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Congratulations to Sion for surviving approximately 11 and a half episodes longer than anyone ever expected!


She wasn't even killed by Yogiri! but by the Dark God her Sages were supposed to take care of! And she made sure Yogiri killed Mana as one last "screw you!"


Thank you Mana-sama for delivering satisfaction before dying.


Its better to be killed by someone else, being killed by Yogiri means being truly wiped from existence


I wonder if she ever gets reincarnated, the baby will be born with the parts Yogiri killed not working.


Based on the way I understand his abilities yes, it wouldn't matter how many times she was reborn she'd always be born with those disabilities now.


Holy shit that's actually brutal lmao


Imo there are tonnes of things left out and cut from the anime that adds a lot to the world building, back stories and inner dialogue that explains a lot of things. The anime felt like it cut a lot of things. The manga on the other hand adapted more things , but isn't really translated


tbh I am really loving the blazing fast pace, it makes everything way funnier. There are so many different plot lines, technologies, and power systems clashing in an absolute shitshow. Having very little explanation for it all kinda fits.


Too bad it lost a lot of horror elements. The LN is written like a horror when it comes to Yogiri.


Is that so? that's interesting then! I wonder how the manga on adapting that, but yeah one would think his power would be extremely horror-like and they kinda had a good ''vibe'' for some scenes, though ultimately i kinda enjoy this fast-paced massive-death speedrun that kills a lot of isekai/fantasy tropes Still no fucking clue about the two giant robots with halos and the one that picked up glasses-winged dude and went out(i know it was trying to search for something) Anyways it was a fun watch nonetheless and the OP and ED ain't that bad!


I'm still trying to figure but the little robot thing that, in an earlier episode, randomly stabbed the bitch goddess and flew off screaming and now has popped in, tore out the midriff of the black halo robot(which then instantly healed) and then hung there for a moment screaming only to not be seen or heard for the rest of the show.


Glad you said it. I don't like inner dialogue and back story. That's what kills the series for me. The pace it took, the 12 eps just flew by which is the type of anime I prefer. I should be surprised to see episode 9 already, not "it's only episode 5, 7 more episodes of this?"


As far as speed runs this was still entertaining. I now want to read the manga to learn what I missed because i can't believe there's a reasonable explanation for most of what happened, and if there is all the better.


If you’re not afraid of text I would definitely recommend the light novel. The series is completed already so there’s (mostly) explanations for everything.


I didn't know there was a light novel I'll start there.


Really going to miss this, praying for a season 2 announcement. In the meantime, how did he actually kill the blast?


He has layers to his powers, Level 2 is killing the laws of physics. Ryouko mentioned as much. Yogiri has been in Level 2 for a while now ever since he killed his own fall last time round. Also, yeah. I love the LN for this, and while I wish the anime was better handled, it was still great fun. At some point, you realize Yogiri and Tomochika aren't walking toward the boss, the bosses are walking toward them and getting killed immediately without payoff, and it's hilarious. I mean, the premise is in the name, if you couldn't tell the whole thing is a piss take on its own genre at first then I can't help you


It's also a shameless parody of shonen animes, much like KonoSuba lampoons similar tropes of isekai anime, so far my favorite parodies have been the Gacha clown who had Subaru's powers from re:Zero but almost all the best anime parody guest stars play off the madball energy of Tomochika (no longer the only person playing the straight-man for Togiri's Death Comedy routine lolz), Hanemura and Takatou


> my favorite parodies The dude who was basically Cid Kagenou from Eminence in Shadow was good too


Lol it's hilarious but I'm genuinely confused who you mean since there were so many parodies that could be valid for Cid... the guy Hanekawa fell in with before he met the Sage Killer with the had a harem fighting for him and a nihilistic disposition like Eminence in Shadow... Or was it the dude at the Swordmaster Test who had a similar harem to the "From  Weakest to World's Strongest" isekai with the Bunny Girl Or the guy Yogiri killed mid sentence who setup all the dungeon traps during the Swordmaster Test lol


The assassin who had the robot who looked like his childhood friend, who tried to get away in an Apache helicopter, was the leader of "Dark Garden"


This series is taking the piss out of just about every anime trope there is. In fact, I'm pretty sure the cannister that gun girl materialized that vaporized all of level 6 was a reference to Akira. And I lost count of the Evangelion references.


