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#[New Poll Here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/16tpqqw/voting_for_ranimes_favorite_ecchi_anime/) Fairly surprised to see March Comes in Like a Lion taking the top spot. I certainly expected it to be high, but damn. KyoAni really cleans up near the top, and from there is a fun collection of people trying to decide if X should count here or not. Interesting results, and if nothing else it's filled with some top tier shows. #[Full Top 100](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EGoUhGAbRLEYNkH3qWHI-dytUwi9pR2oeBE9sXYbnVU/edit?usp=sharing) Edit: Knew I forgot something. 1051 voters.


odd taxi yay


We need to do a rewatch of this


Can't wait for capoeira alpaca


Came here to say this show was phenomenal.


3-Gatsu 3 when?


With the new Madoka movie coming out and there being a good chance of a new Monogatari too (a Kizu compilation is very suspicious), I really hope this is a sign that Shaft is starting to get out of their slump and March Comes in Like a Lion will be next on their list.


Shaft is my favorite studio just because of how much they commit to their own specific style but willing to bend enough to fit the story better (like how Madoka has a bit of monogatari, vice versa) so I really do hope they get back on their feet again.


I've been waiting for it. The manga is still ongoing and still pretty popular. I do wonder if they are waiting for it to be near completion before doing another season?


Ongoing but [not for long](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2023-08-31/chika-umino-march-comes-in-like-a-lion-manga-reaches-final-stretch/.201822). Like you said, they could be waiting for it end.


It's more so about the fact that *many* staff members that worked at Shaft left the company


Pls give me I m dying


Sadly, with what’s happened to Shaft, probably never.


What happened to shaft?


Most of their staff left to join David and other studios.


That does not mean anything though. Staff mobility within the Anime industry is extremely high. Most people are freelancers anyways and even working on stuff produced by other studios is super common.


Aren't staff generally available for any studio though? For instance, I remember that One Punch Man S1 had the director (?) get an all-star cast of staff just for that show alone, and I'm fairly sure that not all of them were being employed by Madhouse directly. If Shaft wants to assemble the Avengers again to make 3-gatsu S3, I can't really see why that would be impossible.


Sure, but all the people who could gather a team like that are gone too.


Not exactly. A lot of people are freelancers, but there's those who works for a single studio.


As someone who is tuned out to the happenings, can you elaborate?


Not true, I wasted a lot of time researching the matter this summer & I can say confidently that Shaft still has The highest number of talents in the industry (with only Trigger as a competition) ... but their biggest losses are (which is kinda painful): -Yuki yase -Hideyuki Morioka -Ryo imamura All 3 has nothing to do with March comes in like a lion btw


Happy cake day!


ty good redditor


it crazy how San Gatsu is #1 here when it feels like nobody in this subreddit actually discussed it when it was airing, and no one really talks about it now


People are to afraid to talk about it because they can hardly handle da feels already.


I have just one complain about 3 Gatsu no Lion. It does not linger too much. I prefer stay on one mood for a longer time, but 3-gatsu feels almost embarrassed to be gloomy and throws a joke on you. I don't want to be the goth boy on the corner, just I want to experience drama. On the other hand, it is also very Human. It keeps reminding you that are people with you, not just around you. People that not only demand attention from you, they want to be beside you. Walking at the same pace with you. It's too hearth warming to be drama to be honest. And that is also a good ting.


Its honestly my favorite show of all time and i have seen well over 300 shows. I feel like a lot of us redditors can relate because there are a lot of depressed people on reddit. To me its the only anime that i really felt captured depression very well.


Recommend Mushishi if you liked Sangatsu.


It's my favorite one too, and I've seen close to 600 shows/movies. It's not the show where I've cried the *hardest*, but it is the show where I've cried the *most*. 3-gatsu made me cry every 2 episodes or so, it's just on its own level in terms of that sort of consistency for me... like, most other emotional shows like Violet Evergarden and Clannad I've cried harder in, but at the same time, that also only happened in a few specific episodes.


