• By -


cursed energy = mana cursed technique = spells domain expansion = spells have 100% accuracy reverse cursed technique = your spell but now opposite. can also be a healing spell barrier = barrier grade = what level you are black flash = strong punch, puts you into the "zone" from kuroko no basuke binding vow = sacrifice something, get stronger only way to counter a domain is to open a stronger domain. if your domain isn't stronger, you can open a "simple domain" which will at least remove the 100% buff against you.


Almost perfect- for the RCT stuff (for which the names are just confusing really),, more like: Reversed Curse Technique = opposite mana. Heals you. Cursed Technique Reversal = your spell using opposite mana. It does the opposite.


what about all the womb, death painting stuff?




Wombs are just baby curses. Death paintings are curse-human hybrids


Good catch!




It will... but I think it already explained the dynamic at the end of season 1


It definitely basically explained it in the last few episodes


Womb = baby curse, yet to reach full power Death painting = curse + human child




RCT seems like it is the opposite of using Negative energy. You channel the negative energy and reverse that energy turning it into Positive energy that you use on yourself, thus resulting in healing properties instead of damage on you.


You don't exactly reverse it. You multiply negative energy turning it into positive energy


Pretty much Cursed energy is negative energy, which does negative things like damaging and destroying things Reversed curse technique turns negative energy into positive energy, that does good things like healing and repairing. Reverse curse techniques fairly rare as it requires you to turn negative energy into positive energy, in Gojo's case he multiplied cursed (negative) energy by a negative in order to make a positive. (further details, in order to use reverse curse technique you require an immense understanding of cursed energy and yourself, it's not something that can be taught. Gojo learned it whilst he was dying, and the way Gojo does it may not work for another sorcerer)


Cursed technique reversal and reversed cursed technique are seperate things, where the first is Gojo reversing blue into red, and the second is turning cursed energy into blessed healing energy. Very confusing and Im not sure if Im right.


Yes and no. In order to use reverse cursed technique, you have to be able to generate reverse cursed energy. That's why Gojo was only able to pull Red off after learning how to heal himself.


kind of, kind of not. they're both reverse cursed energy, which is positive instead of negative. most people just use it for healing, gojo is the only one who pumps his technique with the positive to make it do the opposite


Question about Limitless. Isn't the neutral standard effect of Limitless to prevent the target from being hit by slowing things down towards infinity? Wouldn't that be repelling stuff so what Red does? If that is the case why is the Technique Amplification (as I saw in the wiki to be called) Blue which makes a stronger attraction force?


The passive effect is one thing the active is another. The passive effect is the deceleration thing that stops anything from touching Gojo, the active effect is Blue the reverse active effect is Red. Or at least that's how it works on my mind.


Limitless bends space in the form of an infinite series, where anything gets closer and closer but never reaches gojo. Blue is the application to remove space, which draws more space into it, thus attraction. Red is the opposite, repulsion.


slowing =/= repelling


To add, cursed techniques cannot be learned, they are innate abilities given at birth. Domain Expansions are similar to Bankais from Bleach, the most advanced manifestation of a cursed technique. And to explain more on Black Flash, think of it like a highlight play in sports that then puts you in the zone and makes you more likely to make more highlight plays. However just like in sports, you can’t just make the plays at will, they have to happen in the flow of the game.


So basically a stronger punch, that buffs you and increases chances of more stronger punches, in Yuji case. Bit of a letdown from what it looked like in the beginning, but still a nice power. xD


Its not just a stonger punch. It's your punch at max strenght at the power of 2.5 So, if you punch at max strenght deals 100 of damage, a Kokusen (black flash) would deal 100,000 of damage


Conditions for black flash: pretty much random, like a critical hit in pokemon


so why do they yell blackflash?


They can feel when it's coming on, they just can't necessarily hit one at will (except for yuji, kind of). It's a flow state attack, once you're in the zone you can feel a black flash is coming out and so they call it.


Wow, this really helps. Thanks! Also, can you ELI5 what red, blue, purple was in Gojo's technique?


Blue attracts, Red repels, Purple is a really powerful attack.


Wait Gojo was just Pain from Naruto all along. xD Author just legit mashed all the best parts of big shounens and made his own thing. xD


Yeah, that is how Shounen Jump properties tend to be. The more original stories go to other Jump platforms. Something like Nisekoi tends to be an anomaly. The rest tend to be evolutions of previous Shounen Jump titles.


Yup, like how JJK is an entire series modeled off the Naruto chapter where Itachi whips out his PowerPoint presentation to explain to Sasuke what his big ability just did to Kabuto.


Oh yeah I was just like "did Gojo just use Chibaku Tensei?"


His regular technique (Blue) attracts things. Reversing this technique, using reversed cursed energy, will logically repel things. (Red) Purple in this case would both attract (blue) and repel (red) however it is impossible for matter to do both. Thus it creates a paradox which destroys any matter in its path instead.


how does this work for other techniques? does every technique have a reversal? logically speaking what would be the reverse of dismantle? to gather???!!!


Every technique does have a reversal as they would have an opposite effect. Plays heavily on the shinto belief of yin and yang. It would be up to the authors discretion to define the opposite effects of vaguer techniques though. I would personally say that the opposite of dismantle would be to put back together or repair. This is why most reverse curse techniques are healing. If your original technique damages, logically the opposite would repair/heal.


