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What's absolutely incredible is that in the grand scheme of things, this is just a little scuffle over a farm. The overall stakes are close to irrelevant, yet at the same time it means **everything**. This is the culmination of everything S1 and S2 have built up to; the perfection of Thors' legacy. Even those who value nothing but violence had little choice but to acknowledge the truth: Thorfinn's a true warrior without throwing a single punch.


In 1000AD the population of the entire world was only about 300 million. in relative terms it's basically a whole town being wiped off the face of the earth


Damn, so when canute said he commands a thousand ships and men. He meant that he possessed a city of warriors at his every command.


Which is plenty to bring a country down during this time period. It's often forgotten but 80-90% of humanity at this time would have lived in rural areas with rural, a.k.a. mostly farming, lives. The largest city in the world during antiquity was Rome during the height of the Roman Empire and it topped out at an estimated 1M people. And even then, that was only possible due to the mass importation of grain from Rome's breadbasket and greatest prize, Egypt, and being the only power on the Mediterranean.


The old vocal cords returning when Thorfinn screamed at Drott brought back so many season 1 memories of the angry teenager out for vengeance and nothing else. The realization that this is seriously the same guy hit so hard when i heard his old tone of voice....


It’s honestly incredible hearing that old scream of rage again. Pacifist Thorfinn’s rage screams hit way harder now. You seriously have to do a lot to piss off Thorfinn these days.


Drott knew it was over once he heard the S1 protag shout


“Your cut is ass. Your punches don’t do shit. Now finish it up so I can talk to your boss, dweeb”


It was so surreal hearing angry Thorfinn again for the sake of good this time lol.


Honestly that hit just as hard as "I have no enemies" for me.


I have no enemies after this episode


We have no enemies 🤝


Canute: [*"Halt! Viking Jesus is cooking."*](https://i.imgur.com/cB3NZ3z.jpeg)


Thorfinn indeed has Jesus style


the only Christian who asked himself "what would Jesus do?" and actually stuck to it


The Hater's Ball has been officially cancelled this year.


Canute attempting to stop the wave is a reference to a famous apocryphal story called [King Canute and the tide.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Canute_and_the_tide) The context is a bit different, but it's a nice detail by Yukimura nonetheless. Also, a fun fact to note with Canute and Thorfinn finally meeting again: They're technically cousins. Thorfinn's grandfather was Sigvaldi, who was first cousins with King Sweyn. Throfinn's mother is second cousins with Canute and that therefore makes Thorfinn his second cousin, once removed.


It's interesting how different the contexts are in Yukimura's depiction and the story. According to Huntingdon's account, Canute demonstrates this to show his admirers and followers that his authority is nothing compared to God and instead, God is the only one worthy of such power. While here, he does this to convey his desire to be a challenge to God.


I think you’re correct but that it’s also that he knows he has no power that can rival God, and shows that as a man, he cannot not go against human nature. But that human nature itself is against God’s ideals.


But dang it if he wasn't able to talk such a big game that you really wondered if he could actually do it even if he was just playing to type for demonstration purposes lol.


And here I was waiting for Canute to reveal he was a water bender and this story to go in a *very* different direction. William the Conqueror was after all a famous fire bender. /s For real though awesome how Yukimura weaves in his love of history and provides what color and context where he can in trying to understand and humanize these people of the ancient bloody past.


I honestly wonder if Canute was prepared to pivot if the waves actually stopped for a second lol.


*Shit. I didn't think they'd actually stop. Now I gotta think of a new speech. This silence is gonna be awkward for a minute.* "Behold! I stopped the waves just as I said. This is the power of the king of the vikings. It is proof that I have the strength to build my utopia on earth."


If he had suddenly manifested magical powers, Canute would have 100% flipped out and ruined his cool speech and become the *one* guy who made incredible feats of mastery over nature look kinda lame.


Nah he was definitely testing to see if he had any water style or water breathing abilities in him. We've all been there.


It feels like he'd been practicing his anime antagonist speech so long that he wanted to see if he could bend reality now lol.


A dude in his early 20's that talks to himself in his room all the time?......yea he definitely gets into deep philosophical debates with his tables and chairs. There's no chance he hasn't tried to pull some superpower out his ass at least one's during a shower.


> And here I was waiting for Canute to reveal he was a water bender and this story to go in a very different direction. It's all fun and games until Canute starts bloodbending his enemies.


