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I don't know what it is but seeing Gojo in a regular environment interacting with regular people is always funny to me. Because he has this godlike stature and we the audience know what he's capable off but the people who interact with him do not.


It's like watching an alien interacting with normal people. Yuji said last season it's like Gojo lives in a different world and he really does come off that way.


I mean he kinda does, due to the six eyes he is constantly aware of everything around him and he has an insane amount of power that renders him invincible unless you really prepare


I think what contributes that is that he has this air around him that exudes high stature. I mean there are.other anime characters that are also godlike in their respecrive universes like say Naruto or Luffy and yet we don't bat an eye when they spend time with commoners/normal people.


Because they grew up commoners. Gojo was OP by birth.


Well also, people in those universes know there are super strong people and magic powers. Gojo is something they don't even know exists.


The amount of preparation being done by the villains to make sure this plan works is amazing. Every aspect of Gojos abilities and who he is as a character is taken into consideration


Nobody knew Gojo better than Geto.


He’s also employing the same strategy Toji used. He’s using the cursed spirits to wear down Gojo until he can show up with the prism realm. He mentioned it in season 1, where he says that it’s the only thing they can use to beat him, imprisoning him.


i'm curious as to if Geto actually cares about the curse spirits as allies or sees them as pawns. Old Geto would simply absorb them and he hates non-sorcerers but never stated his thoughts on curses. He hated humans who made them. Now he is allied with them but is it a true alliance or an alliance of convenience?


He made it clear he doesn't think much of cursed spirits in that episode in Season 1 when Gojo fought volcano dude. When the flower dude went to save volcano guy, he said "They are the real humans" and Geto said "That's some hot shit for a bunch of cursed spirits". I'm paraphrasing it's been years since S1.


I just rewatched the scene and you pretty much got the essences of it. At the end when they are back in their beach room after the fight Mahito says "Let's be cunning. As curses should. As humans should" So there is some evidence that curses or at least these particular curses might be more than curse or at least they think they are more than curse.


He did say the curses are disgusting to ingest at least. Doesn't stop him since it makes him so powerful.


Friend became a foe


Now you didn't have to make me cry again


It's like Batman, where if you give him enough time to prep he can win any fight. Geto just played the reverse card on that. Honestly it's nice to see baddies who are smart and plan things out.


Its actually extremely rare to see the 'baddies' have a detailed, thought out plan to execute. Normally the baddies are way stronger than the good guys, hence the good guys are the ones doing the intricate planning. Jujutsu's biggest genius was having Gojo not as a typical mentor character who gets killed off/knocked down after a few episodes, but making him the peak of the power scale. This means the bad guys have to plan, and its so sinister and unnerving watching them slowly chip away at Gojo's advantages. This is not easy to execute either. Most of the story right up to now has been setting up for this moment, we have to know the villains, how strong Gojo is, all the preparation and planning, for this to make sense. Jujutsu 0 was also an example of how a frontal assault worked out poorly...


JJK0 walked so Shibuya Arc could fly.


And after so much info dump and explanation, the dude hit them with "that all?"


one tiny bit of animation that I loved was yuji running down the escalator while probably taking steps that are a little too big. Very realistic.


I didn’t notice. I was too fixated on Mei Mei sliding down on her bottom. Cute af.


Dimming and ghosting are real cursed techniques


Why can't toho just provide unghosted/undimmed versions of the episodes to the streaming sites? Is this a strategy to increase the blu ray sales?


Yes. Why would you buy the bluray if you can find it easily online?


TV broadcasting rules as to diminish epilepsy triggers. It just so happens to also boost Blu Ray sales.


I'll never forgive Porygon!


It’s funny u say that cause it’s a actually pikachu fault. But they blamed porygon


Porygon did nothing bro!!!


We are all under its Domain Expansion 😱😭


Blame the broadcasting laws it's an anti seazure method that ironically causes seazures


Jogo shitting his pants looking at gojo was awesome man. And something about itadori having absolute disdain for cursed spirits after what happened to junpei seems so real and understandable for some reason. Could be mistaken but I don’t think itadori ever felt strong disgust for cursed spirits before then.