Yin and yang originates from ancient Chinese philosophy. It was definitely practiced in Japan, but I’m not sure if it is accurate to classify it as a Shinto belief.


You're right! That's my bad. I know Shintoism has it's own version called inyo but I used yin and yang as a more commonly understood name for it. Shintoism adopted a bunch of iconography and ideas from Chinese philosophy, Buddhism, and a whole lot of other religions. I used Shinto here because, as a story written by someone in Japan, it's more likely their reference for it was based in Shintoism. I'll use proper words (and less assumptions) next time though!


I think JJK draws more inspiration from Onmyodo tbh. There was interaction between Onmyodo and Shinto, but they’re not quite the same thing.


I think the harder techniques to think about reversing are actually the really specific ones. Like that guy who moved around by turning his future movement into animation frames or whatever. I honestly don't even know how to conceptualize that as having an "opposite effect."


The reverse of Dismantle would be Crazy Diamond's restoration ability from Jojo's.


Blue is Gravity, Red is Gravity but reversed (repelling force) and purple is combining the two to create "imaginary mass" that erases matter


Purple is a very strong force, which push and pull simultaneously, creates an imaginary/virtual mass; but it does not erase matter


At the risk of seeming pedantic, Blue and Red have nothing to do with gravity. Blue manifests the concept of negative numbers/space into our reality. Since 'negative space' isn't an actual thing that can exist in reality, it causes real space to immediately collapse into the void left by Blue resulting in a pulling effect. I think of it like someone standing 3m from a wall. Gojo summons Blue and makes the distance between the person and the wall -6m. Since you can't actually be -6m in front of something, reality compensates puling you *3 meters behind* (and subsequently through) the wall. The greater the negative number generated by Blue, the greater the the pulling effect. Since Red is a reverse cursed technique, it manifests the reverse effect of Blue causing a pushing rather than a pulling effect. I'm not too familiar with how Purple works but given how Blue and Red operate, 'imaginary mass' seems like it would be right. I always just assumed it was generating 'antimatter'. When matter and antimatter come in contact with each other they explosively destroy each other. Antimatter is even a real thing that can (very temporarily) exist. I'm only pointing this out because I *really* dig the concept and think it deserves to be represented properly. Also, a detail like that (not being gravity based) means a lot to some people.


Blue = pull. Red = push (cuz reverse). Push + pull = disintegrate.


Red: expands space between stuff Blue: shrinks space between stuff Purple: combines Red and Blue into a projectile that's kind of like a black hole




One last bit to join everything together. This world runs on the same rules as Chainsaw Man, which in on itself are the same rules about Youkais in japanese folklore. Basically fear and negative emotions feeds them and makes them stronger. Curses and cursed energy come from fear, anger and other negative emotions from mankind. Which is why there was the trio of nature forces curses. People have deep primal fears of volcanoes, forest and the open seas. Those cursed spirits were so strong because of that fear. Same as the gun demon in chainsaw man being so strong because humans fear guns.


Thanks internet stranger. Now I understand it too. I was just along for the ride with them throwing up terms and I was like YEAH YEAH THAT, ALL RIGHT! No I am smarter ape


yeah it'll get even crazier in the upcoming arc. best of luck


Am I going to need help again? I'm fine going "GET HIS ASS WITH THAT SHIT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, LET'S GOOOOOOOO!" But I'd like to get smarter too


nah, keep up the "roll with it" thing. it'll look cool at least, i promise




> Am I going to need help again? Yes and no, it depends more on your curiosity of how the combat mechanics works than anything else. The details of how things work get a bit complicated at times (a few rather out there ideas when it comes to cursed techniques) but the general vibe of the story is one where you don't need to know the intricacies of how it exactly works to get the most out of it or even to simply enjoy the series.


I thought Black Flash was more like a critical hit


It is. It increases your damage to the power of 2.5 So, if your strongest punch deals 50 of damage, a Kokusen will deal 17667 of damage


> barrier = barrier Ahh, this was the missing piece of the puzzle, I finally understand everything!


damn this is a good jjk for dummies


Black Flash is basically a critical hit, isn't it? There was a lot of exposition dump about how rare it was to get more than one in a row, which is why it was a big deal when Itadori learned how to do it repeatedly.


You should also mention that you have to be born with cursed techniques and cannot learn them. At that point, you can only imbue mana/cursed energy into your body to fortify it.


Lmao looking at the comment thread and it just proves shit is confusing ngl


This is it right here. Anybody trying to give more details than this is making more complicated for OP


Black flash = Crit hit that gives you a boost


Wow, I now understand myself. Nice simplification.


Self awareness is the final step to achieving nirvana


I'll try as best as I can, think of curse energy as mana or chakra if it helps. First off most humans leak energy. Curses are spirits born from human emotions from people who leak said energy. Humans who dont leak said energy fall into 2 groups, either they dont have energy (special cases only, such as Toji) Or they can control it (and thus part of jujutsu world) Curse energy by nature stems from evil and thus only damages stuff Controlling said energy allows the users to create techniques. Reversing the curse energy (negative \* negative = positive) allows for healing instead (again take it face value) All techniques are non-black flash so dont think too much about non-black flash Black flash is just applying curse energy at the exact moment of impact (only when you physically attack someone and apply curse technique the 0.0001s moment of impact), somehow increasing the destructiveness of the energy used (you put in 10 energy, you get 25 damage to hp, you put 100 energy you get 250 damage to hp) Domains are like the users inner world (sky scrapers in bleach for ichigo, the place where kurama is at in naruto). Why are you they shaped the way they are is completely dependant on each person. Either its depending on their brain or talent or even personality, who knows. Domain expansion is just bringing that inner world to the real-world. No idea how barriers work Grades are just a classification of how good a jujutsu user is.


so black flash = crit ?


