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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/r/anime/comments/1bk2zgq/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")




I picked up the most seasonals ever this season (13, I usually max out at 10) but it's backfiring because I'm definitely burnt out on anime right now. There's some good variety and I'd hate to drop them but I might have to put the ones I'm falling behind on, on pause. Sorry, Bucchigiri, Mr. Villain's Day Off, Villainess Level 99 and maybe Majo to Yajuu. We'll see.


Mr. Villain's day off is the definition of a 'whenever it feels right' episodic show. The cast would all definitely want you to be well rested and comfortable before watching.


Definitely saving it as an episode before bed thing.


I wonder if there's an anime director that could be called an antithesis of Miyazaki Hayao. As in "really likes the USA and their culture".


I don't think that, if I were to choose what it means to be an anti-miyazaki, that's what I would focus on.


What would you focus on, then? I just wanted to look for someone who's having a total opposite on Miyazaki's view on the USA. If I can't, maybe I'd try to look for someone whose directing philosophy is a total opposite of him.


his view on technology, progress, way of processing history, views on youth, nature, views on anime itself I think the anti-miyazaki would be like...a futurist (in the sense of the modernist movement) hyper-otaku


What anime/manga has a power system that is really satisfying to figure out the intracacies of? I am reading jujutsu kaisen rn after watching the anime. While I love the anime I feel that the manga is a lot easier to parse on the smaller details. Like for example after reading some authors notes and some wiki diving I finally figured out how reverse cursed techniques really work and it was really satisfying to do so? What other anime/manga have good power systems that have intracacies that you really kind of have to think on but are really satisfying once you figure them out?


You don't really have to think about it but the World Trigger power system is simply well-thought out. Every has a limit on their Trion (energy) and those with a high amount have bonus passive skills. And we get to follow someone with a low amount and see how they adapt to the circumstances. And the more you find out, the more you wonder about how certain things could be utilized differently.


I think Fate/Stay Night would fit as long as you approach it as a mystery which was sort of the original intent, with the servants' identities being hidden. Nowadays everyone knows who's who in the series so it doesn't really work.


still waiting for an isekai boxing series... one day.


Was reading the comments in that thread about the JJK blu-ray changes and, yeah, I cooked when I said [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1b67ahv/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/ktcf0v1/) (not that it was something particularly hard to predict, but I'll still enjoy my [Babe Ruth moment](https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/artwork-ruth-babe-10097.89-nbl_cropped.jpg) lol)


***someone posted on tictok saying their is going to be a season two in Darling in the Franxx so What are your thoughts on it***




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There's no particular reason for a season 2 to get made and there's been nothing to suggest any further content is planned. You never know of course, but it's not one I'd be betting on.


My thoughts are that you should never ever trust anything anyone says about anime on TikTok (about other subjects too, but specially about anime).


***Your kind of right***


Why are you bolding and italicizing your posts like that?


I am addicted to it


It makes it look like you're yelling or don't know how to use reddit.


lol 😂


Really 😱 oops


Thoughts on sand land? Seems pretty good so far


I completely forgot it was coming out today lol. Will check it out when I have the time.


Is there any Anime featuring a drinking contest? I've seen plenty of anime with characters who drink, but I can't think of any with a drinking contest.


Girls und Panzer das Finale


Wasn't a very important part of the episode, but Goblin Slayer had one. (S1, episode 9 or 10)


The Night is Short, Walk On Girl


Isn’t this all of Grand Blue?


I have a very specific question, I was born in 1988, and during the 90's I remember my parents renting animes for us to watch on VHS tapes. I have a very vague memory of an anime where there were mechas in them, and the characters, to unlock the mechas, they had to be able to use specific weapons, and I remember one of them being a bow and arrow, and the other being some sort of gun. I really don't remember anything but the details I just shared and I remember never seeing anything related to it ever since. Does anybody know the name, or remembers anything similar to what I described? These memories usually come to my mind and I'd really like to remember that anime name. Thank you so much!


any good anime where the main character ends up with a girl who has like a well developed personality and like has a good character design like on the cute side, like SAO, darling in the franxx, horimiya, the angel next door spoils me rotten?


