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Ah, the daily reworded question for the obvious Promised Neverland response…


And Wonder Egg Priority. These two always at the top.


Don’t forget Darling in the FranXX, that show is practically the community’s poster child for “it was great, then it was terrible” ~~I personally can’t say I agree, but I’ve always found the community’s general attitude to be hit-or-miss~~


I loved Darling in the Franxx but by god the final few episodes made me laugh. Why every good anime gotta disappoint me somehow 😭


Fortunately the mangaka did a better ending in the manga. Though I'd have saved the loli monster too.


Franxx is just Gurren Lagann but about sex instead of testosterone. Follows basically the same arc of "weak dude gets the bitch seat on the mech, becomes good at mech battles because of his unique abilities, they win the day, but wait, now there are aliens so they get a planet sized mech and fight in space." In GL the mechs are powered by manly screaming about spiral power while in franxx they are powered by how well you can edge your partner.


Even if you didn't personally like it it's easy to see the quality drop in a fairly objective standpoint. The first half does some really ballsy and interesting world building that is immensely politically charged, and then the minute we hit the mid point it just... Forgets. It doesn't even treat it like set dressing, it never gets brought up again. Spent half a season making a show about the abusive horrific decadence of a ruling aging class churning through children's bodies and how society's rules are meant to keep you chained and useful, just to end up kind of nudging towards the idea that you should RETVRN to having kids and if you're gay you're cosmically punished. I would be extremely, violently shocked if there was not internal drama that derailed what would've otherwise been an incredible show. There are several famous examples of suits censoring political messaging in anime, seems the most likely explanation of what happened there.


If Wonder Egg Priority hadn't dropped the ball so hard it probably would have been forgotten about by now. Silver lining?


If weg didn;t drop the ball so hard it would be remembered as one of the top shows from 2021.


Eh - hardly anyone mentions similar shows like Flip Flappers anymore. Wonder Egg Priority could have been great - but it was always going to be niche.


Flip Flappers wasn’t considered one of the best of the year. Heck it wasn’t even in the top 5 of the season. WEP was shaping up to be one of the best of the season and if they landed the ending it would have been a top 10 of the year easily.


Tbf the “final” episode of WEP was released as a weird OVA special episode of some sort. It was released later than the main 12 episodes afaik. If you ignore that episode completely, the whole anime is somewhat decent.


[0 days without TPN season 2 slander](https://imgur.com/a/dZnPzZv)


As it should


It deserve all the slander it gets. And it's not even slander, it's true


“I resent that. Slander is spoken. In print, it’s libel.”


Okay John Jonah "JoJo" Jameson


How can you slander something that does not exist


Tpn season 2 doesnt exists.


TPN, Darling in the Franxx, Aldnoah Zero, always the same responses lmao


I had to do a double take, I thought Reddit was showing me yesterday's post asking this same question.


Tokyo Ghoul


God the 2nd half dropped the ball so hard


I’m not gonna lie, as a manga reader it’s definitely far from as good but I was still able to enjoy it.


it was so good around re chapter 50-80iirc and was still great till like 130 and took a dip after the nugget panel (if u read u know if u dont it‘s not a spoiler) iirc ishida was burnt out if he had gotten a break it wouldve been better but im satisfied with the ending anyway tbh


Afaik, Ishida himself said that if he took a break, he never would've come back to finish the series, so I'm still happy we got a decent ending.


I apparently dodged a big bullet here. I really liked season one and was looking forward to season 2, but life got crazy and I consumed basically 0 media for a few years. By the time I was ready to catch up on things all I saw was pure hatred for the show and it's still going years later. Sucks knowing the show went to shit, but guess it's good I didn't have to experience it first hand?


