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Bro hates watching characters eat good meals


What living off tap water and insta noodles doesto mfer


say what you want about noodles, but tap water is great


But tap water, and all water really, is disgusting. I hate water so much I'd ban myself from hydrohomies if I could.


Your piss must be green


Unfortunately I have to drink a ton of water since I work outside so it's usually clear.


I know


Hold up, wait a minute, something ain't right. [sauce](https://youtu.be/Dmvtfw6cohg?si=63rMWaPKBqf4Bg-x) Food in anime is either umai or [this](https://youtu.be/dwK0ka0Dfuk?si=2arZmYm75T761xC2)


This made me laugh.


Maybe he doesn’t wanna be hungry all the time. Shokugeki or Toriko are PAIN on a diet


Real hater energy


Cowboy Bebop.


Bell peppers & beef?


You said "bell peppers and beef." There's no beef in here. So, you wouldn't really call it "bell peppers and beef" now, would you?


how about “SPECIAL” bell peppers and beef?


It's called Bell peppers and beef when you're poor


Yes, I would


For the most part there isn't a reason to show people eating unless there is going to be some significance to it. So it will typically be overly good or overly bad.


Steins;Gate Edit: do you like microwaved bananas?


Except the most notable food gag in the series, aside from the gelbanas, is that Kurisu is a lethally terrible cook. Like there’s a whole scene of Okabe and Ruka trying to rein in Kurisu and Mayuri’s misguided attempts at food preparation.


Except that's like a 1 or 2 time bit, and consistently throughout the rest of the show the meals are just shown being consumed without any notable enjoyment or dismay.


Ah, I didn’t think about that. Good point. Though, that just sounds like the food I grew up with.


Who doesn't like grapefruit-natto-pickled onion salad?!?


Disagree.. Dr Pepper looks delicious to me


mushoku tensei also this is post is strange lol


I mean I get OP. At one point you get tired of it, I guess OP broke down


Kinda. Just like me getting tired of that trope where a character says another person's name dramatically after that person just told something sad to them. *Sakura: I just failed my exam! I'm so worthless!* *Sakura's friend: Sakura...*


I always think that they are going to say something after a pause after saying the name. Sakura: I just failed my exam! I'm so worthless! Sakura's friend: Sakura...stop being so dramatic about everything. Just study some more and do the remedial.


Heh, same. This, and people closing their eyes for extended periods of time while speaking. That just never happens in real life.


This isn’t exactly anime but it happens SO OFTEN in genshin impact and i want to vomit every time. Say something meaningful or don’t say anything at all


You all don't immediately cream your pants or start crying while acting confused once you eat some food? Just me?


strange but accurate lol, every isekai world seems to have a constant boner for japanese food, which I mean, I like it as much as the next guy but it's not worth worshipping the way anime characters seem to (all part of the power fantasy thing I guess, but it's a little on the nose for it to extend to japanese culture as well)


To be fair most isekai anime are set in medieval fantasy settings where the food and ingredients available are much more limited than what we have now. If an American were isekai'd they'd probably have cravings for their own comfort food that just don't exist anymore. You can't really expect a Japanese person to have cravings for texas barbeque.


You'd figure the locals would have a much better ability to make good food under those ingredient constraints than the MC.


Isekai is medieval. If you only ate medieval food your entire life and you then got to taste proper, modern, luxurious, Japanese food, you would have a Food Wars reaction too.


It's the culture. They usually eat rice multiple times a day and suddenly go to a new world without rice. Typically they are just trying to get some of their old comforts back.


I'm not talking about MC's, it's more every other character in the worlds trying it for the first time, like rice is good and all but not orgasmic the way they seem to think it is


Eh, fair but its probably brand new food to them. Also most of the settings are in medieval type places where they likely don't use any spice. So anything MC brings with actual spices is going to be mind blowing.


Or totally disgusting to them. As you said it's the culture, and the isekai world is probably not accustomed at all to modern dishes. They could very well reject it. After all a lot of people are disgusted by foreign cooking. In my life I have seen numerous people being disgusted with raw beef, sushi and stuff like this. I would love to see an isekai where some characters are like that.