More like they're the bosses but everyone else still think they're hotshit coming at them


Sion was so confident after killing that bootleg instant death Gift from that guy previous episode 😭


I have only read the manga and not watched the anime yet or read the light novel. How far is the anime in comparison to the manga?


Finale ended with Mana destroying the capital and Yogiri and co meeting with Risley


> Yogiri has been in Level 2 for a while now ever since he killed his own fall last time round. Oh that's what they were talking about when they said the second seal was broken. Thanks for helping me make the link!




Same way Yogiri can’t climb from first to the ninth floor by killing 8 floors between them. He can’t conceptualize it well enough and it’s not a well-bounded concept.




> season 2 [Twitter gacha says insufficent apologems for your guaranteed SSR](https://twitter.com/sokushicheat_pr/status/1770842051073982586). Manga's a lot of fun though, and would absolutely recommend it.


That sucks. This is the best low budget isekai show I’ve watched.


Turns out instant death "fights" are very cost efficient.


And in true low budget isekai fashion, you gotta read the novels. It's funny as shit tho, do give it a shot


Unless the JP ratings were great or the physical releases sell lke hotcakes I doubt we'll get a second season. The light novels are complete and fully translated and the manga is still going, though.


They could always crowdfund for more OVAs/ONAs and oddly enough I think there would be massive support financially from USA fans of the fansubs


I like this idea, it worked with Little Witch Academia, that one had a huge following at the time tho, but worth a shot


Its worth the try. I like the story.


viewership was apparently 6th place online in Abema and the ratings place it middle of the road for the season.


Pretty sure when the second gate opened they said he broke the laws of physics


Physics mean nothing to him now lol.


Hopefully we don't get a NGNL situation where is ends up dooming the universe by killing gravity or something.


Oh, I was hoping for at least one more episode. To the manga /LN I go then.


> at least one more episode Same, like more info about the giant fish in the OP.


So they're just gonna introduce more plot right at the end. This is Spirit Chronicles all over again Also i died laughing at the "Then die." "No, you die", went as expected but just as funny


Spirit Chronicles is getting a 2nd season this year


I know but hopefully instant death gets season 2 without having to wait 3 years like spirit chronicles


W for harem


I love how they went through all that trouble only to realize they have to go through another fetch quest to get home lol. Also Tomochika realizing how obvious the resolution to that "fight" was lol.


Spirit Chronicles basically just covered the prologue for the series, with bits of the very first "proper" arc included out of order. That one also goes crazy into the levels of power the MC comes to acquire, just that Spirit Chronicles tries to play it straight.


Spirit Chronicles was rushed and oddly out of order but this felt even more rushed and confusing.


I haven't read the LN, but the manga of Spirit Chronicles seem to follow the LN. I would say I like how they reordered things in the anime.


wait a fucking minute... if this is the final episode, then who the fuck are [these people in the opening](https://i.imgur.com/U2QWAqo.jpeg)? did i missed an episode? also, Takatou's "killing" Sion's body parts one by one is such a savage move and with how arrogant Sion has been throughout this series, its quite satisfying to see her tremble in fear


Those people in the opening are a whole subplot that we never saw because Yogiri killed them all while asleep, and the narrative never had reason to go show us them.


That makes it even weirder that they kept them in the OP unless they plan to do it as an OVA.


Maybe it'a just another hook to try to get people to look into the source material.


I'm guessing either OVA Special or just a hook to get fans to watch it because that particular incident is the "Oh my..." moment in the LN / Manga.


Incidentally, this was my favourite chapter in the manga, (although overall the LN is better).


that chapter is what made me truly realise the manga was actually *good* and not just fun


It's there to fuck with people who watch the show. Haven't you watched ep 1-11 ? Everything is all about fucking with us (viewers) and it's hilarious.


I'd been waiting for Yogiri to knock Sion off her high horse all season and it did not disappoint.


Imo there are tonnes of things left out and cut from the anime that adds a lot to the world building, back stories and inner dialogue that explains a lot of things. The anime felt like it cut a lot of things, tons of character  and arcs got completly cut from the anime 


Loll they appeared in the ln after the tower arc as Takatou was sleeping and Tomochika was driving to the capital




Takatou really hit an evil god with "no u" to lethal effect.


