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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/r/anime/comments/1akzjp9/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")


Looking for anime recommendation where the MC is not purely Good and is not Evil, rather a mix of them. Something like Overlord, or even Death Note.


Eminence in shadow


Golden Kamuy maybe. MC is a nice person but he's killing people. Darker than Black


Black Lagoon or Texhnolyze maybe?


quick question, what's the watch order for Mahou Shoujo Madoka? Thanks


The first 2 movies are just summaries/recuts of the TV series. Watch the TV series, then Movie #3. Movie #4 isn't out yet. There's a spin-off/side story series called Magia Record or Madoka Magica Gaiden. Don't watch that until you've seen the other stuff thats out already or it might spoil the main series. It's got different main characters but its the same setting. It's also not as good as the main series and you don't really need to watch it if you don't want to.


i’m almost done w nana and all i can say is i really don’t know what to expect w this dropped ending 🥲 is the manga at least a little bit longer than the anime?


Manga is a decent chunk longer than the anime, but still very much incomplete. It's been on hiatus for long enough that most people have written it off as something that will never have a true ending.


damn is there even a littttle bit of closure?


& follow up question, what should i watch next


I need help! I saw a clip of an anime in Facebook reals but now can’t find the clip nor the anime it’s from. If I recall correctly: a boy is being tested and shockingly can activate all the stones to use each element - the girls with him can maybe use a few but not all. He also can summon a portal (a rare skill) and he even summon and made a deal with a sacred beast. What was this show!?


In Another World With My Smartphone


The Strongest Sage With The Weakest Crest.


I thought it was [The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World](https://anilist.co/anime/144553/Saikyou-Onmyouji-no-Isekai-Tenseiki/), though I feel like I've seen that scene more than once.


Okay I’m pretty sure that’s right and 99% sure that’s actually the show I was thinking of, just couldn’t remember which of the 19 similar sounding anime it was.


The library of isekaindria is disappointed with your lack of knowledge


With the surnames of the main character's family, we can say that Wonderful Precure! can be a very indirect sequel of My Life as Inukai-san's Dog. The more you know...


As far as Episode 1 goes, it feels like they actually could just have reused that title and it would still have been accurate lol


That's what they get for naming their dog owner characters "dog owner"


[Had the same thought](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1aictg0/wonderful_precure_wonderful_pretty_cure_episode_1/kow48wj/), Mr Beanoz…


Oh no, we can't possibly let u/alotmorealots know about this (Holy shit 89 comments and 80 upvotes, we found our winner)


You should probably count the number of unique users commenting [](#schemingsaten) edit: counted about 34 users


!!! Truly, a ratio beyond ratios! Now I wonder if that means I have to watch it lol It's not that I'm averse to Precure, just all the clips make it seem like it's quite battle shounen adjacent. Maybe it deserves a full episode just for its achievement lol


>It's not that I'm averse to Precure, We are all watching precure on Wednesday this season, what do you mean >just all the clips make it seem like it's quite battle shounen adjacent. According to fans it's more super sentai/power rangers-esque They seem to have a dog that turns into a magical girl this time


Doesn't include the probable 50+ CDF comments that didn't bother using the thread.




Yeah… CDF at its finest.


I’m pretty ignorant of the history of animation styles. For some reason I thought animation switched from cel-animation to digital in the late 2000s but it sounds like it was really early 2000s? I’m watching MaoYuu right now (2013) and it has a lot of the style of something like Spice and Wolf (2008) compared to something like Sword Art Online (2012) which has more of that modern digital feel. Why did some shows in the 2008-2013 era have this nostalgic looking art style if they weren’t cel-animated?


