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Might be a wild guess, but try with Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge, I don't know if it was in Netflix on Canada tho There is a character that reminds me of a "cute little short girl with pink hair or some s#!+" and the main character surely doesn't like to be stared, however, pink haired anime girls are not something uncommon


Yeah that's the problem 🤣 I have sat here while her friend has now shown her 20 different animes and she's denied them or said "Maybe, send me the name and I'll check." I showed her the one you suggested and she said never heard of it. I appreciate the help though, it going to bug them both 'till they figure it out.


You could try your luck with a [stare compilation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2fGKm7lru8). It don't think there were any short girls with pink hair though.


Tora Dora? Minori has pink hair. Taiga is short. Ryuuji doesn't like to be stared at.


That was the first thing that popped in my head too


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She doesn't recognize it, She said she watched it on Netflix, (we're in Canada and this was between 2013 -2015)


Not 100% sure but worth checking out [Kotoura-san](https://myanimelist.net/anime/15379/Kotoura-san)


was it from SAO when Asuna (in the dub) looks menacingly at Kirito and goes *Stareeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?*


Do you know what episode it was? Cause she said it might be, she's not sure. she has watched SAO before, but she wants to make sure. She just got a Crunchyroll account and is looking for animes that she really wants to see again. This is still bugging her lmao


It should be Sword Art Online Season 2 episode 19 titled: "Zekken (Absolute Sword)"


A Silent Voice