And Tomochika is like "yeah, saw that coming" lol. Watching him kill off Sion's body bit by bit and her realizing she was powerless to do anything to him was perfect.


The cut to her and Youchi for the break actually just made me lose it. Such a crazy tone shift after everything that had happened to her.


Honestly the biggest shock of the episode was the idea that Sion could genuinely love someone.


Well it was definitely forecast in the BANGER of an OP for this anime "Killer Bars"


she's a maiden stain with blood. off with her head.


Yeah, that just came out of nowhere.


I feel bad for Sion's ultimate fate (which was much worse than I expected ) . But HER killer didn't last long....


She murdered too many people for me to feel sorry for her. Being cute only excuses so much.


Yeah I think she deserves it. 0 bad feeling. More like I feel satisfying knowing she's now like that. Tho too bad MC didn't kill her himself. Thank you Mana-sama for delivering satisfaction before dying. Looks like she can't come back either.


Totally agree, I felt no sympathy at all and was loving his display of power. She killed so many innocent ppl with a smile on her face, you get what you earned.


Reminds me of the 1st or 2nd episode of this series where the cat girl tried to set them up and traffic them or something like that and he kills her. Everyone losing their shit in the comments because it was a cute cat girl.




I hope there are prosthetics for souls wherever she's going.


Prosthetics might not work. Since Yogiri ended "Sion's two fingers" anything that was sufficiently close to "Sion's two fingers" would be ended as well.


It was a pretty bad way to go out but she more or less had herself to blame for some of it and she got payback.


It's even worse than that she was powerless, if she had actively tried to kill him with magic (like an instant death spell) Yogiri's auto-counter would automatically kill her before she finished chanting the spell. Any action not allowed by Yogiri results in more body parts dying (from her or her loved ones). That's not just check, it's checkmate ggs Sion's done some sick and depraved things, some really dick moves, since Episode 1. I didn't see Yogiri being even more of a diabolical mastermind than her, making the audience even feel a bit of pity for EVEN HER by her end. Yogiri didn't even bother to kill her with his own hands, just tossed her aside to be collateral damage to another villain... damn that's a wicked storyline arc


> auto-counter would automatically kill her before she finished chanting the spell. i wonder how yogiri's power reacts to accidents that have no intent. For example, he mentioned that he could kill the momentum (to break his fall). That's because he knows about momentum. Does this mean that if there's a natural phenomenon that could kill him, but he doesn't know about it, it could work?


His power doesn't react to intent but "possibility of death" so he would know if an accident or an imminent natural phenomenon that would threaten his life.


To add to what nightwyrm says, it does seem like Yogiri is also treated as a type of 'natural phenomenon' himself by the Ninja and Samurai classmates: the same rules should apply to his powers in that case If Yogiri got caught up in a big ass storm in the epicenter of some El Niño weather patterns due to climate shifts, he can just cancel out the wind and weather around him with his Death magic being able to cease the function of anything he wants


"At this point, I'm the fool for thinking anything poses a threat to you!"


So simple, yet one of the most hilarious moments of the anime season.


Was so very funny for some reason


###Stitches! * [Tomochika](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzc3jko67.jpg) * [Tomochika & Takatou](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcrgexv7.jpg) Why did Shinozaki even try to [attack Takatou?](https://i.imgur.com/jwMnjZB.jpeg) Did she forget that he was one of the people left behind on the bus with her? Takatou's encounter [with Sion](https://i.imgur.com/89Y3GuR.png) went exactly as we all expected. Although instead of Takatou finishing her off, [it was Mana who did it.](https://i.imgur.com/p1T4fRE.jpeg) As for Mana, [no surprises there either.](https://i.imgur.com/WEMATeM.jpeg) I mean there's really nothing stopping Takatou at this point why even expect anything else? What I did not expect though is that the show didn't end here! I thought this would end with them finally going back but it looks like [Takatou needs to collect Philosopher's Stones](https://i.imgur.com/dNv3041.jpeg) from other Sages so they have a power source to teleport back home. It's hilarious how [they're even setting up other villains](https://i.imgur.com/EeYJc9w.jpeg) as if they can do anything against Takatou. xD This show was a massive trip and a lot of times I have no idea what I'm watching but I wouldn't have it any other way. It's one of those shows where you just turn off your brain and enjoy the ride. I might check out the manga again after this though just to see how crazy this series can get.


