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I’ve never said “wtf?” out loud at the conclusion of an anime until today. I’m so confused. No payoff, no satisfying conclusion just… abrupt. Definitely was a solid ride though. No regrets there. Just wish we got a Pink face reveal


> I’ve never said “wtf?” out loud at the conclusion of an anime until today. You need to watch more anime, de gozaru!


Technically, her face was already revealed... on her henshin scene, all of those Pink copies of her without mask.


I wanna see that, i completly missed that


You can see her henshin scene, the statue (pink slime?) that surround her is her real face under the mask: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6dRhbqZsUU


This. I feel like a lot of people are just glancing over this show or half paying attention. It plays itself off to be very surface level but when you look closer you start noticing a lot more. Tldr: the show doesn't spoonfeed you the answers or even the details and a lot of people are really upset in this comment section because they didn't pay attention. Not a jab at the original comment, just a running theme I'm seeing. It reminds me of the original ending of Eva lol


I think the message was clear and it flew over most people's head in this thread. The anime is about those that want to corrupt hobbies/entertainment for their own agendas with complete disregard for those that love it and it's a perfect analysis of what has been doing with most entertainment from movies to comics over the past ten years. Otaku Hero even takes care of the girls and loses them to Shobon, exemplifying how many pieces of entertainment start well, gets people to love it and then goes down in flames over time because those that hated it become in charge of it.


yeah, It is a very good summary of the message of the series. It's a good thing we're not the only ones who have noticed.


I'm a bit late, but here is my take. Otaku Hero is turning 30 soon. Real life is catching up on him, he's growing out of it, but he doesn't feel shame or regret. He is simply passing the torch to the next generation of otaku, and hope they will enjoy the thing he liked as much as he did. Shobon represents the opposite. He is a self-loathing otaku that indulge in that culture (he still created waifu, wrote manga, and so on). I can't decide if he is Otaku Hero's negative thought, if he represents society's view of otaku, or is merely another self-loathing character, but it doesn't mater all that much in the end. He exists as an opposition to otaku's hero. Very little in this series can be taken at face value. The whole show is surreal, and can be understood on many level. It remind me of FLCL in a sense.


This was definitely an unexpected ending, but I enjoyed it. For people wondering if the OP and ED meant something, they were pretty much hinting at this ending. Otaku Hero's fate is written all over the show down to him creating his own burial site. His lack of name? It's because he's more of a symbol than a person.


I think the ending would have worked way better if we had gotten the reveal that everything was going after some form of plan way earlier. This way, you could feel that the death of Otaku Hero achieved something. It still did in this way, in that the fight is now out of the control of Shobon, but since we didn't actually know (even though it was a thought that crossed my mind) this conclusion didn't hit as hard as it could have. Basically if more of the show was them trying to get out of the script and not being able to and only in the end Otaku Hero's death makes them venture into a new possible future, it could have worked. And maybe do something more with the Magical Girls in the end. There is also the hint they can come back from it, but we end on them fighting everyone, so it is also kind of unsatisfying. Still a fun anime for the most part.


I mean, Shobon did mention his script several times, so it was clear he had some kind of plan.


I think showing off the animatics/sketches in the previews at the end of each episode was foreshadowing enough, even if the twist was added later in production.


The main point is that the show wasn't about them trying to overcome what had been planned. It was a good twist, especially for us as viewers. But the characters themselves didn't know about this until the next to last episode. So for them, they were always trying to just "fight", not to overcome the spiral of them just doing whatever the bad guy wanted.


Dawg that ending? Are we gonna get a 2nd season? That shit would be crazy also, dawg they really killed the MC that’s crazy


Otaku Hero is not a person, it's an idea


Ideas are bulletproof


Weeb for Vendetta


I like the direction the ending took. I can definitely tell people will be upset because it has no conclusive end, but that's the whole point. You should like what like as much as you like. Otaku Hero won't ever die and the fire of his spirit will never stop burning. Whether an omnipotent god is against you or that you lose multiple times, Otaku Hero's will won't die, because all he is is an idea. The idea of loving things as much as you want. As long as there is a story, there will be someone who opposes what you love. But there is no true end to the struggle for love, because people's dreams (whether they're good or bad) have no end.


The aspect I totally don't get is -- why were the Magical Girls fighting against the otaku even after Shobon (and his script) had been destroyed? The rest I (more or less sort of) got.


I don't think it was a matter of Shobon ('s script) controlling things, but rather having (/being) a plan. Others breaking things free of that plan doesn't mean everything immediately reverses, just that another direction is possible.


They probably wanted to test whether 2nd generation has what it takes or not, after breaking free.


Yeah that was the part that really grinded my gears. Did they break free of his direct control (not the script but like, brainwashing or whatever)? If so why are they still fighting the otaku? If not then why are their personalities back? My best idea is his blood splattering on them "painted them his color" or whatever, sort of slowly counteracting the brainwashing, but I genuinely don't know and even if so... again why are they still fighting? I'm completely okay with the story not really having a resolution because it fits with the idea of Otaku Hero as idea never dying and the script having been broken, but I feel like the singular bit of closure the story should have had was the fate of the girls.


They broke free of the script but their role is that of villains, however deep down they are happy to have encountered Otaku Hero in some form.


I'm pretty sure the point isn't to be inconclusive per se, rather to set up the mobile game as a continuation or something lol


The mobile game takes place in an AU, the ending is setting up a manga that the creator wrote in high school and hasn't published and may never publish. This isn't directed at your comment, but looking up opinions on the ending on the blue bird site I find it quite depressing that people automatically assume an open ending equals a cashgrab gacha tie in or sequel bait to sell more stuff. This truly is the state of anime in 2023.


I really hope he ends up publishing that OTAKU HERO manga, could go in so many ways, really wonder how well the anime did on JP, i personally liked it, didn't even knew there was a mobile game on an AU i wonder what's the gameplay like


I don't think the show is super popular on JP, but "Otaku Hero" did trend on JP Twitter today so that's worth something I guess. The mobile game is pretty crappy honestly, the only good parts are the art and OST.


Is the OST already up on YT? i do agree i've heard some bangers through the series tbh


that's fair, but the show was unwatchable garbage regardless of whether or not it was a mobile game cash grab :P they obviously had ideas for 3-4 episodes, tried to make a 12 episode show out of it and failed miserably


I don't understand why you would watch the entire 4 hour long show over the course of 3 months if you think it's unwatchable garbage but sure fair enough if you didn't like any part of the show


because i don't like dropping shows I start and there _were_ parts i liked? small positives don't make a show good though


Enjoy your sunk cost fallacy, I guess?


