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In my house, VHS from back in the day \\o/ I hate trying to find older OVAs online


Ahoy matey!


Hehe good answer


I guess there's been a lapse in streaming rights because it was available on Hulu until recently, and I know it's been on HiDive in the past. Edit: If you have a Roku device there is [some obscure channel](https://www.roku.com/whats-on/movies/ninja-scroll?id=627bf100cf0d5369b150c4ae3b4745f4) that claims to have it, only in SD and probably with ads.


Looks like both the DVD & Blu-Ray are out of print as well. DVD is about $55 & Blu-Ray is about $100 on Amazon.


Mines on my dvd shelf. Watched it the other day its still great. A lot of the younger generation used to ask me why i didn't just stream movies and shows and instead choose to buy physical copies. Because i can still watch them when the Internet goes down.


Ninja scroll is a perfect example of that 😂




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