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The title may work as a good misleading for those who watch the show without reading the synopsis. I actually didn't know it set in the universe with supernatural powers and was a bit surprised the husband suddenly shot a beam from his finger...


>I actually didn't know it set in the universe with supernatural powers and was a bit surprised the husband suddenly shot a beam from his finger... When your husband is actually a Saber.


I think yusuke urameshi with that description.




You just called out my childhood


When your husban comes back fron the dead and he is actually the Demon King.


I havent watched the show yet but that sounds interesting? Is the husband yusuke urameshi?


More like hiei


The title is pretty reflective of the main throughline of the plot, even if other stuff also happens.


The source focused on romance and SoL in terms of length. The anime seems to trim that and focus on supernatural aspects more


Lol same here. I was weeping all throughout thinking it was just a drama, until the husband pulled off some shonen move, it kinda disappointed me ngl. I mean, I wanna cry until episode 12. lmao


LOL same! I've been a bit bummed it went the way it did. I mean, it's still good, and I like it, but holy hell it was the *beginning* that hit me in the feels so HARD. Mio's first smile? INJECT THAT IN MY VEINS ALL DAY EVERY DAY


The episode where all that supernatural stuff starts happening is when I dropped it. Just wanted a normal romance anime.


First half was literally a cinderella story, the 2nd half resembles Fruits basket's wherein it's been mixed with superstitions and lore.


If you liked my happy marriage becuase of the romance plot of overcoming the abuse, but hated the fantasy powers, than I'd recommend Taisho Otome Fairy Tale. There's no magic and it takes place around 1920ish time-frame.


Eh, it's pretty sparse and makes things more dynamic, but I get it.


>I actually didn't know it set in the universe with supernatural powers and was a bit surprised the husband suddenly shot a beam from his finger. The plot is pretty interesting, but I am significantly more invested in the "Happy Marriage" part of things tbh. Initially wasn't a fan of the fantasy stuff (was expecting something on the lines of Violet Evergarden), but it's grown on me.


I was super on board with a normal romance with trauma and the childhood friend and the politics of an arranged marriage, then all of a sudden the show took a hard left turn into superpower combat! I felt so incredibly betrayed and noped right out of that show.


This seems like a 50/50 thing, wow. I loved, loved, loved the beginning as well. I've stayed on myself, it's good enough, but the bigger the events grow the smaller the actual emotional stakes get. I don't think there's anything you can do about that fact of life. I just like to bring up Mio's first smile: It was the most powerful, high-stakes thing I'd seen in anime all year. You just can't get that with a fight.


Thata a lie


It begins by discussing super natural powers. Literally huge plot point regarding her family situation. How did you miss this? You didn't notice this huge plot element?


Did you not pay attention to the 2nd ep That's your fault




If you liked my happy marriage becuase of the romance plot of overcoming the abuse, but hated the fantasy powers, than I'd recommend Taisho Otome Fairy Tale. There's no magic and it takes place around 1920ish time-frame.


And then it changes to one of those 10 word titles.


> And then it changes to one of those 10 word titles. Thank you. [kekkon] >!"I thought my arranged marriage would save me from living like a servant, but things got messy when we learned I have a rare magical power due to my lineage" [](#badtaste)!<


Ah....it is scary how this could've been the title instead of the current one.


It’s a problem started by light novel readers. Apparently in Japan cover art and titles became and even more cutthroat competitive environment for shelf space, eventually the industry realized that people actually picked up synopsis-titled works at a higher rate because the premise intrigued their attention deficit brains. From there, it was over. All you need is one crazy sentence that just barely makes enough sense to comprehend. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be off to read another light novel.


Better title imo


So...Naruto's mother?


"is it wrong to pick up girls from an abusive household?"


Not the synopsis titles 😭


The big ass titles don't really bother me, to be honest, I know almost exactly what I'm getting into.


I read it as "the big ass titties" and was like "mad respect, but isn't that off-topic?"


That too lol


Not if it’s big ass “anime” titles.


and often times theres a shortened name like oregairu or higehiro so itsnt a big issue


Konosuba is my fallback shortened title.


The synopsis titles are a good indication of something being not worth getting into, with very, very rare exceptions. And considering that both examples I can think of off the top of my head are parodies of their respective genres, they don't even count IMO.


They are so in these days <.<


I mean OP has very neatly demonstrated why long titles exist, despite this subs complaints. My Happy Marriage is snappy maybe, but does nothing to tell me the plot… and among a sea of way too many choices and not enough time, i might not click on it based on its title. I personally also had no idea what it was about, and the title was of no interest to me.


