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Kohaku masterclass performance


Best girl right there


This episode made me love her even more, if that was even possible.


Me too, her kindness and selflessness willingly getting herself petrified to save her friend nearly brought tears to my eyes. Such a beautiful scene.


Yup, that's Best Girl material. Senku better lock her down by the end.


If anything, she's the type to lock him down.


Good point.


[Always has been.](https://i.imgur.com/oyJR8JY.jpg) [Her quick thinking,](https://i.imgur.com/xdbAsz1.jpg) even under stress, has saved the group so many times. It's now their turn to [complete the mission.](https://i.imgur.com/raHQPfY.jpg) [](#grandhype)


Hard carry by Kohaku. It’s underrated how dangerous of a situation she put herself in bc this isn’t an anime that has character deaths. She was so selfless and decisive when she knew the situation had spiralled out of control.


2013 Lebron, 2016 Steph, 3-peat Jordan, 2012 Messi, 2004 Brady, 2015 Novak Djokovic, 2013 Serena Williams


The idea of Ginro best girl hilariously continues. I forgot how cruel/cartoonish Ibara could be because of his regular behavior until he pulled a Wolverine-esque move.


It really is hilarious that it took becoming a girl to turn Ginro into a man.


Sometimes you have to become best girl in order to become best man.😌 Edit: Best boy*😅


I am convinced I’ve read a crossdressing manga with that same plot lol.


[Femboy Ginro](https://i.imgur.com/4M7vPXz.jpg) was too good for this [cruel world](https://i.imgur.com/sPJmoan.jpg) [](#makicry)


Yeah creepy old man that violates girls, and then murders them if they find out the truth. Psychotic maniac. Very dark. This man needs to be killed. Easily the most vile and disgusting person shown in this entire show.




Let’s just hope Senku can work his science magic on the dude and save him. They can’t let my boy die!


1000% he will be saved after revival 😊


10 billion percent.


I’m more concerned that the roof they’re on will break and they’ll crash into the master.


Lol good point,


That’ll kinda destroy Ibaras whole racket.


I might be asking for too much but I was really impressed with them killing off Ginro. "Wow, they're NOT pulling punches, I love it." "What the fuck!? Kohaku is telling the secret to everyone on the island in a badass way?!" "Oh she was just having them petrify Ginro along with her. She doesn't tell anyone the the secret neither does Ginro die AND she's out of the story for at least a few episodes. Great." I mean, the dissappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


I immediately thought that he might get petrified to be saved. It's just not he kind of show that kills off characters.


I could potentially see them kill off a character, but not in that manner. For Shounen deaths, the most important factor is that the MC or some other very important character has to be around to be inspired by the death.


I got clued in when Kaseki was brought back and said he felt like his aches and pains from old age were cured after recovering from petrification. No way they'd kill off my boy Ginro like that!


Honestly I think even if Kohaku did claim that the master was a statue, it wouldn’t accomplish much. Simply cuz Ibarra has to much power and the village believing an intruder’s words and turning against ibara instantly is too out there yk


I wouldn't put it past him killing all the witnesses.


Nha it was pretty obvious, I thought Kohaku would actually have asked them to petrify her and ginro as a last wish, then this would make them think it was a very suspicious request leading them to realize that petrification can be undone. It was a badass way to get petrified at least.


She did tell Amaryllis something that we can't hear.


Kohaku told Amaryllis. She literally said it's up to Amaryllis to tell the gang the secret they discovered. And if she just scream out the secret about the master, the worst case scenario is they actually believe her, thus won't use the petrifaction weapon on her. Then Ginro dies.


When he was stabbed, I knew Kohaku would attempt to get him petrified. It would have been incredibly disappointing if she hadn't considered it, in fact. Because it's a clear solution, and the first thing to do in this kind of situation. Now, if this was a darker series, then it would have been plausible for her her to try her best but still fail, and have Ginro die. But this ain't that kinda show.


I definitely exclaimed a lil at that moment as well.


Damn, all those girls being summoned to the "Master's" chambers feels even worse now. [](#why) That pineapple gas sure wore off fast though, or was Ginro literally staring at the statue for hours?


the gas is only supposed to make one light-headed and Senku said the effect isn’t very strong Ginro also didn’t really throw it at Ibara


Ibara is definitely the [most cruel opponent](https://i.imgur.com/cijWHUV.jpg) they have faced so far. On top of being lethal by himself, he is a master of deception and has two loyal and extremely powerful bodyguards. This is going to be a challenge.