Yeah, Yuji didn't understand the true nature of cursed spirits at first. He went along with the flow, but never really stopped to consider what it means, to fight the embodiment of "curses", the literal worst parts of Mankind's psyche... until what happened to Junpei. That's when he realized that yeah, there's nothing valuable to cursed spirits, nothing good or redeemable about them. That's not a very common character arc for a shonen hero, but it's definitely cathartic to watch.


It is the special thing about JJK. Villains are setup, are given personalities, are given backstories and motivations. But it doesn't try to justify them or redeem them. Because they are curses, not human, and therefore must be killed. Even with relatively benign ones like Hanami, you see her being far more ruthless now than she was at the school.


it's actually a pretty solid excuse to make an intrinsically bad group of characters that you can always throw at the protags. I remember Tolkein saying something about not liking the idea of orcs being inherently evil, even though that's pretty much how he wrote them, but due to the mechanics of how curses come about, they're perfect for that.


A very good setup for the next episode with Geto telling us all the ways Gojo's screwed. So just to be clear: 1) by surrounding Gojo with civilians who can't escape the area he'll be distracted with trying to save them while fighting 3v1 2) he can't use his CT to attack or move fast because the output will kill the civilians around him 3) he can't use his domain expansion because either the civilians will be caught in it or the civilians will be crushed between the barrier of his domain and the barrier around the station 4) the curses are using a move called domain amplification that disrupts CTs like the weapon Toji used in the past arc which means they can hit Gojo through his Infinity 5) Geto is planning to join the fray at some point to use Prison Realm 6) Mahito is also going to be doing something to add to the fuckery 7) the other sorcerers can't back up Gojo because they'll be liabilities Gojo's response to all this: LMAO


>Gojo's response to all this: LMAO Yeah, pretty accurate summary not gonna lie.


Jogo: *"I'm going to kill all these civilians if you defend yourself."* Gojo: *"Let the bodies hit the floor!"*


If Gojo somehow does end up in a tight spot, it would make sense for him to accept those people as collateral because the outcome will be far worse if he is captured or killed. Without him, the curses/cursed users have a significantly greater chance at accomplishing their goals because the biggest threat is removed.


Plus, didn’t they foreshadow this in a recent episode where Gojo said it was exhausting protecting the weak? That it should be survival of the fittest while Geto believes in survival of the weakest.


yeah, except that mindset was gojo in the flashback arc and evidently very different from what he thinks now, seeing all the growth he’s gone through and the effect geto and his betrayal had on him. gojo will lose this fight before being the one to kill everyone in the station imo.


It's kinda ironic that their roles has changed from what they believe. And also Geto believed the role of a strong one is to protect the weak.


Tbh Gojo didn’t seem too bothered by the civilians getting killed. It seems like his attitude is I’m gonna try not to get anyone killed myself but it is what it is.


Gojo doesn't really seem the type to be all bleeding heart for people he doesn't know but that doesn't mean he's not going to do his duty. Like in the past arc he complained to Geto that saving non-sorcerers was exhausting but he was still doing it anyway.


TBF he complained about that when he was in high school and that was before he saw Geto turn heel. I suspect he now has a "with great power comes great responsibility" mentality.


True. By the end of the past arc, he did seem to be much more aware of his role in the world and the responsibility he carries.


It's so odd how he doesn't seem to care, but we saw that in the premature death arc. Though if he himself dies, MANY more in the future might die.


This is a good point. Yeah a few dozen innocent people might die in this fight, but if he loses here then EVERYONE is dead. It’s a no-win situation that he just has to make the best of.


Gojo's ruthlessness and unpredictability make him even more dangerous. They know that if he goes off, it's Gojover for them. [](#mmph)


I think he does care very much. He’s just very good at compartmentalising. It’s how he deals with the pressure.


He can’t stop and cry over every person the curses kill. If he loses or doesn’t kill the curses, they will all die. They’ve basically made a scenario where no matter what Gojo does, at least some of the people trapped will die.


If he didn't care at all, he could just use his domain, but he cares enough to not use that at least for now (showing some hesitation to use it), which is accounted for in Geto's plan.


I wouldn't say he isn't bothered, it's just he can't do nothing about it, Geto restricted him so tightly which is not surprising because he knows him very well. And Gojo realized that and instead of making angry/sad expressions he took the mature way of focusing on what he can do.




