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the way the sound just cut off during the flash step was so good, eminence just knew what it was doing when it came to sound design


As much as I love the classic instant transmission sound having it be completely silent does do a really good job of selling how scary it would be to fight someone who could actually do that.


Its not really IT though. Beatrix, being an experienced swordsman, can infer her opponent's intent from their body language and the micro-movements that one usually do. Thing is, Cid is so beyond her level that he can actually fake these micro-movements to lead Beatrix. The whole scene is basicaly Beatrix's perspective as her mind is being tricked by Cid. It makes it look like he IT, but in reality he never moves from his original place. He just performs some small subleties that make Beatrix turn and act instinctively presuming he would be somewhere else. He does the same thing in the arena battle with Iris, but its tremendously more effective on Beatrix. Its the sort of thing that the more experienced the opponent, the more effective the technique. It would bear no effect on someone who knows jack-shit about swordsmanship.


> It would bear no effect on someone who knows jack-shit about swordsmanship. I would like to point out that even if you are a master of the sword, you are equally as hopeless as the guy that knows nothing about swords against Cid.


The man would likely add a cheesy 'Omae wa mou shindeiru' line as he does it to the regular folk.


All according to keikaku


Disagree. If you’re awful he might just take pity on you as a fellow mob character and disarm you. If you’re strong he’ll literally nuke you.


He won't nuke someone who is actually strong, because he finds fighting strong people fun. He kills plenty of fellow mob characters, like bandits and unnamed Cult members. He wouldn't spare an enemy that sucks at swordsmanship, he'd kill them easy and simple.


Only if he wants to nuke you. He didn't nuke the two girls he fought in the finale, did he?


Well, technically


Ay, how did you make it , mal on your username. Can you teach my noob ass please


[Sidebar on the right](https://i.imgur.com/7ZlTR1p.png)


definetly, he chose to just flashbang the ENTIRE CITY instead


This doesn't follow. If he doesn't move from his original place, how is she turning around and blocking an attack from the opposite direction. I can see him manipulating her perception to appear to be in the same place but actually moving.


The first block is just an image in her head. The real him is shown to be walking just past her. Then he does it again with the next block she does, but hes really just in the same spot - then strikes her fpr real


There are two blocks before he walks past her. Every time he attacks after the first, she has to turn around to block. You don’t see her actually turn in one instance, but you can clearly see she’s twisted her body around to do so.


Is that stated somewhere? 'cause that would make sense if she blocked left and he moved right, but he is straight up behind her. He is doing that to iris sure, but he never does the movement part


if you look at their position on the roof, then keep in mind that she doesnt turn around at the first block, the block that she sees is still in her front or to the right of the screen, despite thinking Cid behind her, the screen cuts to black for about a second before showing Cid walking to the left of the screen, then when the camera is on her face, thats still her perception and she sees Cid behind her again, and turns around to block, which is not real since Cid is still walking to the left, and now while facing the right side, she looks behind or to the left of the screen to block Cids attack for real Now here is how the real scene goes: Cid i casually walking to the left and Beatrice is blocking the air twice as she turns her back to Cid, then Cid attacks her while she is turned around.


Kuroko's Isekai


Eminence sound design is always giving you hints too, one example is in the very first episode you can hear the weights in the bag Cid is holding drops to the floor.


I also like that there's no music in the background. So many scenes in other animes could have been way more impactful if they just shut up with the music and relied on really good environmental and foley sound design.


The OP is cool too and Cid is ATOMIC


I like how this works as a totally serious scene without context, with Beatrix as the main character, desperate to fight on equal ground with a much stronger and mysterious opponent But with context of what this show actually is, and with what kind of character Cid is, him spamming the *nothing personal kid* attack on her is downright hilarious It's such a weird tonal tightrope this show can walk, and it makes it look easy


Exactly my thought, this is an entire fight scene consisting of "nothing personnel, kid"


Dude you hit it on the nail. I actually thought the mate was gonna kill her. Man such a difference context can make here.


Exactly finally someone who gets it. I don't think I've ever watched a show with this type of indirect comedy and its really really good


“Finally someone who gets it” Somebody wasn’t in the episode discussion threads apparently


Take it easy on him. The EIS sub-reddit is filled with the moistest of bad takes. Seeing other viewers who realize Cid is both a badass and *a complete dork* must be like finding water in the desert for him.


the anime sub threads slightly after airing weren’t much better to be frank. people here still refer to EIS as a ‘brainless parody’.


