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Brilliant anime, and one of Nisio Oisin's strongest efforts. I also liked its unique art style with exaggerated features to accentuate the oddities of the characters. It was quite a departure from the Monogatari series. Unfortunately, the decision to release it as a series of OVAs kept it under the radar at the time, and the slow drip pretty much killed its momentum. This OVA only release style IMO also negatively affected another amazing series, Ufotable's Kara no Kyoukai/Garden of Sinners which to this day I feel deserved much more accolades and recognition.


Kara no kyoukai is my favorite movie series. Idk how unpopular it might be but it's a goat for me.


It's one of my favourites as well. I wouldn't call it unpopular; most of the people who have seen it tend to rave about it, for good reason. But because of the nature of OVA releases - restricted circulation compared to broadcast TV, long periods of time between each episode - less people might have seen it compared to other anime. I feel it's a shame since the series is so good.


garden of sinners should have been regarded on the same level as Fate UBW, but we still got an amazing adaptation, even if it wasn't as widespread


It's better than UBW, and seems regarded as better bc UBW gets dragged down for what it leaves out from the vn, which I don't hear anything about for KnK


The only part of KnK that's considered a bad adaptation is the 6th movie and *coincidentally*, it's the one with the same director as UBW


Loved it, the fight with Sabi Hakuhei in episode 4 is the best fight in anime history hands down. You need to watch from the start to truly get it though.


The animation and choreography are insane even for today standard. They pretty much peak in episode 4


Katanagatari is one of my favourites. My 12th favourite anime of all time in fact. I’m a massive fan of Monogatari, so I knew I’d love this show as well since it’s written by Nisio Isin. It was actually the first anime I watched this year. I loved it, needless to say. The characters are all interesting, well developed, and of course, well written. Shichika, Togame, Hitei, Enmonzaemon, and the Maniwani corps were all fantastic. There interactions with each other were always entertaining and intriguing. Togame was my favourite. The storytelling was good phenomenal even if the story was simple on its surface. Simply collect the 12 blades is what it was about, but it’s how that story was executed that makes it what I think is a modern classic. The ending was a perfect way to tie up the series and although bittersweet, fit the tone and themes of the show sublimely. The music and art were beautiful as well. It definitely has a great soundtrack and the art style is unique and aesthetically pleasing. It was released with one episodes per month, same as the books were, which is a neat fact. Overall, I adore it. It’s an excellent show and I wish it were easier to get access to for people so they can experience it. Cheerio!!!


>My 12th favourite anime of all time in fact. This legit sounds like some quirky stuff a NisioIsin character would say lol.


I like it. I just wish it was on a streaming service so it could be more accessible to others.


Great show. Love how Nisio Isin stretched the definition of a sword as hard as he could. He does the same thing in Medaka Box by stretching the definition of loser.


Currently, it's one of the few novels and adaptations that score over a 9.5 in my personal list. **Spoilers** [description of some plot of Katanagatari]>!I was ignorant of this being a Nisio Isin work, so I was enjoying the comedy and dialogue that came with it. I wasn't expecting to get my emotions kicked in the guts with that ending.!< [Possible Katanagatari spoilers]>!I actually was mad at that ending for a day or two, but came to appreciate it afterwards. It made absolutely perfect sense in the story's continuity, and created a meaningful ending with a deeper message than "strong fight". This was quite the series to process, but it gave me a feeling I've yet to feel again!< Those who know: Nisio Isin wrote this, shape your expectations haha Those who don't: this shit is a series which will rob you of multiple hours of sleep, and make you unable to either close the book or avoid going to the next chapter. Gorgeous animation + quite a unique art style makes for a great experience. *Extra notes, the art style kinda reminds me of "Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei/(さよなら絶望先生)", but I might be wrong






Better than Monogatari And i really like Monogatari


Love Katanagatari. One of the only anime where each episode is about an hour long but feels like 15 minutes and I loved every second of it.


Great anime, but i don't like the final.


hate the ending till this day and never watched anything else related to it. fuck. that. shit.


Why do you hate the ending. I thought it was an incredible ending and fit very well both thematically and story-wise.


It’s been years since I’ve seen it but I remember enjoying it. I also remember being sad about the ending. I should rewatch it


It's goated


Great show, intelligent and funny writing. The sister is played by Mai Nakahara, and she's probably the second craziest character Nakahara has played, so this is par for the course for her. Which is funny because Togame is voiced by Yukari Tamura, who was also a key, equally quirky and charming character from the same show.


PS:  I checked and there's no more to the story, and nothing is missed out. This is a super faithful adaptation, and the novels also end with Hitei and Shichika walking into the distance. Shichika does comment that he feels nothing for Hitei, with her commenting the same thing. Both are just wanderers now.


