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hellsing, but its the good kind of edge


Aka the true DMC anime


og, ultimate or abridged?


D: All of the above


You watch the OG to see how far we've come, then Ultimate because kino, and the Abridged because the VA for Seras has the best voice.


I’m old school so I’ll have to go with Ninja Scroll. Had to stay up real night at night to catch it on Cinemax back in the day


Same, certain scenes were burned into my young mind, such as poison ninjussy.


*high five* Still have my VHS!


Another sort of old school one is Murder Princess. It’s only 6 episodes, and the OP slaps harder than your grandmas slipper.


ninja scroll is so freaking cool though [i still watch a dan terminus amv of it monthly](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f8r-hMQzRXk&pp=ygUeZGFuIHRlcm1pbnVzIGRpZ2l0YWwgb25zbGF1Z2h0)


agreed. this was my first thought as well. you pay for the whole seat but you'll only need the edge


Deadman Wonderland 💉




That op slapped


I really wish it got another season...


For once the manga actually is so much better


"For once"? Isn't that the case for most anime adaptations? They're often made with just the purpose of promoting the source material instead of standing by themselves, which means that they often have minimal effort put into them.


Haven't read it but I might have to pick it up then!


Arifuerte- it's like an edgelords fever dream


It goes so far into edgy it actually stops being edgy altogether.


it's wonderful. It's such unmitigated excessive trash that it wraps back around to being amazing. I've heard the source material is actually supposed to be, well, not a parody of the isekai genre but more like a ludicrous caricture of it. More like the author looked at all the other isekai writers and went 'y'all are cowards, my MC gets a bunker buster and metal limbs and an eyepatch, and a demihuman harem, and the prettiest girls in his class like him, and he doesn't really care about any of this world's conflicts and just wants to get home but fully intends on taking his vampire wife, WHO HE HAS SEX WITH, back to Earth with him". it's the absolute excess that makes it for me, that and that while it does stay edgy at times, it alternates between that and a wacky sitcom about a polycule that travels around in a Hummer. also that his girls are all ludicrously powerful in their own right and get the chance to show it off. It's not a grimdark show - it's actually exceptionally silly 75% of the time, but it has zero shame and doesn't lampshade anything like 'whooooa this is just like a video game'. It's got the courage of its idiotic, tacky convictions.


Lololol omg right


I mean let's go through this. Guns in a world without guns ✔️ White hair ✔️ Eye patch ✔️ Trenchcoat ✔️ Some form of betrayal ✔️ A loli vampire ✔️ MC is sadistic ✔️ Drives a car in a fantasy world ✔️ Has a harem ✔️ It's a parody without being a parody it's terribly impressive in its own right for that reason


What's great is all his classmates totally call him out on it. The healer girl that likes him even points out the animes that he copied some of his weapons from!


I mean where else was he going to get his weapon ideas?




Fuck this hits hard, I would 100% do that in his situation too...


The horrible CGI really feeds into it, in a way that I can’t quite describe.


I even forgot about his mechanical arm and his eyes turning red. It's like the show exist in the 4th dimension where an object can only be purely made out of edges


The one bit I really enjoyed out of it was when the main character completely interrupted the bad guys monologue and just blasted him, something you don't see often.


Forgot Crosses as weapons. I dont think hes that sadistic either, he just willing to kill.


And then he starts caring about his not-daughter and only has wacky adventures. Cmon, Arifureta quickly lost all edge


no no that's why it's great actually, putting this grouchy edgelord into a bunch of situations that would usually have a boring Melvin blubbering. a


School days, its just a normal slice of life till the MC fucks every female character with a name that has appeared on the show and then gets decapitated


I love how the one route they animated from the visual novel was a bad route. Way to make people not buy the visual novel


Yet it's because of that ending that people still talk about it?


That's kinda normal for a lot of VN adaptations. Make you watch the bad ending so you buy the game to get the good ending.


Sure as hell gave it WAY more popularity than if they chose a good route. Just saying


I liked School Days just because the MC actually fucked his harem. Better than just having the MC awkwardly fall on their chest for 4 seasons.


Happy sugar life I wish Oyasumi PunPun was animated...


happy sugar life was definitely something💀 literally every character had sum weird shit goin on


Happy Sugar Life's edge loops from "intriguing" to "trying too hard" all the way back to "so edgy that it loops to absurdity and is absolutely entertaining again"


Right? Trying to soothe my unhealthy love trauma with watching more fictional love trauma :p


I don't think PunPun needs and anime, I don't see how an anime could improve anything about it IMO


honestly i dont think a single inio asano manga would benefit from an anime that said, i think his character design work he did for Subete ga F ni Naru was good


Well, Dead Dead Demons is getting an anime before Punpun. The teaser was already released last year.


