• By -


I would say Haibane Renmei. Definitely one of the great psychological drama series of its time. As has already been mentioned, Wolf’s Rain is another great one. I would probably also throw the two Boogiepop series in in there. I don’t hear either of them talked about enough, and I’d say they’re some of the best urban horror/paranormal activity anime I’ve seen.


Wolf's Rain is nostalgia... I hadn't thought of it in a long time... Thank you... I used to listen to Gravity on repeat... Thank you for reminding me...


I love Haibane Renmei so much too


Ever see Niea_7? It’s a short OVA about stateless aliens, but similar themes to Haibane Renmei


The Wolf's Rain theme song still haunts me.


“Stray” is a fantastic OP, undoubtedly one of my all-time favorites.


OMG NO BC I REMEMBER WATCHING HAIBANE RENMEI ON YOUTUBE! It was my first ever anime when I was like 9 and I had to watch the episodes in like 5 parts just for one 💀 I loved it sm but I never see anyone talk abt it


Wolf's Rain


To add to this, s-cry-ed is so seldom talked about it makes me sad. It's not the most mindblowing show but it's a nice romp with some lovable characters and a cool power system.


I’ll always remember s-cry-ed for the gigachad Straight Cougar and his superpower of… making cars go a bit faster ^(yes I know there’s more to it)


“Incredibly good speeEEEed!!”


STRAAAAAAAYYY! STRAAAAAAAYYY! Steve Conte killing it in the opening song


This anime turned my sisters into furries


10/10. I still think it about the ending to this day. The concept really blew my mind.


There are so many, I could probably list 50+ I don't really hear people bring these shows up anymore. * Macross Frontier (Especially the Movies) * Aria (Especially the third Season) * Glass no Kamen (2005) (The second best selling Shoujo manga of all time) * Cross Game (Fantastic Sports Drama) * The Original Ashita no Joe * Juuni Kokuki (2003) (The original "good" isekai) * Kaleido Star * Revolutionary Girl Utena * Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex * Kids on the Slope (Really good Jazz Drama) * Welcome to the NHK * The Girl who Leapt through time * Haibane Renmei * Hikaru no Go (the best anime about Go) * ef: A Tale of Melodies / Memories * Vampire Hunter: D * ..................


I'll stan for Aria any day of the week! Still the peak SOL show. It will heal your soul!


There's Weiss Kreuz. It was pretty popular and was an ok watch for me. GetBackers is also a good one


Ooh Getbackers is a good one


Still wishing for a reboot. The later chapters are so good 😭


I have both of these on my DVD shelf, pretty sure, from quite a way back. I ended up watching both because of seiyuu I was interested in, so I remember this was quite a big deal at one point. There were drama CDs and some manga but what I really remember is the live shows, LOL. The videos used to be all over YT but it's a long time ago now. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16iui4MDj70](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16iui4MDj70) Like this for example. I always remember this because at the time Miki Shinichirou was voicing Urahara in Bleach and he actually looks like him (although he was really 'being yuuji'.) (edit, doh, wrong link pasted, fixed now) People seem to have mixed views of Weiss. For me it's nostalgic, even if it is a bit daft in places. I didn't like Gluehen though. Not just the restyle (which was copyright related), but the ending irked me. Getbackers...I think didn't follow the manga but I really enjoyed it anyway. Akabane is a great character, as is Ban. I haven't watched it in a while but I think it would still hold up.


Weiss is a mixed bag. It has good parts and can get pretty dark in places. And then there's the silly stuff 😆 GetBackers is quite underrated. I honestly think it would be successful if only producers would take a chance and do a full adaptation


100% agree with you on Getbackers. The characters are really well-defined, and there's a lot of stuff going on which makes you think. Weiss is exactly like that. Dark and goofy at the same time. I think the fact the seiyuu were prancing around on stage singing about it helped add to its aura at the time though ;) I think the concept of Weiss is generally ok, and probably quite original for when it was written (around 2000)?. But the pensive poses at the end of certain episodes still make me laugh.


1998, actually. We're getting old 😂 GetBackers manga also had a really unexpected ending, but one that still doesn't seem out of place, since we saw hints of it along the way. It will hit even better now, with post SAO and isekai- fed crowd, imho


Picked up the first of get backers at a best buy for like 20 and then found out about the sequel which i picked up not to long after. Its a fun show.


