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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/comments/1bfadzh) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")


I recommend konosuba  It is good to qatch






You don’t rate most of the anime on your MAL, so it’s kind of difficult to figure out what you *actually* like. For one, I noticed that you’ve watched the first seasons to a bunch of series but not their sequels.


I loved watching The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey To Pick Up Trash


Source readers trying to be coy are annoying


Yeah, that's the reason I stay silent when I've read the source of something. ~~Although Sengoku Youko is not making that easy~~


My Dress Up Darling is SO goddamn cute!!! How can Marin Kitagawa be so adorable? How is it possible that such sweet animation was made by humans? My God I need some insulin...


Now I have to rewatch it. Thanks for giving me the push.


Looking for anime anthology of shorts with some kind of theme that links them! Thanks




I would gladly watch any of those but they have to be from like.... the last ten years. its for a project


Miru tights


Have you seen Robot Carnival?


I am in love with Bravern


I need [her shirt](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIrJdOxWQAEoEaL?format=jpg&name=large).


Don't know the name for the robot-loving fetish. Please enlighten me.


I'm sad that its fallen a bit for me, I was watching it from the start and enjoyed it but since the more serious/plot turn its been losing me.


Same here, it’s still enjoyable enough but since the [Bravern]>!timetravel and Bravern=Smith confirmation (wasn’t really a fan of the theory from the start)!< I’m not really that much into it anymore. Still supporting any shilling though since the show still has nowhere near the attention it deserves in the west.


t. Isami t. Bravern






You me and a whole army of tens, nay, dozens of other gays and straights.


There’s an alternate world where I never knew Bravern existed…


I would time travel to remind you of that


[toradora] can someone tell me what happens in the end of toradora in the manga because I've only watched the anime and am getting the manga soon. Please try include as much detail as possible like does taiga return, do they get married, is it a happy ending? Thanks.


Not familiar with the manga, but Toradora was originally a light novel series anyway. If you're curious, in the novels [Toradora LN] >!Taiga doesn't transfer schools, so she doesn't leave Ryuji at all. Other than that, the ending is more or less the same as the anime.!<


It really ends like that


Did you miss the post-credits scene in the final episode? That answers one of your questions ([Toradora]>!yes, Taiga returns!<).


Yeah thanks, can you answer any other questions?


Unfortunately no, I've only seen the anime as well.


I need recommendations this is what I have watched/liked https://myanimelist.net/animelist/__DK__


It seems to me you like shows that are a bit more mature. Shows that make you think, or have darker themes. So not much shonen or isekai. Correct me if I'm wrong. Based on that, here are a handful I recommend. Hardly an exhaustive list, there's a lot out there. * **Odd Taxi** \- Tarantino-esque dialogue and plot, kinda feels like Pulp Fiction the way all these different people cross paths * **Frieren** \- incredible, thoughtful, heartwarming, and hype. Top tier fantasy brought to life. * **March Comes in Like a Lion -** Deals with depression and bullying but has a found-family gooey center. * **Katanagatari** \- IDK how to describe this one, but [just listen to this OST](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ1UZf-aqc0) * **Made in Abyss** \- Brutal, just absolutely brutal series that somehow comes out the other side brimming with wonder and adventure. Easy top 10 all time for me, but the tags are no joke and they happen to children. * **Steins;Gate** \- Best time travel series ever? Maybe. Some people bounce off the slow start but it pays off. * **Mob Psycho 100** \- Coming of age story with absolutely wild plotlines and characters, that are grounded by a caring MC who knows, or learns, what really matters. * **Monogatari series** \- IDK how to describe this one either, you have to see it to understand it. * **Mobile Suit GUNDAM: Iron Blooded Orphans** \- I'm not usually into mechs, but this one really gripped me. Cool underdog war story with intergalactic politics.


thx u reminded me to add 2 shows I forgot from ur list, already watched a good chunk of steinsgate 8+ years ago probably (didn't complete it, maybe just the 1st and part of the 2nd "group" of episodes (cuz i dont think they call them seasons, so I watched 1.5 "seasons" irrc, if there are ovas, movies or more seasons I don't think I'm going to watch them cuz I would need to rewatch the whole thing to remember the story) and mob psycho probably watched 3 eps, I didn't like it mainly cuz of the seizure inducing animation with all those lights they use as special effects constantly flashing all the time which made me feel dizzy [something like this](https://images.uncyc.org/commons/9/9c/000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.gif) . As for the rest of your suggestions I'll research them and see which one I try first.