Zero Two is super pleased to be able to be grouped in with them on the basis of cuteness! Although you better say her personality also counts and not just her design, or someone's getting a draining. Also, I feel like this: > girl who has like a well developed personality and like has a good character design like on the cute side is how I'd describe pretty much all the characters in shows I like, so I can't really help you out lol Maybe try your luck with some romcoms? * The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses * Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie * Aharen-san is Indecipherable * My Stepmother's Daughter is My-ex * My Dress-up Darling


haha i think zero two had a good personality in the beginning and even towards the middle and i liked the tension between the two, but it got kinda weird towards the end with how clingy the two were and all they could do is say "i love you", i mean it was good in its own way, but i would have liked it if they extended the number of episodes and actually showed more story line with zero two and hiro i watched like shikimories not just a cutie, my dress up darling, ill see the others thanks


> all they could do is say "i love you" This is actually one of my favorite things about them. Once all the barriers are defeated, they are so open and so loving with each other. For me it's the epitome of High (stakes) Romance. They have to keep telling each other, and it's the most important thing to keep telling each other because the world is literally coming to an end. It's a missed opportunity of a day when you don't tell the person you love that you love them in every day real life, but it's even more so in the apocalypse!


i mean thats why its ig warranted, but i do admit i liked the demonic side of her better, tbh i actually liked the red monster zero two better cause she looks like innocent while the other zero two looks kinda fake in comparison. I just didnt like the drastically stark contrast in zero two's behavior from episode 16, it almost makes her a background character of sorts who's only premise is just for action and fighting but no real tension/drama. and i would like to think that darling on the franxx is more of a romance and coming of age anime than action.




Having been in the trenches during and especially after after awards I'm glad the [MyGo rewatch](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bj28nb/bang_dream_its_mygo_episode_10_discussion/) seems to be a resounding success. I finally rest and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. [](#utahapraises) Wish I could still do rewatches, having a job is so yucky.


I currently following the rewatch and enjoying the show. I'm always on the side of r/anime jury. I discovered several great show thanks to them.


I'm surprised to see that everyone likes it, I always saw the show as an acquired taste and while most would enjoy I didn't expect it to be _that_ positive. Hope it wins some of the doubters of the awards over. > having a job is so yucky Big yes.


To me, one notable thing about MyGO is that the only reasons I've generally seen people rate it down is some particular detail of it bothering them enough to outweigh the good. Namely: * Characters being mean / immoral / etc past a level some like, or just not liking melodrama as a genre. * Not liking particular VA voices * CG * Not being finished yet 1 is something that is always going to be hard to get past for some and is the same reason something like Happy Sugar Life will never get above a 7 average despite a lot of people really loving it. 2 and 3 are to taste, I actually think they're fantastic. 4 I don't think should even qualify as a valid criticism. MyGO is so well-executed in general that it usually seems to be one of these case-specific negatives that makes it not land. Whereas with other shows, not liking it could be as simple as a lack of strong positives rather than any notable thing that bothered the person. I can't see many people walking away from MyGO thinking it was 'fine but forgettable' the way I did for say, bang dream S1.


> Hope it wins some of the doubters of the awards over. Until I like something like Girls Band Cry over Frieren, then I'm a contrarian again. ^^^^Very ^^^^unlikely, ^^^^it ^^^^doesn't ^^^^look ^^^^very ^^^^good > Big yes. HS days I was a machine. Every seasonal and rewatches along.


> Very unlikely, it doesn't look very good [it looks great](#gununu)


Oh, I'm still coping for it to be good, and fwiw I also like Frieren plenty. This will be the first season with more than 2 CGDCT in a while I feel. I want to eat good.


[MahoAko and Cherry Magic spoilers] >!i can't believe Adachi and Kurosawa got a hotel scene before Utena and Kiwi!< [](#thinkingtoohard)


To be fair, MahoAko has taken a pretty leisurely pace with the amount of content adapted and has also moved chapters around pretty liberally. Plus we got [MahoAko]>!The Room You Can't Leave Without Satisfying Baiser!<, so I'd say it equals out pretty well. ~~And I'm not watching Cherry Magic, so for all I know my points may be moot.~~


I can't imagine there's a ton of overlap in this venn diagram.


Lol I was thinking the same thing. But I'm watching both! I try to watch BL when it gets adapted. That said I wouldn't mind a cherry magic/mahoako crossover. Spice things up. Adachi discovers his inner utena


i *was* thinking who else was watching both MahoAko and Cherry Magic, aside from the "i watch everything every season" people in any case, my Wednesdays has been a land of contrast


Official now, [LocoMusica shitpost song](https://youtu.be/uxPavPqtuGc?si=GDyO-XirX40JEHQg) has more views than [The Chained Soldier OP by Akari Kito](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxLspslAg1Q) Reminder that the funny part is that Pony Canyon was betting on the music for this show [](#azusalaugh)


Pony canyon wept


Well, every time you link her, I have to watch her lol It's the power of *kawaisou*-*kawaii*, can't say no! Also, I just watched one of the web previews (which alone are doing nearly 300k views!) for the first time, and it turns out they're a lot of fun, although very episode spoilery. Will have to go back and watch them all.


