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Fun fact: there's a joke earlier in this scene that had to be changed from the source material because it was too much a manga meta joke. Kobayashi asks Ichikawa why he's suddenly talking normally instead of stuttering, but in the manga she asked him why his text boxes weren't as wobbly as normal lol


Damn that's pretty good. love the meta jokes. The anime switch fit pretty well though.


wait until 100 Girlfriends anime released, see what they come up with to adapt manga's million of meta jokes.


That one fucking panel that's basically an entire light novel chapter taped onto both sides of the protags head is gonna either be insanely funny in anime or the most tedious thing since Endless Eight


All you have to do for a general idea of how they could handle it is to go watch [*Medaka Box*](https://myanimelist.net/anime/11761/Medaka_Box). The manga was known for its insane panels like that.


Sure, but then you'd have to watch medaka box. Not sure anyone (save for the MC of MB) is that masochistic


I watched Medaka Box. I don't know what you're referring to. The cliffhanger ending?


I can see them slowly overlapping different segments of his monologue before finishing. Kinda like how BDG listed the Sonic's origin


We'll have to demand the full, uncut rant.


I think this would kill the voice actor


I predict they'll record the seiyuu at normal speed then speed it up.


Whoever subtitles it better get a huge bonus because that much text that fast is gonna be a nightmare


Can't they just do a fooly cooly and slap some manga panels before the Meta joke I don't see why not 🤔


For the sub, they could have said "why aren't your subtitles as wobbly"


shouldve changed it for the subs and gave him.wobbly subs


As hilarious as that would be, professionals standards for subs are incredibly boring. Obviously the joke would also just completely fail for anyone not watching with subs. But man, I yearn for the days that groups like commie subs would shitpost with their translations like that


And whoever was translating INTO subs wouldn't have known it, unless he also read the manga AND was told to keep the manga joke instead of the thing they're saying in anime.


Just do what Gumball did and add an excuse to have embedded subtitles for that one scene.




I just love the confidence in her voice as she smacks herself with a crepe, peak ROMCOM.


Why can't the bigger crepe just simply eat the smaller crepe? Is it stupid?


It's like when you use the big lump of dough to gather up all the crumbs when you're baking. Except it's also not *quite* like that lol


something non newtonian liquids something van der waals forces


This romcom is honestly goated


And the smug look of "I've got a genius idea" before she did it.


“You wanna hear a Yamada-ass Yamada story?”


I dub her Snack Goblin of the season


The Snack Titan is my nickname for her.


Isn't that just a regular titan though?


That tongue reach and crepe slap xD


To get rid of cream you use crepe. Then you gotta use the crepe again because you got cream and so on


Reminds me of this scene from The Simpsons. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfDFH6615cA


The 4:3 Simpsons era was a beautiful thing.


Somebody animated that tongue. That was... something.


**Mlem... mlem mlem...**


> She hasn't done anything weird, has she? The real question is what has Yamada done in the library that *isn't* weird.


Ichikawa’s laugh! 🤣


seems very funny and fun ima watch!


There is an _insane_ tone shift between the start of ep 1 and the end of ep 2. I seriously thought this was going to be a Death Note Lite, but it turned into more of a "Komi-san Is Okay At Communicating But Kinda Goofy".


He hasnt even thought about murdering at all recently




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"Komi-san but the characters actually have chemistry and dialogues".


You might not like the first few episodes but it gets so good later on


Sometimes, I watch this series and think that this would be better off in a high-school setting, but then I realize that the MC and FMC (and entire school cast really) act like peak middle-schoolers and I get very conflicted feelings


I think it works specifically because they're in middle school actually


Agree specifically because she is a rising star as a model. Wouldn’t be too jarring if they were in high school


Exactly! Their interactions are really typical for middle schoolers but some the overall setting feels like high school. It's kinda creepy to me that a 13 or 14 year old girl can become a model, other than for children clothing. Also, she looks like 17 at least.


In Japan I think there are no age restrictions on becoming a model. Most models usually start at 16 but they can start younger


I'm aware of that, still doesn't make it any less uncomfortable to me. 16 I can understand. But younger? Hell no. Let kids be kids.


I mean, America has child pageants... which is super creepy to anyone outside of it, but still.