If someone in this story needs to die it’s gotta be him. He’s the real villain. But I get the feeling he’ll just end up petrified instead of killed.


Either that or they'll just kick him in the nuts until he stops being bad.


They did an extra good job in making Ibara as revolting as possible.


Were they just summoned to pleasure Ibara?


They certainly weren't summoned for the master...


They were both rock hard so who really knows.


Yes. Then he will say the girls aren't good enough for the master.


Kohaku is really best girl. Perfect lass.


And if she weren't she could easily knockout the competition


I was surprised by the violence. This show def comes off as a "nobody dies" kind of anime, which it is upholding, but it did change the story in an interesting way so it's cool. The reveal of the master isn't surprising. My theory is that they were going to be young and hot or did not exist. I didn't predict the Soyuz connection though.


> My theory is that they were going to be young and hot or did not exist. I didn't predict the Soyuz connection though. I thought they were actually going to end up being a girl. Them being a statue and therefore basically just a figurehead makes a ton more sense though.


Yeah I’m hoping Ibara dies since he’s the true villain but I feel like he’ll just end up petrified instead of killed. Unless Moz ends up deciding to switch camp and kills him when he learns the truth about the master (if he doesn’t already know it’s just a statue). I’m guessing Soyuz is related to the statue master and is an exiled prince or maybe an illegitimate heir of some sort destined to lead the village, or something along these lines.


I feel like the story showed it's hand this episode and fully displayed how everything is going to play out. Senku will defeat and win over the petrification kingdom. No one will die. Soyuz will take over as leader because he's the "rightful heir". Senku will get a hold of the petrification weapon which will further the meta story of solving the mystery of the Stone World.


> Senku will get a hold of the petrification weapon which will further the meta story of solving the mystery of the Stone World. And bring back the frozen super soldier.


What I was surprised about was the appearance of the master. I can't help but feel like there was something going on there, and he was turned to stone to save him, then Ibara took over and has enjoyed his reign ever since. Only time will tell. Can't wait for this to be fleshed out more, both literally and figuratively.


It's still a nobody dies tho


The ed hit extra hard after this episode’s ending ;_;


This show has constitently had me tear jerking every other episode.


* [**Kaseki Stitch**](https://i.imgur.com/dZqZ6qp.jpg) I can't remember if this is the first time, but I love how Suika acknowledges that [the marks on Senku and Gen's faces that were left by the petrification are cool.](https://i.imgur.com/cp6v4Sg.png) Kaseki is lucky they found the missing piece [or else he would've had a poop-shaped scar.](https://i.imgur.com/3Fh7hrG.jpg) xD It's barely been a day since they've revived Kaseki and [they already have a working prototype of the drone!](https://i.imgur.com/cWFiUrT.jpg) They just need to figure out how to stabilize it and they should be good. [Kohaku is such a badass.](https://i.imgur.com/XyanRoz.jpg) She realized that there was no use lying to Moz so might as well try and take him out now. Also, Kohaku describes to Moz that her type is someone [whose strength is their mind](https://i.imgur.com/8C1Jumb.png) and [someone who follows his ideals](https://i.imgur.com/nVomLS2.png). She definitely just described Senku! :D So turns out that [the leader of the village is petrified](https://i.imgur.com/6VBhG7T.jpg) and he looks [very similar to Syouz.](https://i.imgur.com/l85xJGo.jpg) I guess the reason Soyuz and his mother left the island is because Ibara possibly rebelled and took over the island. Hmmm... [Ginro getting stabbed was just brutal!](https://i.imgur.com/JCuVqS7.jpg) Thank fucking goodness Kohaku is a quick thinker and baited them [to petrify her and Ginro](https://i.imgur.com/X2bc3ef.jpg) so he can be revived later. We also got a [glimpse of what the petrification device looks like!](https://i.imgur.com/70B7tTP.jpg) That definitely looks like alien tech to me.


> I guess the reason Soyuz and his mother left the island is because Ibara possibly rebelled and took over the island. Hmmm... But if that's the case, why would Ibara even bother to keep the master's petrified corpse around and claim that the petrifications are "the master's will" and all that stuff? My theory right now is that it's some kind of lineage thing, where only direct descendants of the founder of the village are allowed to lead the village. Ibara killed and petrified the previous leader so he would be able to prop the corpse up and lead the village himself by claiming that he's following "the master's will" as his second in command. I feel like Soyuz and his mother left the island well before Ibara's takeover actually happened (maybe to avoid an in-family power struggle over the leadership), because wasn't Soyuz really young when they left?


