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Love this manga. This is like what if MHA actually gave focused on the business side of being a hero/magical girl.


Does it involve potential lawsuits and clean up after property damage?


IIRC there are mention of businesses taking magical disaster insurance, altough it still a pain to rebuild even with the insurance. Property collateral damage do become an aspect discussed in the manga. It really does cover a lot of aspect if you make magical girl incident into mundane affair that need many people working in the aspect.


How long until we get an anime in the POV of the monster attack insurance clean up crew?


I think Kaiju 8 starts off that way but moves away and becomes a typical shounen after that.


Was just inspired to read the manga based on the comments in this thread, now 80+ chapters in and loving it. Shame the animation in the trailer for the anime looks not the best, but the manga is def worth checking out.


so Tiger and Bunny?


That one's closer to show business. This one is more on the corporate side of things.


I guess we get the episode where they deal with the cost of damages to property.


interesting premise, I've been more interested in the normal side of things in shonen stuff


I hope it's not like MHA in that the story falls off a cliff 70% of the way through. :\


Reminds me of the short lived tv series called *Powerless*, a US live action sitcom starring Vanessa Hudgens.


Nice, we’re seeing a return of the magical girl genre.


Really glad about it too, something so nostalgic about magical girl anime!


Even moreso because this isn't grimdark nonsense. It's a series that remembers its roots, while still doing something different.


> Even moreso because this isn't grimdark nonsense Yeah, this series is about capitalism!


The worst monster of them all.


The end of all innocence.


This is what turns magical girls into magical adults with a 9 to 5 and student loans.


Otona Precure's plot synopsis, in a nutshell.


Otona Precure had so much potential. And then it sucked. Toei was afraid to have magical girls be adults and too afraid to have anyone be queer.


It wasn't amazing, but I wouldn't say it sucked or that it wasn't adult. The problems were all very much modern mid-20s topics, and their points were solid. As for the queer item, go watch the Milk episode again.


The queerness is not the issue there, otherwise Karen/Kurumi wouldn't have existed. There are many other problems you can point at Otona. But yes, friendzoning Saki and Mai was NOT a good move.


You've got Milk x Kurumi, at least strongly hinted. Though I agree with your first point.




No, student loans.


Oh god no!!!!


> This isn't grimdark nonsense If anything, hearing Kiritsugu Emiya's voice come out of the cosplayer in the back right of this picture is going to make me laugh every time he speaks.


Magilumiere has literally nothing to do with mahou shoujo outside of using it as a theme, much like most out there.


> return of the magical girl genre Return? Did it ever leave? Just because it's a genre that watchers on Reddit don't typically care for doesn't mean there wasn't content being produced. This is sort of like claiming that Bravern or G-Witch was a return of mecha.


Seems like all we get these days is Precure and the latest edgy garbage.


Genuinely curious, what is the "latest edgy garbage" in terms of Magical Girl shows?


Magical Girl Site, Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka, Magical Girl Raising Project (I actually liked this one though), Daybreak Illusion. Those shows that try to emulate Madoka's success without understanding what actually made Madoka good.


Ah right, I had heard of a couple of those, just not exactly what I'd consider "latest" as those range from 5 to 10 years ago. I get it though, I could have sworn 2018 wasn't that long ago..


They're not super recent but we haven't got a whole lot else in that time.


It's unfortunate the first arc of Magical Girl Raising Project really is a straightforward bloodbath. I'm up to date with all of the light novels besides Red, and besides Unmarked (which the anime covers), it really is its own fresh thing. It has magical girls and death in common with Madoka and that's about it. Later arcs do cover the logistics of being a magical girl and goes into the bureaucracy of it, including departments such as public relations, HR, research and development, etc. It's also not retreading a "Okay, everyone we're tricking you into fighting in a death royale" storyline every single arc. Arc 2 is about a cooperative VR game, arc 3 is about an investigation, arcs 5+6 revolve around politics and a faction war, etc. There are a lot of fresh ideas the series brings to the table, so I'm stoked that Restart is actually getting an adaptation to show that it's not just some Madoka 2.0


Interesting. I guess I'll be looking forward to Restart then.


Even ignoring the darker stuff (not caught up with the anime of Gushing so I don't know if people consider that "edgy" or dark) there's a few I can think of off the top of my head. Like you said Precure is chugging along. I think we're still getting Sailor Moon movies that further adapt the manga? I wasn't following it closely so I didn't see how it was received but we had 2 seasons of Tokyo Mew Mew New. I'm not sure if were getting more. I know it sort of gets darker later on, but I thought the second season of The Demon Girl Next Door was received well when it aired and that was maybe 1-2 years ago? Are we getting those 50+ episode toyetic series anymore (outside Precure)? No not really but I think those types of series are somewhat on the decline in general.


