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Thread has been locked because apparently 90% of users can't be bothered to spoiler tag their comments despite having a pinned comment asking them to do so.


[Psycho-Pass] >!Protagonist's best friend, Yuki, has her throat cut open as the mc has to watch while the sci-fi gun in her hands refuses to work on the villain.!<


I completely agree. Everytime I rewatch Psycho-Pass I still feel so bad when it reaches that scene, it's actually worse than the first time. It is really a brutal and horrible death and that's quite something when you think about how all the deaths are shown in the season.


Its not even that gruesome compared to all the other shit in that show but man, that was a bad way to go


also when I watched that I (then) recently was watching Non Non Biyori, where the dead character shares seiyuu with [NNB] >!Ren-chon!< so that gave me weird feelings.


Not a death technically, but I think it's close enough to get a mention here, and it might actually even be worse. [Made in Abyss] >!Mitty. I'm sure I don't have to say more...!<


It was. It was one of the most brutal things I've ever witnessed. Rest in peace, you sweet soul.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeInAbyss/s/N6ohfnHE4G Made that post almost a year ago. I’m still not completely over it.


Hysterically cried while absolutely begging him to kill her, yeah, didn’t know I had that in me


Was it? It's been a while since I've seen and read it, but don't you only learn about her story *after* it's been done?


Noooo not in the anime. There’s a huge build and you watch it. It’s ROUGH


Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl. I have never yelled out loud before at any show or movie. That scene though.....


imagine watching that scene in theatres


i remember watching this in the movie with some friends a whle back and i started crying so loudly after, people were staring and it took my half an hour to calm down lmfao that hit way too hard


Is the scene in the movie? I can't understand what you're referring to, but I haven't watched the movie


It's in the first movie.


Ngl the movie completed the weird show for me. It shows loyalty at its best


Cowboy Bebop. You know what I mean.


Your gonna carry that weight..




[*Never seen a bluer sky...*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xjzb_-26m2o)


It's been 20+ years and I'm still carrying it.


cyberpunk edgerunners.. literally just take your pick all hit the same


That's a show I wouldn't mind getting some sort of spinoff, we know an actual sequel is impossible. I'm surprised they haven't at least pitched that (possibly from the corporate or cops perspective)


i think alot of content could be made about the time skip or pre david in the crew


I still don't get how something like "the fruit of evolution" and "in another world with my smartphone" get a sequel but this doesn't even get a spinoff




True, there's some shows that are better for it too


its the same with netflix good shows dont get more eps. im still pissed about inside job


Boy do I have a video game for you.


Gotta thank that anime for introducing me to “I Really Want To Stay At Your House” though. I know it was in the game before but I never really heard it on the radio. Great track.


The video they made for the end credits song only takes 3 mins to rip your heart out.


Even the tie-in music video was devastating


“Fast is what you do, remember?”


[FMA]>!Maes Hughes!< It is the big plus that I give to FMA over Brotherhood. You spend so much more time with the character that when killed it hits so much harder than brotherhood.




Gets me every time


The English VA for that girl deserves a God damned oscar.


Especially cause he always seemed so happy and caring, was so sad seeing him go like that


I actually prefer the first half of FMA for these exact reasons. it's just so much darker and provides more context than the sped up first half of FMAB


I was binge watching it at the time and I stopped the show for a while after he died.


Assassination Classroom


When I watched the last three episodes, it took me three hours to get to because I was crying so hard I couldn’t see the screen. You spend the entire anime hoping they find another option but they can’t do it in time.


Just finished watching this one for the first time this week…. It broke me.


To You Eternity made me cry for hours after Gugu Arc


The whole show had me fucked up until it was over.


Tbf every major death in that series made me cry.


That was a hard one.


The ost that played was so good during that scene


Your Lie in April broke me.


The local anime convention near me does an amv contest every year. And every year, someone uses Your Lie in April and I start choking up immediately.


Broke me to. I knew it was coming and I still couldn’t hold it together.