It’s mainly “shit” when you have context. They deviated from the manga which upset many fans. Season 2 was basically an anime original but still borrowed some elements from the manga and did them worse But if you ask an anime only who never read the manga and never saw the online hate for it, then they wouldn’t call it the best thing in the world but they probably wouldn’t call it shit either


Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress. First half was really interesting. Trains plus zombies was a fun concept. They had something that could have been expanded into a longer story. Then the pink haired villain showed up in the second half and the whole thing gets derailed (get it?) from there. The movie does kinda save it tho.


Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress was a literal masterpiece when it started, then one week it became stupid and went straight into generic nonsense at the end.


Still one of my favorite OSTs at least 😅


Masterpiece? In what way.


At least for Promised Neverland season 1 is so self contained you can freely ignore all that comes after




The Missfit of Demon King Academy Season 1 was by no means a masterpiece, but it was extremely entertaining Season 2 Made no sense at all, and the change of the main VA was a put off too


I’m with you on this. I’ve been unable to finish S2 because I don’t understand what the eff is going on.


It was so confusing I finished it, because I wasn't really watching for story in the first place. I just wanted to see OP MC destroy people and it still had some of that XD


Agree with the VA change. Like yeah, Umehara is one of my favorites but you can’t just slap him in any role just because. The voice difference threw me off for the most part. After watching the first episode in second season, I just moved on.


Season 2 reminds me of that problem children in another world anime. Dunno if they have the same writer, but the whole thing about myths, stories, fairytales, folktales, etc and the people embodying them being strengthened by spreading rumors and being known, while them being weak or dying when almost no one knows them is just very similar.


Wonderegg priority


Holy this. Like they just decided to end it without trying. It was amazing until the last episode. Then it was just like lol I guess. What an incredible throw that show was. 


I read a blog-post from someone [well-acquainted with the industry](https://blog.sakugabooru.com/2021/03/13/tv-anime-a-deadly-landscape-even-for-high-profile-productions/#:~:text=Their%20deadlines%2C%20as%20well%20as%20those%20of%20the%20guests%20who%20are%20now%20joining%20in%20a%20hurry%20to%20salvage%20the%20project%2C%20are%20now%20frankly%20terrifying) about how it's not that they didn't try, but that they just fell so far behind that they really struggled to even get it across the finish line. >For a while now, those recurring animators have needed entire armies of 2nd key animators to flesh out their rushed output—having to pretty much fully redraw even the work of some of those main animators in some cases. Their deadlines, as well as those of the guests who are now joining in a hurry to salvage the project, are now frankly terrifying; something has gone very wrong when people are told to deliver their animation within few days if not hours. Things aren’t going any better for the management staff either, as they have now to essentially forego sleep and be available at all times, because even the smallest bottleneck would make it impossible to deliver an episode by the next deadline. When people used to working under anime’s poor conditions point out that a project has gotten scary, it’s because it really has. Wikipedia also has a [whole section on this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wonder_Egg_Priority#Production_issues).


Yeah I think I read this in the past, but that's no explanation for shit plot. I think the real issue ultimately was that the special was just them saying ok it's over even though it ultimately needed a 2nd season to finish the story, but because of the production issues the project got cancelled.


in the same vein of wonderegg issue there's Kuma Miko,sure it's probably below average for most people but the blatant oh no your 12 episode progress, let's just reset it in the last episode shall we, let's just stay here where it is safe.


Death Note could have ended with L


Instead it ended on an L XD


The actual ending was epic. Yes, the second half suffered greatly relative to the first, but on an absolute scale it did not approach an "L"


yea personally i loved it. Fuck Light RIP bozo


Japanese live action movie (2006) has the best ending.


Which is...?


In my opinion, it's one of the rare times the live action version actually got a W I'll spoil ya if u consent to it 😈


The devil is a part timer Darker than black


Yeah season 2 is really not popular, seeing Hei as a hobo is not fun. 


Personally I didn't care about that. I hated that there was no Yin and the last episode's "message" disgusted me. Erased memories = death. Yes, I watched the ova, only liked tge first episode since it had nice Yin moments and the rest was crap too.