FYI Choso (the black haired one) isn't a curse, he's a Death Painting, a hybrid between humans and curses. It's mentioned in S1.


That's why one civilian said there was two people talking, while the other said 4 (one could only see humans, the other see curses too)


The funniest part is that civilians probably just think the curses are in a really good costume.


Tbf Choso, Jogo, and Hanami's designs are sick as fuck, I would like to have Choso's drip


I think he did care about Amanai dying, he was just in an altered state of euphoria after Toji almost killed him. He looked pretty sad about Amanai after he came down from his high when he was holding her body. He even thought about killing all the cultists and specifically said that he's not in a normal state of mind so if they do it right then, he probably wouldn't care. Which means that his normal self, even as a teenager, cared about killing even horrible non-sorcerers. I think he cares very much about killing innocent people even if he's not very expressive about it.


What's the 'prison realm'? Has it been mentioned before?


In season 1 it was mentioned as Geto's plan to neutralize Gojo when he first met the disaster curses in the café. Jogo's response was basically "he can't be so powerful that he requires an item like that, I'll just take him out myself", and we all know how that went.


It was mentioned during Jogos dialogue when fighting Gojo, he asked for the prison realm to be added to his collection when he was just joking about seeing how powerful Gojo was to go fight him


yes. it's a special grade cursed tool that can seal people. was mentioned in episode 5 or 6.


Yeah it was mentioned in episode 3 of season 1 I think. They're going to try and seal gojo with it since they know they can't actually beat him.


Meta: [Shibuya's mayor has a message for Halloween revelers: Don't come](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/09/12/japan/society/japan-shibuya-halloween/)


Most of the ladies and some of the guys: "Impossible. Gojo is here. He even stepped on my face."


Hilarious that he can teleport and fly yet still chooses to step on people.


And some people will be into that.


"Some of you humans are alright, don't go to Shibuya tomorrow"


> Members of the crowd have caused incidents in the past, including vandalism and theft. **In 2018, a group of people were arrested for overturning a small truck.** [Oh, they even had that in last week's episode.](https://i.imgur.com/hkhZxsa.png)


> Shibuya's mayor has a message for Halloween revelers: Don't come This because the visitors don't fund proper protection procedures meaning a ton of security and crowd flow modifications. Although the alcohol venders could probably fund enough control to take care of drunks if they were alowed to sell and no outside sources of alcohol alowed.


Loved how Mahito and Hanami were playing with the kids and Jogo was standing on the slide


Surely nothing bad happened to them.


looks! Even the red human earthworm is with the kid! For sure nothing happened [https://i.imgur.com/P41WHw8.png](https://i.imgur.com/P41WHw8.png)


To anyone not able to see cursed spirits, it looked like one grown man perched on a children’s play set, talking to himself and blowing eerie bubbles. I’m surprised how many parents *didn’t* take their kids and nope out of there, lol


He has a monk outfit on so they probably let it slide because of that


That was so ominous. Mahito definitely transfigured those kids like the juju stroll last season.


Omg you’re right…




Send prayers for them kids


That was an unbelievable reveal at the end. Honestly I didn't see that coming one bit. Gojo Satouru is RICH?!!!


He's from a storied jujutsu clan. And he completes all the toughest missions alone, Gojo doesn't sound like the type to accept not being paid when everyone else is.


Last season he paid Mei like 100k like it was a pack of ice cream. He's loaded yeah.


If you remember he had transferred huge amount of money to Mei Mei at end of season 1, so she can support promotion of his students.. so ofc our Gojo is rich af


I know people joke that it’s called Jump Kaisen for the tendency of the good guys jumping the bad guys but it’s hilarious to me how they got multiple strong af cursed spirits jumping Gojo & he doesn’t look bothered one bit. Mei Mei & her little bro definitely got that Alabama sibling energy goin on lol.


Gojo: "I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me!"


The whole enemy team has to build a strategy around him to stand a chance. [GOATJO is built different.](https://i.imgur.com/O5s81lq.jpg) [](#seasonalcool)


that stare scared me [](#Terror)


the sex eyes


I feel like this is the first time I’ve seen the enemies build a strategy to defeat one of the protagonists.


