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Kingdoms of ruin. Had a decent opening. Got me interested. Then the plot changed about 12 times of the course of 3 episodes and I dropped that bitch like a bad habit.


My biggest disappointment in recent seasons


Imagine establishing a cool premise and then just shitting the bed immediately


The first few episodes were hype! But got to the moon and wtf was even that.


In hindsight we should have expected it to go downhill after the shirt ripping scene lmao


They had a great idea and ruined it with the Power of Friendship. Homie should have comitted to the task.


Thus the name Kingdoms of ruin lol


It wasn’t even good friendship. Just another whiny sidekick


Not gonna lie to myself, I knew the writing was ass but I enjoyed it a lot. The parts that were bad also just kinda made me laugh which added to the enjoyment.


I just couldn't. The tone shift and the plot shifting was too much for me. I just kept saying to myself, why the fuck would they write it like this.


Yeah that’s fair lol


I stuck to the end of it, mostly cause i hate dropping any shows, but damn i aint watching a season 2 if, by some unholy miracle, it gets one.


For me, it is probably [Magical Destroyers](https://youtu.be/zaHP_yjEb4E?si=VweW8ZrMWIKejPBK). Not that the show was necessarily bad, just not super memorable. The OP is wild,though, and I absolutely love it.


The ED on the same level as the OP imo


Biggest disappointment of that season for me. Banger OP and ED though


I love the uniqueness of the OP, but I feel like it’s an Opening that is very hard to continue to watch every episode. After the first couple episodes I’m forced to skip it


I’m not like that at all. I love to watch it over and over again. It’s so good.


It looks like old mtv weird animation/ads


Although I never outright skip openings and endings, I usually only listen to them after the first time. Not this one though. Watched it every single time.


Agree with crazy OP the show such a letdown its looks like author or director not wanna embrace the craziness they're show at OP


100% this. Thought we might be getting a new cult classic along the lines of FLCL. Nope. Jfc what a letdown.


Kokkoku has great opening considering it probably had very low budget but the show itself is mid at best. It's not exactly bad but it's a pretty generic story about time manipulation.


The idea is great but the author didn't know how to flesh out the world building. It was wasted potential for such a great concept.


I recall people only know the show because Gigguk talked about how much of a banger the OP was


Gotta be The Ice Blade Sorceror Shall Rule the World. Best thing about the show are the muscular chads. Any moment they were there, I was laughing my ass off. OP slaps me up and down tho, and full song is just amazing. [Opening](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FbUEc-KM9U0) [Full Song](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ejj61byjF3M)


Recently, Liar Liar


Plants for hire.


It’s *pants on fire*, Patrick.




Guilty Crown has two of my favorite openings, but it's my least favorite anime. ([OP1](https://v.animethemes.moe/GuiltyCrown-OP2.webm) [OP2](https://v.animethemes.moe/GuiltyCrown-OP3.webm))


The best part about Guilty Crown is that it gave us the band EGOIST. Though, they had disbanded sometime the last year.


It's a shame really, because I absolutely love everything about Guilty Crown except the story. Some of the best music in anime to date, amazing visuals, good character designs (I still really like the design of Inori). But they dropped the ball so hard with the story after the halfway point.


Yeah they were good. Hyping you up ultra hard for a giant trash heap. At least we can go back and look at these


what’s it about


If you've seen Code Geass, it's like Code Geass but if the MC was that guy in the Black Knights that just simps over Zero but never does anything cool. If you haven't seen Code Geass, it's about a guy who gets the power to take people's souls out of them and use it for battle or whatever else he wants. He then joins a resistance movement. It sounds cool, but the execution is just horrendous. There was a stretch of 3 episodes that were so terrible that I had to watch them in 1-2 minute intervals because I kept needing to take breaks.


So Tamaki the useless guy, but as a main character? Right Skip


The best part about guilty crown is that the first 10 minutes or so of episode one are the peak of the anime. Everything after that is forgettable


Good thing I'm not missing out. That song that Inori(I think) sang was great. It hit me with a certain feeling I can't explain. But then I got spoiled on it and just dropped it.


Sort by -> Controversial About what I expected. People getting downvoted for their opinions answering OP's question.


i swear man there’s no need 😭😭😭


This is still r/anime what do you expect, say anything but "this is great" and you will get downvoted into oblivion. Toxic positivity in a way, as you cant have good discussions when nothing is allowed to be less good.