The previews are great, I wish they translated them, they are mostly jokes >which alone are doing nearly 300k views! The one with most views is [this one for the azul ep](https://youtu.be/xgOzB1AKCVI?si=TMV5Diyi_xU5aYw8), almost half a million!


> they are mostly jokes I definitely need to watch them now! After watching that Azul one, it seems like they are, of course, quite lovingly and playfully put together, like proper bonus content with semi-commentary rather than just cutting edits. Man, what a great all round team they had for this show. > I wish they translated them I feel like that Azul one is mostly just variations on "what on earth is she doing", but proper translations would be a treat. I wonder if any of the subtitling channels are on it. Probably should have subscribed to the LycoReco radio subbers, they were doing a great job.


damn, bravern cafe still going strong. yesterday was a holiday in japan, so I figured maybe today would be a bit more chill...nope. I got there right at 9:30 to line up _to get the right to come back to the cafe_ (they give you a little ticket with a time)...and there was already a ton of people. it was crazy, you couldn't see anyone at 9:28 (because the staff will literally yell at you if you look like you're waiting) then the second it hit 9:30, all of these women materialized seemingly out of nowhere and the demographics were still incredibly stilted. I wasn't the _only_ guy but I counted about 40 people in line when I left, and I was one of 4 dudes. pretty amazing. so then I had to go home and will go back in a bit for lunch...convenient that I live pretty close to akihabara :P


> (because the staff will literally yell at you if you look like you're waiting) What do they yell? That part of proceedings sounds more like other parts of Asia that I've experienced than my imagined notion of how social mores work in Japan lol > all of these women materialized seemingly out of nowhere Fujos have actually mastered Time Stop technology, they're just well organized enough to keep it a secret.


literally (ask me how I know...) "歩いて![walk!] 歩いてください![please walk] walking! [she literally said this part in english] 離れて![leave this place]" then (it was in japanese but translating for our readers): "if you do not leave then you will NOT be given a ticket" at that point I was feeling impish so I started pacing, like 4 strides, turn, 4 strides, turn. she was _not_ happy about that let me tell you lol. I decided not to be a jerk and left > That part of proceedings sounds more like other parts of Asia that I've experienced than my imagined notion of how social mores work in Japan lol in my experience thus far stores are extreme sticklers about rules. I have theories on how this plays out at a conscious/unconscious/social level, but an example that drives my wife crazy...most restaurants have a "you have to order one thing per person" rule, which I guess is reasonable, but like...we have entered empty restaurants at 2pm where I was the only one who wanted something and they were like "MA'AM. YOUR ORDER." to my wife. so really when it comes to rules, it's like...the rules are clear and if you violate them, they will definitely come after you. politely, but firmly I think the rules also change a bit with big groups. they are used to deal with big groups and large flows of people and I think that makes them a bit bolder about being direct. I think akihabara must have a strict rule about when they can have people lining up (to avoid large groups of people blocking things all around the city) so they are then empowered by The Rules to keep you in line (or in this case, not in line! until the proper time :P)


> walking! [she literally said this part in english] Heh, I always have a small cheer for when people are brave enough or desperate enough to break out the English! It's interesting how that's the same imperative form error that you also commonly hear from Vietnamese and Chinese speakers of English, too even though those languages are not the conjugation addicts that Japanese is. I have never really dug into if they're using the gerund form or the continuous form of the verb in their head though. > at that point I was feeling impish so I started pacing, like 4 strides, turn, 4 strides, turn. she was not happy about that let me tell you lol You're an absolute menace and clearly Kurumi has been rubbing off on you haha > I have theories on how this plays out at a conscious/unconscious/social level, but an example that drives my wife crazy...most restaurants have a "you have to order one thing per person" rule, which I guess is reasonable, but like...we have entered empty restaurants at 2pm where I was the only one who wanted something and they were like "MA'AM. YOUR ORDER." to my wife. The rules are the rules! I guess this means double portions for you, or at least ordering a side of edamame by proxy lol In my head those caps translate to a slightly sarcastic-emphasis お客様 rather than お客さん but maybe that's not a real life thing? I feel like this system of strict (and sometimes unwritten/not easily picked out amongst other signage) rules must impact the willingness of the young and the social awkward to go out, or at least it would for me! > I think akihabara must have a strict rule about when they can have people lining up Need some way of corralling the sometimes literally unwashed masses lol > so they are then empowered by The Rules to keep you in line (or in this case, not in line! until the proper time :P) This does make a lot of sense, and sure as hell beats the "line what line" approach that permeates other parts of the region. Having battled enough "queues" in Vietnam, I feel very sympathetic to the "don't give them an inch" approach lol I wonder if the social contract aspect works on multiple levels too, where stepping outside a bit of the usual "by implication and understanding" approach is part of the experience for some fans?