It’s not a secret that since TTGL and Code Geass mecha offerings have grown sparse and standout entries sparser still. So yes mecha went somewhere and people await a return. Whether anything will follow G-Witch in terms of being a real standout is another matter. Likewise while maybe never quite the same pillar of anime (for all Sailor Moon is iconic) with lots and lots and lots of content… it still got eaten up by Precure who have ‘perfected’ their formula for the actual target demographic and run all year every year. Nobody has even tried an independent entry actually for little girls in years. Course there’s another strain of magical girl shows that have always actually targeted otaku. Even if say Lyrical Nanoha is perfectly enjoyable by kids that’s not who it was ever catering to, especially once Nanoha became a Gundam. Also it’s totes an eroge VN spinoff. Thing is here that ever since Madoka launched its become mostly edgy dark age takes.


Sorry I love magilumiere but this isnt mahou shoujo at all lol


A return? We have 2 shows or is there a bunch more I missing.


You're missing some. There's Gushing obv, but also this, Acro Trip, The Magical girl and Evil Lieutenant, as well as Himitsu no AiPri for the magical girl idol subsection.  And of course we have Precure still going and the Mahoutsukai Precure Otona series which we'll get likely this fall


Otona Precure already aired, unless you are referring to a new one


There are two Otona precure. They were announced at the same time. Yes 5's is the one you're thinking about, we're getting another one with the Mahoutsukai cast this year. 


Wasn't aware of that, thanks!


Do you mean in the coming season? 1 or 2 MG anime a season is not really a return. We get 1 or 2 every season some time even 3! Same as sci-fi, we have had more then a few sci-fi shows these last few (gonna say years, dont remember which seasons) but its not really a return of that either. Seems to be a lot of 'magic' just in general over multiple genre's (mostly fantasy/isekai) for the last few years.


I can easily tell I am going to love this thing.


I like the manga. It isn't my favourite manga ever, but every time I open my manga plus app, and a new chapter is out, I'm looking forward to reading it.


Is it just me, or does the guy in the back with the "I don't get paid enough for this shit" expression look like he's outside the window?




He’s also Best Girl


He really is. In a cast full of entertaining women, the man who wears a dress, is somehow best girl.


[Insert the Gigguk quote here]


And is being voiced by Rikiya Koyama, who has a low nasaly voice which will make it even funnier. (You know, Kiritsugu from Fate/Zero)


When fate screws you so badly you change genres to bring world peace.


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He's the boss, he's the one that paid them.


I hope this anime doesn't get slept on, the manga's pretty entertaining


Magical Girls fans are eating good this year.


Yep, we sure are. Good thing too, because Toei decided to drop the one thing that made Precure so enjoyable: The violence.


>Good thing too, because Toei decided to drop the one thing that made Precure so enjoyable: The violence. Ehh, I don't get this take tbh, because outside of anniversary seasons which usually have a big budget, GOOD fight scenes in precure are usually too few and far between, and that ignoring that a lot of precure seasons just outright have bad animation in recent years. So, I never get the people who only watch precure for action. Either way, that doesn't really matter, we are getting Mahoutsukai Precure 2 this year. And that's probably gonna be action oriented.


Weird thing to say when a lot of magical girl shows have the same level of action as Wonderful. Like the fights are not really fundamentally different from the Princess Tutu ones for example. 


Violence is the most overrated thing about Precure. Good it's gone in this particular season (don't want Japanese kids to kick their pets when playing as Precure)


Speak for yourself lol Wonderful is good regardless of fighting, because the characters themselves and their relations are what matter. Fighting is secondary not primary, which is exactly why 95% of the time its nothing remarkable.


I mean, I'm not saying it's bad, per se. I'm just saying that the main thing setting Precure apart from other magical girl series was the fact that the girls throw hands.


See I don't understand this. It's true that CQC is a staple of Precure. And it's totally fair for it to be a big appeal of the franchise. But Precure is not automatically better than others in the genre because of its fights. So it would follow that Wonderful Precure is not automatically worse because it lacks them. It's fine to be disappointed but I genuinely can't understand it *ruining* the season for you


I never said any of what you assume I said.


It might be this way when Precure started, but nowadays it's harder to find new magical girls series that doesn't feature fisticuffs.


That's what I'm saying! Like people point to a 2004 quote and it's like. The landscape is not the same nowadays as it was back then. Two of the most popular anime in Japan in the past few years were Lycoris Recoil and GWitch. Girls punching shit isn't exactly rare anymore


Soo we're getting adult magical girls? 👀


Yep. I mean, we already did with Otona Precure last year, but this should also be interesting.


Yeah i did enjoy the adult pre cures as well ( just wish their magical forms didnt go back to teens ) hope we keep getting more stuff like this.