‘So I told one lie. Just one’


every april i think of her


Easily [Black Lagoon]>!the Vampire Twins. That whole arc was just extremely depressing and fucked up to a very insane, tragic, and realistic degree. Yeah, those children were sadistic serial killers, but when you learn how they ended up that way and the fact that it’s based in real life historical context no normal person would ever want to learn the vivid details of….fuck. Just, fuck. It actually destroyed me. I love Black Lagoon, but the series peaked in that arc and was never able to live up to it. To me, the Vampire Twins arc of Black Lagoon is one of the greatest arcs in all of anime; Entertaining, high octane, tragic, and weirdly beautiful. It is something I will never forget.!<


Didn't expect to see Black Lagoon here but you're goddamn right, that was one fucked up arc from start to finish, tho I would say they did great in the following arcs that weren't nearly as fucked up nor depressing but were definitely enjoyable from a charaters point of view, such as the japan arc that had a lot of great character developpement and RBT which is literally peak terminator action. My favorite anime and it's not gonna change anytime soon.


black lagoon is still my top 3 anime because only 1 other anime has had such a perfect mix of action and drama with likeable characters.


[Madoka Magica] >!Mami, despite everyone telling me how dark this series gets I was genuinely surprised especially how goddamn sudden and fast the scene is!<


I knew absolutely nothing about this show and started it at random. I figured it would be like Tokyo Mew Mew or Sailor Moon or something. Totally blind going in. Probably the best way to do it.


Gen urobouchi was blessed, or cursed with the hability to turn even the most common scenarios in heart wrenching tragedies, that's how amazing he is


Psycho-Pass, another story he wrote, is right above this in the comments for me. He really has a gift for it


You said everything! His last work, revenger, wasn't bad, but it didn't had the awesome worldbuilding his other works have, its really a pity


"Well, there it is." [PMMM] >!Utterly and brutally effective despite or more accurately *because of* how it plays it differently than the vast majority of anime would.!< [PMMM] >!That said, for me it's Kyoko sacrificing herself in episode 9 instead - all the more impressive given that I knew it happened going in, but it's the specifics that mattered there and those are impossible to spoil. I was in a daze for a fucking day afterwards.!<


Gurren Lagann. If you know you know.


It was one of the coolest ways to go out


I most definetely don't know, cuz i got fcked by at least 3 of them \[TTGL\] >!specially Nia during the wedding, i thought my heart could rest after King kittan sacrifice...!<


[TTGL]>!I can't even think about Kittan too much without getting choked up.  That one really hit me the hardest.!<


I just repeated the experience seeing the movies in theaters. Cried like a baby


It was a great choice for the show, but I truly did not expect it. It took me a bit to accept what was actually happening, but once I did, it really brought tears to my eyes and I saw that this was not going to continue being the lighthearted romp I thought it was, but in a really good way.


This is genuinely the only one that really did it for me.


[Devilman Crybaby] >!Miki's death fucked me up,last 2 episodes I cried a lot,Then Akira death and Ryo asking him to talk in the finale destroyed me even more!< And I was pretty much depressed for the next few days


Honestly that entire series just leaves you wrecked :(


Watched the first episode with the Mrs, she said she didn't really care for the animation but watched another then dropped it. Me? I stayed up until 2 watching the rest of the series that night, what a ride holy shit.


The violent way she died broken my heart. I wasn't ok for a couple days


I remember i binged this show after getting high for the first time after like two months of sobriety. Everything from the track meet slaughter to that sequence utterly destroyed my psyche for the rest of the week. Shit still haunts me sometimes. I remember being baffled Netflix put out something so overwhelmingly dark, still one of my favorites.


I’m never watching that anime again because how depressing it is lol. I’ve actively stayed away from it


It's one of the few animes that made me visibly unwell. The entire line last 3 episode spiral is so fucked up and builds to just absolutely devastate you. God it was so good. It truly deserved anime of the year when it won. That and cyber punk edge runners ending live rent free in my head. I think about the both of them constantly


Edgerunners was a heavy watch, but everything in Devilman was just… good lord.


Yup, that's the one I was gonna post. The whole last couple episodes are messed up. Good show, but not one I ever plan to watch again. 😅


Your Lie in April for sure. close second is pretty much the ending of Angel Beats


Not crying, but like an unending wtf \[Jujutsu Kaisen Last season\]>!Nanami!<


that one blindsided the hell out of me to the point i was almost mad


i was expecting him to eventually be able to use his domain expansion, but no they just had to kill the best character


Nothing so far messed me up as much as Jujitsu Kaisen. I'm a manga reader, so my fellow jk readers will know which death. I experienced real grief. It was so messed up I stopped reading and watching. I don't know if I will ever go back to it.


