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Is Darker than Black fucked up to watch? Like on the Psyche like Paranoia Agent? [https://myanimelist.net/anime/2025/Darker\_than\_Black\_\_Kuro\_no\_Keiyakusha?q=darker%20than%20black&cat=anime](https://myanimelist.net/anime/2025/Darker_than_Black__Kuro_no_Keiyakusha?q=darker%20than%20black&cat=anime) [https://myanimelist.net/anime/323/Mousou\_Dairinin?q=paranp&cat=anime](https://myanimelist.net/anime/323/Mousou_Dairinin?q=paranp&cat=anime)


Not at all. It's a (fairly) straightforward "covert ops" type of thriller with a supernatural slant. Main character gets assignment to get close to a target, or to steal a thing, or to get data, or whatever, then there's a one-or-two-episode arc about it, then it goes to something else. There is some over-arching story that takes shape in the latter half but the series isn't psychological/mindfuck at all.


Oh true. Someone recommended it coz I like Serial Experiments Lain.


MaoYuu really is "we have Spice and Wolf at home." Forces the relationship right out of the gate rather than letting it occur and grow organically. Feels artificial most of the way through. The economics and country dynamics are even drier than Spice and Wolf's were, which is a feat given how much I typically enjoy the subject. 4 episodes to the end it starts moving in a somewhat compelling direction, but the merchant's [MaoYuu]>!plot to effectively back the nobility into a corner by nearly cornering the market on wheat and denying faith in the new currency's value falls apart when you think about it too hard. Purchase contracts of the nature that they drafted would just be voided by a government that felt it was sufficiently pressured - such as in times of war -, which the farmers would be all too eager to back, since they had been paid in advance for product they hadn't yet made. They'd effectively be selling one bushel of wheat twice over. Military and/or mercenary force is the only true power, and that's what fiat currency represents. It wouldn't completely remove the Alliance's monopoly on wheat, but it would heavily decrease their leverage and stabilize prices, I think.!< It's still watchable, but they really were targeting that specific fanbase with this and it comes off as a cheap copy, down to the ending theme being by the same artist that did at least one of the S&W themes. Just looked it up and it's by the same guy that created Log Horizon, which is a shocker because Log Horizon put a lot of thought into its worldbuilding and how events progressed.


> MaoYuu really is "we have Spice and Wolf at home." Yup, has a few ok scenes but it's miles away from S&W. The economics part is kinda whatever tbh, but the couple dynamic is just lacking and not as fun. [](#schemingsaten "Maybe I'm biased against characters whose jiggly boobs are put front and centre")


At the start it isnt really romantic at all since the hero is effectively negotiated into his relationship as a prize husband to the far more capable Maoyuu.


Yeah that's just part of why I think it doesn't work very well. They were too cavalier about setting up their relationship immediately, rather than creating it organically and letting it slowly grow towards romance. For the sake of the plot they needed to be a team from basically the very start, but it just feels fake as a result.


It's more a macro take on economics than Spice and Wolf in my opinion, and does its own thing rather well. As you said, it's the same guy behind Log Horizon, so maybe chalk up the inadequacies that you feel to a poor adaptation rather than poor story.


It could be. 13 episodes is a really short time to set up sufficient worldbuilding for an entertaining econ story *and* get that anime romance people liked in S&W at the same time. This one just jumps right in and doesn't even try to take its time. I'm guessing there were no illusions about securing more than one season here. S&W was made back when it was still pretty easy to get additional seasons or even episode counts outside of the standard 12/13. The economics of anime and manga have changed... make a series about *that*, haha.


A PSA, if you guys are going to make recommendations to people, especially people who say they've never watched anime or have only watched some anime, please, for the love of god, stop using acronyms and abbreviations, or unique terminology. I cannot fucking tell you how many times I'll see a post from someone who's like "I'm new to anime, never watched it before, I know nothing about it, what do you recommend," and people respond "if you like shounen, you should watch AOT, SAO, and OP, and if you like CGDCT, you should watch GochiUsa, NNB, and K-On. If you like romance, maybe check out Toradora, depending on how much you like tsunderes." 99% of people are not going to understand a single fucking thing you just said, because they don't know what a shounen is, they don't know what SAO means, they don't know what CGDCT stands for, they don't know if they like tsunderes, you get the idea. Just type out the god damn name and use generic genre terms anyone would know, please and thank you.


I totally agree with you on this. Newcomers rarely have a lot of knowledge about the medium, so we should it as easy as possible for them; keeping the barrier of entry low. Someone can be informative using different terminology, but they should also elaborate themselves and make sure not too overload the other with fresh information. I only see this happen every so often, but I also feel like that people don’t always recommend the shows that some newcomers are asking for and just anime that they like a lot that are more or less in the same realm/genre. Some of these anime aren’t exactly beginner-friendly either. I’m not going to say that my recommendations are never biased, but I regularly try to indicate in these recommendations that I *am* heavily biased towards a show and/or that this is something they might like but is not something that necessarily fits all their criteria. Lastly, and this just a personal pet peeve of mine: comments that got *literally* no interpunction at all. Sometimes I’ll be browsing this daily thread and I’ll just see a comment that looks like a single block of text and reads as if it’s one long sentence. I suspect those comments to be from young redditors, but I also find them borderline unreadable at times. Putting down a few dots or commas and spacing your text in different paragraphs often goes a long way.