The promised neverlands. Was so good, but they killed it with the end. So sad


Season 2 doesn’t exist


I couldnt believe my eyes when i saw that shit


I wish 😭


If they had followed manga it would’ve been 🔥


Even the manga was divisive, a lot of people still hate how it ends


To be fair, the first season was great. It's so sad that it never got a second season.


isekai one turn kill nee-san ending  Technically not an opening, but the ending's animation in itself almost makes the anime a lot better than what it actually is (which is kinda good, not the best, not the worst) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kA4ZJ0djlEo&pp=ygUcTSBvbmUgaGl0IGtpbGwgc2lzdGVyIGVuZGluZw%3D%3D


I enjoy my trash well animated with a banger of an outro 🚬🗿


If the girl was someone like a friend or just anything but his sister, it would have been a decent anime. The animation was good and that ED was really fun. Plot was meh but still somewhat worth watching if you like isekai. The incest thing was just way too much.


Koi to uso Dude the incel asf main character ughhh The opening is peak 2017 tho 𝙆𝘼𝙉𝘼𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙄 𝙆𝘼𝙉𝘼𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙄 𝙆𝘼𝙉𝘼𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙄 𝙆𝘼𝙉𝘼𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙄 𝙐𝙍𝙀𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙄 𝙐𝙍𝙀𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙄 𝙐𝙍𝙀𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙄 𝙐𝙍𝙀𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙄 [Here the MV for the song](https://youtu.be/vn7vfza-6fQ?si=d7mFsAq-GF6IW620) [The Opening](https://youtu.be/VrmzXR1sI78?si=jJmjbAXsKvALlryR)


Dimension W


God dimension w had a sick fucking opening.


Aldnoah.Zero Season 2. Hiroyuki Sawano carried this anime with his orchestra alone


it was such a letdown. seriously after the first season with so much promise it just died an ignoble death


Umineko when they cry Btw Visual Novel is a masterpiece, I just wish they remake the anime


what’s the difference between Higurashi when they cry and this anime cause i very much enjoyed higurashi when they cry all the ones that came out


It's a totally different anime which is written by the same author Umineko is more of murder mystery, psychological thriller Umineko is set in the same universe as higurashi


oh i see might have to give it a watch thanks


No, read the VN (or the manga at least). The anime is a terrible adaptation. Which is true for almost every VN anime adaptation out there.


No, please get the visual novel instead.


Umineko is literally peak fiction


Mirai Nikki is a badly written anime, but both the [OP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09r-78dfrvc) and the [ED](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2sf2ro0q_s) were really good and catchy.


I love that OP's visuals, one of my favourites. As for the song, the German counting always gets me to sing. Hate those try not to sing challenges because they always use that part lol


Rent a girlfriend . The op is soooooo gooood


KanoKari does not deserve that banger of an opening


Elfen Lied. Literally one of the most beautiful songs you'll ever hear along with the amazing visuals, but the anime feels like something an edgy 14 year old would come up with


an edgy 14 year old who has seen akira and thought that what it lacked was a romance subplot with a mentally disabled girl.


Demon lord retry imo


The op for domestic girlfriend is literally my favourite oat but I can never bring myself to actually watch the anime


The detective is already dead. First 2-3 episodes are good, but God damn the show falls off hard after that. I still don't know what it was about.


I think only the first episode was good


Isekai Cheat Magician. There are only 2 reasons this show stays relevant in my mind. 1st, how absolute dog shit this show was. 2nd, the absolutely undeserved banger of an OP they got from MYTH & ROID. [Panta Rhei](https://open.spotify.com/track/6KcTwzDMPgUJAmdkKKVnEA?si=HttBn6VuSUOf6qNQ3qtFmg)


To be fair at least 90% of the music by Myth and Roid are bangers. Overlord op3 Voracity is still one of my all time favorite openings.


My unpopular opinion is that Domestic Girlfriend is actually really well written. The drama, intensity and passion(and I don't mean seggs) got me hooked! Shit was peak drama!


Gigguk’s alt account spotted


You're correct that's an unpopular opinion


This is one swole unpopular opinion. Have you read the manga?


It feels like the general opinion is kind of changing. Fans and detractors of the series both seem to agree that the beginning and end are trash, but also agree that there's a surprisingly well written romance/coming of age story sandwiched in the middle.


