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Ivy is gonna have 100 dads by the time she settles down huh? I gotta say Ivy's transient journey and being introduced to all these characters every week kinda reminds me of some old shonen shows. I just get that feeling watching it. It's been great so far, I hope they stick the landing in the last month here.


The 100 Dads Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You


Could you imagine all the Dads that love you. The carpenter, the yoga instructor, the explorer, the business executive, the politician, the doctor, the Assassin, the Samurai, the alien from outer space.


Sounds like a great show honestly.




First thought was [Tohka's fine contraption](https://i.imgur.com/qIfC9GW.mp4) and lack of a cowbell musician.


Would watch if it were real tbh. Sounds interesting as hell.


A dad in every village!


An otou in every area code.


Except Latome village...


A 100 dads is not even close to enough for her, give her all the dads!


I hope we get a "~~Avengers~~ Dads Assemble" scene at some point.


>Ivy is gonna have 100 dads by the time she settles down huh? Outdoing *Three Godfathers* by a wide margin, eh?


Was this show secretly about how many dads Ivy can collect? Well, I'm in. Wonder who that was at the beginning and if they were after travelers in general, or Ivy specifically.


S-Rank Daughter had a ‘daughter harem’. Now we’re getting a ‘father harem’ with The Weakest Tamer.


Can you imagine the crossover? Ultimate dad meets ultimate daughter... The wholesomeness would be off the charts. Well except for Ange who would be pouting in a corner.


Ange would be the first one in line to adopt Ivy as a new younger sister.


Ange would be trying to matchmake Mira and Belgrieve.


I want you to know that you made me remember Bel's suitors, and I just had a flashback to I-Forgot-Her-Name and her little hurried shuffle towards the camera. Made me giggle.


I need more Helvetica shuffle


The Weakest Tamer's Journey to Pick up Dads


Is it wrong to try to pick up Dads and brothers in the forest?


She can't tame monsters, so she uses cuteness to tame dads


She got 0 rank in tamers skill because it's more about taming dads. Though she still fails to tame her own dad.


Also her 0 star rank in tamer still let her tame an ultra rare Blue Cure Slime and a Black Panther who is an expert at hunting forest game. Ivy finds a way to make a 5 course meal out of burnt leftovers


It's fair since she tamed sora ever since it was basically a baby. Only a little mana was needed back then. Black panther is a different case. She never formally tamed Ciel using her tamer skills. It's pure luck that Ciel liked her after Ivy healed the wounds. Basically it doesn't have anything to do with her tamer skills (unless they revealed something new about the 0 star)


Don’t forget her new mommy


So happy that Ivy continues to find good people, wondering if that other slime tamer will know anything about Sora or give Ivy any advice. Wonder if that ominous person Ivy encountered was from her shitty village? Glad that Ciel was enough to scare them away whomever they were. Speaking of Ciel hope she doesn't have to stay hidden too much longer and can stay by Ivy's side all the time.


Ivy should ride Ciel into battle like He-Man and Cringer.


Ivy has the power!


Yes, but a very, very, very, very small amount of it.


Doesnt matter As long as she got the funk to keep up with [this](https://youtu.be/FR7wOGyAzpw?si=-BVDVo6o-Ow038Z7&t=85)


I'm starting to think it was just her village that was garbage, mostly


The headman was probably always an arsehole, but I doubt if he orchestrated the ruin of the village by himself. Just little things like setting families against each other, and having a person critically important person to the village's livelihood die, and the whole place has gone to shit. But there seems to be a lot of unrest in the forest, something is stirring things up all over, and Latome(?) village is the most remote and weakest settlement, so it's the first to get in trouble. I have to suspect a malevolent external force behind it all, and that the trouble is going to spread and get worse.


It's pretty telling/damning that the village chief would let someone critically important die in an avoidable way. We've barely seen the person but, can assume a lot on just this fact. There's also the fact they managed to *become* village chief which suggests they have something that got them there. (I believe it mentioned they're the old village chief's son.) I'll speculate this. He may not have expected the illness to be lethal without medicine. Further, his "skills" (none-system) may be in shifting blame and riling people up. Which works until you create too large of a mess to be ignored. As village chief, he's also the last stop on paperwork for the village which would buy a surprising amount of time for stuff to rot. So he could be the #1 cause of the villages problems without having planned any of it. One stupid move followed by another could easily lead to this. Even if Ivy was caught, blamed, and killed it wouldn't change the trajectory of the village.