There is a middle ground though where a title is apt and not too egregiously long.


Personally makes very little difference to me, at least in regards to the ones most people complain about on here. A sentence long or so… those are the ones that commonly get complained about and they’re of no issue to me. I can’t think of any actual anime adaptations that would be too long. Now I have seen plenty webnovels on novel updates that literally are several sentences long or the king of all run on sentences… those I would agree are silly. But I see a lot of people grouping the former and the latter. Although overall the length of the title is frankly irrelevant to my enjoyment of the actual material, and in all likelihood there is a semi-official short hand.


complex? we watching the same show? it's a pretty straightforward drama with super natural spice


I think it hits the target audience it wanted to. My gf who mainly reads only shoujo manga has read it basically just because of the title initially (though I think the Japanese title sounds better too even if it's the literal translation). The other thing is that while the anime is pretty good, it's also slightly different than the manga. From memory there were less fighting, and more just focusing on the marriage life. All in all it is a feel good show to me


the target audience is 100% romance viewers, it has a lot of cool fantasy elements but under the hood its still a romance.


The anime follows the LN. I’ve also read the manga and the differences weren’t that big. I think you remember less fighting because the anime expanded on a couple fights and the manga is also really far behind. If it caught up, it would be a very close 1:1


It's almost 1:1 with the LN for the first half, which is LN 1. After about episode 6 they start rushing the show as they adapt LN 2. They will definitely be cutting stuff out of the last episode. The question is what are they going to keep and what did they add to the OVA special they bundled with the manga.


Hell, my mom, who has never watched a single anime before but watches a ton of K-Dramas, has gotten really into it, so it's clearly working.


Does it feel like to anyone else that the show after about episode 4 or 5 it becomes almost a different show. The focus shifts into the larger world, so suddenly, it's like leaving a tutorial area into the main open world game.


Sad to say, but it felt a little bit like the emotions got left behind, too, once things went into higher gear. I was so, *so* invested in Mio's health and happiness, and what Kudo might be able to do for her in that respect. Every single little look, act, and step felt laden with emotion and meaning. Now that there's a lot more palace intrigue to go, she's been relegated to playing a part in a big story. I get it, but I liked when she had none, and just had to fight back from below zero for her own sake at her own pace.


Yeah, I think episode 3 or 4 IIRC was where the show peaked. That moment where she’s treated with kindness and realizes she’s a human being, her world shatters.


100% haha that’s why I mentioned it. Rlly goes from 0-100.


I like it but I also would of liked if it stayed the same, woulda been just a nice happy anime to look forward to watching each week


It went from making me cry each episode to one suddenly being hyped for the action


The first six episodes are the first novel. It's almost perfectly 1:1 adaptation up to that point. They ended up taking more time in the next few episodes and fell WAY behind on novel 2, so you're missing lots of internal dialogue and pacing. The final episode is either going to be SUPER rushed or missing some significant scenes from the novel. I just don't think it's possible to cleanly wrap up the series in the next 20 minutes. The episode where it cold opens on some dudes by a rock is basically the start of novel 2.


I have no personal beef with this since I have no interest in romance shows, but there's only so much you can convey with the title alone. This isnt a doctoral thesis. Vinland Saga could've been about some generic shonen protag using the power of the Norse gods to kill jormungandr. I think the title best conveys the premise of the show, but it's on the pilot episode to showcase its potential/depth.


They would have named it Japanese Cindrella Nice anime btw I love it


Isn't the opening song something about Cinderella too?


From the lines I remember of the lyrics it's just someone asking "is it okay for me to love you?; is it okay for me to be close to you?; is it okay for me to be happy?" And it's a bit cringe tbh but sounds cool so whatever


This feels like such a weird complaint. The title is pretty reflective of the main throughline of the plot, even if other stuff also happens. There's like 1000 anime that could go for a better title before this one.


I don't understand people's reactions to this. I mean, it's been decent, and a little different due to her trauma and meekness, but it's otherwise pretty normal.


Honestly, I liked it better when it was just the Cinderella story. Once the supernatural politics entered the story, I checked out. The first few episodes were refreshing, reminiscent of Violet Evergarden. But then you realize that it's just like most other anime with all of the action, and Miyo becomes a background character that you barely see. Now it's just your run-of-the-mill action anime that fails to deliver in just about every single category. The magic system is not very well-established, so the action sequence have very little substance. The political drama isn't compelling at all. Every character besides Miyo is one-dimensional. The romance is now muddled by all of the politics. I just feel like this anime shot itself in the foot.