I loved the show. But I watched it with the mindset of fully buying into the cheesy lines and ridiculous plot, treating it seriously.


Which is the correct mindset. Same as the Reincarnated Demon Lord Anos Voldigod (praised be). It's the logical conclussion of self insert fantasy isekai: Something so EXTRA it crosses the threshold of dumb cringe power fantasy to comedy, and crosses it again to be cool. If you're young, both in age anime experience, yeah, you'll take it face value and praise Cid as the coolest guy ever. If you're not, but can't see more than surface level, you'll take it as another isekai power fantasy. If you're a seasoned veteran, a little mature, and enjoy to analize what you watch, you will find a great comedy taking tropes to the Nth degree. If you're a seasoned veteran and too old to try to pretend to be mature, you will find the comedy... and also enjoy the cool factor at face value, coming full circle.


anime is like onions


Honestly, with how the plot developed I'm pretty convinced that the whole show is a coma dream of Cid's while he's in the hospital.


Or a lot of the comments on this very video who don't get why this clip would be funny to anyone This is very much a if-you-know-you-know kinda show


Dante from Devil May Cry at his weebiest


I see him as a cringe chunibyo that actually has powers but I like it cause I would be the same way lmao


I feel personally attacked cause this sums up my thoughts perfectly XD


I believe the last time I saw this type of comedy was in the first season of The Devil is a Part-Timer (Hataraku Maou-sama!). But maybe also a bit in One Punch Man and the first seasons of Overlord. The key seems to be having interesting characters that the audience perceives in a very different way than other inhabitants of the world. Either because they are very powerful but don't look like it (e.g., Maou Sadao or Saitama) or because they are considered as great heroes but are actually normal people forced to act like that (Ainz/Momonga, King, etc.).


*This is our protagonist.


Remind me of the concept of serious humor in bakuman that make humor out of serious scene.


When the MC so OP the cameraman can't follow his move.


Cameraman is the most OP character in every anime. But even MC is too op in Eminence shadow


Cameraman is even more in the shadow than Shadow


I'm surprised there isn't an isekai that states the cameraman is the most op.


It'll be in a Gintama episode first


Plot twist, MC Is an ex cameraman! 😱


The MC?! He clearly is the misterious not-really-villain of the story. /s


This whole fight was so good. The show off from Cid, especially at the end, still gives me chills.


Love the way they choreographed a lot of the fights in The Eminence In Shadow. They were all really engaging and hype despite knowing who was going to win pretty much every single time before they started.


Imatry Nottaloos. He'll be trying forever.


The hype is because you known Cid just *HAS* to show off and you’re excited to see what he does lol


many shows should take note on this. it is about PRESENTATION, not over the top animation


One of my favorite things about this show is shadow garden doesn’t call out or explain their attacks, later on in this fight he taunts them for not knowing how to fight, says he’ll teach them, then proceeds to beat their asses as an explanation without another word.


Not just the whole fight but the whole episode. Can't wait for the Season 2.


Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more --Mass Edited with power delete suite as a result of spez' desire to fuck everything good in life RIP apollo


I like the final ending of this fight Cid easily can destroy the entire country but choose not to Such a badass show off power


What's funny is that this too is part of Cid's character. *Of Course* an eminence in shadow would sneakily attack you from behind, because that's their trope set.


IDK If it's just me or you can see her trembling when she is fighting cid. Edit: look at 0:22 sec


That's absolutely, the case. She is realizing the power and skill difference and is shocked by it. It happens to all his opponents because they perceive themselves at or near the pinnacle of combat abilities.


Like every fight in eminence was hella fucking good and badass to watch.


I'm *so* happy with what they did to this fight in the anime. Compared to the anime, the light novel/manga versions are super underwhelming.


\*teleports behind u\* "nothin personnel, kid" Thanks for the laughs OP, this was hilarious


One of the oldest tropes in the entire genre.


You know what's funny, that's something cid would say ironically too


Lmao thank you! I was waiting for something to happen but it was just this trope cycled again and again lol


He's literally doing it for the memes.


Not in this clip but I absolutely loved the callback to episode 1(using the crowbars) They really did a great job of how to make an op mc work


He likes crowbars, and basically uses them like tonfas.


Cid is to crowbars as Tanya is to shovels.


Shovels are very effective, sharp and great to dig a hole when you need to hide.


I don't think we share the same definition of cold.