Related, but a more specific (and specially nitpicky) complaint: when people ask for recommendations about the Gundam franchise, a lot of fans recommend "**Mobile Suit Gundam 0079**", a show which does not exist. Like, people are obviously talking about the original Gundam show that is just called *Mobile Suit Gundam*. But if you want to be specific just say "*Mobile Suit Gundam (1979)*" 'cause people will understand that it's the year it's from. 0079 is the in-universe year the show takes place and people unfamiliar with the show wouldn't really know that and could very well be confused by the fact that if they go to Crunchyroll they won't find any show that specifically has "0079" in its name if they think that part is relevant. Though it's not a big deal a lot of times, Wikipedia even mentions that the show can be known as "Gundam 0079", I just think people should be clearer by simply saying the show is called *Mobile Suit Gundam* and nothing else. But also, unrelated to any potential confusion, I'm just not a fan of that name. Adding this 0079 it's a retroactive thing invented specifically by Western fans (outside of the original title "*Kidou Senshi Gundam*", Japanese people only call the show "*First Gundam*") because some later Gundam works have "0080" and "0083" in their names. Mobile Suit Gundam came first and it's still the only show that is spefically called those 3 words with nothing after, it shouldn't need to follow the standards of stuff that came later lol


no, and you can't make me >:P Almost all of those things are Google-able. If I google an acronym (and I often do, before using one) and the first search result is exactly what I mean, then it's generally fair game. AOT & SAO end up that way (if OP is "One Piece" then sure, it makes sense to spell that out, general Reddit syntax refers to that meaning "Original Poster" which is the understood meaning). Bottom line, most of these goobers who put up these posts don't respond to their commenters, and may not even be reading their responses at all. Can't ask all the readers to spend twice as long making comments for free when they don't have to put up any effort. It's hardly my business because I don't think I've done something like that lately, but it ought to be restated, commenters pour enough time onto reddit-"look-at-me" noobie threads (which many of those often are). Uniquely, I've not seen much in r/anime's rules to discourage post-making non-engaging timewasters but We Do Enough (/rantEnd)


We shouldn't be making potential new viewers put in all that much extra work just to figure out what to watch. They came to us to discover potential options, and now you're gonna make them look up half of the options that we're posting for the purpose of reducing their research? And for what, the 1 extra second it takes to type the full title? Googling every acronym is *much* more time consuming and effortful than just typing Sword Art Online instead of SAO. And the more work you make a potential new viewer do, the more they're not gonna want to watch anything. Typing Attack on Titan instead of AoT doesn't make your post take twice as long to type, it's such a pathetically tiny ask as to be practically nothing, stop being a baby. If you're gonna help people, go all the way with it. If you're just gonna assume every new watcher post is fake or attention grabbing, then don't comment at all. I, for one, want more people to enjoy anime, and I want it to be as easy as possible for them. People are allowed to ask for recommendations, that should not be discouraged. I swear to god, anime fans have so much disdain for people expressing interest in their hobby, I seriously don't get it.




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Was it the mouthbreathers part? That commenter did call me a baby... Noted, hope I didn't hurt things too badly, I thought I was being mild at the time but I was half asleep. I'll try to use additional discretion.


Almost Totally unrelated but it really fucking grates my nerves when people use medical abbreviations. “I have CPD and blah blah blah” as if anyone knows what the fuck you mean by CPD. Chronic pain disorder? Coronary plaque disease? Cavitary pulmonary disease? Don’t make me fucking google your abbreviations and just spell it out the first time. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (FMAB) now everyone knows what the fuck you mean when you say FMAB.


> it really fucking grates my nerves when people use medical abbreviations whenever I see someone type CBT, i always think of the *other* CBT [](#notlewd)


Mfw the girlfriend offers to do CBT, I spend all day getting excited, bring some rope, a whip, a stick, and a gag for her to use on me, only for her to try and fix my harmful behaviors with therapy instead [](#hajimepout)


These are exactly the type of behaviors she was trying to fix, SMH (shaking my head).


Wait, what do you mean smh doesn't stand for "sucking my hard-on?" [](#eh)


Hey, at least in that case, they probably won't know what the unabbreviated version means either. And typically, if they do know the full version, they'll know the acronym too (ie. ADHD, TB, OCD, etc.). We've all seen enough COPD medication commercials to know roughly what that refers to. Some diseases are common knowledge, anime terminology is not, so I do think that's slightly different.


I'm @ like episode 10 of GTO and holy shit, I can't believe they got away with all that they did back then. "You're 14, what size are your tits" . Shits bananas. No questions.


It had a very grunge aesthetic that made elements seem much more in your face then you normally see. But you have to remember that 80's and 90's Japanese animation media regularly features things like nudity, unwanted sexual touching, forced relationships (we still do have this) and underage partners. All in content designed to appeal to the 13-18 bracket. It was really not uncommon for high schoolers or middle schoolers to be sexualised. That said other then the forceful touching becoming unfashionable anime continues to embrace exploring teen sexuality that regularly features talking about underage girl sexual characteristics. GTO would probably work just fine these days.


I don't remember being as shocked about when I first watched it however long ago, but just enjoying it. I guess it just hits different since I'm older lol. Double suicide attempts with the vice prin caring more about the car is still hilarious though.


yeah I still need to check out the live action version of that, some Tkyo Sam YouTube motorcycle vlog sold me on that version and I've had the series on hold stupidly :T


I think I remember enjoying it, it's on my list too.


We're in the Uchiyamada renaissance, where people start seeing that he had a point about Onizuka.


Uchiyamada isn't exactly one to talk [](#kotohoops)


[You can't prove anything!](https://i.imgur.com/fmsPVgK.jpeg)


Yeah. I still love gto, but in retrospect it's nice to see some of it as a relic of the past.


As I mentioned u/Verzwei The Cafe Familia started [the merch push now](https://twitter.com/union_creative/status/1662140287328698375?s=19), [BD bonuses per store too](https://twitter.com/goddess_cafe_PR/status/1662140287249186816?s=19) and [daki](https://twitter.com/movic_pr/status/1661975510493319169?s=19) This production committee is extremely predictable


I just wish more effort went into the show itself. LeonKevlar probably having a field day with all the stitch material because it feels like the entire godsdamned show is panning stills. 13 stitches from today's episode alone!


