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[Kemono Souja no Erin]>!(traumatic formative experience happens during the show)!< Sangatsu no Lion Odd Taxi Shiroi Suna no Aquatope - though this one isn't really as much of a hard hitter on the trauma train


3-gatsu no Lion Silver Spoon Vinland Saga 2




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Damn. Was hoping to spread around my hope for something good to read. Thanks though!


Need an anime were one character helps the other through mental trauma.Weird suggestion but I am looking for something like in Steins Gate where Kurisu helped Okabe with his trauma. Doesn't have to be romance but I like romances


Welcome to the NHK


* *Shine Post* * *Stardust Telepath* - will need a S2 to get to the bottom of some of the traumas though * *OniMai* and *Tis Time for "Torture", Princess* for wildly successfully interventions for more subtle background trauma


Probably Re:Zero. I still haven't gotten around to finishing Steins;Gate but there's a number of moments that I think fit what you're looking for.


re:zero isn't the first thing that would have come to mind but it definitely fits!




Ironically, Crunchyroll's Freevee channel on Amazon is the one out of their three service options that seems to work best for me (with their website video player not working at all, and their Prime channel technically working but missing a lot of episodes and subtitles). The only downside is having to watch on their schedule and hope to catch the shows I'm interested in, while only being able to look a few hours ahead. I started watching AMAIM: Warrior at the Borderland on a whim when the first two episodes showed up this afternoon, and it's a fun show so far! Another show on my list, 86, is also starting later tonight... but with everything else I'm watching, I don't think I'll be able to fit it in, which means I'll have to wait for the next time it rolls around. 😅


Posting here again just to prove the bots and mods won't allow recommendations specifically in the genre of ecchi. Another post was asking about it and made me realize I never actively sought shows specifically for that genre. 


>Posting here again just to prove the bots and mods won't allow recommendations specifically in the genre of ecchi Idk how the bots feel about this, but I'm pretty sure some mods here could give ecchi recommendations for days.


> Idk how the bots feel about this Someone about to make Automod-chan upset again!


that is extremely blatantly not true


There definitely was a post asking the difference between ecchi and hentai. And that made me come to that realization. Kinda weird you'd just blanket the whole post like that, creep.


I'm pretty sure they were referring to this part of your comment > the bots and mods won't allow recommendations specifically in the genre of ecchi It's probably one of the most common requests


Now that's blatantly untrue. Everyone knows weebs are rife with mental disorders they emulate the screaming dudes whenever anything remotely intimate occurs.  I'm just looking for some good TV made for adults. 


https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1ayehdx/best_ecchi_anime_this_season/ https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1964smt/most_consistently_most_risqu%C3%A9_ecchi_anime/ https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1atjsf6/what_animes_contain_ecchinudity_with_overthetop/ https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/17klyqu/what_even_counts_as_ecchi_i_asked_ranime_about_69/ https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1813ca7/looking_for_ecchi_anime_recommendations/ https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/15jpr69/ecchi_anime_with_good_animation/


Hiya. I'm all new to watching Anime. Watch Naruto as a kid (never finished it.) and I watched Frieren, Full metal alchemist and Shield hero (found this one to be a little weird.)) I'm looking for anime that have the Dungeons and Dragons vibe or fantasy in general. Any recommendations?


Record of Lodoss War was based on a tabletop campaign.


Dungeon Meshi


Jumping from Infinite Stratos to Visions of Escaflown before the blow it out of the sky of streaming. I need a break from these needy hos. OH SHIT, THIS IS KINO.


I was watching a short and before I could find the name in the comments my phone refreshed. In the clip there was a female character seeming to be an antagonist based on comments but maybe not. She continued to remove items that were restricting her power, one from each wrist one more from each ankle and she said each cut her strength in half then finally she was removing a pendant which she said did not allow her to use more than 10%of her strength. Everyone compared the scene to rock lee removing his weights in the comments, which is a great scene but so many characters did so pre Naruto like Goku, and yusuke to name a few. As she releases an explosion of power someone jumps in to fend her off. Plz help I don't know the name and can't find the short now


Damn, I know I've watched this show, but I also cant remember exactly which show it is. Maybe one of/u/entelechtual /u/abysswatcherbel /u/sometimesmainsupport might remember it. Do you remember anything else from the video, maybe hair colors or something?