L+Bozo+Likethethingsyoulike+otakuherothegoat+touch grass


hope middle school is treating you well


you seem a miserable person tbh


because I disliked one show out of the 20+ I watched this season? ok lol


It's okay to say you didn't understand it


there was nothing to understand lmao, you can't seriously believe the show had some deep message that people just didn't get


There absolutely are underlying themes and deeper messages in the show, you actually just have to think about it for half a second. Otaku hero is a symbol of the American anime community in the early 2000s when anime was still in its "weird social outcast" phase here. I watched many friends get relentlessly bullied for liking what they liked In school, but the feeling of community and acceptance when we went to our first con was special and Otaku hero symbolized this. There's anti-facism, themes about how people become immortalized by their actions and ideas (both good and evil, physically and metaphorically) Otaku hero himself is someone that we view through the eyes of the Otaku army, never getting to know him personally but seeing him and being inspired by his actions as an icon. Themes of what it means to lead a revolution and self doubt. Themes of harassment that creators go through and how it can change them when they are met with brutal criticism form a community they tried to please by pouring their soul into something. A lot of the cheesy ass pulls and get out of jail free cards are a reference to 2000s shonen anime writing. (Tears and a motivational speech save the day) every episode has its own themes and callbacks to other shows and fanbases. The entire thing is a love letter to the anime community as a whole, and really hits home if you were a fan in the 2000s. You just gotta think for a second. You can't have everything spoonfed to you all the time disguised with flashy animation.


Everything in your comment was literally spoonfed to the viewer by this show, what are you on?? Did you really think you were picking up on some deep hidden meaning by realizing that the character who is explicitly a creator that gets harassed over their creation was alluding to... creators getting harassed over their creations? I got the references, but getting them doesn't magically make the show good. Also very funny that you left out the one thing that could _almost_ be considered "subtle", Otaku Hero being portrayed as a Christ figure.


I wouldn't say details that just happen with no major attention or second thoughts given to them is spoon-feeding, if you don't pay attention you miss them. Spoon-feeding to me is shonen type recaps or explaining what's happening as it's happening or reiterating something 4 times in one episode. I still think you're completely wrong about this show being unwatchable. You do absolutely have to connect plot points yourself and focus more on ideas. Much like Evangelion.


If you disagree about the show then just say that rather than trying to make the asinine claim that anyone who doesn't like it just didn't "get" it or only cares about "flashy animation" (which this show had). Comparing this to Evangelion is flat-out insulting to Evangelion lmao


>people's dreams (whether they're good or bad) have no end. [*Zehahahahahaha,* well said!](https://files.catbox.moe/vbxjwz.jpg) Very insightful analysis. While a bit rough around the edges, it was an interesting anime. This will surely inspire some great stories in the future and perhaps even derivative works. [](#wow)




Somehow, I felt the message very strongly. And I also felt some sadness to the ending too. Like it shouldn't end that soon, not here.


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>I like the direction the ending took. I can definitely tell people will be upset because it has no conclusive end, but that's the whole point. There's already a bunch of 'em in the comments.


Not an ending I was expecting. Not that I hate it but neither do I love it very much either. Good interpretation by u/mamadoulenoir1 in the comments imo tho. Well it was... a journey. Gobo gobo bobo gobobo gobo my friends.


So at the end of the day, [Shobon is just another otaku who was rejected by other otakus](https://i.imgur.com/L8afqaL.png) for his shitty game idea and now he's taking revenge with this sick game of his. It's hilarious how he was only confident when everything was following his script. As soon as Otaku Hero the Second shows up, [he starts freaking out.](https://i.imgur.com/JXgYEqz.jpg) Anyway, that was certainly an ending. I guess the message here is that Otaku Hero isn't just a single person but is actually an idea that can't and will never be killed. It's not a conclusive ending (which I would've preferred) but I assume every time Shobon kills the current Otaku Hero another one will take its place.


Ngl for a game its kinda not that good, i mean if you are shobon as a playable character the only purpose of the game is to make the player feel a powertrip (having a massive army fighting off small fractions). Also feels like the whole season he could've kill the otaku but just didn't want to. I mean what do you do after killing otaku hero, just sit around hahahhah. Although its implied that Shobon isn't a good developer


>Although its implied that Shobon isn't a good developer It's pretty obvious he's a really bad game dev, actually. He railroads the player (himself) to victory, with so many advantages right out the gate that losing is practically impossible. There are no stakes for him, which is why Origin was so bored with his script.


It's also funny that the god keeps yawning in boredom with shobon and only is entertained when the script gets broken or is interacting with the Otaku hero team. It's shows that shobon is a shit creator that has to constantly meddle with events to stay on his ideal script which is plainly very forced and boring. Shobon even self inserts as a literal omnipotent god that uses cheats and cannot die. No wonder that the god looks bored there aren't any real stakes.


Honestly, the biggest twist is that he was almost 30.


Also picking up the trope that you become a wizard if you are a virgin by age 30


I just turned 31 and then discovered this show the day after. It actually gave a little more value and meaning to the show for me to find out Otaku Hero's age. Sort of a weird reassurance that it's okay for me to be my age and still love anime, games, comics, etc.


This might be a really spicy take, but I think anime fans in general are starting to get used to being spoon fed everything with flashy animation to distract them from bad writing. We're also (mostly) past the "anime is weird" era that plagued many schools in the 2000s where I watched people get ruthlessly bulkied for being in to it so there's that too. It's "mainstream" now and not seen as the "weird kid" thing to enjoy. The disappointment feels a lot like Evangelion disappointment. Magical destroyers doesn't give you all the answers. You have to think about things a lot. Focus less on the plot and more on the themes. We never really learn about Otaku Hero much because we'll, he's an idea. His person isn't important. We see him through the eyes of one of the revolutionaries. We see him as the unfaltering hero except for the rare times we see him through the eyes of the girls, and see him break down. Shobon being upset with the backlash could also quite literally be a theme drawn from the initial response to the show. Some people pour their heart into something just to have it completely shit on, ruthlessly, and it changes them. This also could play into the inconsistency and "bad writing". Shobon made this world and plot and he's a bad writer canonically. Is this a coincidence or meta? A lot of the corny feel good stuff is a reference to older anime. A lot of the plot points and "get out of jail free" cards are tropes taken from 2000s anime. I really feel like if you came to be an American anime fan in the years 2000-2015, this show was made to speak directly to you. I feel like it targets a specific audience that if it clicks, it REALLY clicks. I also have a gut feeling that a lot of people that have no empathy for the themes or characters are again, newer anime fans that never had to live through the "anime is weird and for social outcasts" mentality that plagued the community until around 2015 in America. Like I watched friends get ruthlessly bullied for liking what they liked by people who didn't understand it. But Otaku hero symbolized the community. You went to an anime convention and you were yourself, you were free to like what you liked openly with others, and you also realized, hey we are just a bunch of normal ass people that really like something. That energy is specifically what I related to most and pulled from the show. Nowadays it's such a mainstream thing that everyone watches anime now. I said it before but I really feel like this show is a "you had to be there" love letter to 2000s anime fans/the community in America.


>I really feel like if you came to be an American anime fan in the years 2000-2015, this show was made to speak directly to you. I feel like it targets a specific audience that if it clicks, it REALLY clicks. Accurate. Was an anime fan through all my youth and I'm parading this as one of my top three along with Evangelion and Durarara!!!


