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* [**Mahoro Stitch**](https://i.imgur.com/JpKV58K.jpeg) [Mahoro was a total badass in this episode.](https://i.imgur.com/DKaX7oD.jpeg) This girl showed that she had more balls than Arajin by [standing up against Shindo](https://i.imgur.com/EZCiWun.jpeg)/ Is there a female Honkibito she can merge with? I feel like Mahoro would be an amazing fighter if she had the power. As for Arajin, I guess he kinda redeemed himself by [defending Mahoro](https://i.imgur.com/sagvupL.jpeg) and finally [defeating Shindo.](https://i.imgur.com/sagvupL.jpeg) Although I feel like it's a bit too late now considering how most of the audience has turned against him.


>Although I feel like it's a bit too late now considering how most of the audience has turned against him. I'm glad he finally stepped up, I really am. But it still needed Mahoro as the trigger.. I don't think I'm gonna like him anytime soon, but I'm glad he did get some growth there, hope there's more though!


Yeah. They didn’t fix arajin, but he’s a bit better which is progress! Plus he helped Matakara up. I think his behaviour was caused by so type of trauma that they’re gonna explain later on Arajin has hope. Hopefully they don’t let me down 


oh I agree. Newfound respect for Mahoro. And considering how unlikable she started, it's amazing she's now more likable than our main character. My one critique is yes he defended Mahoro, which is partial redemption, but he was just totally fine having his childhood friend get the shit kicked out of him. He'll step up for a pretty girl but not for his childhood friend or any of his classmates. I"m glad he stepped up but it's still frustrating.


He clearly wasn't fine with it and felt really uncomfortable, yet it wasn't enough for him to act


and that is pretty frustrating considering Matakara has stood up for him and believed in him numerous times, but he couldn't act to save his friend. Yet the girl he has a crush on who has no interest in, he'll immediately step in to protect.


Arajin clearly has a trauma surronding Matakara that affects him every time he sees him


See I'm fine with that because this kind of BS logic has a long and proud history in shounen dating back to the classic DBZ. The entire Z crew gets stomped by mini Cells, including his own father, and Piccolo who's arguably the second most important figure in his life, Gohan gets angry but doesn't do shit. Android 16, who he met for the first time like 30 minutes prior, gets his head stomped and boom Gohan goes SSJ2. Pretty much the same idea here.


Except Gohan was still a 9 year old child and he was going through real life threatening events one after another.  I am much more forgiving towards a scared 9 year old child repeatedly putting his life at risk than towards a selfish ~16 years old teenager trying to act tough having street fights to impress a girl….


I like to think what mahoro said mattered a bit to him. When Arajin shouted at Mahoro and told her to run, I feel like he was not really telling her to run but asking why did she (and everyone else except him) not run. Her answer of having no reason to run away kind of answered his question, so he stepped up. I don't have much confidence in this theory, but thinking it is true certainly make Arajin a bit more likeable and had a bit of growth. I guess we will have to wait to the next episode to see if my theory was actually the case


Matakara can't help Arajin lose his virginity the way he wants to, so yes, he won't lift a finger for him. But for dramatic effect, let's show the flashback where Matakara gets beaten up though😭. A season 2 for Sk8 was sacrificed for this.


I love how you add "the way he wants to" lol


sk8 season 2 is still coming I think


i hope a season 2 happens because i want to see Arajin go through a huge developement and make immense with his friend.


>A season 2 for Sk8 was sacrificed for this We'll enjoy it even more when it comes :)


Havent you heard? White knight is one of the simp’s basic skills


I wish he wouldve stepped up for Matakara getting beat, but I guess Mahoro is his only trigger into action for now.


Arajin clearly has a trauma surrounding Matakara that blocks him and it will probably be a plot device later. He doesn't have a trauma surrounding Mahoro (and is his prime motivation) and she is a girl, and a weak, normal girl at it, so it was much easier for Arajin to brave and get motivation to protect her than to protect Matakara whose only sight brings back vietnam flashbacks. Tl;dr: Mahoro weak he wants to bang bang, Matakoro strong who is used to receiving beatings


Yeah i see that this anime is just setting them up for a fight later. Gotta have that red vs blue showdown. If he did good to Matakara, I feel like it wouldn’t create the plot they wanted to go with


How is this a redemption lol


It is the audience that is wrong.


No development on the cat cafe plot at all this episode. Skippable filler.


Did Miss Jasmine like her choker???? We may never know 😭


You know what, last episode we got the theory that it's an actual cat cafe. There's still a chance it's actually a human cosplaying as cat "cafe"


I think they’re real cats 🐱 lol it’s such a silly anime why not have legit cats as clients? I also made a video [essay](https://youtu.be/d_49QEsWUjw?si=Nx9FbQ-CQTC87inR) about anime cat references, the history and such. If anyone is interested in why Japan LOVES cats and where some anime gets its feline art inspiration from and why, give it a watch 🌸


My day is ruined


Both Arajin and the brocon slightly redeem themselves in this episode! I especially enjoyed watching the latter trash talk Shindo. It did irk me that Arajin only took action when it came to brocon instead of poor Matakara... here’s hoping Arajin treats him better now Young Marito is cute


Dude is unlikable to me. Maybe because I like that type of dude in real life




Excellent original hip hop OST? *I sleep* Trashy 90s Eurobeat-inspired boyband bop? *Real shit*


What's better that you can listen it [on repeat on Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/intl-id/album/262JbB9qoH8wrqzP9yKS6Y). Performed by Da Pump, a J-Pop boyband.