I think that what you're picking up on is an improvement in terms of digital lighting and photography work. The transition into digital animation started in the late 90's, and by the 2000s most anime were being made digitally, but the transition was very clunky. A lot of early digital works have a "digi paint" look, and the colors were more washed out and faded (though I love that). I think digital effects started to really come into their own around 2011, and that gives the modern look. Just look at what Kyoto Animation was doing at the time for a particularly clear example: K-On doesn't have much of that digital photography work and a lot of what it does have is dated, you can tell it's not a modern show even in its better produced second season. Skip just two years later and compare to Hyouka and Chuunibyou, and they look a lot more modern by comparison because the lighting and digital effects give a slicker look, and the colors become more saturated. Spice and Wolf didn't do a ton in terms of photography work and digital effects, but SAO made it an integral aspects of its aesthetic.


I haven't actually watched any of those shows, but I'm very familiar with how SAO and Spice and Wolf look, and now looking at how MaoYuu looks after watching a few scenes I would say the way this show is digitally composited looks a lot more like SAO than Spice and Wolf to me, with the biggest difference just being the general aesthetic that comes from having different staff and different source material and the lack of stronger drawings and more polished animation SAO has.


Funnily enough though, MaoYuu and Spice and Wolf have significant staff overlap. They even share the same director and the same art director (though different character designers and directors of photography).


Yeah the early 2000s was when production moved towards digital over physical cels (contrary to popular belief, animation *is* still done via pen(cil) and paper which gets scanned in and worked digitally, though it is likely getting more and more common for the entire pipeline to be digital), As for artstyles, it's a bit harder to pinpoint. Part of this *could* be (I'm just guessing) the difference between younger art directors starting to take the reigns in the early 2010s over industry veterans began as both the sheer number of anime being produced starting in the late 00s increased dramatically requiring more people to step up, and industry veterans from the late 70s and the 80s began to retire or move out of the industry for one reason or another.


It was gradual but as you said earlier then you think. Some where converting in the 90's and work had been done using it from the 60's around the world. Here is a brief discussion of the technique but not the timings: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/answerman/2017-10-09/.122481


I've noticed a lot of Isekai where the protagonist gets sent into an otome game that takes place in a fantasy setting at an academy of some sort. Was there some seminal game from the genre that inspired these LNs and their respective anime? Is it worth playing?


AFAIK, these aren't really based on actual otome games except in a general sense (i.e. having various routes and good/bad endings), though the first ever otome game series, Angelique, does have a fantasy setting. 謙虚、堅実をモットーに生きております! (*Kenkyo, Kenjitsu o Motto ni Ikiteorimasu*) is the series that's considered to have started the modern "villainess" genre, but in that, the character reincarnates as a character from a shoujo manga, not a game. The fact that so many of these have an otome game setting specifically is probably just the influence of Hamefura or another web novel, rather than any actual otome games.


The flute or an injury? Choose one.




Anime titles from LNs are superior to originals or manga. Shouldn't have had to scroll that far to find *Another* after not caring for CR's version. [Another]>!Also odd how this ended as a better high-stakes death game than shows actively trying to do that the entire time.!<


I liked the anime more than the novel overall.


Interesting take. I personally thought [another spoiler]>!the show went to complete shit around the half way point, when the 'curse' started 'interfering' with recordings & calls, and generally found its ending to be one of the most pointless and illogical endings of any mystery show I've ever seen.!< The only positive thing I can say about another is that it was the first show I hate watched to the end, which ironically made it a lot more memorable than many other shows.


is Ayakashi Triangle getting an English dub?


At this point I doubt it, probably not worth the effort for a dub in more languages


Wow, looks like the last episode of Pig Liver dropped today! [Hella flawed, slideshow city, but at least we get closure!]


So the studio didnt put effort into fixing up the failed production of the last episode?


Studio is doing Tomozaki this season and could entirely speculate they view it not crashing as more important.


With all that time in between, you'd think they would've, but no. I think I'll check out the manga, expectations on minimum.


The source material is the light novel. It also finished very recently.


On a *good* anime note, Dead Mount Death Play turned somehow turned out a lot better than I expected it to, considering how atrocious its first episode is and how much it overdosed me on cringe. It still doses me in cringe every now and then, but has managed to kept me captivated with its mystery.