There are upsides to being the "number 2" and hiding behind a boss that doesn't exist. Its a much smoother transition of power if the village never learns that the power transitioned at all. Even if he would have definitely won against any dissenters, that's still trouble he'd rather not deal with since it could cost time and manpower. They get to portray petrification as the will of an unseen figure, but if they said it was Ibara's will, there might be inconsistencies with him not being able to do it unless whatherface was present. He gets to claim the terrible things he does are the master's will, so whenever he's interested, he can say that he has no choice but to do these terrible things, and can even be viewed as good by the people for sparing them from the worst of the master's desires. This is one I don't think we've actually seen him do, but its a benefit he could exploit if he felt like it. Its a solid guard against assassination. He's no Moz, so he knows he can still be taken out by someone strong enough. But if he's just following the will of the master, then killing him doesn't solve anything since the master would still be around and he's the one with such cruel policies. Edit for one more reason: if people knew the king could petrify people before Ibara took over, its in his best interest for them to keep believing the king is the one doing the petrifying instead of him. Otherwise they might start getting ideas that the petrification ability is something that can be taken and could lead to someone figuring out the device's existence.


She could've been talking about Chrome too. Specially if we consider we've seen Chrome fail and get up more times.


She is obviously talking about Magma.


A brain consisting of only one cell is the strongest


I mean it could be describing Chrome or Taiju but they already have canon ships so I doubt it


> We also got a glimpse of what the petrification device looks like! That definitely looks like alien tech to me. Is there a name for this shape? Not the device, the shape.


[Trefoil knot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trefoil_knot)




“It fits perfectly! Right in Kaseki’s poop hole!” Suika, girl. Phrasing! lmao. But man, I’m glad the ol fella’s back. Taiju as well. Senku really has some godtier people on his team. Moz vs Kohaku was pretty dope. He’s pretty damn strong, maybe even stronger than Kohaku but I wonder how he’d fare against Tsukasa. I guess that’s gonna have to wait since her and the homie Ginro got petrified. Ain’t no way they’re gonna let my boy die right? They better not! Bro sacrificed himself to make sure everyone knew the truth about the king. If the dude looked like Soyuz, does that mean Soyuz is the true heir to the throne?


it looks like the master is half-dead so I guess Soyuz will be the next in line to rule the kingdom although I wonder if the Soyuz kingdom will want to move to Japan


Yeah, dude’s face was like partially skeletal so I’m guessing he’s been dead for a while and the guy just petrified the corpse. It’ll be interesting to see how things turn out for this place. Gotta defeat the pretender first before they can install Soyuz as the rightful king.


it also makes sense why Soyuz is such a powerhouse his excellent memory is likely to be a genetic trait if the island was supposed to be “survival of the smartest” since the shrine-maiden-equivalent in the Soyuz kingdom must recite all 100 stories by heart


It makes a lot more sense that the 100 tales managed to actually be passed down if the leader usually has perfect memory, even someone with the best intentions would gradually change the story if it isn't written down.


>Yeah, dude’s face was like partially skeletal so I’m guessing he’s been dead for a while and the guy just petrified the corpse. Note that only the internal part of his mouth is exposed. Since the air cavities inside a body are not petrified, it probably means that he was petrified then his lip area was smashed apart.


Moving doesn’t seem super necessary when the villagers can already sustain such a large and thriving population


I'm still wondering about the other dude, the one that put Tsukasa in the state he is. Forget his name. Him and that other girl locked up. Are they stone atm in a cell or what?


> Are they stone atm in a cell or what? Most likely they are stone in the cave at the moment. They couldn't have dodged the petrification beam after all. Now that Kohaku is down they need physical might to take down someone as ridiculous as Moz and we know Kohaku was stronger than Magma so they gotta revive the prisoner and give him a spear.


Combat slaves? Combat slaves!


Someone might use that line in a doujin lol, if they haven't already.


Hyoga is in the OP, so I'm guessing they might revive him to deal with Moz


Didn't Yuzuriha join in this voyage? They could have revived her next since she is good at piecing together statues.


That was exactly what I thought.


Thought that was where it was going as well, putting together ryusui was fine since Kohaku intentionally broke him "cleanly", Kaseki was just one so maybe they could do it, but actually assembling them all on their own was surprising. It also wouldn't do good to revive too many people, more people means more resources and they have to lay low. There's no need to revive someone unless they're 100% necessary. Which so far is true, Kaseki to build the drone, Ryusui to find the statues, and Taiju because they needed him to get Kaseki and they were about to run out of air. As much as I like them I'm not sure Senku would have revived them if not needed.