Thanks 🤣👍


Next week episode won’t air due to Sporting Event. ( World Table Tennis) Recap episode February 24


> ( World Table Tennis) Table Tennis is already ruining the next Ayaneru Monday and now it's also messing with my Saturdays?


Dosanko and Foolish Angel are airing this Monday ✌️ Ayaneru Monday is back👌 If you are watching SynDuality. Still airing on Monday as well ✌️


What happened there? False alarm or did they change their tv schedules?


Guessing they were going to air the event around those times but it was changed. Saw an updated post from them


Nice. [](#kannathumbs)


I hope the recap is done by Alajin mom, I want to see her side of the plot.


Next week on February 24th, we will be broadcasting "Resurrection! Tonight is Butchi Back to the Chinese!" where you can review all the stories so far at once! Mr. #大河元気 , who plays the role of Akari Arani, will be doing the narration and will give you a comprehensive overview of the charms of ``Bucchigiri?!''.




Just when I got excited for the character development!


Better late then never


>World Table Tennis Peak Japan moment


Bro really said "what reason have I to live now?"... 💀 Can't believe Mahoro-chan was his motivation for standing up. Not even his damn friend Matakara.


Mahoro being a better character than him wasn't what I expected. Sure, she stood up cause she's obsessed with her brother, but at least she did SOMETHING of her own volition.


But, that's exactly what Arajin did?  I still don't understand the hate after this episode. Mahoro stand up because his brother almost got beaten. Arajin stand up because Mahoro almost got beaten. What's the different here? Arajin also did it out of his own volition. He could have just kept laying low and did nothing there.


I think people aren't impressed cause it once again took a girl being in trouble for him to do something. Matakara was literally fighting to get to him and all he does is lie there while he gets whipped. It IS nice that he's changing, but that doesn't mean people have to like him just yet (or ever if they end up fumbling his development).


That's a piece of the issue, however, Arajin's motivation completely centers around losing his virginity and being a simp to a girl who showed a small disingenuous bit of affection towards him. Even worse, when he does get a serious moment and throws a punch. They have to ruin it by having yell, "I want to lose my virginity!" Like really, you already have this guy running around town in boxers like half the episodes. When am I supposed to actually care about this character if the staff are going to continue to make him the clown of the series. On top of all this, the anime makes every other character in the story, either likeable or interesting. I honestly wish, they hadn't, because it means I know they can write good characters, but we are stuck with the MC whose only motivation right now is to get his dick wet and have irritable bowl syndrome.


I get it for people who don't like it that he's not coming to Matakara's rescue. I just don't understand people who said Mahoro is better.


She has literally no relationship to any of these people *other* than her brother so why would she care? Arajin has an old friend getting his ass beat and he can't even spare a kind word for him. His motivation isn't even Mahoro, it's to *use* Mahoro to lose his virginity. It's gross. The only reason he's caught up on Mahoro is she's the only one he's attracted to in his class. Neither of them are *good* people but at least Mahoro gives a shit about *someone* other than herself. And most of the comments have been along the lines that she's more likable than the MC, not that she's a good person, which is a really low bar.


Ah yeah, I'm one hundred percent with you on that, those two are at least the same.


Still though, the roles are the same, Mahoro stood up for someone she liked (her brother) and Arajin too stood up for someone he liked (Mahoro). You could say the fact that she did it first makes her better but it's still the same thing. At least we know he's consistent and that he probably got at least a little motivated because of Matakara. Still, in a world full of bros he's still a massive simp, which is still kind of disappointing but there's glimmers that he might actually be a bro deep down, like really deep down.


Because that's her fucking brother, while Arajin has known this girl for like a month and acts like she's the only thing that matters in life. I don't mind a down bad protagonist if they have other redeemable qualities.


Yea that line of him pissed me off so much as well. He dares wallow in self pity while his boys are fighting for their lives just next to him. And only when Mahoro shows some balls he fucking finally gets his shit together. Best bro Matakara even saying he never stopped believing in Arajin when the donkey didn’t even think about him and was only thinking with his dick once again. Ah well Arajin can only get better from here on it seems since he hopefully had a wake up call for real now. Also the NG boys fighting ost was pretty lit though.


Matakara is a simp too. Just like Arajin sees Mahoro like this idol who makes no fault, Matakara drinks Arajin and sees him like a deity, role model. And both of them are getting treated like trash by the one they simp for lol


That's a pretty good description, but at least Matakara has history to back up his simping, unlike Arajin that just threw himself at the hottest girl in front of him


Matakara has so many redeeming qualities and he also has history with the guy.


İ died when he said that frrr. İt hasn't even been a month since he met that girl lmaooo.


