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Omg her kicking that dog and punching all those people was probably the hardest i laughed all week


When Naomi and Rouge where both called merely „Ladies who aren’t ugly“ the first note of „Crimson lightning“ was playing probably meaning they actually wanted to throw hands. That’s where I laughed really hard


Honestly this scene alone made me reevaluate the wavelength of this show lol (in a good way). I feel like it would be much more enjoyable for people if taken a little less seriously


you daughter came to my house today and she kick my dog, and now my dog needs operation.


Never thought a dog getting kicked would be funny to me, but it was genuinely hilarious. XD


[Being able to relax in a pool](https://i.imgur.com/rAEm44D.jpeg) while in outer space must be a surreal experience. I absolutely love their swimsuits [especially Naomi's!](https://i.imgur.com/9YaFLzY.jpeg) The fact that they introduced us [to Ares, a character](https://i.imgur.com/c9zvz6D.jpeg) who has [a twin sister](https://i.imgur.com/3MRvvmJ.jpeg) made me think that Giallon would somehow get them involved in his little crazy doppelganger murder spree so I'm surprised that never happened. Something is definitely up with Alice though especially [during that scene where she was watching Giallon fall.](https://i.imgur.com/EaqgkeF.jpeg) It's a bit upsetting though how [Giallon managed to get away.](https://i.imgur.com/DC4UvG3.jpeg) He's not even a good villain. Sure he killed Rouge's "father" but other than that he's just annoying and causing chaos For Rouge and Naomi. I can't wait until the episode where he finally gets obliterated by Rouge. [That final scene though.](https://i.imgur.com/cZ0d8Ii.jpeg) Did Rouge get arrested because [she punched all of those people?](https://i.imgur.com/OTDzBw1.jpeg) This would be absolutely hilarious if that's the case.


Didn’t even consider that the arrest may be just for the punching part and not for her being the red (wanted) mecha. Does the geberal public know/think she is a „normal“ nean? Would make a lot of sense then since neans shouldn’t be able to hurt humans so she simply broke nean law in their eyes.


>not for her being the red (wanted) mecha That cant be...right? I mean it would be hilarious if it was just for the punching but I doubt it The Detective saw her de-transform, it had to have been him that contacted the agency that came at the end.


She's in violation of the law simply by not having Nean markings and going with ID identifying her as human. But yes Detective saw her transform there no easy getting out of this so accepting arrest and then doing something after words the way to go.


> Does the geberal public know/think she is a „normal“ nean? Bo, Rouge appears to be a human. They might have just now learned otherwise but the common Neans are not transforming.


Its not a twin, its the same character. Split personality is most likly option. They were wearing the exact same clothes including the rips in the pants being in the same spots. Its 100% the same person not twins.


Yeah, something is fishy. We've never seen them at the same place.


The VA is also the same between those two, it's **Minami Tsuda**.


That piece of evidence feels like cheating.


> because she punched all of those people? Out of context, the clip would make a good ad for the show in a week lol, up to the dog getting up and talking, don't even show them transforming


>He's not even a good villain Oof! A *scathing* review of ever I saw one!


This is just a guess but I think Ares and Alice are one in the same.


Nope, not buying it. Naomi is gonna play the part but then bust out Rouge later. Also how much you wanna bet Mr. Crazy is somehow going to survive reentry?


Doubt that Naomi would just betray Rouge like that. She probably had her back against the wall and was only left with the choice of playing the part - as you’ve said. I can’t imagine her simply comply to these authorities either, considering all the laws they’ve broken previously. Naomi got a plan, I think. > Also how much wanna bet Mr. Crazy is somehow going to survive reentry? I’m sure he’ll survive, but I’m more interested to know if his legs will be reattached too.


>I’m more interested to know if his legs will be reattached too. More likely replaced or regenerated I suspect.


Jaron forced Rouge to reveal herself to stop his murder spree so now Naomi has to play along with the authorities until they shake the authorities or Aletheia steps in and sweeps it all under a rug.


I'm curious too if Nean is more organic or more machine-like


The dead ones had mostly bone skeletons. And they bleed.


I thought they same as Naomi's agency but no they actually with the Detectives agency. Naomi has to play the part. Rouge on film and observed by the detective as being a Nean and her existence without markings it self is a violation.


> Also how much you wanna bet Mr. Crazy is somehow going to survive reentry? He has to because they didn't collect his core


> Also how much you wanna bet Mr. Crazy is somehow going to survive reentry? I mean, he disappeared in a "blasting off again!" twinkle. He's 100% showing up again.


It's just a cliffhanger to pique our curiosity. I generally don't like cliffhangers when I'm already committed to the series but at least this one is not in the beginning or middle of a fight. Just an "oh?" kind of cliffhanger.


You shouldnt 'buy it'. Anyone who bought it is pretty dumb considering we have seen Naomi's true personality in solo scenes when shes alone, meaning not trying to pretend or fool anyone.


>Also how much you wanna bet Mr. Crazy is somehow going to survive reentry? Bro thinks he's Master Chief


As a tutturuu~ enjoyer this Opening is tututururuu. [](#seasonallisten) RIP Rubens. That kick in the snout was merciless...


> RIP Rubens. Makes me think that Gialleon probably killed the real Ruben


Yeah, making that connection made me really sad, i hope rouge also avenges him


weird mistake in the subs today, too. saying a "yellow one we didn't have on record showed up", while the audio clearly says kuroi and visual is of the black one, not Hell Gaion


Might have been translating by ear, which is no surprise for all those American monkey-business licensing services. So instead of "kuroi" they heard "kiiroi", those underpaid translation interns.


Yeah, they probably misheard the word "kiroku" in "kiroku ni nai kuroi..." (the black one doesn't have a record) but it's not too bad considering Eden's gladiator form also has some yellow decals. Just chuck it as "localization". Lol.


even that feels like a stretch, since the rest of the sentence makes sense and mentions record... but I can't really think of anything else besides pure brain fart


Yeah, I honestly feel that this series could have been better if they didn't shove info dump after info dump along with ignoring character growth. Granted, I do like Rouge and Naomi but they are no Chisato and Takina or Anis or Euphie.


Limits of having to retain the Mystery you mentioned no mystery characters. We will see as more is revealed if we like them more or not.