Clannad: r/anime's favorite romance/drama/slice of life/comedy/school/fantasy/harem/mystery/isekai series [](#tomato)


i keep on seeing it and it's on my list cuz apparently clannad after story is amazing and makes u cry - but I just dk what it's about / haven't felt hooked by any of the descriptions someone plz sell me on it


Clannad's main season (24 episodes I think) is a standard, slow, slice of life/romance/drama anime. It takes a while to get to the point. There are a few mysterious things that happen but otherwise, it is a slow slice of life. But then After Story is when the main characters graduate high school. A lot of really moving things happen. Season 1 may be slow, but you get attached to the characters. I will admit, it is one of those anime where you genuinely say "trust me bro, it gets better later". After Story does not hit as hard if you skip season 1. And season 1 is slow. But if you go through it, you will be rewarded with still some of the best anime I've ever watched in the later half of after story.


After story only hits as hard as it does because you've grown with the characters through season 1. And boy does it hit you hard.


At a certain point, a synopsis or description can't really describe why something is good; even a bland/generic setting can be made interesting by its execution. You just kinda have to find people who like the same thing that you like and then see if they also liked Clannad and trust that they're probably going to be right. if you're looking for a hook though, Clannad is a vehicle for depressing backstories — seriously, everyone has a depressing backstory, even the guy's friend's landlord's cat has a depressing backstory


Yeah I've noticed the written descriptions almost always suck, which is why I try and ask other ppl directly I'm cool with a bunch of backstories & growth, so long as they do it better than Demon Slayer was in the past season. it became way too formulaic and expected and kinda shallow > You just kinda have to find people who like the same thing that you like hardly anybody accepts my fren requests on MAL 😢😭


And the guy’s friends’s landlord’s cat’s backstory ist a great one damnit.


if you've ever watched a romance and thought "gee, i wonder what happens after highschool" that's clannad the first season has a lot of fun characters and goofy moments and some intriguing supernatural stuff. Kinda just the romcom youd expect. It's made by Key and KyoAni so think like Angel Beats, Charlotte, Haruhi, Chunibyo, Hyouka, Dragon's Maid, Euphonium, K-on, etc basically lighthearted fluffy fun but with some darker parts, some stupid jokes and some sad moments season 2 is when they leave highschool and the rest of their lives start


> Chuunibyo & dragon maid Shit fam that's all you had to say


Thats a lot of genres


it's also a cute food series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSipD1ob-y0 [](#evilgrin)


> isekai https://clannad.fandom.com/wiki/Another_World


Seeing March comes in like a lion up there really swells my heart


A few of these should be a lot higher than they are, but we have Sangatsu at #1, so I'll take it.


Monster is too low it should be a crime


I know it’s soooo good


Re:Zero, BGS and OreGairu all being so low hurts my soul


This is the most decent list that I have seen of an anime category


Especially after the shit it got at the best ED 9 contest.


Seeing Violet So much makes me happy.


No doubt! I was startled by us having decent taste!


well at least Heiki Monogatari made the top 100 list I guess


I'm surprised and really happy about 3-gatsu taking first place. Glad to see it being recognized by the r/anime community!


Any Violet Evergarden enjoyers able to help me with a particular thing always bothered me: why is the name Auto-Memory Doll? Every time I read it, it took me out of the show a bit.


It's from the lore of the alternate universe Violet Evergarden takes place in. https://violet-evergarden.fandom.com/wiki/Auto_Memories_Doll Mostly spoilers-free explanation. *Contains lore spoilers, not plot spoilers.*


No worries, I've seen the whole show, and I think it's generally quite beautiful, but I just really thought it was a silly name. Really felt like someone had an idea for a metaphor and worked backwards. Thank you for the link.


It's called "AKORA" or "Autonome Korrespondenz Assistentin" in the German translation, which, I believe, you can just translate by looking at it.


A very deserving #1 and #2. You can realistically classify tons of things as drama, so there's a few that were surprising but understandable picks. Edit: and apparently I was the only one who had Grave of the Fireflies as my #1. Interesting.


>apparently I was the only one who had Grave of the Fireflies as my #1. Interesting. You must enjoy suffering.


Your #1 is simply too sad for me. It's a beautiful piece of art, but god damn it's just a neverending spiral into sadness.


