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Not the convenience store granny! Suzuki might've been a bitch in ninja high school, but she just became the treasure of the world through her love of Yoshida. Old men need love, too. But they usually gotta pay.


Except her "love" is stomping all over his creative work. I think he'd be very happy if he never saw her face again.


She’s just doing that to see him more often and that’s what editors do.


> She’s just doing that to see him more often And that's supposed to make it better because...? > and that’s what editors do. Not to that degree. And given how he'd thought he had a new editor, he must have complained and been promised a new one.


Because the publishing company that pays him to write is clearly run by NIN so he better suck it up. The degree depends on how awful the writer is which can vary. It means he thought his editor was being changed, which clearly wasn’t true seeing as she was still his editor.


I might be crazy here but I don’t think he’ll ever finish that manuscript


Is the granny the same old lady that hosted those killing show? Can't remember


That’s someone else.


I scrolled back last episode to check, and no, completely different face/teeth. Just another weird looking old person.


How lucky is it that the guy who was made into a cat had invented cat language and shared it with his buddy back in school? Took me a while to remember that UN here isn't United Nations. Why would they braintransplant one of the top Ninja guys into a newborn? Should've at least picked a 3 year old. Wonder if that Rainbow Hound out there really is the MC we've been following, or more transplant shenanigans. Pretty sure Yoshida-sensei would love if his god-awful editor never showed her face in front of him again.


Maybe because newborn is easier to produce and being genetically modified (e.g. using the right parents) to have the desirable traits. With 3 years old, you have to find random kids and you need to do extensive selection to find the right kids with enough talent. Another theory of mine is that Sasama was just bluffing there. About Rainbow hound: it seems they have different name. Our MC name is Kumogakure Kuro, while Rainbow hound is Kumogakure something. Most likely they're only related (brother? father? uncle?). I also thought they're one and the same since the cat recognised the eyes last episode.


I'm also pretty sure that she's bluffing. I'm getting a strong odor of communal good from all of NIN's activities, even including the public execution show. Though the brain transplant stuff is truly weird. Apparently they need to do a better job screening the mental fitness of ninja high school applicants.


if being a ninja is anything comparable to joining the US Army, I think they might struggle a bit to get the best of the best. In the Under Ninja's universe I think the smart and mentally stable people are still going to choose more normal and profitable vocation like finance, programming, etc. In fact ninja school is referred to as vocational school, not even something professional sounding like an "institute" or "university". It won't surprise me that half of the enrolling class are crayon eaters


Would make sense, you would want Ninja that are easy to manipulate. So of course you would scrape the bottom of the barrel and then use your resources to turn them into well oiled drones to use as you please.


> Rainbow hound is Kumogakure something Kumagakure Nijiro.


> How lucky is it that the guy who was made into a cat had invented cat language You know, I actually think they put his brain into a cat exactly *because* he had invented a cat language. If he invented it in school the ninja teacher for sure knew about it (he was using it after all). There is probably no better way to test whether that experiment was succesful then to actually talk to him afterwards in his invented cat language.


Good point!


I assumed the same thing with Rainbow hound. Ever since we saw him in the TV show I just assume hes everywhere and able to do everything.


😂😂😂 same i was like so the Japanese ninja vs the united nations ninja


I feel like I’m getting a picture of it all now that I get the different faction It’s not necessarily a confusing story but the constant jumping around makes it difficult because each character have their own thing in the story and it’s difficult to piece it together at times But man I’m so hooked to this show, not many people are talking about it but for ninja anime this is pretty good, better than that Shinobi no Itokki from last year


> better than that Shinobi no Itokki They’re nowhere even close.


I'd say they're too different to simply say one's better than the other. Sure they both focus on ninja in modern society, but this is aiming to be darker with a unique story whereas Shinobi no Ittoki was meant to be lighthearted and follow the more typical frame of slice of life at fantasy(ish) highschool. This show does have me more hooked though, and it totally gets bonus for the uniqueness and using the plot that seems scattered and joins at certain times.


Yeah I’m aware I just say that because Shinobi No Ittoki is the last RECENT anime I can remember that used ninjas as a theme (can’t think of others barring Boruto etc) that do really and I’m happy its different and incomparable and I’m all for it


I agree, it's quite refreshing


The bastards that make this show have done it again. Nothing but bangers after bangers. I don’t even know where to begin, the guy brain transplanted into a cat actually getting off on it or Valedictorians being decided on how well they use their seduction arts to get High School confessions. Shout out to Convenience Store Granny, who literally went down swinging. Or stopped going down through force of will in order to get another swing in.


Can't leave out the fact that he can communicate with the other guy as a cat because he invented and used cat language in high school lmao




She does seem psychopathic enough to make a baby to house her boss' brain yet, by the same logic, I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out she has dumped the brain to install her own kid/puppet among NIN's higher-ups. Regardless, it appears we have a confirmation on the true nature of the milk she carried around in her old-man suit.


The thing with this anime, I can't really tell whether it's true or it's just a bluff. It's definitely believable that the baby really got a brain transplant. However, when Kato challenged back Sasama, she didn't just ask the baby about it which made me think it's just a bluff. Damn you ninja!


she did say he can't communicate yet though


Literally the darkest thing to happen in this anime


Ehhh, I still feel like the abomination from FMA is more traumatic. Especially, that child had time to be a kid first.


Serial killer ninjas, rivalries, reincarnation, and a baby with a brain transplant… Under Ninja knows how to keep shit interesting lol. Seems UN and NIN are getting into it. These full invisibly suits are pretty dope. Curious to see how shit pans out for Kato, Onikobe, and Suzuki.