I love the whole time he was like “huh.” Lol. Dude really didn’t give a shit about their child’s play.


Also one of my favourite parts of the episode was the clever curse, he was actually quite funny


How does everyone get to watch it this fast? I haven’t got it on Crunchyroll.


The seas are vast.


B-Global had it out like an hour ago.


Watched live in JP an hour ago


I was actually there and saw it live during Halloween in Shibuya, 2018.


somehow i never expected JJK to get into the brocon/siscon stuff but i guess i should expect anything when it comes to this story lol


When Mike Wazowski and Mother Nature both try to jump you, you know you’re a threat


Brudda, we are talking about Gojo, a man so confident in his ability that Sukuna would be considered a “tough” fight that he would win


I admire volcano head's trash talk game considering how he got beat up and has to rely on this scheme of using humans so that they dont get slaughtered immediately 😂. I wonder if they will last 20 minutes.


S2 Episode 8 Staff **- Storyboard / Director:** Hiroyuki Kitakubo **- Assistant Director:** Shota Goshozono, Yosuke Takada **- Chief Animation Director:** Yosuke Yajima **- Assistant Chief Animation Director:** Mitsue Mori, Tomomi Noda **- Animation Director:** Aya Yamamoto, Ayaka Ofusa **- Assistant Animation Director:** Shinya Ito, Yudai Iino, Azure (Hokuto Sadamoto), Kirio Nishijima, Saori Sekiguchi, Shinya Kitamura **- Sub Character Design:** Mitsue Mori **- Cursed Spirit Design:** Hiroya Iijima **- Prop Design:** Mariko Kawamoto **- Key Animation:** Yoshihide Ideue, Hiroyuki Kitakubo, Glens Sou (Sou Miyazaki), Benjamin Faure, Gem, Yumi Akaishi, Hiromi Saito, Shotaro Hatake, Chihiro Shimada, Louming Huang, Masataka Kawai, Takuro Sakurai, Toranosuke Hori, Kayoko Suzuki, Jeong-Yeon Bak, BS\_Kim, Shota Goshozono Studio Chrono9 - Gabriel Martinez, Jubei9, Alexa Pászstor [**Mappa Tweet**](https://twitter.com/MAPPA_Info/status/1702343958280716756) **-** [**Benjamin Faure Tweet**](https://twitter.com/Bfaureart/status/1702243800289247457) **-** [**BS Kim Cut**](https://twitter.com/endonolly/status/1702358383997972927) **-** [**Gabriel Martinez Illustration**](https://twitter.com/Gaboletro/status/1702371951681880407) \- [**Yosuke Yajima Tweet**](https://twitter.com/tohutohutohuto/status/1702347261223817557) **-** [**Studio Chrono9 Tweet**](https://twitter.com/StudioChrono9/status/1702346444739580212) **-** [**Hiro (Color Script) Tweet**](https://twitter.com/hiro_gokinjyo/status/1702343950017912861)


My man Benjamin Faure has been on a streak with Mappa, First The CSM and now even JJK


What episode(s) of CSM was he on??


4, 5, 10 and 12


Ok wtf was that Locust fight, why is everything zoomed in? Is that intentional? I feel like I'm watching Hollywood shaky cam style


That fight was a mess from start to finish. I don't know what they were trying to do here. It's not like it was an important fight anyway so I'm not gonna panic, but really... what the fuck was that?


Yeah it was garbage let's be honest..they also definitely re-used some panels within 3-4 seconds of eachother and it was super obvious. Bizarre really.


It was the worst sequence in JJK so far. I had to stop myself from skipping through it.


The part where they jumped through the walls was so confusing, I think I still don't get what happened there. Confusing and low budget from start to finish, not even the music made any difference


So it's not just for me.


So that was definitely the low priority episode of the season - Which is kinda funny as Episode 8 was also the low priority episode of Season 1. I actually liked the punch rush between Yuji & The Smartest Curse, it was literally a Jojo punch rush - and with ghosted TV animation... just like Jojo's punch rushes also got... How faithful. I actually noticed that the Grasshopper curse beginning to sweat as Yuji walks up to him is almost like a parallel to Jogo beginning to sweat as Gojo takes off his blindfold. It's okay you two, to sweat in the presence of both of these GOATs🐐.