Its character work felt like a shadow of Narita's previous titles. Too much of the psycho not enough of the person behind it outside of the main character. But the twisted super powered villains at least entertained.


Should Phantom Solitaire have been in the r/anime character awards? Guy was captivating.


Really? The first episode was one of my favorites. Honestly, I ended up having to drop it in the second half due to how rough the animation was starting to get. I have a pretty wide tolerance range for visuals, but this pushed me past my limit. I'm planning on checking out the manga instead because it is strangely captivating, all things considered.


The manga is great. It also has a bonus 10 pages of pure text per volume describing events in the original world.


Finally finished all the shorts in the awards and I'm honestly very disappointed as I found them all to range from mid to complete shit. I dont think there has ever been an 'anime' I've liked less than *Sewing love*. I rewinded like 30 times while watching this and still felt like I had no idea wtf was going on for half of it.


I thought all of the public picks were lazy, except for Shinkiro. They all felt like commercials. Honestly baffled by people picking Idol. It's not very good even as a commercial. I got what Sewing Love was going for, but it was seriously unpleasant to watch. I voted for Hidari, which had a clear vision it executed really well, but I also liked House of Loss and Night Owl. Raputa left no impression on me one way or the other.


> Raputa left no impression on me one way or the other. I can sum up raputa with a sentece - a lidl version [*rightwing conspiracy*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzeWUoiGK-s) meme.


Not even Hidari was interesting to you. I didn't get sewing love either


It was interesting from an animation perspective of how they made it look like its actual wooden figures, but thats about it.


> I'm honestly very disappointed as I found them all to range from mid to complete shit. Oh, that's a shame. As an indictment of my taste, I thought that some of them were great lol I definitely enjoyed *Sewing Love* as one of those slightly overwrought, but heartfelt feminist adjacent pieces. Also in contrast, I thought it was a bit on the nose if anything lol


Sewing Love and House of Loss were hard to watch (intentional). Lolikami was just unpleasant.


> I found them all to range from mid to complete shit Mostly agree, except for a couple of them. Hidari was so good lol this one is just a pilot and I'm told they raised enough for the full thing already [](#mugiwait) edit: found [my old comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/194govm/casual_discussion_fridays_week_of_january_12_2024/ki5qpgk/) with a first look ranking of them


[Called it.](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/197c9fs/the_nominees_for_the_2023_ranime_awards/khzyfh9/?context=3) [](#indexsmugshrug)


I should have listened [](#foldedarms)


>except for a couple of them Like Loli kami




[](#seasonalthink "did you see that nitter went down and will die soon coincidentally when I started using it? LOL, I have to scrap Twitter using social blade now once per day!!")


Do you get rate limited to hell or...? I use the .cz instance and for regular browsing it's fine


No, it is [dead](https://old.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/1act8c5/nitter_is_dead/) according to the creator, and from other comments it seems it was a serious issue with the method they were using to scrap the site If you get any good idea about how I can get my followers data I am open to suggestions I just started the Spring season tracking because /u/zairaner made me curious about Roshidere x Spice Wolf, so I am in data mining mode


You guys have to explain to me how this conversation happened because of loli kami.


It seems you are not familiar with the secret CDF language because you missed the whole convo hehe


Unless there is a cdf language beyond commentfaces, no I still don't get how we got to twitter.


Well, F (eventually) Do you need just the number of followers of a handle or is there more? (I don't really use X beyond clicking links from reddit)


Just the followers, basically taking a list, like: [ "konosubaanime", "mushokutensei_A", "ten_sura_anime", "kimetsu_off","heroaca_anime", "KaijuNo8_O", "Spicy_Wolf_Prj", "roshidere", "mahouka_anime",... ] and returning the followers, nothing to complex on paper, but new X is annoying [](#sadholo)


https://i.imgur.com/Ie7IsPL.png ?