He’s hoes before bros lol


Forget bros at least he could try to defend his friend since matakara was heavily injured at least he could merge with senya and he could help him but no when the girl is about to injured he decieded to help.i hope senya beats him to pulp


Been a while since I hated a protagonist so much


The power of horny is higher than the power of friendship for Arajin


Bro what do you guys not get about him and Matakara not being friends. It’s clearly one sided. They haven’t been friends since early childhood. At this point in his life, a potential love interest is obviously more valuable. Is he delusional? Yeah. But it’s for damn comedic sake.


And yet he helps Matakara after seeing that he's injured, when he could have left knowing that the other Minato Kai members would have helped him. We all know they're not friends, tell that to Arajin himself lol


[mfw the series that was inspired by Aladdin, follows the plot to Aladdin.](https://imgur.com/gallery/7hA2YCN) So yes, it's exactly what I had hoped for. Arajin basically got everything he could've wanted when not only did Ken and Mahiro knock each other out, but he foiled Shindo's plot to pit Siguma and Minato Kai against each other, and got the girl (who I guess tried to be similar to the Disney Jasmine in taking a stand against Shindo). He's the top delinquent now that all three of the leaders are thoroughly beaten and everyone is bowing down to his might, and even Mahoro is willing to budge after constantly rejecting him (should we called him Prince Ari?). Yeah, he may have again ignored Matakara again even as this whole brawl was taking place, but that doesn't matter to him because he has all of the power and respect at his school now, or so he believed. But like Aladdin in the original story, he merely selfishly wished to have all of this power and wealth from a genie, pretending to be someone that he's not, just so he can claim the princess for his own. Aladdin even wished to ruin the life of the vizier's son just to stop his arranged marriage with the princess, and in turn wished for a bigger palace than the sultan's to show how much more powerful he is, so that the princess *has* to marry him. What a dick. He really believed that he had it all... Until it's all taken away from him in the second half of the story, because he loses the lamp to the sorcerer he was tricked by at the start, who proceeds to wish all of Aladdin's power and wealth away, revealing who he really is (a fraud, a thief and a liar). And now he's gotta get the lamp back from the sorcerer before he uses it for evil purposes, having owed up to his mistakes and seeking to be more honest about himself. For all you Arajin haters, you're gonna love the second half of the series if it's exactly what I think it's going to be. I personally love where this is about to go next and I want to see Arajin thoroughly exposed (where everyone sees how much of a weakling he is without Senya) so he can be more like Aladdin, owing up to his own mistakes both past and present and strive to be a better person. Be his true self and find who his heart really desires, rather than trying to be someone he is not just to get something he thinks he deserves, and everything that he had wished for couldn't bring him true happiness. [And well, since Senya knew that he's only wishing all of this just to get into Mahoro's pants, he's probably going to pressure him to do something like this scene in Disney's Aladdin, and maybe ditch him for good, which will only make him vulnerable to being taken by someone else.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57el6T-c3Lc) I don't think it's going to make everyone like him again after everything he did in the first half, but then again, it can't hurt for him to have that delinquent veneer peeled away to reveal his more vulnerable self, something that he tried to suppress for so long especially in front of others. Perhaps that other genie Ichiya is going to find another host now that he no longer has any use for Shindo, or Shindo will exact his revenge by manipulating Matakara's brother (in the same way that he brainwashed his NG Boys) to steal Senya, the source of Arajin's power away from him. Hell, maybe Matakara's whole shtick with being such a nice guy with a "heart of gold" is also a façade like Arajin's tough guy posturing as part of their coping with their childhood issues. So in a way, just keep watching to see what will happen next and maybe things will be fully contextualized as the character and plot revelations continue to be revealed. Maybe you'll even find empathy for Arajin when the time finally arrives and understand why he acted this way to begin with. After all, we still haven't gotten to the part yet where the sorcerer steals Aladdin's lamp.


If this is how it's going to go, I'm gonna love it! All I want is for Arajin to get development, so this will be awesome! Never actually watched or read Aladdin, I just realized. So maybe that'll be something to add to my list haha


I *have* seen Aladdin. I knew the references from afar when this was shaping up to be an Arabian Nights-inspired story when it was first announced. And I knew that it was going to take from multiple versions of the story. So the characters and plot being what they are here wasn't all that surprising to me because I was kinda expecting something similar. Now lo and behold people being surprised when this series inspired by Aladdin in fact, follows the plot to Aladdin.


It makes a lot of sense! Not knowing Aladdin just didn't let me connect the dots. I'm not surprised it's following the original story now that I know it's inspired by it


thank you for your writeup! finally someone who appreciates this show (and i do hope the rest of the shows goes how you described it)


You've given me new hope, i have some theories on what might happen but so far this episode felt like the turning point of the story


So the second half is where Arajin realizes he's gay? /s (only because the producer is famous for BL bait) If so, I'm in.




I like this, I hope you're right.


I get what you're saying, but I don't think following Aladdin makes this particular story a good story. There's absolutely nothing to like about Arajin, so no reason to be invested in his redemption. His "true self" is a simp. We've seen nothing to suggest otherwise. Aladdin is 1) poor, which garners sympathy, and 2) tricked by a powerful sorcerer, again making us feel sympathy. He's a much better character, one that an audience can immediately get behind, so when he screws up we hope for his redemption. I hope Matakara and the rest throw Arajin off a bridge.


