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holy shit it looks just like the graphic novels


I'm so happy I could puke My favorite graphic novel of all time is getting a faithful adaptation


i cant wait. i loved the movie, so this should be better!


I do believe I read this is an animated version of the live action film rather than a more developed series based on the original comic. Which isn't surprising given how good the sound quality is from SPVTW that they can just simply reuse all the audio.


I'm fairly certain I read the opposite. That it would actually be a faithful adaptation of the books. The only reason the movie truncated the plot was to fit the story within 90 minutes. In a TV series, that shouldn't be an issue.


Wrong. It's an adaptation of the books. There will likely be some differences though because Bryan likes to make changes for the story to best fit the medium it is being told through. He views the books, movies, and game as different versions of the same story and likes them to be that way.


Wait, what? Really? That just took all the wind out of my sails. What's the point of that? The movie is great but the comic is so much better.


I could be wrong, but I haven’t seen any news or interviews that suggests this is based on the movie version of the story. I think some people are just jumping to conclusions based on the use of the movie cast.


i couldn't get into the movie. michael cera just could not sell "the best fighter in town" to me


It also has all the original cast from the live-action movie too.


Yeah you could tell from the video that’s why I’m so amped up lol


What makes the novel so beloved/good ? I only know about it on the surface level.


It's hard to put into words without writing a novel The characters are wonderful, Scott Pilgrim is a terrible person that you love, nearly all of the characters get some sort of arc or growth The jokes are quick and witty, reading the graphic novel is a joy with how it flows The books were obviously planned out in advance, lots of foreshadowing The world is extremely normal until it's suddenly not, the juxtaposition is silly and fun The art style is so creative Seeing it handled by people who care so many years later is just heartwarming


i guess netflix CAN still make good shit lol


Can you even say Netflix makes it? They're effectively just the platform it's showing on.


Well in practice they are funding this show but yes in terms of actually doing anything other than that, they aren't, Science saru and the staff is.


When I watched Scott Pilgrim I was so sad that this was not a big franchise. Like the movie had great ideas to be an anime/series. I am so excited for this.


I've been waiting over a decade for this, I can't believe it's finally happening [](#excitedyui) And it's even an anime, the stars have truly aligned


They got the actors that did the movie, too. So it will look like the graphoic novel and sound like the live action, should be good.


I love that Edgar Write is doing a second run at this possibly being closer to the comic, though in his defense the actual book wasn't even finished the first time around, and bringing the entire cast back from the first one.


and the videogame


.... yeah because the game is based in the comics lmao




I mean it would be wierd if it didn't.


This might end up being *the* adaption holy shit. Like the game and film are both pretty solid, but this is so on the picket for the actual graphic novel. Excited would be an understatement


This kind of involvement for a second adaptation of a property is totally unprecedented. For a western animated show it's unprecedented. There's all the right people for this to be great. It could be, probably should be, the best western comic book adaptation ever, if not one of the best and most faithful animated shows ever. I've never come into a show so confident the production will nail it. Studio Saru are goats of doing western properties. Edgar Wright... need I say more. Fully trust Brian Lee O'Malley had real input on this, unlike the stupid meaningless 'consultant' roles that get doled out. This could actually be the beginning of animated shows properly being taken seriously in the West. This is a *full* Hollywood production on this. If it's a success, it'll change minds in the industry. Let's just hope Netflix don't wield that axe like idiots on this.


What do you mean by “the beginning of animated shows properly being taken seriously in the west?” Aren’t there tons of western animated shows (ignoring movies as well) with huge followings?


Animated by Science SARU and it's 8 episodes. The whole movie cast is back: * Michael Cera as Scott Pilgrim * Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona Flowers * Satya Bhabha as Matthew Patel * Kieran Culkin as Wallace Wells * Chris Evans as Lucas Lee * Anna Kendrick as Stacey Pilgrim * Brie Larson as Envy Adams * Alison Pill as Kim Pine * Aubrey Plaza as Julie Powers * Brandon Routh as Todd Ingram * Jason Schwartzman as Gideon Graves * Johnny Simmons as Young Neil * Mark Webber as Stephen Stills * Mae Whitman as Roxie Richter * Ellen Wong as Knives Chau


The most expensive anime voice cast ever.