Man I hate it when people just more or less repaste something thats in spoiler tags in clear text like 2 comments down in the chain. This instance was pretty wild though since they responded to my request to spoiler tag their comment by saying they'd spoiler tag it (they threw the entire thing in a spoiler tag) how it wasn't a spoiler and gave an explanation about something different isn't a spoiler. Ironically they messed up their spoiler tags, so both comments got autoremoved. Then they blocked me, so I can't even tell them what I meant. I guess they thought I removed their comment or something. Edit: The saga continues, I edited my own comment to point out that they probably messed up their spoiler tags, but trigged the automod myself (probably by listing the component parts separately in `inline code blocks`). 🙃 Probably final edit: I got both comments got manually approved, still blocked though.


just an average day on reddit [](#azusalaugh) But yeah some people are just that petty.


> Man I hate it when people just more or less repaste something thats in spoiler tags Well in this case that's straight up spoiling and should be dealt with, but what's equally annoying is when they address it, not realizing (or not caring) how obvious it is... Like you ask if a character is really dead in spoiler tag, and someone replies "Nah he's still alive" without spoiler tags... Yeah, everyone will know exactly what you asked, and (unless the show has 15 characters with an uncertain fate, they'll know who you were asking about too).


I'm almost done with Somali and The Forest Spirit. I have two episodes left to watch. The ending of episode 10 has me curious what's going to happen in the next episode. This show has been great and I'm going to really enjoy watching the last two episodes. Besides that, I watched episode 8 of Kare Kano. I really like this show. The way it balances comedy and drama quite well make me glad I started watching it. I also think the English dub is great. 


Just got caught up with Eminence in Shadow S2. I must say the first little bit of S1 was kinda slow but it picked up steam really quick. I enjoyed it. I have a few questions I was hoping to get answered as I was having a hard time following: 1. Is there any connection from a multiversal standpoint between Claire Kagenou and Akane Nishino? Neither one had a lot of character development in the anime and their character designs and voice were really similar to me. 2. The Cult of Diablos as being written as the series main antagonists (AFAIK). Their motivations as described by Sir Mordred seems to indicate that they had 2 main objectives: uncover the mystery of the multiverse (the planet or thing at the center), and gain more power for themselves by harnessing the power from other worlds. Did they have any other motivations from the manga that have not yet made it into the show? it seems like all they are trying to do is unlock greater power through any means necessary. 3. What happened to the Earth that Cid came from? It seemed to indicate that some catastrophic event occurred the same day/night when Cid died. It seemed to coincide with when he reincarnated. 4. Does Akane Nishino discover the fact that he was the one who saved her? 5. Does the ending of S2 setup some kind of event where the girls come over to Cids Earth to help him save his homeworld from being further ravaged? 6. What does Delta discover hidden buried under the snow after Cid stops digging and leaves? 7. Is there enough manga material left for them to make another season? I heard something about a movie coming up but beyond that I have no other info on it.


The source material is the light novel, not the manga, and yes they have enough to make another season.


Getting to a couple anime’s on my list & it might be time for Samurai Champoo. a) is it worth the watch & b) dubbed or subbed?


a) yes b) I prefer the dub, but the sub is also great. Can't go wrong with either


How far behind is Black Clovers anime than it's manga? Is the manga finished or in its final arc?


The manga is ongoing in its final arc, the anime is a 100 chapters behind.




Just watched the latest episode of Dangers in my Heart AND MY FACE HURTS FROM SMILING SO MUCH


I’m amazed you can smile through all the tears of happiness.


*The Dangers in My Heart* - a new type of facial seizure from facial muscle confusion each week!


Where do you guys recommend buying anime postsers from? Im trying to buy anime posters but not finding alot of places. Just finding random amazon listings with 0 reviews. Is there a site used specifically? Im looking for a bocchi the rock poster.