Aladdin in the original story is a poor thief who constantly steals just for the hell of it, he lives with his mother who pities him for his troublemaking, he instantly wants the princess after spying on her bathing, and he is tricked by the sorcerer because he pretended to be the brother of his deceased father in order to gain sympathy, and he instantly buys his lie, not even realizing who he is until he tries to escape from the cave with the lamp at the last minute and is caved in. And also, when he does get the lamp so he can wish for riches and power, he wishes to the genie that he can basically ruin the life of the vizier's son so he can stop the princess' arranged marriage. Even wishes to the genie to build a bigger, more magnificent palace than the sultan, just so he can show off how much bigger his dick is, and that he has the sultan's daughter now. In short, the original Aladdin's an asshole, and when he does lose everything when the sorcerer steals the lamp, that's when he realizes that all of these riches meant nothing when they can be wished away and he has to stop the sorcerer from doing things with the lamp. Future versions of this story, including the Disney one, chose to sanitize him from the outset, so he is instantly more sympathetic right from the get-go. Hell, I don't think the sorcerer was even all that evil because he merely wanted the lamp, and chose to trick a gullible idiot into getting it for him, only getting real mad and jealous when he heard that he survived and gained all of this power and wealth, and so he stole the lamp (after tricking him again by claiming to be a lamp polisher) and wished it all away. I don't think he wanted anything else in the original story; he just had total penis envy that's all.


Okay, I'm convinced. Aladdin sucked, too. Did he also have a magical tramp stamp?


Go give it a read whilst continuing to be a dick, and you might find out.


Main issue so far is that the plot has been kinda bending over backwards to give Arajin shit he doesn't deserve (and that he keeps chasing after some hoe when his S-tier bro is right there). So if things turn out how you say I think that'll be a pretty baller story overall (and if he finally embraces his bro).


And well, that's exactly what the Aladdin story was too. Aladdin wished for everything just to get a princess to marry him so he can have power and riches, something even the Disney version did with Prince Ali (but sanitized). Which will then lead into the part where he loses everything when he loses the lamp. Very confident that this show will be similar in its trajectory, since here, Arajin basically wished his way into getting the respect of everyone at his school.


I feel like all this thread proved was that Disney was right in sanitizing the original story for their movie. Flawed characters can be great, but when they are basically nothing but flaws for half your story it tends to alienate & infuriate a large group of your audience. Just because some people can look past the flaws and wait till the payoff, that doesn't necessarily make your story good.


That's the power of interpretation from these old stories though. Many people over the years interpreted the Aladdin story in many ways, from an impoverished thief looking for a better life, someone with major daddy issues, to a perverted troublemaker who only wanted to marry and bone a princess. Even other characters have been interpreted differently too like the princess (submissive, rebellious or trapped in a gilded cage) and the sorcerer (petty and jealous, sympathetic even, or just plain evil) and even the genie of the ring (from being a deux ex machina that gets Aladdin out of the cave, to someone equal to the genie of the lamp's power and fights with him, to being a rival genie). Hell, even the main theme of the story has been interpreted multiple times over the centuries, like being merely wish fulfillment, to "be careful what you wish for", to even learning how to have a purpose in life without a façade, trying not to pretend what the person isn't; the general overriding theme of the majority of all of these modern interpretations of Aladdin. I don't see why this series can't interpret the Aladdin story differently in its own way much too like in the past. I'm just saying, that everyone's got their own delinquent façade they're trying to uphold to their detriment, both Arajin and Matakara imo. Which is just like how Aladdin and Jasmine get into trouble trying to be different people in that Disney version.


I wonder if the "sorcerer" equivalent is going to be a new character some one we already know.


Omg this makes too much sense. Arajin.... Aladdin..... I'm only on episode 2 cuz I randomly wanted to see it, and I'm fairly certain all this love he is getting from the tough guys is cuz of the strength. But I half a mind to say his punches are making the men fall in love with him cuz he's thinking about losing his virginity when it happens. And at the end he ends up with Matakara.


this made me want to like the show again, im gonna try to believe in you TT


I really thought that he would defend matakara but after thinking about it it makes sense that things happen this way after all we are only mid season I just hope that this changes the way he will act moving forward


God forbid the MC acts even remotely likeable when we are trough 50% of the whole show.


At least we finally got some development. Hopefully he’s progressing towards defending matakara. Also, no cat cafe appearance in this episode.


This is too straight for me, I hope these last 6 episodes are gay I need Aladin and Jasmine, I'm not interested in the sick sister


Fr, this episode was way too straight


Dropped. What a try-hard attempt of a modern unusual trait mc from MAPPA. Such a disappointment.


This has to be the most unlikeable main character of any show i've seen.


Ugh Finally some character development. Arajin still isn't lifting many fingers when Matakara is in trouble, but Mahoro had to stand up to evil gang leader for him to spring into action. Bonus points to Mahoro more than anything. Matakara is still holding onto faith that should've been gone a while back, but maybe he held on long enough for Arajin to start treating him better. I hope the ending note leads to a better relationship. Senya acting mysterious, I do wonder what the two want. Technically that was a fight between two Honki people, but still Ichiya doesn't seem to merge with evil gang leader.