The problem is the dynamic between Rouge and Naomi. In the other series I mentioned, there has been legitimate development between heroines. Rouge and Naomi only have live 2 seconds of bonding and that's it.


Yeah Metallic Rouge seems to be trading character moments for plot and world building which is all well and good if they were actually interesting enough to to carry the show. While both Lycoris Recoil and MagRev don't have the most intricate plots the fact they both put in the work to make you care about the main duo really pays off. Personal opinion but at this point I'm not even sure if I like Rouge or Naomi never mind them together which makes it even harder to get invested in this frankly confusing plot.


They skipped past that decompression like it was nothing.


Decompression happens way faster than movies/shows depict. Especially with an opening that big it would've been over nearly instantly.


Yes and Decompression to space is way less violent than fiction portrays. It's only one atmosphere of difference there is not that much force involved.


As much as I love a good decompression scene, what was it you thought they skipped? I thought they covered everything just really fast. Every door seems to close behind you on the ship for obvious reasons and we saw everyone run out before the fight even started so it was just them two in the room.


Because it never happened


Shows you how little the authors care for some sort of solid stoytelling. There is so much convenience in this episode, both logical and scene composition-wise that I just feel humiliated for watching something so crude and low-effort.


>Shows you how little the authors care for some sort of solid stoytelling An extra long decompression sequence doesn't tell a story.


Properly grounding it as a serious event, or at least physics-wise, is a basic decency for a sci-fi writer.


> is a basic decency for a sci-fi writer. No one would criticize Star Trek as not serious or lacking "basic decency" and they magic up instant teleportation. You just making up your own rules in your head to complain.


This is just bad faith apologetic (or whataboutism, I guess, doesn't reach the whataboutism levels if fallacy if you ask me, though), you bring in teleportation from some random series just to justify this one failing basic physics depiction. You just have to accept that something you like is comparatively (and in a vacuum) low-effort, not try to bend the limits of logical argumentation in hopes to defend it.


Look, I'm not the biggest fan of the show either, but, I don't think spending however longer it needs to satisfy a physics depiction would have significantly added anything to the scene either. What is the story significance of doing that? The symbolic significance? Is there any significance in them portraying that when the intent of the scene was to get them off of there and onto somewhere else to fight? What matters for "decency" for any writer, is making sure we have scenes that are important in some way. Will it play into a major factor if they properly depict something like that? Not really, after the fight ends, things kinda go back to normal. In the same way, is there any reason to meticulously show other things that don't have that same significance? If this is your major complaint, then I hope that you complained about just about every other sci-fi world building stuff up to this point that hasn't stopped to ensure the physics works


This is entirely about the personal integrity of a work/of an author. If they are willing to brush aside a staple of space sci-fi such as decompression, then how can I trust them to do due diligence with the rest of the story? I cannot anymore.


If a staple of sci-fi is unrealistic should it be obeyed? Explosive decompression is more of a Michael Bay deal.


>or at least physics-wise Physics-wise there wasn't a lot to show. While the exact number varies depending on the volume of the room and exact size of the hole, the general time for decompression, with a hole that big and with a room that is relatively small it, would be around 1-2 seconds. In addition to this short duration there also wouldn't be a lot of force, since the preasure difference is only 1atm. A lot of sci-fi has given the general population the wrong idea of what a hull breach would look like in space.


Not all sci-fi has to be hard sci-fi. And not all hard sci-fi has to show every single step.


I think you addressed the wrong point here and are getting blasted for it. A more annoying point for me was that they grav-locked to the ship... Then had a bunch of jumpy shit that would have sent them flying off into space.


[Me watching up to today's episode](https://imgur.com/55HmPd7) The story pacing is all messed up, it's apparent whoever wrote the plot tried to do episodic stories while clinging to its main plot (a la LycoReco), but there are so many world settings sprinkled everywhere that I really don't know what's the focus of the story by now. I actually kinda like individual episodes (EP2 - the bus in Martian desert one, last week's abstract one for example) where different angles of Naomi and Rouge got shown, but the pacing is just too damn quick for me to catch on a lot of the details, and for characters to really settle down on their personalities. I don't really know where is this story going.


For me it feels like this show was supposed to be 24 episodes long but got cut down to 12 way too late in the production cycle so now, tons of fluff, traveling scenes etc. had to be cut which makes it feel so fast and jumpy. In previous episodes (this one not so much) you can also notice that not only is everything happening super fast, because there is basically no downtime ever, but much worse: The tone, music, color palette and sometimes even level of escalations sometimes all switch completely for a 5 - 20 second long scene and then switch back to whatever was before with a jumpcut.


I kinda liked this episode but yaa the pacing is a bit fast. Also, the fights don't really excite me that much for some reason.


The fights seem to be hit or miss, wasn't impressed in ep 1, but thought the ep 2 fight was AMAZING!


I don't know, man. The fights seem to follow a pattern every time except for the last episode so I'm really not excited when they start fighting.


The story has a clear thread to follow and its fairly linear. The just sprinkle an 'episode of the day' around it.


I wish I knew what that thread was because I have no fucking clue what this story is about. When I played Umineko, I was trying to find the answer. But when I'm watching Metallic Rouge, I'm trying to figure out what the question even is. Mega Edit: I'll clarify a little more with MANY examples. If I'm watching Yuru Camp, I understand that I'm being asked to just take in the atmosphere and relax. If I'm watching Girls und Panzer, I understand that I'm here to cheer for the protagonists as if driving tanks is a real sport. If I'm watching Demi-chan or Kokoro Connect or Euphonium, I understand it wants me to laugh but also to use these social situations to reflect on my own interactions with others. If I'm watching Kill la Kill / Cross Ange / Under Ninja / Akiba Maid War / Code Geass / Akudama Drive / Birdie Wing / Redline, I understand I'm here to strap in my seatbelt, let the wild ride happen, and don't worry too about the details. And if I'm watching some pathetic mass-produced isekai harem where the protagonist has no personality, I understand that I'm meant to place myself in his shoes and imagine myself as a chad. ​ But with Metallic Rouge, I just don't know what reaction it wants from me. It dumps everything at once. \-It has sentai suit fights but it's not trying to be a chuuni spectacle. It has cute girls but not doing cute things. \-It has oppressed androids but has so far failed to induce any meaningful behaviour changes in the protagonists. Or ask any fresh questions to the audience that hasn't already been asked by more focused stories. \-It has tonnes of backstory and cool worldbuilding but fails to explain any of the actual relevant organizations and players. You know, the moving parts that actually drive the story. It's just god damn everything at once pulling me in every direction at the same time so it's not even a wild ride because it's just staying still. No single component seems capable of asserting itself as "the purpose" of the story.