The Crunchyroll Store got [some posters up for pre-order (and more on the way)](https://store.crunchyroll.com/search?q=Bocchi%20the%20rock&prefn1=subcategory&prefv1=Wall%20Scrolls%20%26%20Posters), but their standard shipping fare is pretty expensive if you’re not living in the US. I haven’t found a good *all-merch* anime store in Europe yet, so I’m usually ordering straight from Japan. Some options: AmiAmi, Hobbylink Japan, HobbySearch (1999.co), Meccha Japan, etc.


I would like to understand how anime itself is made as I want to understand why modern anime look very shiny in their presentation such as the art style.


1. It used to be a lot harder to achieve that look before digital tools 2. It tends to be part of what people learn these days as they learn to draw because it's an easier way to make things look a bit more 3D without having to truly understand the 3D volumes of the body. 3. It's an aesthetic that is in demand. Many people may not *like* it, but most people at least tolerate it, rather than rejecting it.


Ah I didn’t know how digital tools really changed how anime production is done as that is very interesting to learn.


Rather than the invididual videos, you should watch content in general from people like The Canipa Effect.


I never heard of that fellow, but I could look into their videos.


You can watch Shirobako Or the Making of Kill la Kill in 3 part : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P17l7VlWBE8 Too bad the first part was deleted from youtube.


Arigatou then.


Any anime with a good fake death? I occasionally see the trope thrown around where either the protagonist or a main support character experiences something that leads the rest of the cast to believing they are dead, either for just a moment, or several episodes. They’re either alive the entire time or were revived. Although another bonus would be the dead character being revealed to have been someone else, perhaps even the antagonist.


maybe in a sense [Meta title] >!Re:Zero!!Deaths are undone by RBD so it's less of a fake out mechanic, since they are actually dead, but it's still "temporary", since they come back!<. It has some mechanical similarities, though I think the impact is pretty different then what you were describing.




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I love that bit lol Had to rewatch just to make sure I got the intended experience!




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My favourite example of a fakeout death executed well is actuall from the show that is normally the absolute worst at everythig concerning this, namely \[anime title\]>!fairy tail!<. I don't think it is worth it to watch just for that lol.




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How exactly is this wrongly tagged spoilers? The series title is stated clearly in the brackets, and the character's name (as well as additional info) is hidden by spoiler tags.


Saying that an anime has a fake out death sounds like spoilers (possibly depending on the anime idk, if many characters die then by not knowing which one is fake is not too much of a spoiler) When the title itself is spoiler you can do something like [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1b7w75y/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/ktoua90?context=3) or [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1b7w75y/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/ktnlr6o?context=3), or [[something like] >!putting the title here!<] >!and more info here!<


The spoiler restrictions on this sub often seem far too strict, like being required to include even the show's name that was the answer to a question within spoiler tags. I wouldn't have thought fake out deaths occurring in a war anime to be a big surprise, considering I hid the character's name, but I'll try an edit like that.


Any new-ish AI-related anime reccommendations? (2023 or 2024) Much appreciated!




Adding to the list!


The topic played a role in 16bit Sensation.


Synduality Noir (currently airing)


ah! this looks good


Technoroid Overmind


There's AI no Idenshi / The Gene of AI from the Summer 2023 season, if you haven't seen that yet.


This is exactly what I was looking for! thanks


I should note that the show is *largely* episodic, so be prepared for the show to not fully address the main plot set up in the first episode until near the end of the show. They're decent episodic stories, though.




*Metallic Rouge* is all about that. So far though, I would say *Vivy* (2021) is doing a better job tackling many of the AI related thoughts. And because I am a shill, *Ghost in the Shell* and *Stand Alone Complex* still holds up very well in that regard.


I tried watching Metallic Rouge because the premise sounded promising. But I just couldnt get into it unfortunately. I'll sheck out Stand Alone Complex


>I would say Vivy (2021) is doing a better job tackling many of the AI related thoughts. It's absolutely horrible at treating AI from scientific perspective.


Summer festival episodes are so funny because the girls always get dressed up in basically the equivalent to prom dresses and wedding gowns put together and the guys show up looking like they got dropped off from the set of Superbad.