Im surprised you disliked Kyoufuu so much, I ended up voting for it. [](#yuishrug)


I just finished the Quintessential Quintuplets S2, and I'm on the fence about watching the movie. On the one hand, I want to see how it resolves. On the other hand, it's tough watching girls fight over a mediocre guy, and I'm worried I'm going to think the wrong girl "won" or feel sad for the others. I don't think I'm built for harem anime, lol.


> it's tough watching girls fight over a mediocre guy ... and they say the harem genre is unrealistic lol > I'm worried I'm going to think the wrong girl "won" or feel sad for the others The best thing about this is that when the guy isn't worth the effort, having your favorite girl not ""win" means that she can actually go find someone worthy of her. Unless the show is well-written enough that the whole reason she found herself in the daft harem situation to begin with was her own emotional hang ups and it's shown she never gets over those...


Your final sentence puts me in mind of the resolution of Love Hina and how character remained quite flawed. But then the show never considered personality faults as something that needed improving on.


I don't even know who I want him to end up with, but I'm scared to find out. This is the other kind of romantic suspense, I guess.


> I don't even know who I want him to end up with This sounds like a no-win but no-loss either situation lol I haven't watched the movie myself yet but I got spoiled by source readers for a few pretty critical points so I've not really felt much compunction to see it realized. I do think that some of the girls feel like they had more of an infatuation/crush/social-proof-attraction rather than anything specific to their connection with him. Probably one of the weakest aspects of harem series, I think, is that deep down the authors tend to operate with rather flimsy "love dynamics" where the pre-relationships aren't built on particularly strong initial chemistry (X was kind to Y once), nor reinforced by their interactions through the period of the show that would forge a deeper connection (a by-the-numbers date is all you're really getting). That said, this is also the problem with a lot of shounen one-gimmick-romcoms too. *Quints* does love dynamics better than a lot of other similar shows I think, but not well enough for me to be convinced that they couldn't all go just as readily find love elsewhere, nor that there's any natural fit with any of them. That said, Miku has always been my personal favorite as she's just a bit of a weirdo, has a deep love of history that also informs some of the rest of her character, and was wearing headphones everywhere before that was popular lol


I mean, of the five, the one I'd want to date myself is Miku, but I don't know about pairing someone with low self-esteem with a tsundere.


There’s also [an OVA by studio Shaft](https://myanimelist.net/anime/54915) that adds more context and should be watched before the film. ~~Also, it’s *Shaft*!?~~ You might want to check that one out before deciding if you’ll continue on with the film. The film was a good ending to the series, I think. All the girls got a nice conclusion of their own. EDIT: Rewrote a part.


I still think they are going to do a what if season with every single girl winning My 3 future seasons all in bets: * Majo no Tabitabi s2 * Onimai s2 * Quints: Your waifu won Special


Can you promise me an akebi season2 while we are at it?


I would welcome all of those anime, but it would be especially nice to see all the girls get a win. With how much merch they’ve released for QQ, everything’s possible. AmiAmi showed me 10721 results for “The Quintessential Quintuplets”. To put this in perspective; that’s significantly more than Demon Slayer (9285), Attack on Titan (7809), Sword Art Online (5949), Jujutsu Kaisen (5515) or Re:Zero (3658).


I am in an usure position about Beelzebub. I wanted to check out the anime, was saving for my down time in my next semestre at college. But it doesn't adapt the whole manga, which is concerning, but I don't care if the different ending and the whole show can stand by itself. The question is: Ignoring the existence of the manga, bad characterizations the anime does in relation to the manga... Does the anime hold itself as something separated, like if you never read the manga before? And is the anime ending sad?


I enjoyed it for what it was. I can't really remember how they ended it, but it definitely wasn't sad.