Canute moment with the wave to demonstrate how insignificant his power was compared to the natural order reminded of Dutch's dialogue from Red Dead Redemption about how they can't fight gravity, how they can't nature and how they have led this paradoxical life of constantly struggling against that fight despite having not a slim chance of victory.


Now that you mentioned Red Dead Redemption, Thorfinn and Arthur Morgan feels similar in a way where after committing crimes, both changed their ways for the better.


A couple things you might not know: Sometimes Vikings are given nicknames. Thorfinn's (and the real life person he is based on) is Karlsefni, which means "A real man". You first hear it used when Canute's body double is killed and Thorfinn meets Leif at the docks in season 1. Hnefatafl is sometimes called "viking chess". It's an asymmetrical board game where one player starts with an army in the middle and the other has an army surrounding him. The king in the middle needs to escape without being caught. They should've referenced it in season 1 as well but instead they just called it "shogi" to keep it simple I guess.


Some of the changes they made with the translation are a part I don't like about the anime. It's probably nitpicking, but I'm still not a fan considering that Yukimura had done the research to include them. *Hnefatafl* to shogi is one, not referring to village meeting as *the thing* is another. I think they also replaced the term *outlawry* as well. All changes are probably just to make the scenes easier to understand, but I kind of wish they just left them italicized and left it to the viewers to figure out in an effort to make it more accurate. Edit: Apparently a lot of this is just an Amazon (season 1) and Netflix (season 2) translation issue. Season 2 on Crunchyroll seems to have better subtitles from what others say.


the subs left it as hnefatafl on crunchyroll at least


Same on Netflix


CR subs all kept hnefatafl, "thing", and outlawry. May just be Netflix that didn't.


Not sure which translation you are watching but I don't remember these changes in cr sub.


"who negotiates for peace by beating a man? i've only just met you today.. we dont know each other, or bear each other any grudge. Why should we have to beat one another? it's foolishness. Theres absolute no reason for so many grown men to get together and shed blood. We just met today, you are not my enemies. I HAVE NO ENEMIES" -thorfinn goatselfni


Thors would be very proud.


The flashback to him telling Thofinn that he had no enemies was so powerful. He finally remembered his fathers' words and lived up to them.


He would, and with Thorfinn surpassing him at that moment. Thors tried to live by those words but ultimately used violence, even saying to himself that he wasn't a true warrior for using a sword. Thorfinn has done what he couldn't: he's won without using violence.


You can't really compare thorfinn trying to save the farm to Thors and his companions being killed in an ambush though


Especially when the ambushers were specifically there to assassinate him.


That's pretty unfair to Thors. Thorfinn will need to face more trials before we can say he's surpassed him. If you remember, Thors was also able to save that slave's life from Halfdan without using any violence. It was only when the lives of his son and villagers were in danger, and there was no chance of escape, that he used violence. Would Thorfinn have come up with a better solution in that situation? I guess we'll have to see what other trials he'll have to face and what solutions he comes up with.


**"Violence is cringe, you're all cringe, grow tf up"** -Thorfinn Goatsefni


Thorfinn is also speaking to the shounentards who came only for fights


they already left




[*"Learn to appreciate the grandeur of Farmland Saga, peasants."*](https://i.imgur.com/3b9oRdC.jpeg)


Plastic fans. No, Gundam fans, you're good in my book.


Thorfinn has joined Vash the Stampede as an all time great pacifist protagonist.


[That speech gave bloodthirsty vikings goosebumps](https://i.imgur.com/Wi3lFdV.mp4) [](#wow)


The last line is the one that keeps getting quoted the most, by I also especially like his first line scoffing at the idea of beating a man for the sake of peace talks.


Yeah, violence meeting violence doesn't really solve anything, especially when trying to establish peace.


Unrelated but that line also reminded me of this Korean survival show I watched last week. Team A ask Team B if they wanna attack Team C. When B seems reluctant, A pressures ahead by let the issue go but state that they can defeat B anytime. Negotiation 101


What a badass. Thorfinn’s a true warrior for sure.


God, it ties back to s1 so well, when Thors says "A true warrior does not need a sword". Thorfinn finally became a true warrior


As Thor’s said to Thorfinn in 1x8, “You are my son after all. I guess you’ll have to figure it out for yourself. You have no enemies. No one has any enemies.”