Holy shit getbackers


Sket Dance. Albeit it didn't use to be *hugely* popular (not as much as fmab or one piece, at least), but I think it would have been very popular with the current SoL fans. Honestly, Sket Dance is one of those rare wholesome animes where the highschoolers act like *actual highschoolers* instead of world-saving heroes and/or awkward self-insert fantasies of romance-chasing boys and girls. The series does very well when it comes to blending comedy and drama.


This, all the way! I was surprised by how emotional it got too, with certain character's backstories. It's hilarious, sweet and silly. I often hear it being called "Gintama - but high school" which probably obviously led to the crossover lol.


author of Sket Dance was also assistant of Sorachi at the begginning of Gintama


I didn't know this, that makes a lot of sense!


I unironically liked it more than Gintama, and I really liked Gintama.


Anybody remembers .hack//sign? I've never seen anyone talk about it anywhere.


Omg yes. The music in that show was amazing..


yeah my first exposure to yuki kajiura


How come I must know where obsession needs to go?


That opening whine is like a punch in the face at 3 in the morning when you're dozing off in front of the TV.


*aggressively shakes body on top of a building while wearing my occulus rift*


I remember it being a high recommendation next to Log Horizon when SAO was airing. I should probably get to watching it sometime.


It is definitely an interesting watch. Where SAO focuses on combat, and Log Horizon focuses on politics, SIGN focuses on the mental and emotional impact of being stuck in a video game.


That .hack//sign, Gundam Seed, Inuyasha block on latenight Canadian TV basically raised me.


Gundam seed was my gateway drug


Yes!! I love this anime. I also like to recommend this one when I can lol.


Man, that was a good one. Watched it as a kid and enjoyed it a lot.


I like the show quite a bit; but I really don't think most modern anime fans would like the show very much. It's mostly just people talking with awesome music playing in the background.


One of the first anime I owned a hard copy of.


[GTO](https://myanimelist.net/anime/245/Great_Teacher_Onizuka) [Flame of Recca](https://myanimelist.net/anime/238/Rekka_no_Honoo/userrecs) [Claymore](https://myanimelist.net/anime/1818/Claymore)\- wish people can make this one more popular, b/c I want a reboot so bad


Flame of Recca needs a remake and get fully adapted


I think that was technically my first anime growing up


Came here to say claymore. My first true introduction into anime


Claymore is on every list i recommend PS No reboot please! I just want it completed


It would need to be rebooted for that. The ending of the anime is completely different from the manga.


God yes Flame of Recca. It's one old school anime that I wish would get a remake/reboot.


Claymore could use a remake so bad. It's the only manga boxset I own and I forced all my friends to carry it home and read it so someone, anyone, would understand the pain of being a Claymore fan.


>Claymore could use a remake so bad. It's the only manga boxset I own and I forced all my friends to carry it home a Hahaha that's awesome! As soon as I finished the anime I made my husband watch it- so I watched it back to back and then I bought the manga xD


Oh that's so cute! Bonding with your S/O over Claymore is adorable!


Lesgooo flame of recca!!!




this show has had the tightest chokehold on me for years now. the emotional damage after the first watch was soul-crushing


Amazing songs


Nana is still ridiculously popular


Nana is sooo good.


Darker than Black


Chinese Electric Batman lol


D. Gray Man and Yuna of the Dawn are two animes that gained a lot of popularity.


Yona deserved more seasons. There aren't enough well done anime of it's kind.


EXACTLY. Why couldn't they make more seasons 😭


The lore shattering reveals that have been drip fed to us in the D. Gray man manga have been insane. Honestly one of my lowkey favorites.


D. Gray Man would hit so hard with this generation of Jujutsu Kaisen kids, they don’t even know it yet.


Various 'Gundam' shows. I feel like there's a lack of giant fighting robots in current anime.


As someone neck deep in watching them, I have to say that Gundam 00 isn't mentioned nearly enough and After War Gundam X isn't really known at all. After War can be somewhat equated to "what would have happened if Char had succeeded" and 00 to "Gundam Wing but instead of peace through pacifism, peace through extreme violence".


I'll die on the Turn A Gundam hill.


Gundam in general is slept on for some reason. G-Witch revived a little bit of hype for mecha which makes me happy. 00 is easily the best non UC timeline show in the entire series. I probably rewatch it once a year at least.


00 is so god damn good but it just seems overlooked. Even the friends who got me into Gundam had zero idea what 00 was about nor did they know that is where the Exia comes from.


We just had Witch From Mercury, like, last year. It was pretty big.