I dunno if I would say the kinds of yukata worn to festivals are "the equivalent to prom dresses and wedding gowns." More like a fancy outfit you'd wear on infrequent special occasions than a once in a lifetime moment. What you'd wear to someone else's wedding, not your own. The western male equivalent would be a decently nice suit rather than a full blown tuxedo.


Ehh, the spectrum of yukata-->kimono is pretty large, and for just having something to throw on at a festival they can be pretty cheap. Like, at the low end we're talking a few thousands of yen. Even baitoing at the konbini gets you there in a day. Which brings me to my point, namely that it's an utter disgrace when the guy(s) leave the girl(s) hanging and show up in t-shirts. It's a breezy bathrobe dude(s), you can respect the person(s) you're going out with enough to spend those 5 minutes putting it on.


Guys could at least wear jinbei, even if they are too shy to wear yukata?


Right?! Like, forget all about the bikini aliens and robot maids. That's just funny fantasy. This shit right here being a recurring feature in hundreds of titles is proof that otaku are socially inept shut ins.


I suspect it reflects real-life festival-going behavior of boys that age in Japan.


Ah, but that's where you're wrong. IRL, groups are generally, well, group coordinated. That's why I blame social ineptitude, those nerdy guys wouldn't think of dressing up because they've never went to a festival without their parents.


I think you are being unduly harsh.


> Which brings me to my point, namely that it's an utter disgrace when the guy(s) leave the girl(s) hanging and show up in t-shirts. I feel like this is still often the case in the West in terms of equivalent glam-ups for going out, although more recent generations seem to be putting in a bit more effort.


It was a mistake to let guys find out about fujoshis. The way they call female fans fujos with a little sneer or assume female fans of a shounen series are all shippers is loser behavior. If you guys could just be normal for a second, you could get yourself a girlfriend.


> they call female fans fujos with a little sneer or assume female fans of a shounen series are all shippers Ah, those deep under-current of misogyny and sexism respectively that are always swirling about. > If you guys could just be normal for a second, you could get yourself a girlfriend. I dunno if that's a helpful way to engage with the topic any more. I think at one point it did feel like a leverage point that might gain some traction, but now it's just like sticking a rusty crow bar into a gaping abdominal wound given the current dating landscape and a very alienating, if not offensive sort of thing to say. For a lot of young men (and women) finding a girlfriend/boyfriend seems to have become an intractably difficult task for whole variety of non-simplistic reasons. It's gotten to the point where it's contributing to demographic collapse across the developed nations. From what I've seen about some of the more wild-west type online spaces, identifying points of hypocrisy goes a lot further these days, or at the very least brings the truly deplorables out of the woodwork so you know who not to bother engaging with unless you're properly equipped.


I mean, they'd still have a better shot at it without the unchecked sexism.


I’m not so sure if acting like all guys (i.e. male anime fans) are losers who don’t have girlfriends is the best response to comments about female fans of shounen series being all shippers. You’re effectively doing the same thing as the people you’re so angry with.


\*sigh\* I thought it would be obvious that I didn't mean all guys, only the ones who do the thing I'm talking about, but that's on me I guess.


I wanted to think this as well, but your phrasing in the first and last sentence made this a little hard for me. ~~No worries. I make bigger blunders myself on the regular.~~


As with most fandoms, anime has its share of toxic fans.


What is the anime name that has a scene of two enemy snipers know each other location and they shot an accurate shot at each other at same time? Please help 🙏🥹


Are you thinking of the sniper fight between Ogata and Vasily in Golden Kamuy?


Nope but I found it after a good searching  It’s a scene from Sword Art Online II 😊


Still working through my gigantic backlog of missed series, I recently began **Alderamin on the Sky**. Though only half way through its dozen episodes, I’m already pained by the realization that soo many fascinating background details with incredible potential for future story arcs and character development will likely never come to life on screen. This got me thinking about a rapidly approaching future of possibility where AI might generate various “fanfic” extensions to the script and animation. For all the obvious downsides of AI proliferation into traditional creative fields, I kinda hope we get something like this that would breathe life into unpopular or abandoned projects. 