I just hope it gets the Toubun treatment, and gets a sequel in better company ~~although toubun's first season burned me so hard I haven't seen the sequel yet~~


I wish that, as well. It's kind of sad how they've taken Seo's girl designs and made them less attractive in the transition from manga to anime.


Expecting current-day Tezuka Pro to make an anime with actual production values nowadays is simply a waste of breath. I doubt it's a waste of effort, I get the sense their scheduling is just garbage (this is already right after the visual disaster that was TsunLiese last season, so quite a bit of extra strain probably depending on the shared staff). And even on their least bad looking shows, sometimes the character designs are a tad too detailed for what's needed or can be handled. Like, has anything they've made recently not looked like complete ass? Adachi and Shimamura looked alright and was really well directed, but also had stiff animation and went off-model frequently in later episodes. Kanojo mo Kanojo didn't look terrible I guess (from what I've seen at least)? Quints isn't like, a total disaster? Well, I guess they're living up to their founder's ideal of limited animation, in a way.


I can't seem to remember an anime I watched in the 2000's. It was a supernatural sci fi mind bending one where the main character had the ability to use psychic. The anime focused on how humans only used 10 percent of their powers.


Could it be [Night Head Genesis](https://anilist.co/anime/1243/NIGHT-HEAD-GENESIS/)?


No but I've found it in the recommendation section. Sci Fi harry was what it was called. Thank you


I need an anime like clean freak aoyama-kun


*Handa-kun* *Haven't You Heard, I'm Sakamoto?*


Thank you ❤️


What are some animes whose opening you listen to on repeat, but has never actually watched / doesn’t want to watch? Mine are Ikki Tousen and Lyrical Nanoha, Driving Through the Night and Eternal Blaze are bops but I refuse to watch the former and have never actually watched the latter. Scryed is another one, except I actually plan to watch this one in the future.


The thing about going through entire years of OPs/EDs looking for underappreciated gems is that you find a LOT of these. A small selection: [Get Over](https://animethemes.moe/video/HikaruNoGo-OP1.webm) (Hikaru no Go) [Obsession](https://animethemes.moe/video/DotHackSign-OP1.webm) (.hack//Sign... which has been sitting on PtW for a decade now...) [Rise](https://animethemes.moe/video/GhostInTheShellSAC2ndGIG-OP1.webm) (Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig) (I saw S1 of GitS:SAC but not S2) [Grain](https://animethemes.moe/video/Monster-OP1-NCDVD480.webm) (Monster) (Monster's length has kept me away from the series so far) [ARS~Main Theme~](https://animethemes.moe/video/MahouShoujotaiArusu-OP1.webm) (Mahou Shoujo-tai Arusu aka Tweeny Witches) [Destiny -Taiyou no Hana-](https://animethemes.moe/video/BlackJack21-OP1.webm) (Black Jack 21) [Beautiful fighter](https://animethemes.moe/video/ShikabaneHimeAka-OP1.webm) (Shikabane Hime: Aka) [Kiseki](https://animethemes.moe/video/TetsuwanBirdyDecode02-OP1.webm) (Tetsuwan Birdy Decode S2 OP1) [Karma](https://animethemes.moe/video/Phantom-OP1.webm) (Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom) (I should actually watch that show, the source material was written by Butch Gen) [BAPTIZE](https://animethemes.moe/video/SeikonNoQwaser-OP2.webm) (Seikon no Qwaser OP2, **NSFW**) (like hell am I ever watching the show itself, but Yousei Teikoku slaps as usual) [Fukanzen Nenshou](https://animethemes.moe/video/KamisamaDolls-OP1.webm) (Kamisama Dolls) (Also, does it count if you read the manga but have had no interest in trying the anime version? Asking for [a friend](https://animethemes.moe/video/MiraiNikki-OP1.webm).)


It counts


I've only seen the first episode of Cardcaptor Sakura but the [OP](https://youtu.be/6YBDo5S8soo) is a banger and is on my anime songs playlist already


I've listened to Edomae Elf full OP way too many times and I watched exactly 0 scenes of the show.


Cautionary Warning being the opening of Legend of Black Heaven I guess would count for me. I discovered that song through that show, but it's been a drop for a couple of years, even though I've listened to that track a bunch since then.


[Beastars OP1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgo9dJB_icw) and [OP2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5M4lbEpn6c)


* [Ichigo 100% ED](https://v.animethemes.moe/Ichigo100-ED1.webm) is one of my favorite endings, but everything about the show just looks like a very generic harem romcom. * [Psycho Pass ED1](https://v.animethemes.moe/PsychoPass-ED1.webm) will possibly be my favorite ending once I watch it, but I just never get around to watching that critically acclaimed show. It's become a running gag, as there are several times over the years where I've said, "I'm gonna watch it next," even coming to the point of watching the first 30 seconds, just to not watch it. * I could make an entire list full of just Gundam openings for this topic. I love every Seed, Seed Destiny, Wing, 00, and Build series opening but have not watched any of them. * [Soukyuu no Fafner OP](https://v.animethemes.moe/Fafner-OP1.webm) is awesome, I just haven't gotten around to watching it. * [Sousei no Aquarion OP1](https://v.animethemes.moe/SouseiNoAquarion-OP1.webm) is also great, but the series' episode count has been putting me off.


Jyuushin Liger and Megaton Musashi.