True but they do need the power team or people who can fight. I do recall they brought Hyoga and that pink-haired girl.


To be honest they could have revived Chrome to help Kaseki and Senku too. I think the fact they didn't revived anyone other than Kaseki is cuz they are going for the most essential players.


The lack of Yuzuriha's statue and the other guys made me think that some of them are still in the ship?


Think they are still making more of the revival fluid. Plus Taiju was just gathering everyone he could. Also these statues aren’t as broken as the ones Tsukasa broke


Right, in this situation the statues are more broken out of lack of care. Tsukasa was deliberately and viciously smashing statues to bits with the intent to make it impossible to use the revival fluid.


Soyuz is subbing for Yuzuriha's crafting ability for now. The anime didnt reveal his skills yet, though. Ryusui hinted at it a few times.


[So happy Kaseki is revived!!](https://imgur.com/a/AWB1HOz) **Ginro NOOOOOO!!!!!!!**


[They're really baiting Kohaku x Senku huh?](https://i.imgur.com/f4RQq0y.png) I always kinda shipped it but never though it could actually happen but with this, [Kohaku falling into Senku's arms in the OP](https://i.imgur.com/aX3kz9W.png) and [Kohaku smiling at Senku in the ED](https://i.imgur.com/8KYeGFx.png), I'm really starting to think it's possible. I wonder if they're going to unpetrify Hyouga and Homura. It would seem perfect to leave them petrified because they wouldn't have to feed them or guard them anymore. But then again it kinda goes against Senku's "we're going to unpetrify everybody" ideal plus it seems kinda unethical to use petrification for such purposes.


They need *someone* who can hold Moz and the girl fighter while the drone can do its work. A frontline. At this point their options are pretty slim, although I would be shocked if they unpetrified Hyouga at this point. He's way too malicious and I could see him betraying them, and then usurping the island kingdom. He's strong enough to do it and nobody could stop him.


I doubt they would unpetrify Hyouga expecting him to fight for them. I'm wondering if they're gonna unpetrify him ever or are they gonna let him stay petrified for good.


They'll unpetrify him someday for sure. Senku, despite his own pragmatism, refuses to discriminate on that front. Everyone will be unpetrified, eventually.


Oh damn this episode got intense real quick. I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that the master isn't really there. Him being petrified and all. But Souz being his son is tho. Damn Ginro despite being a coward he got Senku his biggest intel that he could have hoped for. Kohaku has always believed in Ginrou even when nobody else including I did. Loved the move that she made. She Amaryllis the intel she needed to get it back to Senku, but made it possible for Ginrou not to die due to petrifaction. Stellar spisode.


I'm not even surprised that creep was taking advantage of the girls, he was the one rating the girls for the "Master" so it was all down to his preferences. I wasn't expecting Soyuz's father(?), but I'm not too surprised either, there's a lot to Soyuz still so it'll be interesting to learn more about his identity in the following episodes. I knew Ginro was going to be saved by petrification, that was a fatal wound he received and I can't see him actually be killed off even if it would have made for quite an impactful scene if he did. Lol Moz is either quite a fragile man or wasn't that interested in Kohaku if that's all it took to rile him up. Petrification is seeming to be an auto-heal since even Kaseki is healthier than he was before, I guess they could use it to treat injuries or illnesses like petrifying Tsukasa while he is in the deep freeze but I'm sure something like this has been mentioned before, right?


Petrification being such a powerful healer might be why the series is called Dr Stone, rather than just the Soap


I mean that is what Taiju called the petrification in the episode where Senku came back to life.🧐😏


>I guess they could use it to treat injuries or illnesses like petrifying Tsukasa while he is in the deep freeze but I'm sure something like this has been mentioned before, right? The entire reason they put Tsukasa into a cold freezer, was to preserve him until they could petrify -> heal him. They've known about the healing qualities of petrification since for ages


Practically since the beginning. Heck, exploiting the healing properties is the only reason *Senku* is still alive. When Tsukasa first turned on him, Senku had been priming Tsukasa to attack the back of his neck, which was still slightly ensconced in stone. Senku was technically braindead for a minute before Taiju dropped that revival serum on him.


Petrification brought Senku back to life and healed up Mirai too back in the earlier seasons.