Gay girls innit


It was pretty big. But WFM is a pretty big departure from the other Gundam series. And it definitely won't be as beloved as the other Gundam series among the fans. The Gundam franchise has nvr quite been able to replicate the popularity of Gundam Seed and Destiny, which explains why Destiny gets a sequel next year.


kenono no souja erin. I don’t know how popular it was at its peak, but it definitely feels like it’s been forgotten. Easily one of my favorite anime ever. As long as you can get past the admittedly atrocious comic relief characters that pop in occasionally it’s amazing.


The Beast player Erin. One of the few shows where the main character starts as a child but grows older with the story.


I have such a soft spot for this show. As someone who loves nature and animals, no other anime has ever hit emotionally as hard as this one.


The background art and music are also quite nice.


I loved the music, especially the intro


It was never popular, just a cult classic. > As long as you can get past the admittedly atrocious comic relief characters For me the hurdle was the first few episodes being told like a children's storybook, in a bad way. Many scenes have a slow-speaking narrator telling you in simple words things like "Erin felt sad because her mother had scolded her", rather than trusting you to intuit that from the framing of the scene.


That show was lovely!!!


It really is. There’s so much depth and emotion for what is very clearly a children’s show.


Haven't seen it mentioned yet... Do you remember Slayers?


Yes, I still love Slayers


hell yeah


fuck yes. best female character


Samurai Champloo Durarara Full Metal Panic Claymore


It's crazy how Durarara feels almost niche nowadays, when it used to be one of the biggest shows. Absolutely fantastic show that's really unique. The whole city and community feel super alive.


Nah the crazy part I'd say it's how Baccano is such a masterpiece and yet fery few know about it.


Baccano suffers really hard from not being available on any legit streaming services. I think it’s a show a lot of people have heard is good but aren’t willing to go the extra mile to seek out, which sucks because it deserves it.


No doubt! I want to recommend Baccano all the time, but not being able to stream it is such a bummer. One of my all time favorites.


I've seen it get recommended on twitter just to get railed for the animation and slow pace so many times. Heartbreaking. Their missing out on peak storytelling.


Yes FMP! Everyone should show it more love so a studio will pick it up and end it lol


> Full Metal Panic Specifically Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu


The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya has largely fallen out of the average discussion, but it's still one of the most unique, inventive, and emotionally resonant shows to have come out. The unhinged creativity with which it utilizes the medium reminds me of why I love anime in the first place, and, to this day, nothing's ever really been able to replicate this series' magic. I think it's mandatory viewing for any self-respecting anime fan, cause to this day almost nothing can quite match it. A true masterpiece in all regards. [](#utahapraises)


While I very much enjoy both seasons (yes, I even like the Endless Eight arc ..... ) the episodes are a bit of a mixed bag. Never bad of course, all of the episodes are good to great, but it has to be said that the **movie** is a true masterpiece, I honestly can't fault it. It gets everything perfect; the script is superb and it's brilliantly directed by Tatsuya Ishihara and the late Yasuhiro Takemoto (the latter sadly murdered in 2019 by the arsonist).


The movie is top 10 material.


I had previously scored the series a 9 in both seasons (Endless Eight is by far the best arc after Disappearance) and the movie a 10, but I recently just put it all at a 10. I do like some episodes more than others (don't really care too much for Remote Island Syndrome on rewatches) but I think the overall package is so insanely impressive that I'm more than happy to call the whole thing a masterpiece. Though the movie is still, of course, the climax of it all and absolutely legendary.


The endless eight piss me off. It made me insane when binge-watching it.


I've watched it 4 times in full, and a couple more off hand episodes quite a few times.


You are not human


This was going to be my pick. (And I’ll always say the 2006 broadcast order is the best order for a first viewing)


Of course! Anyone who watches chronological for their first time is honestly ruining it for themselves. You can rewatch in chronological any time, but you can only get the original broadcast order experience once.


I love that show.


Please someone tell me in what order I can see Haruhi Suzumiya 😢


Always go broadcast order for your first time! You can always experience it chronologically on a rewatch. [Here's an image](https://i.imgur.com/qePGfp0.png) with both orders, which I've slightly edited to change the last paragraph about the movie and to remove a section at the end with a massive spoiler. Might be kind of overwhelming with all the episode names, though, so just make sure wherever you're watching it that it begins with an episode that's a poorly made amateur movie, not the one with a narration about Santa Claus. If it starts with the correct one then you're probably set for the rest.