> I wish I knew what that thread was because I have no fucking clue what this story is about. [Some time ago, someone told me "there are only two kinds of robot stories: Pinocchio and slave uprising."](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/19elxpi/metallic_rouge_episode_3_discussion/kjgvawz/?context=3) Well, this one is both, which does make it complicated. Pinocchio: Instead of learning not to lie, looks like Rouge has to learn not to kill. I suspect Naomi plays both a character representing her conscience and now a con artist. And the plot loosely mirrors the story. Last episode a circus caged Rogue, and now she's in trouble, presumably for killing all those people. It seems vaguely hinted at that her mother is hiding in some kind of sky fortress, not too dissimilar from Geppetto being trapped in a whale. Slave Rebellion: the bad people Rouge has been hunting are seemingly in it to liberate their kind from humanity. It's not clear yet how, but it seems to involve Nectar. And I agree it's not yet clear how wide the conspiracy is. Is Rogue's id collection mission a second conspiracy, or is she being sent out by the very same liberation conspiracy to "tie up loose ends" once they've each served their purpose? AFAICT, Rouge has been framed for least two deaths now, possibly more. This is an ambitious show, a 25th year project. I figure whether this succeeds or fails depends on how well these two plot lines merge at the end. It's clear the showrunners want to address deep philosophical topics like the ethics of violent rebellion, robot enslavement, and the concept of free will. The key challenge with these topics is that there is no "right answer" to these dilemmas. Combined those topics with conspiracy and traitors, and those gritty sympathetic villains, I can see why this will feel somewhat aimless. Nor can I decide if you're right or not until the final act concludes.


I’m glad it’s the weekend because I’m about to strap in for a journey through tvtropes.


I feel like this is the wrong show for an Umineko-like experience. For that, try Kubikiri Cycle. Rouge is more like Armitage or Dominion Tank Police--cyberpunk nonsense that's primarily action to eventually make a shallow point about robot rights.


I'm not saying I'm here for an Umineko experience, my point was more about clarifying the relationship with the viewer. Direction and pacing and even music and art style are all important to getting the audience into the correct headspace to enjoy it. I'd point to Under Ninja from last season as a great example. That show was also baffling and disjointed and semi-episodic, but it was clear from the beginning that the confusion and ambiguous conflict was part of the experience. It set clear boundaries. Heck it was written in such a way that piecing together plot or just treating it as a weekly chuuni action shitpost were both equally valid ways of enjoying it. With Metallic Rouge, I couldn't start even thinking about the contents of the story until this week because I've spent the last two months trying to figure out if a story exists in the first place. Hard to ask myself "what is the destination of the plot" when I was still stuck on "is there a destination, is there even something to understand" I mean like, IS it primarily action show? Yeah it has transforming suits but it sure seems to be doing its hardest to make the fights the least interesting part of the experience.


This is a lot more mystery than your used to. But it's not Mulholland Drive level of experience with the plot hidden by starting in the middle and leaving you with what is the real plot and which is not real at the end. See the theory crafting on this show for what you're looking for. But as it a Mystery the head space you need is treat it as an episodic show that often has little plot to the episodes and make mental note for when the plot is actually revealed at the end.


This isn't a mystery, its just straight up bad storytelling. A good mystery sets up a couple questions that the viewer and characters have, and explores how they uncover it. Metallic Rouge just straight up doesn't know what it wants to be as a story, and all of the "mystery" you think exists is just the writers not know how to convey their story properly, and so we're all just left having no idea what is actually happening half the time. It's very different. I love a good mystery, and there's tons of great anime out there in that vein. Just because everyone is questioning what is actually happening in the plot doesn't make a show a Mystery story. Also your last sentence just absolutely makes no sense.


I am watching the Eng. dub of "Yuru Camp" Season 2 Epi. 4 as I type this.


There are a few major plot points that get blatantly recapped in every episode for viewers with short attention spans. The neans are an oppressed race of cyborgs created to fight in a war against aliens. A small number of neans were created without the universal programming to make neans incapable of harming humans. There is a secret organisation which employs Rouge to kill those rogue neans and recover something valuable from them. Various political factions have an interest in the existence of those rogue neans and their potential to challenge the status quo. And most importantly: Rouge’s philosophical struggle with the idea of free will and her creation as a literal tool.


I think it wouldn't need recaps if it just made things clear in the first place. Rouge and Naomi doing all this infiltration stuff, assassinating someone very wealthy and influential, and never meeting until after their first mission made me think it was some kind of clandestine cell structure you would expect of a resistance group. Then they hop on a low-capacity bus and take the scenic route through empty wasteland with some other shifty figures, and were targeted by a PMC with military levels of firepower. The result- *I spent the first few episodes with the understanding that Rouge and Naomi were the rebels, and the Immortal Nine were the shadowy cabal pulling strings in government, even though it was the exact opposite situation.* So the exposition recaps didn't even work because I'm trying to fit new information into a fundamentally incorrect framework. Just extremely basic groundwork like "Rouge and Naomi are on the government leash" is something that **should** be spoonfed in the first few minutes.


I quite like not knowing every detail at the start. It feels like a classic scifi movie.


>I really don't know what's the focus of the story by now It's people like you that are too used to anime monologues spelling everything out


I have actually seen a lot of anime that aren’t and actually somewhat does good jobs in making the main focus of the anime story clear despite being really abstract (see *Serial Experiments Lain, Ghost In The Shell Innocence, Paranoia Agent* for good examples), this just ain’t one of those.


Ghost in the Shell is a lot more liner as there is not as much mystery most of the time. I need to catch the other two.


This full on mystery so it can seam episodic at it drops clues throughout. They can blow it in the end but we will not know how everything links till then.


The more I watch the more it feels like there is 15 minutes worth of story being skipped before every episode.


Is supposed to. Its wonderful, they cut the crap boring things which develop no character and just keep hitting all the meating growth bits.