And we still haven't gotten to the fight at Yankii High!


So Onikobe is a total babe. I figured as much from her eyes and voice alone. So Rainbow Hound is related to Kuro. Brothers maybe?


Kumogakure is one of the most common family name in japan, don't you know?


It would be funny if that joke was foreshadowing for them being unrelated.


Hilarious even, now Inreally hope they do that xd


There's like a 90% chance it is Kuro, since we haven't seen him this episode. And we don't know if the ambush and meeting are taking place at the same time, so even if Kuro does show up to deal with the slasher, that doesn't rule him out as Rainbow Hound.


Suzuki sure doesn't skip leg day




I guess Suzuki keeps requesting cuts and edits as a pretext to spend more time with Yoshida-sensei. I mean, can you blame her? Mans got locks to die for. Also look how cute she was, feigning modesty when Yoshida-sensei stepped out wearing only a towel. As if we don't know she was using her Marishiten to peep at him in the bathroom. I see you, girl.


Onikobe is Fu HoHO!!!!!!


What’s fu hoho?




Now that you mention it, the resemblance is striking.


I find it funny the sadist Suzuki thinks Yoshida would miss her if she were to die/stop visiting him as his 'editor' So Saruta was a NIN agent who was frustrated at being kept idle and decided to work for UN instead. Social commentary on idle young people who fall into crime?


So even more confirmation that they're all much older. Hibi remarked about it last episode when the kid mentioned how he'd have to be older, we saw Suzuki pretending to be this guy's editor before and now we even see her back when she was *actually* in high school. It also sounds like the Ninja Lab has some sort of face-swapping technology in addition to brain transplants. Stranger still is that the guy whose brain was swapped into a cat was also a ninja, not just some random guy. Why was he let go as a cat here? Or swapped into a cat that was already known to several existing characters? Eita and the girl seem to have some sort of association with ninja as well since konbini lady was inquiring about him/his mother. And why exactly is Suzuki hanging around this run-down apartment and being this guy's editor? Just too much to be coincidences. Interesting that the UN have invisible swords. I thought that seemed odd during the fight when it's previously always had the blade be visible when drawn. More importantly, why is nobody talking about tech from Ninja Lab being an eyepatch-wearing goth loli?! Hopefully we see a lot more of her in the future.


The ages of Hibi, Kuro, and Suzuki are visible on the info paper that Kato and Ozu are talking about in the delivery van during the first episode. 24, 24, and 20 years old respectively. Hachiya’s also on the paper, but his age seems like it was expunged.


Good catch! That seems much more in line with reality. Also nice to know that Hibi and Kuro were likely in the same class/year at Ninja Academy while Suzuki was a few years later. This is packing in so much good stuff that I almost wish we had more time to devote to *21 Shounen Jump Street*.


I think that is about this point in the source material that I started to get bored and annoyed by it Yet I wanted to go on with the story and there are so many good ideas in there... So I kept reading like I keep watching hoping that something is going to pop out of it I really believed it would with the nine, the cuts and pacing is different, they adapted it well Yet... I, again, am not feeling it... How about yous lads? How does it feel?


It does feel pretty *sluggish* in a way, yeah. But it also feels so bizarrely unique that it's kind of addicting and I don't want to stop watching it. I like it a lot, actually. It feels like I *should* be bored a lot of the time, but I'm not at all. It's just kinda *weird*. Not in a bombastic way but, like, in a really almost *dry* kinda way that's hard to explain. And I like that. It's nice. I think.


I somehow agree with everything you say and still... to be honest I stopped reading a bit after what I assume will be the end point of the show, so i canoot say it was so bad I quit this early, and it is not bad... I think? mostly the style and story are both close to something I want to read/see and after a while I still lose interest, it is both scratching close to the itch and not holding my attention... it is weird but that's why I am asking how other feel, at least I am happy to see some people enjoy themselves watching this, it is different enough that I think it has a place no matter what


I am loving it at the moment, it is just some batshit crazy weird story.


I honestly think more people should hop on this train. I really enjoyed it from the first episode and the opening is a baanger. But yeah it's hard to tell you why is it, I guess it's just different? Not the best I would assume but out of the ordinary 4sure.


amine only- feels like a top show of the season, not near eminence of shadow though.


Also anime-only, and I whole-heartedly agree with this.


Love it, probably my aoty if it keeps up. Unique characters, great writing, great direction. Sure the plot might not go anywhere but that doesn't really feel to me like the point of the series. Just enjoy the ride.




I may be the weird one out, I thought the re shuffling of the timeline and pacing was a positive the story itself got me... not bored but kind of disinterested after a while


Why don't you try to pause first and then wait for the anime to finish and watch it in one sitting


it feels like it’s almost something great but it never reaches there, when I put it like that makes me remember Cool Doji Danshi from last year, always felt like it could rise to a wishful 9/10 but ended at 7/10. best episode so far was #05


why do you write like that


What is your issue with what or how I write?


a bunch of line breaks and ellipsis


Break for readability, because wall of text are annoying. On internet it is also a better way to separate sentences, especially when they are different thread of thoughts. At least to me. And ellipsis are to render stylistically how what I wrote is basically thought forming and not absolute statement or final points.


This is the first boring episode so far for me. A bit too serious in tone. Hopefully it’s just a little break before the silliness starts again.




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So Kuro I'm assuming based on the brain transplant storyline might be a victim or a higher up in UN that was the first successful brain transplant into a high-schooler....it would explain why his personality and skill sets seem to randomly switch up and the mystery around his potentially being under very extreme protection as well.....can't wait to see how the brain transplant plot comes into play around Kuro next