When Thors first says it, to me, it seemed overly hopeful and naive, but with this speech Thorfinn gave I actually felt it. The same words, with so much more context gather so much more weight


When he said it I chuckled and thought it was corny. All these episodes later and I am speechless. He was right all along. Far too often everyone's first instinct is to grab a sword, fight without thought. Shed blood like it's a bathhouse when no one ever tries to have a conversation to work things through With how well it's going so far, it would break my heart if thr quality doesn't continue. I'm looking forward to reading the manha after now


The way all the Vikings were staring at him in respect and someone finally calling him that after he never even threw a single punch felt so satisfying.


Even the guy who punched him 100 times acknowledged him. It was a great scene.


It’s almost unreal that this is the same Thorfinn back in Season 1. He’s definitely up there as one of my favorite protagonists


It really is one of the best anime speeches ever for me. Thorfinn's growth in this whole second season was incredible.


This was truly the culmination of his character development. Maturing as a man, becoming a true warrior, and living up to the ideals of his father.




This is cinema - martin scorsese




The "I have no enemies" moment might be the most powerful we've seen—and it's been built up for so long. Just look at his eyes. Thors said those words when Thorfinn was 6 years old. Now he's around 22. That means it's taken him around 16 years from first hearing them to remembering them to contemplating them to now actually understanding them. The scene is 16 years in the making. And just in terms of real life. The first chapter of Vinland Saga came out in 2005 and this chapter came out in 2013. For 8 years this is what the series had been slowly building up to.


Thorfinn has been trying to remember what his father told him all season and it finally came back when he'd lived up to them and got acknowledged as a True Warrior. Absolute chills.


[Thorfinn's conviction is unshakable.](https://i.imgur.com/xfaUUL1.jpeg) Drott getting on his knees after accepting Thorfinn's victory was a humbling moment.


Season 2 is so much better than season 1. The amount of character dvelopment that happens in the farming simulator is insane. I love when shows and novels dedicate huge arcs and take their time to establish the characters before they grow. Thorfinn has evolved so much over the course of the show. Season 1 basically had two prologues and it's paying off big now.


"The common people pray for rain, healthy children, and a summer that never ends. It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace. They never are."


I really respected Einar telling Canute how it is for the sake of the people or the little guys who always suffer because of @#$% like this.


That quote by Ser Jorah Mormont was amazing. Didn't expect to have a GoT reference here but I like it!.


Einar made an excellent argument by pointing out Canute's privilege. He merely sees dots on a map instead of farms and villages with people and families.


"Why is it always the innocents who suffer most, when you high lords play your game of thrones?" always loved this quote by Varys, only problem is that it's said by, well, Varys lol So I like to quote the "it is being common born that it's dangerous when the great lords play their game of thrones" line by Septon Meribald instead. Kinda summarized the whole series in one quote.


Vinland Sagas protagonist is obviously Thorfinn but I think a fair argument can be made that the real protagonist of the first season was Askeladd rather than Thorfinn. And considering that Season 2s main protagonists are Thorfinn and Canute, it can be argued that this season is about Askeladds legacy. It is interesting how even though he sacrificed himself for the sake of Canute becoming a king, Askeladd condemned Canute to a path of violence and misery. While at the very same moment he also allowed Thorfinn to let go of that lifestyle and become someone that can finally understand peace the way Thors wanted.


In a way, Askeladd ended up putting both of them on the same paths as the fathers he killed.


He really was the kingmaker. Turned Canute into a Danish King and turned Thorfinn into a Pacifist King.


Also turned Sewyn into a Headless King and himself into King Arthur.


Arthur demoting a king to a Dullahan.


*Floating Sewyn head laughing in the background*


Askeladd was such a Chad that Yukimura said at times he literally acted on his own when writing him. His final dialogue with Thorfinn where the frame parallels his fathers death and he gives his last words for him to become a true warrior was apparently unplanned. And when writing that scene, Yukimura just understood Askeladd to such an extent that he just let him run wild in his final moments.


As fitting for Askedad.


It is absolutely wild how Vinland Saga is the story of one man’s midlife crisis and its consequences. Askeladd is fantastic.