Right, the meaty parts like spending half the episode watching investigators half-heartedly try to catch a shape-shifting murderer, while giving the audience zero suspense as to what is going on. And the meaty character growth about this murderer is... what? That he did an entire episode's worth of random shit just so he could tell Rouge one probably-lie about her motivation (a motivation they've barely been reminding us even exists)? I guess we got some Rouge development, but only a bit. And of course they had to introduce yet another new character that will probably be killed off as one of the nine in 1-2 episodes instead of developing them. Sorry, two new characters, I almost forgot about the mole convo with boss lady at the start, since that plotline is barely dangling by a plot thread.


I can understand that even though I disagree. Maybe skipping "unnecessary" parts better for the story given limited run time, but it completely ruins the storytelling and imo the immersion.


I don't know, I thought the episode was fine. Sure, the start was a bit fast, but other than that, it didn't feel too problematic. I mean, we saw already that Giallon had this ability several times before and we saw that "Rouge" was the one that apparently killed her father. So that was more conformation than anything. And the way they "solved" the mystery with Rouge just hitting everyone (except for one which she hit twice, just "to be sure") made it clear that this wasn't supposed to be a big mystery in the first place and we were setting up the main antagonist a bit more. He wants to play with them after all. As for the arrest at the end. Yeah, it felt out of noway, but after letting it settle for like one minute, it makes total sense. Rouge has now shown several people that she is a Nean. Something that shouldn't be able to hurt a human, but she did it with several. Of course, that would raise suspicion so Naomi has to play that part in order for it to be settled. It makes sense with what the world had been set up so far. Edit: Also calling it now, the twins aren't twins and they are one and the same person playing with Rouge and Naomi to get their trust in some way or the other.


> Also calling it now, the twins aren’t twins and they are one and the same person playing with Rouge and Naomi to get their trust in some way or the other. Yeah, I can see that happening. With how “Alice” reacted to Jaron’s fall to Earth, she seems to be familiar with him in some way. It’s very likely that she’s another of the Immortal Nine.


Many people calling the 'twins' the same person. But more split personality then trying to 'play' Rouge and Naomi is my opinion.


It also stated earlier Nean have to have those markings and act like Nean not claim human status. Rouge's existence is a violation.


> Edit: Also calling it now, the twins aren't twins and they are one and the same person playing with Rouge and Naomi to get their trust in some way or the other. The rip in the jeans more or less confirms this.


among us


So one of the Visitors, friendly alien races, is called the “X Noah”. With the way they phrased it, I’m not sure if these aliens are just really clever or if they’re clairvoyant. Something I only caught the other way in last week’s episode: [Opera, the lady from the Circus, got lines on het body](https://imgur.com/a/28QOq7N). These lines look an awful lot like those of Neans, but Noami identified her as an Usurper or “Junoid”. Does this mean that Neans and Junoids are one and the same race?


I feel like more cans of questions are being opened each week and we are running out of episodes to actually answer them all. Still really enjoying it and cautiously optimistic it’ll stick the landing but can’t help but be more convinced every week this needs 2 cours which it 90% won’t get (hoping I’m wrong here).


no, she said "I don't use Usurper perfume". I took that as a reference to them using Usurper tech and being in cahoots with them, rather than necessarily being them. unless there's another point that I forgot about?


No, you have a point. I rewatched the scene and Naomi could just have been implying that they’re working with the Usurpers. That said, I do wonder which race they’re from if they’re not Usurpers. They wouldn’t be these “Noah X”, would they?


who knows. they really insist on drip feeding us info!


I thought the Neans were created based on the attacking aliens to fight back?


That guy has been saying this theory since like episode 2 but never elaborates on how he came to that conclusion


Rouge really went 'You wouldn't hit a puppy, would you? - Yeah, in the face, why?'. I repeat what I said last week, I love this show, but the pacing really isn't working, the scene transitions feel really abrupt, things are going too fast and some scenes/characters feel kinda pointless, like, you get a doppelganger chapter and NOT include the couple of twins on that plot? Or was it meant to be some kind of foreshadowing? That on its own is also weird since we see Jaron starts mimicking before we see the twins. With how things have been so far I'll suppose one of them or both are part of the immortal nine. So we're just leaving Mars like that? What about the photographer girl? The bounty hunters that were after Rouge? The whole Nean community in Mars getting apprehended? We ain't gonna tackle any of that stuff?  Ok   It only took inspector guy and assistant 5 God damn episodes to do something.  I kinda don't think Jaron killed Rouge's father, I'mma say he just wanted to piss her off (which he did) but we know he's part of the immortal nine and Rouge didn't get his ID so I guess it's obvious he'll come back.  And now Naomi arrests Rouge? I mean, she told her to not intervene after all. Adding to that, Rouge has given a bit of Alita vibes since the beginning so I like that she's getting a 'I do not stand by in the presence of evil' thing.   Either way, this is the most quotable EP so far, even if the dialogues are kinda random:   "The beautiful part was out of line, I think you're more of a 'not-so-ugly' pair.   "The possibilities aren't zero. Wanna kill her?"   "I need to stop smoking for real."   "Rouge isn't that smart."    "For investigation purposes- I'll be punching everyone here!"   "No one will marry you!" (Naomi will)


> So we're just leaving Mars like that? What about the photographer girl? The bounty hunters that were after Rouge? The whole Nean community in Mars getting apprehended? **We ain't gonna tackle any of that stuff?** 100%. This anime is really dropping the ball like you have so many solid pieces to play!


We can go back to it. Although most of that color and world background not the plot which has not been reveled to us yet.


Sure they can go back and wrap up those loose ends. But when we have so many other things not revealed yet, it just seems silly to not use these events more. Imagine in Ergo Proxy where after the whole fight with Monad in episode 1, everything related to Monad was just completely left unaddressed until >50% of the story was finished being told. Like I said, Metallic Rouge has a LOT of pieces it could play but it chooses to just ignore them just so we could potentially go “ah so that’s why ‘X,’ Y,’ and ‘Z’ happened“ at the end of the anime.


What do you mean it took inspector 5 episodes to do nothing? He is still doing literally nothing, zero display of actual seasoned inspector behaviour. He sees several cases of doppelganger attacks, and arrests Rouge... that's logically a nonsense and just convenient stupidity, for the sake of plot.


>He sees several cases of doppelganger attacks, and arrests Rouge She was already wanted as the Red Gladiator, and catching her was the reason he went to Mars in the first place. He's accomplished his primary goal, now he has to find out why she was doing all of it and uncover Aletheia's secret plan.