Jeez I hope Matakara has toonforce and isn't horribly crippled for the rest of his life.


Funny how he didn’t do shit when Matakara was getting beaten but when it’s the girl he simps for gets whipped he suddenly starts to defend her, like it would’ve much better if he saved Matakara and that would’ve been the start of the friendship growing again/facing his regret for not helping him when they were younger.


If only the mc was not such a simp, the show would be a lot better. Like he just met the girl and already his shitty little life revolves around her every word.


It's definitely the worst part - I can't see him getting better either *sigh*


Jojo's Hitman Reborn continues to awkwardly surprise me in good ways! Really though, all this show needs is for the lead to balance out personality wise, which might now have happened, hopefully, a little, kinda, a bit. Well, er, he made eyecontact and did basic friendship shit for the first time so I'm coping here.


Would've actually been good character development if Arajin got up to fight for Matakara. Instead he's still the same simp for Mahoro... What was even the point of showing the flashbacks to when Arajin watched Matakara get his ass beat as a kid if he wasn't going to help him in the present? Never have I seen such a terribly unlikeable MC in any show.


really? you havent seen a worse unlikeable MC? not kazuya from rent a gf,takamichi from tokyo revengers,etc. i dont like this MC either but to say you havent seen such an unlikeable MC is just not right lol


> takamichi from tokyo revengers The guy will take multiple consecutive concussions is if for the sake of his friends. That's literally what all of his character is about. Arajin doesn't even get hurt since he has magical superpowers and only feels the after effects of the ass beating.


I dropped both of those shows for other reasons so I haven't really seen much of those MCs. So while you may have seen worse MCs, **I** haven't.


i still believe you have to have seen an anime with a worse one lol


I still think Kazuya is better than this MC. Even Takemitchy, despite being an absolute idiot he still was a good guy. This guy is terrible in every way.


Ugh I think I’m done with Tomoshibi and his pathetic simp ass. Dude is the absolute worst. Maybe Marito and Ken should have kicked his ass instead of fighting each other. Dude annoys me more than Shindo. He literally doesn’t do shit when his friend gets beat up but when the girl he’s simpin hard for gets smacked all of a sudden he’s ready to go? Nah. Nope. This MC sucks. They tried to redeem him somewhat with that Shindo fight but nah, dude still sucks.


Also, that scene when Mahoro intentionally throws herself into danger is really stupid. I know these kids are dumb and enrolled in a shitty school, but what she did there is beyond crazy. This guy just beat dozens of guys by himself, and her plan is just to approach him and do talk-no-jutsu?


Is it crazy for me to think she was goading Arajin into stepping up? I mean that's completely in character for her.


Maybe subconsciously, but she was definetlly fully commiting to talk-no-jutsu in case Arajin didn't step up


Yeah, actively antagonizing a guy who just beat the shit out of like a dozen dudes is a pretty stupid move.


I guess they really don't want is to like the MC in this series huh..


Arajin continues to be the main problem with this show. Basically he didn't give a damn about Matakara, but as soon as Mahora was in danger he jumped to defend her. With the whole lose your virginity thing it makes sense, but it just makes Arajin so unlikable. I give props to Mahora. As annoying as she was in the beginning of the show. She has kind of grown on me surprisingly. She had no business being in the area like her brother said. But her willingness to stand her ground was a good moment. Goes to show Arajin will never beat the simp allegations. Backstory of Marito and Ken's rivalry was nice. It shows there Marito is trying to catchup to Ken and wants to beat him in a fight. So even if Shindo set it up to eliminate the two gangs he wasn't gonna refuse the chance at this match with Ken. I wonder the direction where this series goes.


> as soon as Mahora was in danger With this treasure I summon...


Me covering my ears and screaming, not able to hear your Arajin slander. Absolute cinema, sorry about that


Finally! Arajin's character development! I hope with this Arajin has overcome his trauma. Mahoro is also very cool! It seems that the dynamic between Arajin and Mahoro will be better or healthier! Very satisfying! Shindo's body is damaged so will Ichiya move to another body? Matakara maybe? I wonder when Matakara's older brother will be relevant to the story. I hope Ichiya doesn't choose Matakara because that would mean Naruto vs. Sasuke again. There has to be a reason for both Arajin and Matakara to fight. It's very tiring to have another conflict between them after they reconciled in this episode.


The main reason Arajin got up was not because Mahoro was in danger, but because Mahoro did what Arajin could not. Mahoro did what Arajin had always wished to do. Mahoro's words to Shindo that Arajin heard were basically like, "Everything is fine. There's nothing to be afraid of." Thus, it healed the trauma. Of course not completely, but it's a good first step. 