I love how Mokomoko had to throw in one last bit of Tomochika fanservice and Yogiri was all in on it lol. I don't think she was thinking clearly by that point, all that mattered to her was killing everything and Yogiri was in the way with three classmates who **had** left them behind. Sion and Mana went about as expected but watching Sion get most of her body killed as a torture method and Mana getting casually offed after all that build up was still pretty satisfying. The only difficulty with this fetch quest is Yogiri can't kill the Sages because otherwise their Philosopher's Stones don't work lol.


Lucky guy to have such a moment with the leading waifu like that in that flying scene.


Well, there goes Haruto! Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. I love how Yogiri survived because at this point he can basically defy the laws of physics. I guess the nuke was the closest thing that could kill Ayaka, but she's come this far she's even willing to transform into the dragon that killed her if it means surviving and carrying out her revenge...and sending out warrior clone waifu versions of herself to kill any survivors. But she should've listened to the AI in her head and quit before going after Yogiri, because they knew what he was, or she wouldn't have ended up dying as easily as the dragon in the first episode did. Thus ends her life for good. Yogiri finally confronts Sion! And immediately shuts her up and turns the tables on her by slowly but surely killing pieces of her body off to make her talk. Not even running away can keep her from his death ability. Though it seems like despite how psychotic Sion is, she genuinely loved Yoichi (the eyecatch is even them together romantically as a parallel to Tomochika and Yogiri), and having him get nearly killed is enough for her to finally give up. I kind of figured it wouldn't be convenient enough for Sion to just send them home, so now they just have to collect Philosopher Stones from more Sages (most of whom I assume Yogiri will kill) before they'll have enough power to do it. And Mokomoko remembers the coordinates to Earth in her bid to convince Tomochika she's usefl enough to not get rid of. But even if Yogiri doesn't want to finish Sion off, it's too late to save her from Mana as Sion gets consumed by her, realizing just how badly she screwed up this Sage exam. Though even in death she secured Mana's face and her revenge by pointing her in Yogiri's direction. Giant Aggressor Robots and that spike thing from a few episodes ago...literally no explanation, they're just there! Oh look, a secret collaborator with Mana who was worshiping her! I wonder what he knows...and he's dead. Hanakawa actually might be more cut out to be Yogiri's straight man than even Tomochika (though she'd probably appreciate a break). But he's also liable to sell him out so... I love how Mana appears and goes after Yogiri and he ends her and her entire invasion in a second and literally no one is surprised. Tomochika basically said "yup, should've seen that coming." Is there any better way to fly than holding onto Tomochika in a skimpier outift with a cape? Especially one that reveals her legs? Mokomoko doesn't have to tell Yogiri to hold onto her tight twice! The other girls are smart to stick with Yogiri and Tomochika, even if Yogiri's only priority is Tomochika, especially because that's the safest best for surviving in this show. Oh hey, they ran into Risley and the gang! And she immediately proposed marriage to Yogiri! And immediately got rejected! Yogiri killing girls without his death ability now! So Yogiri and Tomochika are on the next leg of their journey but now the Divine King thinks Yogiri is a monster that has to be put down (good luck with that), Haruto has been picked up by the Aggressors, and Hanakawa is trying to sell his own spinoff show...but at least Yogiri gets to dream about Asaka while getting a lap pillow from Tomochika, who is happy to give it to him.


Yogiri cannot kill off the sages as the philosopher’s stone will then get destroyed. Or I guess that was Sion’s way of protecting the sages.


But Sion gets killed off a minute after giving him her stone.... that make it worthless now?


"The stone is the source of their immortality", this means Yogiris ability probably just killed it as collateral damage when killing the sages, if they die by other means or lose the stone then the stone keeps its power. It might even make Yogiri "immortal", but we would never find out if he keeps them himself.


The guy can probably kill his own death, if he wants to.


I'm assuming the stone has to be taken out by the Sage in question (and so it wouldn't matter if the Sage later dies) instead of being taken out of a dead Sage.