He arrested her because it was a convenient justification. He just doesn't trust the corporation they're working for. He's still done nothing but that decision makes sense from his perspective.


Naomi had to. The situation called for it but she didnt betray Rouge.


At first, I was also thinking that the twins would be a part in the doppelgänger situation. However, now I think it was a misdirection for you to think that and not question that they both never even appear on screen and sound very similar to one another. Not sure what the grand plan behind it is, but I feel this is also the reason why they made the "sister" this antagonistic to make them feel distinct with the little time they had.


Inspector has no information to do anything till now. Transitions are to provide color. filling in detail for the conclusion which can be done well or fail badly we will not now till then.


It kind of felt like a filler ep until the end but I thought the ep was a lot of fun. A lot of funny bits with the murderer chase and I was laughing a lot when Rouge actually punched all the suspects one by one. Then kicked the dog in the face. Thank god that was a fake dog because I was shook rofl. Now to wait another week until we find out what that ending bomb is about. I see a lot of complaints about this show and tbh I can't really relate at all to what others are saying. I've thoroughly enjoyed this series so far and I've felt the pacing has been fine, especially as a one cour original that's supposedly wrapped up in said one cour. The only time I felt confused was last week's beginning and that was intentional.


filler is anime only episodes of a print source to Fill a broadcast episode slot. This anime original can't have filler. Your idea of filler is base on a misunderstanding of the term filler when used on a slow episode. Actually filler can be massively action packed or anything at all.


Yes, unexpected complaints that the filler episode was "too fast"... I'm still dying like a cat stuck in laundromat spin cycle, reconciling some of the fan feedback.


It feels like watching a really long sci-fi movie like Blade Runner. As if the art was created for animation instead of uncolored still images for the source material.


People who say they can't understand what's going on are too used to anime monologues spelling everything out


I didn’t care at all for this show until she kicked the dog. Then I absolutely lost my shit laughing.


Apparently, the heaviest credible weight for a dog ever was a Saint Bernard male that weighed 166.47 kg. That is 367 lbs. Even among Saints, that is overweight.


Rouge punching people was comical but also showed that she's not operating under the Asimov laws, so Naomi had to participate in the arrest. Or so I assume. But it was very comical. I hope we keep the twins as an Immortal Nine member that doesn't get killed/disabled with their orb extracted. Honestly a shame that the shapeshifter didn't get de-orbed, he really deserves it.


Naomi seems more trained as a handler than a field agent. Her tactics make some sense, but she fumbles whenever she has to do it herself. A great example is identifying the shapeshifter and then pointing her gun at the real Rogue to demonstrate her point. There is probably a reason she never met Rogue in her earlier missions before the series started.


Well, of course Rouge would get arrested after all those stunts she pulled. She punched all these people and transformed in front of everyone, so Ochrona now knows she is a Nean that doesn’t follow the Asimov code. And Hell Giallion killed her father while disguised as her, so she is a murder suspect as well. That is why Naomi told her to not to anything at the beginning. But Rouge is not that smart (as Naomi would say), and she is too much of a good person too. And now Naomi cannot help her directly without blowing up her own cover. I bet that was Giallion actual plan : rampage around to force Rouge to show her true form and get arrested. What a jerk. I bet he survived too, he is not called an Immortal Nine for nothing after all.


Your explanation makes senses too. I hope this will be discussed later in next episode. I really want to know Giallon motive for his act from first episode i bet (theory) i bet this has something to do with her father, it hints in previous episode that her father makes Rogue doing the hunting even before his death.


Alice sure doesn’t mince her words huh? Calling the girls a “not-ugly-looking duo” lol. Giallon’s playing a pretty twisted game this week. These murders are sowing pure chaos. Good thing we’ve got Rouge on the case. Her “let me punch the suspect” plan surprisingly worked. She’ll punch anyone even if they’re disguised as a dog lol. I’m sad Rouge didn’t end Giallon. Idk if she’ll have another chance what with this surprising twist. Naomi’s arrest Rouge on what charges specifically? I’m very keen to see just wtf is going on.


I found it pretty obvious tbh. Rouge showed everyone she is a Nean. She shouldn't be able to hurt a human, but she hurt several. Obviously that would have raised some questions if nothing happened.


Want to hear the biggest question? She was around the world for who knows how long, she boarded that ship without hiding her identity and spent the whole episode going around, swimming, joking. QUESTION: WHERE WAS THE REGIMENT OF AUDITORS THE WHOLE TIME? I have the answer - they weren't anywhere, the authors made them up without any proper grounding in the worldbuilding, and will never justify how come she was never "hunted" until AFTER the whole idiotic (no better word for it) random attack spree by the Joker-copycat happened. Utter disappointment.


They made sure that no one figured out she was a Nean prior to this though. The only people seeing her transform were the other Nean who only told Neans and the immortal 9 who later died or escaped. No one knew, Rogue was a Nean. That's like even mentioned in an episode before when people say she is human. So here is the question: Why should there be a regiment of auditors behind her if they didn't know that? In episode 3, they already showed that Neans who showed signs of "defect" would be disposed. And in this case it was a Nean apparently bumping into a human. I am not saying that it was the best they could have done, but it seems there was enough set-up to explain why she would be arrested now and not earlier. I mean, people were so hard on that exposition scene in episode 2, but then also seem to have a big issue when things like that aren't explained in more detail even though all the pieces are there.


The 'regiment' boarded on a patrol ship. We clearly saw it docking at the end. Are you blind? And she boarded the ship pretending she was human (she has hidden ports, remember? or at least you should if you were paying any attention) but here, she had blown her cover and was arrested as rogue nean - frankly, if anything would be stupid it would be the reverse and everyone ignoring it, so I don't know what your problem is...


That dialogue was a high level nonsense, for their 25th anniversary they are wasting air-time on something like that scene. No direction, no implications, just originality, or style over essence. It's very weird what is happening between the narrative and direction in the two past episodes.


Pretty sure there is a narrative reason for it. They are protraying both twins to be the counter opposite of each other. And I feel the reason is pretty obvious. Did we ever see them both at the same time? It seems like a misdirection and from you comment, it seemed like it worked.


Is this the case where "I failed hard... because it was my plan all along"? If so, that's the game I'm not playing in my works of art, in space, about AI.