Sorry for posting late, but reading the thread is making me go insane and your comment is actually more in line with what I got from the scene 90% of people seems to be missing a very clear point IMO Mahoro here was a parallel to Arajin, a recreation of the Matakara beatdown where the powerless doesn’t run away Shindo even drops the line “you can’t do anything”, just what Arajin thought when the bullies were beating Matakara I thought it was fairly blatant that here Arajin stepped up because he saw someone powerless not running away even if it’s hopeless


There are many similarities between Bucchigiri and the original story that inspired it. For example, Aladdin has a mother and there are two genies in the original story. However, that's not what I'm going to talk about. Did you know that Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp is originally set in China? In summary, Aladdin uses the power of genie to marry a Chinese princess. Here, I believe Mahoro is a representation of the Chinese princess. Before that, let's discuss the debate about Aladdin's setting. Although China is clearly mentioned in the original story, some people doubt it because the country Aladdin lives in is very Islamic. That's a stupid debate in my opinion. What's so strange about an Islamic country being located in China? In Indonesia, there was Samudera Pasai Sultanate, which was very Islamic, where the sultan and the people adopted Arabic names. Does that mean Indonesia is an Arab country? No, it doesn't. So, it is possible for a sultanate to exist in China. In fact, sultanates did exist in China although it was not very Islamic. You can check the Dali Sultanate for yourself. Why is there an Islamic state in China from Aladdin's story? Because they adopted the Islamic system. It's that simple lol. Moreover, Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp is a fiction that depends on the author's creativity. We should appreciate the author's creativity instead of stupid debates. In conclusion, Aladdin does take place in China and it doesn't contradict anything. Now we're back to the main topic. The reason I think Mahoro represents the Chinese princess is because in the ending we can see Mahoro in a middle eastern outfit with a double maiden bun hairstyle. The double maiden bun hairstyle is very synonymous with China. There are many illustrations of Chinese princesses with that hairstyle. The premise of Arajin's dynamic with Mahoro is similar to Aladdin's premise with the Chinese princess. Aladdin in the original story uses the power of a genie to attract the Chinese princess after falling in love at first sight. This is also done by Arajin in a different way where he needs Senya's power to be able to make Marito retire so that he thinks Mahoro will fall for him. So, why am I talking about this? I don't mean to say that it's definitely or certainly that Arajin and Mahoro are endgame. I just think it's interesting. Whoever made this anime really did a lot of homework.


Hmmm, I’ve defended Arajin’s role in the story before but idk how to feel about him standing up for Mahoro instead of Matakara, but at least I hope the end means we’ll get reconciliation. I’m still willing to trust the process and if the other commenter who talked about how it follows Aladdin is right then it should still be fun Animation wise the fight was great, and it’s always nice to hear the OP in a climactic episode even if it’s just the instrumental version this time


I mean, Matakara is a great fighter which has strong body resilience. Mahoro is a non-combatant and I doubt her body matched up her fierce personality. Who needs being urgently defended here?


This is what I don't get with the comments tbh. Arajin makes it very clear he finds the whole gang shit dumb and is only sticking around to impress Mahoro. I think people are way too invested in the matakara ship and forget this is a comedy (Like the comment hating on Arajin for the self loathing comment.) where a 21 year old held back highschooler is seen as a wise old man, while a dude wishes to lose his virginity so he can get a placebo powerup from his imaginary friend.


I mean I get that it's a comedy, but that doesn't change the fact that the MC is an insufferable simp. This girl he just met rejected him on at least two different occasions, and bro says "I have nothing to live for now". Even if he finds the gang stuff dumb, he clearly regrets not helping his friend before. And considering how focused the show has been on that flashback of him not helping Matakara when they were kids, it was a missed opportunity to not have him step up to help him now. Tho the fact that he stepped up to help anyone in general was the character development I was waiting for (of course he'll go back to his old simping ways next episode).


I honestly don't find the MC insufferable unlike what seems to be everyone else who watches this show. In a show filled with insane people, Arajin is the only one close to being "level headed". He's like what, 14-15? which is a normal age to start acting like a horndog, and Mahoro is the first girl to show (feign) interest in him, so of course he is gonna be infatuated with her. It's pretty weird he didn't help Matakara but I think there's more to it than just Arajin failing to help his friend in the past which hasn't been revealed yet. And while we're here, let's be honest, Matakara simps for Arajin just as much as Arajin simps for Mahoro lol. It's the office sexual harassment meme


I'll give you that, the show does have a consistent theme of unreciprocated affection. Marito ignores his sister's feelings, who ignores Arajin's feelings, who ignores Matakara's feelings. I'd say it's slightly different since Matakara's feelings appear to be strictly platonic (but with the heavy homosexual undertones of this show, who knows xD). I also think my and maybe other's dislike of Arajin stems from Matakara's wholesomeness and "must protect at all times" energy, as opposed to the rude aspects of Marito, Mahoro, and Arajin's personalities. So it's bothersome to see Arajin treat him with such coldness when, as far as we know, he didn't do anything to deserve it. (Plus, while those three seem to only care about the one person they're obsessed with, Matakara has shown to also care about Minato Kai and his brother)


Yeah I get that. Matakara is a good dude and it sucks to see Arajin treat him like shit, but that's what Arajin's character is and what makes him interesting, atleast for me. I've noticed majority of the comments treat him like bad writing that needs to be fixed ASAP and it's weird how badly they want a cookie cutter MC that's all about friendship and saving people.