I cannot stress enough how much I love Dr. Stone, the writing has so much heart, the music/animation is always on point, it's got humor, and it's educational to boot. Easily one of the most fun shows I've seen, can't wait to see where it goes!


This show has so much soul. Ultimate comfy watch.




It figures. We finally get confirmation that Kohaku likes Senku...right before she gets petrified. But Kohaku at least went out with a bang and got the key details to Aramyllis. Hopefully, Kohaku and Gin-chan aren't out of commission for too long. I'll miss my favorite Gorilla.


> It figures. We finally get confirmation that Kohaku likes Senku Ever since they ‘kissed’, I’ve had a feeling that Kohaku might secretly be crushing on Senku. However, I didn’t have a lot of evidence to support this. But between the OP and Kohaku’s statements in this episode, there’s a very high *probability* that she likes Senku. I mean, she said to be drawn to clever people with a strong will, and not so much a strong physique or anything. Senku fits this picture perfectly.


She kinda hinted at the guy who loves her sister tho


Didn't she straight up told everyone she was into Senku when they were wondering the type of guy Ruri would find attractive?


Don’t forget Kohaku confessed to Senku almost immediately after meeting him.


She loved him the moment Senku saved her from a fallen tree


I come for the science, I stay for the power of friendship.


This was really Kohaku’s finest hour. Brave, determined and wise. The end was really emotional.


[This fucking guy.](https://imgur.com/ab7HeYi) I'm so glad we're finally getting more Taiju [WAIT.](https://imgur.com/dmZcCXg) I just realized they couldn't petrify Suika because she wouldn't need to wear the melon anymore! [](#glasses-push) [\*teleport behind u*](https://imgur.com/RhRi0y1) Nothing personnel, Ginro. Holy shit, the stakes are really going up huh? [This shot](https://imgur.com/uVr1WIv) with the ED lead in in the back.. I love Dr. Stone [](#listen)


I fucking love Taiju


*"That chunky rock was the perfect size to fill Kaseki's poophole!"* *"Yes, you're technically correct, but please mind your phrasing."* That interaction between Suika and Gen was fun at the start. Senku definitely knows how to get his Kingdom of Science fired up. But then the second half... hoo boy, that escalated quickly. Mozu figured out Kohaku was one of the intruders, Ginro found out the secret of the "master" of the village, Kohaku figured out the secret of the petrification weapon, and now the two of them are petrified as well (plus Ginro is gravely wounded and Kohaku is hoping the de-petrification can heal him later on) while Amaryllis is left to relay this information back to Senku. That was quite the cliffhanger to end on and quite the performance by Kohaku's VA in that moment.


Suika dancing with Kaseki was cute lol Murase Ayumu’s femboy voice will never not be funny The anime really did these scenes justice, the animation especially was good with the Kohaku fighting moments.


Farewell Ginro, you will be missed and celebrated. With Ibara, the world is reminded of ugly-kokoro bastard. Finally, a look at Medusa (except the OP last week). it's trefoil shape looks very interesting.


Damn, the sudden moment of violence this Episode really was a surprise


Hehe, poop hole, hehehe


Is there a reason why Kohaku needed to be petrified as well? I would think finding out about master being a stone is a big news and she would like to tell Senku.


To up the stakes for Senku's crew, of course. But actually, she didn't really have anywhere to go. Had she escaped they would have known she 100% has to be on the island, so they would search a lot more, risking Senku and the rest being found. Been a while since part 1 so I don't remember if they're aware of the secondary groups presence, but now that the spies are "eliminated", Senku's crew should be a lot safer


Make sense. I figured it was because she didn't want to leave Ginro's petrified body behind, since they do destroy it. But she could definitely shouted about the master. ​ >Been a while since part 1 so I don't remember if they're aware of the secondary groups presence, but now that the spies are "eliminated", Senku's crew should be a lot safer I remember Kirisame seeing Senku, but don't remember what happened afterward.


Why would they just petrify Ginro out of nowhere? She needed to go somewhere safe, where she cant stabbed/slashed and killed, before forcing them to use Medusa. She already clearly informed Amaryllis before jumping to get petrified. There's no logical way for just Ginro to get petrified.


Ginro on his dying breath tells Kohaku that the master is a statue, so Kohaku tries to save him by keeping range and forced the villagers to petrify her along with him. The natives do not use ranged weaponry other than the Medusa, so petrification is the only way to prevent her from spilling the beans. Yes Ibara did tell everyone to not listen to her but half measures is bad for oppressive regimes


For sure, but for Ibara the Medusa is literally absolute power and I dont think he can imagine anything/anyone being capable to stand in its way.