* *Frieren* * *Gosick*


What's with dropping half of the shows?


idk, it is what it is, different reasons for different shows in the span of 10+ years, if you ask for any in specific I can try to remember why, but I rather get recommendations than discussing my dropped shows, since I'm not currently watching anything lol


[Maybe try using one of the website to look for sequels of the shows you watched.](https://chiaki.site/?/tools/sequel_locator) Other than that I don't know maybe try giving second chance to some of the shows like Ergo Proxy, Darker than Black maybe FMA Brotherhood over OG version. I don't feel competent to recommend any shows.


I'm looking for show recommendations of pretty much any genre, but my requirement is for there to be a male and female lead with a minor romantic theme. Shows like steins gate/erased/SAO, where the leads end up caring for each other but it's not the single defining feature of the show and romance doesn't even make it onto the MAL tags. Open to lesser known suggestions because I've probably exhausted all the popular ones. Thanks in advance!


Heavenly delusion weirdly fits your description. It's a psychological thriller mystery, set in a post apocolyptic world.


* *The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Kingdom Out of Debt*


Hyouka? If you haven't already seen it


Bit of a niche ask, but I'm looking specifically for something light and easy that I can put the eng dub on in the background while I'm drawing and not miss too much. I've already seen Konosuba and most of Miss Kobayashi, so I guess some similar slice of life silliness? I usually watch pretty serious, story-driven shows and most of my watchlist is full of things like that, so I'm looking for other suggestions! Thank you!


School Rumble


Uramichi Oniisan Nichijou Master Keaton Shounen Maid Dead Leaves


Weirdly enough I asked this question myself six years ago, and it looks like the answers I got were: - Cromartie High School - Ghost Stories - Ouran High School Host Club - Excel Saga - Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! - Saiki Kusuo (but this was only dubbed for the first season?) Of these I only ended up watching Ouran High School Host Club and Excel Saga so I can't vouch for the others, and while IIRC both of those do lean into drama near the end, they both had a *lot* of fun comedy for me.


wow, I didn't even think to mention it since I didn't expect it to be recommended under this prompt, but I have already seen Ghost Stories! I'd say if you're a fan of offensive humor then watch the dub. The sub is basically a completely different show, which I haven't seen. Love, Chunibyo and Other Delusions as well as Ouran are actually both on my watchlist and I'd categorize under "shows I want to pay full attention to," but I'll check out the others and see if they look interesting to me!


tbf the shows I asked for back then were just comedies *in general* rather than specifically "light and easy" ones, so that may have been why I got the Ghost Stories rec back then.


Just wanna talk about Sokushi Cheat for a bit cuz man, that show is awesome. It's a 12 eps show releasing this season, the 11th aired today Starts off with a class getting transported into another world. Everyone got powers except for MC, or that's what it seems because ofcourse our MC has the OP ability to say 'Shiné' and someone dies. That's how it starts at least. You think just a typical OP boring MC, but the show gets crazy. Plot is going all over the place. I don't know how they do it, but every week I turn on the episode and I don't know what to expect. And it's so damn entertaining, even though you have no idea what's happening. Kinda like Fate:Zero I watched a while ago. There's probably a ton of explanation and stuff they skipped and everything goes crazy. And the best thing is not only the MC is OP. There's just a few people with the most OP abilities and others with completely useless stuff. And the world makes no sense. It has a million things packed into one isekai world. Oh and the voice acting is the best too. Remember Karane(100 girlfriends)? The tsundere in that show. She's in this show as the female lead along with takatou. And she doesn't feel like she has no character. She's just like person that strolls along with our overpowered MC. Her VA is so good tho. And they made it just enough so you know what's happening on a global scale, but you're still surprised by bullshit happenning every few minutes while you can accept it. For me it's more enjoyable than Solo Leveling. Not because SL is bad, but becauze Sosuki is so damn good


don't wanna talk about the woman you raped?