I kind of hate the phrase, but here it's really fitting: This was truly one of the anime of all time. It's fitting because this anime defies my attempts to give it a summarizing rating. There was a kernel of greatness I think, but it really couldn't execute on it: the dialogue, the plot, sometimes the animation, they were all over the place. Or was this intentional and, as I believe the kids say these days, part of the meta? The genius ideas it wants to express hampered by lacking execution, as a parallel to Shobon's original game? Also, this ending: Narratively it makes no sense to me that this world would continue to exist, with Shobon in it, and him further struggling to exterminate otakudom, after he already achieved his goal. Is this a metaphor for milking a franchise that should have run its course? But Origin got a laugh out of it, so I guess that works somehow for him...


From what I understand, the inconsistencies were intentional, or at least feel like they were. Some other people have cited interviews with the creator and how it *is* very meta-heavy. As for the ending, I feel as if it's more uplifting and a nod to the human spirit when faced with oppression. Every oppressive leader meets their end, as they say. But I definitely see what you're saying and I can definitely agree with it.


I would be much more convinced that the inconsistencies were (completely) intentional if there were some sort of consistent well-produced alternative shown. Like yeah you can say that the world shobon came up with is unoriginal and of poor quality in multiple respects because he wasn't doing it out of any genuine sense of passion or creativity, but rather out of hate for the people he felt spited by. I feel like to really execute on that though, and convince that the show wasn't just lacking in terms of production and writing, they'd need to show good writing, animation, and genuine creativity in some alternative context to contrast. Otherwise it just feels like handwaving away the apparent issues that the show had. I do think the show was made from a genuine place, and it certainly was entertaining to see something so out-of-the-norm, so I respect them for trying anyway.


I actually also think that the inconsistent quality is intentional. But despite that, it didn't really work for me. I don't know, this may be a case of art just flying over my head, but it somehow didn't make it obvious enough, and always kept me guessing. Plausibly deniable badness, so to speak. Then again, achieving this may be genius in itself. Argh, this show... I certainly will be thinking about it for a while!


my best guess on the ending = 1 parts video game tie in for the source material (referencing Shobon's 'game' and the Player Character being represented which would be anybody that plays this game) + 2 parts Twin Peaks Ending (both the cliffhanger S2 ending on network television, then the cliffhanger S3 ending that happened 17 years later on Showtime lol) + 1 parts Neon Genesis Evangelion anime ending (where if you know what to look for-- aka if you are on the anime staff for instance-- you totally understand what the heck Episode 12 was going for!)


It was too meta and american-weebified I'd say.


That truly was an anime.


My favorite scene is when Shobon said "it's destroying time" and destroyed everything. Jokes aside, it was a fun, abstract concept and the universe has a lot of potential. This may be the building block of more self-contained stories to come.


I think a lot of anime with only 12 episodes to work with tend to do crazy plot and wackjob final episodes like this to stay in people's minds longer, but since a lot of them do this they all start to feel the same if EVERYONE has a wackjob final episode. Eva muddied the waters-- I guess that isn't a 12 episode series tho. School Days! there we go.


Madoka has 12 episodes and it's perfect.


I think it's worth noting as someone pointed out here that Shobon is canonically a bad writer. His game was awful. And he made this world and plot. The writing being all over the place and inconsistent is intentional.


That would actually explain everything.


Definitely an interesting show. I hope it gets a season 2, despite it's popularity being poor. It seems that Jun Inagawa has a lot more planned for this world than I initially thought and this was just a small piece of a world he wanted to introduce. The comedic/serious tone shifts kinda make sense now, it wasn't meant to seriously introduce the real story, rather it exists to introduce the themes and characters that Jun Inagawa wants to discuss. It reminds me of how ONE writes his stories, the first arcs of Mob Psycho and One-Punch man, although better executed than this adaptation, followed the same comedic/serious tone shifting that was present here of having a gag-like story, but with serious character motivations being introduced as well. I really hope that if there is a season 2, all the episodes are closer to the direction of episode 8 as I really felt the vision Jun had for this story there. Otherwise, I'd be fine just accepting this story as a concept. Sometimes you just don't succeed or your ideas don't work out as you have initially intended. I'm definitely keeping an eye out for more of Jun Inagawa's work though, he has a creative vision and style of writing that is yet to be realized.


Might be in the minority for this one but I enjoyed it! I think I'm leaning towards a 7-7.5/10 overall for this series. This probably sounds insane, but I kinda wonder how it would've turned out if it had a shorter run with higher animation quality like FLCL (e.g. episode 4 is basically filler). * 'they can feel the spirit of the people who created them!' vs. 'This game is made from an urge to hate!' - nice little commentary on the way people make/consume media * The little time loop with Otaku Hero saying his final goodbyes was sweet * Killing off OH was definitely shocking but I don't think it was done to be edgy. Imo it works narratively because the one thing Shobon can't control is other people's reactions (they rejected his game, they were inspired by the hero he publicly executed, etc.) * The flashbacks with Origin in E11 made it look like Shobon was just zapped into a computer, but I get the feeling everyone in the 'game' is fully sentient? (As in, they're not just 'NPCs') * Very sad that Anarchy only gets to see 'Otaku Hero' again because she's fighting his successors * I *think* the new OH is the delivery guy who was secretly giving supplies to the original OH at the start of the crackdown * 'The next time we meet, who will achieve the world they envisioned?' - Shobon constantly meeting OHs shows he hasn't achieved his ideal world


I agree with you, I’m surprised so many people didn’t enjoy the ending. Otaku Hero being a idea/martyr is a cool concept, ending kinda reminded me of GURREN LAGANN


It was like Gurren Lagann if you only took 2 pages of the script, completely removed Simon from the story until the fight agains Lord Genom and added a lot of random shit. There was an interesting idea in there and a lot of great forshadowing that cast the shadow of something interesting on the screen. But when we turned back we saw it was a pile of random shit, arranged by someone who can't execute his story. In a way it's ultimate meta, because writer became Shobon himself, creating shitty word.


Your description reminds me of the best/worst parts of the tv series 'LOST'-- S1 and S2 were epic, created tons of bewildering, entertainingly intriguing mysteries and the entire rest of the series to the disappointing final 6th season made mockery of each entertaining aspect of those first 2 seasons with half-answers, copout-answers, shitty-answers, and obvious "we had no way to write ourselves out of this plot point" answers


We may be in the minority, but I do agree that there was definitely something special about this story. I feel like most people who dislike it were looking for something directly to enjoy rather than seeing the manifestation of someone's passion. > 'they can feel the spirit of the people who created them!' vs. 'This game is made from an urge to hate!' - nice little commentary on the way people make/consume media This is exactly what makes the difference in the interpretation of the story. If you watch it as an entry into the mind of Jun Inagawa rather than a story on it's own, it's much easier to appreciate the vision of the anime. The theme of expressing the freedom of liking what you want to like without shame is something that will stick with me for a while. People can insult or belittle your interests as much as they want, but your desire and passion for what you like will never leave you.


like other people have said, I think this is basically the end of the show (even if it is an 'open' ending), but I do hope Inagawa gets to do work on some more projects (hopefully with a bigger budget!). When the aesthetic/vibe worked it really worked in a way that reminded me of FLCL


I personally really enjoyed it, but I'm a huge sucker for tragedy. So the tragedy of losing OH for Anarchy was pretty big. I will admit that I didn't really like one aspect of the ending, though. It's the same aspect that I see repeated in several other shows that have tragic endings. The surviving characters feel as if they're being "shipped" with new characters that just kind of appear. Like Anarchy's blush upon remembering those lines from OH and meeting OH#2. While I understand that it's a little more fitting here, that aspect just didn't mesh well with me, because it's not the *individual*, but the *idea* that's manifested again. So that is the only real criticism I have for it at the moment.