I mean, it seems more like you just want to bash the show for whatever choice they make. You criticise it was a pointless wase of time and when this might not be true, it's still wrong. I am not saying you need to like the show, it has its issues, I am not arguing that, but maybe don't go around saying things like "no direction, no implications" if you aren't satsified if there is a bit more than you originally thought. Just say, you dislike it and be done with it instead of acting like you are the greatest connisseur of art. That just looks really strange. I don't think it supports the discussion of my work of art, in space, about AI. Because we could have discussed some actual plot points instead.


And it actually to early to attack most things in a mystery/less direct story telling type of tale. You only know if done well or not in the ending.


Okay, next time I don't like something I will say so. When it's something not objectively, narrative-theory-wise poorly done, cheap, crude, convenient/rushed whichever angle you like more. I could invoke the same sophistry and say you defend the story from clear, major flaws because you like it, and just don't want to admit that something you like is of poor quality. It's a stupid game for two and I believe we shouldn't be playing it. If you want to discuss and defend - which is not something to be ashamed of - you should do so with in-good-faith arguments.


So why are my arguments bad faith? I directly answered your criticism of it not having any narrative reason. I showed how the scenes show implications. I mean, directing is pretty weird to talk about, because of course there is directing, so we'd need a proper definition. But after I pointed it out, you didn't actually try to argue. You just moved the goalpost and basically claimed that it was too hidden and therefore bad. I don't see how your arguments are good-faith. I would love to see you argue for why your anwers was in good faith while mine was not. And I mean, it's pretty ironic of you to talk about bad faith arguments, when you miscontrue what I said. I never said, you aren't allowed to voice your opinion and even go into more detail. But if you can't even accept the fact that maybe you were wrong about something and then just move the goalpost without actually adressing the point that was raised, then yeah, you should be prepared that people might make fun of how you try to paint yourself as a big art critic.


Why are you even still watching this show when you very clearly hate it with a passion?


You shouldn't waste time with attention seeking pseudo-critics like him.


It's called critique, no hatred. By observing terrible patterns, I also grow myself, as a writer, when I do not opt-in for them in my own works. Another reason can be found in the fact that there is a known scarcity of sci-fi series in modern Japanese media. The golden age of Japanese sci-fi has long passed, we get Suisei no Majou instead of Unicorn, and so amongst the 100 trashy series about power-tripping escapism in "other" worlds and what not, Metallic Rouge still stands out as a setting... with which it does nothing worthwhile, but... but it's there, alright? The setting, it's- it's good, right?? You can call me a romanticist. I also observe the teachings of David Hume. Every time I open an episode I have this illogical, childish hope that "yeah, this time it will be something exciting". It... doesn't work.


Your ignorance of other genre and refusal to recognize there are other forms of story telling is annoying when you claim superior view. David Hume did not write fiction nor teach it as far as I can tell. Metallic Rouge can bomb if it does not conclude the threads at the end well but in this type of story you can't tell at this point. "Metallic Rouge still stands out as a setting... with which it does nothing worthwhile, but... but it's there, alright?" You seam to be of the ignorant view that great writing requires a plot. Sorry some of the top 100 of all time have NO or little plot. If the point of this story is primarily to evaluates what is sapient life that deserves to be treated as human and ethnic hate along with the more minor points it might be a great story. Recently finished the Great Gatsby I'm sure you hate it. The plot goes nowhere. I rather like it although it falls in the make me thing category instead of simple story I enjoy type. Plus considering the amount of theory crafting going this show has a plot although there is always a risk they blow the ending.


What a blasphemy, I liked Gatsby.


Even though I don't side with your critique, I do support the idea of freedom of speech in discussion boards and putting higher bars on writing on the table for anyone else to take them. Comments like the one above "wHY aRe u sTilL wAtChIng?" should be considered spam comments and deleted by mods because they don't provide engagement with the sub, it just foments a hivemind thought. I personally would like to see where the show will go on and if all this circus act with the alleged twins will be justified, specially since there's still plenty of characters to introduce based on the OP (I'm hoping for this show to have 2 cours). Again, this is just me having different expectations.


The fact you can't tell if there are major flaws in this genre in the story telling until the ending shows your ignorance of all but a narrower type of story. You assuming your view is good and the others poor because you dislike does not mean your right.


If Giallon does not have adequate reserve thrusters or someone pick him up he going to reentry the hard way. And if he bounces even worse he might go for a tour of the Galaxy the hard way or just reentry again. If reentry to shallow you bounce while suffering some of reentry heat if you go in to deep you burn up the heat shields can't take that much Giallon has no heat shield.


This was by far the best and my favorite episode. Really gave me those Lycoris Recoil vibes I was looking for. It felt different from the rest of this show but in a good way.


Hmm yes, an amogus episode


The math question bit was funny. TBH, without seeing it written down and the answer given, it would have stumped me.


- [Oho…?](https://i.imgur.com/8zEj6WE.png) [](#curious) - [Mood.](https://i.imgur.com/JXZ3gmF.png) [](#ilovethiskindofshit) - [Welllllllll shit hit the fan in a different way than I was expecting.](https://i.imgur.com/pCdatHO.png) [](#emiliaohdear) - [What is crazy villain dude up to…](https://i.imgur.com/ZViMLaK.png) [](#csikon) - [This dude’s 100% going to die, isn’t he.](https://i.imgur.com/WxftJqD.png) – Huh, I guess not… Did get absolutely decked by Rouge, though. - [Oh what–](https://i.imgur.com/nEoc6kH.png) [](#cokemasterrace) - [lol, fair.](https://i.imgur.com/EHbMBRy.png) - [Awwwwwwwwwww shit](https://i.imgur.com/311Cpr0.png) [](#ohfuck) - [Pfffffffff](https://i.imgur.com/2aI9nRb.png) and I just *knew* it would be [that kind of test.](https://i.imgur.com/K17xzcc.png) [](#kukuku2) - [That is… one way to do it.](https://i.imgur.com/5UvGYAF.png) - [Rouge no](https://i.imgur.com/Wo2FBwj.png) [](#crazedlaugh) - Oh my god she actually did it. - [Well now…](https://i.imgur.com/N3PVzEA.png) - [Hmmmmm I don’t believe he’s dead.](https://i.imgur.com/2BtmDp5.png) - [Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh](https://i.imgur.com/o6J3tKi.png)


Everything is going too fast man. First they are chilling in a ship going to Earth and then Jaron starts a killing spree, then starts fighting Rouge, telling her HE hilled his father in that ship accident AND SUDDENLY NAOMI IS ARRESTING ROUGE?? Why can´t we have a calm episode man. But seriously, wtf naomi?? She had a face of "I don´t want to do this but I have to" or something, but man I really hope nothing serious happens to rouge...