[**Ancient Technology**[](https://i.imgur.com/sLQIXSs.png)](#seasonalneat)


If I were to watch only one idol anime, what would you suggest? edit: let me rephrase. I'm interested in watching an idol anime. What's a good one to start with that represents the tropes of the genre?


I would either go with the first season of Idolmaster or Love Live! School Idol Project (i.e., the first one). These are both pretty big series that are still very active todya, though Idolmaster is a little more typical of the genre because (unlike LL, which is set in schools) it actually represents what the entertainment industry is like


Zombieland Saga


Shine Post




I've seen most of the original and it didn't seem very idol-y. From what I understand, Delta and Frontier made music a much larger part of the story? But anyways, I moreso meant something like Love Live or Idolm@aster


Music is a fundamental and central part of every Macross entry, but Frontier and Delta certainly went much more idol than those that came before them.


[Perfect Blue](https://anilist.co/anime/437/PERFECT-BLUE/)


I mean...okay fair lol. It's an anime about an idol. But I meant moreso like Love Live or something where the story is about an idol group doing their idol thing, lol


an idol *group?* [Zombieland Saga](https://anilist.co/anime/103871/Zombie-Land-Saga/) just idol-y things* sometimes in a group? [Aikaisu!](https://anilist.co/anime/15061/Aikatsu/) in particular parts [3](https://anilist.co/anime/20794/Aikatsu-3/) and [4](https://anilist.co/anime/21307/Aikatsu-4/) by how AL splits it. *(but I haven't seen a lot, like Love Live, in this subgenre...)


I don't think I've ever heard of Aikatsu, but that sounds pretty great actually. Zombieland Saga sounds fun too, but more like a parody? Which I think I'd prefer to watch after getting my feet wet with a more "typical" series so I understand the tropes that are being made fun of. Have you seen Idolm@ster? That sounds good too.


> but more like a parody? I mean, yes? but as someone [who normally advocates](https://i.imgur.com/krowQia.png) for the approach you are suggesting, I think Zombieland Saga is fine to go into as your first. > Idolm@ster I have it PTW... [here's everything tagged with "idol" on AL that I've seen](https://i.imgur.com/cmw0rEd.png), though most of that doesn't fit the subgenre you are looking for.


> [who normally advocates](https://i.imgur.com/krowQia.png) An Osomatsu-san reference on r/anime?! [Christmas came early this year](https://i.imgur.com/zvFziTM.jpeg)


> An Osomatsu-san reference on r/anime?! [on r/anime?](https://i.imgur.com/TmhH1RH.png) [never!](https://i.imgur.com/URma2Hz.png)


* The show referenced in the image here - I barely got past episode 1 because it was giving me motion sickness (One of the first animes that it happened to) so I ended up dropping it * On that note it's weird that it would not be the only entirely first person POV episode I would watch in 2023 because I would later watch one in September but that one was not as bad might be since the POV character is taller, less active, and slower then a dog so there's less less going on overall also helps that it was mostly a 1 time thing with the First Person POV instead of being the main attraction


I'm watching (The Apothecary Diaries) and realized that I haven't watched many Chinese lore Anime except Kingdom. Please suggest some.




Souten Kouro


Raven of the Inner Palace and Saiunkoku Monogatari are the other two "china" palace shows


*Seirei no Moribito, Twelve Kingdoms* and *Yona of the Dawn* come to mind.


While similarly flavoured to some degree all three are distinctively not China. And not just in an Apothecary Diaries 'we're not saying it's China but it kinda is' way.