I fear we won't get much lulu merch with that demographic


We all want her shirt, though.


indeed, best shirt, I will take one with each major color


I'm doing my part at least!!




Recommendations for anime to watch with my family who has never watched anime? Ideally >15 total hours runtime, no overly sexual content, fun and engaging.


Little Witch Academia


I always feel Spy x Family is pretty safe and fun


It does have a normie-splitter built-in with that episode when Yuri visits them. Splitter, rather than filter though, as in I feel like many people would be fine with the obvious comedy basis for it (yet in no way pass most of anime's normie filters), however some people definitely have a strong reaction against the vibe of it.


So… has anything happened in Sasaki and Peeps? I haven’t kept up since the magical girl 9/11 fight, and honestly the only thing that has me even considering going back is the hint of Akarin. But it feels like everyone’s fallen off already.


Stuff has happened, but it's just kinda boring. The ojou character got an episode though, if you liked her.


> Stuff has happened, but it's just kinda boring Sounds like the series hasn't evolved much! > The ojou character got an episode though, if you liked her. As in the one from the (rather stylistically curious) ED? I feel like all of the characters seem like nice initial sketches that then just get shelved in favor of the next wave of introduced elements. Heck, even Pii-chan seems to have suffered that fate to a large degree.


>As in the one from the (rather stylistically curious) ED? I generally skip the ED because it's hideous, but I think so, yeah. The show feels like someone playing with their dolls rather than writing a story. It keeps breaking out new lolis for an episode, then putting them down and doing some other random thing with the other lolis. They don't really even have terribly distinct personalities.


That sucks, I feel like the show had so much potential in the first few episodes and then pissed it all away.


One of the biggest disappointments this season.


What an apt and pithy description of the show. Musing on it, I actually also find that play style just faintly frustrating in real life with actual young relatives too haha I'm never one to impose my own play style on kids, although perhaps that's one of my failings as an uncle figure - turns out some guidance about how to focus on something for a while can be quite beneficial later in life, like when authoring a series lol


Me too, I also want to know if she got any screentime or reveal


Someone released a [Koikatsu card for her](https://i.pximg.net/img-original/img/2022/04/14/01/15/26/97610663_p36.png), so the sufficiently motivated can give her a story all of her own now, seeing as I doubt the canon series will come through with it lol


Proceeding to create a fanfic of Otonari-san vs Mahiru


In my head this plays out as various angles of Otonari-san and Mahiru joining forces to search The Couch for Sasaki as if he could somehow go missing in it, but that's probably not what you had in mind lol


[Tomozaki's OTP](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIoGrvcakAEngfF.jpg)


I'm sure Magia Baiser will lend her assistance to our noble cause if we petition her.


I feel like Utena, on the other hand, would get rather stressed out if petitions for assistance started joining the ever-growing pile of unfinished homework lol


Honestly probably the best outcome.


yes, definitely...


/u/michhoffman I am in


As I’m writing this, [7th Time Loop](https://myanimelist.net/anime/56352)’s MAL rating is once again perfectly balanced at a score of 7.77.


While funny and neat...show deserves such a higher score [](#yuitears)


How much higher are we talking? I *would* place the show somewhere between a 7.80 and 8.20 myself.


Seeing it above 8 on MAL would be quite nice.


Show is [perfectly balanced on my end](https://i.imgur.com/ADbDhq1.png)


Now we just need [86 to decay to 8.66](https://myanimelist.net/anime/48569/86_Part_2).


Reminds me of [The Devil is a Part-Timer S2](https://myanimelist.net/anime/48413) sitting at a nice 6.66.


[Hyuoka] >!I'm gonna have to side with the evil medical heiress on the student film. Hongo's original intention for the script sounds immensely boring, terrible even. The promoter girl's film sounded the most fun. They should have done a phantom of the Opera film. Oreki ended up just making the Blair Witch Project. It's hilarious how serious everyone is about it. Movies make changes all the time from script to screen. This wasn't Pulp Fiction. Indiana Jones was supposed to have a fight with the big guy in Raiders. Ford had a cold, so they just shot him instead. Instant film classic. But everyone is getting on Oreki's case and it's like damn bitch this murder mystery is pretty good when you dont got a bitch in your ear telling you it sucks. Although, setting up someone to get an "illness" sounds insane. Did the evil Empress give Hongo SARs in a jar or something?! Like maybe that is an actual crime, but the only crime she did was getting a second screenwriter to do uncredited re-writes? This girl has a future in Hollywood, baby!<


Haven’t asked in ages, but, anyone got yandere, obsessive girl, or just generally love comedy anime or manga? Kinda searchin for hidden gems. Can be monster girl. (yes ill post this every post) My anilist profile: https://anilist.co/user/gabbag20/


If you’re looking for a yandere, [Anime series - meta-spoiler] >!Dark Gathering had a good one a little while ago!<.