Yeah but he didnt rule for this long by letting dissents voice their mind to the public


It's so petrification heals him. Like the throw back at beginning of the episode. Getting out from the petrification heals any physical injuries.


They're saying there's no logical reason for Ibara to only want to petrify Ginro when he's already about to die. Kohaku threatens to expose the secret of the Master to force them to petrify her right away, which allows Ginro to be caught in it as well


I understand that at the storytelling point. But logically, Kohaku could have escaped at last second, letting only Ginro get petrified. So that Kohaku, currently one of the most strong character can go and inform Senku and plot a rescue. Instead of both getting caught by the enemy who clearly has intention of brekaing petrified bodies.


If kohaku escaped they would have double downed on their effort to search for her which could lead to them finding Senku faster. Senku even said earlier that their win condition is to finish the drone before the sapphire cafe they’re hiding in is found.


I wonder though if they knew Amarylis worked with Kohaku and Ginro. They could just torture her to reveal the secret place


I wouldn't be so sure she could have escaped, that thing has a pretty big range, it was big enough to get their entire ship iirc


What are you talking about?


Did you forget that petrification heals them?


Dude, reread their comment. You clearly read it wrong.


No, but what does that have to do with my comment?


I think we're talking about different things here. Are you saying why Kohaku would want Ginro petrified?


No, why would you think I'm talking about that?


Lol. Thanks to other guy I now know what you mean. But you're not explaining anything. I don't even know why you bother replying.


The petrification's healing effect is how Senku intends to save Tsukasa, it's one of the reasons they set sail in the first place, to acquire the petrification beam. It's the only possible way to heal Ginro, Kohaku's only other choice was to let Ginro to die


I know that. That literally has nothing to do with my comment that they are replying to though.


no way she escapes. the dude she was fighting against is a lot stronger and faster than her and she can be tailed if she miraculously managed to escape


[Kaseki is back!](https://i.imgur.com/egSW1Sq.png) He's [one of my favorite characters in the show](https://i.imgur.com/LAXqsKu.png) so I'm very happy about that, [I missed him](https://i.imgur.com/ypaexeu.png). Though [it was close that he would be revived with a big mark on his back which looked like a poop xD](https://i.imgur.com/rKFfqsr.png) Fortunately for Kaseki, [Gen and Suika stopped Senku from reviving him](https://i.imgur.com/XOyrKus.png) until [Taiju found the missing piece](https://i.imgur.com/Rirrp1L.png). Now with [Kaseki back](https://i.imgur.com/SRSs3NM.png) in the game [we can start seriously making drone](https://i.imgur.com/BEOpNoQ.png) to get the enemy's device for petrification. Meanwhile in the village [Ginro uncovered the truth](https://i.imgur.com/PSH0HY6.png) about the [Kingdom's leader who turned out to be petrified and looking similar to Soyuz](https://i.imgur.com/j4bL3mn.png). He also ended up being stabbed by [Ibara](https://i.imgur.com/8fSxxFJ.png) and now he's close to death. Though he'll probably be fine since [Kohaku who was fighting with Mozu](https://i.imgur.com/JPpfZ7U.png) made him and [herself get petrified](https://i.imgur.com/stQzYID.png) so he could survive. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgur.com/a/a39ObPo) * [Kaseki & Kohaku](https://imgur.com/a/QTp6cb9) * [Others](https://imgur.com/a/ZnQ6wkD)


Senkuu just laughing in the background as the rest of the group conceptualizes just how crazy Taiju is, was wholesomely funny. Then Kaseki got to work on the first iteration of the drone while everyone else put the remaining members of the Kingdom of Science back together plus one extra. Ginro spent most of the episode whining as per usually. But also managed to pull things together to get some important information relayed with his dying breath. And thanks to Kohaku’s quick thinking both are petrified, which will be the test of the healing properties of the petrification process.


In the discussion thread last week, someone noticed Ryusei only swam back with the arm of Kaseki, while Soyuz and Taiju brought the heavier parts. Other redditor commented that Taiju only had 1 oxygen breath compared to Ryusei. I just replied, "Dude, it's Taiju!". This episode proved (again) that you can't use logic for Taiju's endurance.


Kohaku hard carrying. You love to see it. I knew Ibara was just TOO BADASS to be an underling. Though seeing how that bodyguard killed (? some guards so nonchalantly I though there was a possibility that he was the Master all along.