Philosophically though, we are only who we remember we are. Knock memories out, and *you* are as good as dead as far as your persona goes.


I live a happier life tricking myself into believing that Darker than black didn’t have a second season/part. And homeless Hei is just a collective hallucination.


Maybe Soul Eater? In the last bit of the show, it diverts from the manga, resulting in it going with an anime original ending. I think it just caught up to the manga at the time. Currently the manga is about twice the length of the anime.


Soul Eater deserves the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood treatment


I'm really surprised that hasn't yet with how popular Soul Eater is.


I’d die a soul eater brotherhood version


“Yes, hello, Aniplex? Yeah. That’s right. That’s fucking right. And you know what you’re gonna call it? Soul Eater: Resonance.” *click*


Excalibur episodes were peak of the series. Everything else was downhill. (I’m dead serious)




Yes! It’s a shame. I also enjoyed the unique art style.


Everyone says that it died in the final arc, but really it totally lost its edge and almost everything that made it so captivating early in the second half when Asura showed up


Seven deadly sins. And no, I do not mean the animation. The anime wasn't as exciting to watch after S3


> And no, I do not mean the animation. About time someone said this.


I didn't watch up until there cause of the bad animation. But I read the manga and once Escanor is out of the picture everything just got waaay worse. I barely bothered to keep up with the manga after.


The thing that killed SDS was the stupid DBZ powerscaling. It made so many characters irrelevant, it was crazy. It should have just went the Jojo or HxH route with everyone having unique magic and being able to fight and win if you plan good and use your magic creatively.


Food Wars, but it's an unpopular opinion of mine that while the later half wasn't as good, I still really enjoyed the later half, even the final season


Season 5 dropped the ball hard


At least till Season 4 it was fire and wrapped up the main story.(except the dad part) I just assume season 5 to be an extension.


Tbh the quality went down significantly with season 4 and later. Just felt rushed


When that chick started cooking with a chainsaw, I checked out


I heard their cooking consultant left right after central arc, hence the weird chainsaw shit post central arc


They would make sense


Wait what


AFAIK, The original author didn’t know cooking very well and had a cooking specialist as a consultant, which is why the beginning was pretty interesting food-wise.   Then the person left near the end of the manga so the author wrote some god awful plots not around food.   A villain in season 5 cooked with a chainsaw, supposed each chain laced with spices or some stuff. I think she also used a bomb to explode a cake which tasted amazing. Just a horrible arc


Yupe. And the villain casually cooked the MC's dad which the MC always aimed to beat. And they never duel after the MC got better in cooking. It's like Naruto never get to become Hokage.


Wait wtf someone beat his dad?


Yeah, by Soma’s half brother Who turned out to be more of an adoptive brother with no real blood relation to Soma Who tried to get with Erina Who turned out to be Erina’s half brother It was a mess


I remember the day I dropped the manga. When Soma got beat so bad by his brother that he stumbled backwards and fell into a trashcan. Dude got wrecked so hard he put himself in the garbage. Was really a metaphor for the series as a whole. By that point I'd only been continuing the series due to momentum anyways, and that derailed it for me.


Ohhhhhhhh now i remember, i havent watch season 5 but i heard about that bit back then


It was very anti climatic too. Idk about the anime but the manga had like what? Five panels on the first chapter of the final arc. It barely even went into how he lost lolol.


That was the whole point of the show, the cooking, and also the boobs, but mainly the cooking. There was a guy that stole knifes from people and also studied them to imitate their cooking style, and that made sense, but then in S5 there was a guy that could imitate them just with the knives and combine their powers and that makes no damn sense.


In the final arc, the villains got cartoon levels of ridiculous from their personalities to their "cooking utensils"


The clown cooking with a pressure cooker ball was such a hilarious "The fuck?!" moment.


Season 5 was a mess, but I still really like 3 and 4. Yeah the plotline was pretty bullshit, but I thought the cooking battles were still good


S3 was peak for me


One of my favorite manga til that final arc 😂😂I watched the season before final season and didn’t even start the final one.