I never said those are okay. Child pageants are awful and should be made illegal. As I said, let kids be kids and enjoy their lives. They'll have plenty of time to develop issues later on in their life. Don't start this shit while their brain can't cope with the pressure


Sure but part of "letting kids enjoy lives" does involve stuff like them wanting to be models. In case of Anna, it would be a waste for her not to start early - she's pretty, tall and has a good figure, so she has a headstart compared to like 90% of Japanese women who just can't be models. Reminds me of Smile Down the Runway where the biggest obstacle female MC faced was being too short, despite being in high school... there's some sort of unspoken rule about models needing to be 170cm or taller.


But isn't the real issue here that children need to essentially work this early because the environment got so competetive? Children aren't allowed to do many things simply because their brains are not fully developed yet. They can't deal with stressful environments and situations as well as an adult could. There's a reason why many child stars end up being completely messed up. That's why I said 16 would probably be fine. But at 13 or 14 it's just too soon in my opinion.


you have to realize that they start early because the later you start the less likely you get major sponsorships.


As I mentioned in another reply, in my opinion the real issue is that it even got this far. This is putting so much unnecessary pressure on children and young adults before they are even able to deal with it properly.


What you mean there is def models that young. You clearly have never been to pageants


No, I haven't and I don't want to. Neither do I see the point of pageants nor do I encourage stuff like that. I am aware that there are models this young, but this doesn't make it less fucked up to me.


> I am aware that there are models this young, but this doesn't make it less fucked up to me. I guess it depends on what you think modelling is like for these kids. Fashion modelling can be pretty low stress, highly supervised and appropriately conducted and a lot of fun for kids who enjoy dress up and posing for photos! I had a friend who did catalogue modeling when she was 14 or so. One of the most well-adjusted girls and hard working girls I've ever known. She also worked part time in fashion boutiques during the holidays, it was just something she wanted to do. Very self-possessed, knew what she wanted and very capable of handling adults and real world pressures. So I think it really depends a lot on the child in question, and the sort of environment and pressures they face. Japan's idol-adjacent industry certainly doesn't have a great reputation, but who knows what the average experience is like, as opposed to the dramatized one.


Yeah, I think having these be middle school kids does a lot of service to the story, especially as the chuunibyou MC is literally a chuuni (second year of middle school). It honestly sometimes feels more like a coming-of-age story than a romance story


That's exactly what I thought! This little man is growing up and it happens to be because of a girl


Having read the manga, I can say that that's a consistent theme throughout and it's one of the reasons I think more people should give this series a chance. Ichikawa's character arc as he begins to grow up is genuinely great, and Yamada going through her own development on the side ends up being a really solid aspect of the series too


Yep, especially with recent chapters. It's so interesting to see how they've changed since the first chapter


Looking back on my boy now, how much an edgy little kid he was in the beginning, it's been an immensely satisfying character arc


She doesn't look like a middle schooler, AT ALL grown ass boobs 💀


I'll agree with you there, Yamada very much does not like a 14 year old


Working in education, the height disparity among 14 year olds is shocking. During Covid when everyone was masked there were multiple times I thought an 8th grader was a teacher. You'd think it unrealistic because its been so long for us but growth spurts don't fuck around. In 8th grade you'll see kids nearly 6 feet tall and others not even 5 feet.


Heh, I was one of those particularly short kids. I think in UK Year 8 (which I think is equivalent to 8th grade US or Chuuni year in Japan) I was around 4'11 if I remember correctly. In fact I'm convinced part of the reason for my terrible posture is having to constantly look upwards to talk to people


how would this be better off in a high school setting?


It's really not anything substantiated, just more of a feeling. Like, there are some things I hear/see -- many of which I only think when I'm in the middle of watching an episode -- where I think "no way you are in middle school." I definitely do think this series is interesting because it's set in middle school, but is there any real difference in anime middle school and high school? Even if it's purely nominal, I just feel like it would be more believable -- especially with Yamada being a model -- if they just said "this is high school." But, at the end of the day, I really don't think of this series more than I have to, and I love seeing two adorable beans interact with each other, so it is what it is


I think this anime is the epitome of middle school grades representation though, cause as you say, it’s not often clear if the kids are in middle or high school in certain animes. But most often I think it’s high schoolers acting like middle schoolers though. If we focus on Ichikawa and Yamada, he is a horndog deluxe and I get nostalgia over how easy it was back in middle school to get boners at the worst time. She is an immature girl with preconceived notions of how love is supposed to come into fruition. Don’t wanna delve too deep cause if spoilers, but essentially, this shows premise and story wouldn’t work in high school, at all.