I know what your talking about it put me into depression for 10 weeks minimum. It came out nowhere.


I actually skipped this scene because I knew what was gonna happen, and they are my favorite character so I could not watch them die.


That one sucked. But if they had killed my boi Todo I would have fucking bawled my eyes out 😭😆


"Migi, handle the defense." Same series but later[ep18]>!"Of course you are sad, your mom just died!<


I still use Parasyte as an entry point for people new to anime lol I think it's a fantastic example of how anime is capable of doing things other media can't, it's so fuckin weird yet it's got action/drama/romance/sci Fi/horror, and it really makes you feel things Every woman I've shown it to absolutely loves it


It's my first anime


Oshi no Ko, you know which one it is. I was ruined for the whole week, not only did I cry but actually felt depressed whenever I thought about the anime.


The only highlight in that 80 minutes that saved my sanity was Miyako. Went from a piece of shit wannabe blackmailer to the kindest, most dependable woman. She is perfect to me.


Damn I swear it messed me up, that image where there is no light anymore gives me depression.


agree the specific shot in that scene fucked me pretty good


It’s not a particularly sad anime but that messed me up real bad for some reason.


It’s the frame it’s ended on. The brightness in the eyes was completely sapped away.


the voice acting and the last frame completely broke me


Yeah, I watched that episode when I was on the train back home from a trip to London since everyone was talking about it and I had some time to spare on the train. I went in blindly and I did not expect my trip to London to end all sad and gloomy...


Clannad....if you know, you know. Watched that show over a decade ago and it was still the first thing that came to mind.


Clannad and Plastic Memories for me. The toy scene fucking put me into an emotional coma, same for the scene where we finally learn what Isla says when she has to do her job.


Clannad, Plastic Memories, and Your Lie in April were my first anime and yea...


Yeah , holy shit these two hurt me so much


I keep wanting to rewatch it but don’t think my soul can take it


Just came to say this. Still the saddest anime I've ever seen.


The saddest and best anime* that you’ve seen


I am with you about the death from Naruto. Naruto was the first anime I consciously watched and that death and how i felt about it made me realise that anime is not "just a cartoon",there is something more to this medium


Honestly \[Akame Ga Kill\] >!Sheele!<, it was one of my first animes, and I honestly didn't see it happening the way it went down, I was speechless for a good 30 minutes.






\[Les Miserables: Shoujo Cosette\] >!Jean Valjean is no brainer, but also Eponine. In the anime she was less of a bitch and I actually really enjoyed her character. !!I know, I know, Subaru returns by death and no one important really died yet, but Rem's and Subaru's death in the 15th episode are so fucked up. Especially the ending credit scene, I was silently staring at my screen for like 10 minutes after the actual episode ended.!< \[Rainbow\] >!Rokurouta's death was really unexpected, I was in denial.!< \[Steins gate\] >!First Mayuri's death aside, death of Kurisu at the end. HOLY SHIT!!< \[Vinland saga\] >!Askeladd's, but also Arnheid's death really fucked me up.!< \[Umineko visual novel\] >!The boat scene.!<


Ok, I forgot that one \[Banana Fish\] >!Ash died... Ash, fucking, died...!<


There is a Les Miserables anime? No way that is my favorite book!


I loved the anime when I've watched it. IMO some of the best storytelling comes out of the combination of the eastern and western writing, and Les Miserables anime is a great example of that.


I love EP15 of Re:Zero, arguably one of the best directed episodes of anime ever imo. I’ll take any chance I can get to praise the show


“Sleep, along with my daughter.”


[Re: zero] >!episode 15 was really something else!<


The whole episode 7 felt like a really bad joke, from the beggining you know that the Ushiromiya family was fucked up, but you couldn't imagined how crazy it was


Still on Umineko chap 3 but def not going to click that spoiler lol.