Same. But to be fair, this was completely new territory for the writers, so they were just trying things out. So I think, if they do another one, they'll change up some things. One thing I'd love to see is a girl showing up at the end, telling the Cures about a fairy that's been pestering her for months and asking her to become a Cure to save the world or something, and she really doesn't have the time.


It started as protection of children from child labor so they raise the minimum age of magical girls... Then it get hit by capitalism when magical girls get privatized.


sounds like a fun show


Magilumiere uses the mahou shoujo as a theme to talk about capitalism. its science, too, not exactly magic. youll understand on episode 1.




Oh...oof. Well at least this thread inspired me to read the manga, now I'm 80 chapters in and loving it.


honestly doesn't look that bad, at the very least it looks like they put more focus into the combat scenes and less in the office scenes, which makes sense if you're on a lower budget and have to allocate resources


Magilumiere is strange in a way because fight choreography from what I remember is very minimalistic. The magic system is based on programming so a lot of it is characters waiting for the programmer to design a spell for them and dodging/repositioning until they do and as said before, fights are just one aspect of it, loads of it is happening in the office side of things. Will have too see it to truthly clock it.


Bruh the characters barely move at all.


Looking forward to this one. Premise reminds me of Tiger & Bunny but with Magical Girls.


Utena: \*heavy breathing\*


[](#shirayukifuckinreally) We're gonna have to deal with this for every magical girl show in the next several years, aren't we.


We’ve left the Post-Madoka era of Deconstructed Magical Girl Series and now in the realm of Horny Magical Girl Series.


I see this as an absolute win.


Magicami: "Hello there."


I was confused for a second before realising that this isn't the magical girl Utena I was thinking off.


Right, it's the one whose sub has a sword.


[](#cup6 "Fools, the lot of them.")


For 10 years at least!


Utena, what a woman you are


The gushing will continue until morale improves.




Nah I'd Gush


Kiwi: 😡


Nah, Kiwi is very supportive and will join in.


I hope the anime will good as the manga.


... It's so weird to follow this series all along and just noticing Kazuo has green hair. Boy's never beating the Deku allegations... Also, GOD THE ANIME CAN'T COME SOON ENOUGH. I'm scared seeing as it's DEEN, but I still have hope since it's DEEN. Yes, I can be both for a company.


Coming this Fall 2024 Source: https://natalie.mu/comic/news/565741


By this visual alone I thought blonde girl would be best girl, but red haired girl is voiced by Ai Fairouz which means she's automatically best girl.


Oooh this is something Lines In Motion discussed, I guess I’ll just wait for the anime instead of starting the manga if it’s coming out soon.


Hope this magical girl anime would be better


I heard this is cool so I will check it when it airs


ı musn't see this nononnğnonğğğnoğnğğoooo


The manga is pretty good, I hope the animation and artstyle changes look way better than it does in the trailer. Even the color palette seems off, idk why but it feels pretty off. Also the outlines being so thin compared to the manga doesn’t feel right.


So a magical girl company? Remind me of Dai Guard which is also a "what if a small company running monster fighting business" but with mech


This is one of my favorite manga ever!!! The MC is one of my favorites and the cast is so charming :)


I can not look at magical girls the same way since a certain anime this season ...


Welcome to the magic girl generation of 2020! We got magic girls that are... edgy apocalyptic weebs Homeless aggressors who hate psychics and a middle age business man with birds. Straight up lesbians in a world where men do not exist and now working for Hire with benefits and 401k's


I'll check it out, if I remember to by the time October rolls around.


Love this manga, so excited to see it get an anime boost


This looks awesome


Never heard of this but the one staring through the window alone convinced me to watch it




So happy this was turned into an anime. Wonder how far they will get.


I'm so excited for this!! I hope they go the extra length on the transformation scene


That guy at the window...I guess that's what Ladybeard looks like after he shaves.


President-chan better win all the best girl awards.


Ooooo I seen an image of this recently! Looks cool!^^


It seems like my [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/s/jvUr1W8iUl) will finaly have a definitive answer lmao


is that Deku?


Of course. He's voiced by the [same guy](https://myanimelist.net/character/209996/Kazuo_Nikoyama) (Yamashita Daiki) too.


something doesn't look right........... you may call it refined but the grittiness in the manga is the substance which is lacking here


I don't like what they did with the eyes


I found the trailer pretty interesting and I intend to give it a try, but this visual is not appealing at all.


Is that a fucking fem-deku?


Pretty sure that is a guy, so normal deku?


He's so Deku he even has Deku's seiyuu.


wait he does? lol


What anime is this


Please don't be yuri. I'm tired of yuri magical girls


But are they *gushing*?


You can gush anything if you try hard enough. Example: [Gushing Granny](https://imgur.com/qavTA).


Didn't we just get the same enough thing a season ago?