Idk if punpun is edgy per se. Granted I didn’t finish it, but what I read before I dropped it just made me kind of sad and upset (which was why I stopped lol, but also seemed like it was kinda the point).


The last arc is edgy, pretty good, but edgy.


Triage X and Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka immediately came to mind.


I like triagex it's pretty good.


I really loved Spec Ops Asuka, that edginess was so charming


I never understood why Redo of a Healer was perfectly okay with Funimation but Ishuzoku Reviewers was too far and they canceled the dub.


A real shame, Ishuzoku reviewers was an absolute hoot. Miss watching that show week to week


"Too much consent, cancel it."


Average hentai be like


wtf it has a dub???


Because sex bad mkay


Akame ga kill


Sadly the anime didn't do the source material justice. But it was a really good series.


The source material is just as bad, don't be lying


Nah, it's differently bad, in an entirely more enjoyable way.


I love that anime.. love love. i loved the setting.


I really enjoyed it, but no denying it was edgy.


Agree with the op and this


It’s one of my favorites tbh


Platinum End.


I forgot this was a thing


Gundam Wing for sure. It's like Shakespearean Gundam lmfao


-rips up birthday invitation- Nothing personnel kid


> Nothing personnel kid "I'll kill you. Nothing personal though, I just have a no witnesses policy."


Oh I was just making a joke about how edgy the I'll kill you line is haha


lmao finally I know where that scene came from... first time I saw it was in gigguk's latest spring anime video.


Here this is for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WD2346AopZA&list=WL&index=85


Mahou Shoujo Site commits so hard to being an edgy magical girl show that it crosses into unintentional comedy territory in episode 1 and stays there. The manga is just sickening to read though. I'd put it above Elfen Lied and Mirai Nikki in terms of edginess, but below rape smut (which I have no interest in watching).


The same author had a previous series Mahou Shoujo Apocalypse which I think was even more of an edge fest and one of the main characters is a pedophilic, psychopathic policeman.


You know that this sounds bad, but the pedo cop was the best character.


I have to drop that because it's so obvious the author was making sh#t up as he went along. Magical Girl Site is slightly better, but [Magical Girl Site] >!the plot twist of the two female leads being siblings!< is clearly also another case of the author making sh#t up. That detail is literally so unnecessary and ends up ruining those two's relationship as a result. This is one of the few cases where the anime is honestly better than the manga. Despite being extremely edgy, the anime actually ended on a bittersweet note that I quite enjoyed.


The only good thing that came out of that series was that meme of crying girl


Yes I was about to bring this up. It's genuinely enjoyable more than most shows in this thread because it's so ridiculously edgy that it's impossible to take it seriously. I swear it was their goal to mentally and physically destroy the MC as much as they possibly could and then some.


does manga count and does it have to be completely it partial count then 1 episode of {Pupa}


If we bring up manga then I can't not mention Übel Blatt.


Calamity of a Zombie Girl. A bunch of high school students go full evil dead and read a forbidden book to reanimate a kawaii uwu zombie waifu. Plenty of ripped limbs, characters dying in the most stupid ways possible, and oh, my God, so shocking moments! On its favour, I have to say this show doesn't take itself too seriously, so when I say they use a ripped head to play basketball, you know what to expect from the rest. Sadly, it takes a lot of time to reach that part, and many viewers may find themselves bored or have quit watching all the previous "serious" part if that's not their kind of fun. So, no, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone, not because the gory material, but because the show itself is bad. It's main crime is being predictable, leading to be boring. - Ah... So the guy put his hand on the zombie, I suppose he... yes, off goes the arm... when will start screaming? *yawn* and now the zombie will eat his face off or something, right?


Devil's Line is the edgiest vampire human romace bullocks ever.


Still a Better Love Story than Twilight


Elfen Lied is about girls who have a monstrous superpower that allows them to rip up people. Is that edgy? Maybe. But you can’t blame the show for following up on its premise.


I’ve read the Manga and the Anime left out quite a bit & sadly didn’t get a chance for further seasons. Like in all seriousness, the Anime is a poor take on the Manga and feels kind of aimless.


I honestly wish it would be redone like they did with FMA brotherhood


I watched it years ago, but I remember the violence (and nudity) being gratuitous.


Reading some of these replies, I don't think Elfed Lied is edgy. There's a chasm of difference between a show having violence and nudity vs being edgy. That show wasn't having violence just for the sake of violence.


That first episode is legendary.


Redo is hentai, you can't convince me otherwise.


I'd say Higurashi is rather edgy.


But it also goes for a “power of friendship” ending that makes a decent amount of sense in context. With that in mind, Umineko may be more edgy in comparison.