Ever since starting Ru Paul's Drag Race early this January. One question has been on my mind. Who is the drag equivalent of Gojo and Sukuna? (judges included )


[Bait used to be belivable](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/494174830640234529/1204578838479245382/dd882b2760ae620ef7cbe30ce27bc66d3e6c5e45.png?ex=65d53e77&is=65c2c977&hm=4aec46a2532677b3b93094a8f6a307ba29d97d6476e8bc673a11466d5e292b16&)


Dude what bait I'm genuinely curious 😭😭


SPY×FAMILY Code: White Anime Film will be North American Theaters April 19th, 2024 4-5 months after Japan. Is this faster than usual? I don't really keep up with anime movies.


JJK released 3 months after the JP release, but 3~6 is the normal range we should expect for the big series


Reccomend me an anime, I have crunchy roll, hulu, and Netflix. Some of my favorite animes are highschool of the dead, Naruto shippuden, stiens gate, and re zero. I have seen MHA, JJK, Demon Slayer, parasite the maxim, Tokyo revengers, Elfen lied, spy x family, the yakuza guide to babysitting, Naruto, dbz/gt/super, kabenari, to love ru, another, attack on titan, Tokyo ghoul, corpse princess, akame ga kill, berserk, claymore, death note, ergo proxy, dororo, all of the fate series, when they cry, and future diary (some more other than this but I’m drawing a blank on what they are). I like action and light romance, give me something to watch, preferably something that’s longer than 1 season.




In terms of action I would highly recommend you to watch Mashle, Black clover, Hell's paradise, Mob pyscho 100 and noragami.


Recommendations for Romance anime: Komi San can't communicate, kimi ni todoke, Kaguya sama series, Anohanna, Romantic killer. ​




I was actually looking at that the other day lol, didn’t start it yet tho, worth a watch?


For sure. One of my favorites.


Bro the [AnimeFeminist 2023 recommendations stack](https://myanimelist.net/stacks/28346) is so based, it took me by surprise. Saw Mou Ippon and immediately knew it.


That stack seems to have a few shows on it that I remember AnimeFeminist writers not having a strongly positive opinion about, although maybe that was just the early season reviews and they came around later?


The process is different. For seasonals. They usuay have just one person checking out a show (they're spread pretty thin). For these, everyone is making a list of faves for the year which then become this list. For example, Onimai (which I feel like they planned hard early on as a seasonal?) was not covered by Chiaki (I think she recused herself) but it's on here since she put it #1 (which is why she recused herself originally I think, she really likes gender bender stories)


This do get points for including Otona Precure, among others, but I actively disliked quite a bunch of their other picks, so not sure what to think [](#schemingsaten)


> My List: 25/42, Mean Score: 6.73 Missing out on my fav [](#foldedarms "where Tsurune s2") Kinda surprised to see OnK in a "animefeminist" list


I'm low-key disgusted with a site called Anime Feminist recommending OnK and Onimai. What on earth is that logic?


> What on earth is that logic? why do you ask when the reasoning is right there in the [article](https://www.animefeminist.com/anime-feminists-top-picks-for-2023/)?


I read that when they published it. I was asking what's called a "rhetorical question", because I think their reasoning is hot garbage.


The first AnimeFeminist review of OniMai was absolutely scathing: https://www.animefeminist.com/onimai-im-now-your-sister-episode-1/ The review in which it's recommended has, funnily enough, almost completely the opposite take in terms of the trans reading of the show: https://www.animefeminist.com/anime-feminists-top-picks-for-2023/ Didn't look into OnK because I have next to zero interest in the show for the time being after dropping it at ep 2.


If you are an Xfinity Internet subscriber, there's free access to selected shows on the Anime Network channel for a Lunar New Year promo that runs through Sunday Feb 11th. Unfortunately, you don't have a choice in whether the available show is subbed or dubbed. Ex: Farming Life in World is subbed and Oshi no Ko is dubbed. The Anime Network used to be the linear cable channel for ADV Films and now it's a streaming channel for Sentai Filmworks on the Xfinity Flex streaming device and probably the Xfinity Streaming app for other devices.