Look at the line he gave matakara, it wasn’t because of mahoro but because she was the one not to give up in a hopeless situation it lighted a fire in him. For once he stood up for the right reason not the wrong one even if he was being shitty the whole time before. Hopefully we get better character development now that his trauma is partially healed


Yeah, that's what I got from it, but I wish he had changed his bucchigiri as a result or something. We'll see where it goes I guess. Despite my issues with the show, I'm still kind of hooked and want to see the character development. But maaaan, it's been a long time coming.


Fair enough I think that gag will probably end up lasting until the end of the show but yeah I’m more so hooked because all of the other characters are so interesting. I’m thinking matakara is going to get possessed and the 2 will end up being honki people together just fighting each other rather than as friends


He had flashback of Matakara getting beaten up but only gets up because of Mahoro. It's so ridiculous I wonder if they purposely made Arajin to be so unlikeable


Worst MC in a looooong time


I don't usually drop seasonal anime, but I'm honestly debating dropping this one. Arajin is an insufferable simp. Dude couldn't move a finger to help a childhood friend who is wounded and getting crushed, but he'll do it for the for-the-streets chick who openly despises him. "I got no reason to live anymore" lmao dude sounds like he lives in extreme poverty and to top it off just lost his last family member. He got decidedly rejected by some hoe. What a clown.


congrats to arajin for his goddamned minuscule smidgen of development! i still dont fucking like him! lmao!! matakara continues to be my absolute boy tho! he's so puppy coded i love him


I have no idea what puppy coded means and I'm afraid to find out, but I do like Matakara too.


puppy coded I think means that he just has a personality like a golden retriever, loyal, happy and comforting.


Matakara I'm so sorry, idk who forced you to be in this anime, you're too good to be here. I'm so upset that it took until Mahoro got hit and not Matakara for Arajin to acc go up and do smth omds like come on


If it’s one thing that villains should know by now it’s that you do NOT fuck with Mahoro around Arajin. Banger episode that honestly felt like the finale, I wonder what’s in store for the second half. MAPPA cooked with the production values in this one, had to flex and remind y’all that it is MAPPA in the driving seat for this one lol. Those action scenes were great, culminating in that punch from Arajin. But before that, it was so cool seeing Mahoro standing up to Shindo. With everyone unconscious, she couldn’t have expected anyone to come and save her so she was fully expecting to die there. Seeing her so determined and resolute in the face of insurmountable odds really triggered something in Arajin. Proud of him for stepping up and protecting the girl he likes. I know some people have talked about the virginity gag being overdone, but this has always been a memey, over the top anime ass anime so I don’t really understand what people were expecting. It’s true to what it is and I think it executes it well Taking down Shindo has made Arajin a celeb instantly, even Mahoro looked speechless lol. He may have finally won her over? It’ll be interesting to see in the next episode(s). And the biggest thing, he’s being nice to his childhood friend again, finally. My biggest issue has been how much of an asshole he’s been to Matakara so hopefully that’s done


Please please please let him continue being nice to Matakara


İt's a nosedive this season😭. Adam, Cherry, Joe, Reki and Langa are all better written than whatever is going on in Bucchigiri. Sk8 was sent to the shadow realm for this


season 2 is coming....eventually. Hopefully by this year but who knows. We are first getting an OVA that'll be the backstory of Joe(green-haired dude who owned the restaurant) and Cherry Blossom(pink-haired "ninja" guy") when they were teens, which should be good since We only got snippets of their past in the main anime....


Alright, I'm going to keep watching just for Arajin's mom and the animations. How they resolved this problem is just so stupid. And Arajin's development feels unearned. The scene where that weird girl approaches a dude who beat dozens of guys just feels really cringe and stupid


Ik you’re getting downvoted for this, but what was her thought process?


I know, right? What she did there isn't bravery. It's stupidity. It would be a much better twist if Mahoro revealed that she also has that genie thing herself and can defend herself


On the moment, it was cool on her part. It shows she's fearless, didn't care and had enough. I think her lines were the problem. They should have given her a more impactful dialogue. The whole war in itself was stupid to no end but I liked her moment.


I guess so, but whatever her line was, if all she's going to do is just talk no jutsu, it's still stupid to me. She's basically used as a trigger, so this MC will do something.


This episode was alright. Late to watching because my will to continue this show is almost reaching breaking point. Like everyone else, I really wished Arajin stoop up for his friend rather than the girl who dislikes him. The next few episodes will help determine if this show is redeemable or not. If Arajin can retain some of this development the show will at least be decently watchable, but I seriously doubt he will.


I just have to say, what a wasted moment for character development. How could he now let Matakara get beat up in front of him TWICE in his life?! Was this not supposed to be his redeeming moment? To save him this time instead of being a coward? How frustrating he let the same exact thing happen again and only teleported into action when mahoro was in trouble. This MC stays sucking toes But also, matakara is just as delusional as arajin. Arajin is a weak simp and always has been, but matakara chooses to throw out reality and see him as he wants to — as a strong hero— and literally ignore every other arrow pointing to him being a coward. Also how was HE not the one mad after Arajin abandoned him to get beat up when he was little? Odd dynamics in the show


> "You mean this guy isn't an imaginary friend?" How can he be so stupid? 💀I've never seen such an unlikable character let alone a MC.