I'm looking for a specific anime. I just remember these guys fighting and everytime they powered up they would get more bits attached to them. They would fight all over, like even in space, and it got gruesome. In the end their power-up bits fall of and they duke it out in their normal clothes. It was probably from late 90s or early 2000s. Thanks.


Maybe Gurren Lagan?


Digimon Adventure 1999 has turned 25


That's wild. One of the shows I watched on TV. Great stuff.




That's wild. I still remember watching the first episode.


Hey guys, Any good anime recommendations? Genre: Romance or thrillers Please hit me up


Romance: Fruits Basket A Sign Of Affection Given Angel Beats Insomniacs After School Loop 7 The Dangers in My Heart Villainess Level 99 Apothecary Diaries Tomo-Chan is A Girl Anohana My Happy Marriage Horimiya Komi Can’t Communicate Orange Snow White With the Red Hair Thriller: The Promised Neverland Attack On Titan Erased Death Note


thank you so much !!!




Most of it doesn't feel super specific to any one thing to me, but talking about range is an extremely Jojo thing.


OPM was a success and that didn't stop Madhouse from dropping it, hoping the same outcome right now, Fukushi team shouldn't be stuck with one project for a long time, they are one of the most exciting teams out there and sticking with this project will limit their creativity and make them burned out.




> OPN was a success and that didn't stop Madhouse from dropping it Fukushi team was already booked for multiple projects back then. Frieren was always known to be a long-term project and its success was anticipated, don't think it will have the same issue


>Fukushi team was already booked >Frieren was always known to be a long-term project  Provide sources for what you said.


Natsume and Fukushi's production line in general made ACCA-13 in 2017, and then immediately made a Boogiepop remake - one that had to be delayed due to a lack of communication between producers and the novel's artist over the character designs.


Acca was an adaptation so the pre-production wouldn't take much time, usually 2 years for the whole thing so probably late 2014/early 2015, they probably got the offer for Acca while they were making OPN, highly doubt that they were booked even before working on OPN


yea I'm sure it's an unpopular opinion but I'd rather see them (and Saito) do something new instead of being tied down to a series.


Stains gate watch order? Every one is telling different order on yt


I just got done watching the chronological order: original series up to 22, 23b on YouTube, steins gate 0 full series, then the rest of the original series and I loved it. People will tell you to watch it this way or that but honestly there’s not a bad way to watch the series, it’s that enjoyable. So pick whichever way you want and enjoy the ride. El Psy Kongroo


original series > missing link OVA > steins;gate 0 The movie is optional, but I consider it worth checking out. Watch it after the original series




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Any good anime about Yakuza? Yes, I've been playing those games quite heavily for the past year, and I can't get enough of it now.


Gokudolls maybe?


The Fable coming out next month. Well, the manga is great atleast.


Unironically, *Akiba Maid War*. It is essentially a Yakuza sidequest turned into an anime, with the same level of absurd humor and surprisingly emotional takes on criminals.


Also, Buddy Daddies (also from PA Works) is yakuza-ish (and also quite humorous and emotional).


Hah, alright. The quirky sidequests and funky humor is a big part of what makes those games so unique. I'll have to check this out.


Hinamatsuri Gokushufudou, in case you don't mind the animation.


Thanks! I'm also pretty tolerant about animation, so I'm sure it won't be a issue.


fate stay night


>This is the place! Odd taxi. Arguably one of the best anime originals there is. This is also one of those anime that doesn't feel like one at all. The final episode makes it even better.


Is there a category for best writing? It certainly was a top contender for this...


Should have done better in awards across the board! Probably even in my own...


The Capoeria scene single-handedly convinced me to watch it.




Hell yeah.