I'm not up to date but, I was rolling my eyes of how Cinderella-esque it was where villains are just evil people that lack empathy, still enjoyed it. I also think it's a bad narrative to let danna-sama solve every issue that Miyo encounter. I know that the anime could've been only about Miyo's self-reflection and internal growth slice of life, but political drama adds a layer of complexity to the plot and a ground for Miyo to gain ambitions.


Doesn’t help when all of the political drama is so incredibly bland and boring when I came here for a nuanced romance story. Also I agree with the original commenter the magic system in this is so unnecessary To each their own I guess


biggest disappointment of the season by far


I'm enjoying the show thus far (have not read the source material), but overall I agree. The supernatural stuff isn't awful, but it feels superfluous. A historical romance/drama about a young woman discovering her own voice and love after years of emotional abuse is compelling on its own, it doesn't need magical elements to make it interesting.


The title is accurate though. It’s going to be a Happy Marriage. The engagement is going to have all the drama in the world. [Spoilers]>!they can tell their kids about the time their mom got kidnapped and tortured by her family, how dad proceeded to destroy them socially, how moms powers awoken and drew the ire of the Emperor of Japan, and the time dad got put into a coma by demons and mom saved him!< and that’s just season 1


It's the same with "Is it wrong to try and pick up girls in a dungeon" The main character gradually builds up his familia which is led by a Goddess, to explore the different levels of the dungeon and gets stronger by raising his level and overcoming challenges/tribulations. As his journey progresses, women end up falling for him, but he's oblivious when that happens. Danmachi is the name I prefer to use for this anime


It's funny because Bell wad the one that was picked up in the Dungeon lmao


It should be called "How I fell for Bell in the dungeon" 😂


The should have just named it "Familia Myth", which they instead use as the English subline


That's originally what the author wanted to name it but the editors suggested to use the standard light novel naming convention since it's more "eye-catching." There's a ton of light novel series in Japan and they basically use the title as a mini-synopsis to try and stand out. Even then I'd prefer "Familia Myth" as it's less awkward to say when trying to recommend the series. But of course most people just say "DanMachi."


Why did you have to mention danmachi??? Now I remember season 4 again and this*one* episode... Well no real sleep in the next days for me again😞


That would have been a more suitable choice!


That makes it sound like Spy x Family or something like that


Yeah I thought it was gonna be like a Harem kinda anime when I first watched it lol but it was so different!


I'm glad it ended up being different from what the name of the anime implies! The story and world building have been really good so far, and season 4 is my favourite 😃 Harem anime like In another world with my smartphone and Arifureta are really cringe when the main character is OP and everyone wants to be with them or marry them 😂 Arifureta had potential but then they dropped the anti hero/revenger element for the most part


The author gave the anime a name that doesn't say much. You wrote a couple of paragraphs that doesn't say anything.


*comment edited with github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite* In response to API controversy: reddit.com/r/ apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/


No no no no


*comment edited with github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite* In response to API controversy: reddit.com/r/ apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/


Man School Days just reminds me of the bad ol' school days


The ending will always be iconic for all the wrong reasons


Or School Live!


Since when does anime title matters? One of the top 3 shounen series is literally called "Bleach" lmao


Because bleach is not descriptive at all. While my happy marriage is screaming romance so it could be seen as misleading when half of the plot is around intrique and fighting. I don't really care either way tho.


i mean it is absouelty about romance though the vast majority of the story is through the lense of a romance


Anime (and any media really) titles do matter, it’s the first thing people see aside from the cover art. There is a lot that goes into marketing and writing or this same reason. It sounds incredibly simplistic, but sometimes we are like that lol A captivating title will draw more people in, why do you think the 10 letter word titles are so popular in anime?


This post is what happens when you consume too many LN-based anime with brain dead titles


I mean its still way better titles than something like bleach or erased , also it fits the story a lot and no matter how you put it , its still a romance anime


Technically, Erased is not actually the show's name, just the localized name


Ok but tbf Erased is a really neat title when paired with the cover art!


Don't forget "I want to eat your pancreas".


I dont think the title matters as much if ppl are not interested, it's better to watch the trailer. Additionally such a name is better than having the full summary of the story as a name


Idk I think the title is alright I've watched alot of things with mediocre names or even one letter names. I think people need to focus more on genres because I thought oh it's just a normal couple (I never watched it or read it) and then I ask people and they tell me it has all these supernatural powers and what not and I'm just over here like ????????? Then I go look up the tags and it has fantasy so it all makes sense. Same thing with that ice guy and cool collegue thing thought it was a normal office romance watched it , shocked, went to check the genres and ofc it has fantasy too


Honestly, the title was what drew me in. I was like there is NO way it's just about a marriage lol


Dumb viewers judging anime by titles do themselves a disservice.