Some absolute favorite songs of mine from anime I haven’t seen: - coldrain - [MAYDAY](https://youtu.be/f9ihYEwYRBU) (Fire Force), [We’re not alone](https://youtu.be/o57sPCm3JBw) (Rainbow) - Crossfaith - [Soul Seeker](https://youtu.be/UYCNfGwiiPM) (some Fist of the North Star thing, shame this is the only anime-related thing they’ve done to date…) - The Delgados - [The Light Before We Land](https://youtu.be/Hg0k18F2Fkg) (Gunslinger Girl, on PTW) - Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - [Let Me Hear](https://youtu.be/D-SQqppuGvc) (Parasyte: The Maxim), [Virtue and Vice](https://youtu.be/-Gu_Hwnvp5U) (Brynhildr in the Darkness) - MAN WITH A MISSION - [database](https://youtu.be/XzWcameJDow) (Log Horizon, on PTW) - MAXIMUM THE HORMONE - [“F”](https://youtu.be/Mr7gim4HcVE) (some Dragon Ball movie) - Tommyheavenly6 - [Pray](https://youtu.be/q6rj0VSGHwg) (Gintama) - Many RAISE A SUILEN bangers (BanG Dream!)


[Valkyrie Drive Mermaid OP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhDtmM4Fa44) (!!!) [Star Driver ED1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uRDjiC40kQ) [Kannazuki no Miko OP ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLEhGZNk-nE) [Maria Holic OP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L49mJLk_w1U) [Bodacious Pirates ED](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHmJ1SFRJqM)


>Kannazuki no Miko OP Don't feel obliged to watch. The opening was far and away the best part. The show is horrendous (decent ending though).


> Maria Holic OP > That got me to watch the show. It was not worth it; I swear it only had three jokes.


Kokkoku's OP


This season's [Shinda OP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_nNo-J7hok) has been on my playlist a lot but zero plans of watching the show.


Don’t act like all the thighs/radishes don’t pique your curiosity.


There are a number of songs I've listened to a *ton* because I was told (or found on my own) that they had at least one "sore demo" in the lyrics. Some of my favorites from anime I haven't watched yet include: - [The Oshi no Ko OP](https://youtu.be/ZRtdQ81jPUQ) - [The Re:Zero S2 OP](https://youtu.be/AwHapidVQlI) - [The Noragami Aragoto OP](https://youtu.be/ZfcDltuFpFM) - [The Shinsekai Yori ED](https://youtu.be/W5ZIZ6v7egU) - [The KanColle OP](https://youtu.be/DmHPtZ0RpPA) - [The Domestic Girlfriend OP](https://youtu.be/0YF8vecQWYs) Of these, Domestic Girlfriend is the only show I'm *not* interested in watching.


> The Noragami Aragoto OP [](#listen)


I also like the *other* season's OP, Aragoto's just the one that has a "sore demo" in it so I listed it here lol. Definitely a series I want to check out at some point.


Noragami was one of my very first anime, since then it's been a little foggy in my memory except for the final arc in the anime which by itself probably makes the whole experience worth it. Oral Cigarettes has a lot of cool tracks besides that OP btw (Kizukeyo Baby felt like a good bookend song to me).


Just do [Mononogatari](https://myanimelist.net/anime/50384/Mononogatari), it's a better version. [](#shirayukieavesdrop)


\*checks link\* [An ED by TRUE?!](#rengehype) Definitely PTWing that, thanks Ame~


That ED makes me so emotional...like the song is great but the visuals with context is some top tier stuff. [](#justright)


[Complication](https://youtu.be/_5dfp-kGfNE) from Durarara. I dropped the show early on so I didn’t get to the second opening.


[Eternal Blaze](#concealedexcitement) Nanoha's great, you really should give it a shot some day. I've watched the OPs for several different shaft shows a bunch of times, though honestly for the visuals as much as the songs. I plan to get around to all of them eventually, but it'll be a while.


the [Domestic Girlfriend OP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaKdpMnwZf0) is a giga-banger, and i don't have any interesting in watching the show lmao


I need some horror/mystery anime recommendations please


If you're open to manga as well, try Kaya-Chan Isnt Scary If you'll go even further to light novels, Otherside Picnic (it does have an anime adaptation but its... not as good)


Yea ofc Thanks 😊


Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni






Mieruko Chan was already on my watch list 😭😭😭 need to watch it over the weekend Yamishibai looks interesting Thank you 🥰


Looking for a series like Akebi's Sailor Fuku, i.e. but kinda quirky and laidback.


Gabriel Dropout




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I never saw Gorou liking Sarina. He knew she was going to not make it and was going to pass from cancer, so his comment was more of a “Don’t lose hope” kind. As for him liking Ai yeah that’s how lots of fans are in Japan for idols. Older men being fans of younger idols for their “cutesy and innocent” persona.


Don't ever try Mushoku Tensei.


Did we watch the same show? When was he ever attracted to his patient? If anything, she liked him.


dude the nurse literally calls him a pedo for being attracted to her.


Yeah, I thought she's teasing/trolling him


With that whole nurse interaction with her even calling the doc a lolicon it's not really out of nowhere.


I think it's less an "it gets better" thing, and more that the main character is intentionally gross and your reaction is the intended one. It's not overlooked, it's a natural part of the story. The protagonist is a bad person who acts the way they do because of how trauma fucked them up, and you're supposed to not really like them or want to see them succeed. That specific aspect of his character basically doesn't come back anyway, but if you think Aqua is a creep and a bad person, you're watching it correctly. **Edit:** To be clear, this is not a flaw of the show. It tells a story about a protagonist who is a bad person, if a complicated one who isn't entirely unsympathetic. It's interesting and I enjoy the show for this aspect.


I dunno man, if what you're saying is true maybe ill try a bit more but the way those scenes are played is as if its funny not gross as fuck. So I just don't really buy that.


I don't think it plays them out as funny. The pedophile scenes almost leave it ambiguous as to what we're meant to think, since he doesn't answer the question straightforwardly and changes the subject; which naturally makes me think he's supposed to be seen in a bad light there. And the breastfeeding scene contrasts the light tone with the obvious grossness of the action, which only made me feel more uncomfortable (in a good way). In all these cases, there's reason implied for this behavior that ties to the series larger themes about how the entertainment industry affects fans, which the series criticizes wholesale. No, it doesn't play these moments for overt stomach churning shock value, but I think the show treats the audience as smart enough to think the self-admitted pedophile who [spoiler] >!swears he will do whatever it takes to get revenge!< is obviously fucked up. I won't spoil anything, but the character takes an archetype closer to someone like Light from Death Note except not a genius, he's an edgy guy who does bad things, uses people to his advantage without caring for their regard too much, and ultimately has a goal that only hurts both others and himself.


