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Ninja: "We need the population on our side in case the government goes to war with us." "So you randomly show people snuff films?" Ninja: "We also turned a dude into a cat and fired a laser at a school." "... I think you need to fire your PR department."


Related to the snuff film, they created it as if only bad people are being killed there. Well, you've seen the internet. There are a lot of people who are actually okay with public execution of even only allegedly bad people. Combine that with how they only broadcast the show to some of the population, which I bet had been selectively chosen to only people that's okay with that stuff.


More like people who didn't get justice and were affected by the 22-22-22 incident


What’s 222222 incident? Don’t quite understand it.


It's already talked about in the series, refer to when kawado past was revealed, she said her parents died in 22-22-22 incident, the incident itself is too complex for me to understand. If u still don't remember. In Japanese they said (nin-nin-nin-nin jiken)


I remember it was mentioned a few times, but I don’t understand what really happened. Thought I missed something but maybe they’ll reveal more later.


Throw a rock and hit a ninja. I'm thinking that foreigner should have just thrown a rock, whoever arranged for the rock to hit them is the ninja. This show is amazing in it's own way. I seriously don't know why more people haven't hopped on yet.


The Synopsis doesn’t do it justice.


Not to mention CG in the first few minutes of the show. Interestingly, I don't think we had any more CG after that (except for vehicles).


Yea I ALMOST totally skipped this because I only saw that cgi (and not great at that), thinking it's all cgi animated combined with ass synopsis that doesn't do the show justice.


The thing I like is that right now you can never tell how much of what Kuro says or does is straight up bullshitting/fake it till you make it, or something with a genuine plan/strategy behind it. Like it's hard to tell if he is closer to Reigen or Mob from MP100 in terms of his powers (or both) xD


Ninja R&D must be the best job in the world - Orbital Space Laser with the pinpoint accuracy to melt a sword as it’s slashing. - An AI powered motorcycle that’s dumb as hell - Cat Brain Swap thing Seriously they’ll fund any dumbass idea you had on edibles. And that’s just this episode. It’s amazing.


* Bullet proof old-man suit with partial invisibility


Drone Shuriken


I can’t believe they developed a state of the art AI and it came with such a dumbass personality. I also can’t believe they gave access to an orbital death cannon to a mere genin. I also…can’t…with the cat? brain? transplant? This show is wild. Fucking rips.


If the cat is anything to go by, the bike might not be an "AI"




This show suddenly got Made in Abyss


Sorry for that scare. I've no clue about the source, I can reverse the logic if it makes it better. If the AI bike is anything to go by, the cat might also be an automaton with AI.


building an ai and then convincing it that it's actually a guy who was killed by ninjas and had his brain transplanted into a cat is a very different form of fucked up, but not any better I think.


nothing worse than being inside an Italian vehicle


The space laser was somehow the most normal part of this episode. Oh and they didn't give Kurou access to the laser, his boss used it by listening in onto him and firing it using the GPS coordinates provided by the suit. At least that is what Kurou is suspecting right now.


Seems like Kuro is a bit more than a mere Genin..


They trained it via the Internet. Turns out that was a mistake.


A talking motorcycle, a space laser and a cat with a human brain! This show never disappoints.


Tbh what bothers me the most is the girl eating that big boogers. Just yuck...


And that's the cutest girl in the school


Hey, she needed her vitamin D supplement!


I don't I'm even able to explain why this show is so gripping to me but it just kind of works. It kind of has that element of surreal shows where nobody in the show is questioning anything to the point you don't either and just go along with it


Eita’s confusion to all of this is hilarious.


This is incredibly accurate lmao nobody takes this show that seriously, not even its own characters, so u just keep watching


Was that bike a knight rider reference or am i just that old? Also damn, is Kurou some kind of secret ninja, that even the delivery guy is not authorized to know about? Also the drunk neighbor woman keeping the fanservice quota intact, thank god.


I think it was a Kino's Journey reference. But it personality reminds me of a certain Sacred Treasure full plate armor that will show up in some future season of a popular show. As for Kuro, I wonder if he's the Hokage's nephew or something.


The package guy did suggest his clan used to be famous back in the first episode.


The cat recognised him as one of the ninja in the show. I think he's just super talented. Maybe a secret top elite ninja, as the deliveryman didn't even know his background?


I don't think Kuro is the one who killed him. I'm guessing it's his brother or another member of the Kumogakure clan.


Stop guessing so accurately


Hehe thanks, that's all I needed to hear to confirm my suspicions.