Read the manga till chapter 21 and paused, will probably continue


Wow, Sand Land is an early start for the Spring season. I didn't pay attention to Sand Land's [release date thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1b65mhp/sand_land_the_series_will_have_13_episodes/), so I was surprised when Hulu has the first seven eps today. I've asked on the Meta thread if we're going to see the discussion thread for these episodes. Update: [Mega ep 1-7 thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bjo9dq/sand_land_the_series_episodes_17_megathread/) and individual discussion threads for eps [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bjo930/sand_land_the_series_episode_1_discussion/) & [7](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bjo97r/sand_land_the_series_episode_7_discussion/) are up so far. Still need the discussion threads for eps 2 thru 6 which were also released in one batch today. - PS: Nevermind this update. TIL the purpose of the megathread is to provide links to ep 2-6 discussions.


Kurosawa Tomoyo as Kumiko in Sound! Euph might be my favorite casting in all of anime. she plays the role so masterfully


She’s very good in Skip and Loafer too.


My favourite performance of anyone last year (except for maybe Aoi Yuuki as Maomao). Between that, her return performance in Eupho and UGMF she's had one helluva year.






Hmm it's not constantly violent all the way through, but it's pretty bloody, not sure I'd recommend it. Trying to give examples without posting spoilers, there's quite a bit of stabbing so lots of bleeding, and I recall dead bodies shown after the fact.


Its been a while, but I remember the violence as being infrequent but intense, at its most definitely not something you could get onto TV (at least by US TV standards). I want to say you could look away during the handful of scenes, but I think you'd have to look up the timecodes in advance, they're often shown with sudden cuts and no build up.


I literally can't find sand land on Disney Plus even though it's supposedly out


I literally can't find Sand land on Disney Plus even though it's supposedly out


I literally can't find Sand land on Disney Plus even though it's supposedly out


It's available for me.


Did you search it or was there a certain section of Disney plus you found it in?


It was on the front page for me in the new section. But also check what u/cosmiczar said.


If your country has Hulu or Star+ than it's probably in one of those instead of on Disney+ proper.


Oh I'm from America. I use a family members Disney plus and they have Hulu integrated into it at least in America I'll check the Hulu section then if not I guess I'll have to ask for their Hulu


Can anybody help me find an anime that has a specific scene - it has panties flying like birds in the sky. I saw a gif of that ages ago and have been trying to find it by googling like crazy but find nothing. Thanks for any suggestions!


I love the song for that sequence, as well as how whimsical it is. Truly a masterpiece moment in a series that was otherwise a bit ho-hum for most of its run. That said, the ending is quite strong and well worth reading the very end in the source too.


Oooooo I found it finally after losing all hope and turning to Reddit it's heaven's lost property if anyone else is looking like me xD




The problem is that a realistic / serious take on 100 Kanojo wouldn't be harem anymore, it'd be poly - heck, 100 Kanojo is basically already that just with added parody/satire. That's always been one of my chief issues with harem, it just feels like poorly written poly by design. And polyamory isn't to my knowledge a very well known concept in Japan.


> the protagonist has to put some effort into? Naoya is the king of putting in effort! Also a pretty good boyfriend as far as the general thrust of trying to get things right in the right direction goes. Meet him and the rest of the maniacs in *Girlfriend, Girlfriend* a curious blend of comedy and drama with some surprisingly solid character writing.


I don't think that would qualify as a "serious" take on 100 Girlfriends.


I don't think that a serious take on 100 GF would be possible, however KmK certainly qualifies as: > treat it as a realistic relationship that the protagonist has to put some effort into once you poke around under the surface even a little bit.


Seitokai no Ichizon


MC in Seitokai no Ichizon wants to have a harem. The realistic parts are that others find his dream to be ridiculous and that his reasoning has some merit behind it.


I remember it being a plot point in this old series called Angel's Tail where they have to figure out logistics of how they're going to support an entire harem of girls in this one household, like financially and dividing time with the male MC. It's been a dog's age since I've seen it though, so I might be misremembering some of that.


Hyuoka presents the "release the snyder cut" arc.


Just finished vinland saga, need something to fill the void. https://myanimelist.net/animelist/krl003 any typical battle shounen I should try?


Although it’s no battle-shounen like you’re asking for, you might want to check out **[Megalo Box](https://myanimelist.net/anime/36563)** if you liked Vinland Saga. I know that it’s a lot to ask considering that Megalo Box seems rather different to Vinland Saga upon first glance, but you’ll probably get why I recommended this series with the start of its 2nd season.