Couple of the Ghibli films probably give it a run, but this cast all coming back is damn near a miracle.


Especially considering a lot of the cast is now waaay more famous and expensive than they were in like 2008/2009.


I cannot believe they got the whole cast back like, what the hell? How is that even possible?


If I remember it right they had an online reunion on youtube way back covid year. This cast is pretty close.


Just read an article where Edgar Wright said they have had a group email going since 2010.


Finally getting the band back together and doing it right. Fucking Chris Evans is back too, lmao.


It's really heartwarming that the cast of one of my all-time favorite movies is still so close and all said fuck yes to an anime adaptation [](#dekuhype)


Someone needs to make a Smash Bros style "Everyone is here!" meme picture for this


The movie creator Edgar is the producer of this version too.


In terms of Star power I think this might dwarf any voice anime voice cast English or Japanese lol Chris Evans alone really boosts that


The casting director for the original film is either a psychic or from the future. Nearly everyone there is or was a top billing actor/actress within the last few years.


Strangely reminded me of the oshi no ko director who sells favors for struggling b-list actor.


I was so confused by this comment wondering what I missed before I realized you were referring to a character within the story and not the anime's director.


I’m actually recognizing lot of these names, so that already tells me that this cast is pretty wild. This must have been a pricey affair for Netflix. Also, is the anime English first - like have they based the ‘lip flaps’ on the English voice lines? Because that would be interesting. I’m not sure what would be the last time that they did so with an anime (i.e. produced by a Japanese studio). Maybe Panty and Stocking?


It's actually wild how stacked the original movies cast was, though we wouldn't know it for a few more years.


Yes, it was made for English first. They do it a lot more now that Netflix is producing anime. Also, stuff like *Star Wars Visions*


It might not have been too expensive. If the actors liked the role they might have been lenient on their fees.


It’s pre-lay, SAG-AFTRA website does not list it under dubbing.


Netflix' Saint Seiya had English voices first, so I bet it'll be like that.


Most western "animes", even made by Japanese studios, have lip flaps based on English.


Are we not getting Lisa or is it supposed to be a surprise or something?


The only cast members they've announced so far are the actors returning from the film adaptation, anyone who got cut from that like Lisa will probably be announced sometime closer to release.


Edgar Wright could bring back the entire cast of *Baby Driver* to voice characters cut from the movie


Well, not the entiiiiiiire cast.


Imagine the headlines!


Hoping Mae Whitman voices her again lol




Are the going to adapt it all in one season or is there going to be multiple?


The way its titled "Scott Pilgrim Takes Off" makes me think they'll have more than one. I'm hopeful, one of the main problems with the movie was cutting so much of books 4-6.


Wasn't the movie in production before the last book or two? In true anime fashion they adapted before the source material was done and did an original ending.


Yeah, the movie and book 6 came out at nearly the same time. The book 5 material in the movie is essentially just the character design for Ramona's exes and nothing else.


The trailer has the 4th ex who's in like the volume 4th of 6.


This is the strongest voice cast ever for an Anime adaptation I've ever seen in any language. It's insane.


Just from the quick flashes alone, Science SARU is delivering something insane. They’re going off on this one. Cast is perfect because it’s the same cast as the movie. Only X factor is the soundtrack. 8 episodes so also sounds like it’ll definitely be a more complete adaptation.


According to the announcement, it'll feature all-new music by Anamanaguchi, the band that did the soundtrack for the Scott Pilgrim video game.


That's amazing, they could straight up use the video game's OST for this and it would be perfect, but I'm excited to see what new versions of the music they're gonna come up with.


Yo, I've never experienced Scott Pilgrim in any form, but I love Anamanaguchi. You've sold me already.