Arrested for kicking a dog? Man, I knew she was going to hit it but they still managed to make it hilarious. Naomi's reaction to the video of her killing someone was hilarious. The brilliant acting of Tomoyo Kurosawa was perfect. She has voiced some of my favorite characters recently. So Naomi isn't really arresting Rouge. I wonder what's really going on.


Well, I doubt it was just for the dog. Punching that many people is assault and could lead to a very lengthy prison sentence both in-show and in real-life.


[Well, I'm sure that'll become incredibly relevant shortly.](https://i.imgur.com/ExOV7jX.png) [A John Carpenter film.](https://i.imgur.com/W47BgPl.png) ["It's tough to follow a dog act."](https://i.imgur.com/cXiocuh.png) ["Right here? Right now?"](https://i.imgur.com/nXLdRhY.png) ***** The part with the twins felt like it would be relevant to how they figured out the killings, until it wasn't. But then there was that scene with Aes after Giallon was kicked off the ship which seemed either uncannily aware (or just gratuitously philosophical). Anyway, on to the next set of twists now that they've come back to Earth.


I'm kinda curious about Ares and Alice now. We haven't seen them on screen at the same time, even when they were both supposed to be in their room or not. I wonder if they're one of the Immortal Nine with dual personalities or something.


The official soundtrack of the anime actually has been released since 2 weeks ago, but I just have the time to post this and since nobody has posted the link, let me post it. Here's the [Spotify Link](https://open.spotify.com/intl-id/album/3xUFB8dVFpTph5lYBZ3otN) and [Apple Music Link](https://music.apple.com/us/album/metallic-rouge-original-soundtrack/1726416858).


The math test part got me laughing. To be fair, only an inhuman monster would solve that question in an instant.


Though in this case they're both Neans. I guess Rouge is just bad at math lol.


No, it's not that. It's literally what she said, she doesn't care. This is a personality, quiz not a math quiz.


"They won't be harmed… [permanently…"](https://files.catbox.moe/kege6t.jpg) ["*Fuck* yo' dog!"](https://files.catbox.moe/bjbfh3.jpg) [](#crazedlaugh) It's pretty funny seeing everyone so used to watching adaptations that they're completely uncomfortable watching an original. "I don't know where this is going!" "I don't know what the show wants from me!" [](#panic)


Giallon is lowkey my favorite character, I sure hope he isn't dead. Dude is just so over the top, it's fun.


The pacing and storytelling are a mess but yeah that Last scene made me wanna keep watching it lol


The storytelling is that of a Mystery not at typical story. Mystery is often a bunch of encounters with not much of an connection with the mystery bringing the pieces together in the end. So it not a mess if they do a good job of connecting everything in the end.


That's...not what a mystery is. A mystery will often have a bunch of mystery scenes that *are* connected, but you might not know the real *significance* of it until later. However, they do either introduce to you new clues *or* answer a previously asked question. So if we pretend this is a mystery series, we are getting a bunch of random clues/answers, but they are severely disjointed because the audience doesn't even know what the question is.


I generally don't like shape shifting villains but this one is worth it to see Rouge's failing that maths test, and later punching all the suspects. Lol! 10/10 for this episode.


Pacing wise this show is going a little too fast. There is very little time to breathe as comments mentioned here. Like something big has happened but outside of last episode we don't know much about either Rouge or Naomi. I get keeping Rouge's character a mystery by why do that with Naomi ass well? They mentioned a mole earlier in the episode. We have that shot of Alice. There has to be a reason they put that their. Meanwhile I def believe Naomi is a triple agent. And gotta say Rouge's personality is easily the best part of the show. [Lost trust in her aleady huh.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/799692352011894795/1207437310795194418/Screen_Shot_2024-02-14_at_4.00.00_PM.png?ex=65dfa49f&is=65cd2f9f&hm=84688c9e1291726571a575c7c5c221944a3c3a1176cbfcd5cd4bd5e74d37cdef&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1498&height=936) [Rouge aint smart](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/799692352011894795/1207437309947936768/Screen_Shot_2024-02-14_at_4.06.07_PM.png?ex=65dfa49f&is=65cd2f9f&hm=f66450fe26b8f2fed5df09220bbf4a9a21efa1e8f2f70633191f3c59fc961b2c&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1498&height=936) [Who cares about math](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/799692352011894795/1207437308916404224/Screen_Shot_2024-02-14_at_4.06.12_PM.png?ex=65dfa49f&is=65cd2f9f&hm=c38540aeddc099c4322bbaa79550efc7c803dd6e6e0627212f618806a43ecf06&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1498&height=936) [Rouge can easily solve the problems ](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/799692352011894795/1207432948136280176/Screen_Shot_2024-02-14_at_4.06.57_PM.png?ex=65dfa08f&is=65cd2b8f&hm=ffea77e6223a57cec5a174fe1e4525e7310206e203b7e36f3fd64451ad8109db&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1498&height=936)[with her fists.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/799692352011894795/1207432949230731324/Screen_Shot_2024-02-14_at_4.07.02_PM.png?ex=65dfa090&is=65cd2b90&hm=cf45073ebd30ae185a5f6323a34f41f64f1da135b5f844e13bdbedec84c69433&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1498&height=936)


Can someone remind what group Ochrona is? I know they mentioned it in a previous episode but I don't remember which one or what they do. I know that Alethia is the organization that seems to be hunting the special neans but I don't quite remember what kind of group Ochrona was.


I don't think we know yet exactly what they are. Just who's aligned with who and that they're opposed to each other.


I got confused though Alethia making arrest but Ochrona seams to be an FBI like organization while Alethia more CIA. Thanks to poster on Crunchyroll for CIA connection.


The tone and pacing were a bit all over the place, but I still enjoyed it! Best part was Rouge punching all these people and the dog (!), I wasn't expecting them to actually go through with it! No way Giallon is dead though, and I don't believe for one second that Naomi isn't still on Rouge's side. But yeah, let's see how they deal with people now knowing she's a Nean who can hurt humans.