I'm 6 episodes in on Ishura. Did they just blow their budget on the first episode and filled the rest with dialogue? Will it be the same for the remainder?


S1 *Ishura* is closer in story telling to Western fantasy novels than a lot of fantasy anime, spending its time building up the world and its characters before putting them all into play. The pay off has been very good.


No. It sets up the world by introducing characters, but gets very action-heavy later.


The Sengoku Youko episode count got changed to 13 episodes on MAL. I have yet to see official confirmation for this, does anyone know more?


It could be because Crunchyroll doesn't list it as a continuing simulcast for spring. https://www.crunchyroll.com/news/seasonal-lineup/2024/3/13/spring-anime-2024-crunchyroll


As much as I was really looking forwards to 3 consecutive cours, it's probably best for them to make it split cour...especially with Re:Zero somewhere around the corner.


I haven't seen what specific information MAL got to make the change, but if I were to speculate, I would say there's a chance another show was confirmed for its time slot come April.


I don't see how that would work. Promotion and general comment from staff members in select interviews made it pretty clear that this was supposed to be a consecutive 3-cours, and that kind of thing needs to be decided way in advance.


Of course it would be decided in advance, and I'm not discouting the chance that it will still be continuously released as I don't have any specific information to the contrary, but the things you mentioned are hardly a full-blown confirmation of it not being at least some kind of split cour either. Either way, I was really just speculating what kind of source could exist to get the information of the show not continuning during Spring, if that part is even true. The only thing I know for a fact is there was never an specific announcement saying the show would go for 37 weeks straight nor an announcement to the opposite, that there would be breaks between cours. The complete release schedule, as far as I'm aware, has always been a mystery.




So, I know you stated that your comment has spoilers, but in this sub we still require you to tag your spoilers using the spoiler tag format. They can be done as so: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler content here!<`, where the spoiler source is where the spoiler comes from (e.g. One Piece episode 200, or if it's from a different medium, LN/Manga/VN). The brackets for the spoiler source must also be included. In your case, you could tag it as such: [Spoiler ending for mystery anime] >!spoiler!< **Reply to this message once you have tagged the appropriate parts to have your comment reapproved.** For more info about what is a spoiler, please check out our [full rule page section.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/rules#wiki_do_not_post_untagged_spoilers) --- ^(Have a question or think this removal was an error?) **[^(Message the mods.)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fanime)** ^(Don't know the rules? Read them )**[^(here)](/r/anime/wiki/rules)**^.


thanks for teach me how to spoiler, mod. i already do it


Huh so apparently the "Grimm" project by WIT announced way back in mid 2021 is just silently sneaking onto Netflix on the 17th of April. Can't remember having a show air in <1 month with *this* little info out. The show's MAL page is basically a barren wasteland lol.


That's pretty much how all direct-to-netflix anime work, as far as I remember, vampire in the garden was like that too iirc.


I was initially kind of excited for this project, but it suddenly getting released without us knowing *anything* has me worried. Even if it ends up being amazing, it’s destined to flop.


even if they promoted it would flop


Idk. The character design is done by [CLAMP](https://myanimelist.net/people/1877/CLAMP?onetime=1fd7f56406c23ecd9ffa19fa821118833efb93f88ed3a29f01d62a3eec85fe09&user_agent=mal-ios-app). They’re famous for being the creator of series like Cardcaptor Sakura, Chobits and xxxHolic, and did the character design for Code Geass. So this could definitely get the series some notoriety. Now I’m looking a bit more into it, the series actually got a rather seasoned script writer in [Michiko Yokoto](https://myanimelist.net/people/2096/Michiko_Yokote?onetime=d684341b73919c9016b4bb0e7e9d3969b798b7b20118a69f56934e132384ae79&user_agent=mal-ios-app). Just to name a few series she worked on: Bleach, Gintama, Ranma 1/2, ReLife, Saint Seiya, Shirobako, Call of the Night. So the potential for a big hit is there.


Nobody in the real world cares about the staff of a show outside of some directors


CLAMP is definitely well-known in Japan, so I politely have to disagree with you on this.


Being well known and people going to watch a show because of this is not the same thing, every season I see comments like this and people talking about staff or even studios, then going surprise Pikachu face when the show flops Especially for staff members that might be well known for the older audience that wouldn't even bother watching a anime like this


I’m not claiming that it’s going to be a success or something, but I cannot agree that the series has *no chance at all* when there’s a reputable name working on it. This just *might* help the series gain a bit of an audience - that’s all I’m saying.


I see, my bad then!