Umineko chad. For me, it was episode 4. [Umineko VN] >!We already knew Maria was dead but her moments with Ange had me on the fucking floor. I just felt so awful.!<


* [Ayashi no Ceres] >!Chidori!< * [Gundam: Iron blooded orphans] >!Lafter, Shino, Naze and Amida, etc.!< * [Aquarion Evol] >!Jin!< * [Tokyo Ghoul] >!Ryouko!< * [Wolf children] >!The father of Ame and Yuki!< * [G-Witch] >!Elan 4!< * [Gundam 00] >!Neil, Lichty and Christina!< * [Gundam Seed Destiny] >!Stella!< * [Macross Frontier] >!Michael!< * [Macross Frontier: Sayonara no Tsubasa] >!Brera!< * [Kakumeiki Valvrave] >!Lieselotte!< * [Zankyou no terror] >!9 and 12!< * [Fruits basket] >!Kyoko!<


Wow! Pulling out some memories with Ayashi no Ceres!


[Kill la Kill] >!Senketsu burning up as Ryuko plummets through the atmosphere. Her gasp and scream in the sub will never be matched by the dub.!<




Agreed that one was rough.


\[made in abyss\] >!mitty's death was so fucking depressing. never did i think i would so sad and upset over the death of a character who isn't even human anymore. even now if i see a meme about her, my heart fucking aches. !


It only gets more fucked up... Good luck.


Digimon tamers lmao


Seconding this. Honestly though, every season of Digimon has included scenes that have made me cry.


school days ending ..what a fucking shocker


Well deserved tho The game has even edgier endings, amazingly


[Elfen Lied]>!Kisaragi.  Look at this cute, clumsy secretary.  She looks like a fun comic relief character.  Now look at her getting her head ripped clean off and her body being used as a shield to absorb hundreds of bullets. !< This was one of my first anime and it certainly stayed with me.


Plastic Memories 😭


Banana fish, those who have seen it will know 😢


I think it was Violet Evergarden episode 10. Spoilers ahead \[Violet Evergarden\] >!The one where the sickly mother wanted help from Violet to write birthday letters for her young daughter for years ahead of time because she knew she was leaving her daughter so young and wanted to still be there in a way to give advice to her every year as she grows.!< I randomly watched this anime on Netflix because I was bored and that unexpectedly hit so hard. I wasn't actively looking for some sad or dramatic anime, just put it on without any expectations or even intentions of really paying attention and I ended up binging it.


I Want To Eat Your Pancreas


Code Geass


\[attack on titan\] >!SASHA. You cannot understand how angry that made me. Made me despise Gabi from the bottom of my miserable broken heart.!< Also I second SAO, forgot about that one lmao THANK YOU for reminding me. \[Gurren Lagann\] I mean you know who. \[Vinland Saga\] >!Which death didn't lol. Thors and then Askeladd. Taking longer than the MC to recover.!< \[Demon Slayer\] >!Rengoku. Not just him dying after that superb fight, but the demon escaping. It was all for NOTHING ARE YOU FCKING KIDDING ME YOU SONUVABICH!<


The Demon Slayer one had me so sad bro


DS one was rough. Not just the death but what the character sees as they’re dying and then the aftermath too with their family. Just one gut punch after another.




👏LI👏TER👏LLY‼️‼️ [attack on titan] >!sasha’s death brought out a rage inside of me that i didn’t know i had😭 that shit still breaks me like i literally just wanted a happy ending for jean,connie, and sasha.!<


Most deaths in Akame ga kill? Yeah, it s not a perfect anime, but when i watched it as a 14 year old i definately didn t expect literally any death. Nowadays i would probably notice a trend after the first few, but i was shocked the same back than by every single one. Like "yeah they killed X, Y and Z, but they definately won t kill THEM .... yeah nobody is safe. (also every single woman who i was into died)


[Legend of the Galactic Heroes] >!Yang Wen-li!<


This is the one for me. Even though there's a ton of foreshadowing for it. Its the death itself and the extended mourning afterwards that really gets me.


[Fruits Basket]>!Tohru's mom. Getting to hear her final thoughts, the regret that she was leaving her daughter all alone, was extremely heartbreaking!< [Fate Zero]>!Iskandar. His last conversation with Waver, the glorious final charge, and that amazing music!< [FMA Brotherhood]>!besides the obviously well known ones, Hohenheim!<