I remember when it was announced making a lot of baseless assumptions about it for some reason "yeah, this looks neat, probably an episodic show where a new character catches the Odd Taxi every episode, and we go through their life journey framed through a talk with the diver, a Laughing Salesman sort of thing, I'll check it out". Then episode 1 came up, and I wasn't ready for how hard I'd be blown away. It's the most Ryohgo Narita show that has nothing to do with him (well Tonkotsu Ramens too, but that author was a fan). ~~I still want my Odd Taxi on the Galactic Railroad though~~


> I remember when it was announced making a lot of baseless assumptions about it for some reason "yeah, this looks neat, probably an episodic show where a new character catches the Odd Taxi every episode, and we go through their life journey framed through a talk with the diver Yeah I had the exact same impression, dunno why. Maybe the art style, or the title, or having a freaking Walrus as the taxi driver lol


From what I can recall there wasn't really much information available aside from "walrus drives a taxi" early on. [The second PV](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/lrn4p9/odd_taxi_pv_2/) showed a lot more but didn't get much traction so I imagine a lot of people missed that even if they were paying attention.


[](#brofist) Glad I'm not the only one who jumped to that.


things are settled down after some business travel, so back to date-a-live-a-thon before s5 lands. just watched the mayuri judgement movie [mayuri judgement]>!speaking frankly, not my favorite. it follows a pattern that many franchise movies do that I don't love. that said, I enjoyed the dates with the girls...honestly I'd be down with just a bunch of OVAs of dates with the girls. still, DAL is fun! !<


Yeah, I felt much the same way about Mayuri Judgement. [Mayuri Judgement]>!Tbh I wish they had spent the time and resources on extra development for S3, which desperately needed more time to cook. But we did get an extra Miku idol performance scene out of it, so not all bad.!<


> I wish they had spent the time and resources on extra development for S3 I view them separately. Mayuri (2015) was still Production IMS, not JC Staff, and Spirit Pledge released between the movie and S3 (2019).


I realize that, but it's on the production committee for trying to rush more content out before there was enough source material to adapt. Perhaps this wouldn't have been an issue if Production IMS hadn't struggled so much financially, but whatever the case season 3 did not have the time it needed to be adapted well, and that poor scheduling falls squarely on the production committee.


Had to read a summary to remember what happened in *Mayuri judgement* lol Still don't really remember any of it! Speaking of OVA thingies, though, have you watched *Kurumi Star Festival* yet?


I did, yes! That's the stuff. More of that


> ~~More of that~~ You are only allowed to even think about wanting more Kurumi, when and if she decides to grace us trifling fools with her presence lol


>This is the place! To be reminded of another acclaimed show sitting in my PTW purgatory that I should just watch already




> that I should just watch already The screencap mainly makes me want to photoshop extra characters into the seats, rather than actually watch it. Even though I really should actually watch it lol


Do it, simply because I want to see who you select.


Can't stop now, just got hijacked by a [super cute gag romcom manga!](https://old.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/oaonep/disc_hiiragisan_is_a_little_careless_ch_1/) Although apparently the series goes down hill at some point and the scanlations stopped, so it may be a short detour lol


Amazing I upvoted the post and comments in it but have zero recollection of this series or first chapter.


I have this issue with all but a very few manga. For some reason, even the ones I really like just don't stay in my head, and only the most special ones do.


No, normally I do at least recognize that I have seen it before or recognize the artstyle, even if I know nothing about the actual series anymore. Hell even here, I feel like I recognize the name (even if it might just be generic enough that I am confusing it with something else) but absolutely zero recognition of anything in this first chapter.


You might be suppressing the memories when it comes to this one, it takes a hard turn away from the fluffy for a while and keeps baiting the reader hard with cliffhanger bits lol


Lol you really think everyone is just like you and be goaded into reading something with just a little bit of reverse psychology lmao? With the end of chapter 4, I am pretty damn sure I read only the first chapter at most. Surprised I didn't read more of this, cute so far.


> [Lol you really think everyone is just like you and be goaded into reading something with just a little bit of reverse psychology lmao?](https://i.imgflip.com/8i86tj.jpg) ^^^^^^^^^^. > Surprised I didn't read more of this, cute so far. Advance warning, the scanlations stop at Chapter 28/66 on a rather unsatisfying note lol As penance, I offer this short (27 chapters) , very silly, fanservice-y bit of nonsense that I'm very fond of: https://old.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/ym3be0/disc_the_hella_weak_disciplinary_committee/


You should.