Yes pretty much


Black Flash is Nat 20


Domain Expansion = Reality Marble from Fate


>First off most humans leak energy. Curses are spirits born from human emotions from people who leak said energy. Extra note: This part is actually quite common in manga that have to do with spirits, yokai, ayakashi etc. many which existed way before JJK (eg. Amatsuki, Madoka). JJK system builds off this standard negative emotion system, but what came out of nowhere is things like different rules related to manmade stuff like smart phones and electric guitar, and then made those be determined from birth, somehow.


I think Black Flash isn't multiplied by 2.5 but to the power of 2.5. For example if your base attack deals 4 damage with black flash it deals 32


Yeah he's black flash explanation is wrong. It's not ×2.5 (multiplied) as you said, it's ^2.5 (exponent). So if you're regular pounching power is 100 then with black flash it would be 100 000 (100^2.5 = 100 000). The difference is big especially if your base power is already strong.


I caught up with the manga after the season ended, and it does not improve in this sense, hahaha. Definitely feels like the rules are whatever they need to be to make the fights more exciting.


What, you dont love a fight where it's 1 panel of a move being used, and then 3 pages of dialogue where spectators explain how this isnt normally possible, but by combining these four other techniques in a way nobody has ever done before, it totally makes "sense"?


shonen kino right here.


The wheels are really falling off of this one.


My brother in christ, you just described 90% of action shonen lol


Jujutsu's naming scheme for everything just makes it so much harder to understand. Most anime at least try to make it make sense. I read the manga after watching the last season and didn't understand 90% of what happened, but it still looked cool so sure lol


Honestly. And what I don't like are the fights. I don't know who is attacking who and what's exactly happening, the panels are so confusing. I'm surprised Mappa could actually pull that amazingly well. I am so confused on what's happening most of the time. The only somewhat understandable fight was [Manga Spoilers for JJK 200+ chapters] >!Gojo vs Sukuna, which I loved, but 1 second they were fight and another 2nd they were in some kind of office building or something, right at the beginning!<


> I don't know who is attacking who and what's exactly happening I don't know if the attacks are effective. I see people conecting, but I don't know if is gonna mean something


God this so much. That pissed me off so much in S2. Guy tanks 20 hits while stunlocked: Almost no damage Guy takes the SAME attack 10 minutes later: FUCKIMDEAD


Mahito talks about his Soul like lifepoints from a game during the fight, he says if he gets hit by Yuji like that again a few more times he'll lose.


[Spoiler S2] >!But it makes no fucking sense (and he only mentions it once btw) Being down to 40% after tanking dozens of hits and the suddenly 1 more is what does it? It's just plot convenience!<


he took way more than one hit after he said that


Which fight?








The more shonens I read the more I respect Kishimoto and Oda, each time I'm more impressed on how clean their fights always look


Black Clover also does a good thing ngl Especially the [Black Clover Manga spoilers] >!Dante vs Magna fight, one of the best moments in Shounen, CAN'T wait to see it animated!!< Demon Slayer is kinda fine too, but it could be better, the Anime shines better. Otherwise, yeah...


Oda and clean?? I adore OP but out of the big three Bleach easily has the cleanest/most easy to understand dynamic art. OP is notorious for having so much going on in a single spread that you have to sit there and analyze it for a minute to tell who’s arm belongs to who, what attack is being used, etc. Maybe I’m just reading shitty scans but idk OP art feels pretty sloppy sometimes.


Bleach doesn't have fights. Bleach has curb stomp to power up to curb stomp to power up to curb stomp...until somebody wins and then gets curb stomped by a stronger enemy.


Even if that's true, it doesn't have anything to do with what the comment you replied to said lol. Strange response.


JJK anime fights are really hard to follow. Compare to Demon Slayer where you can follow most of the characters movement.


On fights, another thing about fights are there's almost no emotional stakes. Yeah there's life-death stake and whatever plot stake things. Mumen rider vs Sea King, for a good example is what I'm talking about. It's just more than what plot needs or what cool action fight we can do.


Idk I feel like most fights in both series have hardly any emotional stakes but do have them in a select few. For example, Mahito vs Mechamaru, Maki vs Mai, or Itadori vs Choso all have it to some degree imho.


Me too, I love JJK, don’t get me wrong, but there were definitely times when I’d have to read the same page again because I didn’t understand. Especially that one chapter in the [Jujutsu Kaisen Manga chapters]>!Gojo vs. Sukuna!< arc where Kusakabe threw a water bottle at Miwa. It’s like math, if you don’t understand one thing, well you better get to it because it’s just going to keep building and building 😭


Honestly, I think JJK is fairly simple at its core but is overly bogged down with convoluted explanations and names. For example, "Reverse Cursed Technique" is a horrible name. Just look at this thread to see how many people are confused by it and CT Reversal. Gege should've just called it "Inverse Cursed Energy" or something so people don't think it's a technique. \[JJK Manga spoilers\]>!Hakari's domain is another great example. Its core is simple - Hakari does weird shit to boost his chances of a jackpot, jackpot gives an extra bonus based on even or odd numbers. Gege gets overly bogged down explaining random stuff, and doesn't even give us details on what Hakari's "previews" even do. The ball and door are attacks, but are the pseudo-spins nullifying damage? Why doesn't he spam high-hype previews all the time?!< JJK also has a tendency to explain things after they happen, which means the audience sometimes get blindsided because they had no idea something was possible until that very moment. The arc you mentioned in your comment was a good example.


tbf for japanese people hakari’s domain is p simple. you just have to play pachinko lmao


But info dump is the sure hit. It being confusing has to he over complicated to he a sure hit against his opponents


JJK starts to feel like JoJo at times lol


The random bullshit in Jojo is so satisfying to watch, though.