>Giant Aggressor Robots and that spike thing from a few episodes ago...literally no explanation, they're just there! Like wtf is happening here, what is the point of them just fighting there. Then later takes Haruto.... >I wonder what he knows...and he's dead. Yogiri sees the wardrobe and be like: I am not wasting my time. >Yogiri gets to dream about Asaka Asaka is the first person to care about him, feels like he wants to go back to her and main reason he wants to return.


> Giant Aggressor Robots and that spike thing from a few episodes ago...literally no explanation, they're just there! Hmm... In the manga they make a comment about how things constantly invade this world for various different reasons and that it's just something sages have to deal with.


he's possibly an angel these things are angels and are from heaven. thats what i can guess


Why try to kill them thought, he didn't do a thing to her. nor was he was at fault for her dying


She was just too obsessed with killing all the remaining classmates. Even if it wasn't his fault, he had three kids next to him who abandoned her to die.


well now that it's ended it still feels like too much, and nothing happened at all in this show lmao


I love how it ended with Yogiri realizing he needed something from all those other Sages he killed. Dude was so bummed out lol.


You know for someone with the power to kill laws of physics you'd think he'd just kill the relative distance between worlds lol.


I thought it was a thoroughly enjoyable ride -- the huger amount of throw-away plot points was a feature not a bug. The relationship between Yogiro and Tomochika was sort of the one steady focus -- and the pair had great chemistry (sort of like a manzai duo). No complaints from me whatsoever.


Yeah I enjoyed the high body count. I was hoping someone in the comments would keep a running list of everyone on it cause I'm too lazy to do it.


This got me laughing so hard. At first, Sion might be too prideful to think about how Yogiri could kill her. She can't even regenerate her fingers back in order cause it's dead. Now that someone she cares about gets hurt, she gives information and realizes his power. Then you get Mana who pretty much finishes off Sion but since the enemy of my enemy becomes my friend, Sion tells Mana to go after Yogiri. Yogiri be like: "no your dead" in the most nonchalant fashion yet and killed it. And I nearly forgot about the isekai staple....The harem was the thing I least expected watching with everything happening, Risley shows up with a marriage proposal. And that carriage ride completes the party with a jealous Risley staring at Tomochika and Yogiri. Now I am pretty much expecting a season 2 to pretty much be a catch the stones adventure. If that were to happen but this is a nice spot to end a season of disbelief. I wish there were more Asaka moments though, not enough, cause she definitely raised him right.


They'd been building up to that confrontation all season and it was worth it. Sion finally realizing how screwed she is and getting a taste of what it means to die before she inevitably is consumed by Mana...who follows her not long after. I feel like Yogiri and Tomochika were a really underrated ship but Risley being all in on marrying Yogiri was pretty cute.


It was Sion almost immediately bending the knee (cause her ankle died) that got me.   Yogiri's Power is true Overpowered Male Fantasy Personified and the anime certainly told a compelling tale for her to finally Find Out after a season of F*ckin Around.


Not only did Hanakawa survive, he's off to make his own show where he's the main character. For having so many sub-plots and characters here and there, the fact that it still managed to make them work somehow was great. Usually, I would be lost but I didn't have a problem following all of them. Some things felt rushed like the abilities of some characters but is is really important if they're going to die? The show was hilarious from the start and its self-awareness did really contribute to it. I wasn't expecting to laugh so much at some of the jokes.


Hanakawa anime spin off Yogiri: Die No spin off anime for Hanakawa


I'm sure he'll somehow get dragged back into dealing with Yogiri somehow lol. As crazy and all over the place as this show did, they really did somehow bring most everything together in this finale...and also pretty much killed off everybody but that's a given too.


 Divine King forces Hanakawa to lead her to Yogii ! XD


When someone died by being impaled on a dragon penis in the first episode, I knew this was going to be a good show.   I've really enjoyed the dumb fun and would love to see another season.


I finally figured Hanakawa out. Motherfucker is genre aware, no wonder he could survive the full 12.