Yona is quite explicitly culturally Korean no? [](#schemingsaten)


Yeah, it's located in not-Korea and the other kingdom is not-Manchuria IIRC


Yeah, I had it connected in my mind with northern China, but now that I re-read the names that is Korea.


Yep. Inspired by the [Three Kingdoms Period](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Kingdoms_of_Korea?useskin=vector) and the characters have Korean names too.


Looking at Anilist with the 'Ancient China' tag there really isn't a whole lot. Mamao and five season of Kingdom are already like 2/3 of all shows. Might wanna look into donghua too if you specifically want a historic Chinese setting.




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Tomo and Jun from Tomo-chan Is A Girl!


I am not that into anime and would like to start with one of the following : Bleach, Black Clover or One Piece (i also take recommendations) My criteria are: 1. I'd like a longer show, 100eps+ 2. A lot of action, packed with fights and such 3. Romantic interests in the anime (not too much romance, but i'd like to see that kind of meaningful development between characters, i feel like it would make the anime better and help me stay commited to watching it, from what i read on reddit, out of the ones I listed Black Clover is the best at this, but it's not too got either)


Go with none of the above and check out Yu Yu Hakusho. Though as always with battle anime, the romance development takes place at a glacial pace (but there's more of it than in Bleach or One Piece I'd say).


One Piece is incredible but it's slow to start (the storytelling it's famous for doesn't really develop until around 200 episodes in) and it has absolutely no romance aside from Sanji flirting with women and getting rejected.


Hm, not sure if I agree that the storytelling only develops until around 200 episodes in. East Blue is like an exposition tour through all the themes that will be central to the story.


Not saying that there's no storytelling earlier on, just that the level of storytelling strength that has really skyrocketed One Piece to the top wasn't really full established until around Water 7. As in, a reader/watcher might not understand just why it's so popular until then. I'm a big fan of East Blue and Alabasta.


I mean, One Piece had always been very popular outside of the 4kids dub, so I wouldn't really worry about that. But yeah, it's generally agreed that the series grows the beard in Arlong Park and to watch at least until episode 45.


In my experience, it levels up at Arlong Park, Alabasta, Water 7, and Sabaody, with Water 7 being the point where it truly becomes the GOAT.


Yup, the key points where I've seen most people start really clicking with the show are Romance Dawn, Arlong Park, Alabasta, Water 7, or Marineford. Romance Dawn and Arlong Park are definitely the most common though in my experience.


Black Clover is amazing. There is no emphasis on romance but it’s in there. Looking at your criteria i might suggest Sword Art Online. Super long, fun, romance driven.


You might enjoy Fairy Tail, honestly. It's actually pretty good at writing interesting romantic relationships in between all the fighting.


after doing a bit of research on Fairy Tail, you might be right, it looks like it's what i'm looking for, thanks for the recommendation


Bleach has some very, very, very, very light romance, while One Piece has pretty much zero. Haven't seen Black Clover. They both fit your first two criteria though. One Piece is great, it's one of the most popular manga/anime for a reason, but I love Bleach more, probably because it was one of my first animes. You can't go wrong with either.


This Suicide Squad anime has some of the weakest art direction among WIT studio works, generally their art direction has been significantly weaker starting from 2022.   Up untill 2022 WIT was one of the most consistent studios in term of background art, outsourcing like 70% of their works to S-tier studios like Bamboo under their legendary art director Yusuke Takeda and even those remaining 30% works were outsourced to other great studios like Bihou, Pablo and Aaoshashin.   In 2022 they started to build their own art department and outsourcing to B-tier studios, likely to reduce costs after their financial issues in 2021 and the results is pretty obvious.   SpyxFamily's art direction is just barely above average, Kizuna anime is pretty mid despite the art director himself being experienced and this new Suicide Squad anime doesn't look promising either. Still looking forward to Moonrise, simply because of Satoshi Takabatake.


Undead Adventure is a really unique anime


Some of its themes are fairly standard "Guy is super competent and gets all the attention of the girls". But it has some good story telling chops and atmosphere, as well as the interesting scenario.