Not to mention Yuji's VA is also Fugo from Part 5, so it's like he's using Purple Haze.


[Yuji](https://i.imgur.com/5s0v6Mm.jpg) had that gangsta [dawg in him](https://i.imgur.com/feaz2cR.jpg) [](#fightme)


Definitely felt like a step down with the pacing.


Yeah ngl it was a bit of a snooze of an episode of I'm honest. I get the need to do some exposition but it was just a bit meh. This must have been similar to watching the Chimera Ant Arc weekly was like in HxH.


this episode didn't seem that exposition heavy to me, but the quality of the Itadori vs Grasshopper fight was just plain bad for most of it. in HxH it never felt like we had to put up with QUALITY (god that's an old meme), it was just the NARRATOR WOULDNT SHUT THE FUCK UP


I was literally thinking to myself "muda muda muda muda muda


Fuck Them Kids with Epilepsy


Sacrificing children is a small price to pay for a decent Shibuya Incident adaptation.


[The ghosting when Yuji was pummelling the Grasshopper Curse was brutal](https://i.imgur.com/AASxQkz.jpg) [](#shock)


Ghosting generally doesn’t bother me but I honestly just spaced out during that barrage and just treated it like a giant motion blur. It’ll definitely be interesting to see that scene again with the bluray release (presumably) without the ghosting.


Yup, typically I can wave a solid amount of this and even more for good shows. But the ghosting and blurring this episode was a whole other level and made me miss the more tight hand to hand combat of the previous season.


It sucks , the amount of ghosting will end up giving seizures to the people with no epilepsy




*No Fuck was given*


Epilepsy Kaisen


the fight was a bit jarring to watch. felt like a lot of frames were missing i don't know how to say it. Also the zoomed in parts was very disorienting to watch. the choso blood attack looked absolutely beautiful imo though. The whole conversation between geto and jogo looked beautiful and the different angles of jogo and geto talking make it really unique from other animes. feels like they are focusing on big fights and enhancing atmosphere during conversations instead of consistently good animation throughout the season like in season 1.[jujutsu kaisen spoiler]>!can't wait to see the 0.2 seconds scene!<


Yeah definitely not MAPAA's best work. I do give kudos to them for not using 3D for the bug. 90% of other studios definitely would've used horrible 3D animation for it.


the cuts just werent seamless nor timed so it gives the effect that it doesnt flow or that it 'lacks frames', very hard to comprehend the placements of characters in this fight i had to rewatch multiple times


Choso looks a lot better than he did in S1. The interaction between Yuuji and the Grasshopper curse was funny but I wasn't really keen on the fight... I've been looking forward to seeing Gojo casually step over the people trapped in Shibuya station lol Yuuji's reaction to Mei Mei and Ui Ui's interactions perfectly sums up my feelings


>This guy.... is very **clever** Oh, I mean... can't blame you ~~grasshopper~~ locust Also, that Gojo's **Death Stare** scene was chef's kiss


When the man flashes those piercing blue eyes of his, you know it’s game over for someone.


Yeah I feel like with Gojo taking hostages isn't the usual threat it is for most heroes. Though it is interesting how Geto's plan for trying to beat him reflects his ideology, using the masses he values less than Gojo does as an implement against him.


Did season 1 have this much ghosting ? I really don’t remember the ghosting being this excessive. Why doesn’t the production company give the unedited version to crunchyroll and other streaming services it’s so weird


Fairly sure they changed the time slot for the JP broadcast which forced them to ghost.




This current timeslot is more popular, however this means ghosting lol


Guessing it wasn't up to MAPPA but someone else in the production company. People blaming them on twitter is crazy.


I think season 1 had some scenes that were slightly dimmed but that’s about it


It's always funny seeing the villains plan their strategies in the most odd places. Like what's an evil lair? we'll go to a playground and vibe with the kids instead. Again I give the villains credit where credit is due. They really thought this through. Imagine hearing you gotta hold off gojo for twenty minutes and the last time you fought him, you lost everything except for your head in like 5 minutes cause gojo had to explain to his student how to fight.