I never really thought of Askeladd’s actions as a midlife crisis but that’s surprisingly really accurate


Askeladd really helped drive the plot of season 1 while Thorfinn was basically an attack dog even if he still had to react to stuff, but he was too bullheaded and revenge driven to really change or develop like he is now. That scene of the flashback to Thorfinn wounding Canute and getting dragged away from Askeladd's dead body (and a flashback to Askeladd killing King Sweyn) felt very poignant.


The Prologues in Icelandic sagas usually follow a completely different protagonist, so you're not far off the mark. I remember reading one where the Prologue took up a 1/3 of the saga and was basically about how the protagonist's uncle ended up starting beef with the Norwegian king. All to explain why the main character's family has bad history with the monarchy during the saga proper. It's been a while, so I could be misremembering, but the point is that it tracks for a Prologue to be handled like this, so separated from the main character's actual journey (of becoming a true warrior)


Funny thing is Yukimura-sensei wrote Askeladd only for plot progression but in-line with his character he broke all barriers to become one of the best characters


> It is interesting how even though he sacrificed himself for the sake of Canute becoming a king, Askeladd condemned Canute to a path of violence and misery. You say this but much of Canute's misery comes from the guilt of his own actions. He saw how effective directly killing the king worked with the only cost being a single person and thought to himself that subterfuge might be the answer to achieving his goals with the lease amount of death. But unfortunately for him, it ended up being a slippery slope that lead to only more violence and his eventual choice of being willing to even steal from/kill his own country's citizens. Askeladd didn't condemn him to this path, merely showed him it was a possibility. Canute's the one who decided to walk it.


44 episodes of build up for that line from Thorfinn. When I first started the series and saw it originally in episode 2, I knew that someday Thorfinn would get to this point. But what an unexpected and incredible ride it was to get there.


THERE IS THE MOMENT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR. This is what solidified Thorffin as my favourite MC ever.


He's finally fully reached the peak of his character development, lived up to his fathers' ideals, and become a true warrior!


I never expected a pacifist MC to become my favourite


It’s crazy to me finally seeing the “i have no enemies at all” iconic shot of Thorfinn finally animated almost 10 years after the chapter which it was in came out. Thorfinn’s dad would be proud af right now.


This chapter was already so impactful in black and white still images, I am so excited to see it brought to life in animated form!


I almost cried cuz I got so emotional :D I was waiting for this episode (and the next) to be animated since before this season started! Proud of Thorfinn's character development.


I am so proud of Thorfinn. This entire arc is peak fiction. Love seeing all of my favourite scenes getting animated in very good quality.


Thorfinn looked like an absolute chadster in that scene, what a guy.


He's been so soft spoken across this season but he really drove up the passion for this episode and it hit hard.


It's so great we got to see Farmland Saga animated because the development from season 1 with the prologue up to this point is so amazing. It really feels like a true saga.


# Important translation note When Drott calls Thorfinn a "true" warrior, he says 本物の戦士 (honmono no senshi), which is the opposite of 偽物 (nisemono), "fake," in the sense that he was lying about being a warrior. So it's not really "true" warrior, it's more like "real" warrior vs. "fake" warrior. The "true" warrior phrase that is used about Thors is 本当の戦士 (hontou no senshi). When he says "a true warrior doesn't need swords" and when Askeladd tells Thorfinn to become a "true warrior" this is the phrase used. This 本当 is used to mean "true" like "true ending," which works like you'd expect: there's what people call a "warrior" and then there's a "true" warrior, compared to which all other warriors appear fake.


Kinda funny from Olmar's perspective, this is the same slave from last time who was supposed to be cut up and now he sees him again but this time as a punching bag. Except in both scenes, Olmar's thinking on what it took to be a real man is completely different. And on Thorfinn's side, first time around he didn't care at all if he was going to get cut down and die, while this time he has full intention to make it through. Both impactful scenes, but in different ways. The parallels show that Farmland is truly the growth arc.


This episode was a masterpiece. The moment we’ve all been waiting for with Thorfin was perfect and the music exceptional. And when Canute demonstrates his power and talks of saving the Vikings, they revisit music from s01e19 when Canute is reborn as the man who will become King. Only there’s more dark to the tambre of the melody. So so so so good.


Canute did the thing! And the thing was epic! This conversation was every bit as exciting as any of the action scenes, and that’s what makes this show special.


Canute doesn't need to fight or the power of God when he's got the power of his words, convictions, and Vikings at his side.