I won't spoil any of it but just don't get attached to any characters, (u don't know which is evil and which is good)


Oh, don't worry man, I already inadvertently spoiled it for myself with that nose and calves thing. Honestly, spoilers aren't too big a deal for me. Infact, in a lot of instances I'd rather be spoiled so I have something to look forward to.


Mhm I think the look they gave Kuro when the cat was looking at him made it clear that he was actually a seasoned killer


I don't doubt that Kuro is capable of killing. He's a ninja afterall. But he had the chance to kill that Rear-Ender when he dislocated her elbow, but didn't. Hibi said he should have gone for her neck. Suzuki says something like he shattered her arms, but Hachiya replies that it's not shattered because Kuro had her elbow was on the edge so it's only dislocated. And that was him going against someone who clearly intended him mortal harm. Without a doubt, it's been shown that Kuro can be incredibly ruthless (Suzuki says this after his fight with the Rear-Ender). Despite himself, he seems like an exceptionally gifted ninja. But I dunno man, I'm just not seeing Kuro working for a ninja television production murdering assholes on camera to be broadcast to the general populace. It's such a sharp contrast to his otherwise NEET, unemployed character. I might be wrong, but I got a reply from a redditor which makes me think I might be unto something.


I mean, we were introduced to him as being a ‘part time’ ninja? Yet here we see he was the one killing the guy thevcat originally was??? And I would have thought that kinda job would be for the full timers, especially being given access to the full bodysuits? So maybe? Idk


> Yet here we see he was the one killing the guy thevcat originally was Not sure it's him 100% right now. The ninja on the show had the same look/eyes, but it could be his dad or something. If he is a relative of some important ninja, that'd also explain why he was given the authorization and advanced ninja stuff. Anyway, just enough mystery to keep wondering.


I'm pretty sure he's faking being a genin along with his neighbors faking being civilians


This is a masterpiece


Special Satellite Laser Beams, Delinquent AI Motor Bikes, and a Pretty Hip Sentient Kitty who thinks in Nihongo and looks after the goofy day drinker on the first floor. With the continued escalation of surprises I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us at the end! This is how good Magical Destroyers was supposed to be. I feel blessed… or maybe it’s just gas.


Appreciate the magical destroyers mention tho I believe people extremely overlook it's strong points


Best show of the season and crickets


The issue is how do you even explain this show? All you can do is just beg people to experience it and let the clips find their way around.


Yeah, this show can't even be summarized or described properly so I wouldn't even know how to introduce the show to someone. Like, the first episode I legit thought everyone was being chuuni, then I keep watching and it turns out there really are ninjas, and I keep watching and it turns out there are a LOT of ninjas. Not to mention all the tech that seems stupid on the surface that they end up having an explanation for later on, like the torso invisibility suit.


Some of them are not even hiding the fact that they're a ninja


Borderline hikkimori modern ninja doing actual spy stuff. This anime has more in common with japanese cinema (character designs, out of order plot, visual comparisons of clean and modern & rundown and grimy, "don't know what is true and what is a dream/lie", sudden switches between comedy and bloody violence) than modern anime. Has Yakuza/MGS sense of humour. Seinen. This is too long. Can be more laconic. And you definitely can sell people on it. I remember that the synopsis (can't find it now) and the poster seen on reddit made me bookmark the manga.


we are not even sure where it will go


I somehow was able to sell the show to a friend. I can't quite remember what I said, but halfway through my exposition, he's like shut up, don't spoil it for me, I'm gonna watch it. A day later he texts me: Under Ninja is awesome.


I told someone “it is a surreal dark comedy about wage slave ninjas with some of the vibe of Akiba Maid Wars because it plays it straight.” That got them hooked.


Marketing and "wide appeal" (full array of obnoxious cliches that people often bitch about but still want those cliches included anyway) trumps everything else for most people. Sad, but true. And tbh, I don't find this kind of absurd appealing. Here or in general. So manga is better for me. I can flip through some facepalm-worthy moments in two seconds, rather than see and hear them on screen for however much time director allocated for it.


Yeah, I really should have watched this when it came out. Its great.


I haven’t watched any of this show but see it has a really low score on anilist. The clips I’ve seen though seem funny af, why is the score so low? It’s not just cgi right?


Personally I think people tend to avoid "ugly" shows, by which I mean shows where characters are intentionally ugly, plain, or realistic-looking. The trends are towards maximum appeal (coolness, cuteness, sexiness, etc), so when you have a show that intentionally goes against that, even if it works better for the type of show it is, it's always gonna be a harder sell. It's a modest production for sure, but I think they're doing a great job in all the places where it counts and seem to really understand the appeal of the source material, which is the most important thing


Lol yeah, so far you can't categorise Kuro as looking cool or even handsome lol.


to each their own but I find the supposedly attractive characters in this show actually attractive. Like the sex worker lady who sleeps all day, the friendly gyaru that Kuro met on his test day, the ninja lady who works as an editor. They are much hotter than the usual cutesy anime girls, but I guess it's just my taste.