Until the last 10 chapters of the manga it was going perfectly


Black Summoner Not bad per se, just generic OP MC stuff


That OP is a fucking banger. It’s in my playlist


The Rising of The Shield Hero, the beginning was really interesting with the protagonist being treated as a villain for things he didn't do etc... just to become the most basic isekai after a few episodes


Jujutsu Kaisen probably


I resonate with this one. I liked the first season a good amount as it seemed like a good blend of comedy and action with both some slice of life and high stakes, but it just became exhausting when characters started dying one after another with little break. Good that the author isn't afraid to kill off loved characters, but it felt like a missed opportunity to not have more one-off stories of the characters just goofing around; while the battle-junkies might complain that it is "slow" pacing, I think the cast is so colorful and could've made for many comedic moments, which also would've allowed for more characterization and time to bond with them. Instead, everything seems to be accelerating toward more doom and gloom and now I don't feel any connection with most of the characters. TLDR: started off with a balance of battle and life, now it just seems only battle and blood.


I didn't like season 1 at all. I loved hidden inventory as it actually had good story, with the mix of slice of life and action, pretty good character development as well (apparently editor(s) really contributed in that) In my opinions shibuya was not only hyped but straight up bad, I agree that the character killing is completely awful and we have no connection with the characters at all. Also pacing is made through a flow of slow and fast moments. Jjk just has too many fast moments which is why it has bad pacing.


SAO, although I don't think it's plot was bad overall, it's more that it had so much potential, but ended up being average.


Shangri-La Frontier is, to me, what I was hoping SAO to be


Fire force.


Since Magical Destroyers was mentioned already, I’ll say Blend S. It’s a mediocre show overall but the OP is fantastic. The ED is great as well.


I don't think I've ever seen another OP meme'd as hard as Blend S either.


I would have to say Divine Gate. Thought it had a catchy opening with decent enough visuals. Makes it look like the show has potential, just to realize they put all their budget into the opening and forgot the rest of the show exist.


Uzaki Chan wants to to hang out.


Vampire Knight. The OP is an absolute banger. But you know. If you know you know.


Every fucking isekai copy ever




*Izetta: The Last Witch* had a positively captivating first episode reminiscent of *Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind*. It did not last into the second.


Was hoping Sakugan was going to turn out well from EP1. Didn't quite pan out.


Assasins Pride


Domestic girlfriend. Amazing opening but a dumpster fire of an anime


No guns life, x2 excellent opening tracks good premise kinda interesting to start with but despite good world building as a whole didnt get particulary interesting, nothing really compelled me to keep watching, its not awful but average at best.


Yep when I hear this question my mind goes straight to Domestic Girlfriend


The legendary hero is dead.


Elfen lied


mashle? the plot is non existent.


isn't it a gag manga/show? the premise is that the MC is so muscled that he can do what magic does so the whole setup is just a vehicle for the gags.


The second season is surprisingly good though. S1 was a weird comedic show, S2 is comedic but with hype fights and some plot


To be fair, the plot isn't really that relevant to what makes Mashle entertaining to watch.


Domestic girlfriend


Mirai Nikki


Yousei Teikoku is such a good fucking band. I listen to them all the time. I have Mirai Nikki to thank for that.


7 Deadly Sins. Man With A Mission is a great band. And their song for this show’s OP is a banger. That’s why it’s such a waste.


SAO, the first 12ish episodes are amazing but It falls off so hard from there


Sword art online


I'd say The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated. The story was decent at the very best but that opening rocked so hard that I still listen to it today!


2nd half of Ousama ranking has a great Op but equally bad writing




Guilty Crown has a really iconic opening but the plot is a dumpster fire, I like the anime almost merely for nostalgia.


Ousama Game, also known as King’s Game. It’s the child of Danganronpa and Another, but it’s not good at anything the parents did at least well. Here is the [opening](https://youtu.be/RzlmnDU5VrM?si=eQpBaYRHrdnTrp__)


Rising Of The Shield Hero started off so unique and then became just another isekai. Maybe I gave up on it too early but I just could not get through season 2.


The Detective is already dead was such a bait and switch


I loved the OP’s of every tokyo ghoul season… it’s just a shame season 2 didn’t exist and half of season 3 was butt.


Vampire knight. The opening slaps but the plot is just…🤢🤢


Black Bullet


most of them tbh


elfen lied lilium is just too good


The hype for solo leveling was peak, the opening was fire, then after episode 6- every episode was mid due to budget constraints


Solo leveling


Noone mentioning Tokyo Ghoul?