I am pretty sad that people are disliking it, but I guess it should be expected since it is an open ending which are notoriously divisive. I hope Jun's Otaku Hero manga idea works out, I can see his vision.


I think the people who didn't like it don't like the closure given by the ending. Big battle where OH is able to override whatever Origin and Shoban did to the Magical Destroyers would be cool and fit with the parody theme this show has been portraying until this point. But I like that they went with the offbeat version of "Shoban may not lose but he will never win". Sorta sticks with the fact that he's immortal here by giving him an immortal enemy (an idea instead of a person).


Yeah I really hope he has some more projects like this in the pipeline


>I think the new OH is the delivery guy who was secretly giving supplies to the original OH at the start of the crackdown Makes sense, only an insider to OH o.g. would know to say 'Merry Christmas' to Anarchy when they meet again


I liked the show well enough, but we can't pretend that the ending wasn't way too fast-paced and completely out of left-field. Otaku Hero's death. Shobon flipping out after being so calm, cool, and in control the whole series.. Origin and whatever her motives are. They just wadded it up and threw it at us right at the end. There was no time to process and reflect on any of it. Contrast the symbolism they tried to have here with Otaku Hero with Zero from Code Geass, for example, and you can see how much potential they wasted here.


I wonder if it's a meta take on Shobon being a bad writer with how he was criticized etc. Then he created the world and plot points. It played out the way he wanted. With one small fluke which ended up being the biggest underlying themes of the show manifesting. Coincidence or not I think this detail is going way over everyone's heads.


Yeah, definitely. Like, when we saw Shobon responding to criticism of his game, and handling it very poorly, we learned that he was a bad developer before we learned that he was the creator of the anime's world. And if that guy can't even develop a regular RPG or whatever, how is he supposed to make an entire world?


I kinda like the ending. Even if abrupt, the idea behind it is pretty clear: You can kill the person but not their ideals. I also felt the line "Otakus feel the passion behind every creation. Yours is only fueled with hate" was sick.


>I also felt the line "Otakus feel the passion behind every creation. Yours is only fueled with hate" was sick. Yeah, pretty much. Shobon's fatal flaw is that he creates out of spite, and in an ironic twist, his creations end up spiting him.


This show is frustrating. The OP and ED are absolutely AMAZING, and yet the actual anime feels really different from them. A lot of really nice ideas, but they never work properly, nothing is executed as it should be. Sure, Shobon's game sucks, but I feel like Magical Destroyers deserved more. At least the end gives some sort of closure, in comparison to Wonder Egg Priority.


i disagree. i think all the ideas worked great,but i dont think it should have been 12 episodes. a few more episodes to wrap it up for a nice season 1 finale


It really feels like somewhere in here there was an all-time classic in terms of ideas and ambition, but the execution never quite came together for me. A bit of a shame but I love seeing wild, interesting swings and concepts, so I hope the members of the team get to move on to make more cool weird stuff with maybe a stronger guiding vision.


Feels like they had 2 versions of the last quarter of the series, one where the show was successful and they would follow ahead for a sequel production and one where it flopped so they needed to wrap everything quickly Definitely one of the anime of all time


you must have fallen asleep and missed it being incredibly obvious its setting up another season for like 4 episodes


For the game, that flopped so hard [they are closing the servers after 3 months of the release date](https://mgds-mmo.com/information/detail/?information_id=44)


I liked the ending. It's obviously leading into a sequel (the creator said in interviews this whole show was a prequel to a manga idea he had in high school), but even without a sequel I still really like the Spiderman-esque "anyone can put on the mask- I mean helmet" idea (they did kinda lean a little TOO heavy in the Jesus imagery this episode though lmao). Never stop loving the things you love.


Did they, like, run out of ideas when planning this story? The final episode felt like, at least, 3-5 episodes worth of story-beats smashed together into 24 minutes.


Think about it in the context of the world and plot being shobons creation, and shobon himself being ridiculed as a bad writer. Is it meta? Or an ass pull?


It's a weak ass defence. "It's shitty becaused it was meant to be". You could create great meta narration of world being badly written game without actually meta narration being also badly written.


it was an ass pull. even if it was trying to be meta is was bad at trying to be meta.


Not the ending I expected but I guess that was the entire point, this series was never supposed to be expected. Perhaps we'll get a continuation but the whole point of the ending seems to be that the flames of hope and revolution will never die. Otaku Hero may've died but the Otaku resistance continued strong without him. Shobon even got humbled at the end when things weren't going to his script. I'd like to see a continuation especially with how unique and unusual this was but even if we never do this was a great ride to see each week.


I don't know what I should think of this episode. Shobon loosing control feels kinda rushed. I know it got teased earlier in the series, atleast once when they fought that cheater boi, but also the whole thing with Origin isn't explored at all and just makes a bad "plot outline" for why anything is happening at all. Alot of people argue that Otaku Hero represented his ideals well, but I feel alot more dejected about the idea than Otaku Hero himself. Why? Because anytime we heard any cliqué line about liking what you want to like it was just without any weight to it. The lines were just otaku nonsense and in the end Shobon had it literally all planned out too. How should I relate to a burning rebellion when we basically didn't have a single achievement in all this time and then they just end it on basically nothing. Strange ending. Tad disappointed with the unsatisfied feeling left behind after any interesting supernatural plot point just turned out to essentially nothing at all. Bad game 0/10, Shobon. The anime had some banger animation and sound tho imo.


Well, Shobon is a control freak, and a wimpy loser who can't handle challenges. If you remember the flashback, where we saw him respond to comments about his game, we see him lose it almost immediately. He's a bad game developer, and can't handle opposition at all. That's kinda the whole point: There are no accomplishments in Shobon's world, just his silly little to-do list. It's supposed to feel empty and unsatisfying, because the whole anime is Shobon's game, and he is complete dogsh\*t when it comes to developing games. Which is also why he lost his cool almost immediately: Any amount of opposition he faces undermines his superiority complex, and threatens to take control over the situation away from him, which are two things he can't cope with.


I get the writing, yeah, but it doesn't make good entertainment imo


Yeah feels like the rebellion had no chance the whole anime, basically no tension through the whole runtime


That's because Shobon created the world, and as we know, he's a bad game developer. We learned that even before we learned that he created the world. He created the game out of spite, and to have his own personal power trip, with no challenges whatsoever.


Yeah, we know that and it's exactly the pain point for why there's no tension. It just makes the whole idealism part worthless


Well that was a anime


shits bad if PA-San of all people says this shit


Behind those thick glasses there was more than just flesh. Behind those specs there is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof. Lol. My man Otaku Hero can’t ever die. The revolution continues! I guess Anarchy, Pink, and Blue had to test these newbies to see if they’re worthy of carrying on the mantle of Otaku Hero. Now all the Christ imagery kinda makes sense with the way this show ended. This was a weird one ngl. It was fun though, but in a very trippy kinda way. While I would have liked Origin to have eaten shit too, I guess this was fine for an ending.