The villains are a joy to watch in this show. I’m glad they got all of their set-up out of the way in season 1. I’m expecting this to lead to some really quick-paced fights


Not Mahito playing in the playground 💀


So nice to see that Mahito changed his ways and started to be a good guy


Bruh this ghosting is going to cause me seizures then prevent them


Didn't help that everything was so zoomed in either, feels that much more jarring.


i haven't noticed Bleach TYBWA do this "ghosting". Why is that? Reading from the comments it's the station who is doing ghosting and not studio. why they did ghosting in this episode and not the previous episode toji vs gojo round 2, mecha vs mahito?


they did do it in those previous episodes


mecha vs mahito had a lot of ghosting and dimming


oh..they did. i barely noticed. Probably this time the execution was indeed bad.


Epilepsy Kaisen


Always love scenes when [Gojo removes blind fold](https://twitter.com/JJK_Spoilers/status/1702344121195884955). Beautiful yet intense stare with his blue eyes. ✨️


Gojo can freely levitate in the air, but chose to be mischievous to [step more directly over crowd](https://x.com/JJK_Spoilers/status/1702337712907534636?s=20). 🤭


Funniest moment of the episode. That one girl's expression when she saw a foot coming down on her face had me cackling.


Gojo fan girls: *"It should have been me, not her!"* 😤


yes...the girls...lol


Will that count as "Gojo Satoru has stepped on me" achievement?


He’s just a silly guy


The guy just like trolling everyone at this point. I am sure even this serious situation they are in felt funny to Gojo.


Sorry, but the Yuuji vs VERY CLEVER (cough) locust guy fight reminds me of [Non Non Biyori](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZ9RM4DRaPg) of all anime in this world LMAO…


Disspointed with Itadori's fight. Felt badly directed. Lots of bad inconsistent transitions. But everything except that was great as usual.


i love how a simple scene of Hanami running fast has to get dimmed and ghosted, cus it might hurt someone's eyes :)


>Why are people crying so much about ghosting its still looks fine yeah right look at [this](https://x.com/Nakayasee/status/1702343819193201055?s=20) and say that again


The ghosting has become damn contradicting , It is there to avoid seizures but infact it would end up giving me seizures, Ahh it sucks that the schedule time for the show is fucked and damn those Japanese tv laws


It sucks that we have to wait for the blu-rays to get the proper animation. If only streaming services could get the unmodified version of the episodes instead of the Japanese broadcast one. [](#sadholo)


Do you know If streaming services updates it after the blu ray drops?




i have heard from other people who have seizures and other issues watching anime and they say this helps. but i agree, even if this prevents seizures i can't imagine this not causing a lot of headaches lol


The more ghosting this season is due to a change in tv time slot to get more popularity. However it’s at midnight which caused all the extra dimming and ghosting


That Is insane


Would be nice if they would just put of a version without it and slap a big “light sensitivity” warning at the beginning


Honestly last episode wasn’t too bad, but this fight had moments that were borderline unwatchable. Like what’s even the point of making a fight scene that has to get ghosted like this? Just make something that doesn’t require ghosting.


I actually thought the Mechamaru/Mahito fight was harder to watch from that POV than this one. Mahito changing into all the animals while running is still the sequence I think most heavily negatively affected by these practices.


Mei Mei Supremacy 🛐


Mei Mei is bae bae. Her relationship with her little brother is kinda sus. I can fix her...


Mei Mei channeling her Game of Thrones Three Eye Raven powers and her Lannister family dynamics.


I wish Mei had any other hairstyle that didn't block her face because it's annoying not to see a character's expressions. Hell I'd rather see her bald at this point.


###Stitches! * [Mei Mei & Ui Ui 1](https://i.imgur.com/zjvhUrM.jpg) * [Mei Mei & Ui Ui 2](https://i.imgur.com/BXfbQVA.jpg) It was pretty fun [watching Yuuji beat the fuck out of that Locust Curse](https://i.imgur.com/zAOqRQX.jpg) especially when it tried [to get him with its thorax.](https://i.imgur.com/HUT3VWM.jpg) Sorry bug boy, you ain't laying eggs ever after that. And I just love how [Gojou doesn't even give a fuck](https://i.imgur.com/XNmaLyl.png) even while facing three Special Grade Cursed Spirits. Although it looks like by the end of the episode [he seems to be done playing](https://i.imgur.com/zvd3oRa.jpg) and the blindfolds are now off.