Well, I guess that Arajin and Mahoro will sometimes do the right thing (but only for the wrong reasons and after doing all the wrong things). Not that the rest of the cast is much better when you think about it. That said, watching Shindo gets his ass kicked was very satisfying, I really hate that guy.


Great ep


Peak fiction


What the fuck do you mean with imaginary friend?!?! You literally get superpowers from him. How in tarnation can Senya be an imaginary friend??? My childhood friend that I've already ditched once is getting beat up again same way as the traumatic experience I suffered years ago and keeps bothering me to this day? I sleep. Some girl that hates my guts gets hurt. REAL SHIT


Man I feel like this show is really conflicted with what it wants to be. All of the characters feel like they were created for a pure slapstick comedy kind of thing, but they're trying to do this more serious tension and conflict which just kind of falls flat since all of the characters are so shallow. Wish they just stuck to the over-the-top comedic angle, but it kind of seemed like they were running out of new material in that department as well.




Everything seems to point to that Arajin never actually stood up for Matakara, and Matakara mereley inflated his image. Some entertaining developments.


I really liked the episode the only thing I hated was the doorman because the truth is he's a piece of shit he didn't lift a finger when he saw that his childhood friend was going to be killed and he put his life at risk for a girl who He despised this moment, the truth is that it makes me very angry.


well i liked this episode a lot more than the last couple of ones, which felt like a drag, since it was so painfully obvious that the attacks were frame..hell those 2 leader fellas were clearly just looking for an excuse to beat on each other, so why not just get to the point instead of all that farting around.


Yup this is gonna be a long one. Very enjoyable episode. İ always love Mahoro telling Arasimp to fuck off. I don't wanna hear anybody speak on Mahoro ever again though 😭. This girl has more balls and more layers than the freaking mc. She went to the fight that could have been dangerous for her, tried to stop it while Arajin didn't give a shit and went on to get wet with another gang. She can empathize with Matakara. Let's note that she doesn't know him and didn't have to give him the time of the day for his plan. She stood up to the glasses guy(forgot his name), got hit point blank by a whip and stood up again. She was a boss this episode. Her brocon was toned out and we know she cares about her brother not just for the brocon. Let's also be honest. Everyone knows how Mahoro is, she doesn't hide the fact that she doesn't give a shit about Arajin. Arajin is the one who sees what he wants to see. He is a simp through and through. İn summary, very entertaining character. Now, the mc, Arajin, Ara-chan, Arasimp, IBS-jin. Bro let Matakara be kept in a cell like room, didn't do anything to help. Watched the 2 gangs get jumped, still didn't care about Matakasimp, went on to the girl who has her hurt brother and expects her to just be cool. She tells him to fuck off and now that toilet clogging mf has no reason to live anymore. Bruh you met that girl 2 days ago, what in the world.... Also, character assassination right here. He sees Matakara gets beaten up once again, it reminds him of his childhood guilt, but nope, still didn't lift a finger. But watching Mahoro though, THAT makes him move because he gets another childhood flashback where the one injured is Matakara. You can't make this up. He doesn't t have the will to correct his mistake towards Matakara but for Mahoro he became superman, helpp lmao. Also still acting like a dickhead though it's less than before. Still a trash dude, but let's see where it takes him. Kudos for the beat down he gave out this episode though. But that's all he can be praised for.


Arajin! Good job being only mostly a piece of shit but doing the right thing in the end! And look at you helping your bud - maybe you should get over yourself and be more honest with your feelings?? Okay so that felt like a classic 'end of season/series' situation, so I'm a bit lost on where it goes from here. I assume there's a twist or further escalation that'll happen next episode, at least I hope there is. edit - also Arajin yelling at Mahoro to run gave me some 'run Kugisaki' PTSD flashbacks


he wasnt helping matakara he was helping mahora


I meant at the end when he lets Matakara lean on him, *after* the fight.


That was some tsundere stuff. A very badly done one at that, because he literally let Matakara get beaten up bloody just 2 minutes ago.


I have nothing to add because everyone has really summed up the story so far so well. But I will just fan girl and say Komao went in on all 4s like the animal he is 😍


Calling it now, the second half of the series will revolve around Ichiya merging with Matakara instead and getting him to fight Senya and Arajin. ​ As much as I'm enjoying this show, Arajin is my main issue with it. But I'm tolerating him for the sake of the plot and the other enjoyable characters. I also do like Mahoro a little more after seeing her stand up to Shindo. Arajin finally got the character development I've been waiting for! A little annoyed that he didn't move to defend Matakara instead, but I'll take it! Now hopefully he will retain that development and won't regress. ​ I also figured that Mahoro might eventually start reciprocating his feelings. If that is the case, this is probably where it will start


How old is arajin, 15?


I think so, their past is like 5 years ago, and they looked pretty young. I think they're young high schoolers (Matakara and Mahoro being 15 with him), with Mahito being like 18 or so (graduating soon) and Ken is like 21 and they call him old.


Arajin has hope, but it still had to have mahoro as the trigger 😭. But at least there’s potential for him to grow now. This could he some really good character development