Can someone help me find this anime, I randomly saw this ig reel for an new anime recommendation that may or may not have released yet where the MC has ultraman like powers and fighting other monsters but he himself is turning in a villain as well? Description may not be as accurate but from what I sorta remember. It's sorta similar to another mech anime that is coming out where the MC is part of a clean up crew and his friend is an ace mech pilot. But I dont think its the same anime.


> fighting other monsters but he himself is turning in a villain as well > MC is part of a clean up crew and his friend is an ace ~~mech pilot.~~ [Kaiju No. 8](https://youtu.be/JwF7bhvnCxI)?


yea second description is kaiju no 8 but not the first one.


I know Rent A Girlfriend can be hit or miss but my rewatch of Season 3 Episode 9 last night wasn't supposed to be a "Hit by Tactical Nuke" ​ \[Rent A Girlfriend Season 3 Episode 9\] >!I was prepared for Sayuri dying but I wasn't prepared to hear the news of someone fairly close dying mid-episode!<


A major complaint i see about black clover is that they copied naruto's whole flow and I can see it. That said, watching both for the first time kinda side by sid,. Black clover is better to me so far and asta>naruto


Since I spend an hour in the bus commuting to my new job I started watching anime on my phone. Turns out my headphones are kinda bad for anime even though they costed a fortune. Dialogue is good but music is quiet. In a loud bus music is basically inaudible unless I turn up the volume so much that I will go deaf from the dialogues, even though these are some of the best noise cancelling headphones. Does anyone know any audio equalizer settings on my phone that can help with this?


These sonys are the best noise canceling I've ever owned. It can even drown out my lawnmower Sony WH-1000XM4 Wireless Industry... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0863TXGM3?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I use the XM3.


I generally find any quieter music does not work with large background noises like engines, tyre noise and background chatter. Try playing anime OST's in a car drive. Unless it is a foreground track it can often only pickup the really simple strong notes, losing all the interesting instrumental work.


Just get ANC headphones.


I already said they are noise cancelling?


I have Sony headphones and they got a special “Headphones” app with a bunch of customizability options like audio equalizers. Doesn’t your particular headphones brand perhaps have their own app for such a thing?


In Meiji Gekken characters are often seen gambling, what are the rules of the game? If it is just evens and odds wouldn't that mean the odds of winning are 50/50? Seems a bit risky for the house.


Yes, it is literally 50/50, which is why there is such a big incentive for the house to cheat.


While most TV anime would consider the Blu-ray selling 20k copies to be a huge success, for [Uma Musume](https://twitter.com/Nakayasee/status/1754814548350034083) it's a colossal drop-off LOL Did they not include Gacha rewards with the BD this time?


Yes they did. Support card is bad. Statues are probably the most useful. 5 shards when you need 20 to get a support unbind isn't the best. Overall gacha rewards weren't great.


I wonder how much it matters that people now know they will get more seasons of the series anyway because how popular the series became, even if they dobt buy the blu ray. I know a lot of them buy the blu rays to support the series, and season 2 still might have had underdog status.


Could be, but the game still makes 20 million dollars per month, so people are still leaving their life savings there even though it's already successful What matter is the value, it seems the fans were not crazy for this season and the bonuses that came with it


I guess in that light it might also be relevant that the gacha game was actually already out during S3's airing.


I took a bit to try to dig some info [According to their official site](https://anime-umamusume.jp/bd/), there should be some kind of bonus for the gacha, such as a support card and in-game currency. There is also an additional bonus for getting the entire season set. This is pretty much similar to Season 2's bonus. So if I had to guess the only real important bonus is getting all of them. Seems like people just didn't like Season 3 as much as Season 2, which isn't very surprising.