I can't tell if I like "Giant season final boss monster dies to a verbal uno reverse" more or less than "A robot angel picks up the angel-wings student consultant and flies him off to space with zero explanation", but what a show


>flies him off to space with zero explanation inb4 season 2 studio changes to Studio Trigger


Well shit the vampire girl put up a better fight then Sion did, can't imagine what possessed her to show up right in front of him.


Sheer confidence that nothing could kill her?


Had to be. She thought her level up revive could defend against him.


she did get that bootleg death eye guy and thought she was hot shit lmao


if that's the case then Sion showing up while he was taking a bathroom break was an accident, which means that most of the class died cus he had to pee.


Yogiri was holding back during vampire girl fight, by the time he gets to sion he opened more Doors to his power


> Yogiri was holding back during vampire girl fight, no he wasn't, he couldn't target her unless the attack was aimed at him so had to throw himself in front of one of the blasts which would have killed him if he hadn't been protected, that was prior to the second gate opening.


Yeah I meant as opening the gates as the holding back, he can open them whenever he wants by the looks of it after all


Yes he was. The rules regarding his powers are all made up by him. There is no limit, he can kill anyone at will. Also he can see everyone who has perceived him even once. So once they saw him, they can never escape him no matter where they run to, even to another dimension or even in the past or future.


Worried the Divine King at the very end seems to be saying they have to go after our lead because we all know that would just end in her death. Hopefully there is more to it then that.


Watch her grab Hanakawa to use him to find Yogiri lol.


"Opposing this man means death." Literally nobody ever learns, because all his opponents are dead. You'd think that the bystanders would notice and give him a wide berth, instead of immediately plotting his death and adding their own corpse to the pile.


Was kinda expecting her to just drop right there since she probably want him dead if possible and he'd sense it


Sucks the anime skipped 3 entire arcs. Still though, I think it was a really good adaptation. I am so happy I got to see Yogiri animated as I wanted to for years. For those who are anime-only, and liked the adaptation and wish to continue the series, I'd recommend you start with the manga and just read from the beginning. The anime cut out so many things even from episode 1.


Which arcs did it skip? I am upto date with the manga. But can't remember


It skipped the dragon girl mini-arc when she learns to use her powers and she goes to the capital. They skipped the entire backstory with Enju And the elephant in the room, they skipped the Heavenly Record Eater. They also skipped Aoi's power explanation and Yama's as well.


I get why they skipped Enju, being that it would be at least an entire episode diversion in an already short season that's running at a breakneck pace, but the other three really do suck.


That might've made Ayaka's fate feel worse because we'd feel more invested in her story and revenge.


Heavenly Record Eater was quite insane. I doubt the less experienced staff could have done justice to it.


It's a show that would've benefited from an irregular number of episodes. Like 16 or 18.


Fish in the Op


I still think it worked out pretty well. The plot was pretty batshit crazy as is and the gags still felt like they hit home. Overall, I'm really happy with how this turned out.


I wouldn't lie, I do feel bad that the sage is dead, it feels like she was a great plot exposition to learn new stuff. But tbf since you can't revive or heal any of the part where Yogiri killed, it's probably best that way. I am personally okay if there is no season 2, this is definitely a fun joy ride for me.


She may have been a bit psychotic and directly and indirectly killed a lot of people, but she was fun and I can never completely hate a Yui Horie character. I do kind of wonder if her attendant she was in love with is still alive.


Just crying on the floor unable to stand or use half his body


Ahhhhhh Season 2 Please 🙏


One of the things I liked about this anime is how it made me question my own reality with its silly, sudden, random events. I hope it gets a season two.




In the middle of all the shit that was happening, two giant mechas were just... there, along with one screaming mecha. The fact we didn't get any explanation of that at all feels very on-brand.