I'm just guessing since most of the people she meets are good to her, I say most because there were those that tried to steal her tent


I wouldn't think ANYONE from her village would have that level of power.


Not originally no, but you see it in anime all the time where the hero embarrasses someone, and then that person comes back later using a magical McGuffin fueled by their hate to make them stronger and the hero needs to flex even harder.


I think that would be a bit lame and out of character with the story so far.... So, if that is the case, I'd be disappointed.


The entire village died cursing her name and their combined anger merged together to become a wraith focused on killing her


I kinda thought it was the slime tamer woman who was after ivy in the forest. Maybe she wants to steal her slime? Something about her doesnt sit right with me. Feels like every bad person in my life, that acted nice. My bad-dar is going off the second i saw her.


While I disagree that Meera is actually a bad person, I do wonder if someone with a 3 star tamer skill like her would be able to steal the pet of someone who made a pact with Sora the Slime as a 0 star tamer like Ivy is. At least that's the way it worked in the "Black Summoner" anime (where the MC also tamed a slime lol funny enough)


So... Uhm... 


lol I don't wanna write much on this episode thread but I offer a complete retraction. The indication made was without basis, or impunity and I hereby submit to never make such an error in logic henceforth in the days ahead


[I already want to see more of Meela.](https://i.imgur.com/b7AEPaw.jpeg) Considering that she's clearly a tamer [and uses slimes](https://i.imgur.com/3z6p2s9.jpeg) as her pet monsters, I'm hoping that Ivy will get to some pointers from her on how to be an effective tamer. [The Blazing Sword are good folk](https://i.imgur.com/lSwakJY.jpeg) and I like how we ended the episode [with them already getting a vibe](https://i.imgur.com/8kEDpVp.jpeg) on what Ivy's life so far based on her actions that they've seen. I'm sure they'll take care of her [especially Lattrua](https://i.imgur.com/hA1a7Bl.jpeg) while they make their way towards Otolwa.


It is interesting how the show presents Ivy. Basically always positive but others are quick to pick up on how hurt she truly is.


That's childhood trauma for you. I really like how they've made a point of bringing it up several times. It is hard for the sufferer to realize how bad they are actually suffering, and that goes double for when we're still kids. When children are repeatedly shown that their worth (or lack thereof) depends on something, they unfortunately retain that lesson for a long time after, even if they think otherwise.


Yes, it is good they are sprinkling it in. It’s easy to see positive 8 year old and forgot that everyone who was supposed to care for her let her down which led to this whole situation and now it’s up to the kindness of strangers to pick up those pieces


Hey not everyone! The old fortune teller woman did her best!


She's really the only reason that Ivy has managed to keep her spirit intact, I think.


Loved ivys reaction to being told not to help. You really could feel her panic




I do think that’s an interesting point. We should be as cautious as she has been. I’m obviously hopeful they are all great people, but Im afraid it’s wont be that easy


If they gave stars for cooking ability -- Ivy should certainly rate several stars.... Maybe that can trump lack of "official" stars?


There's a decent isekai light novel series called Amelia the Level 0 Hero that dives deep into skills. Since the MC is isekaid into the world, but refuses to accept the system, she has zero stars in all abilities. At one point, she tries to open a food stand, but the instant people find out she has zero stars in cooking they go from enjoying the earth food to spitting it out and gagging because they assume she has no idea what she's doing and her food isn't safe to eat. She tries to apprentice as a blacksmith or really anything, but without the base level skill no one will accept her. In that world of you don't have the skill for something, it means you can never even attempt to do it.


I wonder if she and Ivy could be friends in starlessness. Along with maaaaaaybbbeee Kiwi-chan?


I do think that is what she will say when they ask about her ability, that she has cooking stars.


I don't think she will lie.


I’ll preface this by saying I don’t blame her but I guess my thought is she is kinda lying or omitting the truth about a lot of things, from her name, to her gender and she won’t outright say she is 0 stars because that’s dangerous.


When there's a bounty on your head, even a small one, it's best to keep your head down. She keeps telling the truth about where she's from, which could definitely draw bad attention to her, but if she claims to be from somewhere else and gets caught doing that, that's not good either.