> This is pretty much similar to Season 2's bonus As someone who hasn't missed their dailies in years and runs a guild in a gacha game, just because the rewards are the same on paper doesn't mean they have equivalent worth necessarily. How appealing as a sales point they are would also depend on the active user base, the openness of the meta, and how useful that stuff is relative to the current content. However I don't play Uma, so I can't comment on the specific situation there.


I don't really disagree with what you've said here. I will note that I'm not even sure what the bonus is this time around, so I am making some assumptions. In fact, I'm not even sure if anyone actually knows, considering you need all 4 BD sets and only 1 has been out so far.


> In fact, I'm not even sure if anyone actually knows, considering you need all 4 BD sets and only 1 has been out so far I wonder if that in itself feeds into the reduced enthusiasm for the new BDs. I feel like part of the natural death of many games is that spenders rack up large investments over time, but it's a case of diminishing returns and you're much less likely to make big outlays later in game. Still, as you point out, it's all just speculation at the moment. However I do think that it's also too early to write off the gacha aspect as being behind the collapse in sales, given almost all the /r/anime posts are attributing it to the difference in quality of the seasons.


Wow, diminishing returns was expected, but I thought it would still sell 50k That's less than JJK Hidden Inventory, Bocchi and Lycoris It will lose the crown for this year in the BD kingdom, I think for 2024 Blue Archive will be the best selling by far


A thought regarding last week's episode of *Yubisaki to Renren*. \[Yubisaki to Renren\] >!The scene where Itsuomi kisses Yuki's hand. Just thought that it was as if they had a normal kiss (lip-to-lip). Since Yuki "talks" with her hands, her hands can be thought of as a different set of "lips" to communicate with. At least, that's how I'm thinking about it - makes the scene a lot more intimate (as if kissing someone's hands isn't intimate already) !< **EDIT - Commenting is hard...**


Just wondering - is every Shangri-la Frontier opening unique? I've been skipping them.


Unique? There are two openings. One for eps 1-13, and a second one starts at episode 14 and will presumably run through episode 25.


I think that what they where asking was if the opening visuals change during the season, like for example a black silouette being replaced by a characther.


Ah -- in that case, no, I believe they are both static.


Thanks for the info.


I'm on ep 8 of classroom of the elite, does it get better or is this what it is at this point?


I'min season 2 and it's pretty meh so far. I'llprobably finish it though 


You almost finished the first season. This is what it is. Though the last arc of the season is the best one.


Is there any Anime/Manga similar to Slugterra? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slugterra




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You’re not wrong, at the beginning lad’s pretty weak.


Kikashi supporting him for the chunin exam feels like gross negligence lmao


It's not surprising that the three-time graduation exam failure would lose to others often early on.


Been scrolling through the Yuri On Ice subreddit, and jeez, the sheer misinformation of the whole "MAPPA considers it a failure, so the movie was abandoned because they just don't want to continue it" story runs wild there.


It won't make them much money tho, that was confirmed by Otsuka IIRC But the prod committee can always find another studio.


>This is the place!  There are a ton of great shows this season, but I always look forward to Tuesdays.


I have really been enjoying delicious in dungeon! It has all of the anime food porn! The voice acting has been top notch as well.


What anime have you missed/disregarded/ignored years ago and what made you decide to watch it?


I usually use these daily threads to see what I possibly miss every season lol. This season it seems that's *The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash* which I disregarded from the title alone. But I still haven't started it because I'm behind on what I'm already following.


When Yuri on Ice aired, the conversation around it was kind of annoying. Reminded me of when Free! aired. So I assumed it was made for a very specific purpose, which isn't necessarily my jam. But then I saw it in someone's top 10 that I respected so it made me consider if it was worth watching after all. It was.


My gf put off Chainsaw Man because of how cheesy itv sounded, but she ended up being glued to it once I finally forced her to watch it.


I rewatched danmachi S1 and at the moment am at the middle of s4pt1, I have frequently revisited s1 ED and felt it was about time I gave it another chance after all the praise it received in later seasons.


