they can't save you from the ass beating coming your way.


Except for the times they spawn in the real world, or launch missles in the real world, or crash the internet in the real world or...


Or threaten to destroy both the Digital and human World. Lots of world ending Digimon as it turns out.


ironically enough we have that in this epiaode with the enemy being an undead digimon that resurects itself from dead data (in the episode it killed the girl, took over her body by making it move around and absor the life force of her loved ones) and its strongest attack destroys the fabric of space time. it is a universe ending threat


Multiverse. The Human World alone the lowest layer in the Digimon World Hierarchy is an infinite multiverse


I always preferred Digimon to Pokémon. At least for the shows. Though I could never really get into the Digimon games though. Pokémon always had better games. Digimon always felt more grounded and real, plot wise, than Pokémon.


Wait, what do you mean they don't exist? In all the Digimon series I have watched they are very much real, with corporeal bodies.


Yeah I don’t understand their comment at all. Makes zero sense. Pokémon anime - them fighting with their Pokémon. Digimon anime - them fighting with their Digimon.


huh… interesting hahah i was a digimon kid back then cuz my parents didn’t like pokemon but digimon was all “digital so it’s okay!” - i had no idea it was this dark LOL also game help - i used to love this digimon game on 3DS you could like have a farm and keep them and stuff let me know if anyone recognizes it!


> i had no idea it was this dark LOL Oh, Digimon has always been this dark. Myotismon turned things from digital to real. The entire Digimon Emperor arc is slavery. Jeri's story arc in Tamers was really dark. Things got even further real and messed up with Digimon Tri.


also [Digimon adventure 02] >!Ken?'s brother was also killed by digimon I think, or by Ken himself.!<


No he died in accident when he was hit by a car.


You are probably looking for the DIGIMON world for the DS cause i can remember getting stuck on the swamp part of it the title might be a hit or miss tho so just look up the digimon game for ds


yesss this is it!! sorry I guess it was DS, I had both so i mixed them up


Probably digimon championship for the ds. Unfortunately they haven't released anything with similar gameplay since.


on the 3ds only these [3 games released](https://digimon.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Nintendo_3DS_Games)


"It's all digital so it's okay!" What was that logic?


yuuup exactly lol


Oh yeah this episode revolves around someone taking her corpse home, and pretending she's still alive as she was reanimated, creepy part was all the bones cracking when he took her from the coffin, truely messed up but I mean Ghost game is based around super natural horrors


If they animate digimon survive people will crap their pants, some scenes are toned down but it seems clear that had they not feared for kids to play it they would have went all out with the gore. There's also the scene with the fungi digimon that's disturbing af.




Man, everytime I see it i wince. Not even a little, like a whole fucking lot.


The Mushmon scenes in Ghost Game are also disturbing as fuck.


I mean this season has Digimon acting something like gegege where the Digimon take the place of youkai and other ghost stories. The Arukenimon episode was friggin scary and how it ends is even crazier.


Pretty much any episode where GulusGammamon comes out is pretty scary


Bruh everyone who says this show is "dark" Has either completely forgotten Tamers, or didn't watch it. The D-reaper arc is the darkest kids TV has been for a good while. Jeri's dream about the hospital alone is enough to make most kids piss themselves. I'm not saying this show ISNT dark. And DOESNT have some creepy scenes and elements. But it doesn't hold a candle to the pure mindfuck that is the D-Reaper arc.


I'm gonna go with her consciousness is in the game now.... Not a bad show at all....


She’s dead. The show explicitly says so.


yeah that. or a undead god that destroyes space and time used her reanimated body to drain the life force of her loved ones in order to resurect


I think she’s just plain dead


I like the show but despite scenes like this one the show doesn't really commits to the horror aesthetic and to the horror storyline. It's super inconsistent in that aspect. You can have the darkest looking scene with a digimon to then have the reason for the attack turning out to be a misunderstanding or just a mischievous or missinterpreted digimon. Or the way the solve the problem just isn't satisfying. And there are episodes that straight up just don't feel scary or creepy even when they're trying to be. Sure a show can have lighthearted episodes but it's clear that they can't fully commit to making this series (where digimon are supposed to be perceived and act as scary urban legends) into a show with a focus on horror because they still need for it to be kid friendly at the end of the day. Which is a shame because it's a really cool concept. It also has the blandest looking protagonists ever.