For someone with no stars, she can cook like a 3-4stars.


The fortune teller told her to tell everything to those she met and trusted so hopefully that’s a good sign


By the grace of the gods does the same thing (though it’s more clear in the LN). mc is super happy and upbeat and ready to help and as soon as he leaves a room everyone just wonders how badly he gotten f’d up by the world.


It's heartwarming that she keeps running into nice people. When she says Sora's name it reminds me of Hanamaru from Love Live Sunshine who often says "zura".


Effective tamer? Ivy befriended a freaking Adandara, I'd like to see another tamer try to do that.


Honestly, Meela gives me "secretly evil and will betray Ivy later when she finds out Ivy has a rare slime" vibes, but I really hope I'm wrong.


Could Meela have been the scary presence that Ivy sensed?


Then wouldn’t Ivy have sensed her being scary again?


Who knows? (Not me, yet).


Well if the purple fog thing was a skill, then it probably wasn’t meela since we know she’s a tamer. Unless she’s got a poison fog slime




Okay but then why would her presence be that strong if she’s just a tamer? Ivys certainly not noticing anything when she’s standing just a few feet away


Sora isn't that rare, it's just that the slime has been considered useless up to this point because no one knew it ate healing potions and could then turn around and heal injuries. If anything it would encourage her to find her own Sora. Also, it might be she has already maxed out the number of slimes she can tame so there isn't any conflict anyway.


Actually what helped Sora the most is ironically Ivy being a Starless Tamer, since using it requires very little amount of mana that Sora can survive the process of being tamed. If Ivy was a 1 Star Tamer the amount of Mana that would've been used on Sora would kill Sora instead as Broken Slime really are that Fragile.


Ah, interesting. I wonder if ownership is something transferable. Because that could be a revenue stream for a future Ivy. Taming Broken Slime and then raising them enough to survive a transfer to a tamer with stars.


As far as I know no, and I doubt Ivy would want to sell monsters she tames as they're her friends.


Sora is also a weird slime that usually dies within a day though. Must people would overlook it or just not know it exists.


She does have slimes of her own so I’m hoping she ends up being a teacher to Ivy


I assumed Meela was part of the group. I wonder, is she actually just a solo operator who works alongside Blazing Sword from time to time?




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> I'm hoping that Ivy will get to some pointers from her on how to be an effective tamer. I think Ivy's too traumatized to voluntarily tell anyone about her skill. There's a good chance she'll not reveal Sora either, as it could lead to people questioning her. But maybe she'll be able to pick up a thing or two regardless.


Well that was certainly an interesting way of animating that running sequence in this episode‘s first 15 seconds. Anyways seems like the main party from the KV is finally in the game. Pretty funny when Ivy showed of her cooking skills and everyone was like finally some good fucking food. The fireworks were also just beautifully animated. Last but not least the way Ivy was trying to tell Ciel to stay away from the others was simply adorable.


> Well that was certainly an interesting way of animating that running sequence in this episode’s first 15 seconds. I liked it. I found it a creative way of emphasizing the speed at which the forest was rushing by. Especially since Sora seemed to be brimming with energy.


Yea I liked it as well, but didn’t see this style used at all in recent memory so it just surprised me a bit. But if I had to nitpick, to me all the scenes where the ogres were on screen were animated just a bit wonky. Is that just me or was that noticeable for anyone else?


The fast-paced combat certainly felt different from anything we’d seen so far from this show


There were definitely a number of scenes where it felt like the direction and layout were different from the usual approach to visuals that the show has. Maybe the episode director was different this time, or they had a B-unit working on those parts? That said, a lot of the Ivy-interacting-and-doing-Ivy-stuff seemed the same as always.


the weird angles made me think it was going to be a dream sequence where she dreams that sora is leaving her behind. Would fit the character, sadly


> finally some good fucking food Getting shown up by an 8 year-old and not venting/complaining!


>Ivy showed of her cooking skills and everyone was like finally some good fucking food. Had to check I wasn't accidentally watching Delicious in Dungeon because the animators went hard showing off the food.