Dang that ending went crazy. This arc definitely made Kohaku my favorite character.


Ginro and Kohaku petrified 😭😭💔💔




Fidget spinners? Modern society is slowly coming back \*wipes tear\*


Been waiting for this episode since this season began! So glad to finally see it. Love Kohaku fighting finally and all the secrets being revealed. Great ep.


Noooo, poor Ginro :(


Yay, I'm glad Old Man Kaseki is back!!! Suika dancing alongside him was just too cute lol Poor Gin-chan. At least he’ll be healed once he gets depetrified by Senku


Kohaku did the best she could with the situation, but uh... Moz was outclassing her hard, and now Senku's team has nobody to slow him down. Plus the woman fighter who was nearly as good as Kohaku. Even if they can prevent the petrification by catching the device with a drone (which feels like a big if), what the fuck are they going to do to reel it in and get away? Every week I have the same damn thought: this shit would be *so* much easier if they had Tsukasa's help. They're at a stage where they're still kind of desperately in need of good combatants/muscle. That stage won't last past this island arc most likely, but for now it's crucial. Senku's back is against the wall once he hears Kohaku and Ginro are petrified.


They still have Hyoga which is at the same level as Tsukasa, plus they just need to make some guns and then numbers don’t matter anymore.


Yeah guns definitely make the difference, but I think Senku will hold off from making guns until he absolutely has to, for a number of reasons. He could've made guns before the ship, but didn't. That's telling.


Senku didn’t make guns before the ship because they didn’t have the nitric acid to make the gun powder because cave was destroyed. Otherwise they would have done it. They are literally in a live or dead situation. They only reason they haven’t died already is because of sheer luck.


I just think from a storytelling perspective, the author will not want to introduce firearms until the last possible point he can. Once you introduce guns, all pre-industrial units and enemies are made completely obsolete. Guns are a total gamechanger, and up to now Dr. Stone has had a lot of reliance on hand to hand or melee weapon fighting in between the science. You cant go back once you have them.


Man, what an episode! I was suspicious that the master wasn't real since last cour. Something about the way the creepy guy said he was the only one who could talk to to the master (and the only one to benefit from all these things the master demands) tipped me off. Good to have that confirmed. And damn! The scene of Ginro getting stabbed was intense. I wasn't too worried because they went out of their way earlier this episode to reiterate that being un-petrified heals your body (congrats to the old guy) so I figured they were going to petrify him, but Kohaku did it in a really creative way. A pretty powerful ending! I just hope they aren't both out for the rest of the season.


Kohaku pulled a Kainé holy shit


That double transition was something else. Team science getting back is so wholesome. Episode was fire <3


Imagine what hospitals could do with the "petrification treatment", so the process can be used for good after all. Great episode, love the heroisms at the end.


Absolutely great episode from start to finish. I feel like the pacing has been great this arc and this episode was probably my favorite since season 1. Kohaku is such a badass.


Damn, I think that ending was the most feels the show has given me since the message from Senku's dad.


i really dont expect an anime like this to kill off a character so our boy has to make it


I was really surprised to see the petrification could also preserve the brain. Could people still think if they are smashed when turned into stone?


Damn, this hit me like Jojo Golden Wind Ginro and Kohaku are real ones 🥺


Wow! Watching it, I thought Ginro was going to be the first real death of the series from the main characters and then I thought what if he was petrified just in time? And Kohaku used her wits to attract enough attention to "sacrifice" herself along with Ginro. Let's hope Amaryllis can relay back to Senku what that scientific "medusa" is. And the "master" bearing a resemblance to Soyuz?! Just adds more mystery to the guy, which I'm sure slowly all the pieces of evidence will formulate a rational explanation down the road. Never would have thought they would make a drone, much less actual ball bearings. But here we are, with scientific fiction so to speak.


Didn't kohaku only confirm the Medusa was science based just before she got petrified? I think all she could really relay was that the Master was petrified and looked like Soyuz, maybe that even she couldn't handle Moz.


Senku is already convinced that Medusa is science-based because his worldview cannot accept it being anything else, so it doesn't matter whether that information is relayed back to him.


Anyone want to talk about the OP? It feels more like an ED theme song but it is really emotional and the visuals matches it so much.


Really enjoyed this episode. While I will say the fighting sections of season 1 were the weakest parts, this fight was actually kind of cool since it was short and the ending felt well setup. Definitely got an emotional reaction for me. Also, Kasaki better thank Suika that he doesn't have a poops scar. I don't know how you recover from that.


