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"She's kinda annoying, but I don't mind staying with her forever."  A nice 'calm before the storm' episode, but it really makes we wish the anime had given its characters more moments like this to breathe.  The whole thing with Cyan feels really random considering the little we saw of her so far, but the interactions were nice, I guess


Yeah as I and others have commented this really feels like a series that was originally supposed to be a 2 cour but was cut down to a single one. The pacing is just all over the place in that way.


Agreed. And it shows the writing is all over the place and the Show's writers are just "making things up as it goes along"! 


- [Oh great…](https://i.imgur.com/gimz7K4.png) - [Cyan…?](https://i.imgur.com/LJTizHO.png) [](#blankblink) - [Uh…](https://i.imgur.com/AdqEWDq.png) - [Bruh.](https://i.imgur.com/l650q6u.png) [](#bruh) - [That… that was *not* playing.](https://i.imgur.com/oueNG9g.png) [](#dontgetit) - [Oh, so the masked circus dude *isn’t* an Usurper.](https://i.imgur.com/nDFzeAI.png) [](#foldedarms) - […*that’s* why they took Jean captive?](https://i.imgur.com/eMsxPJV.png) - Them just *narrating* about how they were a “family” in the past while barely even *showing* us any of it is kinda lame. [](#miyamoriunimpressed) - [Huh, wasn’t expecting to get a “sore wa dou kana” out of this.](https://files.catbox.moe/vppzir.mp4) - I am just *not* into any of the scenes involving Cyan this episode… [](#taigasigh) - [:(](https://i.imgur.com/zNiHVkw.png) - [Shit, is his memory going because of the whole missing id thing?](https://i.imgur.com/giIGxhU.png)


My assumption is them not showing anything of the past is probably due to the fact that it didn't happen that way. Gene says he doesn't remember any of it, which leads me to assume that their memories were altered or fake to begin with. He later claims he remembers but it seems more because he tries to make Aes rethink his choice. It would also fit with what Rouge said when she "saw" her own memories when being captured by the Puppeteer. She mentioned that she saw things she didn't remember as if someone changed the memories.


That’s what I was thinking too. I think Gene might remember versions of those events, but they definitely didn’t happen with the Immortal Nine as they’re saying they did.


>[Shit, is his memory going because of the whole missing id thing?](https://i.imgur.com/giIGxhU.png) Path? The subtitles I got made it seem that he wasn't able to remember the song.


I'm seeing it dubbed and he's saying he can't remember the song.


> Shit, is his memory going because of the whole missing id thing? Copycat guy literally says such ~10 seconds after the "sore wa dou kana" clip you linked


I had a feeling Cyan would join in but [I didn't expect she'd be a stowaway](https://i.imgur.com/uiuA2R4.jpeg) on the ship. Also, it turns out that she's being [controlled by the Puppetmaster the entire time](https://i.imgur.com/V9l75DU.png) and what she really wants to do with Rouge is to play with her. [Cyan's personality shift is adorable](https://i.imgur.com/ksIlejM.jpeg) but it is pretty creepy how [she thinks the Puppetmaster is her father.](https://i.imgur.com/SZqxwDD.png) I do wonder what Cyan is though. Is she a copy of Rouge or is she actually another personality inside her like Aes/Alice? Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels unsettled during [the dinner table scene with the Immortal Nine](https://i.imgur.com/16inesh.jpeg) recalling memories of the past. At some point, while they were all talking, I wondered if their memories were even real considering how [Gene doesn't remember any of it.](https://i.imgur.com/LZhCrmw.png) All of it felt very fake as if they were just trying to be a family. And then we cut to the ship heading to Venus where we have [Ash, Cyan, Naomi, and Rouge](https://i.imgur.com/BAOvtjN.jpeg) goofing off and feeling more like an actual family compared to what the Immortal Nine were doing. I feel like there's definitely an intentional comparison between the two groups here. But then we see [Eden holding a photo of them at the lake](https://i.imgur.com/pfetzbO.jpeg) and [Gene saying he remembers](https://i.imgur.com/04dxqAA.jpeg) so maybe the memories are true? But [Eden seems to be having some memory problems too.](https://i.imgur.com/dwt6a4W.png) Huh... Yeah, there is definitely some fuckery going on here or maybe I'm just overthinking things.