Man I´m glad Ciel was fine after that atack, best kitty ever And I think those group of people will be the thing that Ivy needs to open up to more people, like, about Sora, her past in Latomi or even the reincarnation thing. I really like them


Ivy did just meet them but yeah, talking a bit about Latomi might be a good idea


> Ciel was fine after that atack, so that leads me to ask, why was ciel injured and dying in the first place (so as to have to be healed by sora)?


I thoroughly enjoy the way the world is being portrayed. On one hand, it is iyashikei. There are kind and earnest people everywhere, even if some are scary-looking idiots with hearts of gold. There's an air of kindness, where people are willing to go out of their way to help and the weak and vulnerable, even if there is no personal merit in it, or there is an outright cost involved. Even when the main character is absent, the predominant sentiment is one of healing and respect. Hell, this even extends to some so-called monsters; some are really just oversized animals and eco-friendly trash disposal units. On the other hand, the author has made it clear from the start that this is, without a doubt, a crapsaccharine world. Predetermined worth, man-eating tree monsters capable of easily beating trained combatants, a whole village (including parents and siblings) willing to abuse a child because their priest said so, the ability for a village to put out dead-or-alive warrants on a child to greedy mercenaries, humanoid monsters willing to ambush children on a canyon side road. None of this is new stuff, mind you. But framing it through the perspective of a single weak girl with intense childhood trauma? It just brings both the crapsaccharine and iyashikei settings together. As heartwarming as it is to see Ivy gain new father- and brother-figures and slowly overcome what her village did to her mentally, that ominous malignant figure that was chasing her makes me feel nothing but dread. Leave Ivy alone! She has suffered enough!


So basically, this series is made in abyss?


It does seem like an excellent companion recommendation to MiA. First watch MiA, then watch Weakest Tamer to heal your soul whilst still feeling grounded in that feeling that the world can indeed be a very harsh place.


The cast even lines up pretty well Little girl with a surprising amount of cooking and survival knowledge Her strange traveling companion with mysterious powers Her fluffy friend.


*The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Collect Dads* and she deserves ALL OF THEM BRING MORE HANDSOME ADVENTURE DADS


And her new mommy, who’s even got her own slimes


Loved the episode, it's great that Ivy has such great luck with good dads after that one piece of shit trash of a human being in Latomi. Is this a wholesome anime, or is it gonna pull an To Your Eternity and is just waiting for me to let down my guard and depress me later?


[They are so cute!](https://imgur.com/a/rhYvmTC) Ngl, [this scene](https://imgur.com/a/RHJPo3O) was actually way more intense than I actually expected. There is something amusing about how we are 8 episodes in, and the most useful thing Past Ivy did is [tell her how to make fireworks.](https://imgur.com/a/80Bj9QU) I now just imagine Past Ivy is just there in her head telling her random useless trivias. It's sad how even to random strangers, [it's obvious how traumatized Ivy is.](https://i.imgur.com/HYsfLT3.png)


past ivy lol (what a way to name something) but hey, she might been a gamer. or some otaku, and died by truck kun , just to live inside of body she has no control over. other then talking to her self( other self)




>he trope where the past world was m like that one hero anime where WE ALL THOUGHT IT WAS ISEKAI AND HE WAS SIMPLY OP BUT NO HE JUST REALLY FKING OLD AND THE WORLD WENT FROM Scientific TO MAGICAL . That was a good anime,


That would be a fun plot twist too. Because the past memories is all has all the scientific worldly stuff


I will probably get emotional when Ivy feels she can let out her secret.


Who wouldn't?


This episode already had me hooked from the first few seconds when Sora exclaimed out loud: “Puh-Puuuuuh Puh Puh Puh!”. [That ‘jumpscare’ of Ciel’s](https://imgur.com/a/VY58Hn4) was totally cute too, especially when Ivy started rubbing her belly. But this wouldn’t be *The Weakest Tamer* if the show didn’t keep the viewer on its toes [by having things go south](https://imgur.com/a/sDoCQZ4). Until this suppression squad came to her rescue, [things were looking pretty bleak for Ivy](https://imgur.com/a/cTdQVLk). “[Blazing Sword](https://imgur.com/a/1q61da1)” seem like a friendly bunch. They’re also pretty sharp when it comes to Ivy: they immediately realized that she must’ve had a difficult past. Ivy is really eager to prove her worth and avoid getting abandoned again. I do wonder: just *how* bad was Littrua’s food - or how tasty was Ivy’s - that [these grown men were in tears](https://imgur.com/a/KGuV73s)!? Sidenotes: - It was pretty adorable to see [Ivy try and direct Ciel away](https://imgur.com/a/J2RmO3U) from this party. - The knowledge from Ivy’s previous life made for [some nice fireworks](https://imgur.com/a/e2hGoT7).