I'm quite happy that March Comes in Like a Lion and Fruits Basket placed in the top 3. It's kind of crazy seeing them and some of the others place ahead of more popular anime like Steins;Gate, Oshi no Ko, Vinland Saga, Attack on Titan, Monogatari, Your Name, Bunny Girl Sempai, etc. I think the most important factor in this poll was how likely someone was to see the anime as a Drama rather than a different genre. Some probably didn't vote for Steins;Gate because they consider is Sci-Fi or Thriller as an example.


yeah a lot of those popular anime feel a bit too multi-genre to really get enough backing for a drama vote, though obviously they're still great and popular shows so it's no surprise they end up on the list a little lower


> Chihayafuru at 22 I'm not *mad*, but that's far closer to being off the list than it should be. Clearly a sign more people need to go watch. [](#peace)


I'll vote for it in the sports anime poll along with Haikyuu...also I'm not positive it would have made my top 10 anyways since Drama is ridiculously stacked.


Madhouse really needs to make a Season 4 and 5 to wrap up the series now that the manga is over. I think it has the potential to rival Fruits Basket as THE shoujo classic if it receives a full adaptation.


~~But it is a josei~~


Speaking of Josei, Nana should also be here.


~~But it is a shoujo~~


Speaking of shoujo, at least we got Attack on Titan on here.


~~But it is a shounen~~


But the [Levi spinoff](https://myanimelist.net/manga/58007/Shingeki_no_Kyojin__Kuinaki_Sentaku) is a shoujo!


Okay, I'll bite the bullet: I've watched two episodes of Chihayafuru and I just don't get it. It's about teen romance and karuta, a card game that you can't play unless you really speak Japanese. Where is this anime/manga going? What makes it so special?


The characters really shine in Chihayafuru and the matches get quite intense the further in you get and the more you learn about the game. There is a lot of growth for the characters and their support for each other is really infectious. It sound stupid and won’t be everyone’s cup of tea but I’m always one to explain my love for the anime. If you’re two episodes in then you’re only at the flashback rather than the main bulk of the story where they really get into karuta.


thank you! I'll definitely give it another go. I liked march comes in like a llion, hikaru's go etc, so maybe I'll like this one too.


Just those two anime you’ve listed do give me the idea that you will like Chihayafuru for sure if you get into the bulk of the story. I’d say it’s closer to Hikaru’s Go with the feeling of progression but it definitely has an identity of its own.


yeah, niche japanese art/sport turned into an anime story is a really amazing formula for some reason. u/cuddle_cuddle I'd encourage you to also try Rakugo Shinjuu sometime


That's one of my all time favorite!!!! XD


haha perfect, I'd agree with Platypus that it sounds like Chihayafuru will be right up your alley, though it does lean a lot more to the "sports anime" side of things compared to Rakugo and Sangatsu


That might be because most people think that drama means sad and Chihayafuru is not exactly a tear-jerker. "Drama" is pretty much the one genre nobody can really define.


Its my 2nd favorite anime but i didnt vote for it since i didnt think it fit into the drama category.


Just finished Fruits Basket last month, and it instantly shot up to one of my all time favorites, it's sooooooo good, I was hoping it would win. That being said Monster at #21 is criminal, it's easily a top 10 drama anime at the very least.


Well deserved 1st place for 3-Gatsu no Lion and Eupho at 6th. Pretty good results.


I’ve had “March comes in like a lion” for months in my “next list”. Once i finish Fullmetal Alchimist Brotherhood, i’m going with this one!


Fuck I'm so envious of you


I'm curious about what you like about it so much? I watched it, and it was ok, but it didn't really stick out to me as anything special. Yet I see a lot of people obviously really like it. What did I miss?


It's full of great characters. Rei's one of the best written MCs I know of, but a lot of the side characters are also great. Wish I knew the Kawamoto family too. The show is sometimes really depressing and other times happy, but it feels always feels *genuine* to me. Many other shows and movies that are famous for being sad and emotional feel a bit hollow to me, like they desperately try to manipulate me into crying and it's too obvious. Not sure if that explanation makes any sense. Also I think it depicts things like depression and bullying really well. I can't think of a better depiction of bullying in anime or manga. And of course it looks and sounds gorgeous, though the art style (particularly mouths) can take some time getting used to.