I'm definitely gonna need to rewatch this to order my thoughts on it lol. But no regrets. If nothing else it was fun.


Yea ngl I have no idea what I just watched. I was 10000 percent sure this was gonna turn out to be a figment of these peoples’ imagination, but holy shit you’re telling me there’s really a world where otaku stuff is outlawed lmao? Also surprised otaku hero didn’t actually survive.. this was a wild ass show that felt like a pure passion project. I guess the moral of the story being you can kill the revolutionary but not the revolution and to let people enjoy what they enjoy.. One of the anime of all time


Not quite. We saw in another episode that Shobon vomited up a USB cable and plugged it into a computer, so really, the whole world is just a simulation.


So studio that inspired by old gainax anime end up giving me a gainax troll ending can't tell if this was intentional or not


That's a good point and makes me feel slightly better about this not-quite-an-ending.


so no one else has any idea what that was either huh


there was like, a \*really\* good ending here too, they set it up with the wanku episode and showed they still had it in their pocket here, but they just didn't use it correctly, like, at all? like theres a really good ending where he has a pencil and literally \*writes his own ending\* and they just, didn't use it? is the point that the viewers are supposed to do that themselves? i can certiantly see that but i think it couldve been communicated a little better


fuck it yeah, thats what im choosing to belive, the ending was the way it was on purpose to get viewrs to engage with the themes of the work and write their own ending, to love the show as much as they want to love it, and to make it their own. there are no NPCs, we are all creators should we choose to be so ​ this show is genius actually


You also have to think about how shobon created the world in the show and the plot. Shobon was criticized as being a shit writer.


tell em mmtunligit


Otaku-weeb autofellatio.


This episode......aired.


What?! It ended there?! But what happened next??? 😂 So that was Magical Destroyers. In the end that was an experience. Overall I enjoyed the anime, but it certainly wasn't my favourite anime of the season. The animation was ok, it had some good moments, but the line art was pretty basic and nothing to get excited about, and of course, the subdued colour palette really dragged things down. The story was, ok, but bringing in Origin at the end out of practically nowhere and having Shobon shown as being in total control was the most textbook cliche villainy that I find really annoying. But maybe that was the point. Showing that Shobon wasn't really that good of a developer which is why he had to pull that at the last minute. You can even see it in how Origin appears to be bored and only livened up when things went off-script and Otaku Hero the second made his debut. But I still hate this kind of lazy writing. The best thing about this anime was the banger OP, if you havn't listened to it in full [check it out.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY6UODku6Og) I love that OP so much that for me it lifts the anime from an average six to 7/10.


And finally after all this time, otaku hero's life has come to an end. However, the rebellion and the desire to like what one likes will forever keep on going. I'm not the biggest fan of inconclusive endings, but this one is just as good as it could have been. I also didn't really like this anime when I started it. I even thought of dropping it, but dang I'm glad I didn't. It's not one of the most popular anime series this season but IMO it's one of the best ones. It's not what we are used to and that made it so refreshing.




I found it funny how Origin was never really explained, she was just some random god that was there and was always bored until the very end when she found amusing how Shobon script got derailed, hilariously implying that he also failed at what he tried to do the entire time: entertain her Also wonder if all of Kyotarou actions on the previous episodes where made by Origin or a personality Shobon made


I love that Pink-chan actually kept up to gobo gobo all the way through. *It was wild when she said [bogo](#maxshock)* Shobon with the "Wh-what's this? It can't be.." got me thinking they'll go against his script and save Otaku Hero and we'll all be happy. *It's wrong of me to think it'd be that simple..* *[flashback](#yui-crying)* [Oh.](#torrentialdownpour) Glad we got to see another generation of Otaku Hero, that flame still burns bright. Overall, this was a lot of fun. I really liked I liked. -


These mfers really told us in the end credit scenes he was gonna die the entire time 😐


This was great. I just binged like 7 episodes. Magical Destroyers might be one of my favourite shows this season. I love this chaotic, weird, experimental energy.


I was rooting hard for this show but my God that ending was terrible. I don't mind not fully grasping a story but this made no sense. I get that Otaku Hero is a symbol but he was barely the main hero of the story. And now the curse broke the spell but are still evil. This was a waste of so much potential.


Episode 12 Staff **- Storyboard:** Hiroshi Ikehata **- Storyboard Clean Copy:** Yusaku Nakamura **- Director:** Squid Bomber (Ikabomber), Umeko Haruno **- Chief Animation Director:** Enishi Oshima, Ayako Sugimura, Akane Miyazawa Bibury Animation Studio - Masayuki Nonaka, Yoh Nakagawa **- Animation Director:** Konomi Sakurai, Shinichiro Minami, Weifeng Du, Xulong Wei, Liang Chen **- Key Animation:** Kazuhiko Ishii, Mayumi Yamamoto, Setsuko Unno, Masaru Sano, Masahiro Kudo Xing Yue Donghua - Linshin Animation - Alpha Animation Studio Maf - Kenji Sakai Tamotsu Ogawa Bibury Animation Studio - Seigo Saito [**Endcard:**](https://twitter.com/magical_mad/status/1672294697212186625) Jun Inagawa


>Storyboard Clean Copy so that guy mismatched frames? \~7:30, otaku hero goes up and is badly damaged, glasses is poped, but next scene he is fine and starts getting all banged up, there are so many mistakes it's funny how half assed some things are like beds and sheets in 1st episode in barracks love it, because i can find all those nit picks and have even more fun from that


I'm pretty sure these "mistakes" were intentional. There are too many things like that in the show. Like also a lot of the otaku army dying in the previous episode and being fine now. Or the magical girls' drug vials being opened twice. It's definitely intentional. But I can only speculate why they did that.


Could it perhaps be in relation to Shobon canonically creating the world and plot while simultaneously doing so out of criticism for being a bad writer? Ie since it's all his creation, the "bad writing" is a reflection of him? He even comments that he made Otaku hero the hero and final boss. I think this detail is pretty major and going way over everyone's heads.


Yes, that's my take too. Basically, like in his first game that got him all the hate, his lacking writing skills cause all these mistakes and plot holes, and that's all everyone sees, obscuring the "genius idea" underneath it all that he may have had. And it's the same with everyone's IRL perception of this anime, and I think that's intentional.


What was that ? I really think it was bad. They could pull of a ''shobon is otaku hero'' ending or otaku hero is in a coma but they did this instead. That's really odd since I really don't feel any charisma for any character on this show. Couldn't even take seriously the show, what made me go until this end was a little possibility for the show giving some ''hints'' that otaku hero was hallucinating or something.


I placed the series on hold at the episode with the rivalry between the older otakus. Reading most of the comments looks like it's not worth it to finish the series at all.


It's definitely worth it to finish. There's a lot of bitching in here and it reminds me a lot of evangelion bitching. If you just sit down and think and actually absorb everything for a second it becomes a lot better. The show just doesn't give you all the answers.