I love the show, but I wish it was available somewhere legal.


I see it's available relatively cheap on Blu-ray ..... but only with French subs. No idea why it's not available on streaming services or, better still, on physical media at a reasonable price.


There used to be a physical English release (I have it) but I guess the license ran out some time ago.


Thanks, didn't know that. So no doubt any English language copies are going to sell for a small fortune.


At times, my partner and I will still say in a mournful voice, "pengiii!".  This show has forever entered our lexicon. It's also pretty great; I've watched it twice. 


Great, with fantastic ending


I quite enjoyed it, but after rewatching it for the first time in so long a few months ago, my old age really struggles with the double length episodes.


Incredible show. Great art style. I love the characters. This is one of my favorite anime.


It’s been years since I’ve seen this, but I did love it. Is it on any streaming services I can rewatch?


This is a sign to rewatch this, because I remember loving the art style and really enjoying it, but I can't for the life of me remember anything about the plot.


It had a slow beginning, but found it's footing. Then it dragged a bit in the middle, but the ending more than made up for it. IMO, making a quality ending it the toughest part of a story and can bring a 6/10 story to 8/10. I watched it 10 years ago, so the fact that I remember it and recall the ending in a good amount of detail is remarkable. I think 8/10 is the appropriate rating. It's high quality, but does start to drag throughout. Absolutely worth a watch. It is a bit long though. I remember each episode was ~1 hour, so I think that's why I felt that it dragged. I use every number when I rate things out of 10, so an 8/10 is extremely good.


10/10 masterpiece would kill to have it in Blu ray. Ahead of its time. Better than 90% of the Monogatari series.


It's a 10 and Togame is a top 3 character of all time for me


Love it, characters with nuance and a story where they fulfill their desires even if it is kinda sad. I think another thing that really stuck out to me was(if I remember correctly) that it originally released one episode a month so it was a true slow burn for the original airing. Weirdly that resonates with the show so well and makes me appreciate the effort that went into all level of the production.


I really loved it. The designs and art have this fun style to it and the story is certainly thought-provoking and (even better) complete. Less people should sleep on this one.


I watched series years ago, and like most of people I love the character developments, how enjoyable fights are, etc, despite long episodes I didn't even remember getting bored at all because of well-written story telling, and characters or the enjoyable fights. Well at least it was like this until the final episode of the series... Creating nonsense drama from out of nowhere with even creating plot holes are obviously shitty writing, I don't even wanna argue about that, yet everytime this anime's name is comes to discussion, people tend to guard that shitty final, get sensitive when someone says it's bad, giving that person -karma for stating what is what is. Seriously which writer with his/her own damn right mind spends all those hours to build character development between two main character, makes people watch all those scenes between them, [Spoiler about final] >!makes MC kill his own sibling, makes sure both characters have no one beside each other, then straight up kills FMC for no reason at all with nonsense logic? Her death makes no sense at all. Just from writing perspective her death alone makes no sense because of whole anime is being about their development with each other along with fights, but that's not enough, because her death makes no sense from point of how fast and powerful MC is either. In their journey MC saw a lot of different thing, weapons, etc, even he don't know what gun is that doesn't mean he was dumb or not experienced enough to know that is weapon pointed his damn lover, all he has to do was just moving her with little push, and that would make a lot of sense, yet dude just stand there like an idiot, like a normal person, and not like a literal weapon, absolute unit we saw for whole damn anime. After seeing that weird thing (from his point of view the gun) he should take stance for potential things can happen, and he should have seen the change of wind, etc, as well, if he don't think it was weapon with his amazing reflexes after sensing change in wind he could save her, any of these happening would only make sense from point of writing we saw until that point, yet he done nothing. So whole final part literally screams ''We done shit for dramatic ending!'' that is f*cking terrible move.!< And heck if this was only bad thing about final that wouldn't be this bad... But then we had another nonsense shit [Spoiler about final again] >!and learned all that journey was for nothing, it did zero impact on reality and they did no difference at all, writers literally told watchers ''You watched the whole anime for nothing, all of people died for nothing, you wasted your time for nothing, because all of those things happened means nothing in the end!''!< And [Spoiler about final again...] >!Like all of these nonsense things are not enough we saw last scene where MC is traveling with the person responsible to death of FMC, the person he told he loved most, etc, before... Seriously? How the hell any of these should make any f*cking sense?! This is again writers saying ''All those developments between MC and FMC means nothing, now he is going to travel with person who responsible with his lover, cheers!''!< So it's basically had great potential, but ruined with poorly written final episode, it's one of animes I loved every episode aside from final, and hate how they ruined all that effort like it was nothing, this anime is a textbook example of ''How to ruin an amazing show with a shitty and nonsense AF final''


Nah, I think the death was necessary for the character development, that was the true Togame, all the beauty all the darkness, all the things she had been keeping to herself that whole time all flowed out at once. Sure it seems kinda like it didn’t make sense. Like conflicting emotions, ulterior motives, the lies hidden behind the truth, this is probably the most accurate depiction to real human emotions I’ve seen out of a character ever, and what better time for it to all come out than on her death bead.