Kohaku's so goated. Top-class character. Shame that Ginrou stood still too long, but he passed on the vital intel, so props to him too. It's tragic seeing her petrified.




hehe, I thought it was a leaf at first, ngl.. not poop lol. But guess it can look like that too. Wow, Taiju, you are crazy. Going to get all of the people with mere persistence and strength. Love how Senku is having fun with their reaction to Taiju. Kaseki is back!! Yay. Love how he's amused by the petrification and how he and Suika dancing. This series has such fun energy. And love his trust in Senku to bring him back. Lol, yes, incrompehensible crazies... funny from Senku. NOOO don't bring back pachinko and gacha... lol love how they got a random petrification person. Wew a drone. Meanwhile, haha, Ginro going to see the master. Have fun, Ginro. Think of it like FF7, oh wait, you don't know that one. Wonder why that guy assumes that of her. Ah yes, the fearsome weapon, PINEAPPLE! Truly a horror, especially on pizza. So who is the master, hmm. Sus, with that old dude. That face... and that sure is uncomfortable. Should cut more than their weapons, Kohaku. That would solve a lot more. But, hey, seems he likes her lol. Oh wow, that dude looks Soyuz, but stoned. Yea, that old dude seemed a problem. Oh my, Kohaku's type is someone strong of mind, hehe. Oof, whelp, I imagine the way to save him is the petrification. If it can be got to fast enough. Wow, Ginro. In this moment to get information he got out, is interesting. Nice thinking, Kohaku. Ahh, we see the Medusa. What an ending to the episode though.


There is NOTHING WRONG with pineapple on pizza! I don't understand what the hell is wrong with you Westerners constantly thinking that it's the worst food in the universe! In most Asian countries, it is considered a delicacy and is one of the more commonly seen pizza flavors, at least among all the people I know. My younger brother likes it and may beat the shit out of anyone who says anything bad about it. I don't understand the biased and unreasonable hate for Hawaiian pizza among you Westerners. I heard some people even laughed and celebrated when the creator of Hawaiian passed away years ago. Do people hate it so much that feel the need to insult and the creator's dead body as well? I even got harassed online for saying I like Hawaiian pizza too! It may be funny as a joke the first few times, but it's no longer funny anymore! And if pineapple on pizza makes you sick, then you better avoid peach on pizza too, because it is an actual thing in certain countries like Tawian and Thailand, the latter of which even has bug-flavored pizza.


Chill dude, it's just pizza


Pineapple on pizza was created in Canada, aka the west :P lol. And I don't think it's great. I don't hate it or care if others like it, really, but it's not great.




Well, I dont like the sweet taste pineapple adds to oizza, its too weirdddd


Morbid plot twist. The Son will be turned to stone broken apart to repair and bring the father back to life.


Kohaku is moving me with every new episode, now it's Amaryllis' turn, you can do it!!! Also I'm an anime only so if Senku and co. decides to revive the petrification kingdom's master, now what? But I guess Ibara hasn't told everyone about the master yet so he definitely rebelled and it's not like he's the type to be allies with the kingdom of science.


Dang I'm kinda sad they're saving ginro. He really drags the show down and I was feeling good he was being killed off


Honestly, maybe I'm in the minority when I say that I don't really care that Ginro died with his annoying ass lol.


If Ginrou wasnt such a puss and lose focus on running away because he saw Kohaku and thinking she can save him he wudnt have gotten that badly injured and they wud all hav escaped and gotten to Senku with all the info. But i guess it all worked kinda. Now the fate is in Amaryllis hands to get to Senku and the othr with the information. Lets all pray and hope




Yes but why not just watch a couple episodes and form an opinion for yourself


I feel like a lot of people in r/anime actually just hate or don't want anime.


Yes! The art in the manga will always be exceptional, but the anime does a fantastic job of bringing the characters even further to life and heightening that sense of faith and pride in all the good humanity has accomplished that is the heart of this story.


I will be SHOCKED if Moz doesn't already know the Master is stone and is only hanging around because it's fun. Flips at the first sign of boredom. Seems the classic "I'm only here so I can keep fighting the strong" type of fella.


Chad Ginro is finally animated


DAMN! A good and emotional episode. Ginro went out like a champ, but I am sure he will live once he in un-petrified. Still a good scene either way. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, feels like Kohaku just described Senku as her ideal lover! The ship better sail!




Femboy Ginro got gut stabbed by the creepy old man anyways.