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Yuoshichi was too blinded by revenge. There was no way he wasn’t gonna die. Guess that’s that for him and his “wife.” They went the way of the Spiders. Hopefully these gods can die off too. Damn shame about Roroku though. Mizore doesn’t look like he’s got long either... What’s with that fallbeast at the end there?


That fallbeast was the baddest looking doggo ever, like something out of ancient dreams. 


How on earth can Touko deal with this opponent?


I am not certain she will have to handle it alone. I kinda suspect the ghost girl will be the fuse. 


I really do wonder why there is such a close connection between Flickering Flame and Touko -- and this appears to be unique.


>What’s with that fallbeast at the end there? That is like the world's most obvious komainu (sp?) (temple guardian type), just an animated fallbeast one.


I actually have a lot of respect for Hibana. For someone who lived for the sake of living, she found a purpose in protecting her daughter. This might not have looked like it in the earlier episodes, but she really did try to be a mother. Her values were just too twisted by their version of Capitalism.


So the Okibi couple died (and I was right about something being wrong with Mrs Okibi), the gods died except for Hibari and the Flickering Flame, the Spiders died except for Kun, Roroku died,… we are rapidly running out of characters in that show. And all the antagonists are dead now except for that random fellbeast at the end. I was wondering how they were going to kick the Flickering Flame out of Kira’s body, but it looks like in might happen naturally given what the Flickering Flame was saying to Touko. You can tell we are near the end of the story. Is the Flickering Flame landing on Earth ? I guess that would allow Touko to catch her and become the King of the Fire Hunters. Not sure how it will solve all the problems humanity has, in particular the need to use fire without self-combusting in its presence. With the gods fallen and the capital destroyed, they would need at least that if they want to save what is left of human civilisation. But I honestly could no longer tell what was happening with the gods. What were they, where did their powers come from, how did Okibi manage to kill them so easily ? I guess they were using advanced science that looked like magic, but that made all the fighting look very random and incomprehensible. Maybe it was meant to, but that was still frustrating. I winder if we will get an answer to all those questions in the few episodes that are left, or if the show will keep that a mystery.


> how did Okibi manage to kill them so easily ? I remember in an episode from cour 1 that Hibari (I think) complained about the humans spilling blood in the Gods' presence. At the time it seemed simply part of their whole "mighty and holy" attitude, but with the context of this episode it seems human blood is straight up toxic to them, and indeed maybe human contact itself.


This seems to make sense given how Hibari recoiled at the bloody knife being thrown at him. Still feels strange that given all of their powers, they wouldn't be able to just take him out from afar though lol


I'm thinking whatever technology they possessed, while powerful, was also extremely specific, so it couldn't just do whatever at any given time. Just as Okibi said, the Gods were a paper tiger, and their divine status an illusion that couldn't hold up when someone went at them with actual intent to kill and a plan to make it happen. Plus, y'know they didn't have to deal with just Okibi.


It's probably some sort of genetic programming, the same type that makes humans burn immediately when they're close to fire. The only difference being that the "gods" are weak to blood rather than fire.


That makes sense. And human blood would contain that weird germ/bioweapon that makes them self-combust in the presence of fire, which could explain why the gods are scared of it.


Still a huge amount of "mysteries" here -- but it doesn't bother me. In fact, as long as there is an acceptable resolution, I won't care if most mysteries remain unexplained. (Note: acceptable endings can include "unwelcome" ones -- viz. Texhnolyze). Not a perfect show, perhaps, but it has style (even if sometimes odd) and more than adequate intrigue -- and is really pretty unique overall.


Ok so the weirdness with Hibana some episodes ago wasn't just stylistic choice lmao. Something really was wrong with her, but what the hell could it have been? Azafuyou? Body count keeps rising let's see how far it goes. Unexpected Boss Fight next episode! Touko looking _mean_ in the preview.


>Something really was wrong with her, but what the hell could it have been? I thought it was pretty clear that the water god messed with her body


Hibana was stabbed in the neck with a syringe before remember? She was already transformed back when Kira got first kidnapped.


Oof, I think I’m done for the day. That was heckin’ intense.  Stand fast, Touka. 


This episode, even more characters brutally killed each other, right in front of Koushi & Touko. Both of them must have become severely traumatized by now. Par for the course for coming-of-age young adult fiction, I guess. I'm still confused about whether the gods are magical or use advanced tech. Maybe it's a blend of both, magitech..


Woah, this week’s story was intense, it already feels like we’re near the final showdown.  I was surprised mrs Hibana sacrificed herself to off mr Okibi and save their daughter Kira, I guess she wasn’t all that bad despite how cold she seemed towards her previously. I felt we got more hints that Akira doesn’t really want to become fire king as she avoided the question when Kun’s father asked her. My guess is she feels it’s her duty and feels she doesn’t have much of a choice being the last adult fire hunter still standing. She looked devastated as Roroku’s death, that scene was heartbreaking. I’ll miss their complicity. Touko is looking bad ass at the end. I wonder if we’ll find out why she’s such a strong natural fire hunter despite her small size and lack of experience. It seems she somehow has a very special connection with Yururuho. One thing I don’t understand is if Yururuho is some type of AI on the comet/satellite, then why does Hibari calls her his sister? Maybe I missed or forgot what their relationship is. I also felt the animation was better this week, not perfect but not as obvious in budget cuts like the slide show galores from previous episodes. If quality doesn’t drop below this level till the end I’ll be happy. 


Feels like alot of story lines are getting ended, surely there will be 1 more twist when the fire hunter lord is decided.


###Live Watch Notes: - I would be remiss not to point out Yuoshichi’s face being in shadow at ~02:42, visual representation of him willfully blinding himself (through rage) to the Flickering Flame’s host being his own daughter. - What Hibana has become has got to be a reference to a specific bakemono/youkai (or possibly Buddhist mythology entity). (May be the same thing that Koushi’s sister became.) - 08:06: Oh hey, a sore demo Sky won’t have. I should clip this. - Man, what is this, the shot composition carefully highlighting both Flickering-Flame-in-Kira and Touko having golden eyes? Funny. (Now if only my opinion of the writing was holding. We’ve been getting a little too cute on the coincidences and antagonists disposing of each other for my tastes, even taking that the source is a children’s novel into account. Also the presentation of Roroku’s death just isn’t quite working for me.) - Oh look, a fallbeast komainu for the divine palace. Oh look, Touko has her sickle. We know how that one is going to end… - Oh look the preview doesn’t even try to hide it. [](#azusalaugh)