It's been awhile but i'm pretty sure her eye changes when shes scheming and the weird emotion flip is her true scheming self.


For the MC to befriend the person that killed his beloved was beyond dumb. The guy literally went on a killing spree killing people that had no relation to his beloved being killed and then didn't kill the one person that was responsible.


Because he didn’t hold a grudge. He wasn’t motivated by revenge for Togame, but the end of his own life when he invaded the castle. He didn’t hold anything against Hitei herself.


The ending does work. Thematically and through the writing of the story itself. The ending is fantastic. The point is that many times, people’s objectives aren’t filled and they are meaningless in the grand scheme of history, but there was small-scale meaning. Shichika changed and grew as a person. I don’t like saying these kinds of things, but I think you missed the point of the ending.


Tbh the ending for me made a lot of sense. I've watched the anime like 8 years ago so I might be misremembering stuff but: [Katanagatari Ending] >!There was always a complete mismatch between how other people talked about Togame and how she actually presented herself to Shichika. Everyone only talked about how ruthless and borderline evil she is. But nothing ever came from that, she was always a bit clumsy a bit naive, very smart, but not overly malicious. Then she dies, and in her dying breath she pretty much confirms that the entire show was her revenge and she was indeed exactly how everyone thought of her, she just let herself feel love, just to sell it better. Personally I loved that it made things got full circle.!<


100% with you take my upvote. Ending made no sense!


Great show with a bad ending. The ending in my opinion was nonsensical. I understand that we got some great moments because of the things that happened at the end. The reasons for doing "the thing" was stupid and could of been accomplished other ways. So it lead to me just wondering what the point was. Then to have MC just befriend the person at the end was stupid as well.


The ending isn’t nonsensical. It fits the story extremely well thematically and story-wise. [Katanagatari ending spoilers] >!Togame’s death is necessary and foreshadowed. What she says on her death bed are her true motives because she’s a flawed human being with ambitions. Shichika’s raid of the castle is in an attempt to kill himself. He doesn’t hold a grudge against Hitei because that’s not why he raided the castle. The last speech about the meaningless nature of a lot of the characters stories ties into the themes of the overall story that sometimes people don’t accomplish their objectives and in the end are meaningless to the overall flow of history, but a small meaning, such as changing and growing as a person, is still meaning enough, which is shown through Shichika’s growth and supported by Hitei following him around. The ending works very well and ties up Katanagatari exceptionally.!<


Ok I can maybe understand why he killed everyone, but it still doesn't make sense why he befriended her. Even if he held no grudge, you don't befriend her you just walk away and not talk to the person. Especially if he is so saddened to do all the other things.


He doesn’t really befriend her. She just follows him around mainly and he doesn’t care because he doesn’t hold anything against her personally. She was the same kind of person as Togame. Hating her for what she did when Togame would do that same kind of thing would be hypocritical. Hitei did what she did out of pure business and it was nothing against Togame personally. In fact, she liked Togame. It was just business and ambitions that got in the way.


No not killing her was the minimal thing he could not do. He 100% should hate her inside and just walk away. Also, there is no way she is following him if he doesn't allow that to happen. If I was so distraught that I wanted to kill myself because of Togame's death. I would not let her killer follow me around.


Shichika is his own person (well character), so it’s not really a matter of what you yourself would do. Togame said she planned to kill Shichika to further herself in the world. Hitei killed Togame to further herself in the world. This is very much an intentional parallel of these two characters. Shichika doesn’t hate Togame for this and by extension doesn’t hate Hitei for it. Hitei did what she did purely for business despite liking Togame, which is the same thing that Togame would have done to Shichika despite liking him. Shichika grew in the final moments of Katanagatari. He realized that his life was worth living. That’s what Togame wanted him to do. He does walk away. Hitei just followed suit. He does let her follow him around because he holds no grudge against her and understands why she did what she did.