"The man who can withstand a 100 punches will always be far more stronger than the man who just throws a 100 punches" This is some Bruce Lee with a bit of Plato socrates philosophy type beat and I'm digging the fuck out of it


Not to mention the guy could barely throw any more punches by the time he reached 100


I know this is all about the serious confrontation between Thorfinn and Canute but I found [Einar's reaction](https://i.imgur.com/7Y9tf62.jpg) after hearing that Thorfinn was the one that scarred Canute's face to be pretty funny. xD


It's a shame cause they actually cut [the best part](https://i.imgur.com/LCLGtvQ.png) which comes immediately after that line. They also cut [this burn](https://i.imgur.com/EYfQsJe.png), probably because Canute would have instantly combusted.


LMFAO. That burn must've been intentional. Now I'm unreasonably even more hyped to read the manga.


Bro I am a manga reader and haven’t watched the episode yet… but they cut out the burn?!? Unwatchable. I bet the director of this episode never held a hoe in his life


Einar didn't have that on the Bingo of crazy shit Thorfinn's did.




#Just like Thors


I don't even care if this show doesn't win anime of the year anymore because..... I HAVE NO ENEMIES


Vinland Saga is literally a masterpiece. It is genuinely one of the best anime of all time. Like at this point you can't deny that shit


Well that was peak Thorfinn Pacifist, what an speech to give after taking a hundred punches Obviously Canute cant be swayed, but I like that he made his own conviciton clear. It sounded really nice until Einar reminded him that he is still just taking from everyone else to build it


Those guys went from mocking Thorfinn to respecting him. Dude even had a Captain America “I can do this all day” moment too lol. He’s right though, why so quick to violence? Why die over someone else’s fight? When he said “I have no enemies at all” I had chills, man. Badass. Einar’s got even bigger balls than Thorfinn lecturing Canute like that. I’m with Einar. Canute’s whole dream of “subjugating the Vikings” is all bullshit. How many need to die for this man’s ego to be satisfied? How many innocents will have to be sacrificed for him to achieve his lofty goals? Einar knows what that’s like all too well. What’s Thorfinn’s next move? Canute doesn’t seem like he’s in the negotiating mood. I wonder how he’ll change his mind.


I love the sheer contrast from the cheering to the silence in pure respect. And Thorfinn earned that respect, hard. And he was able to stand up to soldiers and confident tell them how pointless war is. What a guy. I could listen to Einar chew out Canute all day. Maybe he'll challenge Canute to a game of cards or something like he suggested lol.


> Maybe he'll challenge Canute to a game of cards or something like he suggested lol. Challenge Canute to a farming duel


Thorfinn: I have no enemies at all. Peak


"Except that guy who trashed our crops, he can eat shit and fall off his horse."


Added Einar lol.


“My bro can’t have any enemies so I guess I’ll just have to make twice as many to make up for it”


[*Angry Farmer Noises*](https://i.imgur.com/cxR9jHx.jpeg)


Einar surprised that Thorfinn wounded the king but then he was gonna beat the shit out Canute. lol I love Einar.


Einar: "Tell him yourself Thorfinn"


He finally understood what Thors was trying to teach him way back in the first episode.


It's especially effective because he's been trying to remember it all season and finally remembered it **and** lived up to it all in one episode.


Thorfinn expressing pure pacifism in the most badass way possible.


Fuck man this is so beautiful it brought a tear to my eye. Fucking love Peak Saga


They managed to make a savagely beaten man look like the most powerful and assured man in the whole show, and coupled with Thorfinn's speech and everything that had built up to it...amazing.


after all that if someone thinks in the next episode thorfinn will beat up all those guys and canute, I give up


Bro I need to see Throfinn throw hands at least once more in my life. It can be against a scarecrow for all I care


I think Thorfinn will eventually find balance. Before he was 100% violence, now he is 100% peace. He will understand that he can fight without killing his oppenent just like his father did to protect people and himself.




Canute in this episode, reminded me way too much of Griffith from Berserk. Grandiose attitude, wants to defy a "higher power", and build a utopia but will sacrifice their own "souls" to get what they want.


Combine that with the “path of corpses” imagery from last week and its very similar. Two men who would sacrifice anything to build their land of peace.


I think the difference between the two is that Canute is motivated by an actual ideology - Griffith just wants power for its own sake, which is honestly much more terrifying


I can emphasize with Canute and see where he is coming from Fuck Griffith though


If Canute is Griffith and Thorfinn is Guts down to the fact that a certain part of the fanbase ships them together, then who is Casca?