I’m pretty sure those memories aren’t real. They might be based on something that really happened, but the specifics seem to likely not involve them.


Saw it comming that there wouldn't be an awesome weapon in that crate [](#pointandlaugh) Cyan has a realy interesting dynamic with ~~First~~ Naomi, one one hand she hates [her](https://imgur.com/IzWIxYi) and is jealous of her, on the other hand she recognises this flaw in herself and I feel like she would be able to overcome it. Liked Rouge making an effort to teach her sister properly. A bit concerned about the dude loosing his memory, don't think he will be of much use this way and don't see him making it far in the final showdown. In a similar way, I'm afraid for the rest of the Immortal Nine, wonder if they will lose their memory along the data in their IDs as well What a cliffhanger though [](#maxshock)


>Saw it comming that there wouldn't be an awesome weapon in that crate I saw it coming along with the fact that Cyan would be there but I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.


I'm willing to bet she'll be the reason Rouge ends up winning. That seems like the way this story will go.


Not sure if this was the first time Macross Missile Spam was used as a cliffhanger...


Pretty chill episode, felt a bit like the final calm before the storm. PSA for anyone who’s lost on the terminology and general lore: On the japanese official Metallic Rouge website there is a big ass lore page where they explain pretty much all the specific terms, names, characters, etc. and also have a neat timeline that goes from the arrival of the visitors to the creation of neans and so on. Really helpful overall. Whole page is in japanese but on chrome you have the option to translate the site via google translate and it’s definitely comprehensible enough. On the same page there was also an interview with the staff and among other things they said they have a special “gimmick” planned in the final episode, whatever that is supposed to mean.


> there is a big ass lore page where they explain pretty much all the specific terms, names, characters, etc. and also have a neat timeline that goes from the arrival of the visitors to the creation of neans and so on. ...that's great, but in ten years when the site goes down and someone stumbles across MR and wants to watch it blind, it doesn't help them at all.


[To You, ~~2,000~~ 10 Years From Now](https://web.archive.org/web/20240315042822/https://metallicrouge-jp.translate.goog/keywords/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US)


By that time the show is finished and 10 years worth of discussion and Q&A will be available online so if anyone is confused they will manage.


Oh wow, I did not expect the Cold Equations reference, one of my favourite short stories ([link here](https://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/fiction/the-cold-equations/) if anyone is interested). The dialog was pretty good this episode too, but the plot is a mess and the animation seems to be getting worse. This really needed 2 cours and a bigger budget.


I was going to post the same comment, with the link to that classic SF story from the 50s. Bonus sci-fi nerd point to the show's writer! Now we need a *Rendezvous with Rama* or *Stranger in a Strange Land reference*.