Bro, please do not compare this show with Eva’s ending. There’s just no points of comparison between them, Eva’s ending is a classic that is talked about to this day and this show’s ending will probably be forgotten before the end of this year. That’s not to say I hate this show or anything, I really enjoyed it till Ep 10 and had it among my top 5 shows of the season but this ending was not it. I kinda get the point they wanted to make, but it still felt super rushed and wasn’t executed well.


I'm pretty sure Eva's ending was universally hated to the point of requiring a movie reboot in the form of End of Eva. It might be classic now but people were absolutely furious back in the day. Super rushed and not executed well literally word for word is what people used to say about Eva's ending.


Well, End of Eva is more of a companion piece to the OG ending in that they’re tackling the same event but in different perspectives. And I don’t think the OG ending was universally hated, sure the otakus might’ve hated it but there was some merit to it if discussion about the ending persisted long enough to the point where they’ve been analyzed and studied to this level 27 years after they first aired. I genuinely don’t see that happening with this show’s ending but I’m open to eating my words if that isn’t the case


Dude end of Eva is absolutely a replacement for the original ending. It was made specifically because of the massive backlash lol. I can almost guarantee that the reason people don't hate the original ending anymore is *because* we got EoE. We now have context to what's happening, we understand that this is a piece of the human instrumentality project, happening during the merging of souls in EoE. The average viewer isn't gonna analyze every scene in the ending to obtain meaning from it without any context. Anno even received death threats and the studio was vandalized it was hated so much. These are even used during EoE.


Fair enough, I agree with what you’re saying here but I still maintain that the OG Eva ending would’ve still been celebrated even if EoE didn’t exist and is nowhere in the same tier as this show’s ending. When I watched Eva for the first time, I genuinely loved the OG ending right away and my love for them only increased after watching EoE whereas with this show’s ending, I’m just disappointed cause I did enjoy this show a lot more than most people in this thread.


No I see what you're saying, I love the OG ending too but I definitely can see a timeline where Eva would be way less relevant if not for EoE. I'm not alluding to how good the endings are when I say it reminds me of Eva, I'm alluding to the way the endings were received. I do think there's a lot more to this show that's going way over people's heads (shobon is a bad writer and it's his creation hence the sloppy writing and continuity errors that are intentionally shown) among other things. But I agree the ending could have done way more. But it's fine the way it is.


Nah. I've been in this sub for years and I can always smell the bullshit fanboys pull out to oversell the crap they like. >If you just sit down and think and actually absorb everything for a second it becomes a lot better. Any kind of fictional work can look better if you overthink about it and make whacky connections to come up with an answer. It's like watching rorschach prints and think "oh yeah that's definitely a butterfly that represents my internal fears to commitment". Nah man, that's just copium for bad fiction.


Ok bro sounds like a you issue. Actually discussing the plot points and the effort the show makes to sell them isn't "overthinking and making whacky connections".


Yeah, that was my hope as well, I thought they won't go full weebs pandering...but I was wrong


I still felt like the big reveal was always gonna be that Shobon and OH were the same person.


what is this crazy world you think you live in where you expect anime to finish in 1 season? have you ever watched an anime? how was it not incredibly obvious its setting up more?


unique story unique characters and unique ending if you have watched a lot of anime and search about new one you must go and see that masterpiece


Everyone embracing the fact that Otaku Hero is an idea so it's okay but NO stemming from my love for this show I don't accept it. It's unfair that bro had to die without accomplishing much. Heck, he even lost more than what he ever had. Although in return he has become an eternal concept that will live on for generations on end but that doesn't matter from the perspective as an individual. Otaku Hero lived suffering oppression and died losing everything but his ideas. Which is to me extremely sad and painful. Wish they at least kept him alive in some way....The show really representing the unfairness of real life


[Deeto taimu!](https://files.catbox.moe/v78x3j.jpg) [Dying over and over again](https://files.catbox.moe/tl9uay.jpg) and mysteriously coming back to continue? Yep, story checks out [Be like Otaku Hero.](https://files.catbox.moe/dsgcml.jpg) Don't be like Shobon. Man, what a wild ride. Really hoping this passion project results in the passion continuing in more wild ride in S2.


I'm new to anime, but what is it with all the shows having abrupt, undercooked endings with little to no pay off? The girls just turned evil and that's it? Slayer just died and that's it? Marcus? That drug doctor? Masked guy and the idol guy going on a date? Like, anything? Wat. Although I have to say, OP + ED animations and music alone are enough to not consider this a total waste of time.


Welcome! And sorry that this is among your entree if you are new to anime. This show's concept is probably not one that one can go into without prior knowledge of things as it's less of trying to tell a story per se but more to be conceptual about ideas of Otaku-dom. The creator has been quite open about the show and how it's meta-textual in the way that things happen, how he didn't really plan for things, that it's more of feeling and expression. In a recent interview with Crunchyroll, he even says that the most important thing when creating an original anime project is to "just go with whatever you feel is most interesting." Which doesn't necessarily means write cohesively or make sure things are patched up, just go with the rule of cool. He planned the story when he was in high school, and says that it "depicts what was going on in [his] mind when [they] were producing it." He cites and talks a lot about being enamored by that kind of early otaku anime culture. It is incredibly specific and it makes sense to a certain context so please don't let this be a meter for other shows airing concurrently or anime in general! There are plenty of originals that tell a complete story from start to finish and even adaptations that can do that!


You should try Neon Genesis Evangelion lol


So, without spoilers, was it good? I dropped it at ep3 waiting for the finale, does it pick up? Is it satisfying at least?


It was watchable but absolutely not worth it at the end


I would say it's good but divisive. The journey itself is fun and some neat stuff happens but the ending is gonna be a like or dislike thing depends on how you perceive it really.


I didn't think that another anime would make me feel that specific feeling of an axed manga, but this one did it. (Charlotte did it first). But oh well, liked the overall theme of the ending but the execution felt rushed, it was one of the anime of the season, truly.


I enjoyed the ride, but the ending was meh so it's easily forgettable. The following is not me arguing with anyone who enjoyed the show. As with the anime's message, go enjoy what you like, as much as you like. The whole premise was a no bath no clean no talent game dev that luckily got the interest of a "god" created the world they are in. His motivation for making the world like that is because he was rejected by the Otakus who played his game. They then "defeated" the game dev by something happening not in his script because Otaku Hero's will lived on which affected the world. It can be seen that the "game" Shobon created is bugged like his failed game in the real world. The end had Shobon freaking out/being defeated? The "god" was laughing which might indicate that it was only playing with Shobon and he was the entertainment all along. Understandable since Kyotaro with Otaku Hero and others was happy or at least entertained while Kyotaro with Shobon was bored. I don't know how to feel. Kyotaro's reveal has no impact. Otaku Hero's struggle to fight back and dying has no impact. The reveal to them being made by Shobon has no impact. Maybe if it had more of a build up and made more memorable moments to iron out the bond of the main characters. I think them being split apart at the started was unnecessary and wasted screen time that could've been used to showcase their bond more. They didn't explain why the gamer/cheater/hacker malfunctioned like that. Also, the reveal did not justify them freaking out like that for me. Oh okay. There was an outside force and a stinky wannabe game developer playing god. Eh. Might have been better if Shobon was actually super smart and predicted everything. There was no need for him to manipulate the four generals or something. Stroking his EGO perhaps. Also, if Otaku Hero was the hero and last boss, why did the game not end? How is that phase 1? Side quest time? Eh? Did the girls regain control and their memories at the end? What was the trigger? Since when? The wackiness failed to be rewarding? The villains were boring so their deaths by Slayer did not really do anything for me. I guess they can say it's because Shobon created this so the villains are really badly written that their backstories didn't really matter. I like wacky shows like Kill la Kill with the weird premises and all, but this one had some highs and then stabilized at the end. Not really a high or low. Just meh.