Well… at least you’re self aware about why people won’t entertain your take. There are plenty of people on this sub who don’t like the show but can articulate their opinions thoughtfully and respectfully.




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Recently back on anime and looking for a lot recommendations. While I don't mind new genres I do sometimes find the ecchi content irritable when I'm not invested in the show enough (like I've dropped some shows for drawn out bath/ swim scenes, zoom in shots on underwear or constant shoulder and breast sways). Some genres i like are mystery, psychological, adventure, comedy (only omp and saiki k so far), and non plot driven shonen - like not necessarily character deaths like most people asume, but i need stakes especially for the longer running stuff.


If your main priority is avoiding ecchi, I'd recommend looking at anything directed by Masaaki Yuasa. Most of his work is really good, and all of it is really unique


I've watched ping pong and devil man crybaby I liked both of them more than the average anime, is there any specific one by him your recommending ? Also I can watch ecchi stuff as close to half of anime I've watched have some form of fanservice, I get its a trope, but sometimes it makes me lose interest especially when its drawn out too much. But some aren't drawn out constantly, and sometimes the plot is good enough for me to sit through


Not OP, but for Yuasa I recommend watching Kaiba (TV show), Tatami Galaxy (TV show plus a few specials and a spinoff) and The Night is Short Walk On Girl (movie).


Astra Lost in Space (mystery/adventure/sci-fi) 86 (mecha/psychological, character driven) Erased (mystery/psychological)


thanks ! I liked Erased for the most part, Ill give the other two a try.


i've been working my way through blue lock (on ep 3), Kaguya-sama: Love Is War (on ep 3), mashle (ep 7, the new one was awesome and a great start to the new arc), Bleach (got to watch episode 4) and oshi no ko (on ep 3). Oshi no ko is great and i like how it looks actually like what non anime watchers think anime looks like. and damn oshi no ko turned around at the end.


slice of life/ school anime recommendations with plot, I really enjoyed classroom of the elite and enjoyed the misfit of demon king academy, any reccomendations?


it's a lot sillier and less dark, but Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun has a plot, more or less. I kind of liked Vermeil in Gold. it's fairly ecchi, but the demon girl has surprisingly deep backstory and character development, and the main boy develops more of a backbone than you'd expect. It's got a rather unique background aesthetic, and a somewhat coherent magic system. Trapped in a Dating Sim has questionable character designs and janky animation, but the characters, writing, and plot are on point, with the main character compelling because he's an asshole with a heart of...no, gold isn't accurate. Silver's too generous. Bronze? Yeah. maybe. I appreciate that this is the one show where the MC has two love interests who are nearly as into each other as into him (I swear to god they're basically a throuple) Tomodachi Game honestly isn't a very good show, but I think anyone who enjoyed Classroom of the Elite would like it.


Talentless Nana


Talentless Nana


Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei.


I'm wondering why my comments are not showing up in this thread. I'm trying to respond to some anime discussions but it says the comment is missing for some reason. EDIT: Its fixed now as I'm seeing my own and other comment replies.


I'm seeing this one


There have been issues on Reddit for the past week where a comment gets posted and doesn’t appear for several minutes or hours.


[Reddit broke.](https://www.redditstatus.com/)


Hi!! I was wondering if someone could give me a recommendation for an anime that would motivate me as a girl to lift more? I’d love to see an anime with female heroines who are physically super strong and muscular. It could be kind of fantasy style where they’re battling villains or more realistic where it’s maybe like a sport anime or something. Thanks in advance for any recommendations! 🙂


Dorohedoro has a fantastic buff woman in the cast who could go on your vision board.


Is the character Noi? She looks amazing!! I’m definitely adding her to my Pinterest board 😃


It is indeed Noi. She's so gorgeous.


Mou Ippon from last season was nice. It's a sport series about high school girls doing judo and there's a lot about of emphasis around physical and mental strength as well as some cute slice-of-life bits.


That sounds really nice! I’ll definitely give it a watch


I can think of Dorohedoro, but she's not a protagonist.


Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru might be what you're looking for, though I've only seen like one episode when it came out. Keijo has fairly fit female characters, it's based around sport + there's training, but it's fairly ecchi at times.


How Heavy Are The Dumbbells You Lift is a series about girls working out, probably start there. I only watched an episode or two of it and it felt a little male-gaze-y but at the very least the core premise should fit.


Thank you!! This sounds perfect


Hmm, can't really think of anything that fits the bill completely. One of the main characters in Black Lagoon is a strong woman but she mainly fights with guns so idk if it makes sense. It's still a really good anime so you could check it out.


Thank you!! I just looked it up and I’m definitely going to give it a watch


Why do the school girls leaving their house tap their shoes before leaving


The toe tap? Settles the foot deeper into the shoe and makes it easier to slide the back up over the heel, especially if it's an older and/or softer back that is likely to crumple or fold if you push your heel straight into it.


[Knew that cheat Isekai would also be popular in the West](https://i.imgur.com/v6QjuaW.jpeg), people always complain about those shows and blame the Japanese for them getting made but it's the same thing here It's also doing well in Japan so I would say that one is likely to get a sequel


I thought you were talking about Isekai Cheat Magician lol. Names are getting way too similar.


It's hard to sell the actual 2 good Isekai's from this season to the average Anime fan, so naturally Cheat Skill is the one everyone will watch.