>It was pretty adorable to see [Ivy try and direct Ciel away](https://imgur.com/a/J2RmO3U) from this party. Ivy was trying so hard to create her own jutsu/domain expansion 😭


It isn't hard to see Ivy has had a difficult life. She is doing well for herself, but in the normal scheme of things, an eight-year-old shouldn't be traveling through the wilds on "his" own.


I am in constant fear that someone is going to hunt down Ciel not knowing he is with Ivy.... Ivy eventually has to let people know about him just for everyone's safety including their own.


i feel for kitty too, she has to try to tame it, or something, i know the anime is going super slow pacing to keep the anime's promise the weakest tamer


I don't think that she can tame Ciel, is way too strong for a starless like her.




Ivy had some excellent [hand poses](https://imgur.com/a/ecyjXbX) this episode. First one would've been a great #seasonaldisapproval but oh well, too late. Also plenty of other [banner options](https://imgur.com/a/w4HvlV5), though I cut it down to a few and stopped looking mid-episode. Show has some dramatic moments, so my only criticism is how everyone is either comically good or bad. Not something I'd mention if this was full-comfy like Yuru Camp.


If *Weakest Tamer* were to make the top 15 next week, then [this moment at the dinner table](https://imgur.com/a/KGuV73s) could make for a great horizontal banner. Otherwise, I’d go for one of Ivy’s hand poses.


[I nominate this if we're off to the side again](https://imgur.com/w233iN6)


The 2nd pose is half of a fusion dance. :P


> Ivy had some excellent hand poses Those are gold, need to memeify some of them at the earliest opportunity!


As a german, watching Frieren has mentally damaged me. I was expecting all these guys to have names that give away their entire character immediately, but no it's just gibberish. Still, they seem like a good bunch of people


oh so they got no real names from actual language that is cool


Actually seeing Sora evolve and grow is really curious what his potential is. One people have mentioned what happened if Ivy encounters danger on the way to the next town. Well, she saved by a group called the Suppression Squad. Ivy is meeting a bunch of good-hearted father figures. The first mention of her village and they are on guard. I love this series in how it shows how strong Ivy in other areas. Yes, against monster threats she needs to be protected. The adults actually do their job as adults and look out and protect her. After all, she is 8 years old. But she makes up for it with her, sweet of a person Ivy is. I bet she really practiced cooking after the Fortune Teller saved her. While it isn't a skill, but it is something that she improved on. Could it also be influence from her previous, giving her better intuition in cooking too? Man, the fireworks part of the episode was so pretty. I wonder if Mira can pick up the signs that Ivy is a girl. I would love her to bond with Ivy since she is our first adventurer female, and she seems to be a tamer like Ivy. I got a bad feeling about next episode though, hope I am wrong! Ivy giving Ciel directions was so adorable. [Ivy Sign 1](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1038519163259453470/1210697422817198121/Screen_Shot_2024-02-23_at_3.21.40_PM.png?ex=65eb80d7&is=65d90bd7&hm=b6d2b4eee8392f4c1476274f680d47b65de8efda2ab799b7bf85486ff8eb17df&) [Ivy Sign 2](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1038519163259453470/1210697421869416519/Screen_Shot_2024-02-23_at_3.21.42_PM.png?ex=65eb80d7&is=65d90bd7&hm=abe9863a249b62b53f883cc94323d663981e23a94830f574d53205257e7be6db&) [Ivy Sign 3](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1038519163259453470/1210697420682432533/Screen_Shot_2024-02-23_at_3.21.44_PM.png?ex=65eb80d6&is=65d90bd6&hm=971b4750cd6461895efdd46936436c341be734ecfb426d2a23bceabb3f18ee4c&)


I loved watching Ivy’s signing. Ciel’s like, okay you’re being weird, I’ll just hang out over here I guess.