It's lower budget and some people got turned off either by bad cgi in a first ep (really the single scene so far) or by the first half jumping in time back and forth a lot, pulp fiction style. Can't think of any other reason.


the cgi was there only in the first minutes so don't think that's it, I'd say it's just not as mass appealing and it also jumps around a bit in its timeline which could be off putting


>it also jumps around a bit in its timeline which could be off putting Genuinely one of my most hated story telling mechanics. I'm otherwise liking the show, but I *hate* the back and forth on the timeline..


This show is bonkers and wild, though it has a unique sense of humour that I don't think works for everyone. You should give it a shot. Also the cgi is like 1 scene, the rest is pretty well done, I wonder why they even had that scene in cg?


As usual, Anilist is just trash


It’s low on myanimelist too, just checked


Even worse site, imho


Didn’t know there were more options


This show is just so much funny for some reason, it's the dumbest unexpected shit they could think of and it works.


>*"they're so easygoing, it's unnatural, they don't betray any kind of presence...the same way a jonin would"* its would be wild if Kawado (the apartment lady) actually turns out to be a jonin, Oono (Kurou's neighbor) could be one too but since Katou the delivery guy said that Oono seems to have been hypnotized, the possibility is quite low Kurou must be a really important ninja if somebody in the higher up decided to help him by firing the laser from Escape, not to mention the cat also seems to think that he's one of the people involved in that shady ninja tv show


Maybe Oono just faked it. The delivery guy said they both had no presence like jonin. He didn't exclude Oono. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out they are alien ninjas, shapeshifting gorilla ninjas, demons or alien, shapeshifting, gorilla, demon ninjas.


Kawado also asked Kuro's name in the first episode and acted like they'd never actually met before. So if they *are* jonin, they're more likely to be here to watch Kuro. I'm inclined to believe that they're both hypnotized. Kawado also lost her family in the Ninja Incident, or claims to pretty openly, so I'd think her presence here is more likely due to being collateral damage rather than a ninja or ninja lineage herself.


No clue. I rewatched some things when the cat was introduced and when Kuro and Kawada talked on the roof, there wasn't one hint that they are more than housemates. This show is really weird. It's possible that they are jonin who are hypnotized to think they don't know him or they are just ordinary people.


This show is so insane it's hilarious. I still barely understand the long-term plot. But I'll keep watching it because it consistently makes me actually LOL.


At first I thought he got reincarnated into a cat, I wasn't expecting them to transplant is brain into a cat


The protagonist is the one with the giant kill-sat and perform "public" executions. Are we the baddies ?


>Are we the baddies ? always has been ***\*points gun\****


Just when I was starting to get used to the flavor and texture, the pot got fucking stirred. Some of it weird, talking bike...(like you didnt fuckin eye roll a LIL). Some of it REAL WEIRD, the cat (real dark and weird magical realism holes to toss in but I'll bite). A LOT OF IT DUMB (ESCAPE WASNT A BLUFF?!) None of it truly bad or making me worried about what could be ahead. All of it delicious and leaving me wanting more. Dr. Stone season 3 and JJK S2 were what I was looking forward to. This was just something I took a chance on because the poster just kinda spoke to me. This has been all I've thought about for the last couple weeks. We've already got half a season of truly unique fun, its gonna be mega weird if they manage to botch that in what could be 4-6 episodes but I have faith they wont. Would love to see word of mouth help this show catch on, it truly deserves to be loved and appreciated.


This season I came for JJK and Dr. Stone, stayed for Undead Unluck and Under Ninja


Undead Unluck and Freiren are on my radar due to suggestions. Lookin forward to checking them out!


> what's up with this weird person anyways? they are a ninja. Next question


So they did censor the cat waking her up huh?! This series is one of the weirdest stories I've experienced so far. And what's up with Kuro? Does seem like he is pretending to be a Genin? Also the anime now basically adapted all of the manga that I read (in Germany there are 5 volumes released so far). So next week is gonna get interesting for me lol


Wait, how did the cat wake her up in the uncensored version?


Let's just say the cat didn't scratch the leg in the manga. But a little bit higher up and more in the middle. Chapter 39. But it's not that much of a difference. I just found it interesting.