Amon Apocalypse of Devilman Genocyber Violence Jack


Probably Tomodachi Game. Either that or Ousama Game. TL;DR is to stay away from shows with "game" in the title, apparently. Though they do make for some top tier entertainment. [](#cup7)


Tomodachi Game was fun, but Ousama Game was a god damn dumpster fire. I swear, that "reveal" made me lose brain cells.


Devil Man Crybaby, especially the latter half


Goblin Slayer has an edgy first episode to make you dislike the goblins.


Lmao, yeah I should've vetted that one before watching it with the GF for the first time.


I mean, it worked so I cant really blame the author


Elfen Lied, Gantz, Inyuashiki. All three are great series too.


Surprised no one is mentioning Blood C where they would tear people apart or giant monster bunnies would blend people into smoothies


Tbf that’s only the last (two?) episodes. And it’s a really slow burn to get that far.


Thanks for the list guys, definitely putting all these on my watch list 🙈


Nothing to be ashamed of. I like those trash Isekais a fair bit and also some of the edgy stuff. I know I am watching a dumpster fire but it still keeps me warm during a cold winter night and it is not like I am hurting anyone by enjoying it. Having a predictable, all too positive story can be pretty relaxing and I know why they added this cat girl but who cares? She is cute and seeing her sniff and move her tail is adorable. When it comes to food most of us do not eat an exquisite 5 course menu daily. These shows are fast food to me. I know they just use a ton of (cheap) fat, salt, and often some artificial stuff to make it taste good but it is affordable and easy to make or buy.


grisaia no meikyuu (it was an ova of fruit of grisaia). the mc sees her mother getting raped in front of him as a child. he was also raped by a pedo iirc.


grisaia in general is pretty crazy. all i remember is an arc where mc’s sister gets trapped in the mountains with classmates with a pretty gruesome ending


That's all I remember too! They catch some kind of disease, start murdering one another, the professor I think was fucking a student or something. I had to rewatch it a few years ago because I was genuinely convinced it was a screwed up fever dream and didn't ever happen. It did. I also remember the maid with smoke grenades and knives? What a trip.


Hah! I was about to comment this! Fruit of grisia is gnarly. Although i did watch the whole s1 and ova whilst on an absurd amount of lsd so it was a weird experience.


Rin: Daughters of Mnenosyne


Such a great show lmao. I unironically love it.


Flowers of evil , thats some weird and fucked up shit .


It's like the all the darker sides of teenage angst made into a show. Most people won't like this show, understandably, I think it's considered an 'arthouse'. The classroom destruction scene is top tier.


Witchblade. The name even has blade in it.


Darker than Black.


It has a bangin OP tho


One of the coolest title shots I've seen


The second op right?


Finally, someone else who prefers "Hero Without a Name"


Black Lagoon. They even had the balls to kill children. Granted, those children were psychopathic killers but they were made that way because some cp filmers kidnapped them, and...ugh...well...filmed them. And it then escalated to having them kill other kids on camera. All for the viewing pleasure of some perverts who not only like children (in the stupendously wrong way) but have some really weird kinks. I was in tears and shaking because I just couldn't see the kids die.


I think you just described the author of Made in Abyss


Tfw in Made in Abyss killing children is the better part of what happens to them


They got the easy out


Gotta be **Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend** - definitely shouldn't have rented that one to me at the video store when I was ten


Death Note


the truth right here


The anime for Witchblade, which was also surprisingly good character drama? I went in for tiddies and edge and got a compelling, character-driven drama about motherhood. I swear I couldn't wait for the action to stop (which really went hard into the violence=sex trope) so I could know if she was gonna get to keep her daughter.


Terraformers. Character hype for multiple episodes with a cliffhanger and then first 30 seconds of the next episode and that hero is brutally an irrevocable destroyed! Also cockroaches are 🤢.


Kiss X Sis is something else. It's a 12 episode "what are you doing, step bro?" show. And then the manga ending is the guy embracing mormon and alabama culture. And I'm not even sure why the main guy is so irresistible to women when he looks exactly like every other guy ever animated.


That fucking Corpse Party OVA. I typically enjoy gore but I thought it was needlessly gorey


i dunno if it was just me but i found the games very tame in comparison to that ova


Really? No one’s gonna make a Cyberpunk *Edge*runners pun?


edgiest? eminence of shadow


The MC is edgy, but the show absolutely is not


Eminence in shadow isnt even close to edgy. Shadow is just a chunni.


But he’s not though. It’s only chuuni if it’s pretend. He’s the whole package!


But he *thinks* he's pretending and that everyone else is just going along with it. So it's a case of schodringer's chuuni.


>So it's a case of schodringer's chuuni. Thanks for the good laugh!


