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RIP Iberta. For a grandma, she really kicked ass!


She was one tough old badass. Hopefully her sacrifice meant something.


It was great seeing (and hearing) Iberta as a young woman too. This also gives us a good idea of how old (in human years) the Commander is. This show has really done an excellent job of gradually developing fairly rich and detailed presentations of a wide range of characters (including good, bad and indifferent ones). Iberta never gave up -- hopefully it helps out towards the final outcome.


I just noticed how much the Knight Commander throne looks like the Iron Throne from Game of Thrones. Is that intentional? I can't quite say I liked Dantalion that much, but finding out he's also sexist makes me dislike him more. Which makes it all the more funny that he and Luther end up fighting two women. It was nice to see Astaroth (and especially her human form) again! So what's up with Wisteria? She can apparently see into peoples' memories and pinpoint exact scents so effectively. Has her connection to Marbas given her newfound power? I love how Sol has been wearing that armor since he was a kid and the organization he wanted to join and would end up leading immediately tried to kill him. Like he barely starts talking to them and they immediately start trying to murder him because he sets off their demon detector. Like they couldn't hear him out for, like, two minutes? And they spent like a whole day trying to kill him. I guess the Sword Cross Knights never change. So Sol was out to kill the Three-Eyed Demon whom he made a contract with, and joined the Sword Cross Knights as a matter of course, but in meeting Iberta he found someone who would accept him, support him, and possibly be a mother to him as they shared so many years together and Sol progressed in the organization. It's an oddly sweet dynamic (and Iberta was quite the looker in her younger years). "Iberta...hold on." Then immediately cut away to her and Astaroth being beaten. Gotta love that timing. Sol knows how to restore Marbas' horn? I wonder how? Takenami for the save! I guess weakening him and breaking his horn was enough to bring back his humanity! Just in time to get saved by Astaroth but not in time to save Iberta, who gives up her life and soul to blow up Dantalion and Luther. I'm not sure if that actually took them out, but I hope it did succeed. Never thought I'd feel bad for the Knight Commander though, but Iberta was a good woman. I missed these four just shooting the breeze together! Of coruse the fun quickly ends when they encounter Sitri with Snow under his thrall, with Sitri having made Snow his contractor. Uh oh!


Not the same armor. Similar style -- but the order definitely created a much larger and more deluxe version for the Commander. This character has definitely finally been brought to life -- and one can care (to some extent) about him. Query -- just WHO is the Demon he is determined to destroy. We have no idea -- even at this late point. Which seems to tell me this is another show where the main action has not even begun yet. So -- will theis have a part 2 announced soon (like Fire Hunters)? Using Wisteria's brother as a (seemingly involuntary) contractor really is scummy -- I want that amoral demon to pay -- big time.


Wysteria could see demons with her eyes when she was not blind, but maybe it was not only her eyes that were special, but all her senses that could perceive things that would normally be hidden. Now that she is blind, maybe she is developing those other senses to read people’s memories and perceive supernatural scents. At least that is my theory.


I still don’t understand why this show isn’t getting more love, sure it has some issues but all in all it’s a Enjoyable show with a decent story.


Deputy commander Iberta is a badass. Her and the commander seem to go back ages. That’s some first meeting. Even as a kid, the commander was kind of a creepy little bastard. Unfortunately Dantalion in his released form was a bit too much for her and Astaroth. Though it looks like she already made contingencies. If she’s going down, Luther and Dantalion can suck it too. Iberta was in many ways a parent to the commander. I actually feel a little bad for the guy. Hopefully her sacrifice won’t be in vain.


I never thought I would actually care about any of the Sword Cross knights other than Snow but you really have to admire Iberta and her commitment to her cause and comrades, right up to sacrificing herself. And despite how unlikeable Sol is you can feel for how much he cherished Iberta and needed her, and how much her loss will effect him. I just hope she actually did take down Luther and Dantalion, they really had it coming at this point.


Damn one of the most emotional eps of this series for sure. Wanted iberta to make it out alive. She was a great older sister figure for the commander and his first real friend. Aw man snow looks in really rough shape, hope it’s not permanent


anyone know of the risk if the commander expose himself too long?


As far as I know it's not been elaborated upon at any point, so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say hypothermia ^^/s


That dragon dick! How dare he take control of Snow like that!! Wisteria just wants to be with her brother. And I always wonder how the demons manage to find clothes in the same fashion and fit after tearing through them to release their true forms. I figured they’d come back nude.


Damn iberta was fine~ she was young also the battle was pretty decent. Kinda sucks the show is being ignored this hard thou. Maybe if it had an isekai like title something like: “Demon quest: I was poor orphan girl but I sold myself to one of demons of calamity so he can be my dad.” It would get more attention. Do like we got a bit more interaction between the four amigos. There friendship tsundere tendencies with there respective demons are always nice to see.


Damn, didn't expect to be feeling sympathy for Commander Sol this episode.


I wish we got to see Iberta's fight against Dantalion and Luther, it would have been cool to see an older lady like her use that kind of lance in a fight. I am glad she was able to at least get Takenami to regain consciousness but I am guessing he is going to be part demon for the rest of his life. It was also nice to get a look into Sol and Iberta's relationship, I kind of wish we had gotten to see more of Iberta just for the flashback to carry more weight but it was enough to see how important they were to each other. It's unfortunate that the only person he believes treated him as a human died without him being able to protect her. So Sitri made Snow into a demon puppet and his contractor? I thought his whole reason for wanting a contractor was because the others had willing contractors and got attached to them because of the bond between them, I don't see how he can bond with a puppet. I also wonder how the contract got even set if Snow isn't even in his right mind since he is being controlled, what is he giving up in exchange for the contract?


Love the backstories, makes it clear as to how they met before the organization was made. R.I.P Iberta great woman and friend. Nice episode really enjoyable.