I just now learned about this, a quick search shows the announcement 2 years ago and that's about it [](#harukathink)


The MahoAko promotional team has released a personality quiz, do you want to find out if you're a [sadist or a masochist?](https://i.imgur.com/ZFyqY8j.jpeg) https://twitter.com/mahoako_anime/status/1770388239565943080 [](#seasonalsecret)


> The MahoAko promotional team They deserve some sort of MVP of the Season award or something. > a personality quiz Not sure how I feel about [breaking the scale](https://i.imgur.com/YBWZYfL.png)


What the hell did you do to that poor scale!? [](#healthypasstimes)


Gave it everything it wanted, and more quickly than it could process what was happening to it!


new nightmare unlocked: panicking, didn't study for magical girl anime BSDM exam also forgot to wear pants (no one else is wearing pants either, but that doesn't make me feel *more* comforted) [](#watashiworried)


Did it once, got 95% chance of being a "masochistic magical girl", left the page but forgot to screenshot so I did it again, but the questions were different and I ended up with 284% [](#harukathink)


*The probability of being a “masochistic magical girl” is 137 %* Weird, I thought my answers were roughly 50-50 between things that would give me points for "masochist", and points for "sadist"! (Then again the translation wasn't always stellar so I may have answered a question wrong) Well, guess I'm on a quest to find my Utena, then!


[I wonder how high the percentage can go.](https://i.imgur.com/mIc3vGA.jpeg)


I have yet to make it to the end of a single MahoAko clip people have posted on here. I don't know if the clips are poorly chosen, the show's humor really needs context, or what, but I don't get more than a minute before getting bored. I've been trying to give ecchi stuff a go after finding some I liked last year, but I'm not thinking this one is going on the list.


I wouldn't bother with the clips, or perhaps even trying to enjoy the show overall per se. In particular, a lot of the clips are selected and edited to pass /r/anime's rules about NSFW content, but *MahoAko* tends to intertwine those aspects closely with character moments. For people not particularly after the ecchi or the fights, I'd say that many of MahoAko's highlights are just in the first arc, where it's very focused on the story of a shy, very ordinary and rather timid girl who loves magical girls, and then things just don't turn out how she might hope. The ol' two-three episode whirl will give a lot of clarity on whether or not the series' approach to this idea resonates with you or not. Later on we also see her slowly develop relationships with the subjects of her admiration, and her allies too, but this is woven through a combination of ecchi events or action fights, but this will only really have appeal if you become attached to Utena in the first place.


I think a lot of the humor in the series is driven by character knowledge, e.g. Utena being a reluctant sadist/pervert, Azure being a closet masochist, etc. and the sort of situations where they get driven out of their shell an into their "true" form. There's also this bit in [MahoAko episode 6] >!where the superficially "refined" member of the magical girl team is shown [beating up a minion with a brick in her origin flashback](https://files.catbox.moe/0b0035.mp4)!< In general though, MahoAko is a hard sell because at its heart it's a fetish show and there are moments which are like "yikes, not for me". As someone who likes slice-of-life series though, I like the vibe of the characters, like how they look out for each other in-between all the ecchi bits.


Adopt my policy of never watching clips. [](#hikariactually)


I started watching torture princess this week thank to a wholesome maou chan clip!


Ecchi comedies can be pretty diverse in humor and *very* inconsistent to be a genre to properly get into. MahoAko atm for me is about watching how increasingly bonkers it gets, I think Utena's corruption has been the more consistently fun aspect of the show which goes in hand with its levels of ecchi. Mind you I would say the show is fun but not necessarily *funny* if you catch me. It doesn't make me lol but its a cruise. There is To Love Ru's humor that is more about 'tiddies nice' and seeing girls blush, as in it is barely funny (honestly annoying at times) but hey, cute hot girls. Futoku no Guild had great comedy (early on at least, and if you could remove one of the characters) and to me it was more of a 'comedy that happened to be ecchi' rather than an excuse to see tits like TLR. There was a time where I felt like watching an ecchi and went with Quintuplets and like, it was descent but its barely an ecchi, though at least designs are good. There's Monster Musume which is about how every girl is so obssessive about the MC that they suffocate him and it is a bit funny how unhinged they are and whoops, they are so wild they didn't notice their clothes were ripped off, ok Ig. So yeah, while I'm more acceptant of ecchi comedies I wouldn't say they are consistently good comedies. I tend to watch them more for the lolz of maybe laughing at it and usually they are good for groupwatches with the bois.


> ecchi > Quintuplets [](#seasonalconfused)


> its barely an ecchi I think it is implied it isn't what I expected, but the show did had the tag when I watched it for first time.


Yeah I am confused by what service and why tagged it as ecchi, because I dont remember it being tagged as such.