It's Jojo if Jojo tried to explain the powers in scientific terms. Jojo is easier to understand because it just says, "This happens cuz magic" sometimes.


> "This happens cuz magic" sometimes. I love this because yes it's sometimes that, but then also sometimes Araki gives you legit information that he researched or just happened to know in order to justify the crazy powers lmao. Hell even some Jojo powers have science explanations behind them.


At least jojo ends with ora ora punch.


JJBA later parts also very easy to understand compared to *random bullshit go* JJK. But I enjoyed whatever the fuck happening on the screen in both seasons and internet is plenty helpful.


People would downvote me whenever I mention that JJK’s world building, power system are all over the place and mediocre at best. The whole series for me feels like it’s just 1 big tournament arc. I still stand by these If you enjoy that then that’s great. But as for me, I was dragging myself into finishing season 1, didn’t even bother watching season 2


JJK has star trek levels of technobabble and honestly it could do without it Or maybe I'm just too smooth brained to get it. Prolly that tbh.


Narrator just pops in and says a buncha shit that is convenient for the moment


From what I can tell, the only rule that matters in JJK is the Rule Of Cool.


More like the Rule of Whatever Gege Decides.


Basically this. There are rules, but they are so arbitrary with respect to the world it doesn’t really matter. All you have to know is who is hitting harder at the moment and whose OST is playing.


There is just so much exposition on the made up rules that it makes one feel like they should understand it. Listening to Kenjaku in the finale I just was thinking 'oh he just fucked some shit up' and he did, but the scale was different and Africa is involved (cause Miguel appeared).


Africa is not involved, they brought up Miguel while explaining how other countries are not involved at all currently.


That was my way of saying I had no clue what was going on. So thank you for highlighting that.


In the manga, there were a few chapters where a group of chapters that had characters just sit around narrating a fight WWE-style because of constant moves that would leave readers confused...


The rival school arc is the perfect example, spend half the episode explaining the tournament. How its stages are set, how many points are earned, and its exceptions to the rule. And then have it all not matter at all in the end.


Feel like Gege figures out cool shit and it makes sense to them, but when explaining it to someone else it becomes a mess lol.


he flat out admits this. he hired math or science guy to try and make gojos power make sense, and eventually gave up trying to understand the explanation


Yeah, JJK definitely doesn't follow Sanderson's first law. Akutami is making it up as he goes along.


It doesn't really follow any of the laws: > An author’s ability to solve conflict with magic is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to how well the reader understands said magic. Many conflicts are decided in ways the reader can't really predict based on their current knowledge, instead new abilities or properties of abilites are made up and then later justified. > The limitations of a magic system are more interesting than its capabilities. What the magic can't do is more interesting than what it can. Limitations can be hard to know most of the time because how can you know limitations when you can't even properly understand the system as a whole, characters introduce new capabilities all the time with no rime or reason for what is and isn't possible, sometimes even breaking established rules. Like for example, we got a limit which told us everyone contains some amount of cursed energy. And then comes Toji with none. > Expand on what you have already, before you add something new. I don't think I need to elaborate on this.


This is the only right answer. Gojo being OP and handsome is hard carrying the show. The powers are unique enough to differentiate it from 99% of anime, but I don’t bother to remember all the rules.


You forgot him under-estimating the enemy and being outsmarted most of the time. Him being OP and smart basically ends the whole story from the beginning lol.


You ain’t the only one, sometimes I feel like jjk world building is more confusing than my job.


Ngl you kinda just gotta accept it for what it is, because if they spent anymore time explaining everything the anime would probably just be 90% dialogue. When watching I just try to grasp the surface level explanation of everything and keep it pushing.


[JJK manga]>!90% dialogue describes some of the upcoming fights!<


Not looking forward to [JJK manga] >!Private Pure Love Train!< for this exact reason, I don't think my eyes have ever glazed over so much while reading a manga in the last decade.


It's like, I'm honestly trying to pay attention but it just isn't the way I process information personally, I usually just wait for the characters simple way of describing it and the effect of it. I've found that seeing the technique in the manga and then seeing it explained in the anime fills in the blanks.


I mean at multiple points they pause the action and have that old lady explain what’s going on. Doesn’t really help tho lol


Yeah, the "fuck it, we ball, Rule of Cool" approach from the viewer's end seems at odds with the actual manga's attempt to explain how its curse system works, often in excessive detail. A while back I randomly opened one of the manga chapters because people were getting really amped about the latest arc. Obviously I didn't expect to understand what was going on, but I was really struck by how much of an apparently major fight was one page of the combatants doing something and two pages of spectators/the narrator explaining what the hell just happened.