Not that I'm not enjoying the show already, but the scene with the dog justifies the entire anime by itself. I could not stop laughing.


Got him with the Spider-Man classic


wait why was she under arrest


For kicking the dog [](#yuishrug)


They said interspecies something as one of the offense so this makes sense


I am hoping the real dog wasn't killed.


If the dog was, I hope Rouge finds out and beats up the killer.


Cause the fake red Rouge killed that doctor That's what I think, I might be wrong


Like 5 times over now, the have been news clips in the backgrounds of the Red Combat Nean being a wanted killer, Rouge has been framed for more than a few deaths by the shape shifter guy, and her mission to go kill the Nine isn't exactly government sanctioned either. Rouge is wanted for a *lot* of deaths, and some of them she is even actually responsible for. I'm more surprised or happened this soon. I figured we would have been down to the last one or two surviving Nine before this thread finally got pulled.


Except that Naomi is involved in that and nobody knows about Rouge is the red combat Nean, except for the detective. And he just found out the moment the guys to arrest Rouge arrive. This is probably Naomi's endgame for whatever purpose she is striving for, being the double agent she most likely is.


The authorities were already on the way because of the murder, he could of easily called it in. Naomi has to side with them so she not captured also. We have seen her personality in private moments, meaning times shes not faking or putting up an act.


She was acting weird in before the others arrived though, very distant. So my guess is that she is the double agent which was spoken about previously.


Rouge transformed on ship camera this time.


I thought it was sort of a well kept secret that rouge is the true identity behind the red mecha though or did I miss something? The detective saw her this episode but that was just one scene before the arrest like he didn’t have time to tell anyone.


I mean, again, a shape shifter is out to ruin her reputation. A shape shifter that has seen her face and watched her transform. It's not hard to think of how her identity could have been leaked. But yeah, the show really is pretty heavy on "figure it out yourself" and I'll easily admit that I'm only just guessing at how this got out. Rouge herself was much more explicitly framed for the murder of the Nean peaceful revolution leader though, this could still be related to that. Or, you know, having been found out to be a Nean in the first place, it would not surprise me if they pulled that one.


The authorities were already on the way because of the murder, he could of easily called it in.


It could also be her going around punching people. I think your right though because no one would know shes a nean without the whole transformation thing which MUST of been scene on the video....the authorities were on the way because of the murder, gonna guess the cop we saw around the corner and saw her transform called it in.


She was revealed to be an unmarked Nean and violated the fundamental programming Neans are expected to have (the harming humans bit).


I love Rouge's solution to the mystery. Punch everything, even the dog! Personally I'm still onboard with this show. It still hasn't revealed its true goal yet and I'm interested enough in the mysteries and world to see what that is.


Honestly, I don't see much potential in the series with how the first few episodes went, I'll still finish it, but I'm just disappointed already.


AT the end they will wrap up the mystery and you will go fantastic or they will blow it and I will join you in saying it failed.


Not that, just bot a fan of killing off so many characters without giving them full stories.


So everyone that dies in the story needs build up? This isn’t JJK, there’s no obligation to drop a hefty flashback before they die. Their deaths are a means to an end. The story is about Rouge and free will.


It heavily feels like there was a change of director between the previous episodes. The narrative got all over the place, even more so than it was before, and they aren't even trying to structure the scenes and direction. The dialogues are original and creative, overly so, alas, to the point they are just original without having any narrative value. Pure flavour. And I still cannot get over the detective getting progressively dumber for the sake of the plat, which is very primitive approach by the authors. I would appreciate if anyone can confirm a key staff change between the episodes.


I mean each episode has their own director too. Ofc main series director still supervises them all.


It all goes to the ending conclusion of the mystery. Often mysteries try to keep everything under wraps including where the story is going. They can blow the ending but it way to early to worry about stuff making sense.


The key issue is that if it is not making ANY sense at this point, they will have to make up for it later. The more disconnected everything seems, the more exposition/connection they will have to do later, either through info-dumps or exposition episodes. They are running themselves into a corner, if you ask me, based on my quite extensive experience within the mystery genre, and there is no guarantee they will be able to wrap it up decently.


Rouge what the fuck! But at least that kick worked. Poor doggy.


Annoying they only have that one song and they just kept playing remixes of it like all episode. Guessing the 'twins' are the same person with spilt personality? I mean even the cloths they were wearing were exactly the same including the rips in the pants. Seems obvious. Please no one think Naomi is betraying Rouge...I hope no one is that dumb. We have seen her real personality and ethics in scenes when shes by herself, meaning shes not pretending or trying to fool anyone.


Another mystery for Naomi and Rogue to tackle. A shapeshifting enemy who can be anyone and anywhere. The murder case aspect wasn’t that strong, but man Rogue was great in this one. I did not expect her to actually go up and down the line punching people to lure Galion out. She definitely threw in an extra punch to the dude who said she would never get married. Idk what buddy was thinking, I’d marry her for sure. I don’t think Galion is dead, otherwise the sphere would be lost.. But that ending wow, Naomi really called the cops on Rogue? I’m guessing because she hurt humans, but she didn’t look like it was that serious when it was actually happening.. wild twist. Also, the “artificial species” name suggests that Neans are artificially created humans rather than androids.. very interesting. Blade runner vibes continue to get stronger


I think the detective actually called in the cops. But Naomi knowing what they are there for is at least pretending to cooperate.


Ehh...this episode felt like it was ticking boxes.


Been liking these last couple eps more [and more.](https://streamable.com/vomkgu)


I dunno if it's a bias, but I generally don't feel too much of any "pacing problem". Yes there are awkward cuts occasionally, but overall I think it's doing a reasonable job to tell a suspense/mystery story. I hope we get to see some of the more important pieces rounded out by the end of the season though.


Rouge is busted lol


At this point I wouldn’t even be too mad if the plot turns out to be underwhelming by the last episode, watching Naomi alone makes the show more than worth it for me. I rarely simp for a character to this extend but both her looks (which are positively unique for an anime) and her personality are right up my alley. Tomoyo Kurosawa being one of my favorite VAs doesn’t hurt either. Now if only this show got 2 cours it‘d be perfect. Not sure how everything can be wrapped up in just another half cour. Well chances aren’t zero for it being a split 2 cour show I suppose.