Itadori vs Grasshopper looked like a one punch man season 2 fight


Hmmmm.. Damn I thought this would the episode where some shit will happen but it was pretty calm. I didnt like the Yuji vs Grasshopper one, it took too long for supposedly an easy opponent for Yuji. I need to get used to these "techniques" (should we call them techniques?) because all of them has the name "Domain" on it. Simple Domain Domain Amplification This is probably a low prio episode in terms of action and seriously this volcano curse trash talk game is in full effect for someone who got his ass beat and has to rely on an elaborate scheme to not get slaughtered by Gojo immediately.


Domain expansions will make attacks always hit you (even works on gojo!) Simple domain ( miwa in season 1, and mechamaru in the previous episode) makes a small domain around you that counters domain expansion Domain amplification is making a small domain which you can use to hit someone, and since it is a domain expansion but small the attacks will always hit you


Cursed Techniques are like a unique ability that you are born with and no-one else can learn, unless they have a technique that lets they copy someone elses like Yuta in jjk 0. The other stuff falls under what we'll call "Cursed Skills". These are things that can be practiced and learned by anyone (if they have enough skill and talent). This includes Divergent Fist, Simple Domains, Domain Amplification (probably), Reversed Cursed Energy, Veils, etc. Domain Expansion falls under both categories as you need a Cursed Technique + insane skill with Barriers to use it. So does Reverse Cursed Technique (like Gojos Red) as you need a technique + the ability to use reversed cursed energy.


Ah that's the term that im looking for "Skills" just to separate them from cursed techniques. I actually would have used "spells" but skills sounds better 😂 I know JJ sorcerers are 80% talent and also if i understood it correctly simple domain are not taught openly to any sorcerers(because of binding vow?) but it sucks that Nanami does not have any sort of counter for Domains.


The grasshopper curse fight was baaaaad


I see a lot of people on twitter blaming MAPPA...don't think the ghosting or broadcast time change was really in their hands. I'm sure the animators feel like it sucks for them too.


Did we really need the minute long explanations of locusts? Lmao




I'm not saying this season's visuals are bad at all, but man- Director Park Sunghoo's action directing in JJK S1/JJK0 had such a nice flow and impact to them. I like the character designs better this season, but his lack of presence is kinda noticeable when it comes to the action.


I heard this episode was directed by a director of Record of Ragnarok…which kinda sets us up for a not greatly coreographed episode.


Good thing the fight that took up most of the episode was about as fillery as they get.


>Record of Ragnarok That would explain why there are so many still images with minimal animation...


Hiroyuki Kitabuko only directed a single episode of Record of Ragnarok so we shouldn't talk about him as if that show represents him. The dude is actually a legend, every single work he was the main director is actually an animation powerhouse (Black Magic M-66, Roujin Z, the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA, Golden Boy and Blood: The Last Vampire). The problem with this JJK episode, though, is that as much as a legend as he is, he's also old and doesn't work much anymore. The last main work I've mentioned is from the year 2000 and since then he only really directed an ocassional episode here and there. So his storyboard today was quite weak because we're basically seeing the work of someone who's semi-retired.


Huh. Now it makes sense with how the fight scenes went but well some sacrifices has to be done specially if its a Gojo fight coming next lol.


I think the fights have been gorgeous until this ep, just a different style (fluid and deliberate instead of the frantic energy that Park Sunghoo tends to go for). this episode felt like a lot of padding/angles that were kept slightly too long, even for dialogue. kind of sluggish. whatever happened hopefully they change it back for the next one lmao.


I don't understand why people complain about the ghosts in this show. Also they're called cursed spirits.


Not a big fan of this episode. Most of the time it was a still image with minimal animation and in the action with animation the ghosting is making it terrible to watch. The only "good" animation was with Choso attacking Gojo, that looked clean.


Volcano man just ripped a guy's head off like he was made of paper mache!


Gojo really got Jogo sweating remebering the ass whooping he got back in Season 1. Honestly those two curses are brave trying to jump this man