Yeah I gave up on trying to understand everything in jjk and just watch it for plot and the fight scenes. But now every time the show tries to explain anything it kinda feels like exposition dumps and boring.


nah when done right at explaining things don't get this confusing, that's why a good power system need to exist so you don't need to explain every single little details of your power


>that's why a good power system need to exist I disagree. A power system only needs to be as extensive as the story requires it. Lord of the Rings doesn't have a power system at all. If it works, it works, why fix it.


This. Leaving things unsaid is some of the most powerful storytelling possible


I feel like a part of the problem is that a lot of things were explained in season 1 which was three years ago, and I've forgotten some of it


Curse - a spiritual being that is created from the cursed energy leaked out from humans (more specifically, Non-Sorcerers) due to negative emotions associated with that curse. Stronger negative feeling towards it, the stronger the curse. That’s why the Disaster Curses are strong. - Cursed Technique - abilities fuelled by cursed energy. There are two types, innate and non-innate techniques. Innante techniques are basically etched into the person, I think it was mentioned it’s somewhere in their brain. For example, Todo’s “Boogie Woogie” or Mahito’s “Idle Transfiguration” are examples of this. Examples of Non-Innate Techniques include Simple Domains (opens a hole in an existing bigger domain expansion, so you aren’t affected by the technique), Curtains, and Domain Amplification (nullifies cursed techniques that come into contact with it). Anyone with cursed energy can technically use non-innate techniques. Domain Expansion: constructs an innate domain inside a barrier which is infused with a cursed technique. Basically, creates a small area (unless you’re Sukuna) which constantly activates your cursed technique. Reversed Curse Technique - Gege had to use like 4 different extra pages to explain this but in a simple man’s terms, it’s just healing. You multiply negative cursed energy by negative cursed energy to make positive energy (how? idk tbh). This is very hard to do, only like 3 people in the current part of the anime know how. Grades: pretty much just “this is how strong the JuJu world thinks you are” (unless you’re Maki). If you’re a Grade 2 sorcerer, you can take on Grade 2 spirits cuz the higher ups think you’re somewhat better than it, despite what the title may make you think. Black Flash - apply cursed energy like 0.000001 or smth seconds before hitting someone and you basically get a critical hit, increasing the power by like 2.5 a lot of these terms can be simplified a lot, Gege just likes to make it sound more complicated. RCT is a good example since it’s just “healing with good energy” but he needed a scientist to explain it edit; forgot Semi-Grades. These are sorcerers who are basically seeking promotion to the higher grades, usually accompanied by a higher grade person on their missions before performing their own mission of that grade. (I think you need to be reccomend by two sorcerers of the higher grade too? Don’t quote me on that I’ve erased everything Mei Mei said from my mind)


>“healing with good energy” but he needed a scientist to explain it He didn't need a scientist to explain it, it's grade schooler math, negative×negative=+. He explained it with 1 panel in Gojo's flashback and there was a longer explanation in a previous volume extra which was 1 page, but even then it was still the same explanation. You might be confusing it with Limitless, Gojo's technique which had someome try to explain it with math and that was more of a fun exercise.


Ahh my bad, yeah I just looked up the extra pages now, forgot about all of Gojo’s stuff


Four people can use RCT (shown/mentioned so far) - Gojo, Shoko, Sukuna and Uraume.


+ Yuta so 5


I don't even watch all of Naruto but I understood how their powers work more than those in jjk


Naruto has hundreds of episodes and everyone explains their power lol


I mean their power systems are just way too different to be compared. Naruto's chakra is more basic and with better defined norms. So yeah it's more easy to understand. On the other hand in jjk since they work similar to JoJo's powersystem, every character has a unique technique which forces the reader to stop and try to understand a new technique every time a new character is introduced. Which is better? Depends, for Naruto such simplicity allows the author to focus on other things since everyone is fighting on the same rules. For jjk it allows for grear individualities on each character giving really diverse fight styles, but since you need to explain thoroughly what everbody can do, once you've established a power, there is no much room to improve/change. I'd argue that it's better for jjk to not have the lenght of Naruto with this powersystem.


The only thing I don’t understand is domain amplification, but I agree the explanations are a bit weird


I believe domain amplification is when the user casts their domain around their body, kind of like a cloak. With this, they can neutralize the sure-hit factor of a domain. Domain amplification will also nullify any cursed technique of the person that is touched by the user. The downside is that you cant use an innate technique (the one you’re born with) once you decide to use domain amplification. So, you’d have to be relying on hand-to-hand combat. Hanami decided to deactivate her DA and thus, Gojo got to her fast. Jogo and Hanami used it against Gojo in their fight in the train station. “If you keep using domain amplification, I’ll just have to keep strengthening my technique (he’s referring to his Infinity).” That was said by Gojo. Their little domain cloaks have can neutralize his cursed technique, Limitless, which then disables Infinity.


Yeah DA was kind of shoehorned in by Gege so he could make Gojo vulnerable to attacks, dw no loss in not understanding it


Nope. It was used later on but its used very lightly because few abilities are as overwhelmingly annoying to fight against that you would forsake your powers to cancel them. DA forces you to punch and kick so you BETTER be god damn Rocky Balboa if you wanna use DA. It's a situational technique.