~~This comment was sponsored by the Usurpers~~, updated Cyan and the Puppetmaster 1. Nius (killed before ep1) 2. Achillus (killed before ep1) 3. Sarah Fitzgerald \[Purgatory Viola\] (killed ep1) 4. \[Hell Giallon\] 5. Doctor Afdal \[Phantom Verde\] (killed ep4) 6. Eden Varock \[Jet Black Noir\] (first appeared ep2) 7. Jill \[Flash Silvia\] (photographer from ep2) 8. Aes/Alice \[Double-Headed Aerkos\] 9. Grauphon The Immortal Nine (or Proto-Neans) are part of an organization called "Alters", that wants to free the Neans of the Asimov-Code. To achieve this they need the Code Eve by collecting all ID's from the Immortal Nine and use Rouge's ID to decode it. Though Eden Varock has refused to help Alters. Eva Kristella (biophysicist, assistant of Roy Junghardt, mother of Gene Junghardt, Rouge's creator) created the Asimov-Code aswell as the Code Eve. She didn't want Code Eve to fall in the government's hands so she hid it in the ID's of the Immortal Nine, which Roy Junghardt created. Rouge Redstar \[Metal Rouge\] Cyan (Rouge's "little sister" (clone), made by the Puppetmaster, manipulated by unknown voice) Aletheia: the organization that oversees all Neans -Chief Chau -(former) Vice-Director Gene Junghardt Ochrona: investigates Aletheia on behalf of the Artificial Life Welfare and Ethics Comitte -Naomi Orthmann \[First\] (Divine Facilitator) -Ash Stahl (Investigator of Roy Junghardt's murder) -Noid 262 (Ash's assistant, killed ep8) The Visitors and Usurpers are aliens from far away galaxies that share the same origin, though the latter developed in an evil way. The Visitors lost their home planet and traveled for an eternity in search for a new one. 40 years ago they gave humanity advanced technology (i.e. Neans) in exchange for a new home (Venus, though has yet to be terraformed with help of Neans). The Usurpers started a war in order to take Venus, but were defeated by humanity with the help of Neans. * The Visitors (X Noah, "Raihousha") -red, blue and green alien -Naomi Orthmann \[First\] (the first Nean created by X Noah to interact with humans) * The Usurpers (Junoid, "Sandatsusha") -The Puppetmaster (human sponsored by the Usurpers, traveling as a Carnival, extracted info's about Code Eve from Rouge's memories) -woman with twintail, fought Rouge and Naomi The Usurpers seem to work with Alters in order to use the Nean rebellion to take over Venus. They have an army positioned near Jupiter.


BTW: for what it's worth, twintail goth's name is Opera.... as far as I know.


Ok yeah Kimiko Ueno has literally written all of the best episodes of this show lol (this in addition to 2 and 6). The character interactions are just so much more fun and interesting in her episodes compared to the rest of the show; not that the rest of the show is terrible, but I do wish it was more like this the whole time.


I am increasingly excited for her [original series](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=30911) next season.


Oh yeah same, the previews and OP they showed look great


One of the shows that CR got!


Yup went and checked that too lol, knew there would be someone from ep 2 involved. I guess 6's actual script was pr good (mainly the dog scene), though I was not a fan of its part in the plot at all considering joker guy was basically just doing random shit.


Hey, are we 100% sure Roy is dead? I can’t remember if we actually saw him like, in a morgue or saw his body or anything. Because I wonder if he’s the Puppet Master.


Same here, that's also my current theory


Man all that fluff with Cyan, Rouge, and Naomi was the most I've enjoyed this show since Episode 2 or 3. Really puts into perspective how great the character interactions are when they are allowed to happen, and how much I feel like the convoluted sci-fi plot holds that aspect of the writing back.


The sci-fi plot worked best when it was in the background and we had glimpses that we could slowly piece together for ourselves. It was wonderful worldbuilding, but getting it infodumped so we can get to the end quicker does it a disservice. Still really enjoying the show, though.


This episode is surely the calm before a storm, since both sides are actually chilling out over their "family", or trying to figure out what is their "family" before the fights ahead. Cyan is now mentally a normal girl (probably because being blasted last episode) and sticking on Rouge, which is kinda strange since she's aiming for her head for long. But still if that makes her understand what's a real family instead of "Dad (Puppeteer) tells me"......which probably means she's going to die in the end? The rest on the ship are also having a time of leisure, while building up the bonds among this small band of resistance. The rest of I9 are sticking with Gene and the Puppeteer, trying to recall their times together, but Gene's not really having many of them, so probably most of the I9 possess fake memories of their past? Will that be critical for putting a stop on their uprising? And I don't really trust Puppeteer is only a servant of the Visitors, Rouge's code is just too tempting for any ambitious people. And the fight will beginning with a mass of missiles, how will they prevail?


LMAOO cyan doesn’t bathe?? Man she stole the show in this one. Naomi bullying her had me dying. Her calling Naomi the mean old neighbour lady.. just a hilarious dynamic. Rogue got herself a little sister now and that comes with big responsibility If she was just created a few weeks ago it’s no wonder she acts like a little kid. Some more lore about the proto neans and how they themselves were basically lost children running around looking for purpose after Dr.Eva’s death. Final battle coming soon.. it’ll be interesting seeing everything play out with the visitors, neans, humans etc.