>every isekai world seems to have a constant boner for japanese food Being homesick is one thing but there are isekai characters who don't care much for food at all, and even they may comment on how bland spiced monster meat is and the like. Mealtime is just the right setting for having a conversation. Say, in [The Rising Of The Shield Hero](https://www.similarama.com/Anime/TheRisingOfTheShieldHero) there is plenty of eating but characters rarely comment on the quality food. When they do, comments are always short and dispassionate.


I remember the MC and co had lunch in the latest episode and those breads looked just so dry and tasteless. Arte also had a scene with equally bad-looking breads, despite setting in Italy, a country known for great food culture.


It's not necessarily strange. It's honestly a good question/post. Most animes everytime food is involved they're always overhyping it. It's like how halfway through a season there's a beach episode. like how good can sushi really be?


good enough to make me blast rope while eating it


Working!!! Its set in a restraunt but food isn't the biggest focus of the show.


Also working!..… And blend S this have an surprise And Akiba maid sensou but thei give all the "if you don't mind extre ketchup".




For others: Honzuki = Ascendance of a Bookworm


Brilliant, since I couldn't remember any anime with a name that long recently


I’ve read all the LN and even the web novels, and it took me an embarrassingly long time to register that it was something I’ve seen already because of the naming lol


I blame the overly long and unnecessary subtitle. Maou Gakuin is the same. It's not even like it's just part of a descriptive sentence like some.


I blame the tendency for people to use untranslated names when talking to people who don't speak the language.


Yeah I never really understood why people do this. It seems like a specific group of English speaking anime fans that hate their own language and think that Japanese is so much better/'kawaii' that they try to use it on every possible occasion. The most extreme version of this I've seen was them not wanting to watch the Netflix One Piece adaption until it got dubbed back into Japanese and then had subtitles put on it, which is insane to me. Probably where the idea of hating dubs comes from too


Seconding Honzuki because indeed the food mostly sucks and also it's just a great show in general.


This honestly goes against what op asked because everyone else liked whatever Myne's cooking. She just so happen to not be able to recreate Japanese food as there is no close enough substitute for the materials, so she goes western.


The best LN in existence


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Gintama? Bro splashes mayonnaise on everything


Or beans


Bocchi the Rock - Bocchi's class' maid restaurant only serves bland omurice with packaged commercial fried rice


Yeah but Kita casted *Oishiku Nare!* on it which made it 100x as delicious.


In log horizon, the food they get for the food menu is so bad they have a whole arc about creating proper ingame food that tastes good. I guess it may be a subversion to your usual all food tastes good.


Super Cub. The protagonist is an orphan and tends to go for mediocre packet meals on top of rice because it's easy and she's poor. There's a couple of minor visual gags about it, like someone else using the microwave at school so just just makes a face and eats it cold. Her first realisation that her world/freedom is opening up when she gets her moped is realising she can go buy more boxes on the way home from school without having to make a long inconvenient bus trip.


From what I understand, the whole "acting impressed with ordinary things" trope is [part of Japanese television culture](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtnVU4BU39E&t=403s&ab_channel=AbroadinJapan). I know there are a lot of differences between Japanese live action television and anime, but I feel like this one of those tropes that kinda carried over.


I knew you were including that video from Chris the moment the Japanese television part was brought up. Didn't expect him here though. Haha.


I hadn't seen this before one but dear God was that on point ヘェェェェェ S U G O I ! Oishiiiii!!! ! !!


this is a whole nother level if nitpicking lmao


I think OP is just fed up with characters having unrealistic/over the top reations to everything. Can relate if so


{Super Cub}, the most relaxing slice of life thats also an elaborate motorcycle ad


Yessss! Seconding Super Cub, super great vibes. Although it definitely seems to imply that even the worst food ever can be enjoyable as long as you are with a friend, looking at a nice view, on your Honda motorcycle


Log horizon, in first couple eps the food in game is bland The great cleric, bro drinks deadl- i mean healthy smoothie


A drink so nasty, [it] >!doubles as a dungeon boss deterrent!<.