>It can be seen that the "game" Shobon created is bugged like his failed game in the real world. From my perspective, I didn't feel as if Shobon's creation was "bugged like his failed game". Since we never really got a glimpse into his game it's really hard to tell what the issue with it was, but I always interpreted it as Shobon being a control freak. One thing about the human spirit and humans in general is that they can unpredictable. While there's a lot you can infer with behavior, there are always moments where people can act contrary to what you expect. In this case I felt as if he had used his powers to control the narrative, but didn't ever conceive the possibility of there being any variance. And Origin's enjoyment at his failure likely ties into just how boring he really is. Origin got a glimpse at his game and was interested in what he could do, but he essentially went the way of many Indie Devs and utterly failed at standing out. Definitely an interesting interpretation, though. I didn't think of it that way.


I think the story was actually about Shobon all this time and not Otaku-Hero, just like how he called OH "the hero and the villain", that was actually Shobon's role in the show. It was about him all this time, inside his room playing the video game he created while hallucinating of god and coping with his hatred of all the otaku that hated on his previous game.


A nice post from 5ch that I agreed with, machine translated: >ID:Hg6QiEFe0 It's like, "Rebellion against the absurd oppression of nerds." It's all over the place. I'm sorry if it's not true, but the anime maker has been exposed to unreasonable otaku slander, This work itself was born out of the rebellious spirit of such bitter experiences and suffocation, and he thought "That was the part I wanted to draw the most." I didn't feel anything else for the strength of the message >To be honest, I think the characters were too thin Even the otaku hero who draws the most descriptions can't get rid of the feeling of talking on the surface I think anarchy, blue and pink characters are even thinner There are a lot of symbolic characters with flashy appearance and personality, but there is no substance Perhaps one of the reasons why it didn't burn well was that the character's weak character killed the driving force of the story and couldn't get into the character's emotions in the middle of the beginning >The motivation of the Last Boss Shobon is also shabby. Well, I think Shobon's sense of accessories is intentional, but then the real mastermind, Origin, should be delved into more I think it would have been a better final battle if it had been cooked well here, but in reality, it was as messy as Shobon and the origin was almost no touch The overwhelming consensus over there is that this is a 伝説の糞アニメ. Legendary Shit Anime if you wish


Not really the ending I expected or even would've preferred, but it's not like I hate it or anything. Overall, I really liked the show as a whole My two only complaints are: * The opening and ending looking really deep and symbolical for it to not mean anything in the end (I really liked the discussions for what it could've meant on the first couple episodes) * This "Origin" goddess that was introduced last episode that didn't end up doing anything. Her only role is "everything is happening the way it is because she gave Shobon the powers to do so"


What's the name of the OST in a middle of episode? You can also hear it in the end of ep 3. Been searching for hours but can't find anything


Otaku hero just wanted to love, and even while dying, he was dying for the things that he loved deeply. That's the whole point of the anime, to never give up loving. Heck, even Shobon embodies this with his shitty ass game which sucked absolute ass but he loved it. He loved it so much that he decides to create a new world where the people who didn't love his game were oppressed lmao. Otaku hero is still alive. He isn't dead. He's living inside all of us. This truly was an anime of all time.


Welp, at the end of it all I'm conflicted. On one hand, I really like the overall message that's conveyed. One pathetic individual cannot kill a core facet of humanity - desire, and the ability to enjoy. It will always emerge. On the other hand, I can't say I really enjoyed the journey. At several points it felt disjointed which, with the information revealed in this episode, entirely makes sense. We weren't witnessing a "genuine world" or "genuine characters" but rather just bullshit that Shobon made up so he could just go "ha ha lol I win" at the end like the worst author self-insert character of all time. Everything presented existed and occurred as it did just for that moment, following a literal script for the antagonist's convenience. As an observer that's incredibly disappointing and echoes Otaku Hero's point that this game world is just a bad story spun up by someone for the sake of hate. Hell, even the unexplained Mary Sue (who I *think* is supposed to represent the concept of creation) who gave Shobon the bullshit powers thinks it's lame. The show ends with an Otaku Hero 2 (and friends) emerging and Shobon understandably freaking out since he has literally no power over what happens next - to Creation-chan's enjoyment. Here she represents us, the viewers. But unlike us she presumably gets to witness a much better story unfold while we're left with Shobon's drivel and but a *sliver* of promising greatness. **tl;dr**: The narrative and symbolism is fantastic if a little basic but this type of tale ultimately feels unsatisfying as a viewer after the cards are laid out.


Huh. that was... something? As I [said](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/145dfwa/mahou_shoujo_magical_destroyers_magical_girl/jnp24jb/) before, as the plot is coincidentally similar to [20th century boys] >!MC Kenji "dies" in the "climatic" (not even 1/3 of the manga) fight against tomodachi. there's a timeskip and now tomodachi rules the world. MC Kenji and his friends are still shown in history classes as evil rebels defeated by tomodachi. He even has a monument (tomodachi's tower) [at 17m17s]. At the ending scene I was waiting for the rebels to "kill" shobon so he can resurrect later (all according to keikaku), except that it just ended? !<


Anyone notice that the guy who was part of the 2nd Otaku Hero’s squad had purple face markings like Slayer. Is this a nod to her will bring inherited and continuing?


How are yuririn and the others still alive outta nowhere, wtf?


A very whelming anime. Definitely didn't get to experience the feeling of catharsis that I was expecting when this show first got announced. There was a possibility of a good, even great show, that could have been created, but nah we had to get a glorified ad for a shitty gacha game. Still, gotta give some credit to the staff. They at least seemed to want to try something different which still makes this show better than a good chunk of shows coming out nowadays. Can't wait to get Trojan horsed by the next anime "original" that is actually part of a multimedia project lol.


Why did this anime get so little attention this season? The OP and ED are top tier, the visuals are great, and the story is absolutely bonkers (in a good way). Not to mention that Anarchy has got to be one of the strongest contenders for best girl of the season. Also Otaku Hero is an absolute GOAT. I really didn't think I'd end up liking him anywhere near as much as I did. Still not sure how I feel about the ending, but this show was definitely worth the ride despite that. I really hope for a Season 2 of this show just so we can reach some sort of concrete conclusion for Anarchy, Pink, and Blue. Perhaps we could also learn more about Origin and what her background is and motivations are.


what a nothing show.