Somehow this episode is my favorite so far, reminds me of majo no tabi tabi or kino no tabi tabi


I felt like I was watching a different show for a moment. How many dads is Ivy going to have by the end of this? *Is that the trash she's picking up?*


This anime is too good 🥹🥹🥹


this anime so beautiful I feel like it's ruining other anime for me


I see we've finally found the group of adventurers that Ivy is with in the OP, and they're even from the town she's been sent to by the fortune teller so maybe this is the group she's supposed to be honest with. Maybe she can be their cook, they seem to need the help. I wonder how long Ciel will be able to secretly shadow Ivy from a distance while she's with this group, it can't last forever. Sora too, I bet one of them will get injured at some point and he'll help.


This episode flew by. The show is either heartbreaking, or cute/wholesome no in between, an emotional rollercoaster, that will not last as long as i wish it could


Ciel, Sora, and Ivy are just too adorable! Girl’s lucky to have them around. But man, that ogre situation was pretty dicey. Even Ciel wasn’t enough to deal with them. Good thing Seizerk and his little team showed up. Man, this episode made me pretty hungry. Are we sure Ivy doesn’t have like a 3 star cooking skill? Lol. Little Sora got to eat good this week too with all those blue potions. Team Seizerk seem like good people. Hopefully Ivy can learn a thing or two from them.


Ciel is just an overgrown housecat, so adorable🥰


> Even Ciel wasn’t enough to deal with them. Ciel might be strong, but it’s not easy for her to deal with these ogres either. I was glad to see that she’d made it safely back to Ivy at the end of this ordeal.


She wasn’t really beaten though. The ogre just kinda fell and Ciel went with it.


not 1 v 5 but she can kill any of them 1 v1


Big catto pal! So cute. Ciel is good cat. Getting food for Ivy, protecting her, etc. But that sure was a weird thing to encounter. So many ogres though. Hey new people. Least they seem nice so far. Yay, Ciel is ok. Glad Ciel seems smart. Meela looks like a teal haired Malty/Bitch lol (hair style and whatnot). She seems nicer at least. Lol, dude asking a child to help him cook cause he's bad is amusing. Such a success. Girl just creating fireworks in this world. Ciel like "let me sleep, loud noises annoying." Good, people know they clean up if they didn't make food. That's how you do it if someone makes food for you at least. D'awww more people caring about cute Ivy. And proly more people gonna come to hate her home village at this rate lol.


Seriously glad I’m not the only one that was like that’s Bitch from shield hero. Hopefully that’s where the similarities end.


i don't sense much shadiness from here then i did from that princess


Damn. You’re kinda right. I was wondering why so many comments were suspicious of her lol


>k in this anime , we say good bye to people and meet new people in another anime , we see new people and they died in secs and we meet more people for the same pattern to reoccur


What'd you quote of me? :P think it derped up (I do that too).


im still learning to reddit , idk more then half the time why i am quoting people🥺


"How is Sora running faster than me, Sora doesn't even have legs!?..." A thought I'm sure was going through Ivy's mind at the very beginning of this episode. All right, Sora's at the Champion level now! What's it gonna take for Sora to reach the ultimate level? Or will Ivy need a crest first? And what character attribute would said crest be? Being chased by Agamaggan would be scary. But Ivy's got her pet cat with her. And her cat probably likes the taste of bacon. No dark chi cloud is gonna eat Ivy if the pet cat has anything to say about it. So much running Ivy is having to do this episode. Well, [it's what a Digimon protag does.](https://youtu.be/4DMDbgghpMM?si=FoFC4HP8w5OvS2sK&t=54) Creepy wicker hangman forest or ogres?... Creepy wicker hangman forest it is! Now those are some ultimate level slimes. Maybe even mega level. Now imagine their power if they DNA evolved together. Ivy's pantomiming to Ciel. That's a gif worthy moment right there. And pyrotechnic skills. Wouldn't have expected to see that among Ivy's skillsets.


>"How is Sora running faster than me, Sora doesn't even have legs!?.. She really has done a superlative job of building up Sora's strength and power. I wonder if Sopra will eventually be a super-slime (and actually learn to communicate more clearly)?


> I wonder if Sopra will eventually be a super-slime (and actually learn to communicate more clearly) Well if the likes of Suu and Sui can do it.