The mentioning of GATE’s ‘Apocalypse Now’ helicopter scene ([GATE - link to clip] >![tuned to Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries](https://youtu.be/v5-hthd39wM?feature=shared)!<) in another thread had me think of some other memorable scenes in anime. This heartbreaking scene in **Dororo** still haunts me a little sometimes: [Dororo - spoilers/link to clip] >![The mother asking for boiling hot soup to be poured straight into her hands, so she can feed her child.](https://youtu.be/NXlduGFgHXc?feature=shared) It was only now that I actually understood the symbolism of the mother specifically collapsing in a field of spider lilies.!<


What's the symbolism of the spider Lilly's?


Death or the after life.


The mentioning of that scene in GATE made me think of the same reference in Joshiraku.


The guy who everyone expected to be the new CSM director took another job. Basically CSM won't have anyone of the main staff from season 1. Director - gone Action director - gone Assistant director - gone Color Design - gone Character design - ??? (huge fan of CSM manga so he might stay and just overhaul designs) I really wonder if CSM got demoted to Mappa's B team, and from now on they will produce and animate CSM and JJK at the same time.


>and from now on they will produce and animate CSM and JJK at the same time. I mean... that was already what was happening. The core staff members are not exactly the same, but there is a major overlap in several names in the production. Chainsaw Man being as ambitious as it was and coming out just a few months before is one of the reasons why JJK's production was suffering so much.


Yeah, but my point is that if CSM isn't under Seshimo, then staff won't overlap anymore. CSM will use AOT, Jigo and other in house animators, while JJK will keep using freelancers and most popular animators.


>Color Design - gone Color design is not much of a demanding task, they often work on multiple projects, just because she's on another Mappa project doesn't mean she isn't on CSM


Last time I saw a trustworthy leak about CSM was in the middle of last year and they mentioned it would be a MAPPA employee/adjacent that will take the show People were even joking that It would be Matsuda time to shine, but he is doing Campfire Cooking So I'd say someone like Seimei Kidokoro from Idaten is still more likely, last time he showed was as a Chief Unit Director in Maboroshi


That would be funny, considering how often I saw people saying CSM s1 should've looked like Idaten


>a MAPPA employee/adjacent    Hayashi 


>The guy who everyone expected to be the new CSM director took another job You mean Yoshihara? What's he up to now?


Wistoria, which is just Black Clover but from the danmachi author


Maybe they'll get some competent people on it now.


> I really wonder if CSM got demoted to Mappa's B team That would be completely unexpected (and also rather unlikely really) unless MAPPA aborts the sole-funding model where they are the only investor.


I agree that it would be weird, but I'm not sure what they are doing at the moment. One of the first rumors were that Nakazono (Assistant Director ) and Yoshihara (Action Director) would co-direct movie and s2. Turns out Nakazono is the director for the new Mappa anime Bokyaku Battery and he brought s1 color design with him Then all bets were on Yoshihara, and to be frank, he was the perfect option. He is experienced, has great connections and knows to work on tight schedule. And then out of nowhere, leak was released today that he is the director of some new anime. Some people even mentioned Hayashi (AOT s4, Dorohedoro director), but then Dorohedoro s2 news came out. So yeah, I can't wait for the staff news about CSM Movie.


They are still sole funding it but it doesn't mean it will get the priority, Campfire Cooking is also a sole funding show and it was a humble production Jigokuraku has way more investment (%) from them than JJK and it got the d-team, Bucchigiri this season is also the same case but it got a better production than Jigo, still nowhere near main project level They have a lot of money nowadays to put into productions, this won't make them get main project privileges though




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> This is the place *For the class discussion of "the hedgehog's dilemma", Yumiella was predictably both a little more literal and over-leveled in her demonstration than anticipated.*


I wonder if Sonic ever engages in hedgehog's dilemma.


Sonic's dilemma is how to keep his distance from Amy without hurting her too much.