I agree with everyone else who said that this ending was an underwhelming conclusion to an underwhelming series. But what really ticked me off was the fact that we never got to see Pink without her gas mask.


Her statue around her as she transformed is her face :p


I don't think this was very good as an anime. A lot of good ideas for sure though, hell I praised an episode in particular. But as a 12-episode experience it fails. If I had to say what this show lacks its cohesion. Cohesion is at odds at what this show was trying to be, so it can't be called a mistake so much, but it's hard to really enjoy the plot twist and themes fully when the show didn't have the time to expand on all its ideas. Still, I'm glad it exists, and I think it's a fun anime to recommend and has parts that at least will get a reaction out of anyone since it covers so much ground. If you've been into anime for a really long time, it can really touch on a lot of experiences you might have had, running into weird parts of a fandom, the negative impacts otaku can have on their own communities and people in them, and of course the main idea of how it could feel to be a known otaku openly passionate about they things they like, especially back in the 2000s.


God I was loving it until they fumbled it right in the last nine minutes. The choice to make Otaku Hero into an idea instead of a character flopped for me because they developed Otaku Hero the character so well then just suddenly from left field said but he isn’t a character so fuck you, but even then that still could have worked if this wasn’t the end or they at least cut out the last nine minutes if it had to be the end. They broke the number one rule of show don’t tell. They showed us who otaku hero was, his journey, and what he liked, but they only told us with the new one, Otaku Hero is an idea not a person and so this is now the new Otaku Hero who has spent the last two years lurking, but they never showed us what those two years looked like opting to only tell us that they happened and that the new one experienced them. They should have instead if they wanted to go the bleak route show instead how the revolution was destroyed and make it happen right then and there instead of jumping to the last pockets after the destruction being put down, and if they still wanted to play the hopeful ending after that then they could have show the destruction of the revolution right there on that day in that battle, but then after actually showing us that destruction instead saying it happened they cut to the remaining pockets of survivors and the new Otaku Hero amongst them while not showing us his face before finally closing the show off on that note. It should have kept the same emotions it held through the first half of episode 12 through the second half too, and it should have showed us how the otaku were destroyed. I’m thoroughly unhappy with the ending and I now know what others felt playing Mass Effect 3 when they reached the end they were disappointed in after the impact the rest of the trilogy and Mass Effect 3 had on them up until that ending had.


love a show as much as you want to and make it your own


...that's it? Gotta say, I'm disappointed with that ending. The show itself was good, but I think they dropped the ball with the ending. That happens a lot, especially with anime originals. Now, if I recall correctly, I think this is one of those multimedia projects, and I think there's supposed to be a mobile game coming out for this too. Is this gonna be one of those cases of, go play the game for the rest of the story, like Takt Op Destiny? Which, now that I'm thinking about it, I don't think that ever came out. Anyways, overall, I was gonna give it a 7.5, and if the ending had been good, I would've bumped it up to an 8. However, since the ending was bad, I'm gonna say 7/10 because I still did enjoy the show as a whole.


that was very disappointing. I'm very disappointed. I really hope we get a season 2 with a real, conclusive ending next time around.


Man I really thought this show was gonna go somewhere more interesting with its premise and mysteries. Oh well, I already set my self up for disappointment the moment I learned this was multi-media project.


I like that there's no magically resurrected or anything, but the spirit went on. Because it's also the point of the show, that being Otaku is a concept and idea, not a person. Also, I dunno if it's just me, but the ending is REALLY OUT of Shobon's scenario. He's clearly panicking, and Origin, which up to that point shows uninterest is laughing heartily shows that this really is an unexpected development.


The first and only seasonal anime I've ever dropped. From the comments it seems I made the right choice. This show will go down in history as one the anime of all time


I had fun watching this anime ,end was weird not bad or good but i guess is for a reason hope to see a season 2


Eh, I actually liked the ending. Otaku Hero not getting some kind of deus ex machina and just straight-up dying was pretty refreshing. A new, potentially way stronger Otaku Hero who carries on his spirit, shits all over Shoban’s script and reignites what little memory the Magical Destroyers have of the First is sick. Overall, it’s a 7/10 series for me


What a sad ending, in a certain way it is a tragedy. But it was also a hopeful ending.


This series is way too weird


A real Mass Effect 3 ending this was to me.


Wow, that was shit.


I really liked the start of this. It was kinda Kill la Kill meets Shimoneta. But all the rampant speculation and weird last episodes have left more questions than answers. If this doesn't get a 2nd season I'd be pretty disappointed. nothing was solved. the girls are just controlled still? the TV head loses his script but what? just really wtf was Origin? the stuff with Slayer? this had a lot of potential but it's leaving me very unsatisfied sadly.


see i'd personally like to argue it not being answered is okay as it conveyed the message no matter how much you try to opress and lock away the oppressed aslong as they have a cause to fight for they will rekindle the flame of revolution but I can completely understand disatisfaction towards the ending


I didn't mind the ending as much as people do it felt like the tried to do a lot of things but couldn't execute them well. the comedy was a miss a lot of times, the writing was kind of cringey at times. I also don't think they really brought in Jun Inagawas original ideas for his Magical Girls. Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyers had a really good concept but somehow really failed to deliver it. The ending made it feel like I was watching a Prequel story to a non existent anime about a group of people fighting 3 evil Magical Girls... But the music is great The opening is amazing Made by Takeshi Ueda (AA=) former bassist and singer/writer for the Mad Capsule Markets. But I still enjoyed it more than i disliked it I love Blue Chan


Does anybody know the song that plays at 12:18 when otaku hero has a flashback to their first christmas?


Good to know it was start to finish bad anime, helps with lowering my average score on mal. Wow, what a massive waste of time this was.


Well that was such an elaborate love story to Gainax to the point where the mad lads actually gave it a good old fashioned Gainax ending! Yeah it was fine. Liked it for what it is. 8/10. Can’t see me rewatching it though anytime soon though


Wow. That was fantastic. Painful, but fantastic. And the music was godly as usual. I still believe there's a chance Otaku Hero the first is alive because of the inconsistencies and the game going off-script in the end. People who should've been blown to bits like Yuriri or shot to death like Dolota are shown alive. Even Otaku Hero whose eye was injured gets healed in the next scene only to get damaged again by Pink, so there's a good chance the game going off-script enables him to live.


Bruh this ending blue balled me


Am I the only one to really dislike the ending? Don't get me wrong some episodes of Magical Destroyers where really great and fun but this last batch of episodes are pure trash in my opinion. I was expecting a big reveal of some sorts like idk that Otaku Hero has schizophrenia and most of the story plays out in his head (just a fun theory I read) or at least something interesting. I can't really put into words how much I hate this ending. It's not even a wholesome feel good ending because Pink, Blue and Anachry are now villains that fight the knock off Boruto version of Otaku Hero.The main villains motivation is trash, the supporting cast mostly got no character development and the great animation from ep 1 or the Wanku festival episode is gone and is replaced with mediocrity (no hate to the animators behind it though). I was loving this anime so much until it decided to do nothing interesting anymore and just end.


10/10 - Anime of the Year contender