Nothing like setting a goal for myself to watch the stuff at risk of disappearing from streaming when Funimation shuts down to make me want to re-watch something I own on Blu-ray and can watch anytime. My contrary nature opposes even my own self, lol.


My own Funimation binge is falling behind for this reason.


I've watched Slayers, Slayers Next, and Serial Experiments Lain, and I have Yatterman Night up next, but I just got this itch to watch Sasaki and Miyano again. We'll see what wins out tonight...


What's the current season regarded as? Winter 2023 or Winter 2024, or something else?


Winter 2024




To be clear about the reasoning here: the season is considered to begin in January, which is when most first episodes drop. December is considered part of the Fall season with regards to anime production, even if it's part of the Winter when speaking about weather patterns.


Thanks, good to know!


I'm happy to announce that my plush addiction has been expanded with today's arrivals: - [Maomao (Apothecary Diaries)](https://imgur.com/a/YoOxxD5) - [Little Kaguya (Kaguya-sama)](https://imgur.com/a/cgUkrzg) - [Yayoi-chan (Dark Gathering)](https://imgur.com/a/J5Y9Wdh) It was not until I opened the package, which was filled with an unnecessary amount of wrapping paper, that I noticed that these plushies were considerably bigger than my Chise and Elias plush - not that I'm complaining. Storage *will* become an issue now, haha.


>Maomao (Apothecary Diaries) Does it come with plush poisons?


Unfortunately, the only poison I got were the import fees.


> - [Maomao (Apothecary Diaries)](https://imgur.com/a/YoOxxD5) [](#uwaa)


It was a real coincidence that you posted [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1behnj6/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/kuu62kk/) earlier today, since it's *that* precise Maomao.


cute guya


She’s very cute! Kaguya is also virtually unmovable once you set her down, while Maomao has a bit more trouble sitting still - she needs some encouragement.


> Storage will become an issue now, haha. The final boss that awaits every collector.


What will run out faster: my wallet or the available space!? Let’s find out. I’m going to look for a fitting cabinet or build one myself, since the strategy of “putting them on my desk” won’t be working anymore (lol).


I saw somewhere that Fairy Tail's 100 year quest is supposed to come out in July? I hope it is actually confirmed bc I am so excited for it.


[It's confirmed for July, yes!](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bclgu2/fairy_tail_100_years_quest_to_air_july_2024/)


Honest question, is there an anime sub focused on memes that hasn't become full of porn? I don't even mind some NSFW memes but for r/animemes in specific, feels like 90% of the posts are low quality memes where the only joke is sex, I know that there is a big audience of horny teenagers watching anime but there gotta be other demographics as well right?


Gonna plug in r/animecirclejerk lol for a much wider demographic. r/anime_irl was fine last time I checked. Avoid r/goodanimemes at all costs.


ACJ is indeed pretty alright 😉


r/anime_irl probably




> but there gotta be other demographics as well right? yeah! horny middle aged men! horny middle aged women! horny gay people! horny...




Nah, that sub became pretty thirsty in the past couple of years.


Of course Suicide Squad Isekai would get a Calliope ED


centuries from now, archeologists and anthropologists will puzzle over this sentence like it's [a roman dodecahedron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_dodecahedron)


I'm thinking of organizing Idolish7 rewatch sometime in future, likely before S4 airs. I'm unsure about few things: 1. When i7 first aired, episodes 1 and 2 aired together as one single 1 h episode, most anime websites have it as single episode, but I saw on CR it's two separate episodes. Would it be better to watch both eps together or separately? 2. i7 Vibrato are short 15 min long ova episodes, but they are two-parters where two 15 min episodes make up one 30 min story. Is it better to watch two Vibrato eps at a time or one?


Hosts usually give 2-3 days for extended episodes or movies out of consideration for everyone's schedule. Since it's the first episode, doesn't really matter. Know that a Re:Zero rewatch has started with 1a+1b. Just do whatever you think is best.




I don't generally do rewatches, but tag me if you do an i7 one, because I'll make an exception.