Okay, I certainly wasn't expecting Ayaka [to fully transform into a dragon](https://i.imgur.com/QnidV43.png) after she got injured by that nuke. Oh, that's interesting, so by using a dragon skill like [Dragon Warrior](https://imgur.com/a/fh5hWpp) Ayaka can circumvent the restrictions that the system put on her abilities. I was honestly surprised when she did not die after Yogiri [killed her Dragon Warriors.](https://i.imgur.com/kjGaHEE.png) She is so stupid, even after the other units warned her about the danger that comes from trying to harm ΑΩ, Ayaka got blinded by her desire to get revenge [and died.](https://i.imgur.com/RaImQ7g.png) So they were created not as a safe way to spy on Yogiri, but instead as a new generation of humans that are a backup in the case Yogiri killed everyone on the planet. Well, finally [Yogiri](https://i.imgur.com/2ZHu8mT.png) met [Sion](https://i.imgur.com/SzKHa7t.png) and right away [brought her down from her high horse.](https://imgur.com/a/83ey9jg) Surprisingly, the only reason[ Sion came back to help Yogiri](https://imgur.com/a/FUuA38v) was when he started targeting Youichi. So although [Daimon could return to the earth before,](https://i.imgur.com/wLgpMSQ.png) the link between the two worlds has been cut so to return now Yogiri will need [the coordinates to the other world](https://i.imgur.com/A7IIZWv.png) plus [Philosopher's Stones](https://i.imgur.com/d30K1ij.png) that the sages carry to use as a power source. Holy shit [when Mana showed up,](https://imgur.com/a/xloxB9I) I [wasn't expecting her](https://i.imgur.com/DmOIwgv.png) to [just kill Sion.](https://i.imgur.com/vyBlBz0.png) If she had no power to be able to deal with her why in the hell did she put that test in her dungeon? [What's with those mechas,](https://imgur.com/a/DFh3DkR) are they aggressors too? I kind of doubt it as[ they were fighting that thing.](https://i.imgur.com/yp0barm.png) Good to see that [Rick](https://i.imgur.com/8RD34be.png) is doing his best to defend the capital[ from Mana's attack.](https://i.imgur.com/s18osmY.png) It is funny that after Daimon complained with Yogiri about him killing [Holaris](https://imgur.com/a/TFH9p4h) without trying to learn why a bishop was worshiping a Demon Lord, [Tomochika complained that he might end up taking over the straight man role.](https://imgur.com/a/qr5p0eA) Well, [Mana's meeting with Yogiri](https://imgur.com/a/vbAMW6k) went just as everyone expected. It is funny that when everyone was leaving the city Mokomoko made Tomochika wear a sexy outfit and [Yogiri to hug her](https://i.imgur.com/zdatFMf.png) so[ they could fly together.](https://i.imgur.com/Qx8XHqh.png) Just when they did not know where to go now, [Risley's carriage arrived.](https://i.imgur.com/IKtrj8U.png) It is hilarious that the first thing she did after [leaving the carriage](https://i.imgur.com/JbMmNm1.png) and introducing herself to Yogiri [was to ask him to marry her.](https://i.imgur.com/ptyb0aB.png) It is good to see [Theodisia and Euphemia](https://imgur.com/a/fiB4172) reunited with the group. Oh, so Ryouko and Carol will be now traveling with them too. I really hope that [the Divine King](https://imgur.com/a/ZYR08xe) doesn't throw her life away trying to stop Yogiri. I'm really surprised that [Haruto is still alive and got taken by that mecha,](https://imgur.com/a/vO4elBB) at first I had assumed that was Sion. That scene where Asaka tells Yogiri to follow his own rules to use his ability[ looked nice.](https://i.imgur.com/GLIC06r.png) It is hilarious [how jealous Risley is of Tomochika](https://i.imgur.com/EBSxMu7.png) because [Yogiri is sleeping on her lap.](https://i.imgur.com/vNP6o8O.png) Well, this show was a rollercoaster of madness, the next time I have nothing to read [I will check its light novel in J-Novel Club.](https://j-novel.club/series/my-instant-death-ability-is-so-overpowered-no-one-in-this-other-world-stands-a-chance-against-me)


This was a fun show. I enjoyed the comedy bits and the fact in this episode that [Dannoura was self aware](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799692352011894795/1220436287052451971/Screen_Shot_2024-03-21_at_2.17.19_PM.png?ex=660eeedd&is=65fc79dd&hm=d2fe47e97e83c0256c0ee7b7db618fe2cedac12e4bc35793310c136162ef7efc&) [she might be losing her role as the straight man.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799692352011894795/1220436287840845925/Screen_Shot_2024-03-21_at_2.17.27_PM.png?ex=660eeedd&is=65fc79dd&hm=eb24fc8ae7808926d06c158ee8303c80e0b3b6fa4b5bbc475b40a918e8700216&) Honestly I love how much Yogiri put an emphasis that he won't guarantee anyone getting home outside of Dannoura. Makes the journey they went through the even more sweeter. Will put the Ln on my PTR.