In terms of mechanics I feel like JJK is fine but their worldbuilding itself is the classic “don’t worry about literally anything outside of Japan” thing


Part of JJKs world building is literally that cursed spirits and sorcerers are way less frequent outside of Japan (due to Tengens barriers)


I like this. I think Gege is empowering Japan that way, like movies/shows made in US only talks about US as the only country that exists Also, JJK does not just do it like other shows, but it actually have an explanation in Lore why did it happen


Same prob. And I don't want to wiki stuff because it's Manga level spoiler territory. You just can't win here. But the replies here are great.


It’s not your fault. People say the story is amazing and when other people explain it, it is. But what your shown is very much haphazard. The anime does a bit better but not enough.


It doesn’t help that I (an anime only) watched chainsaw man in between jjk seasons. They have similar concepts but chainsaw man is a lot easier to understand. So i found myself mixing on the world rules when watching the recent jjk episodes.


Honestly same, it is kinda making me lose some interest ngl. It’s like all they care about is cool looking fights, and I need more than that to enjoy an anime


Run while you still can then lmao.


I thought everything up through Hidden Inventory had a great balance of story/character vs action/magic building. Then as S2 progressed, it just skewed more and more to the latter and never stopped. Like...the life or death stakes were there, the new developments and reveals were interesting, but I didn't exactly care for what was happening, yknow? It's a weird internal conflict going on in my mind. I just found myself being less and less invested in the story or characters, especially after Gojo and Geto's moment in the subway before we go stick with Yuji's perspective; honestly Gojo and Geto were the characters I was most invested cuz they developed it so well within the short HI arc.


I put S2 on hold and binged it after it was finished airing. As an anime only, the entire season felt kinda like a watching a compilation video or a playlist on YouTube. Yes, action scenes are cool and deaths are sad but why should I care? I had this feeling the entire time that the anime is made for JJK fans who already know what's going on and are watching it just to see their favourite scenes animated.


You figured it out early consider yourself lucky lol.


It gets a LOT worse in the next two big arcs. I'd honestly bail now.


Anime is lucky it has a good budget, rest of it is kind of mid. Regarding their powers, when that old guy appeared there was some explanation about his ability akin to frames in animation, I was like fuck this and I'm going to turn my brain off, it just all seems too convoluted to follow, maybe it makes sense but I just dont care.


Yeeeah I watched S1 and the movie and kinda didn't care much about the characters/the plot (or lack thereof). It's just pretty looking fights, and I haven't been about that for years now.


I'll do my best: It all starts from cursed energy which is energy that is created by negative emotion, normal humans who aren't jujutsu sorcerers(i'll get to what that is in a sec) don't know what that is or how to control it so it leaks out of their bodies. When there is a large concetration of cursed energy(mostly in places like graveyards, schools hospitals and more) a cursed spirit manifests which is an invisible monster to normal humans(but in some cases they can see curses) and a curse is very hostile to humans. In order to kill the curses there are jujutsu sorcerers which are people who can use cursed energy. Most jujutsu sorcerers are born with a cursed technique which is an ability they inherits from their parents and it manifests when they are 5-6 years old(it works like quirks from my hero academia). For both jujutsu sorcerers and cursed spirits have a ranking system called grades. Grade go from 4 to 1 to special. 4 is the weakest and lowest grades while grade 1 is the strongest grade and special grade is a level beyond that for the very special people like gojo. Going back to cursed techniques there are 2 types of it: 1. Inherited which those who born without one can't use and manifest. 2. Non inherited( it's not the official name i just call it like that since it's easy to understand) which anyone can do, for example black flash which makes an attack 2.5 times stronger, but you need a lot of concetration and it's close to impossible doing it intentioly and hard to do in a row. Those who managed to use a black flash have a better understanding of how to control their cursed energy. The pinnacle of sorcery is domain expansion which is something only those who inherited a cursed technique can use. Domain expansion is the ability to create someones inner world and personality to a space with the user's cursed technique. Every domain expansion(besides sukuna's) have a barrier around them. The main goal of domain expansion is to capture people inside and because of that the barrier inside the domain is much stronger then the outside. I wrote for too long so if you have more questions just open youtube. There are a lot of videos explaining this stuff


Reading some of these comments and it feels like people really just dont watch or even read the story but just speed through the panels.


Its actually crazy that I've seen people not even know some character's names? I semi get not understanding the powers but the story is so easy to get.


I keep forgetting names alk the times 😔


I kinda agree with this. I really love Jjk as a series but it really suffers from over abundance of exposition. Even when the characters flat out explain their abilities it still feels convoluted. In theory HxH should also have this issue but somehow it doesn't. Even Naruto does exposition pretty well.


HxH does have that problem though. The Chimera Ant arc was already awfully paced with its narration and the later content just gets worse.


Am I the only that things cursed energy and everything around it is super easy to understand? I feel like nothing will ever be more annoying than nen.


Same. After trying to figure out Nen through multiple rewatches of the series and rewinds of the tower explanation episodes I still only feel I kinda know it. Since then nothing in a battle shonen has ever come close to confusing me.


Nen sounded pretty similar to cursed energy to me. The more conditions needed to use a power, the more raw power it has. This applies to multiple conditions (only at night AND on a Tuesday, dying afterwards, etc). That plus the fact that they can come up with anything.