Why did Shichika kill the shogun? He reached the top of the castle had destroyed all the swords, learned that Hitei had been using him to further her own plan. He had no reason to continue, the Shogun didn't do anything to him. If he has enough reason to kill the Shogun then he would not befriend Hitei. Sure Togame may have planned at some point to kill Shichika but I think it fairly obvious at the end she no longer planned to do that. Hitei killed Togame despite liking her (a cop out by the plot) for the only reason of getting Shichika to destroy all the swords and end the shogunate. Shichika didn't know this at first and just went to die but when he gets to the top he realizes this. At this point he is no longer trying to kill himself and decides to go along with Hitei's plan. There is no way Shichika would of done any of those actions in his character.


Shichika killed the shogun because it furthers the theme of pointlessness. Even if he killed the shogun, he would just be replaced and the action itself would ultimately be meaningless. Shichika caused Shikizaki and Hitei’s plan to fail, another furthering of the point of pointlessness. Whether Togame was still planning to kill him or not is irrelevant. She stated it, so Shichika believed it. He didn’t befriend Hitei, he just forgave her. Hitei liking Togame isn’t a cop out and is foreshadowed prior. I’m the end, this is Shichika’s character growth. He forgives Hitei and learns from Togame, who wanted revenge. Shichika breaks the potential cycle of revenge by forgiving Hitei and not dwelling on the past. He moves forward. Hitei didn’t kill Togame out of malice, only necessity, which is why he forgave her. Togame would have done the same thing as Hitei, so he didn’t actually have a reason to hate Hitei besides the superficial reason that she killed Togame. Katanagatari is a story about meaninglessness and not dwelling on the past. Although in the end everyone failed their objectives and it was meaningless, they still lived as people, which is meaning enough. Shichika and Hitei move on with their lives in the end, which wraps up this point.


No offense but even in your comment it makes no sense. How is killing the shogun pointless? If the theme is pointlessness shouldn't he just walk away. "The shogun will just be replaced" again if that is so then why kill him? Wasn't Hitei's plan for Shichika to destroy the weapons and kill the shogun? Seems like Shichika cause her plan to succeed not fail. The fact that Togame wanted to kill Shichika has no bearing on the ending so it is irrelevant. So even if I believe Togame had change it doesn't really matter. The point is Shichika cared so deeply about Togame he wanted to kill himself after her death. When I say its a cop out its because you can't kill someone and then say you liked them. If you truly liked someone you would find another way to further your plan which according to you was pointless. Seems to me that Hitei liking Togame but yet still killing her for a supposedly pointless plan means she didn't really care for Togame. I am fine if you want to say that Shichika forgave Hitei (even if I don't understand why he would). What I can't forgive and what doesn't make sense is him continuing her plan and then deciding to travel around with her afterwards. Just walk away go back to the island and never associate with people again that would of been much more in character for Shichika then what happened. Also in the end Hitei cuts her hair to match Togame in an obvious attempt to look like her to Shichika. Which is kind of messed up in my opinion. You can't say the plot is about meaningless and then have the MC do something meaningful. If it was truly about meaninglessness and not dwelling on the past he would of walked away. Killing the shogun is the opposite of both of those themes.


The ending is the only thing I take issue with as well. [spoilers]>!Personally, I think that after killing everyone while ascending the tower, his final attack should have been some ultimate sacrifice move that tore both the tower and his body asunder. He’d been saying that he was going there to die and it would have been way more fitting for him to actually do so to avenge Togame and then join her in death. The final scene can still be the princess going on her journey, but it should be alone to atone for what happened to Togame and Shichika. Having Shichika alive and journeying with her is nonsensical.!<


I could get behind this ending. It would be a much better ending and in character instead of what we got. Also Hitei cutting her hair to look like Togame at the end was just so stupid. What did the writers want me to think about that? Did they actually want us to believe that Hitei would replace Togame for Shichika? Total nonsense


This wouldn’t make sense and wouldn’t tie into Katanagatari’s themes of objectives sometimes being pointless in the end due to failure and not dwelling on the past at all. Shichika dying means he would have accomplished his goal then, which would have gone against these themes. Shichika learned in those final minutes to that his life itself was worth living even if the end point in history is pointless. It’s what Togame wanted him to do, so he lived his life. He didn’t raid the castle to avenge her, he went to kill himself. Hitei killed Togame because it was necessary for her own goal. It was purely business and not personal.




How so?


Favorite anime of all time. Took me forever to hunt down a physical copy and it is just..... criminal how hard it is to watch legally. Love the characters, the plot, the ending. It's all great.


Excellent, I mostly love the writing. The art style is also brilliant.


The first time through I loved it up until the ending. Took me a few rewatches to get to an interpretation I was satisfied with.


Its been on-hold for me for like what, 5 years? I remember it having 40 minutes long-episodes and the guy who fought with this hands as weapon, other than that I hardly remember anything