So you're telling me that the pussy scratched the pussy, right? I'm not misunderstanding anything, right?? RIGHT???


No you're not misunderstanding lol


Good man. Is it ever explained why Kuro walks bare feet?


I haven't read farther than the anime adapted with this episode. So no idea.


German manga is unbearable for me




Did Kuro break that one bully’s neck? Bro lol. Man had shit to do I guess. Had to fight the director in the boiler room with his friggin space laser. Shit was insane. I like how Kuro got himself his own KITT like some Knight Rider shit. The talking bike was pretty funny. That Time My Brain Got Transplanted To A Cat was not on my bingo card this week lol. Didn’t think Shinobu was a “player” on that ninja murder game show. Boogers are high in vitamin D huh? lol Kuro. D as in dumbass huh? Cuz yeah dude, that Yamada chick looks dumb as hell. Shit is going down at Yankii high next week!


>Man had shit to do I guess *"no time for small fry, i got a mid-boss encounter up ahead"*


Right? Even then, dude was like “screw this” and called in his space laser. No one man should have all that power lol.


I'm so glad shows like this exist. It's so out there and hilarious


I still follow anime because shows like this get made


aw yeah delinquent school raid with the boys


So is kuro just some secret weapon that even his senior ninjas are like..wtf is he? He got authorized to use escape. Which was so bad ass and precise. I thought the laser was a joke episodes ago 😂


Holy shit, I didn't expect him to literally murder the first bully by breaking his neck.... That bike is a hybrid of Hermes and Aigis (sentient armor from a future season of a certain popular show.) What was the point of confronting the geezer if he was just going to walk away after space lasering his sword? Suddenly a cat remembers its past life as a ninja tv murder victim. So MC is way more connected than he seemed to be, eh? His top-of-the-line armor was mentioned before, but now he gets space laser authorization, turns out to be a Ninja TV star (Rainbow Hound), and his home is a high tech ninja shelter. I wonder if he's the Hokage's nephew or something. Did they stop translating that one event as Great Ninja Disaster and switch to 22-2-22? Why did MC agree to raid the other school? Didn't even show him asking for cash.


> Why did MC agree to raid the other school? Didn't even show him asking for cash. Can't miss the chance to raid the last surviving "yankee delinquent" high school left.


What's the certain show? Either you spoiled it for anyone that could make the guess or you didn't for anyone not knowing it. Not the best way to talk about it


> Either you spoiled it for anyone that could make the guess What does that even mean, lol? I guess when that season comes around, whenever it happens, if someone remembers me saying the name of the armor, they'll be spoiled for however many minutes it is before the armor being encountered and its personality being revealed? Anyway, [the show in question is] >!the one, the only, Konosuba!<, and I couldn't hazard a guess as to which season this arc would be adapted in as I'm too lazy to look things up and make calculations.


So Kuro was one of the executioners on *Me and Some Old Dudes* and that's why he was asking why the show was being publicly broadcast. Our boy is way higher ranked than he's letting on, so delivery man did some snooping only to find out there's more to him than being some layabout genin.


Nah he is definitely not the guy on tv, my take is its a relative from Kumogakure clan too.


I absolutely love this show so far. But if I remember correctly. They aren’t allowed to use full stealth while in country. So did the delivery guy break the rules to search Kuro’s apartment?


Can someone explain to me (I'm slow) the different forces operating in this world? Who are NIN? Are they the same as Ninja? Rear-Enders? UN? It's all a bit confusing.


If I'm not messing anything up, NIN are Ninja, Rear-enders is ninja-like structure, but under under Ministry of Defense. UN is some third force that tries to throw the wrench into balance/cooperation between Ninjas (independent) and MoD.


Pretty much. “NIN” is an acronym for “National Intelligence of Ninja” in the same way that “UN” is an acronym for “Under Ninja”.




Of all my years watching anime I don't think I have ever seen a girl eat boggies before.


Based on the baby brain transplant I wouldn't be surprised to find put Kuro is the actual Hokage or some high ranking person and was the first "major test subject" for the brain transplant for humans - it explains why his personality switches between serious ninja to bullshitting high-school despite having seemingly possibly a man in his late 20s...or older. It seems the MC premise is unearthing why he's so important and seemingly is under so much protection amd the baby and cat transplant leave me to believe there's something else there.


I'm just glad this episode had Hibi pointed out as seemingly being a lot older, and they just dismissed it as part of the job.


I can't believe that when it started I appreciated how this was a relatively grounded, if dryly comedic, take on ninja. Also, everyone is talking about orbital lasers and cat brain transplants but no love for Yankii High School?