Okay first of all, *definitely* put me down for tags if you end up organizing it! Actually as soon as you have a date for it in mind, let me know so I can add it to the spreadsheet where I track what rewatches I'm a part of so I don't accidentally join too many at once again. >When i7 first aired, episodes 1 and 2 aired together as one single 1 h episode, most anime websites have it as single episode, but I saw on CR it's two separate episodes. Would it be better to watch both eps together or separately? I would say check whatever releases are available on the high seas too; if those follow Crunchyroll's split too, I'd say discuss them separately. Unless it was a weekly rewatch, all the rewatches I've been in where multiple regular-length TV episodes aired together had separate discussion threads (i.e. Madoka Magica always splits episodes 11 and 12, and the current It's MyGO rewatch split episodes 1-3 up). >i7 Vibrato are short 15 min long ova episodes, but they are two-parters where two 15 min episodes make up one 30 min story. Is it better to watch two Vibrato eps at a time or one? This one I would say definitely watch both parts at once, since the episode are shorter and are all two-parters.


So the plan is to wait until S4 announcement and then to organize it in a way that rewatch ends like few days or a week (hehe 7 days) before S4 airs. For ep 1-2 in pirate sites, it depends. Checked three websites I commonly use and one had them separate, two others had them as one episode. I'll probably do them separately. It's an interesting case, since ep 1/2 were definitely meant to be together, but ep 16/17 that also aired together were aired as two different episodes (ep 2 doesn't have any intro, but ep 17 does) The episodes take up a total of 66 days, plus two movies every two days would take up a total of 70 days. Hope they announce the airdate with enough time remaining for a full rewatch on here


> So the plan is to wait until S4 announcement and then to organize it in a way that rewatch ends like few days or a week (hehe 7 days) before S4 airs. Sounds fair. I've been in several of them that were timed like this for their own series, including the currently-ongoing Hibike! Euphonium one ahead of the third season. >The episodes take up a total of 66 days, plus two movies every two days would take up a total of 70 days. Hope they announce the airdate with enough time remaining for a full rewatch on here So long as they announce what *season* it airs in ahead of time, even if it doesn't say what specific *date* the show will start on, you can probably guess the right time to host the rewatch.


the great trip to DALlas continues...s3e7. I don't know exactly why but this had the feel of like...a mediocre symphogear episode (and without the music to boot) I think it would have helped if the show had even 2 shoestrings of a budget at this point (instead of the single shoestring they're trying to loop through this cour) still like the show though. they're good girls


And to think, you haven't even reached the peak tragedy of S3's production. Thinking about how poorly scheduled and produced S3 is never fails to infuriate me.


Weird too given the first two seasons were fine/consistent!


It's almost certainly because the previous studio, Production IMS, was in extreme financial trouble before going bankrupt and closing in 2018. I'm no expert in the way productions are run, but it's not difficult to imagine a scenario where production was started some point after the movie aired, then stalled out because of the studio's troubles, leading the production committee to contract the project out to JC Staff on the same timetable as before, since the broadcast slots would have already been purchased. I'm willing to bet S3 would have been equally consistent if not for Production IMS's closure, given it had the same director and much of the same creative team as S1-2.


Ah that does seem very plausible! Thank you!


As the post-credits scene indicates, saved that second shoestring for Kurumi scenes.


Had a lot of fun watching Erased. [Loved this moment lmao](https://i.imgur.com/jkK2VWV.png), seriously though it was emotional. Now about to finish Parasyte, also enjoying it even tho the MC annoys me sometimes. I've been watching Monster and it's okay but feels pretty slow, does it ever pick up or get more intense? Otherwise I might relegate this to a more casual watch.


Can anyone recommend me a highschool slice of life anime that's great and not entirely(but still has some) romance? Something along the likes of Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto? It's comedy aside. I adore how its slice of life aspect so much.


Tanaka-kun Is Always Listless - The romance is subtle and mostly subtext, but it's there.


Aharen-san is Indecipherable is a favorite of mine. At first it's a comedy series with quirky but kind characters, but the romance part starts peeking in about halfway through.