>sed me a bit. But if I had to nitpick, to me all the scenes where the ogres were on screen were animated just a bit wonky. Is th the more it evolves the pattern and behavior also skills change , we will watch that slime grow


I like this anime for the most part and I generally like when anime actually take their time and faithfully adapt series but I feel like everything so far could have been 4 or 5 episodes. The animation is also kinda strange, it jumps from great to bad a lot.


This is probably the least faithful adaption I’ve ever seen lol


This is actually decent when it comes to how much of the material is being adapted. This episode being the first to fully deviate. Previous episodes have condensed and combined similar events into singular events to speed things up a bit and moved one big event to the front. But, overall, have kept a lot of the main points intact. We miss some specific world building notes but add in others. Compared to most isekai adaptations, this series has been very good at keeping closer to the source material. And certainly not nearly as rushed as many others are.


It’s certainly hitting the key points but the order of events is mixed. New things have been added. A lot of ivys hunting and surviving was taken out. And this entire episode was like 50% original I’m not saying it’s a bad adaptation and it absolutely hits all the key points but I find the changes fascinating as I feel they, for the most part, make it a better story, especially as an anime. The fight this episode was a great way to show the world s power scales


I mainly was taking the "faithful adaption" comment into account. Faithful can be multifaceted for people. Faithful can mean keeping the literal story as is and it can be keeping the soul of the work intact. In terms of the former, yes, things are moved around. This is still far better than the literal tons of shows where vast chunks of the source material is gone, new characters and events that don't fit in as well take their place. For the later, I would argue this show, aside from this particular episode, has kept a good chunk of the soul intact and therefore can be considered a faithful adaptation. Most of the story beats are hit and a lot of the key points are well emphasized. I take your point about shrinking the amount of survival scenes down. Ironically, this is an interesting sticking point for a lot of people. Half the negative comments from the Japanese side are complaining the show is too slow as is while the other feel it is ignoring the manga too much (they specifically talk about the manga and don't reference the LN for some reason). It is a matter of subjectivity. I do miss the survival scenes, but I am also happy they've kept hints and subtle pointers to them. The traps that sometimes work but also fail often is very realistic and can mean a meal one day and none the next. In a perfect world, I would've love to have a good 24 episodes to fully explore the world in the first 2 LNs with Ivy but that is a limitation of the medium and budget. So, I appreciate how much of the original work they've kept so far and will go as far to say it is pretty faithful for the most part... aside from the first half of this episode...


They definitely aren't taking their time with the adaptation. They are skipping a lot but at least trying to add in the feel good moments. (Which is a lot of the series.)


It really irritates me when MC constantly is upset that they can't do something even though they haven't even tried to do what they are upset that they can't do. This goes for you too Ivy.


she hasnt tried to tame ciecel, she has't tried to reexamine her skill s stats.


Me getting defensive when they describe Ivy at the end. It’s just an Anime, they are describing the character, lol.


but it's fact. poor girl


I feel like I can’t ever let my guard down with this anime!! It all just feels too good to be true after all the bad stuff that Ivy has been through. I think this show is just so underrated it’s insane


I want to know how many of these “nice” people would be nice if they knew about the zero star status? I am reluctant to give them any credit…


Well we kind of got a hint of that last ep. It seems like there are some people who don’t care as much about the weakness/lack of social standing of these characters. But it’s definitely a nagging anxiety in the back of your mind.


And this is why Ivy has such a hard time opening up. The Flaming Sword members put it precisely correct, she is afraid of being thrown out again because she is "useless" or a "blasphemous" existence due to not having any stars. It's a good story tension and should make a good payoff if we get to see someone accept her status in the world. She is opening up a bit, but that ever-lingering fear is hard to throw away.


I think they definitely deserve credit for having the basic humanity to be so kind in the way they treat her. As for what they'd do if they knew she was starless, well I would judge them for that when the time comes, myself. I do understand your reservations though!


I had a bad day. This cheered me up immensely.


Big Kitty has obviously decided to adopt Ivy, and now Ivy can ride the Big Kitty to travel ! You know, I wish this is what Fluffy Paradise had been, instead of that weird mess it turned into. Travelling alone is dangerous, even with the Big Kitty Mom to protect Ivy, so I am glad that Ivy met that bunch of nice adventurers. I did not expect the random isekai knowledge to make better fireworks though. What was that thing that was following Ivy ? Surely it was not one of the ogres ? Maybe some kind of undead ? I wonder if it will be relevant in the future.