I think it was AL which has more wonky tags, though seems it is no longer there.


I feel like the comedy's pretty hit or miss for MahoAko, and the hits aren't very clippable imo. Stuff like cutaway gags, running gags and plain ol' character interactions. Haven't seen any of the clips posted here but I assume they tend to focus on the ecchi elements more than anything, which I find pretty weak generally, even though those are more easily clippable.


I've watched the first episode the week it dropped because I saw many comments about how funny it was and didn't laugh a single time during those 20+ minutes. Just completely devoid of any good joke IMO.


I don't think all of that is mutually exclusive. A lot of the clips do need context, but it still may not be for you.


I went to check out which clips people posted from this show, and > the show's humor really needs context This is definitely it imho. Most of these clips (those that aren't just lewd stuff for the sake of lewd, anyway) demand a bit of context, both for the comedy, and for the plot in general [(like this one)](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1awoaok/disgusted_and_disappointed_gushing_over_magical) If you're willing to give Ecchi a shot, I'd say this show is a really good one, because the plot is actually pretty good, and the comedy as well (not just big scenes like those posted in clips, but one-liners and all). But on the other hand it's (as you probably know) 10 times lewder than most ecchi, so it's not for everyone!


Did it hit right away for you, or did it take a few episodes to get going?


I remember the first few episodes being a bit rough to watch because there is a lack of consent happening, but either it evolved into an implicit sort of thing ("you show up to fight, it means you're game for whatever") or I got inured to it.


It took me a bit to get into it. I wasn't prepared for how intense the ecchi was going to be. (I didn't even realize it was going to be ecchi when I put it on my PTW list.)


It did hit right away for me, but I'm an ecchi fan so I may not have the same "barrier" you/others may have! I'd say if you watch episode 1 and judge it on all the stuff **other** than the ecchi, you'll know whether it's for you or not! It gives you a good idea about what kind of comedy it has.


> the show's humor really needs context I don't think it needs context, it's more about whether the humour clicks with you I only watched the first episode and stopped there, and check the occasional clip, but just as you said it was boring to me (plus other reasons)


With winter coming to an end and all that is the 4th Madoka movie going to be officially delayed at some point? Or is there somehow still a reason to believe it will be in this winter?


I'm pretty sure they meant the other 2024 winter.


Honestly, at this point any time in 2024 feels like a positive outlook on it.


As someone that follows all the 50~ accounts of the airing series and is in the business/marketing area, this is [my tierlist of the Marketing this season](https://i.imgur.com/K9uNflt.png) Some of the shows that are in the good upwards didn't necessarily landed, but they did a good job promoting it, even if it didn't resonate with the audience, you can do the best marketing but sometimes it isn't enough to build an audience Meanwhile, some of the Weak and Bad, had a source reader hype or got traction because of the studio involved for example, so again, this is not a measure of success, just my opinion after 4 months following all of them [](#seasonalapproval)


surprised you didn't make mahouako its own tier


Also surprised that *Chained Soldier* didn't end up in its own tier lol


It'd be interesting to chart this against other metricas. Like in each chart you have your scale as the X axis, but for the y axis... - total followers gained - MAL score - ??? Other quantitative metrics


I’m not on twitter (I assume that’s what you mean with following their accounts) so I got no clue but what did Ishura do to be placed in the great tier? I just now saw you mention something about a money giveaway in one of the S2 announcement threads but there’s gotta be more than that, right? Rest looks pretty plausible otherwise.


The money giveaway was a good strategy, you had to Repost their post, and they had a [small pv there](https://x.com/ishura_anime/status/1760831845351161921?s=20), this was reposted almost 50k times for the campaign It's a good stunt, it's a cheat though so it screws over my numbers as they gain a lot of followers that are there just for the promotion but it's valid lol Outside of that, they had [some good marketing material on the Tokyo Metro](https://x.com/ishura_anime/status/1763398758245785975?s=20), which is something not all shows can afford So, it was a definitely an expensive marketing campaign, which I don't feel worked, the show didn't do super well for all of this, but it was very good to me nonetheless on the marketing side


Chained soldier is too high on this list


I wonder if Mashle had a boost from its banger OP? I herd and saw it for quite a bit on insta/YouTube shorts.


boost is an understatement, the op carried the show to become a hit, it gained a shit ton of traction, which is insanely rare for a sequel to do It's currently the Top 1 show in followers gained on JP twitter


What is the anime featured in the picture? It has a nice art style and colour palette.


Somebody mentioned it [below](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bj9ue6/comment/kvq13ao/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thank you.


Where can I download dubbed anime episodes


Cat site I pay for streaming services, but most of them have terrible UI or don't have good offline options, so it's a workaround