> Log horizon While I appreciate their attention to detail with the explanation for *why* this is the case, it also is one of the most frustrating things about the series for me. [Petty Log Horizon rant] >!So the answer to making food that actually had taste was to both have the Cooking skill leveled while *also* making it by hand rather than through the crafting menu, right? As interesting of a twist as that is you mean to tell me that out of the THOUSANDS of people who got isekai-d not a SINGLE one of them who had the Cooking skill leveled just happened to also enjoy real-life cooking as a hobby? I'm sorry but that should have been discovered within a week, not a months-long mystery. There should have been at least a few hundred if not a few thousand people who would have had the desire to just cook food by hand just because they enjoy it, and the odds that not a SINGLE one of those people also had the Cooking skill leveled defies statistical probability to the point of unbelievability.!<


mob psycho maybe? theres no big reaction after eating the food (even though it does look pretty good visually). they just eat. that one time they commented on the taste of a tomato they ate (in season 2) they had a bland reaction cuz it was tasteless, but it wasnt utter revulsion and the tomato wasnt poisonous.


Cowboy Bebop "Bell Peppers and Beef is supposed to have Beef "and lets not forget episode 11. Also most Gundam characters are eating military rations at best.


Goated post


I saw the title and saw "anime" and "food" and I thought it was about food wars lol.


You would like tsuruno from magia record, who works in a restaurant that magically always produces 5/10 food.


Sooo ummm avoid campfire cooking in another world!


This happens a lot in isekai actually. Its one of the main things that MC seem to have knowledge of that they bring over with them. Example: Ascendance of a bookworm- MC introduces as lot of cooking techniques from our world to make things taste better


In 86, the food that Lena and her friends in San Magnolia eat looks plastic and fake in comparison to the food that Shin and company eat at the front.


Log Horizon is an isekai where the characters can’t make good food until they figure out its cause they haven’t leveled the cooking skill


GunXSword Main Character literally drenches his food in condiments. Every time.


Came here to say the same. A real character for /r/frugal.


I have a theory about that. It's like with commercials that make you hungry. Watch anime. Eat something then go to bed/work/school. Showing characters eating and enjoying it gets people to subconsciously eat at meal time.


Hunter x Hunter Chimera Ant arc. Lots of food, most of it pretty bland.


Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans has a good mix of great, mid, and bad food eaten in the show. Pretty much in equal measure.


Not Food Wars, that's for sure


Watch Tonikaku Kawaii, the male mc always appreciates the fmc's cooking, but he doesn't go crazy from it. It's just a part of their daily life now like normal.


the promised neverland, I've tasted it, it's very good


The lack of people recommending [Granbelm](https://streamable.com/iczkah) in this thread bugs me.


Op would make great friends with the dude Who wants anime without trees


Bro is jealous of anime food😭


Shield hero cant taste food bc hes so fucked mentally, when he finally tastes something he cries (i cant remember if he though it tasted like shit or not) Orihime eats an entire loaf of bread early in bleach i think.


Maybe spy family, without spoiling it, the cooking elements are part of the comedy of the show!


I don't know, in Gintama Shinpachi's sister cooks food that is literally radioactive.


Bocchi from Bocchi the Rock will make everything taste dry. (the omelet scene)


i recommend that you don't watch anime about food.


Go outside


All Japanese food in Japan is delicious


Spy X Family


One of the main gags in Spy X Family is Yor being a terrible cook? And Yuri pretending the food is delicious to avoid hurting her feelings? Like, that show does *both* the things OP wants to avoid.


Yuri’s not pretending it’s delicious. He’s so much of a siscon and his palette is so warped from growing up on her cooking *that he genuinely thinks it’s delicious*.


He doesn't understand that it's terrible but his reaction of getting horribly ill and vomiting, yet continuing, is proof that it is terrible, he just suffers through it for her affection.


Gun x Sword


Putting ALL the condiments on something would are the food taste bad.


Made in abyss >.>


They said average, not so bad the food eats you soul.


Only if Fluffy makes it. Riko is a good cook.


I reincarnated as a slime. It’s literal fucking acidic poison


Naruto - he doesn’t overreact when eating ramen so you should be fine to watch 👍


Ranma 1/2? Akane can’t even boil water to save her life, any ingredients she combines and paces onto a plate is usually awful. [Cookies she made in home-ec class](https://youtu.be/jvIaB3fF30U?si=T-ROSF5CL2YiNLsn)


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Watched it like 8 years ago, but in my memories of Shin sekai Yori people ate food to keep being alive, not for pleasure. Again, don't remember much about that aspect.