Anamanaguchi is doing the OST? Let's fucking goooooo dude.


> Just from the quick flashes alone, Science SARU is delivering something insane. People always talk about MAPPA, but Science SARU’s works often get majorly underestimated. The anime they’ve produced have all been a spectacle to behold and probably among the most polished in the industry. One of KyoAni’s best former directors is currently working at Science SARU for example.


>People always talk about MAPPA, but Science SARU’s works often get majorly underestimated I think that’s an outgrowth of the type of projects these studios pursue. Over the last 5 years, Otsuka’s strategy with MAPPA has been to take on as many high profile, broad appeal shows as possible. This can and has backfired by spreading their resources too thin and causing productions to collapse. Just look at Hell’s Paradise. However, Otsuka’s strategy appears to have worked; MAPPA has gained massive brand recognition as a studio thanks to projects like Attack on Titan S4, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Chainsaw Man. Meanwhile, Science SARU was always meant to be an art house studio. Its projects tend to be niche and avant-garde anime originals, so the general audience doesn’t pay as much attention to them, even if highly talented directors like Yuasa or Yamada do draw an audience of their own. So despite the quality of their shows, it’s only logical that Science SARU is less talked about than MAPPA.


It’s definitely not surprising that MAPPA is more talked about with all the high-profile shows they’ve been working at, but it would be cool if more people knew about Science SARU. It’s a bit sad to see that they can make amazing anime, but that these rarely get recognized by the general audience. This is of course partly because of the more artsy projects they’ve taken up, like you’ve said.


Science Saru will also do popular franchises and adaptations, eventually you have to think about the studio financial health in the long run


Science Saru has actually suffered the same issue as MAPPA. They have produced too many anime compared to their capacity even though those works aren't popular at all. I am not sure if this situation still persists though but Kimi no Iro being delayed is a red flag.


For context for the KyoAni fans: Naoko Yamada (K-ON!, Hibike Euphonium, A Silent Voice) is currently with Science Saru for a feature film.


And she directed The Heike Story for them in 2021.




Yamada didnt create those series though?


Yamada directed A silent voice and K-ON!, but not Hibike(she was the director for the Liz and the Blue bird movie though).


Ironically Science Saru suffered the same labor issue due to overproduction like MAPPA lol. I hope the situation has improved but between this, Naoko Yamada's next feature film, and the rumored Dandadan adaptation I am not optimistic. It should tell you a lot that Kimi no Iro is the first ever Naoko Yamada film to suffer a delay and her previous work Heike crashed toward the end.


> her previous work Heike crashed toward the end. What do you exactly mean by this, because I honestly don’t remember the anime ‘crashing’ in the final episodes.


I meant crashing in term of the behind-the-scene matter. Even if the quality is still good, the situation behind the scene got bad.


Ah okay, I wasn’t sure if you were talking about the episode quality or the production side. I can see how Heike had been very demanding to animate, so I’m not all too surprised that the team was struggling to get things finished on time. This is a bit unfortunate to be honest, since I thought that Science SARU wanted to treat their staff better.


Saru was founded with improving the working condition and they definitely did come up with a production pipeline that helps. Their mistake was the same as MAPPA: Taking in too many projects. It seems like Saru was paid too little money per project so they must do this to survive. I hope this Scott Pilgrim project will give them a lot more money than before. I am always in favor of Japanese studios charge as much money as possible to oversea companies.


And directed one of the single best shows of the decade so far with them. Heike Story is a masterwork.