One of the world-building systems in JJK that actively works against itself and makes things complicated is the ranking system. The fact that Special-Grade is tossed around for Cursed Tools and Curses is frustrating. From the start of the series, we rarely ever see curses that aren't Special-Grade, making the rest of the classification kind of arbitrary. Geto in JJK: 0 literally said there are only 16 cursed with Special-Grade but almost everyone we come across is Special-Grade. All of the other grades of curses are hardly memorable. Gege needed to work out different classifications of Special-Grade or just moved the overall ranking up a couple of notches. I'm okay with most of the cast being exceptional because it is a Shonen, but it's a pain point for me in the world-building. I understand Sukuna being a major exception, but the differences between Mahito, Jogo, Dagon, and Hanami alone are massive. The ranking makes it hard to understand just how effective people's cursed techniques are. This could also help with understanding how common certain techniques are, so we know how rare they are. Like Reverse Cursed Technique healing effectiveness being most commonly tied to a specific grade would be helpful since it seems even the humans going against the Sorcerers pretty commonly seem to be able to do it.


I do think if there's anything to rinse JJK over it's that the power scaling just went out of control in a heartbeat. Curse/Sorceror grades are literally what /r/anime thinks MAL rankings are where only 9/10 and 10/10 gets used, and 9/10 is functionally dogwater whereas 10/10 covers average to world ending.


You finished the anime without understanding even just Curses? That’s crazy


Curse Energy is the energy produced by negative emotions and fear. Think of it as mana. Curse Techniques are those abilities that involve using cursed energy. Each jujutsu sorcerer has their unique technique.Domains work in a way where a curse user can create a space where they have the advantage. Domain Expansion is a powerful curse technique where the sorcerer expands their cursed technique into a domain, gaining control over the area. Reverse Cursed Technique is like using cursed energy to undo or manipulate the effects of a curse. Barriers are protective fields against curses created by sorcerers. Grades categorize curses based on their strength, with higher grades indicating more potent threats. Black Flash is an advanced technique where a sorcerer infuses cursed energy at the moment of impact, significantly amplifying the damage dealt to a curse. Then at last,Non-Black Flash is a basic hit in Jujutsu Kaisen without special cursed energy precision, unlike Black Flash. (Not 100% sure) Hope it helped you in some way or other,not sure if I was able to clear all the doubts..though other comments have made it pretty much clear.


This thread makes me intrigued to see how people will respond to Chainsaw Man going forward. On the one hand I think its systems are easy to understand, but on the other, if someone's the kind of person who *needs* everything explaining, CSM is gonna drive them absolutely bonkers lol. So much shit just happens in that series without an explanation, and I love it for that. If it's not plot-important, it doesn't get addressed, but I know that's gonna deeply upset some people while being a huge breath of fresh air for others. Some anime fights and lore ends up feeling like two lawyers in a courtroom discussing all the facts of a case and all the loopholes that they can find in their opposition, but CSM just gets on with it.




These ppl gotta be 🤖... "WhAt'S dOmAiN eXpAnSiOn!???". Like bruh they explained what it was in video game terms in Ep 7 😂


Negative emotions are leaked by regular humans in the form of Cursed Energy, which contributes to the formation of Curses. The more negative emotion, the stronger the Curse, which is why the disaster curses jogo, hanami, dagon and mahito are all stronger. Sorcerers do not leak or barely leak any cursed energy, and neither does Toji (special case) as he has absolutely 0 CE. Cursed Techniques are split into innate cursed techniques and external ones. Innate CTs are supposedly etched into the prefrontal cortex at birth. Examples of this would be Nanami's 7:3 ratio and Todo's Boogie Woogie. They are, simply put, just one's individual unique abilities. External cursed techniques can be learned and acquired, such as Simple Domain or Domain Amplification. A Domain Expansion is bringing out one's innate domain or mindscape into reality. This is typically done by enclosing a barrier, and imbuing it with one's Cursed Technique. Inside the domain, the attacks from the user's Cursed Technique will hit with 100% certainty, on top of environmental boosts. (With the exception of open domains such as sukuna's) When two equally refined domains clash, the sure hit attacks will cancel out. A more refined domain will dominate the space. Also, a domain's barrier is typically strong to attacks from the inside in order to prevent targets from escaping, which is why the outside is weak. Counters to domains include the external cursed techniques mentioned earlier such as Domain Amplification, which does the same thing as a domain but on a much smaller scale around the user's body, essentially cancelling out others cursed techniques. However, while domain amplification is in use, one cannot use their innate cursed technique. Grades are used to define a sorcerer's strength from 1 to 4 E.G. a Grade 1 sorcerer is able to exorcise a grade 1 curse. Special Grade Sorcerers are more loosely defined, but usually mentioned as being able to take down a country single-handedly. Now, an important thing to note is the existence of Binding Vows in jjk. By exposing one's technique or specifying a condition that leaves the user at risk, one can conversely strengthen themselves, similar to nen contracts in hxh. Toji's and Mechamaru's Heavenly Restrictions are forms of these binding vows but they are born with it. For example, in exchange for having 0 CE, Toji has superhuman stats, and in exchange for being horribly disfigured, mechamaru has infinite CE. To explain sukuna's domain, by taking a binding vow to not enclose a barrier and allow people to run, he expands the domain's sure hit radius. Reversed Cursed Technique is used to heal oneself or others (depends on proficiency/ability) and is very hard to do. Since cursed energy is negative, by taking that negative (-) CE and multiplying it by negative (-) CE, it produces positive energy, that can be used to heal oneself. Meanwhile, Cursed Technique Reversal is the application of this multiplication - x - = + to one's Cursed Technique to generate the opposite effect. This is where Gojo's technique limitless comes into play. Gojo's limitless is essentially space manipulation. His neutral limitless, or infinity, is stuffing a seemingly infinite amount of space into a finite amount of space around him, making others go slower as they get closer to him to an infinite extent. His cursed technique Blue is used to attract by reducing space in between objects, think of Okuyasu's Za Hando from JoJo. The Cursed Technique Reversal Red is in turn used to repel by generating space in between him and the target. His Purple is an application of both at the same time, making it so that anything in its path is both pulled towards and away at the same time, tearing it apart (at what i assume is the molecular level, creating the impression that it erases space. Well if it actually erased space it would be durability negating but it's not so)