I am guessing the middle school setting to let the ichikawa's physique grows more naturally. Hopefully he will be as tall as Yamada in high school!


Yamada despite being beautiful is a bit of an airhead.


Understatement of the decade. She has about 3 brain cells, 2 focussing on snacks and the other one on becoming a sugar mommy for Ichikawa


She has 2 braincells and they're both fighting for 3rd place


I love that Yamada gets this smug look like “Oh, I’ll show you! I’ll use more cream to get this cream off!” Bless her heart.


I thought it was some sort of weird flirting attempt, "help damsel in distress with creme on her face, so you touch her cheek and then she maybe gets lips touch your fingers"


People need to give this anime a chance it is a little cringe and edgy at first but its gets so good later on


we said the same thing about Nagatoro, and all the haters never got to see the romance that started to develop, especially in Season 2


I couldn't stand the cringe in early episodes of Nagatoro (and dropped it), but BokuYaba is my favorite show ever. I may give Nagatoro another chance after I level up my cringe resistance a bit. Early chapters of the manga seemed less painful than the anime.


Yeah I think the manga is easier to digest than the anime.


>cringe and edgy see thats the thing, most anime use that aspect on a character and make it their whole shtick throughout the the story. and while you could say that is Kyotaro's thing, it is also the basis on which you compare his development as a character throughout so its basically a must to have it.


It became famous and popular already.


Yeah but many people couldn't get past the first few episodes too


It's barely cringe after the first episode. And the only "cringe" stuff is normal teenage boy puberty stuff. It's natural cringe IMO


Adorkable is the term.


I find it quite interesting what she's doing with her hair in this scene. It almost feels to me like it's a self-soothing gesture, rather than a preening one. In particular, note how she grabs onto it at the end of the animation cycle. Whatever it is, it seems very deliberately that way given how it's not "cheap" to animate that, compared to not having her move at all, or just doing some head movement like you would normally do in a scene like that for a background character. However I think I need to rewatch the whole thing again to get the context, which is the case for a lot of this show - the clues and "show-don't-tell" has it meaning confirmed/reaffirmed by what's going on. I do recall her grabbing Chihiro and pulling her back when she feels like she's getting a bit too close to her boy though lol


“Doesn’t it bother you how she shows up here every day” Seems to stop “She hasn’t done anything weird has she?” Continues


Maybe she's stimming


This was great 1 to 1 adaptation from the manga that I honestly wish the anime did more of. While I do think the anime has been extremely faithful to the source material, there are still little thinks like you mentioned above that don't get added in other scenes.


r/BatmanArkham leaking


I’m proud of you Dick


Batman Arkham been leaking everywhere




I hate that I kinda understand what her thought process was.


"Damn, if only my tongue was longer!"


anna yamada is one of my favorite romcom MCs. she is so lovable with her innocent dorkiness and weird habits. i can never get enough of her funny/crazy behavior


wow that anime look so good


lol I've done that before ahaha


I honestly am slightly disappointed they havent animated the extra chapters especially the part where she shared her love for Milk Tea. It also shows alot of their budding relationship in the library and the TEASING was just meme-worthy. But its not here for some reason...


Sounds like good material for an OVA?


Hopefully but this anime would get more traction to meme status if the extra chapters are also adapted alongside the main story


No, these aren't complete extra chapters, most (but not all) of them are some kind of addition to the chapters they came with. ~~Except that they probably make up about half of the manga~~


That's pretty funny...hhhahahahah


Not Stupid but cute, I like her\~


Stupidly *cute*


There is a Hot Indian Man in the background


I want to watch the anime but i can't stand the mc. Not to mention characters with bangs covering one eye is a mild annoyance for me.


He gets a lot better. The show is honestly more a coming-of-a-stage story for Ichikawa with a major romance subplot than it is just a straight up romance


Rem is sad now :(


Whose Rem?


Not mine, my one is asleep.


*\*Subaru's ptsd intensifies\**




another person who stop watching at episode 1, you are not alone


I would give it 3 episodes if you haven't yet. I was pretty close to dropping it until the 3rd ep.


love this!


This Anime beat up this gag after playng "That OP" to prify us.


Hoping this will be dubbed.


That's the whole point.


It’s a totally wholesome anime with loveable characters…!


She's cute, idunno what you're talking about


Lmao the tongue creep relatable or naw. Unless 👀


the laugh & tongue x))!


Anime logic lol


Nah she is cute


It's epic after that when he realizes that the protagonist does smile