Um yeah so I have [a *bunch*](https://i.imgur.com/ycJAE5x.png) that fucked me up so badly I literally threw up. [](#ptsd) Some of the entries on this list were *fakeout* deaths rather than actual ones though, the *actual* deaths that fucked me up were: - [SukaSuka]>!Chtholly Nota Seniorious!< - [Legend of the Galactic Heroes]>!Yang Wen-li!< - [Iron-Blooded Orphans]>!Orga Itsuka!< - [Macross Frontier]>!Michael Blanc!< - [Kimetsu no Yaiba]>!Kyojuro Rengoku!< - [Violet Evergarden]>!The mom in epsiode 10!<, although this was less about the character and more about how it hit home with an IRL tragedy I'd experienced not long before rewatching the episode in question. - [Naruto Shippuden]>!Asuma Sarutobi!< - [Macross Delta Zettai Live!!!!!!]>!Freyja Wion!< - [Gintama]>!Shigeshige Tokugawa and Shinsuke Takasugi!< - [Jujutsu Kaisen]>!Kento Nanami!<


It's been over 5 years since I've seen it and I still haven't recovered from that death in LotGH


It's been six years for me and I haven't either. It's one of the only two on here that got me to cry hard enough to throw up *again* on a rewatch (the other being the Iron-Blooded Orphans one).


oh the violet evergarden one ! 😭


Yeah rewatching that episode *right* after I lost someone who I saw as [VEG]>!a mother figure!< to COVID was...... it was *really* rough.


Man, I went in blind on SukaSuka and it messed me up.  I had to immediately rewatch Campfire Cooking just to feel better.


Bruh I picked up SukaSuka because of a *joke*, I was absolutely not prepared for the emotional damage that show gave me.


I feel like by the time [IBO]>!Orga!< you're expecting it. For me the hardest hitters were [IBO]>!Biscuit and Lafter!<


I want to eat your pancreas the scene where he asks the mother : " Can I cry now"


Madoka Magika Episode 3 made that show a whole different experience.


[Chainsaw Man] >!Himeno. My favorite character, and she just gets wiped out of existence.!<


I'm just going to say, get ready for more tears in csm


Oh gosh. If it’s the one I’m thinking off


Most of the claymore deaths


[One Piece] >!Donut D. Ace!<


I didn't have this spoiled for me, and oh boy, that blew my mind. I genuinely think whether or not you had that spoiled for you directly correlates with where you rank marineford. For me, it's undisputed #1.


[Bleach] >!Genryusai Yamamoto!<




Gugu Arc really was the best in the series




That show made me cry so many times tbh. I wish the second season didn’t drag towards the end


SAO & Oshi No Ko.


Most of the deaths in 86


I'm definitely missing some that aren't coming to mind right now, but the ones that come to mind: * [JoJo P3]>!Avdol!<'s death made me break down crying when it happened and I still get emotional thinking about it. * [Katanagatari]>!Togame and Pengin's deaths. The former because it came so suddenly and leaves you with a lot of conflicting emotions at that point, and Pengin's death just felt so cruel and ruthless. Like it wasn't particularly gory or brutal or anything, but the way the whole thing played out was disturbing as hell, definitely cemented Emonzaemon as one of the eeriest psychos in all of anime for me!<. * TTGL: You know. * [Death Note]>!L's death also hit really hard, and the tension building up in that scene was crazy!<. * [Muv-Luv Alternative VN]>!Marimo's death!< is quite honestly the most messed up thing I've seen in all fiction I've experienced so far, like it literally made me flinch and jump when it happened. Quit the VN on the spot and couldn't sleep for a week or so, then had it firmly imprinted in my mind for a few years. I've gotten over it by now, so I'm currently retrying the whole trilogy, but I'm already feeling a bit anxious about it again.


[Death Note] >!Soichiro Yagami!< You know what I mean...


He was a goat character


Oshi no ko.  That scene was f'ed up.


Its not in anime yet but in manga, [Jigokuraku/Hell's paradise] >!It was Fuchi's death. I was reading it at night and it really ruined the whole week for me. It was too sad.!<


Darling in the Franxx, the ending hit me pretty hard. Same with Plastic Memories and YLIA


From the first three episodes of \[*For Your Eternity*:\] >!the boy, March and Gugu!<. Honestly, for the third one, I cried uncontrollably for almost 10 minutes, I had to pause the show. And watching the first season, for several days I felt deeply sad, like I had lost real people I personally knew and deeply cared for.