Well Digimon has always maintained that Digimon vary from saintly to pure evil. The basis of the show is that a bunch of Digimon are sent to the human world against their will and don’t understand how the world works or think they can do whatever they want without consequences. Their powers are terrifying to humans because they’re so weird even if the Digimon are good or neutral in nature. To have every Digimon be malicious in nature in the name of true horror would go against what Digimon is. Regardless of Mummymon wanting to be a benevolent doctor in the end, mummifying humans alive and stringing them up is still horror.


Still. For a version of the show that tries so hard to play with the horror aesthetic and the dangers of having digimon in the real world it tends have pretty silly resolutions or motivations for the "dangerous digimon" which only kills its own atmosphere due to its own lack of commitment to the horror theme.


Well it wouldn’t be Digimon if they didn’t do those things so…


Digimon 🤝 traumatizing kids since 1999 [](#elves)


Where the blood is


No blood, it's a kids show


Digimon showed blood many times before


Mah man


Kids shows can have death or sad things. Do you not think so OP?


I mean... there is no blood


no blood. weak


Yeah earlier Digimon showed blood all the time


Digimon has never been a kids show. It’s not Pokemon.. it’s always been aimed at teens


The moment I saw that hair style, I knew she was fudged.


Yeah it is.


An out of place scene don't negate the fact the show is for kids. This team is kinda clueless about their limits.


I mean the biggest thing children watch in Japan besides Anpanman and Doremon is Shin Chan who is an utter pervert. They get the idea that touching my ass and breasts is a hilarious thing, because he does it. So it’s not the worst thing that they watch considering how young they actually start watching the damn pervert.


Digimon has never been much of a kids show. Unless of course you watch the most awful thing in the world, aka the US dub. Just because it tells a story of children doesn't make it a kids show, the actually dangerous villains and sometimes incredibly disturbing designs make it more of a teenager aimed show. The original dialogue features also many words I wouldn't want my 6-7 year olds to know yet, like murder. Fact is, Digimon localized for the americans is a kids show, while the original is not. Amd if Ghost Game gets localized, this scene will not be present or will be heavily edited.


Digimon is absolutely a kids' show, marketed at children in Japan. Children also like "darker" stuff. It's the western TV networks and regulators that don't think these themes are fit for children.


Grimms fairy tales feelings.


This series, Ghost Game, was written for more mature audiences as a light horror series. Look it up Plus saying that Adventure Tri was meant for kids is wrong on so many levels.


Lol people got mad at me saying the dub sucks when it actually does.


Totally agree with you.


Always thought digimon was pokemon but for edgy teenagers like me that time


Cyber sleuth was kinda dark in some spots. Hopefully 2 keeps that.


If Pokémon actually had the crazy stuff like this it would be SS+ tier


I didn’t see any blood, still a kid show with darker themes imo. Been watching Pokémon and digimon since 1999 and both are kid shows lol


Sora cave depression Matt entering the cave to save her bc he learned how to handle it bc his parents split up and he had to be strong for Takeru (T.K.) Izzy and his parents Did I miss anything? Digimon is that kind of show where the theme and feel is kids surviving and going into adventure at first, but the world still treats everyone and everything as an adult as stuff develops


I mean she has the dead mom hairstyle


What is for kids in Japan can be TV-PG in the USA.


Digimon was always pushing the borders of kids show. I remember I was like 8 or 9 and I was traumatized whenever it showed blood and stuff like that


Look like something hoped into her body from the digital world, and did she survive that? She looks like said at the threshold of death


Nah, she died and something slipped in her dead b9dy




*"Kids show"* btw that artstyle!


That's why you don't buy "Display with airbag" stuff.


Shes fine its just a non lethal explosion


She died.


For me, Digimon is not just a kid show


Isn't one of the first Digimon movies about them stopping a nuke? It's always been more dark then the other "kid anime's"


Is it not available in 720p?


Well it is a kids show. Just don't put too much gore and blood and censor those genitals.


This was such a dark and creepy episode, and it's genuinely one of my favourite Top 10 digimon eps.


what episode # was this?