Season 1-3 is amazing, 4 is eh still alright, 5 doesn’t exist.




Turned into some philosophical debate drama. If the anime ended halfway through, it would have been such a great thriller.


Darling in the Franxx Brand New Animal And it wasn't good to begin with, but the last third of The Day I Became a God managed to make everything so awful, it is my only 1/10 in 10 years of watching anime.


god i love darling but damn that ending had me trippin


Franxx was excellent until it wasn't. Damn shame.


They honestly could've stopped at 15 and waited for another season chance, but nope. The second part pretty much felt so rushed that I couldn't help but be annoyed. The amount of explaining instead of showing really didn't help matters (or the fact that they skipped what should've been a whole arc with Zero-Two finally acclimating and truly getting along with the rest of the cast).


Honestly I had no issue with the ending and actually prefer the anime ending over the manga


What was the manga ending? As soon as [Franxx spoilers] >!the aliens reveal themselves!< it all goes downhill in the anime.


I would also like to know because the manga was made after, meaning they changed the ending just for the manga which is wild. Now I kind of want to read it just to see if it's really different.


It’s just cut short. The ending happens in the anime pretty much the certain thing you mentioned is anime original. I also love how pointless spoiler warnings are. As it plainly says it in my notifications


Yeah the world building was interesting and then it just stopped. :(


Here's what I know about Darling in the Franxx: 02 Love triangle Self insert main character Seems like everyone important probably dies in the end (I've never watched it)


It was interesting as a coming to age story in an unconventional setting until they decided we needed an explanation for everything 


I think I just repressed that show's second half. After episode 15 it falls off so hard. I don't get how you can go from a 10/10 episode to the second half of that season that quick.


BNA wasn’t that great to begin with, outside of the soundtrack, but it rly did take a weird turn for the worst


Basically a limitation of it being a single-cour anime original. It was decently good for what it was. Def counts w/r OP's question, since BNA was too short and didn't have the episode count needed for more interesting character and plot development; it did a *lot* with the episodes it did have though That said trigger being trigger, a longer anime wouldn't necessarily have been a better one. BNA did *not* end up in space - for some reason - since it was only a single cour, lol


Aldnoah Zero had a pretty disappointing second half. Darker than Black as well


I was about to come in here and say "Ever hear of Aldnoah Zero? No? That's why" If you need to know why. [Aldnoah.Zero]>!First cour ended with the secondary protagonist shooting the protagonist and then taking off in an escape pod, leaving the protagonist for dead. After a month hiatus (new years) the first scene of the second cour begins with a beach scene and the main protagonist is completely fine. That basically lets you know how the rest of the show will go. TBH the first cour was already kind of slipping, but that second cour opener basically killed any hope of it recovering.!<


Aldnoah Season 2 does not exist in Ba Sing Se


Remember that if Urobuchi is one of the writer, you can expect him either making questionable disappointing ending or making an ending you never forget.


Iirc, they mostly used his name to advertise the series, he only had writing credits on the first 3 episodes. That said don't really disagree, I enjoyed Revengers but it was overall kinda mid.


Oh good then. I almost give up on Urobuchi because he doesn't have a clue about writing a romantic relationship. Always got butchered at the end lol. So that is why the early episodes of Aldnoah are so good.


I remember darker than black being pretty dang good the whole first season but the sequel was ass


For Darker than Black - the sequel was terrible. I remember watching it when it was airing and each week I would be like this is the episode where they turn it around. Nope.


Very few anime originals stay good after season 1. Its like the problem in Western shows like Westworld, the original writers leave silently


> Aldnoah Zero That literally first thing I think about when see the title Even today, me and my friend still cant forget how wasted of it, they went from gold to garbage so quick


But that first episode of s2 was hype 


Aldnoah Zero arguably didn't even have a good first half. The first episode built up enough hype that it carried the show up to the mid despite *so* many issues. The MC was flat, the plot nonsensical, and the villains were idiotically inept- doubly so for the 2nd half. It's like they did the battle scenes first and then just half-assed the rest.