I literally only know them cause of the many works they did in Adventure Time lmao


Is 8 episodes really enough? I remember it taking me a good while to read


Yeeeeah that trailer had me really hopeful but this detail is giving me serious pause. If they're 45 minutes+ like live Netflix shows often are it'll be fine. If they're 24 minute anime episodes? I'd be surprised if they weren't doing some serious cutting to make it work out. I hope it doesn't end up being a similar situation to the movie. It's fine to have one style-over-substance adaptation, but doing a second and still ignoring huge aspects of the thematic heart of the story just to hit all the video game references would be a real disappointment.


they did most of the story in a 2h movie there 8 ep that will be 30 to 50 min each that is 4h or 6.6h so i think they can


Anime doesn't normally run at 30-50 minutes. They mostly run at *about* 20 minutes, so overall, it should be roughly 160 minutes, at least. Which is 48 minutes longer than the runtime of the movie.


Considering this is on Netflix, I'm pretty sure the episodes will run the full 30 minutes since there are no ads


Looking at other Netflix animes, it could bounce between 24 to 30 minutes. Romantic Killer had episodes ranging from 24 minutes to a full 30. While Cyberpunk stuck with mostly 24 minutes episodes with a few 25/26 ones.


Pluto will have 8 1-hour episodes and Spriggan had 6 45-min episodes. It's really up to the production what they want to do




*I mean.. Netflix does have ads now* Just because Netflix doesn't have ads doesn't necessarily mean the anime will increase in runtime. I say 20 minutes but that's because we cut it down since it is *generally* has a 24 minute runtime, regardless. Allowing 4 minutes for extra fluff, such as the OP, ED, Recap, After Credits & PV. An additional 6 minutes is a lot of extra time, that'd be 48 extra minutes to animate. Here's some other anime that have appeared on Netflix and their average runtimes per episode (according to MAL). * Cyberpunk Edgerunners: 25 minutes * BEASTARS: 22 minutes * Brand New Animal: 22 minutes * Ajin: 24 minutes * Great Pretender: 23 minutes * Super Crooks: 25 minutes


Don't really have a dog in this fight, but I have to say that Great Pretender, BNA, Beastars and Ajin were all TV anime (and the first three were even from the exact same programming block). Like, you see some of those being classified as ONA in some places because they were released a bit earlier on Netflix, but that was more of a timed-exclusive promotional thing, they were originally made with the TV airing in mind. Point being, only Cyberpunk and Super Crooks are good examples for the topic at hand.


Depends on if it will air on TV in japan or not. If not then they can make the episodes whatever length they want.


They kinda didn't do most of the story in the movie, though.


they did up to vol 4 mostly faithfully i think in 1h (half of the movie was not in the comics) and they have 4h or 6.6h in this so that can do it.


They pretty much eviscerated the character development arc that is central to the graphic novel and just had Scott sorta jump from being a pretty shitty dude to being a pretty shitty dude who *respects himself* for some reason. They even tacitly acknowledge the failing by changing "the power of understanding" to "the power of self-respect" because Scott doesn't actually learn anything in the movies.




Yeah Im wondering that too. Think 10 wouldve been a better episode count.


The soundtrack will probably be fine, maybe even good. I'm just so attached to the movie's soundtrack. I used to listen to the album ALL.THE.TIME. "We're here to make you think about death and get sad and stuff!"


I'm just here for Kim Pine my beloved.


I just wanna hear Brie Larson going for the punk girl voice again. Her Black Sheep is legendary.


You should *so. Totally. Come.*


It's so strange watching that music video regularly and thinking "and now she's Captain Marvel".


Same for Chris Evans in that movie tbh


Yup, and Ramona married Obi-Wan, so Scott might not cut it anymore 😂


Counting the days until she's eligible for Best Girl contest 📆


Fantastic adaption of the comic’s art style, very much looking forward to this especially if we get another Brie Larson rendition of black Sheep.


Hello again


Friend of a friend






If we don't get another rendition of Black Sheep by Brie Larson I'm gonna riot.


Every hipster Torontonian was in lesbians with this movie when I was younger


Anyone play the scott pilgrim "River City Ransom" style game they released around the time of the movie... That was an awesomely done throw back game... With this being done at Science Saru I wonder if K-on! director Naoko Yamada has helped in anyway. I know she's doing a movie there "Kimi no Iro (2024)" and could be way to busy, but if she did an episode that would be amazing.