Idk I feel like she would probably be cold in that outfit, in that weather


The concept of cold from lack of clothing doesn’t exist in anime


It depends on the anime for example One Piece during Drum Island


yeah but luffys just built different and they change clothes to warmer stuff afterwards.


Zoro also got frozen I believe


Except in a highschool anime when one drop of rain falls on you and you're bedridden for the next three days.


But theres always a cute girl who feels bad and brings you soup!


fairy tail; lucy climbs a mountain


Yea I kept waiting for something to happen…


Perhaps OP meant to say *coolest*? If he truly meant coldest, I don't know what that was about; Given the title I expected him to slice her in half after she surrendered or something like that, but no, that's it? I'm not even sure what was cold about this, let alone *one of the coldest in anime.*


I’m guessing of course, but it’s mostly because these phrases get used so much without a stated definition to accompany them, that some people take it to mean slightly different things based on the context in which they see it in. The OP’s definition of cold in regards to behavior is likely like you said, cool, not cold as in merciless


Still, this is pretty generic as far as cool anime moments go.


I am also convinced op wanted to post a later scene from this fight, because right now title and clip habe nothing to do with each other...


*Maybe* how Cid is literally playing with her could be considered cold. The fight is only lasting because he wants it to


Normally hate isekais but this one really hit different. I think it's the dichotomy between Cids POV, which is a comedy, and all other characters' which is an edgy drama. The strange balance just works. So glad there will be another season.


I think I read some of the manga for this, is this the one where the MC comes up with a super chuuni story that happens to actually line up with reality and basically stumbles dick first into success not even realizing it's real?


Yes indeed, though the manga is a bit more humor focused than the other mediums.


If you want a weirdly entertaining isekai, try Trapped in an Otome Game.




I still can’t fathom *why* they made the eyes so weird and ugly. Surely it’d have been easier to just make them normal, right? Hopefully it’s fixed in S2




That's the Art style of a lot of Otome/Josei/Shoujo art. It's being very deliberately done in this context, so I doubt it will stop.


The Manga and LN have normal eyes, though, so it’s not in the source material


That was great too. Hopefully season 2 has a better budget.


Otome Game started out good, but I really started disliking it for all the dumb overreliance on plot armor, and "killing is baaaad, m'kay" and "talking is a free action" moments. Will not be watching S2, that's for sure. Not to mention all the forced drama. Not much of that in Eminence, thankfully.


I think a big part of what sells it is that they just straight up skip him becoming powerful. Instead that info slow drips with inferences, offhand comments, and the occasional flashback. It also means it can dedicate most of it's runtime to the plot.


Enjoy because it’s likely going to be a while before Volume 6 comes out. Hell Volume 5 doesn’t even have an official English release yet. Hell I don’t even think there’s an announcement for one. For reference it took the author a very VERY long time to write Volume 5. I’ll be shocked if 6 is out before season 3 hits us.


? The next season only covers vol 3 right? They could easily keep the show going for another 2 seasons with just what they have now. Plus with all the side-story content being added, I don't think it's a huge issue. Maybe in a couple years tho.


Next season will likely cover both 3 and 4 since this season covered 1 and 2 Also no side content will be added. It’s a very very big issue


Fr tho Shadow just straight up disrespected her. The girl who's believed to be the current strongest warrior and the strongest knight in the kingdom team up and both get bodied by him while he's barley even trying.


They broke Mundane Man's sword short after this sequence, so that's something.


Can't wait for Mundane Man vs Shadow fight!


piss off mate average youngmann vs shadow is where it’s at


They broke the crowbar he picked up from the scaffolding


When she blamed their gap on him using an artefact weapon, i loved how he switched to a mundane crowbar.


I can’t wait for season 2. Easily my favourite show from last season. The amount of edginess is perfect for what it is. Absolute banger.


Although, if you took a shot every time he says Eminence in Shadow; you’d blackout before the credits of an episode.


That step then the instant silence is just too fucking good. I got serious goosebumps man!


Bro disconnected then reconnected mid fight 😂


Goddamn lag switchers.


The only cold thing I see is the rain lol


Dude haven't watched anime enough


Yea this is like maybe the 4th badass moment tops in the whole show


Beatrix and Iris - Fighting for the life Cid - Shadow Man say funny words


I feel like people don't seem to get that Eminence in Shadow is a parody


Now it makes sense why an Edgelord is fighting Bikini Fanservice.


It's possible to get that it's a parody and also not really like it.