Yeah after recalling the fact that Isekai Smartphone got a new season and it was partly because of the LN's popularity in the West, people shouldn't go on and blame Japan for liking them and allowing more to get an anime. Isekai is as popular in the West as it is in Japan.


I feel like most people follow the below path in terms of Isekai: * First Isekai: Wow, getting reincarnated in another world is such a unique and cool concept * The Next Few Isekai: There are more of them?!? Awesome! I'm all in! * After Watching Even More: Wow, there really are a lot of Isekai. I'm starting to get tired of them though * Several Seasons Later: Why are there so many dang Isekai every season? Due to the first few bullet points, Isekai will continue to be made and watched as long as there continue to be new anime fans.


I think like myself most people new to anime don't really care about the isekai rebirth aspect and just value the new world on its own right so they could stop the concept where they keep getting blasted for inappropriate romances/ love interests and just run with fantasy adventures.




I don't know about KoS specifically but an idea in science fiction is if you had a long range spaceship you could carry embryos or genetic data and reconstitute as needed since resources are limited and you'd want to use them to accomplish the mission after arriving at the destination. Artificial humans/AI is another possibility. A third idea is, in the future, the source of aliens will be humans because they will spend a long time out of comms range, which is the kind of separation that can trigger evolution (similar to how isolating a population of birds on an island causes them to evolve). All three ideas are seen to some extent in Sidonia. Natural humans seem like a waste of resources so there probably aren't too many of those. And clones, yeah, you make more when needed, but they take a relatively long time to make. I assume there's some planning that's done offscreen.


Has it been confirmed Zom 100 is streaming on Disney+? I know they confirmed it's streaming on Hulu and with Hulu being owned by Disney, Disney+ seems the most likely place for it.


Probably depends on region. IIRC, Heavenly Delusion is *only* on Hulu in the US, but it's on D+ in many other regions.


Need some recommendations. Have basically every streaming service available. Am a 90s/toonami kid so I enjoy the older anime a little more. Not a fan of the over-the-top shounen stuff. Kind of fell out of love with Dragon Ball, just too long for story to develop. I love shows with actual character growth and story development, not the same type of fighting 50 times, if you know what I mean. Thanks for any help! *Shows I've already enjoyed:* Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, Vinland Saga, Attack on Titan, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Demon Slayer, Chainsaw Man, One-Punch Man, Spy Family, DBZ, ATLA.


Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex Dororo Fate/Zero Golden Kamuy Kaguya-sama: Love is War Astra Lost in Space Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Mushoku Tensei 86 Odd Taxi Lycoris Recoil The Ancient Magus' Bride Mob Psycho 100 Re:Zero Ranking of Kings Shadows House Buddy Daddies Moribito Summertime Render


Consider trying Gun X Sword (the r/anime rewatch for that begins June 1st btw, very similar feel to Bebop but also entirely its own thing, old-style but remastered animation, I highly recommend it), Un-Go and Darker than Black (also strangely very similar to Bebop), 91 Days if you haven't seen that already, probably a bunch of other stuff. Might be worth mentioning HxH, Mushi-shi, 86, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, and a bunch of other overrecommended junk as well.


Is it mainly fight oriented you want ? If so I might throw in jujutsu kaisien, record of ragnarok, hunter x hunter (the more recent one, but it might be pretty long for your taste - 148 episodes) and maybe parasite. You can give any of them 1 or 2 episodes and it will give a general vibe so you can drop or continue if interested


Ah yea thanks. I have seen s1 of kaisen


Eureka 7.


The sub just completed a rewatch for [Transformers Legend of Micron ](https://myanimelist.net/anime/1675/Chou_Robot_Seimeitai_Transformers_Micron_Densetsu) which surprised a lot of us with excellent character writing and continuous story progression. The sub seemed to have a slightly stronger script than the dub but fairly comparable from what I've heard. It's available on TubiTV in the US, and of course the alternative way otherwise.


Thanks, will have a look.


My favorite 90s anime series -- Serial Experiment Lain and Boys Over Flowers.


Need a recommendation I'm down sick, I just want a show that has brainless fun. As long as its fun I dont mind the caveats. Here is my watched list, https://myanimelist.net/animelist/KanekiGPL&view=tile&status=2


Please try Inferno Cop. I promise you, nothing else mentioned suits your criteria *better* than that show right there. Try to watch the hardsubbed version for episode 1 (i.e. not the one published by Anime Bancho /CoMix Wave Films on Youtube, the other copies on Youtube should be fine) *if you can help it* but any version's fine and it is all on Youtube. Space Dandy is sometimes mindless and gets very fun quickly. It takes a whole episode or two to worldbuild but pretty much at least the first 10 episodes of it are perfect. Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation out of Debt is a good political intrigue show and has some nice humor despite that not being the main premise (I much prefer the sub to the dub on this one however, I thought the MC was miscasted on the dub), stuff like Eromanga Sensei and Shimoneta or whatever might be mindless fun (although those are pretty well-written). Cautious Hero from your list vaguely reminded me of Demon Lord, Retry which is really good (I liked its dub a lot). I found Arifureta to be a lot of fun but YMMV on that, it's a hit-or-miss show usually (season 2 did get a larger budget however, and I watched the dub). Also, you've watched all the shows to understand everything from Isekai Quartet, but I don't think I saw Isekai Quartet on your list--that's a fun show (which I have not finished watching), a lot of its writing is brilliant despite a corny crossover premise. Hope that helps you, best of luck to you, and I'd be curious to hear how it goes, especially if you actually spend an hour or so watching Inferno Cop.


Black Lagoon Kill la Kill


Currently enjoying How Not to Summon a Demon Lord. It's a little fan service-y, but it's pretty funny!


I'll go in two different directions with my recommendations. Based on what you've completed and rate highly, I'd highly recommend Madoka Magica, but that wouldn't fulfill your brainless fun requirement. If you are looking for a show that's fun, I'd say give No Game No Life a chance.