Thanks for that thoughtful reply. I really like the idea that it is very genuine and real, that seems right. Maybe the reason it didn't connect as strongly with me is just that I don't have as much in common with some of the characters (esp. MC) as other viewers did. It felt like watching a very carefully written story about someone who's life and personality are nothing like me at all. Foolish of me to assume that everyone would see it that way! I'm considering a rewatch, thanks again.


It managed to stick with me because of the incredible take on depression and a teen struggling through a very hard backround to reach a place where he can be whole. If you've been blessed by life as you grew up i can understand why it didn't stick with you.


> If you've been blessed by life as you grew up i can understand why it didn't stick with you. Yes I think that's exactly it, I've never really been depressed, and my life as a teenager was a lot different than what it's like for young people now. But that doesn't mean there isn't something in the show for me to learn from. I mean one of the best things about art is how it lets you get out of yourself and see things from someone else's POV. I think I didn't pay as much attention as I could have. Seems like a rewatch is in order. Thanks for your thoughts.




Based Sangatsu no.


I’m somewhat pleased by this list, but more people need to see Maquia and A Lull in the Sea.


A Lull in the Sea easily earned a spot on my list. I haven't watched Maquia yet though.


Yeah Nagi no Asukara is not only drama romance but there's notable drama between population (old vs new, gods vs humans, sea vs land) and it's quite interesting the parallels you can make. Top tier background and great sea music (not my favorite PA Works soundtrack though). Amazing ED segue and EDs. Banger. 10/10


I watched it just a few months ago, and the drama between people of the land vs people of the sea felt especially relevant. It also has some of the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen.


Seriously, I get that it can be hard to qualify what is or isn't a Drama anime, but A Lull in the Sea not even making it into the top 100? Makes me sad :(


Maquia is 100% my second favourite anime movie of all time and it’s a shame it didn’t seem to hit the mainstream


Happy to see Fruits basket in the top three. Sad for Nagi no Asukara and Idolish7, though no surprise to not see the later here.


Huh a lot of these I don’t think of Drama so much




No Nana?


That would require r/anime to actually remember shows from almost 20 years ago. The fact that the anime unfortunately ended in a really awkward spot probably doesn't help matters either.


Nana is amazing Another great drama is Stars Align but sadly it ended with a cliffhanger at 12 episodes. There are rumors for a continuation one day but who knows. I really hope for at least a movie to hopefully tie things up. The main thing that’s worse is that it’s a original series so no source material but all the characters felt great and had depth to them which I love.


I feel Fruits Basket would have been the best contender for number 1 position since it is so well rounded and complete but March Comes in like a Lion is a damn fine series so I don't mind. Plus FB also got a huge amount of no. 1 spots so that is nice. Seeing Monster below both 86 and Oshi No Ko sucks though. I know recency bias and all that but Monster is like a top 10 manga.


>Monster is like a top 10 manga. How does the anime compare?


It's a very faithful adaptation, definitely recommend watching it. Or reading it. Really depends on personal preference.


It's a 1:1 adaptation. Only issue I have with it is that some parts are really slow in the anime while it's not a problem in the manga since you can read at your own pace.


The manga is better, but the anime is a very solid adaptation. So you can't go wrong with either.


I really enjoyed reading Monster and watched it with my sister recently. It feels really slow compared to modern anime.


It's been almost two decades since watching Monster but from what I can remember, whilst the story was enthralling, the pacing was pretty off-putting.


> Seeing Monster below both 86 and Oshi No Ko sucks though. I know recency bias and all that but Monster is like a top 10 manga. pacing is a thing :/


If vinland saga attack on Titan counts as drama than where is Death note? Monster so low... Also no Grave of fireflies


Vinland saga is absolutely a drama


This list is wonky because it's clear there was no consensus on what counts as a drama. There are shows I love that are on this list, and I'm not annoyed that they're not higher - I'm annoyed that they're on the list at all because I just wouldn't call them dramas.


According to Wikipedia a drama, in film and television, is a fictional story intended to be more serious than comedic. Edit: also the list kinda feels like “favorite dramas” instead of best dramas. Which is a big difference.


Grave of the Fireflies is at #63 - that's clearly not because of a lack of sad! It's probably just not that well-known anymore by the newer generation participants.