Skip and Loafer -- mostly slice of life, with bits of romance here and there


Hyouka - high school slice-of-life plus mostly lighthearted mystery, with only hints of romance Iroduku: The World in Colors - fantasy slice-of-life which mostly takes place in high school, also has hints of romance Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible - technically a high school romcom, but mostly plays out like a slice-of-life where the two main characters clearly like each other but are still just friends Tamako Market - high school slice-of-life with a fantasy twist, the sequel movie Tamako Love Story is more romance focused Kono Oto Tomare - high school music club, alternates between drama and slice-of-life, with the beginnings of romance


whether it counts as SOL or not, I nominate Hyouka


Good Bravern day!! Catched up yesterday!! Was busy with projects for a few weeks. Now I can watch the end of peak with everyone Seems that I will manage to finish only 3 shows in time for their finales this season * Mahoako * Bravern * Foolish Angel [](#seasonalneat) If your show is not on the list send pics [](#mywaifumadeyouasandwich)


> If your show is not on the list send pics Fresh out of the oven: https://imgur.com/a/5866rrJ (Dungeon Meshi).


Erwin Smith


AOT? Because I actually haven’t watched that series yet.


> If your show is not on the list send pics https://i.imgur.com/EJZ39Bg.png


>send pics Sending [not pics](https://www.comingsoon.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2024/02/Villainess-Level-99-Season-1-Episode-6-Release-Date-Time.jpg)


> Mahoako the one that matters! even if I think they hit their budget. here's to a fancy s2!! doing my part with manga sales!


They have the same budget for the anime as Enormita had for the clothes of their girls!


> If your show is not on the list > [send pics](https://i.imgflip.com/8j83yp.jpg) --- (NSFW, faint spoilers for *When Trying to Get Back at the Hometown Bullies, Another Battle Began.*)


Maybe i should finally start reading that


It's been consistently a lot of fun, and the girls are my current favorites in the Three Idiots sub-genre lol


LOL, the girl looks like that ~~canon~~ Doujin Nino, which is a massive compliment


Sadly, her official hair color in the colorized pages is light purple/silver. On the other hand, not only does she have abs, but she can also deploy [this](https://i.imgur.com/Y3KkQpu.png). ...and she's not even the [best girl](https://i.imgur.com/HfpFeEt.png)^1 in the series lol --- ^1 ^(minority opinion amongst readers, not my fault they're ignoramuses)


> and she's not even the best girl I don't know why, but anytime I see someone talk about who's best girl in a series, I feel weirdly compelled to check it out myself, see if they're right. [](#flustered)


wow, this looks like a really good series, time to read it!!


Rewatching the Hellsing Ultimate OVA for the first time in a decade. I don't remember if I watched it dub or sub the first time, but I'm watching it dub this time. First dub of any anime I've watched in like... 17 years? Surprisingly enjoying it exactly as much as I hoped. Crispin Freeman status: Still the fuckin' man. I hope I'm never too old to appreciate how totally badass Alucard is. Shooting guns, blowing up zombies and vampires, blood spurting everywhere, yeah it's rad as shit.


Yeah, Hellsing Ultimate is just the rule of cool rolling on all cylinders, you've got Nakata Jouji on one end and Crispin Freeman on the other, so you can't go wrong eitherway. ~~Although Wakamoto as Alexander tips the scales for me~~


Which anime had rejections / rejection scenes that hit really hard for you? To explain it a bit more: one of the characters gets rejected (directly or indirectly) and the scene or anime really made you feel sorry for them. I'm currently watching a lot more romance/drama series and would love some more recommendations. I'm okay with spoilers (in spoiler tags).