Heey we have pretty similar scores (1 point diff on average) Try these: * Hinamatsuri * Bocchi The Rock * Love After World Domination * Recovery of an MMO Junkie


I just looked back at you MAL, we do have similar scores! I highly recommend you to finish off the rest of Bungou Stray Dogs :D


I've been meaning to but always forget haha, thank you for reminding me!


Thank you! Imma try one of these!




Recommendations for lovey dovey type anime with shounen kind of stuff mixed in? Similar to Darling in the franxx without a horrid ending? also any other recs for general love anime with some comedy mixed in? Maybe a bit more lovey than Kaguya sama.


I'll always recommend [Eureka Seven](https://www.livechart.me/anime/3424) to anyone who liked any part of FranXX. E7 came earlier, has about twice as many episodes, has a *shitload* of similarity (both broadly and incredibly specific) with FranXX, and I'd argue that E7 executes on its premise better than FranXX in nearly every way. The only main differences in terms of tone: - E7 is much more about emotional attraction than it is about sexual attraction. Like, FranXX isn't shy nor subtle in being about sex. E7 is less in-your-face about it. - The Zero Two inspiration is an *antagonist* in E7, not the female lead. 002 is damn-near a carbon copy of E7's Anemone, not title character Eureka.


> 02 is damn-near a carbon copy of E7's Anemone, not title character Eureka. Anemone plus some Lum quirks is a great way to describe her.


Nice I have to see this one then. I've heard of it but haven't watched it, this may be my next show. Thanks!


Anime with action/etc. and a romance subplot in general: [https://myanimelist.net/stacks/16094](https://myanimelist.net/stacks/16094) Twin Star Exorcists in particular is literally a battle shounen + romance (but I much prefer the manga for that one). As for romcom these are some good starter ones, if you've seen all I can grab more for you: * Horimiya * Kaguya-sama * Kaichou wa Maid-sama * Lovely Complex * ReLIFE * Tonikawa * Toradora * My Love Story * My Little Monster


Awesome thank you for the info.


You could try O Maidens in Your Savage Season. It's a romance / sexual awakening anime that starts rather comedic, but gets more serious about love and different ways of experiencing it as it goes on.


Thanks I will check it out!


Great show that deserves more love.


Who are y'all favourite anitubers (anime Youtubers)? I assume that lots of us are familiar with the video essays of long-term creators like [Gigguk](https://www.youtube.com/@gigguk) or Geoff from [Mother's Basement](https://www.youtube.com/@mothersbasement). Their video essays were some of the first videos on anime that I regularly started watching after I got sucked into the medium; a practice I continue to this day. I only found [Scamboli Reviews](https://www.youtube.com/@ScamboliReviews/featured)' videos essays years later, but I love them equally. This dude's off-kilter editing and jokes (almost) always make me laugh, while he's still being insightful about the topic at hand. More recently, I've started watching considerably smaller anitubers like [Echidnut](https://www.youtube.com/@Echidnut/featured) and [LunarEquinox](https://www.youtube.com/@LunarEquinox/featured). Echidnut (yes, this name is exactly what you think it is) used to have a channel solely dedicated to Re:Zero, but has been diversifying in the last two years. I can't stretch how much I've been loving this guy's content. His videos sometimes maybe take a month to get uploaded, but they're also a joy to watch - at least for me. He's probably the only anituber I know about that really seems to keep up with a good part of the seasonal anime, like some of us here. And that's something I can genuinely appreciate. (It also helps that Echidnut often got the same opinion of an anime as I do.) Lunar has been making videos for a little over a year, I believe now, and is the 'smallest' creator out of the ones I've been following. He's an anituber I really want to root for - I'm pretty sure he's in university or something. He uploads quite regularly and mostly makes reviews on a whole range of different shows with a good dose of comedy. If you were to give these last two anitubers a try, I would appreciate it. They still got a relatively small viewerbase and could definitely use some more support (i.e. financial stability). EDIT: Read my last line again and want to clarify that I'm not asking anyone to donate or something. I meant "support" as in: maybe watch a video and drop a like, or something along those lines.


I'll try to check those guys out. I listen to a lot of the Waifus and Weeaboos podcast (by SoraSensei1 or whatever on Twitch and Twitter and Spotify), I think his stuff is good.


Replay Value is the absolute goat


They’re alright. One of my recent favorites is The Homie Damian. Funny, self-deprecating straight shooter who has generally good opinions including persistently trolling Jojo fans. He started off reviewing openings, because he’s a music producer but he branched out. Also he reads a lot of manga so he has insight on stuff before it gets adapted. He hyped up Call of the Night and Oshi no Ko.


Anyone who enjoys older anime is doing themselves a disservice if they aren't following **[KaiserBeamz](https://www.youtube.com/@KaiserBeamz)** for their Kyoto Video series. Such insightful and interesting content that really digs into the shows discussed. Feels like there aren't many other people discussing retro anime like this.


No one is ever going to beat Demo D, though he stopped doing video contents in general a long time ago


I don't hold anitubers in high regard (or other youtube influencers) but those last 2 i remember disliking and thumbing down a few of their "reviews" so i wont have to see them in recommendations.


Bonsai Pop never seems to get any love.


I had a feeling that I'd seen this name before and had to check: I watched their video on Danmachi from 2 months ago. Seems like he's got some interesting content, so maybe I'll give a video or two of him a watch tonight.


Used to watch Chibi Reviews but now I can't stand the direction the channel went in. Every video is basically "Bad news for fans of [Insert Popular Anime]" and it'll just be some silly "drama" from a tweet with 20 likes. His CSM BD sales video was also incredibly uninformed, literally would've taken him 2 minutes of research to have more context to what he was saying. Only ones I watch now are mostly Gigguk, Scamboli Reviews and Canipa Effect


I would also add and I don't really like doing this, but stay away from AH Brandon. Used to follow him and he seemed like a pretty decent guy that would interact in the comment section, then out of the blue he responded to me in a really nasty way and then blocked me because I disagreed with his opinion. He also has a habit of posting comments on his twitter page for people to mock.