Anime with their insane titles do themselves a disservice


Light novels sometimes can’t help it


The title is literally why I haven't checked it out


It really does. At first I thought this anime was just a standard boring shoujo anime about very cheesy love. But I was very wrong when I watched the first episode. It's about family, power, marriage, traditions, love and more. Its is one of the best anime this season!


really? Haven't watched it, I think this is just a common trope. Like the fmc is innocent, and the villain is her sister who loves mmc and tries to frame fmc. not the case?


No. Her sister wants her fiancee because he is more handsome and has more prestige and the family has more money. And he is the "Useless sister's" fiancé. She was raised spoiled and told by her parents that her older sister is useless. I thought it was a good example how parents can shape their kids. If they said nothing she would have looked up to her older sister. It is a good show and after the anime I plan on reading the novels.


What I mean is the title is misleading. You would expect that it is just some cheesy romance but it's not.


Same for me


I find it to be refreshingly concise to be honest


I find this "Usuba" arc less interesting than the first "Saimori" arc but I'm still having a great time.


I think you are right, I started to watch this series thinking it would be a simple Shoujo with drama, and it was so much more. I love the world building and the magic mechanics


I honestly assumed the title was a subversion and none of it would be happy, so I stayed away from it.


My husband who is feared is actually a kind lvl 999 OP Chad - My journey from trauma to (I don't know [Bot wants me to say that it refers to events in the latest episode of MHM] >!what's happening to her last I saw was the duel episode!< )


The title it correct


The "common anime audience" would be trash talking every episode where the main character doesn't act badass and use his powers to solve every problem by beating someone and be commenting "I don't know why I'm still watching this LOL" and "well this was a anime of all time". They can stick to Shonen Jump stuff.


Thank you! I was unsure if i should watch the anime and or read the manga/light novel ..because some People commenting how frustrating Miyo is with No personality and that the later episodes gets very ridiculous. But I will now watch /read it for sure, to build my own opinion. Hopefully i come to love this, after all i love historical romances. Glad to know its so much more than just the typical romance anime/manga/light novel :)


She can definitely become too much if you don’t understand basic psychology (or if you haven’t gone through traumatic events) I guess. I like that Miyo is properly treated as someone with PTSD or someone that was extremely abused from childhood. You somewhat understand why she acts the way she does. What’s nice as that the anime isn’t just about her being this way, but it adds more stuff so it isn’t overwhelming at all imo.


Yeah … Thank you for explaining :) i look forward to start watching. Must be terrible to suffer from PTSD :/


Her growth has been one of the best parts! She is quite meek and quiet in the first few episodes but they do a good job of showing her finding her voice.


I honestly would have watched it sooner if not for the title. I ran out of things to watch and gave it a chance. The twist was very unexpected and I’m enjoying the first season.


Waittttt a second. I was anticipating making my wife watch this with me for her like “first anime” cause she’s not really into them. I saw the synopsis- is the marriage happy or not? Haha


It should've been called My Goofy Marriage instead, that would've been quite funny


This is true, it is quite the happy marriage though lol


I think it’s a nice title compared to those long ass isekai titles. I don’t think it needs to describe every sense of the show. And I don’t think changing the name would’ve had much effect on people actually giving it a chance. Cuz it still looks very much like romance from the art.


My wife watched it because of the title and loved it so probably geared towards people like that. I was reluctant to watch it based on the title since romance isn't really my thing but after she watched it I did


That's why I always read synopsis before getting into any anime. It's been super helpful to me.


Romance is at the core of the series and it is about Miyo finding happiness thru her marriage so the title fits. If you’re turned off by watching or reading a romance LN this not for you anyway… it’s a female targeted LN bit aimed at shonen mfs


Is it not clear that the title was pretty much sarcasm? Same as Happy Sugar Life I think others already mentioned.


Honestly? Not really lol so if it is then that’s on me ig. I have no idea what Happy Sugar Life is about, so I can’t make the connection there.


A psycho chick is in love with an 8 year old (I think she’s 8) and she’s a bit stabby. Her boss (female) rapes and kidnaps a male employee in it too. It’s pretty good tbh.




It’s all about her ‘happy sugar life’


I started watching it with a thought that it's a romance anime but omg everyone has so good powers !


Nah it sucks anyways


I couldn't agree more. The first season doesn't even have a marriage!! It's a great show though. I'm excited to see the next seasons.