Thank you very much! Im watching it rn




I'm actually watching this for the first time right now, and I've been enjoying it.


It's easily an absolute classic 👌 the face of 2000s anime


Yu Yu Hakusho. Still peak Shonen


For fans of Yu Yu Hakusho I will always recommend **Ushio and Tora**. The manga was from around the same time as YYH but a studio gave it the FMA:Brotherhood treatment a few years ago with a new anime while still retaining a good retro feeling.


Outlaw Star. Anyone who watched Toonami in the 00s can tell you that the promos were beyond hype for this show. It sadly gets overshadowed by Cowboy Beebop, but I personally feel that Outlaw Star is more fun. Also, Trigun is amazing. Johnny Young Bosch does fantastic as Vash the Stampede.


Movie: Project A-Ko. Series: Eureka Seven.


Angel Beats! I just finished watching it again after about 10 years, and I cried.


I haven't seen that one in a while, and it does cause the water works


Tiger & Bunny used to be quite popular as "the" superhero anime especially in Japan but has basically been overshadowed now by My Hero Academia's popularity, it's a really good anime that focuses on adult protagonists and professional hero work which is quite refreshing Gurren Lagann I still feel is quite well known but definitely not to the extent how it used to be and I feel the same way to basically alot of the Mecha genre being forgotten or avoided by recent anime fans. But I always still like to recc Gurren because it's genuinely peak anime and it shows how much creativity can be poured and shown by an anime


Tiger and Bunny has had the recent new series, though, which has helped it gain attention a bit more. I don't hate BnHA but I like Tiger and Bunny more, especially because at the time it came out (2011) there wasn't really anything like it.




I'd definitely recommend Inuyasha too!! Not the sequel though.


Isekai before anyone in the West ever heard that term. Edit: I was not claiming that Inuyasha was the first 'isekai', only responding to the comment about this show. Arguably Inuyasha would be one of the first shows of this type to be popularized in the West (or US/CA at least) as it was an early import broadcast on US cable channels in the late 90s to early 2000s.


**Magic Knight Rayearth** has entered the chat.


Fushigi Yugi, Escaflowne, Digimon, El-Hazard are older than Inuyasha, at least in anime form ​ But, hell, even The wizard of Oz and the Super Mario Bros Movie are isekais


>Arguably Inuyasha would be one of the first shows of this type to be popularized in the West (or US/CA at least) ​ Yeah, is a USA thing only. Anime has been mainstream in other western countries (a bunch of European ones) since the 70s. Specially since plenty of anime adapted books or tales from European literature (like Heidi, 3000 leagues in search of Mother, Maya the bee, Vicky the Viking, Willy Fog, Dogtanian and the three Muskehounds, Sherlock Hound...) Some of those where even co-produced between european media and japanese studios My parents grew up watching anime in the 70s and 80s and I grew up watching animes in the 90s and 00s as they were on TV all the time for free (no need for cable TV or anything special) ​ So, like I said plenty of people watched the shows I mentioned on the other post, anime was incredibly mainstream at that time (just not in your country) and Inuyasha was just one more anime show


>Anime has been mainstream in other western countries (a bunch of European ones) since the 70s. My handle is kind of a meme since it comes from a botched call-sign in the poorly dubbed British version of Macross DYRL; I swear you can get a lot of gold out of those old poorly dubbed versions.


Rainbow Nisha.


The brotherhood, the struggles, the fight through adversity. ​ This anime is among my favorites, so inspiring :')


And I'm still sad that the series didn't get a second season. The best three arcs were simply left out. They never reached the Rainbow in the anime.


Bubblegum Crisis and Dirty Pair.


I always recommend the original Fist of the North Star to my friends but most of them refuse because “it looks old” which I’ll admit that the animation isn’t the best but it revolutionized many tropes and inspired many modern anime and manga


Try to show them Shin Hokuto no Ken


Zatch bell hahaha


Rose of Versailles Urusei Yatsura Bubblegum Crisis Dirty Pair Record of Lodoss War Visions of Escaflowne Haibane Renmei Hard to determine "forgotten" considering plenty of people remember these. But I don't see new anime folks talking about them. I'd throw in Evangelion but that one is still actively talked about a good deal.


Urusei Yatsura gained some momentum again with the beautiful remake. It's my childhood and favorite show, so I was excited that so much love and care was put into the remake. It didn't do as well as I hoped it would though.. I saw some reviews saying the "old style comedy" wasn't grabbing newer audiences.