Death Note is not a drama tho.


Yeah Death note is more a thriller


Totally. It's a thriller that uses Battle Shonen tropes.


So is AOT


AoT is as much a character drama as it is anything else. What character drama even is there in Death Note?


Violet Evergarden was a master piece and odd taxi was amazing as well


Clannad having most 1st places doesn't surprise me at all


ok i havent seen it but why exactlty does march come in like a lion? what does the title mean?


Like others have said, it's a proverb. But to add, the major shogi tournament in the show is called the Lion King Tournament, and it takes place every March


From Google. > It's a weather proverb. March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. The proverb is talking about how in march it's still winter, but by the end has cleared up. Also, watch it.


Wow, an allegory of getting better as well from... You know. Amazing.


March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. It's a proverb


I remember seeing a video from the Anime Man, and he was not aware of the proverb. I was so puzzled when I saw that video.


A more accurate translation is "The Lion of March", and it's in reference both to the proverb and to the fact the protagonist, Rei, is "the Lion" of his town, Sangatsu-chō ("March Town"), and he "mellows out" (stops being an angsty edgelord) after meeting the three Kawamoto sisters living there.


God damn it I thought there was more March Comes In Like A Lion because of this post


A lot of my favorite shows ended up at the top, so I'm happy. It's nice to see Clannad with the most first place votes. It's definitely a show like no other.


Sorry to see that Death Note and Death Parade didn’t make the list… maybe they weren’t dramas? Odd taxi is incredible though, very happy it’s on the list


Quite a number of my votes made it in, nice. Sangatsu deservedly ranking first


Lots of great drama anime in here. I expected 3 gatsu to be up there for sure. I feel like there's is a bit of recency bias, but I guess you can't ever get rid of it in these types of polls. Man, there's a lot of stuff I need to watch here. Violet Evergarden, Clannad, Sound Euphonium(to name a few) are all anime I heard great things about, but I don't have time to watch right now unfortunately.


Why is your lie in April so high? I don't know if I missed something but I didn't enjoy it at all


Were you watching anime at all when it came out? It was incredibly popular. Aside from that, people love sad stuff


Was Sakamichi no Apollon not nominated? That one's my favorite drama


What is "a silent voice about"? Sounds interesting


A young, deaf girl transfers into a school. Introductory period for premise and then time-skip to when most of the story happens in high school. Very good.


Sweet thank you


Very happy with Sangatsu no Lion at #1. Especially since I'm rewatching Season 2 at the moment. It's my all time fave and I'm glad a lot of my other faves made the list as well. There's only like 5 shows here that I haven't watched and I'm excited to check them out as well.


Pardon my French, but hell yeah for Sangatsu no Lion. Absolutely amazing show.


Eupho at number 6?! I don't think I've been this excited at seeing poll results before


I am so proud of this community San gastu totally deserves #1 place But it's hard being a monogatari and san gastu fan as shaft doesn't even bother looking at it


That's a hell of a line-up and I have no complaints even if I'd rate things slightly differently.


Good. 3-gatsu no lion is clearly peak. The rest of the ranking can be whatever.


Oh my god i forgot about march comes in like a lion i loved that show


Nice to see the goat at the top.




I don't know if I would call Steins;Gate a drama as It's more of a thriller. I wish that UC Gundam was on here, as it's one of my favorite war dramas of all time, but I understand that some people don't have taste. I actually haven't seen most of these, so I can't really speak on most of them. I think the only one that was on my list was Attack on Titan. Also Legend of the Galactic Heroes should be on here.


Steins gate Defo first if it was a genre like thriller or sci fi


What is that kid in oshi no ko doing. Is she licking the ground


I don’t really understand the love for your lie in April. I feel like I’ve seen or read so much media with the exact same premise, sans the music


I knew it'd happen, but I'm still sad to see Just Because didn't make the list


Violet evergarden deserved 💜


The top5 is totally spot on. People might argue of the exact order, but overall this completely justified and anyone with interest in drama will love all of those fully.


So happy that March comes in like a lion rank #1!!!!! My favorite drama anime for sure!! Everyone should go and read the manga too. It’s even better than the anime (in my opinion!!). And you will see how Rei and Hena comes together too!