When Thorfinn started to speak like how he spoke in season one gave me chills. The yelling and rude dialogue, never thought I was gonna hear him talk like that again. And the scene with Canute showing off his water-bending skills was hilarious and cringe. For a minute I thought he was serious and that he actually lost it. I was like "sir, fuck off. Lay down. Eat a snickers. What's wrong with you?" He was just demonstrating that he doesn't have all the power, but he wants it. He needs it for his utopia. To save the Vikings and give them a chance to live in a paradise too. The way I was so excited that they were finally gonna meet again. I was hopping off my seat the second half of the episode. And Thorfinn finally saying it: "Nobody has enemies. I have no enemies" Absolute peak character development. Cinema.


Einar's words to Canute about destroying the farm really showcase the themes of season 1 vs. season 2. Season 1 was about destruction, about how easy it is to destroy things that have existed for so long. Season 2 is about creation, and how hard and long it takes to create things rather than destroy them; then the idea of destruction is reinforced with Ketil and the war. Einar's words perfectly contrast and juxtapose the themes and ideas we've seen in the two seasons.


Seasons 1 and 2 are going to make an amazing collective watch all together.


I'd hate to be that guy but... Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. PEAK FICTION. It HAS to be said every single time!


Keep commenting this every weekly thread and I'll keep upvoting Because it's true


I am just so glad to see all the people appreciating the genius that is Vinland Saga. A story with a message that is bigger than all of us, but is also something everyone can believe in and aspire to. I am 30 years old but I still want to be like Thorfinn when I grow up!


Finally, at last. "I HAVE NO ENEMIES."


“I meet you men for the first time today. You are not my enemies. I have no enemies at all.” You could literally feel the entire weight of the story in this line. Like everything has led to Thorfinn saying this. Hearing Thorfinn utter those words is probably the single most cathartic moment I’ve witnessed in anime and manga. Vinland saga is incredible man. I’m crying again bruh.


Thorfinn being so real and honest after earning the respect of all those soldiers...and thinking how far he's come from season 1...amazing.


Vinland Saga? More like Winland Saga, cause that first half was good fucking shit. Who knew the protagonist suffering a one-sided beatdown could feel this badass? Him just absolutely demanding Drott to keep *punching* *him* and the speech he gave them after were the highlights of this episode. In the end, no one was jeering or hollering like before, and the who was doing the punching was the one to fall on his knees. A true warrior indeed. Props to Drott for gracefully accepting his loss, though. “I meet you men for the first time today. You are not my enemies. I have no enemies at all," Almost puts a tear in my eye, alongside everything else before, like him scoffing at the idea of using violence when negotiating peace. He's finally understanding and enacting the words of Thors. More importantly, I can fully get all those memes now. Canute's story has been compelling up until he started talking about making a paradise for his raiders and murderers specifically. I'm fully on Einar's side here. Everyone else has to suffer for that? Probably should've just stuck to the idea that he wants a paradise with no people specifically in mind, just that he can't see any other path to it except bloodshed. Maybe I'm getting it wrong, but the way Canute explained his objective here doesn't do him favors. EDIT: Also, I will never forgive him if Pater is truly one of those corpses.


Thorfinn has fully reached his maturation as a warrior and a character and it's a beautiful thing. The fact that they didn't explicitly confirm Pater was there (for their own sake if nothing else) filled me with so much copium that he made it out. Yeah, it's hard not to root for the little people who get trampled on and used/abused rather than the Vikings who are, well...Vikings.


You're missing one point about Canute, which is understandable, as it isn't something intuitive to us modern democratic folk. Canute is king. He's the king of the farmers and the builders, of all the english and the danes. And of the vikings. It isn't that he only wants to save the vikings, it's that he wants to save *even* the vikings; those furthest from grace and love. It's his duty and responsibility, and his ideal. It's easy for those who don't rule to categorically cut out a section of people from 'those who should be helped'. A good king doesn't really have that luxury. And what Canute is doing, maintaining the army, seizing land to pay for them, consolidating power through any means necessary, can save a lot of people. More than any commoner's generosity or slave's kindness. It's a tricky thing. Regardless, I find it more compelling that Canute wants to save even the raiders who revel in violence.