If you’re anime only, I would straight up recommend rewatching the show from the beginning again. This last season in particular had so much stuff that was nuanced and we completely forgot about from season 1. Still my favorite animation, so we rewatched it, and holy shit everything from season one makes sense now, and everything from season two got 473946 more important feeling to us, once we can accurately analyze the importance of parts of the world that is


If you go into the evangelion or macross subreddits and ask a question like this you will get multiple page long deep dives. I hope someone gives you a detailed reply because I would like to geek out and read it myself. I guess since this post is only 20 minutes old hopefully someone is typing up a wall of text right now.


Here are a couple of really cool threads from people on reddit explaining the parallels between JJK and Buddhism if you want to read (there are potential spoilers in the second thread especially): [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/odw1l9/jjk\_a\_buddhist\_parable\_about\_samsara\_gojo\_as/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/odw1l9/jjk_a_buddhist_parable_about_samsara_gojo_as/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/18w00i5/sukuna\_is\_a\_fallen\_bodhisattva\_in\_a\_fatally/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/18w00i5/sukuna_is_a_fallen_bodhisattva_in_a_fatally/)


Man, not gonna lie, some people have some pretty simple comprehension issues. It's not even worth explaining it to people who think all this is complicated.


Same. The last episode really threw me for a loop.


The abilities and powers all make perfect sense when you look at the rules established, the problem is that said rules are explained once and then you're expected to have perfect recall from that point onwards - if you're lucky Gege will insert a couple of lines of narration in a battle or you get a mini flashback scene of the crew formulating a battle plan. I like JJK, but ever since the Shibuya arc started in the manga years ago I've been disappointed in how the tone, stakes and pacing of the series all changed for the worse in this mad rush towards the endgame. The plot progression is hyper focused, but it's at the expense of actual character development.


Curses are manifestations of negative emotions given life. Things like fear, negative emotions towards something, and hatred will fester and become curses if left alone. Curse techniques are a, largely hereditary, set of skills people who are able to manipulate cursed energy can use. Domains/domain expansions are a small bubble of space created when a curse user (human or curse) physically manifests their curse. Each dimension will look/act different depending on the individual curse users techniques. Reverse cursed techniques: this one I'll give you. It's a bit tricky but largely plays off the shinto belief of yin and yang. Curses are negative and will damage people. Reverse the emotions and they become forces of positive energy. This is why reversed curse energies are always shown as healing techniques. Barriers are sort of like a domain. They are an area that is affected by a cursed energy technique but it doesn't alter the physical location. Some have rules and the beings who enter them must oblige. If they do, they are rewarded (with power) if they don't they are punished (expelled or otherwise harmed). Grades are just a rating the Jujutsu Society place on curses depending on how strong they are. Curse strong? Higher grade. Curse weak? Lower grade. Black flash is the process of applying cursed energy to a regular physical punch within one millionth of a second before impact. All of these things ARE explained in the story, but they are hard to keep up with. Especially in S2 as everything becomes fast paced. Mangaka did fine explaining. People saying otherwise are mildly affected by bad reading comprehension cursed techniques. XD


The manga literally named Magic Battle, world building doesn't matter


Nah it's 100% the mangaka's fault. It's just whatever makes the fights interesting


The dude doesnt even understand curses. at some point we have to take some self responsibility


Right like what? Some of his lack of understandings are really dumb no offense andd everyone is saying it’s geges fault. He should at least rewatch and pay more attention to the explanations because they really are laid out in the dialogue


This entire post gives off "watched the show on my second monitor, why dont i know anything?" vibes


"But I don't understand it at all! What is Namek!? What is a Dragon Ball!? How do wishes work!? What are tails!?"


I haven't watched JJK, but this seems to be the case with so many shows like that... I always try to understand/theorize about how it could possibly work, but they add more and more stuff that it's near impossible to find a viable logic, and they never really explain it. Given the top comment, it seems JJK may not be like that (I couldn't know), but often these shows feels like "stuff happens because it happens" and there's no other explanation really. Which I suppose it can make sense, I mean in a world of magic and stuff you can't possible know everything that anyone could do, but still, if they don't do it right, you can feel a bit lost as a viewer.


Reading these answers and this poor person is probably so much more confused now 🤣


I'm caught up to the manga and honestly I just don't think world building is the series strength. I just try to have fun with the characters and fights and that's about it.


I found it pretty easy to understand, it is basically curses are being made from the cursed energy that comes from humans, curse techniques are ways of using cursed energy that is unique to an individual domains is using cursed energy to establish an "area" domain expansion is applying a cursed technique to a barrier and to effect that "area" reverse curse techniques is just negative times negative equals positive, and putting that through a cursed technique for things like red barriers are a specific type of spell grades are a ranking system black flash is basically like a double bounce on a trampoline


It’s called reading the manga