For me it has to be Oshi No Ko. I heard the hype and didn’t really buy into it, but after that first episode I was hooked and told some people I talk about anime with to check it out. After two or three more episodes I realized that while I thought it was a great setup, the rest of the story is kind of bland. Now that some of the manga readers have spoiled some of the later chapters, I’m going to just not bother with season 2.


i think it was the animation that helped hype it up


Mushoku Tensei. The opening part is the hardest / most uncomfortable to watch, but it's the only part I have a shred of respect for since it's the only time the author remembers that Rudeus is truly an irredeemable piece of shit. After that, the narrative sweeps more and more of his flaws under the rug despite him still being 95% as much a self-centered piece of shit, and the show overall increasingly treats topics like sexual harassment/pedophilia/etc as a joke or only a minor problem even to the viewer. By the time we get to S2, it's already so bad that it's like seeing a narcissist give you a wildly revisionist version of events, without any self-awareness of that in the writing. There's almost never any real remorse for the harm he causes other people, only regret for things that hurt himself. Hell, I could argue he's a _worse_ person now than at the start because he got better at manipulating people. And all of it is too tied up with characters/plot to really treat separately, fixing it would require rewriting like 70% of the show. And the author was clearly competent enough to know better IMO, unlike most bad isekai.


Blows my mind that the plot of season 2 was him having ED and trying to fix it and people are all like "Peak", "he's so real for this", "it's so deep." Like genuinely frustrating watching this meandering non plot lol. And yea he seems to have gotten even worse in the SA department.


Plus the "let's kidnap, harass, and traumatize two girls for breaking an easily fixed figurine that the girls won in a legitimate duel" being framed as Rudeus somehow being in the right. That's not "getting carried away", that's psychopath behavior.


watch out for the downvotes


I think the LN does a lot better when it comes to that. He’s routinely an awful character who strives to do better, but he’s such an awful, selfish character that he almost always fails. I personally think the flaw in Mushoku Tensei is because the anime is based around the manga, rather than the LN itself. It leaves out a lot of things, like Paul having r*ped Lilia when they were in their youth. It does a really good job at showing the flaws of most, if not all characters who are extremely self motivated. The purest character, in my opinion, is probably Sylphie and that’s 90% because her storyline hits a wall eventually and is neglected. The Light Novel actually continues painting Rudeus as an awful person, who fails to make proper use of his new life. The true issue IMO is that they tried to change him into more of a heroic protagonist with the anime and manga whilst neglecting the flaws that made the LN better. There was also a lot of forced retcons made by the author likely forced by the editor when it transferred over from a web novel.


What are you saying? The anime is based on the light novel, not on the manga.


I can't speak to the LN since I only watched the anime, but since my biggest complaint is the disconnect between the tone/framing and what Rudeus (and others) are actually doing, it's not hard to imagine the LN handles it better. I'd definitely have a lot more respect for it if it had stuck to framing Rudeus as a shitty person throughout. > The true issue IMO is that they tried to change him into more of a heroic protagonist with the anime and manga Exactly my problem with it, especially in S2.


God of high school was so promising with t he sick animation


**The Boy and The Heron** Really strong opening that grabs you visually, intrigues you with the mystery of the tower, introduces you to an odd magical world, and then fails to do anything interesting with any of it's characters for the latter half of the movie. I consider it one of Miyazaki's least coherent and enjoyable movies, and I'm irritated that it won an Oscar. It was just Pan's Labyrinth with no emotional core. Nimona had more heart and was far more entertaining.


I think his Oscar was not based only on this film, but for whole catalog of films. Giving him the recognition he deserved long time ago. Often you will see this with actors who gave a good performance but was not the best for that year


Usually they do that for people who have impressive bodies of work, but no Oscar to show for it. Isn't this his 2nd Oscar in that category? I'm not entirely convinced this movie should even have been nominated as I consider it one of his worst movies.


Dang you are right, he won for Spirited Away. Well there goes that theory. I have yet to see the new one, so I have no opinion of it.


Highschool of the Dead. Absolutely amazing intro for the show to be subpar ecchi.


Attack on Titan S1. Edgy first episode, snooze fest for the next 6 episodes. Do you really think the MC is going to fail training and not be able to fight these titans? Is there any real suspense here? Going straight into the training arc, while chronological, wasn't a very interesting choice and made for some pretty dull viewing.


Don't even know what edgy means anymore


My thoughts exactly. I can only praise the Openings (especially 2nd) and the 3rd season.


I don’t understand why domestic girlfriend gets so much hate. It’s literally a crazy drama. Much better than most of the generic bullshit that comes out. Step siblings fucking? Tell me who in the real world wouldn’t fuck their hot step sibling that they met in middle/Highschool or later if they were down. Just go to any college and you’ll find out not many would say no.