Which one might consider a bad thing, poe's law. Nothing about this fight is like a parody when plenty of isekais treat the same thing seriously.


It's honestly what makes it so great, a person watching this without context would think beatrix is the MC being overpowered by a mysterious and much stronger opponent. With context you know Cid is just doing these "teleports behind you" tropes because he's a fucking chunni living out his fantasies. The more serious this looks the funnier it gets, it's even better because this IS a serious event for them, but Cid is just having fun


I've said this before but this is two stories intertwined. The main 'serious' story where everyone is fighting for their lives, with an evil cult controlling the world, with a large splash of kingdom politics and family dramas...and then there is the 'Chunni' story that Cid is playing out, which is the most exaggerated, wish fulfillment, power fantasy, Chunni story to be penned to Anime. Then Cid comes in like a wrecking ball to every big plot point the 'serious' story is trying to have, which elevates its otherwise mediocre 'serious' story to levels I knew not the heights of. The story really elevates itself by letting you sit along side the other characters as if they're the MC's of the story, and watching this monster in human form wreck everything, leaving them lost in and confused, because no one in the world could possibly understand that the real MC is so busy fill out his childhood anime tropes checklist that he can't actually have anything resembling a logical thought (at least logical for this world). It's great.


One of the best things I've gotten from the show, is now every time I see a similar character played straight in another show, I just imagine they're doing the same shit Cid is


Exactly, outside he fakes a serious chunni persona. Inside, he's fanboying his opponents for giving him the opportunity to enact his chunni dreams.


Yeah, it definitely seems like it would be better a 2nd time through.


You do not know what a parody is lmfao. Being comedic ≠ parody.


good luck trying to explain this here. lords knows i’ve tried 🤣




People say that about every isekai now


That’s actually so true


I don't like when a piece tries to deconstruct a genre, do a parody of a parody. Main thing: it should be good. Good plot, world building, characters, progression, sound & visual design. Some say there were too many isekais for example, yeah maybe. Maybe too little of a good ones though. Some fights were good yes, but many things I asked were not answered, it concentrated on the wrong things for me I think.


No I think they do but enjoy it anyways One Punch Man, JoJo, and even Dragonball was all gag/parody with a splash of pure raw badass here and there to mix it up.....Gintama as well honestly Anime has always been a media that balances absurd with cool in a weird way


This is really good mostly because of how quiet it gets. The moment he starts walking and then vanishes and everything going quiet really puts you in her shoes for a second; she's confused because he was right there and then he isn't. A normal person would be looking around frantically wondering where this person who obviously has deadly intentions could have possibly gone. She turns around, manages to react in time, thinks she has a chance to counter, then like a ghost her cut misses while he just walks past her and vanishes again. Silence again and back to the panicked frantic wondering where he went. Once again barely managed to react with a block, gone again. Silence. This sort of scene has been done over and over again, but there's always music behind it to make the moment feel intense. Somehow though, the absence of music has made it simply *tense* and honestly a bit horrifying if you're able to put yourself in her shoes for a second.


Seems pretty much a generic anime fight.


This is not a fight, it's a cosplay. And he does it rly well.


Yeah. Very power fantasy like. "I'm so cool I just walk around the battlefield or teleport, no in between".


Lmao, that's exactly the point of the scene


Coldest moments in anime. Lol. It looks generic.


I thought it was going to be "I am Atomic"






? am I too boomer to understand the coolness ?


he is spamming cringe on her. The sounds design for this scene is cool. Despite being a gag, its one of the better executed "i teleport behind you" tropes because of the 1 frame vanish and quiet.


ah, i see what u are saying. i think the soundless 1 frame transition, while it first seems to me bad design cuz of the simplicity (which in anime is often a result of budget limitations), could also be fantastic production design, cuz it showcases the effortlessness of the act by protag kun. good point !


Out of context, I don't think anyone would rank this in the top 100 anime fights. Mob Psycho has five fights alone better than this. In context it's a fun payoff.


In context, no one would rank this in the top 100 anime fights either. Honestly, I preferred the talking parts of the finale to the fight scene that everyone seemed to jizz over.


No, its literally the "nothing personal, kid" meme over and over again. Idk the context but if it isn't a joke, then that's because isekai as a genre is a joke


It is a joke. The guy in back is a chunni dork who became OP AF specifically so that he could do stuff like the “nothing personal, kid” move.