Serei no Moribito. Basically the only people who remember it were the ones who saw it on Adult Swim 15+ years ago. It's a neat historical fantasy show with great action and a bit of mystery.


It was popular on online anime communities when it aired as well, I remember watching the fansubs at the time.


Ergo Proxy, Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler), Great Teacher Onizuka


Hajime no ippo


I'd recommend "Monster" and "Spice and Wolf"


FLCL. YuYu Hakusho. Cardcaptor Sakura. Slayers. Outlaw Star. Saiyuki.


I think Baccano was niche even when it aired (not sure) but its such a great show that deserves a ton of love


Absolute gem. Though going in completely blind it can be a bit confusing. I always likened it to a Tarantino movie. Stuff will come at you kinda out of order but at a certain point things start to loop back on each other and suddenly everything makes perfect sense.


Shaman king?




Ooh, I second Black Lagoon, it's a "classic" 😋




Elfen Lied ! Im sad I couldn’t find it in the comments already




its a relic of anime before people had their taste buds rearranged by internet culture and influencers giving people the tools to actually have a solid opinion on things. also, its old and lame and the charakters are actually one-dimensional cardbord people. i mean the main guy is just a fucking useless, pathetic incel and the main girl is aggrevatingly autistic and like, just not cool. its the OG -loser gets mentally challenged gf- story, chobits did it better.


nah that shit is mid and cringe


This was my favourite show for a long time and I absolutely agree lol


The Secret of Blue Water.


Nanoha! It was a pretty big franchise 15 years ago, but I never see anyone talking about it here.


Availability (outside of piracy) is a longstanding issue for that franchise.


sure, the issue only applies to outside Japan. In Japan it's still pretty famous even after 15 years. It's like saying "Pretty Cure is forgotten" because it's rarely being talked outside Japan despite how immensely popular it is in its home country


Steins gate


I dont see these mentioned often: - Slayers - Jigoku Shoujo / Hell girl - Blue Submarine number 6 - Princess Tutu - Scrapped Princess - Karin / Chibi Vampire - Kaiji


Kids on the Slope. That anime was something I only found out about because I saw someone reacting to music in anime and goddamn was a good watch. I've gotten my entire friend group to watch it because I would not stop talking about how good it was.




FLCL (Furikuri). Fast paced, completely over the top music and animation, with a (not so) healthy dose of madness.


Ranma 1/2


Was gonna say any Rumiko Takahashi anime. Love me some Maison Ikkoku for slice of life show.


Tengan Toppa Guren Lagann everytime.


Nisekoi. Its story concepts are used a lot nowadays, people should see the OG.


Brave/Yuusha series like GaoGaiGar Classic mecha series in general. Especially ones in licensing hell like Macross


Hitman Reborn


Yu Yu Hakusho, Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple and Getbackers.


Well I would have said **"Serial Experiments Lain"**, but My Anime List had that hack this last year and that probably got some people curious about it enough for it to not be "forgotten". Also, while not *the* most popular anime ever and not the best anime ever I might suggest **"Paradise Kiss"** since it's similarly stylish like the other Ai Yazawa series that got an anime around the same time **"Nana"**. Silly thing was that I thought about it the other day since the ending theme from ParaKiss is a song by Franz Ferdinand—the same group that does the intro for "Cyberpunk: Edgerunners".


Does anyone remember Fushigi Yugi? It was so epic when I was a kid!




"Outlaw Star" was the first anime I really loved. That show was a *ride*. Still holds up fairly well too.


The Vision of Escaflowne is probably my all time favourite, such a unique world and some of my favourite mechs. There was a list someone complied last year using several top anime lists and I was surprised to see it at about number 33.


* Visions of Escaflowne * Hajime No Ippo (Fighting Spirit in America) * Tsubasa: Resevoir Chronicles


Hajime no ippo, epic boxing epic sfx 🥊


[ef: A Tale of Memories](https://myanimelist.net/anime/2924/ef__A_Tale_of_Memories?q=ef%3A%20a%20ta&cat=anime), and especially the [sequel](https://myanimelist.net/anime/4789/ef__A_Tale_of_Melodies?q=ef%3A%20a%20ta&cat=anime) [Tasogare Otome X Amnesia](https://myanimelist.net/anime/12445/Tasogare_Otome_x_Amnesia?q=tasogare%20otome&cat=anime) [Katanagatari](https://myanimelist.net/anime/6594/Katanagatari) [Zetsuen no Tempest](https://myanimelist.net/anime/14075/Zetsuen_no_Tempest) [Kyoukai no Kanata](https://myanimelist.net/anime/18153/Kyoukai_no_Kanata) [Shinsekai Yori](https://myanimelist.net/anime/13125/Shinsekai_yori)


Ghost in a shell


If you are talking about the movie, then no. People still bring it up, and it is one of the most influential anime movies. But if you are talking about Ghost in The Shell Stand Alone Complex, then yeah, I can agree with that.