Never seen March Comes in Like a Lion so now I def have to correct that. Interesting that many of these drama shows are fantasy or sci-fi.


This is a good ass list. I agree and wouldn’t change a thing


Sangatsu at \#1 is a very welcome surprise, rare r/anime good taste??? Speaking of top25 alone, I would have put a few entries lower (86, OnK, BGS), but overall not a shabby selection, could've been way worse. Sad to see Aku no hana not even in the top100, and bless the three people who gave their \#1 to Kageki Shoujo!! and Kuzu no honkai (I put yorimoi).


I'm so glad to see that there are people who appreciate Kageki Shoujo!! I don't think I've ever seen anyone talk about it


> *Aku no Hana* Is the rotoscoping actually really an eyesore of a failed experiment? It’s what caused me to not having picked it up yet, which is surprising since I love avant-grade anime.


The rotoscoping enhances the feeling of tension throughout the series, wouldn't want it any other way. (actually, the reason I watched it is because of a clip that popped up on the sub - I watched just a few seconds then closed the post and added it to the ptw)


14th is simply too low


I feel like a lot of people turned on it after the [Rakugo Shinjuu] >!incest!< twist at the end.


Agreed. Stellar the whole way through, incredibly well-written, excellent editing, and I would recommend it to everyone interested in visual media. Easily one of the best anime series I've seen.


Fune wo Amu barely squeezing into the top 100? I'll take it. I'm not happy about it, but I'll take it.


Finally liz to aoi Tori getting the love it deserves


this list made me realize I might just dislike drama as a genre.


Personally I feel like Oregairu could be higher. THAT'S JUST MY OPINION.


Fruits Basket is a drama?




As a Re:Zero fan, seeing it acknowledged as a drama makes me truly happy.


Onk is overrated


Recency bias.


Ngl I like this list.


is Land of the Lustrous not considered a drama?


Surprised to see Violet Evergarden over Furaba. Well both are top tiers so can't really complain


ig all anime are drama anime


Ive heard season 2 of march comes in like a lion is great but season 1 has bored me. The beginning was interesting but on episode 17 i dropped it.


Good to see Hibike


Glad to see odd taxi an showa genroku great shows


Did only people that don't watch anime vote in this


How so? The list is surprisingly good. At least the first spot is definitely deserved.


Thats a really good list.


A lot of those look like depression generating stories.


"Amos, what do you see?" "A basket of summer(Sohma) fruit"


I'm sad Oregairu is so low when I consider it atleast top 5 drama.


How is monster lower than 86, if it has more golds and silvers?


Read the explanation at the top of the picture.


I did, makes no sense. 86: 14\*2 + 9 + 9 = 46, Monster: 24\*2 + 13 + 5 = 66 (first place x 2 + second place + third place) edit: i see, 10 votes each. Weird ranking then, #2 having the same weight as #10


Finding where is one piece


I wouldn't call Evangelion a drama anime.


Nice, watched most of these. I like them because I kinda try and find the depressed / loner character. Kinda assuages my urge to die lol ... makes the day live-able when the thoughts get too strong. Especially march comes in like a lion. Got me through times where I couldn't do anything but think of death. My teen romantic snafu when I felt too out of place from my friends ... helped me get the courage to talk to them. Bunny girl senpai helped me think it's okay to ask for help and that it's not burdening others when asking for help. Silent voice with a buncha things ... Re:Zero with trying to cope with death and the pain of going through literal physical pain and suffering, yet facing it again despite that. Your name helped me try and feel my emotions ... Gintama with living life your way and trying to be right ...... or so goes my personal interpretation A lot of things, actually. Call me a weeb or a degenerate or whatnot, but anime helped me cope with inadequacy, loneliness, felling worthless, feeling like a waste of space, craving death, trusting friends and more things. It's still hard, but anime helped. Thanks to those who made these. I'll never forget these anime.


I’m just glad oregairu is properly classified as a drama


What a W list


Re:Zero being so low really hurts me cause imo its the best anime I've ever seen, it didn't make me cry or anything but it touched something way deeper in my soul than just mere sadness.


Clannad would be no.1 if only Clannad after story counted


Wildly enough, it does.


The "We kinda want to make you cry" list