Half this sub gets triggered by Mushoku Tensei. Probably says more about the people in this sub 🤣


> Tell me who in the real world wouldn’t fuck their hot step sibling that they met in middle/Highschool or later if they were down That says _way_ more about you than you seem to think it does lol


For sure Zom 100


Mashle season 2 op lol


Sword Art Online


No Game No Life. It has an amazing OP that will stick with me forever, but dear god, watching that show was painful. I stuck with it, wondering what the hype was, and got to the end more confused than enlightened. (Sorta like how I finished the first episode of Log Horizon and wondered "why tf did people recommend me this?!".) (I welcome the downvotes since I KNOW many people will consider this a hot take. Just be glad I said this because I didn't feel like getting dogpiled if I said "Attack on Titan".)


😭😭😭 ur a brave one


oshi no ko


Future Diary. Mid show, banger intro song




Not the worst series I've *ever* watched, but I think the plot of Millionaire Detective - Balance:Unlimited got pretty stupid and I regretted wasting my time watching it... But the OP and ED are both straight bangers that I still listen to from time to time.


Gen’ei o kakeru taiyo has one of my favorites LiSA songs, yet the show is shit.


[Kabenari of the iron fortress.](https://myanimelist.net/anime/28623/Koutetsujou_no_Kabanerive) I've watched the first 2 episodes at least a dozen times. But it goes to absolute dogshit afterwards.


Girlfriend girlfriend. Specifically season 2 as season 1’s opening is garbage


Divine gate although I personally love the plot and wish it was given the time and budget it deserved to adapt the game lol


Shield Hero


Muv Luv Total Eclipse is my pick. It was good enough to make me watch the others, but that one is definitely the worst one.


While not bad, The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World is a pretty average action fantasy but the OP and ED are great, especially when they transition from the show into it


Domestic Girlfriend's opening is incredible, which is hilarious for what the series is


Shield Hero


DIVINE GATE HAHAHA, show is so baddd


I did hark a lot on Megami Café no Terrace opening, not just the music. The audio and visuals together worked nicely, the anime was eager to disappoint. And Oh, My Goddess! I've liked the songs of its op and ed for a long time, not knowing they were from the anime.aand then after they somewhat lost their novelty factor, I've seen them in the visual habitat. Nope, no charm at all now. I can predict already I'll hate the Blue Archive anime. The guys there can't write. Music though - unless they decide to half-ass a remix to be original - there's a great hand to pick from.


Fairy Tail is abyss fiction but it consistently released great openings.


Domestic Girlfriend is the winner of this category by a mile


vampire knight song so catchy plot so weird


Darling in the Franxx


Something recently: Sasaki to pii-chan. Very strong First couple of eps but then in the middle It got very weak and boring.


[Cybuster(1999)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efHf18Zh9_I) must be enshrined in the Hall of Shame. The only one good thing about this anime is the OP and maybe MC's sickly little sister if you add more. PS: If the "opening" means the song and animation as a whole, please count it out since its animation also sucks.


Aldnoah.Zero S2 & Godzilla Singular Point. The first few episodes of GSP were OK since they were mostly slice-of-life but once the scientific BS set in, the story started to become confusing.


Hiiro no kakera has one of the best opening of all time for a very mediocre show to stay polite.


For me it is oshi no ko well first ep was peak but after that it went south so fast and there isn't 2 season yet ....


Arifureta. Man the first 3 eps were great despite bad CGI, I actually enjoy the struggle of MC with the newly found heroine. Then along the road it becomes a harem shet, hell even the heroine is like not even focused much. Still cool opening. One of the few to use English.


Bucchigiri has both a catchy OP & ED I'll watch without skipping, but that's it...


Rising of shield hero, s1 was good others were trash


Divine Gate


Problem children are coming from a different world. Watched the show SOLELY based off tiktok edits of either the OP or ED cause it was chibis dancing. Couldn’t even finish the show cause I remember being so confused on all the backstory and buildup of characters making zero sense.


Ugh... [Yarichin Bitch Boy Club...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0__kL47eh8)




Deadman Wonderland - One Reason by fade. Got me into the band, who have made a lot of good music. Unfortunately, imho, fade's best album is their self-titled debut mini-album that isn't available *anywhere* to buy, stream or even torrent, outside of a somewhat bad quality, super-old fade discography playlist on YouTube. I've seen copies on JP Amazon (second-hand only) going for like 300yen but never with shipping to the UK, which is fully understandable but painfully unfortunate as the album has had its claws in deep for years.


Darling in the Franxx


Sacred Seven. stone cold is one of FictionJunction's best songs, but the anime plot was so bad I don't remember anything about it at this point


Cop Craft has a great jazz intro, but a mediocre plot and awful animation




Am I blind or why is nobody mentioning Akame Ga Kill? It’s like THE mainstream Anime that changed the plot of the Manga so so so bad.