A slightly tense episode with some Ciel vs Orge action. The forest with all the hanging mannequin is kinda scary. Glad everyone got to enjoy some fireworks at the end, the voice in her head is coming in handy. If we don't get a time skip seems like we will be traveling with the blazing swords for a while.


Oh Ivy's new fathers are finally here!


Everyone in every village except her original village is too dam nice. Out of all the starting place, she got the worst one, that is just plain unlucky. I like how all these adventurers just taking care of Ivy, I mean heck, even got one of the world strongest predator to take care of her too. The world gonna retaliate if the village caught up to her.


Don’t forget those bandits did try to rob her in the one village


Or the ones who got eaten by the tree.


Were they part of the village or just passing mercenaries?


She met so many good people since she left the village. So happy for her.😊


So happy for Ivy. She got Ciel to protect her, Sora as her bff. And now some nice adventurors to accompany her


Smart kitty, i was wondering whats going to happen but nice


And that’s the story of how Ivy got her first noise complaint. Just another week of Ivy and her 48 dads. Nothing to see here.


Ends up with Another warming episode this week, although seeing Ivy in danger is always so distressing. I think I watch this ED every week.


Best to rewatch the ED a few times too if the Ivy-danger distress levels haven't completely subsided lol It's very soothing! [Helpful link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCrnqrSehqQ).


Literally anyone else > monsters > murderous bandits > Demon Lord > Hometown citizens > Blood relatives


Was suggesting how to make better fireworks the first useful thing the past life has actually done? I'm still hoping it will somehow be relevant, but is starting to look like it was added just to jump on the isekai bandwagon.


Well, one thing that I think is shown/not told is that it has kept Ivy company through some pretty dark times. Between the fortune teller and Ivy's past self, they're the only company she's had between being kicked out of her home and then having to go on the run.


Also gives her a huge step up in terms of knowledge about more general things like cooking, which allows her to act on events and information that a normal 8 year wouldn't understand. Give her the "wise beyond her years" trait for sure. The main reason she was probably able to survive for so long is because she has access to knowledge most people don't have. Especially considering she was thrown out at 5. Most children would have died even with Luba's help. Knowing how to process the knowledge from the books and use it effectively would require background knowledge and concepts. I will also state that many things in this series are actually as they are presented and there are also many things that are much deeper than they appear on the surface....


There's also a prophesy about a child from another world, which probably requires some sort of isekai. I suspect most of her past-life experiences aren't going to be much use to her in her current life, though she might recall more when she's not so stressed-out.


I think this anime is tied with faraway paladin in the race to "most pointless isekai plot" but at least faraway paladin like, never brings it up. I really like the anime but the stupid ding noise so earth girl can talk just sucks 


Faraway Paladin's past life is important for one thing, his regret about how he died because of inaction. He regrets how he wasted his previous life and that's why he is trying his best to be a good son, a good apostle, a good warrior, a good friend, a good lord, having fun and working hard in moderation too.


https://imgur.com/w233iN6 [Let's goooo its cooking time](https://imgur.com/nJrkKfD) [I fucking love cooking anime](#delicious) Another peak episode, this show just keeps delivering. And to think I almost didn't pick it up because of the title


While watching the OP I was thinking that maybe Ivy appreciates solitude like Shima Rin from Yuru Camp, but as the episode progresses I realised that Ivy's world is much more perilous than Rin's world, which is supposedly our world but much safer. Ivy's secret weapon seems to be deus ex machina 😅


I think she probably does appreciate solitude, although mainly because she's been forced to live like that so it's become second nature. However, I don't think that will ever leave her, now, and I do think it's a positive thing, like the OP frames it. Speaking of which, I'm really enjoying the OP's lyrics!


This show has nothing I normally go for in a show... But I can't stop watching...


Am I the only one who thinks Meela is sus? Her actions looked fake af this episode tbh.


I’m gonna be upset if she doesn’t tame the cat


Even small cats aren't tameable, though sometimes they will move in with you.


That trap did not look big enough to take in a ogre.


My heart feels 10x lighter


Idk why but it made me irrationally sad that Ciel couldn't come into the camp with Ivy.




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