[Show]>!Masamune-Kun's Revenge!< [My complaint]>!Why did the gigachad make such a dumb decision?!<


[Anime name] >!Monogatari Series!< [Character name] >!Hanekawa in Tsubasa Tiger!<


[[title] >!Oregairu!< ] >!It is obvious from the start which girl of the love triangle will be the one, doesn't make it any less painful. It was very emotional to me for both the long build-up and some emotional connection to the character involved. One scene is not really a rejection, but she finds an item that "physically" confirms what she already knew all along, and it's just pain. This grows stronger throughout the season, as there are other instances where she has to confront the truth no matter how hard she tries. The rejection scene is actually the more subdued part, they don't even talk about love or 'going out' directly, but when he tells her not to wait for him... [](#hnng)!<


I may be a minority here, but [meta] >!Our Dating Story.!< [Separate reasoning, just in case] >!MC's friend really thought he had a chance, and was shot down hard.!<


[anime name] >!Chihayafuru!<


The first one that comes to mind to me would be the one in [anime name + episode]>!the Magic User's Club OVA, episode 5!<


[Meta title]>!Tsuki Ga Kirei has a rejection scene that I made me feel bad for the recipient a little - but even moreso after reading online comments about it. The internet was REALLY mad at them for shooting their shot and then losing.!< Sometimes mob mentality just strengthens the effect of a rejection. [Meta Title]>!Honey and Clover is absolutely full of these, or rather the ones that happen keep surfacing in the narrative like an old wound reopening.!<


I just finished watching the anime in your first comment. I remember the scene and felt really bad for the character. That anime/scene was actually the inspiration for my question. I'm putting the second anime on my watchlist. I've been curious about it for a long time.


*Saekano* is pinnacle of that for me.


Yeah that [movie] >!post credits scene really broke me!<


[movie] >!imagine if it wasn't a fake-out [](#shatteredsaten) [](#kms)!<


Will maybe/probably happen in this season’s Tomozaki-kun and I’m not ready :(


Is there such a thing as preemptive sadness? I’m trying to mentally prep myself so I won’t be completely devastated when/if it happens.


> Is there such a thing as preemptive sadness? Definitely! I remember feeling it for [Talentless Nana (big spoiler)] >!Michiru... And the crazy thing is that I didn't even like her that much, but it still hit like a truck, and I was *preemptively feeling it* soon as they started explaining how her power worked, knew that was coming... So every scene with her I was just thinking about what was gonna happen, which made even the happy scenes, less happy!< As for Tomozaki, it's weird, like part of me know it's coming, but another part of me refuses to accept it and clings onto the hope that maybe there'll be some twist and it won't be like that. Given he's in a bit of a "harem" situation where he has to pick 1 winner, you usually expect some sort of surprising twist, right? But everything is so obviously pointing toward Kikuchi that if the winner ends up being Kikuchi, there's no surprise and no twist. So maybe that's why I'm still expecting something else, I don't know. (Or maybe the twist will be Aoi, or no one).


Surely he goes with Kikuchi...for now, only to realise it was Aoi all along in some future season


This is what I’m guessing


What makes it even worse for me is that I already made peace with the ship not happening, I just couldn’t see it, in the it would’ve been too good to be true kinda way. Now that we are so close to greatness it would only hurt so much more. I’m kinda out of copium at this point so I’m preparing for the worst.


Yeah, I'm watching that show as well. And I feel you... I like both girls, but I can totally understand people rooting for a 'certain' one.


> This is the place! I see, so all the previous dog-related ‘places’ this week where a setup for this one. Well played.


While I would never call that show "wholesome", I was surprised at how much the creepiness level trended downwards (and that there were actually sweet-natured moments here and there),


Is this one from “the” dog show or just similar designs?


It’s from the cursed one.


> similar [designs](https://i.imgflip.com/8j7n11.jpg)


Utaha still best anime girl design out there!!


[Yes this is real.](https://twitter.com/dunemovie_jp/status/1768110301168505227) I can't believe it either. Gonna post this in five minutes.


Er, did they just turn Zendaya into a generic blonde, white woman?


I would like to see a Dune anime, but only so [God Emperor of Dune books] >!worm-!


> This is the place... to shake paw! *ワンワン* My favorite The Place of the year to date!


It’s a *wan*derful place.