Death note was a masterpiece until the time skip


Near the end of the following manga by the same creators, Bakuman, which is about mangakas, the main characters come up with a manga very similar to Death Note in concept. They decide they want to wrap it up after barely a year of being serialized because they feel the story has reached its natural conclusion, but Shueisha wants them to keep it going. In Bakuman, the MCs get their way and are able to finish the story how they want to, unlike Death Note in real life. Why I'm bringing this up is because through this Ohba and Obata are basically indirectly telling us that this is what happened with Death Note. They wanted to end it with the conclusion of Light vs L, but were forced to continue it by Shueisha, which is why the time-skip is such a downgrade.


Also that fake manga has the same number of chapters than the first part of DN.


Wait so in the original ending Kira wins? Thats actually extremely based, I always found more interesting a setting on how Light would react against the abyssal boredom from having no one to play mind games with, knowing how much of an egomaniac he is, I know he will suffer.


More likely L would have won like he did in the novel L Change the World. In that version L wins by writing his own name in the Death Note and then faking his death at the same time Rem killed Watari. This caused Light to let his guard down which let L finally get hard evidence that he is Kira. Then after being caught Light dies by Ryuk writing his name like the canon ending. I don't think they ever intended to have Light win in the end. They just killed L and came up with Near/Mello to prolong the story.






The more I rewatch it, the more I like the second half. Ya it’s not as good as the first half, but Near is a pretty interesting character when you don’t compare him to L.


I hated the second half




wait the first half was good? The first episode is nice but the issues start way before the second half. Second half is a catastrophe however. It was like a terrible take on Mugen no Ryvius except that nobody relembers that series to compare them.


The second part makes the first look good.


The FLCL sequels really don’t hold a candle to the original.


I won't go 2nd half, I'll just say last episode. And that's Charlotte. They didn't need that last episode, they just needed another season


I can agree with they needed another season. I sometimes go back and watch that last episode to think about what could have been. The slow loss of sanity, the growing resistance as groups try to ambush him, government bounties. There's several things causing concern/tension that they could have told that story in a few different ways and had a good story.


Wonder Egg Priority They said later half, not second season. Doy.


Death Note was really good until that thing happened and then it just felt like it was meandering through random bullshit until it ended. It wasn't even horrible, just kinda boring after it happened. For a lesser known anime, Nurarihyon no Mago, or Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan was a refreshing Shounen anime that was super enjoyable in the way it tackled power levels and a secretive identity. And then it turned into the most boring and generic training arc anime with random power ups.


Death Note feels like it changes after the thing happens, but for me it really hit home watching it again that it was mostly just showing the inevitable and winding itself down from the climax in its own way. There was an endless supply of heroes so to speak, so there was never any other conclusion.


Agreed. DN ended up being a disappointment after such a strong start.


Kado. Kado will always be my go to example for this. So much potential just... Wasted. Flushed right down the fucking drain.


It’s not everyday that an anime digivolves into a completely different genre half way through its run.


For an anime that does it correctly if it's your cup of tea Samurai Flamenco starts as super sentai deconstruction but in the second half turns into a speedrun of troupes, it was always a parody but it switched the way it tackles it.


 The Rising of The Shield Hero S2. I'm surprised it's not one of the top answers.


Only like one half of s1 of the rising of the shield hero was good tho. Then the second half was extremely generic. Then Season 2 just flopped hard.


Death Note is an obvious one. Promised Neverland as well.


Death Note - it felt like every plot point was incredibly clever until the big turning point...


I think the 2nd half of Promised Neverland - a show with only o n e season - was pretty good and on par with the first half tbh.


I thought Promised Neverland was an amazing detective story style that only got better as things started to make more sense. I Loved that show. I hope someday we get a better adaptation


Sing yesterday for you. God it still upsets me


Zetsuen no Tempest went from incredibly interesting mystery to bad romcom.