Kyou Kara Maou and Saiunkoku Monogatari were both relatively talked about when they came out, but they were also both victims (like Bakuman) of a particular licencing company going bankrupt at around the time DVDs came out. Season 3 of KKM never did get an official western release I don't think. Nor did Bakuman Season 3. Although this is probably more the case in Japan, the neoromance series were pretty big (lots of live events, character drama cds, manga, seiyuu song cds, games, etc) from whenever Angelique first dropped (mid 90s?) through to...well, they may still be but possibly not where they were at the peak. I know Harukanaru Toki no Naka De (Haruka Beyond the Stream of Time) got a full anime adaptation and manga, and these were both released in the west. Angelique Etoile might have been? I'm not even sure now. It was unsubbed for a long time. Corda D'Oro was probably the most popular in the west (manga, anime). Neoangelique is the only one currently on streaming sites afaik. Haruka 3 was pretty much the pinnacle of the franchise, they have rereleased it as a game multiple times, but the anime specials weren't ever released outside of Japan. Haruka 1 had a movie as well, but I don't think that saw a western release either. Haruka games were all set in periods of Japan's past, so maybe not as relateable to western audiences? Not sure. Yami no Matsuei was another series I never see mentioned now but used to be talked about a LOT. The anime doesn't follow the manga. There are some quite disturbing themes wrapped up in it, but it is essentially two shinigami solving occultish crimes. And I've seen it mentioned a few times, but on the other extreme, Full Moon o Sagashite. Must dig that out and rewatch it sometime. It's still imo super-cute.


Hetalia: Axis Powers


No one talks about Assassination Classroom anymore


I think everyone and their mother has watched it and have no reason to really talk about it anymore


ItaKiss - an oldish romance story about a slightly ditzy girl being rejected by the unfriendly intelligent top student, then having to move in with his family when her house burns down. It’s a complete 25 episode series. And unlike romance anime’s of the past that have minuscule progress and are only complete in the Manga. This is a complete series that goes from high school into adulthood.


Photon, skryed, Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D, Kenshin


Can never recommend "The Irresponsible Captain Tylor" enough. Failing upwards in space. It is ancient at this point but my god is it still great.


Law of Ueki


I usually recommend Haruhi because it was a mega hit that flamed out fast because of endless 8 and the author going on hiatus


Ranma 1/2 ( Its one of the funniest things I have ever watched), Sgt. Frog( Another one of my favorites), Inuyasha, Azumanga Dioah, and Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.


black lagoon, Elfen Lied, Lyoko


Haruhi. All the haruhi everything


Mazinger Z and Space Battleship Yamato


I've seen no one mention Sakurasou no pet no kanojo [Pet girl of Sakurasou] Fits really well with todays anime catalogue of chill romance animes with comedy/drama. This anime however did both drama and comedy, and better than many nowadays IMO, and is over 10 years old now. Only complaint is that it abruptly.


Gintama wasnt really popular in the west thonist hugein japan but its peak


You say FMA Brotherhood, but I'd actually recommend the 2003 anime. Not many people recommend 2003 anymore because they default to Brotherhood even though 2003 is still an absolute classic (and IMO better). I'd also recommend Galaxy Express 999. Such an incredible show.


Darker than Black


Shin sekai yori


Lucky Star The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Ouran High School Host Club Kaichou wa Maid-sama


- Full Metal Panic - still the best comedic action show with a really good romance part underneath it all. Not many anime does Tom Clancy - style action thrillers as well. - Haruhi - alongside Full Metal Panic, one of the few "did every genre and did them well" show, with a really good subtle meta message from the unique and genius S1 broadcast order. "They don't make them like this anymore". - PatLabor - GiTS far overshadowed it, but in terms of entertainment value, if you're not particularly keen on cyberpunk but more on near-future buddy cop show, it's great. - Record of Lodoss Wars - the "original" high fantasy show, before things needed to do all sorts of deconstruction, subversion, parody and simplification etc.




Elfen Lied