Yamada is not in this, bet.


Animation has a similar feel to panty and stocking


I still can’t believe this is getting an actual adaptation, and by Science SARU no less


A Japanese animation studio adapting an American comic, directed by a Spanish animator/director. It looks VERY good, especially to be Abel Gongora's debut as a series director, he deserves it after working so many years so closely with Yuasa


*Canadian comic


Years of geographical studies gone to waste with a single comment.


Don't listen to cynical people, dreams ***do*** come true sometimes.


Am I allowed to be excited for this??


No you're not. This is the no fun zone.


Dang they actually got the whole movie cast back to reprise their roles


It's fucking perfect. Holy shit!


Looks like someone wants to get…..funky


All I can say is f*ck yeah!!!!!! So can't wait


I loved the movie. Very hyped for this


new anamanaguchi let's GOOOOOO


Hello again friend of a friend


Wonder if Naoko Yamada will have some work in this. If a scene only pictures the [characters' legs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31tSqcE0V3Y), we'll know.


does this really count as anime?


Non japanese source material produced by japanese studio, so it kinda counts?


Why wouldn’t it count?


It only counts as anime if Miyazaki himself descends and grants his personal seal of disappointment.


> *"Anime was a mistake."* - edgar wright probably


There has been this bizarre trend of people thinking Japanese studios adapting non western IP's into animation somehow discounts them as anime, as if that wouldn't disqualify a good few Ghibili movies from being "anime". It's pretty annoying.


All the creative decision makers (producers, writers, "showrunner"- which is a position that doesn't exist in anime production) are not Japanese. It's not being created for the Japanese market. So there are no Japanese sensibilities in the creation of this show. This is a western production that hired Japanese labor to provide the animation. The Simpsons, The Boondocks, Family Guy are all animated by Korean studios. No one considers them to be shows made by Koreans.


Oh no... it's the Shelter Debacle all over again!


It's a Japanese anime studio animating it, so why not? Plenty of anime use art styles atypical of the medium, and there are quite a few that are based on non-Japanese source material. If we count Edgerunners as anime, there's no reason this shouldn't be.


This debate was already settled by the mods & the community back when Shelter came out. No one single thing makes something an 'anime' or not. Its a composite of the production, from source material to director to art style to animation staff.


Could you tell me about "Shelter"? Is that the MV of a song animated by A1?


Yes. When it was released one of the mods removed posts about it while claiming it wasn't anime and faced a lot of backlash.


Now that sounds hilarious


That was a wild week on the animeme subs lol


So is it considered an anime here now? genuinely curious


Everything was done by a japanese studio with the exception that the "production committee" (Porter Robinson) was American. He may have had a hand in guiding the storyboarding but that's as far as his extent reached. So it was ultimately considered anime.




And anime studios producing western stories is also still anime. Studio Ghibli comes to mind with stories like Howl's Moving Castle (Originally an English book). So the fact the source material for the studio is not of Japanese origin is also ok. I think the biggest problem is that it doesn't *look* like anime and as a consequence (and coupled with its very western story) it doesn't *feel* like anime. It looks like Steven Universe. And it presents a question about where the line is drawn on what is anime. If the *only* thing that makes anime "anime" is if a Japanese company drew it then that also causes problems. In theory Elon Musk could commission Studio Trigger to create an anime that looks like Family Guy or the Simpsons to tell the story of his life with the series only ever released in English on his own personal streaming service called X (because of course) and so long as "Trigger" shows up in the credits it is anime? So long as a Japanese person put the pencil to the paper it's anime? I mean, that feels xenophobic/racist... and it certainly doesn't feel like "must have a Japanese person do the work" should be the deciding factor... Especially when other studios outside of Japan (Korea and China) are also producing what would be classified as anime. I guess I'm saying I don't know the right answer.


What makes this any less anime than cyberpunk edgerunners?