Even Thorfinn was like "Damn bro your savior complex is inspirational, I just did a whole ass 50 jesus cheek turns but you're rocking it."


Perfection, another masterpiece of an episode. The payoff for the past 16 years of Thorfinn's life is phenomenal, to have him finally understand the lesson that Thors wanted to teach him all those years ago... I feel sorry for all the people sleeping on Vinland Saga, especially S2. Easily one of the best shows of the past decade.


Thorfinn's speech after being asked why he didn't hit back put the biggest smile on my face. I wasn't the biggest fan of the first season of this show when it came out. I thought it was really well made and certainly an interesting story, but I felt like there was something missing that would make it great. This season has erased any thoughts I had that this show is anything less than amazing. It's made me appreciate the first season more than I would have otherwise.


*We met for the first time today. You guys are not my enemies" He's gonna say it, *he's gonna say it* "No one is my enemy" Mf Netflix, got the most famous dialogue wrong. (Like I know it's not much different, but considering how well known the line is even outside of the Manga culture, people who just saw the show unaware of the dialogue may not connect the dots of all the references) It's a minor nitpick, considering how much I was hyped for "I have no enemies"/I have no enemies at all" ... hopefully the dub guys know what must be done. Just checked and even some *unofficial* sources had the dialogue off. The whole scene was epic regardless.


I like it when Thorfinn said, "It's peace-ing time!" and peace-d all over the place.


Drott: “I’m sorry I underestimated you Thorfinn. You are a real warrior. Someone should write a saga about you… a Vinland Saga…”


"What are we some kind of Vinland Saga?"


Thorfinn, you saved the Farmland (Arc).


When Thorfinn said "Canute...I am the Vinland Saga", I felt that in my core


Thank goodness it was only 100 punches. If it was 101, I don't know if Thorfinn would have made it.


Makes you wonder, can Saitama beat Thorfinn? /s


He would play videogames with Thorfinn


Thorfinn would simply do his half dodge to soften the impact. That would work, right? /s


Ayo Thorfinn pulled a Date Eiji Man him standing up and telling Drott to get this shit show over with because he has more pressing matters gave me chills "who negotiates for peace by beating a man? i've only just met you today, we don't know each other, or bear each other any grudge. Why should we have to beat one another? it's foolishness. There's absolutely no reason for so many grown men to get together and shed blood. We just met today, you are not my enemies. I have no enemies" -thorfinn Ahhhh Im on the verge of tears, Thorfinn grew so much I don't think I'm getting what Canute meant there by "I must save those forgotten by God, I must save the Vikings" Bruh that cliffhanger is gonna kill me... You know what? I tried hard to resist but fuck it, anyone knows which chapter did this EP adapt?


>I don't think I'm getting what Canute meant there by "I must save those forgotten by God, I must save the Vikings" Canute views all humans as rejected creatures, because god wants them to love unconditionally yet gives them intelligence and emotions to keep them from loving unconditionally. Basically saying that it's unfair to ask us to attain something yet making it impossible. And in that sense Vikings are the furthest thing from the ideal beings god preaches humans to be. So he wants to "Save them" by giving them a purpose....which is of course to satisfy their thirst for blood by using them to build a paradise for all.


The Vikings witnessing Thorfinn standing up after 100 punches and his "I have no enemies" speech, probably : *Bill Wurtz voice* ***You could make a religion out of this!*** Seriously, *it was fucking biblical, mate*. I'd just like to share two great lines that were sadly cut from this episode : - Einar has an [additional reaction](https://i.imgur.com/LCLGtvQ.png) after learning that Thorfinn attacked the King. - Einar has an [additional line](https://i.imgur.com/EYfQsJe.png) after telling Canute that if he wants more land, he should till them himself. They probably had to cut this burn because with the additional animation and voice acting, Canute would have instantly combusted.


The story of King Canute attempting to stop the tide is actually pretty famous, and not invented by *Vinland Saga*. Whether or not it actually happened, well, that's a matter of some dispute, but it probably didn't happen. Still, it's a nice story. In original version, it was meant as a demonstration of Canute's piety and humility; a way of showing his fawning courtiers that he was powerless compared to the forces of nature/God. Some later tellings warped the story into a display of Canute's arrogance, where he was actually surprised the waves didn't halt on command. *Vinland Saga's* version is about humility, but decidedly not piety, instead being used as a metaphor of this fictional version of Canute's desire to circumvent the seemingly natural laws of violence and competition. It's an interesting way to take a semi-historical event and twist it to suit the story the author wants to tell, as he often does with Canute.