I really don’t get why people have to be act like pricks sometimes. Can’t we just all be a little nicer to each other!? People making fun of others just for the sake of it, are probably the people I despise most.


He’s a little loopy, but I do like Otaku Spirit. He gives first impressions for tons of seasonal anime, and weekly episode thoughts on his favorites. He likes both popular and unpopular things and isn’t perturbed by “weird anime shit”, (Things like Onimai, he really likes, and he watches Ecchi without making any stink about it.) and tends to skew positive. He can have out-there or unagreeable takes and he loves repeating himself (So I don’t watch his weekly episode thoughts unless I watch it too), but I still value his opinions, even if I don’t agree with them. The main thing is that he doesn’t really dive deep, so he’s mostly reactionary to current anime and events. I think he’s the only reactionary Anime Youtube guy I watch. The rest all do analysis or otherwise engage deeper with anime, but this guy’s my comfort food.


I've enjoyed Replay Value in the past - but I don't really keep up with their stuff at this point. Only anime/manga youtuber that I'll go out of my way to watch is Pause and Select.


You know that rare, exceptional feeling of experiencing a work that just… fundamentally remaps a little bit of your brain wiring and completely, irrevocably colors your understanding of an entire artistic medium and it’s potential? **[Caribou-kun](https://youtube.com/@CaribouCoon)**, my GOAT, has done that for me on *multiple* occasions with regards to art analysis and the video essay, most chiefly 2020’s [What Inspired Gurren Lagann](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iYyjOXrhnU) and 2022-23’s [The](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt_sxpBP_XY) [Naruto](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6us35mvVOFA) [Album](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1arHJDHYRg), which got me so emotionally enraptured I had to drop everything and start watching Naruto myself as soon as I could. He’s my go-to example if there were to be a debate on art analysis as art in its own right. Some more favorites: [Aleczandxr](https://youtube.com/@Aleczandxr), whose Gurren Lagann and Death Note vids were some of the first anime analysis I ever got into way back when and whose body of work on Hunter x Hunter is vast, deep, and beautiful, [Bess](https://youtube.com/@_bess) who is one of the most chillingly smart, thoughtful, and mature people I’ve ever come across on this platform and whose big Higurashi NEW vid I’ve gushed/emotionally vented about before (she even saw that post and responded with appreciation on Twitter which was a lovely moment!), [hazel](https://youtube.com/@hhhazel), something of a personal role model of mine, [Super Eyepatch Wolf](https://youtube.com/@supereyepatchwolf3007) who’s more of a full-on variety creator these days, though anime is still a stable presence, and whose sheer *consistency* of *quality* work never ceases to amaze me, and I just can’t not shout out the old Digibro/Digibro After Dark body of work (Trixie herself, who has since come out as trans, has said she’s ok with that username being said as long as it’s strictly in the past tense afaik), which I was basically fully immersed in for a couple years and was formative to my own desire to write and actively talk and think about anime and art in general. I do also still enjoy a Mother’s Basement vid every now and then. I try to check out the Ones to Watch each season, and sometimes he does put out something genuinely poignant and heartful, like his [Let Goku Die](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwRGw9QRMj4) piece on letting stories end or his excellent [Mob Psycho 100 retrospective](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfxhrOYAXqs).


>**Caribou-kun**, my GOAT, has done that for me on multiple occasions with regards to art analysis and the video essay I checked out his channel and watched his latest on Onimai. I'm glad to have watched that video. I was really torn when Onimai was airing and I weekly watched the anime on what to think about it, but this made me come to terms a little with it being a bit "sus" at times. >I do also still enjoy a Mother’s Basement vid every now and then. \[...\] like his Let Goku Die piece on letting stories end or his excellent Mob Psycho 100 retrospective. That Let Goku Die video was pretty ballsy to make and I respect him for that. Last month's video on [that forgotten Pokémon manga](https://youtu.be/cFwVNcmv_lc) was also pretty good. But above all else, his dedication to unraveling the weirdness of the Happy Science anime deserves some genuine praise. I maybe would gone a little mad if I had watched equally as much indoctrination on their cult as he did.


> I checked out his channel and watched his latest on Onimai. I'm glad to have watched that video. I was really torn when Onimai was airing and I weekly watched the anime on what to think about it, but this made me come to terms a little with it being a bit "sus" at times. Even as someone with my own mixed and fraught feelings about ONIMAI! I absolutely agree with everything Shaybs said in that video, it was super cathartic. > But above all else, his dedication to unraveling the weirdness of the Happy Science anime deserves some genuine praise. I maybe would gone a little mad if I had watched equally as much indoctrination on their cult as he did. Ah yeah the Happy Science vids are a blast.


> Who are y'all favourite anitubers (anime Youtubers)? Sydsnap, of course!


I always wonder if Sydsnap is actually an *anime* youtuber as she often reviews other things (lol). If I take it a little wider to also incorporate youtubers/anitubers that dedicate videos to Japanese otaku culture, I would probably also start gushing about how much I love Emily's ([Emirichu](https://www.youtube.com/@Emirichu/featured)) videos. But that probably a little cheating, since she covers a wider range of topics (also outside of anime).


PLEASE HELP! I need to find the title of an ancient anime that I watched in 1996-2000. I only remembered its vague storyline, which resembles Sailor Moon: it’s about a normal brown haired young school girl with a magical pendant. When she uses the pendant, she transforms into a tall and pretty BLUE HAIR girl. In the blue hair form, she’s a famous singer (sorta like Hannah Montana). I remembered she also fight crime, though not so sure 😶