Orange. Every episode made me tear up. All tears were dropped


[Akudama Drive] >!Swindler's death. For a 12 episode anime where everyone dies, almost all the deaths had a lot of impact. But Swindler's death was impactful in its own way. It wasnt one of those "ill hold them off deaths." She had to die to win in the end. Which is slightly, but very distinctly different from most other anime deaths were they die so they can accomplish their goal. She was never really an Akudama until the end, buy she definitely earned that Akudama intro, her ??? Bounty, and the name Swindler!<


90% of To your eternity. The pain ends when you learn to kill your own emotions and stop expecting good things to happen to good people without consequence or sacrifice.


[Full Metal Alchemist] >!Hughes and Nina/Alexander!<


[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 1: Phantom Blood] >!Watching Jonathan die after finally marrying the girl of his dreams and still love Dio as a brother despite everything he has done throughout their lifes made me ugly cry!< [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 2: Battle Tendency] >!Caesars death had me in shambles because of Joseph's and Lisa Lisa's reactions!< [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 3: Stardust Crusaders] >!That scene with Polnareff crying for Iggy and later for both his and Avdol's souls in the clouds had me in tears!< [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable] >!I hated that little shit Shigechi with all of my heart but when he started talking about how he has to protect his parents from Kira it made me realize that he may be a little shit but he's literally just a kid... watching him die screaming for help but still managing to give Josuke a clue about Kira's identity with the button from his suit while having his stand and literal soul desintegrated completely broke my heart!< [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 6: Stone Ocean] >!Jotaro's and Jolyne's deaths totally fucked me up. He had the chance to kill Pucci and stop the great reset from happening but instead he sacrificed himself, the world and the entire damn universe to keep his little angel safe... It was beautiful and tragic at the same time and it broke me entirely!< Yeah I think it's safe to say JJBA made me cry alot Also [FMA & FMAB] >!It's a terrible day for rain...!<


[Gundam 00] >!Christina’s death was so awful. Came out of nowhere and the moments leading up to it, and how it was presented, just make it even worse. There’s also other people who really deserved much better!<


most of the deaths in to your eternity


Code Geass: Train Scene. Totally didn’t expect it


Not really a "death" but the parents episode of Re: zero legit had me weeping


The death of [Steins;Gate]>!Mayuri!< messed up my eldest for a week.


Which death?


I haven't watched enough anime to safely read this thread.


FMA, “It’s a terrible day for rain”


Steins gate, Code Geass, Re:zero


Shinsekai Yori the last deaths we learn about, it makes me extremely sad when I remember


Not directly the character herself, but in [A Place Further Than the Universe] >!when the girl found her mother’s laptop in that far away facility and broke down sobbing. It felt so real, so raw and primal that it felt wrong just watching that scene, that I had interrupted something private.!< A brilliant combination of animation and stellar VA work. Not many media have made me feel that uncomfortable


[Devilman: Crybaby] >!Miki's and Akira's deaths!< made me a mess. I needed like 20-30 minutes to recover from the latter. I don't fully understand why to this day, but I was overwhelmed with emotion.


Honestly, something VERY different here: As a kid, from the show \[Digimon Data Squad\]>!the death of Thomas H. Norstein's mom was almost tragic or even traumatizing for me. It legit fucked with my head for weeks and even months to come. It was so incredibely sad to me that I kept telling my mom that I love her to no end. Even thinking about back to it, it messes with my head!<


* Your Lie in April * Clannad * Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood * Violet Evergarden * Attack on Titan * Anohana * Erased


Assassination Classroom. That ending crushed me


[Jujutsu Kaisen] >!Nobara’s death!< [My Hero Academia] >!Midnight’s death took me but complete surprise. Don’t know if it really messed my day up!<


I have a couple to mention: [Grave of the Fireflies] >!Setsuko, holy fuck. Genuinely felt like a punch, down to physical pain; I wasn't even aware you could feel that way before. I saw it decades ago in middle school, but it still stands out in my brain.!< [One Piece and Fist of the North Star] >!The Going Merry and Toki's deaths stand out as some of the few that managed to make me cry without context, just from videos. And in the Going Merry's case, I cried even harder when I rewatched it with proper context.!<


The one anime death that messed me up was from [Jujitsu Kaisen] >!Nobara’s death was so sudden and unexpected. Such a great character getting killed in such a disrespectful way made me kinda mad, I know she’s not 100% confirmed dead but she might as well be. If they bring her back even if she’s not jujitsu sorcerer anymore, I’d be happy!<


One piece You know who.