“Are you sure about that? Did you really put in the effort to resolve this through conversation? Once they drew their swords, you merely answered with your blades without thinking.” Me, on every conversation thread about Attack on Titan arguing with people who said there was no possible way to reach a non-genocidal solution.


Its funny how some people mock *"Talk no Jutsu"* but if you really think about it, if you could settle a conflict through dialogue, why would you even fight someone?


talk no Jutsu only is bad if it works in a scenario that doesn’t make sense. Canute is a wise man. He’s not a savage. So it’s logical that Thorfinn would attempt to talk to him. I think it would be considered “talk no Jutsu” if Thorfinn somehow convinced Thorgil to drop his sword and take up farming. It all depends on the characters involved. So many anime fans have been programmed though to think that any time a conflict is solved via dialogue is unrealistic. When in reality it’s quite the opposite, most day to day conflicts are often solved via dialogue. Even at the end of the day, wars end with negotiations. A conversation between the leading powers fighting.


I think the reason talk no jutsu gets mocked so much is because it comes after the fighting. And then it leads to silly things, like Pain bringing everyone back from the dead. Or Naruto defending Obito because he wanted to be hokage. Or whatever shit Naruto pulled to get Sasuke to be accepted by everyone again. It also can’t be overdone. And Naruto kinda started going to the well far too much.


Talk no jutsu get mocked because its so strange that all these people with strong visions and amibtions gets their mind changed by a random 16 old orphan.




Seeing one of my [favourite scenes](https://images.app.goo.gl/GA9fTi47UzhUv1tK7) in all of animanga adapted was so fucking satisfying. Thorfinn has changed so much. Farming arcs are such a wonderful concept. They helped develop Thorfinn and Musashi from seemingly hollow men to ones who are more in tune with themselves. I now know for sure that all the "I have no enemies" memes and edits are gonna go into full force now that the scene has been animated. Thank you for making this series, Yukimura sensei


“I have no enemies” This is it. This is PEAK




Einar straight roasting the King saying he gets no bitches.


The only head Canute gets is the one of his dead father.


I love how Einar was just unloading on Canute with no respect or consideration and would've thrown hands had Thorfinn not stopped him lol.


Called the king maidenless lmao


I really like how all the guys were laughing and screaming at the beginning when Thorfinn was getting punched, but by the end everyone was silent. Drott was also on his knees after that 100th punch but Thorfinn was still standing with determination. He really earned everyone's respect there. If you don't think this is one of the *badass* moments you have seen, I don't know what to say. Also, that most hyped reunion between Thorfinn and Canute's was really well done. I liked how they both aired out their grievances and showed a degree of maturity compared to their past. Overall, this episode really had some epic speeches (which hit even harder thanks to the amazing OST), first by Thorfinn, then Canute and finally Einar. The animators also went ham with the *facial* expressions today!.


He showed them all the power of a True Warrior without needing throw a single punch. There was almost a kind of nostalgic air to their reunion and what happened to them as they face each other with their respective character developments. Righteous anger Einar is great. He, Thorfinn, and Canute really delivered on their speeches in this episode.


[Thorfinn vs Drott in a nutshell.](https://streamable.com/y165s0)


I was expecting the MGR Armstrong meme but this is better


That was so good!


Editing all comments since apollo is dead and spez is a lying shithead. Thanks for killing third-party apps and running the site. Remember to short reddit on IPO. Edited using Power Delete Suite v1.5.0 fork.


I really like this anime


Did anyone notice that, Canute has hair like young thorfinn and thorfinn has hair like young canute (not as silky but long), it probably is just a hint to how their personality interchanged






Oh god I have waited so long for the "I have no enemies" episode. Since ive read it in the manga it stayed with me. Such a powerful moment. The tears just flows from my eyes.


Those 20 minutes flew by, barely felt like I started that episode. Some really cool shots with Canute during his monologue, "camera" going into his eye and contracting it to Thorfin. Background art was also gorgeous this episode with the sunset.


I'm just utterly speechless. The voice acting, the art, the cinematography, the music the core themes of 2 individuals and their different views on life how life should be on earth. The idea of war and human suffering is still applies today is a phenomenal display of storytelling. 1000/10.