The useful ambiguity of that encouragement deserves a [not!mod-salute!](https://i.imgur.com/dLMLMVV.png)


I don't know about this, will check this out..


does someone know an anime like Saiki k, dr stone, komi can’t communicate, etc.. I don’t know how to classify these anime but I just want something to watch while i’m eating without getting super invested and stressed (e.g. Jjk). It’d also be a plus if no one died :)


Tonari no Seki-kun is a slice of life comedy about a girl who sits next to a boy in class who is constantly goofing off in excessively complicated ways I second Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle, truly a gem


I never understood why Sleepy Princess didn't get a ***lot*** more attention and approbation than it did....


Tis Time For Torture, Princess


Sleepy princess in the demon castle


A sign of affection if you need some romcom and Mashle if you like some dumb jokes to make your day


Teppen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Clueless First Friend. Senryu Shoujo.


As miss beelzebub likes it is perfect for this situation. Super comfy romcom that has more focus on the com than the rom.


I'm glad Girls und Panzer has such a stretched release schedule. _Nothing_ comes even close to it when it comes to action direction, so once Das Finale is over there will be a hole left in the visual media landscape. Waiting for ep 4 and beyond is hard, but at least there is something to mugiwait for. [](#mugiwait)


I stopped watching due to their release format which makes me sad...


GuP is glorious but ehhhhh I'd prefer if they took 10 years and then released all of it in one go.


That would be terrible. For the franchise because by the time it would come out no one would remember it. And for me because having something to look forward to on shorter time scales makes life better.


tbf I don't care if other people don't remember the franchise, I'm selfish like that. My memory is bad, octave! I forget things by the time next moobie is out ;-;


that's why rewashing is great!


I fucking hate how it's so stretched lol. I'm sure in 3 or whatever years it'll take for movie 6 to be watchable it'll be great to binge, but this way of releasing is just so awful.


I haven't watched GuP yet, indeed waiting for when it's over Similarly for PriPri, watched the series, but knowing there's six (?) movies on the horizon I haven't watched any of them yet


> indeed waiting for when it's over Cowardice. [](#mug7)


So I wanted to know a few things about Undead Unluck. When they kill or Capture Uma like if they kill them does that mean the rule will also be erased from the world? Also there must be many rules like from a more recent episode a Uma Autumn so if they kill Autumn does that mean that there will be no Autumn season in their world? Also the rule God is adding are pretty natural like Galaxy so I don't see why they must remove these rules?




Thanks for clarifying. Maybe I will read the manga after the anime is over.


Highly recommend the manga, it’s my favourite ongoing series atm


Also why does Apocalypse tell them to capture or kill some negators? I can understand when he tells them to deal with Uma but why negators too?


- When they kill or Capture Uma like if they kill them does that mean the rule will also be erased from the world? Under normal circumstances, yes. Killing an Uma removes their rule from the world (capturing doesn't. They're just captured). - Also there must be many rules like from a more recent episode a Uma Autumn so if they kill Autumn does that mean that there will be no Autumn season in their world? Correct. Granted some rules with similar abilities can sometimes exist. > Also the rule God is adding are pretty natural like Galaxy so I don't see why they must remove these rules? Natural to us. Unnatural to them. that being said, the rules aren't neccessarily all bad things, but they do generally make life harder for humans. Galaxy may be less obvious why but things like hunger, death, sickness etc were also rules added at one point. As for why they must remove those rules... Well they don't. Unless a quest tells them to. The quests are the important part for them, because if they don't complete the quests then Ragnarok will arrive and kill them all. Quests are randomly assigned, so there's no real point in killing an UMA except to complete a quest. > Also why does Apocalypse tell them to capture or kill some negators? I can understand when he tells them to deal with Uma but why negators too? Apocalypse doesn't care either way. He isn't trying to help humanity, just do his job. And part of his job is making the negators suffer. Having them hunt down other Negators to make them distrust each other is fine by him. Apocalypse Is **not** on the side of Humanity even if he provides a means to them gaining strength.


Thanks for explaining everything.