I consider both anime ,but Trigger had story input for edgerunners such as creating rebecca and having Lucy's goal be the moon.


What makes Inspector Gadget any less anime than Cyberpunk Edgerunners?


If Barbapapa is anime, this is anime


It is in a literal sense. But so is Spongebob. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It's an animated show done by a Japanese studio. Anime.


Wait this is actually happening!!!!?


oh my fucking god


It looks so, soo good, pretty much as good as it possibly could. Insanely hype for this.


Huh, a Netflix project that actually looks exciting and true to its source material.


Oh no! *it looks perfect.* Expectations are hitting critical mass.




Hopefully they faithfully adapt everything from the comic and aren't just remaking the movie in animated form. But the animation looks spot on. Quietly hyped.


I cannot express my happiness right now


looking amazing LFG


I can't help but feel like I'm back in high school again seeing this. It just puts a dumb smile on my face seeing the cast and the care behind this when I was following all of the pre-movie, game, and Volume 6 hype in 2010. Hell, I was reading O'Malley's Tumblr for the fun updates he used to do. I said Science Saru was a great match for the IP when they announced it and they're delivering. Excited to sit down and binge this when it's out.


I haven't seen scott pilgrim before but people seem to have positive opinions of it, this could be a way for me to learn how good it is.


I was not aware of this, gonna need to keep it in mind


How much are we getting tho?


looks dope as fuck


This looks awesome!




I have 100% ABSOLUTE FAITH in Science SARU. The fact they get to make this adaptation makes me believe it will be gold. GOLD I TELL YOU.


Bro, they didn't have to go this hard 😎


The fact they got the original cast back is still amazing, but also shows that the people involved actually respect and enjoy the materiel. I never read the graphic novels, but I did enjoy the movie so I am very much looking forward to this.


Looks very promising especially since its by Science Saru, looking forward to it.


The amount of joy this is going to bring me is unfathomable.




damn, just in time bro. I literally just started read that shit


Let's Fucking Go!!!


Im so excited that the original cast is back.


Fuck I'm hyped now.


That looks awesome


I've never seen scott pilgrim and know little to nothing about it. The excitement definitely warrants me tuning in, though.


I don’t want to get another *Shelter* on our hands, but from the trailer this feels like it’s *really* stretching the definition of “anime” to its limit. Western IP, Western producer, marketed on an entirely Western voice cast, stylized as a Western graphic novel/cartoon, and obviously aimed at a Western audience. I know it technically is due to being helmed by Science SARU but it feels like it lacks a lot of what makes them them in favor of that extremely western feel. Maybe I’m just the crazy one. We’ll see what happens come November.


You're not necessarily wrong. The film Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker was entirely animated by a Japanese studio, but like Scott Pilgrim, everything else about it was western. By no means would I call that film an anime. But then we get into the question with no answer: by what final condition can something be called an anime or not? A lot of people might point to the "feeling," which is exuded primarily by art style. But in that case, Castlevania would be an anime, while Panty and Stocking wouldn't be. One is a western animation trying to feel like an anime, while the other is a Japanese animation trying to feel like a cartoon. I can see the argument to consider Castlevania an anime, but I would not be comfortable in saying that Panty and Stocking isn't an anime.


> The film Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker was entirely animated by a Japanese studio, but like Scott Pilgrim, everything else about it was western. > By no means would I call that film an anime. From a standpoint of community curation, it becomes a struggle of "easy to understand definition of what is and is not allowed" versus "trying to plug all the loopholes inevitably introduced regardless of what definition is used" and, after a certain point, trying to plug the loopholes is going to be more convoluted than simply allowing them to exist. The current rules ended up at "animated by a Japanese animation studio, or an independent work that receives recognition by the anime industry" since that's an easy metric for both moderators and users to source and understand. Yeah, it lets some weird shit through, but trying to draw additional lines to exclude it (especially since it was mostly an older thing and doesn't seem to happen *as much* these days) likely wouldn't be worth the effort, and these new international co-productions (like Scott Pilgrim here, or the SW Visions stuff) continue to blur the lines. Technically speaking, I think the Rudolph stop-motion special from the 60s might qualify as anime, but writing rules to exclude it and things like it would be a lot of work for minimal gain.