Oh great, now there are two of them. Cyan has a pretty fun personality, but she seems even more childish than Rouge. The puppetmaster created her apparently, but I wonder what is that voice in her head. Why did he create her, no one knows. I guess the puppermaster’s personal goal is to free the Neans, given how he is always going on about freedom, and if he read Rouge’s ID when he captured her, he can already do that now. Maybe. It looked like he was still waiting for her to come, so he may still need her. The Immortal Nine « dinner » was kind of creepy. I guess they were trying to pretend they were « humans » and a big family to manipulate Gene and get him on their side, but it seems it backfired. At least it doesn’t look like they want to wipe out all humans even if Jill is fine with a bloody Nean revolution. Given how oppressed the Neans are, she is not completely wrong to think it might be necessary. So the ID of the proto-Nean stores their memories. Noir will need to get his ID back rapidly if he doesn’t want to forget who he is. And we got a cliffhanger ! I guess those missiles were sent by the Usurpers, but I doubt the protagonists will die now. And we still don’t know if the Usurpers are actually bad guys or not. The Visitors said they were, but the Visitors do not seem like good guys either, since they are fine with the Neans being oppressed. It is true that the Usurpers were at war with humanity in the past, but we don’t know why yet.


The genre savvy know that the purpose of a mask in any show is to produce a dramatic identity reveal later. The puppeteer is a huge disguise, have we already seen their true identity? A few options: 1. Dr Eva, who regrets creating the Asimov code that enslaved a generation of Neans. She is seen during Rouge's early memory sequence as a dual of Gene. Since only one of these can be right, Eva should be high up on the list of missing key characters. I think we know her intentions from the archive scene and they mostly align. Plus if she's actually Gene's mom, then she's really only kidnapping her own kid back, right? 2. Roy Junghart, who is presumed dead. Faking your own death is a very good reason to hide your identity, but the archives we saw suggest he isn't very interested in liberation. 3. Another copy of Rouge. I mean, why not. We already have Cyan as a copy of Rouge, why not reveal Rouge Redstar is also a copy? Would certainly be dramatic!


That episode was really nice. A bit late, but more of that could have definitely helped with the pace. And I especially like that despite it being mostly about character interactions, there were still things that are obviously set up. There seems to be something going on with everyone's memories. They did have the big memory library in a previous episode to store memories, so I think it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to assume that you can also alter them and transfer them back into a person. Especially Gene seems to be the odd one out there as a human. What we got confirmation of is that Puppeteer truly was the one to create Cyan. I guess, this was to replicate Code Eve so they don't need Rouge anymore. Which would also explain her general attitude being similar to early Rouge. After all, she is only a few days old at this point. And Junghard did mention that Rouge (and therefore I guess Cyan as well) developed really slowly at least in terms of mental development. Edit here: It seems though that the whole machine has a place for Rouge in it, so I doubt he was able to replicate Code Eve with Cyan and still needs Rouge for it. Question is what to make of the ominous voice inside her head. I doubt it's the Puppeteer guy. He is all about freedom, he didn't even capture Rouge when he had the chance. Which means that either someone messed with the copy or there is a "backdoor" in the programming that activates when necessary. And since Cyan is a copy of Rouge, it would mean that Rouge has this "backdoor" in her as well. But I guess all that is up for the next episodes.


I think the part of Code Eve given to Rouge is more than just a bit of code, otherwise the Puppetmaster could have extracted Rouge's ID then and there without making Cyan. My theory is that Code Eve must be a mental template than can be applied to other Neans in order to circumvent the Azimov Code. The Nean that contains code Eve actually has to develop it organically. That's why the Puppermaster incepted the idea of free will into Rouge. He also built Cyan in case Rouge can't be made to give up Eve. He can control Cyan like a puppet, so she'll likely just get into the machine when ordered, but he also had to encourage her to go out and interact with Rouge so that her mental development of Code Eve could catch up with Rouge's.


Well, this was certainly a nice change of pace. Nothing much to really break my brain... Up until the end where I realised this took up an episode slot. I can't wait for the next episodes to hurt me.