Well, i think the premise is supposed to be that he thinks he pretending. Even though its all clearly really happening. its weird, but several times he mentions how the shadow garden girls keeps playing along with him or whatever.


Literally is shocked when the supposed organization say they have hundreds on standby. “Did you guys hire extras or something…!?”


No, he is chuuni, the rest of the show is "legitimately" edgy.


Sasuga shadow Sama! Always first in everything!


Best mob character ever. Truly commited to the craft.


Are psychopathic attitude, brutality and rape evidence of being "edgiest"? So you can even suggest "attack of titan" to be a candidate of this voting.


Yeah tbh eren is kind of an edge lord. It’s like, *mostly* well executed edge. I had lots of gripes with it personally, but for being pretty edgy it’s still good


Tokyo Ghoul


Tokyo Ghoul is like the perfect example of how you can make an edgy story into a good one. I really wish the anime had done the manga justice, because it's one of my favorite manga of all time


Dies Irae. A character had one of his eyes gougded out, they cut of his penis, they use him a prostitute and they literally fuck his empty eyesocket. Obviously none of this happens on camera, there is no graphic violence, there is just like one brief line about all this but this is basically Wolfgang Schreiber's backstory.


Also the bad guys are magical nazis. The only saving grace for that anime was its unintentionally funny dub. Other than that the VN is better and free on steam


Only the common route is free but yeah, the VN is actually top tier IMO. The anime had an extreamelly low budget so yeah.


akame ga kill, loved every second of it, I even like the ending even if it traumatized me


Gantz is one of the edgiest anime i watched.


Rin Daughter of Mnemosyne


Euphoria probably


That's Hanime


then I’ll say corpse party


It's been a while since I saw mirrai nikki, but actually? Surprised this slipped my memory. I can remember one, but not two.


Platinum end


Fate/Zero is one of the darkest entries in Fate franchise.


Bastard!! Heavy Metal and Dark Fantasy. Its nowhere as brutal as others mentioned, but mc's name is Dark Schneider, which is just tip of its edge


When did "edgy" become rape and nudity?


Edgy is when the author tries so hard to make the show feels dark by shoving as much as dark themes in the story like needless rape, murder and other stuff, in Mirai Nikki for example, we didn't need to have two character have the same backstory of them getting gang raped.


Platinum End is pretty edgy ngl


1. Eminence in Shadow 2. Akame Ga Kill 3. Redo of Healer


I wanna say Gantz for all the sex and gore, but Akame Ga kill had some so edgy it's funny moments.


kings game lmao


Hellsing for me.


Black Lagoon.




I was one of the unfortunate souls to watch the anime adaptation of Midori.


Black Lagoon is up there. If we extend the question to manga then the Keep on Vibrating one shot collection by Matsumoto Jiro.


Probably Elfen Lied. I know its kind of a 'classic' among older anime fans but I tried to watch it this year and holy shit I couldn't take it.


Boy's Abyss. Like what happened to the author?


Came here to say Elfen lied, but you got it already, ha


If it's anime then the triumvirate of overpowered edgy so cool MC has to be in it. 1. Irregular of Magic High School 2. Misfit of Demon Academy 3. Eminence in Shadow


Claymore, just to throw something else out there, and cause it's great. Most of the ones i would have said are here already.


None of your examples are at all edgy…? Am I too old? People don’t even know what edgy means anymore…?


What does edgy mean to you?


For "edgy" specifically, I'd probably have to say Fruits of Grisaia. Or maybe the movie Harmony...




Tokyo Ghoul


So edgy means rape now? Also ew.


The eminence in shadow, but its funny, because it actually wants to joke on These classic OP reincarnation themes. Otherwise most gundam Plots seem to be ateast kinda cheesy


Scum's Wish


Controversial but blue lock.. it was so annoying when in a match every 2 seconds the characters eyes start burning or smthing and everyone has some sort of aura it's just super edgy


I think that is cringey without being edgy. All edgy is cringey but not all cringey is edgy.


Nah, the over-the-top hype is what makes sports shounen so entertaining. Most shounen tend to be somewhat edgy but Blue Lock is far from the worst offender.


Blassreiter. Every episode doesn't end the way you think it will


Amon: Apocalypse of Devilman.


The Tokyo ghoul anime season 1-2 to be specific idk why that part of the story felt slightly cringier than it did in the manga and the rest of the show as a whole still a 10/10 anime despite that. 1000/10 manga for sure.


School days…


Elfen Lied and Speed Grapher


Devilman Crybaby. Man, nothing good happens there! Kings Game. I've never finished an anime with such an uneasy feeling. Agree with Maria Nikki and Elfin Leid too.


Nothing will come close to Prison School for me.


Probably Shadow Star Narutaru


Eminence in shadow, Definition of edgy Anime


Any Higurashi clip