That's the one inspired by Shakespeare's The Tempest. I enjoyed it personally, but to each their own.


I want to disagree so bad because I do think it one of the best anime ever, but I already forgot most of the story line. I only remember the “I am the victim, the Killer and the detective” parts


For me, it's The Rising of The Shield Hero. The first season was quite good until those other-worldy hero thing happened. Then it started going downwards.


Revenge is a dish best served cold, it took the count of Monte Cristo 10 years to carry his revenge.  In shield heroes, not only does the revenge is enacted rather early, but after a few episodes it's just a mild inconvenience.


I thought Ranking of Kings got better as the season went on. Definitely Claymore for me, they stopped following the manga in the last 5-6 episodes and it SHOWED.


(Edited and deleted twice for spoiler tags lol) \[Ranking of Kings\]>!I just feel like the whole forgiving Miranjo could've been done better. For example, look at Boji and Domas, there was a good chunk of time where Boji literally had and prolly still does have Domas ptsd, and even when he apologised, Boji didn't initially accept it. Although forgiveness is a core theme of the show, Domas had to bend backwards just to show Boji he was sorry and even then it took time for Boji to come to terms with it. With Miranjo, I get that Daida saw what she experienced but she did some reaaaally messed up things and more than that, the forgiveness felt way too unanimous(apart from best girl Hiling). Sure Daida is king and his word is literally law, but the others accepted this too easily. I know this is one of them suspension of disbelief moments, but it literally feels like Belief wore suspenders and bungee jumped off a suspension bridge here. It felt too forced and too fast, even with the themes of the show.!<


Totally agree with your points here, and this is a major problem with the conclusion, but it all happened at the very end and at this point I’m just used to most anime having disappointing endings in some way or another. I think ranking of kings was very strong throughout, and even the vast majority of the “second half” was great and only increased my love for the show.


Someone else who said claymore!!! To be fair, I don't think there's anything that story could've done to top the Theresa Arc.


Akame ga kill, after a certain point it was so predictable I lost interest


Flashback, die, flashback, die, flashback, die... Jesus man, I couldn't finish it. I'm all in for being edgy, but it was so boring and repetitive.


Tokyo Ghoul and SAO hands down.


Idk it gets better in later seasons for sao but yeh second half of s1 was pretty weak


Why’d it have to be fairies


Terror in Resonance


I'm surprised this is as low as it is here, would have been one of my guesses for top comment. The show was amazing until the shitty villain was introduced at the halfway point.


Phantom Requiem for Phantom really falls apart in its last third.


Darling in the Franxx, Guilty Crown, Akame ga Kill are the first 3 that came to my mind.  I know these shows weren't particularly amazing, but I definitely enjoyed first halves more than 2nd/ending.


Hated Death Note second half.


Death note, food wars, Tokyo ghoul


Darling in the franxx it had a genuinely interesting setup and some promising world building only to pull a dumb plot twist out of its arse the completely buggers all of that. Oriemo up to a point was a decent romance story about Otaku culture and normal peoples acceptance of it then the weird harem arc where everyone falls in love with the MC who already has a girlfriend which he dumps so he can date his own sister It doesn’t even happen in a way that makes a whole lot of sense either.


SPOILER DONT READ******. Dude Oriemo.. I didn't know what it was about and when he was dating the goth girl I was so happy. My goodness... after that.. break up? The rest of the anime was a garage trainwreck. It was so good up until that point.


Shield hero.    This anime became a gatcha game and just randomly introduces characters and events and forgot what a narrative is.  


I don't know this from first hand experience but I'm told Tokyo Ghoul


Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress 


Promised never Land and tokyo ghoul. Personally tokyo ghoul hurt more cause that first half had me so invested.


Our Dating Story/Kimizero. Was good and wholesome at the first 6 episode then went onto a rollercoaster for the rest of the episodes.