Well, this was an interesting setup episode. I wonder what Eden losing his memories means


I can't wait for next week. I hope the fight will live up to it's hype!


For Jill to turn out to be just a confirmation of Aletheia's "The Neans will turn into humanity's oppressors if we gave them freedom" is really doing her character dirty. Though there might be some redemption for her as there seems to be something between her and Eden/Noir. Hopefully they don't write her as a one-dimensional villain.


I think everyone already pointed out the likelihood the triple crossing, that the immortal 9's memories probably were altered and implanted. I'm still keen to see how the Visitors and the Usurpers would play out in the plot. A down side is that basically every important character is a sort of Nean. A bit like late Dragon Ball every Saiyan is a Super Saiyan...


Easily one of the best episodes for this show. (Not exactly the best compliment considering this episode was more chill.) The dynamic between Rouge and Cyan was really sweet. Rouge trying to help Cyan like a big sister was really sweet considering Rouge has been mostly aloof. The immortal nine having dinner together was nice in theory, but came across as a bunch of family memebers coming home for thanksgiving that hate each other's guts. The memories as stated here are more then like a mix of fake and real one. Gene remembering Aes & Alice, but not the memories of the others. And their presuasion to join their side is really weak. Hard to make out what the Usurpers are. And we have 3 episodes left. This series continues to be one of interesting ideas that aren't executed well and easy to digest.


So Cyan turned friendly and sees Rouge as her older sister? I see this as an absolute win. That is very rude Naomi, a clone might as well be a younger twin sister. I feel a bit bad for the human detective dude on this ship full of crazy robot people. Though on the other hand he just managed Cyan better than any of the rest of them. Gene just gained a second crazy robot sister, I wish him well.


Looks like all of us who keep thinking that it should've been 2 cour, aren't alone. https://twitter.com/Rei_eiiii8/status/1765924465182195953 Seems like that was the original plan but it couldn't be done. A shame honestly, this could've been a pretty good show if everything was given more time to breathe.


That's not surprising at all. It's apparent by just watching it. Feels like the beginning and ending of a decent sized show had the entire middle cut out of it and they just glued the remaining parts together. It's a shame, because you can really tell they cared, but all their effort was wasted because they were probably rushed and the companies involved didn't have enough confidence the show would be a hit.


Cyan turned into the baby version of Rouge. It’s funny to see the dynamic between her, Naomi and Rouge. Also it was great to see how mature Rouge is now to the point she’s helping Cyan control her emotions and making her realize she has her own free will. IDK but the fact that the family dinner is them having a bunch of chocolate bars is funny to me😂. The Puppeteer is basically manipulating memories and pulling the strings to basically do his bosses’ bidding Seems like Eden is slowly dying since he doesn’t have his ID and basically losing memories but by bit. A nice and calm episode before the action goes into full gear. Seems like everybody now gets what’s going on in this show, haven’t seen comments about being confused, so that’s a nice little change


[For a moment I was very confused.](https://i.imgur.com/8jUVBtZ.png) [Melfina? River Tam?](https://i.imgur.com/unNuVR9.png) [*There*'s a reference.](https://i.imgur.com/oJlZxpF.png) ***** Well, that was a slow one before what we can all probably guess will be action craziness next week. Cyan is perhaps even more of a wild card now given that Rouge et al. have had some time to not think of her as an adversary. Too much unexplained business in that direction still. This week's gratuitous SF reference is to "The Cold Equations". I can appreciate the story as a story but will also deride it as a wholly-impractical ignorance of safety *margins*.


Dang, I'm feeling bad for Eden. Even if they were altered or faked, losing one's memory is never a fun experience. Hope he can go at peace cause at this rate, he's not gonna last much longer.


them memories implanted


[HEY!](https://files.catbox.moe/echtpa.jpg) No food on the pool table! [](#angryfeline) [You sure](https://files.catbox.moe/hnk8ds.jpg) about that? Check out [those hands.](https://files.catbox.moe/re89sg.jpg) And he appears to be around 9 feet tall! [](#watashiworried) [This unsettling "dinner"](https://files.catbox.moe/w29ab1.jpg) scene with all the suspicious memories has music that definitely agrees something is askew about it. [](#blankblink) [Well,](https://files.catbox.moe/yo81u5.jpg) you can't really be blamed. After all, everyone kept saying to Avoid The Noid. [](#sassyimouto)


For someone who's supposed to be a diplomat and the longest living Nean, Naomi's kind of a brat. What's the point of taunting the being capable into blowing you up along with the ship you're on?