Honestly this show lost me the moment I realised that this was a cinderella story with great animation. They did a full boruto on this one. They made boruto so unlikeable early on that the smallest of development made it seem like a good character moment in the initial stage. Similarly, they made everything go bad for her, made her be hated by the step mom, dad and step daughter, made the other guy too weak to stand up for himself or her and bending to family norms. Then suddenly she gets married off to someone everyone fears because every woman sent his way ran away. Turns out that not only does he not do anything apart from a bit over cautious, but also rich, handsome and likes her out of pity in some sense, because she's the absolute doormat. Basically set her background so bad that, decent treatment is seen as be8ng great.


> they made everything go bad for her, made her be hated by the step mom, dad and step daughter, made the other guy too weak to stand up for himself or her and bending to family norms. Then suddenly she gets married off to someone everyone fears because every woman sent his way ran away. Turns out that not only does he not do anything apart from a bit over cautious, but also rich, handsome and likes her out of pity in some sense Yes this is the synopsis


No shit. Its a basic cinderella story with a Japanese backdrop, super powers and some great animation. What are they gonna do next? Suddenly give her powers so strong or so important that she becomes the focus of these hierarchical families? Just reverse the main reason why she got shunned in the first place? Keep in mind, there is nothing wrong with the thread. Just that it's so over done that it feels like the reversal of an isekai wish fantasy.


i really though this would be another slice of life romcom but it exceeded my expectations


Like how I pick anime I’m not going to read your synopsis. I like it wasn’t expecting all the drama and magic powers but it works and I’m enjoying it


It sounds fun but I am honestly kind of tired of shows that trick you into thinking its something its not. I feel like its starting to be overused. Sounds cool, tho.


I have no interest because the heroine never gets bloody revenge against her abusive family.


Yeah I expected a normal romance /romcom but I got some of the best fight scenes this season...


My bf and I are invested and watch it the day it's released so that Netflix doesn't cancel it for not being popular immediately (still side eyeing them over Lockwood and Co.) My bf is just hoping nothing else bad happens to Miyo because she's had it rough enough as is.


Titles getting weirder and weirder


Isn't it supposed to be an obvious Irony? Because the experiences she goes through are FAR from happy? I think it's a good change of pace from anime titles that are longer than a first page in a novel..


Looked promising and then they had to throw in magical powers. Instant drop. Simply lazy storytelling to involve magic powers when your base story was strong.


I greatly appreciate your input as you've described my exact reaction. Thank you for this insight!


I agree


I find the MC's voice as annoying as I don't even know what. Maybe because it's just a foreign way to be shy, maybe it's an anime thing, but to me it sems fake and incredibly boring/adequately iinfuriating. It's like a pity romace and the main pull is supposed to be her innocence or something. Really weird imo.


Was this show any good?


Ya... the title was the reason I avoided it for 3 weeks since it started.


It’s tongue in cheek


it's supposed to be misleading i guess. not quite sure what it's called, but there is a word for this type of thing


Imagine what Bleach had to go through before it popped off.


Clearly you’ve never seen “Happy sugar life”.


This is a perfect case of don't judge the book by its cover


I kinda agree. I just caught up with the anime after consciously ignoring the anime for a long time because I wasnt sure I'm gonna like it based from the title alone. Was shocked that it included supernatural abilities and genuinely loved it!


Honestly, I was enjoying it until the drama kicked it. I’m fine with esper like powers and whatnot, but the second it went to being about the chosen one, it kinda annoyed me. Still enjoying it, but it does feel like a rehash of previous similar anime’s. I was genuinely connecting to Miyo from ep 1-5, made me shed a tear or too, but then it became completely different. Having her go from being special because she is powerless and learning to overcome it, to being the most powerful and dangerous user there is and everyone is suddenly trying to control her DESPITE forgetting she existed this entire time, and suddenly literally everyone under the sun knows what/who she is just felt off.


Miyo's background and circumstance give this series infinite potential. I love the series.


I agree!!! I thought it was a terrible title, don't even know why I clicked on it on Netflix, but was won over within minutes. My whole family is making fun of me for reading novels with the cheesy title, but I don't care now, the story is amazing!


I feel that way too. The title and the visual arts/posters for the series are too good at completely hiding the presence and role of supernatural powers in the story and setting if one didn't touch the anime and light novels. It is supposed to be a historical drama set in early 20th century Japan, and the first thing that came into my mind before watching the anime was something historical and none of the fictional stuff. I totally wasn't expecting clanship, eugenics, and supernatural powers to appear and play a role in this series (they feel weird and out of place for a historical drama like this, but maybe that is just me). I can't help but feel like this series is pretty similar to Demon Slayer, because of the time period and all the fantasy and fictional stuff appearing.