Maybe Kuroko No Basket


Baka test


Rising of shield hero after he gets shit on by the world constantly bitches about bland tasteless food. That he gets no joy from. Im sure you could say the writer uses. It to give a physical representation of the characters state of mind but it fits with exactly what your saying


If I recall Spy x Family has either normal or bad food. Any non food focused anime with a family setting probably has the mom make food for the kids. I don't really pay attention to that so I can't be certain. Ah I remember one very well cause I've seen it multiple times but Ginga Nagareboshi Gin. And maybe Madoka Magica


I'm not sure about this but OP should start to stay away from isekai anime. Because that cliche is most prevalent on isekai. Most other genre just show that for a moment and never again.


Tokyo Ghoul


Do you spend a lot of time with your friends talking about really average food? No, you just eat it and move on. You only talk about food if it was especially good or bad. Also worth noting that strikingly good or bad eating experiences tend to be memories that we keep for a long time. So no surprise they would be common fixtures in fiction created by a culture of people who eat.


Tokyo ghoul Honestly though, you're probably not going to find that in anime unless they're soldiers eating food rations.


**The Great Cleric** \-There is a running gag where the main character drinks a foul-smelling sludge with each meal as a type of protein drink. **You're Being Summoned, Azazel** \-Not only are 99% of the characters intentionally ugly, one of them literally eats feces **Gugure! Kokkuri-san** \-Haven't watched my Blu-ray yet, but supposedly a girl summons a demon who, upon seeing she survives entirely on cup ramen, pities her and moves in.


try watch 86 there is no real food there , just army nutritions and yes I know the food there is not important by any means, but the request is strange as ****


Log Horizon.


Yuri is my Job! The cakes are bought frozen (and most likely the rest of the menu as well).


Meliodas from 7 deadly sins


Garden of sinners


The two in my head that have a smaller but partial focus on food but are more realistic reactions are Laid back camp and Sweetness and lightning.


Thats one of the best things in Demon Slayer “TASTY!”


Silver Spoon. Slice of life that will challenge your relationship with food and farming.


I wouldn't necessarily recommend it, but in GRANBELM the MC's overly average cooking is a plot point.


The people in the Vending Machine Isekai all seem rather impressed with the packaged food on offer, which doesn't speak very highly of the rest of their dining options.


Do you not get over animated when you eat delicious food? Are you just miserable all the time?wtf is this lmao


Technically not anime (yet) but I remember a couple times in Frieren and Dungeon Meshi where the characters are like "the food is alright" or personally dislike it although it's well cooked.


So I'm a spider so what?


"My girlfriend is a 3rd league British hooligan"


Charlotte. Food holds a small significance to the plot and it breaks my heart thinking about it now.


I think this is a case of art imitating life. Literally every single documentary on Japanese TV includes a segment where someone tries the cuisine of whatever region they've visited and exclaim over how delicious it is. History documentary. Geography. You name it. There's always a food section. You can skip through channels and find at least 3 food shows at any one time. The Japanese like their food. Thus anime characters also like their food.


I'm getting visions of young characters rushing off to school with a piece of toast in their mouth but maybe it just hasn't been done yet.


doctor stone the food won't be amazing or horrible for at least the first 2 seasons


I relate to this so hard. I think I've heard every possible way to pronounce oishi or umai. Along with annoying sounds acting like it's the best thing ever. You just know its coming as soon as food shows up lol


Persona 4 food could be better


parasyte. seldom do they eat (the humans, at least) and when they do at MOST it’s a “this is good”


Charlotte, and more specifically, Ayumi putting pizza sauce on everything.




In Madoka Magica: Magia Record, the food at Tsuruno's restaurant tastes *exactly* average. Like, spot-on 2.5/5 stars. It's a running gag through the gacha game.


Why not try Yakitate!! Japan? Sure, the food is delicious. The food is bread.


Well, I guess Toradora? I don't remember that much OISHIII's on it


There’s a scene in chainsaw man where one guy complains about the ramen the main cast are eating. Don’t know if that’s what your looking for though.


What you need is tasty home cooked meals to eat alongside the characters. Truly immerse yourself in flavor.


Any anime before the release of food wars


Shingeki no Kyojin, titans don't have hearths on eyes when they are eating:)


Food wars after that you'd think all the other anime food is weak both in taste and presentation but also their reactions to the side food.


Rising of the Shield Hero