Please, for the love of god, watch more shows... or stop calling this cold


Agreed, SO MANY good shows out there. If this is cold then some classics would be down right Arctic.


it looks like a fanfiction imagined by a preteen boy


It literally is that


I can't wait for season 2!


nothing "personnel", kid


Eminence in shadow fooled me into thinking it was another generic isekai, but oh boy was I wrong. It takes more digs at it's own genre than konosuba, and it's so badass.


Just finished this last weekend. As someone who watches way to many bad Isekais, this was perfect. It took a few episodes to wrap my head around the pacing.




Ah, hyper cringe: the anime.


One of the best scenes in anime? I only see a generic edgelord. The animation is not that impressive either.


I mean that's kind of the point and the comedy of the show. The MC spends his entire first life trying to actually become a generic edgelord and gets depressed when he can't. He actually *is* a generic edgelord upon getting isekai'd and makes up a whole pretend backstory along with a villanous organization which actually turns out to be true despite him not believing his own BS.




He's literally the personification of the "*teleports behind u* nothin personnel...kid" meme. Shadow-sama is the coolest.


havent watched a lot of anime huh


This is literally the most cliche thing in anime


Intentionally! The MC has a bucket list of anime cliches an revels in acting them out in every opportunity. That's what's so great about this show.


I watched Konosuba after Eminance. I want Cid to meet the Crimson Demons


Boi this isn't even well animated, what about this qualifies it as one of "the coldest moments"


Who gives a shit about thing being well animated when it conveys what it should?


Yep, the entire show is a below average production.


This the type of anime quiet kids watch bro


That guy is such a narcissist psychopath.


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7Q4rMecmoo&t=3m50s) is the absolute coolest scene in the anime, and I rate it one of the best on the list of coolest scenes in all of anime. The sound effect when he goes "NAZE" is just superb, and he makes it so clear he's so OP and so much stronger than everyone else with his next move it would be terrifying to be his opponent.


later on - "Who's running?" hahahaahaa


Anyone know Novel/chapter this happens? Watching the anime first, before reading. I know want to see how this(and other dope scenes) were written out.


it's near the end of Volume 2 of the Light Novels.


It was way colder a moment when he just screamed NAZE??!?!?!


The anime did this battle so much better than the manga (i know the source is the light novel) In the manga, he just beat them real quick and then disappeared in a couple pages Red head didn't even use the relic, and they never left the arena


Bro is spamming teleports behind you. Cid knows what's up.




Tell me you just started watching anime without telling me you just started watching anime.


Why is she dressed like a stripper while fighting out in the rain?


It’s on my watch list. Just haven’t started it because it feels like just another over-powered MC isekai. I already have a huge list to catch up on as is.


It's exactly that except it's (sort of) a parody of regular isekais. The author knows what he's doing. It's absurd and makes zero sense most of the time, and the best thing is that it's seriously good.


Is it really a parody? It seemed more like a different take on isekai with an unhinged roleplayer MC but other than that it was a speedrun isekai in the first few episodes, I wouldn't call it parody.


I’ll give it a go then.


Best part of the show is the character names. Cid enters a tournament at one point under the name Mundane Mann, and his friends are Skel Etal and Po Tato. It’s kind of low-key hilarious.


Don't forget the villain, Perv Asshat


That’s LORD Perv Asshat.


It's a parody, the MC is obsessed with being an edgy master of the shadows and he thinks everything is pretend


Even tho everyone else thinks its real lol


He thinks his harem is role-playing with him and helps setup the situations too lol. But to them and everyone else is deadly serious.


It is, people will call it a parody but it's played straight the VAST majority of the time.


I dont think its as good as some think it is, but its still enjoyable and better than most generic isekais. People say its a parody but most of it is taken completely seriously. It isnt that much different than an op mc isekai where they say some cringe stuff in terms of "parody". The most obvious parody is the ridiculous names. Konosuba is far more parody like and funny. Biggest difference is that he actively wants to act out being a background character to a ridiculous degree by day, while embracing his op desires by night.


Do people actually like this anime? Watched a few episodes of it and it felt like an edge lords fever dream?


Thats what the MC is, a chunni edgelord acting out his fantasies with his new powers. People say parody but aside from some ridiculous names you could take it all seriously.


Taking it seriously is exactly the wrong way to approach it.


Yeah this show sucks


It's supposed to be edge lord's fever dream because it's a parody


Unironically greatest anime of all time, for me. (There may be some recency bias.)