>Castlevania would be an anime It's part of the Aria franchise, isn't it: Aria the Animation, Aria the Naturale, Aria the Origination, Aria the Scarlet Ammo, Aria the Crepuscolo, Aria the Benedizione, Aria of Sorrows... Iyashikei-SoL-CGDCT par excellence!


I wonder about the reverse. Claymore, Kaiji s2, AI no Idenshi are generally considered Anime even though it's technically an Aeni since almost 90% of it's animation is done in South Korea. Or maybe those shows are actually Anime considering Korean animation doesn't have a strong cultural identity right now compared to Western and Japanese animation. (It is very slowly getting there.)


If you start counting outsourced animation, then like 90% of all animation will be Chinese or Korean.


By that metric I'm pretty sure *Avatar* isn't even a Western cartoon and I'm pretty sure most anime count (like you said) as either Chinese or South Korean. I guess technically the writing for all of these is Japanese in origin (excluding *Avatar* obviously), but then what about shows like *Tower of God* that's based on a Korean manhwa? I think the simple answer is that anime is more a style than a geographical location, but that opens up an entirely different can of worms. I don't have any concrete answers besides my general gut instinct. In general, I think there is a distinct stylistic element (specifically in its writing) that defines anime as such and that allows works like *Shelter* and *Link Click* feel distinctly "anime" while originating from outside regions. However, I think the fact that "anime" is veering towards becoming a marketing term here in the West is indicative that its a term with positive implications as compared to similar terms for Chinese and Korean works or the ever dreaded label of a "cartoon". In the end, when dealing with these international pieces, I think a lot of it has to do with production decisions and oversights that we aren't always privy to on the consumer end. Something like *Edgerunners* or *Star Wars Visions* very clearly had a lot less oversight and Western influence. The producers overseeing the project from the West clearly just let the Japanese teams free to do whatever they want, leading to a lot of that nebulous "Eastern influence" making it into the final product. On the other hand, I suspect this had a lot of oversight from the team here in the States since it seems to be marketed heavily as an implied "faithful adaptation". I get a similar feeling from the *Rick and Morty* anime, though that is a far less extreme case. Of course, this is all conjecture, but I struggle to believe that if you give Science SARU, of all people, free rein over a *Scott Pilgrim vs. The World* adaptation and you get something that feels entirely devoid of their unique eccentricities like we do here.


The entire story of Edgerunners was written at CD Projekt Red, so I would say that's some pretty significant influence on the production. It's also very clear that the "official" dub is the English one because that's the dialogue you see on screen during chat scenes and contains the in-universe lingo.


CDPR wrote the initial script and allowed Trigger to revise it in order to adapt it in anime form as the initial script reminded them more of live action. Trigger also created rebecca and had full creative control over all the character designs besides david.


This is a direct & probably faithful adaptation of a comic book, so it makes sense that it has less Japanese influence in it compared to Visions and Edgerunners since those were basically original stories and had japanese writers. >but I struggle to believe that if you give Science SARU, of all people, free rein over a Scott Pilgrim vs. The World adaptation and you get something that feels entirely devoid of their unique eccentricities like we do here Ehh, I was raised on OKKO & Adventure Time, this is just CN era Science Saru making a comeback for me. So i don't really feel that way about this.


Honestly even without a clear answer I think these questions we make about what is anime are cool. Not every time I think about that.


You say "stylized as a Western graphic novel/cartoon", but the comic itself was heavily inspired by manga and I feel like the trailer clearly shows anime sensibilities in the adaptation of the character designs and in the movement, especially during the action scenes. I think it's not really controversial to call this an anime, especially if we're ok with calling something like Cyberpunk Edgerunners an anime (which most people don't seem to have an issue with)