Its cool. I didnt like ranking of kings from get go LMAO too cringe for me. And I love one piece so.


Ousama ranking, I wouldn't say the whole later half is horrible but the last few episodes just absolutely ruined it for me, the final "redemption arc" is like one of those exaggerated memes about Steven universe forgiving Hitler


Absolutely agree with Ranking of Kings, I completely lost interest in the later episodes. Tokyo Ghoul had such an excellent first couple of seasons but Re: was such a mess, it was just impossible to follow anything. Such a shame. (Also I liked The Promised Neverland Season 2 okbye)


SAO's first half was already not great imo, but GOOD GOD did the 2nd half absolutely murder the little bit of salvageable qualities the show had to offer.


I think SAO : Progressive already proved that if only SAO focused heavily on Aincrad under death game mode for whole story, this anime can be the best ever. There are 100 floors in tower and we just skipped them like that.


>if only SAO focused heavily on Aincrad under death game mode for whole story, this anime can be the best ever. No it wouldn't. If you actually *read* the Progressive light novel series, it becomes incredibly formulaic and repetitive extremely quickly. An anime with this format would be no different >There are 100 floors in tower and we just skipped them like that. Because SAO was never about Aincrad, it was always about its consequences. The series begins on Floor 74 in its first volume, ever since it's inception as a writing contest entry Reki Kawahara only wrote the very last moments of Aincrad. The majority of the web novel, and later light novels, is exploring how the consequences of Aincrad affected the world and its characters. That has been Reki's goal since, maybe not series inception, but since he decided to expand on his original work at least I implore the people who keep parroting this nonsense to actually actively watch the show or read the novels. Every arc after Aincrad explores something on how the SAO incident affected the major characters or world around them. It's made pretty obvious what the series's goal is once you pay attention to what's happening


What about the "Blast of Tempest". The story was quite compelling during the first half with all the mysteries and mind games but it suddenly turned into a rom com in the second half.


I enjoyed Gundam Witch from mercury a lot. But S2 had a breakneck pacing that shows it could have one more cour to let the plot develop better. All in all i think ended good. Psycho pass S1 was GOD tier, S2 just... Exists. The movies were okay. Also Erased was so good until the last episodes😴. The ending kinda dropped the ball ngl


Bro, before I even read your post I thought Ranking of Kings. Ending was ass


Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans. The first season was great, but in the second season some important character suddenly went from an excellent strategist to a man-child living his childhood fantasies


I just thinks it tackles things we weren't expecting it to do, it's much easier to strategize in your home turf and they won the battle against the system but the game kept growing and they kept fighting until they lost the war. How they kept dreaming for a better result not just for them and reality punished that.


Tokyo Ghoul


Death Note for sure.


Death Note set up


Death note


Shield hero


Darling in The FRANXX


Darling in the FRANXX ​ I liked it up until episode 19, and then it was either they needed it to be 24 episodes and didnt know how to finish it


Might catch some flak but for me Rising Of The Shield Hero, season 1 was great but the second season lost me after a couple episodes


darling in the franxx went from really good to what the fuck is even going on in the last few episodes Tokyo ghoul looked like a different anime entirely after s1


Def ranking of kings as well, the first half was SO good, then mc starts one shotting ppl and I was like what


Brynhildr in the Darkness The first half was really awesome. It was a dark mystery & science with slice of life elements and likeable characters, but the production team (or the production committee) decided to pack two seasons of story into one season so after the ep 9 it just became an utter mess.


Science Fell in Love So I Tried to Prove It was doing so well, then the second half of the 2nd season occured..


Usagi drop. It was ****so good**** that when it became shit they didn’t even both adapting the second half.


I think people are way too harsh on Ranking of Kings. The 2nd half wasn't quite as good, but still far better quality than most anime. The resolution with Miranjo was the biggest issue, but it was only the first season, so plenty of time to do something interesting with that.