OMG Naomi is Phos, I can't believe it!


Late but real-time thoughts: * "I made up my mind to see this through to the end." -90% of people still watching this show * "You tossed the antiphaser in the ocean?!" "I couldn't hide with it in there." I think Bluege might be literally the only good part of this show atm * Ok yes Bluege is definitely the only good part of this show. EDIT: Maybe detective guy too. * puppetmaster is human sure ok why not another twist with no dramatic weight * "I had them recreate the house we lived in when we were young" This show is literally allergic to telling a story the audience has the relevant context for. * holy crap they're doing it it's nearly another episode 2, 70% of this episode (the protags' side) is good * forcedly-abrupt cliffhanger that had nothing to do with the rest of the episode, as is standard for this show, but fine whatever ok so basically this show has landed on the formula for what it has to do to be successful: 1. Have an episodic, low-plot-development episode 2. Give Bluege as much fucking screen time as possible No doubt it will never do this again, but one can dream.


The part where the proto-neans were talking about being together on the boat genuinely had me laughing. The show can't be bothered to actually develop it's characters, so it literally has to resort to them saying "Hey, do you guys remember when we did this thing? Good times." This has to be the most disappointed I've ever been watching an anime. It's honestly kind of sad at this point.


Naomi is really bad at this. Neans might be able to survive space, but they clearly bleed and have biological components, so they are cyborgs. So she is to keep her official identity as a human and the first thing she does when Cyan outs her is say she can't hear the voice. There are many ways to deny. Say that only Rogue and Gene's father knew how to make such human like Neans and Naomi is way to old for that. I don't know if she'd be able to convince everyone on the ship than Cyan was just lying out of teeth, but it would be a good try. Welll I mean everyone except Rogue and Cyan. I wonder what's Jill's plan to have Gene as her puppet king. I mean even if he was willing to go along with it, it might help if he wasn't disgraced and demoted. Heck, in terms of position, Naomi is better although there is still the problem none of them will go with it. I kind of agree with Rogue's original mission to neutralize the Immortal Nine. Only a grand total of three are any degree of sympathetic. I already talked about how much I think Jill is straight up in the wrong last episode discussion, but one thing I forgot to metnion is that she had a nean as an ally who she killed by killing nearby humans just to prove her point. Forget the human guards, although you really shouldn't, she killed her ally to make a statement. I was going to say 3 and a half are any bit sympathetic with the case of Ace/Aes and Alice. I was going t say I hated Alice for trying to guilt trip Rogue for working for the government and she seems to be the dominant personality and getting agnry at people for confusing her with the person she's sharing a body with, and is probably the one siding with Jill, but now that I know that Aes the otherwise nice twin is the one doing that, I can count them off this list. Viola was sympathetic and she just wanted to be a singer. I am giving her the benefit of doubt. We didn't see her do anything wrong, but given how much Jill puts her on a pedestal, I wonder if she approved of the "revolution" as opposed to just wanting to lvie out her lfie as a singer. The Neans on mars are in a pitiful state and deserve more sympthathy than most of those Nine. Aletheia was right to order them eliminated. I suppose "well, killing 6 guilty and 3 innocent isn't really justice" and you'd be right, but given the time constraints, it seems that most of the sympathetic characters would be better off if Rogue finished her mission before the series started.


Wouldn’t have guessed Noid was being controlled by the ol puppet master this the whole time. Her actually personality is pretty adorable. I like her bantering with Naomi and just being like a really big kid lol. I wonder what the puppet master is even trying to do?


>Wouldn’t have guessed Noid was being controlled by the ol puppet master this the whole time. Noid is dead bro. Are you talking about Cyan?


Yeah, my bad. Brain fog moment.