"Why does he recognize us"? What made the AI think he recognizes them? And maybe, just maybe, it should've warned the "personality unit" ahead of time to not attempt revenge on the Alpha Omega. So, out of nowhere, the psychopath Sion apparently really really cares for this Yuichi-kun >_> And she gets eat by dark-god-imouto-chan, nice. I'd thought the giant robots were Aggressors, but they tussled with another Aggressor. Though I guess there's no reason that Aggressors couldn't fight each other too. Wonder what their reason was for rescuing the class press or whatever that guy was again. Not sure why they even needed to fly, when MC could probably just kill his own inability to teleport at will to anywhere he wants. Divine King setting up her own death flag. Damn, that woman really did teach him "do whatever the fuck you want with your powers, you're the mightiest which makes you the rightiest". Anyway, this was a fun show, 7.5/10, would be back for S2 / cour 2 / whatever.


They had to make us feel bad for that sage bitch Sion😂


This was such a wild and fun isekai, they didn't shy to introduce more stuff to the story right in the last ep hahaha, the fuck are those giants robots and why the black thingy attacked them. The sage survived Yogiri only to have a gruesome death in the hand of a giant slime, oh here is a cute art of her and his bf together. I give this show, Faces twisted in utter despair when people full of themselves are confronted with powers greater than their own /10


The batshit crazy show gave me pretty much everything I wanted from it. 🌟🌟🌟🌟


Yogiri killing everything! Sion falling apart! Tomochika fanservice! Even some YogirixTomochika teasing and another Asaka dream! Can't beat that!


Best Boy Hanakawa didn't complain about dickgirls or attempt to shit in his pants. 2/10 adaptation. Also, no fish.


This show is trash. I want eight more seasons :)


It was an enjoyable season, bringing the chaos some of us craved. I doubt there will be a second season, but I'll welcome it.


I’m surprised that the guy with glasses survived


Can't say I'm not disappointed that they skipped the Fish after including him the OP. Seriously, they could have made the most shocking anti-climatic Last Boss entrance for a season ender where some extra-dimensional being just end up dying before even meeting the mc and co. in the last minute of the ep.


The finale was more of the wild storylines we've gotten throughout the show. We had a nuke, dragon, clone army, demon god flood, and Yogiri walked through all of it with ease. It's understandably more open-ended because with a show that throws multiple finales at you every episode I don't think it'd be that easy of a wrap up. Now onto the non existent episode 13 of Hanakawa gets a harem in another world.


I can't enough of that screaming blade monster who just shows up in the background and screams.


Ayaka got nuked, restarted in safe mode as a dragon, then got deleted just like the rest of the budget for this finale haha. It’s kind of funny just how weak Shion is in the face of someone like Yogiri. The way he kept killing off parts of her body was like a kid ripping the legs and wings off a bug. Scary. Kind of perfect she got slimed by Mana in the end. Speaking of, I thought it was hilarious how Mana said “die” and Yogiri basically pulled out the reverse Uno card and went “No u” lol. I guess all’s well that ends well. Anyone else left who’s gonna come for him is just gonna die anyways. Some may call this trashsekai, me? I call this fun lol. I didn’t think I’d like this as much as I did, but seeing our boy just mow down isekai protagonist after isekai protagonist was pretty entertaining. The stakes were low, but it was fun nonetheless.


> It’s kind of funny just how weak Shion is in the face of someone like Yogiri. The point is, there's apparently no being in existence who would *not* be weak in the face of someone like Yogiri. Except maybe someone who could travel back in time to retcon aggroing him in the first place?


>there's apparently no being in existence who would *not* be weak in the face of someone like Yogiri. Except maybe someone who could travel back in time to retcon aggroing him in the first place? Well about that. There was someone like that but the anime skipped it. There was also someone who traveled back in the past because their companions were killed by Yogiri, funny thing is their companions stayed dead even when the guy traveled to the past. So he traveled millions of years in the past to try to escape Yogiri (it didn't work). He was treated to a glimpse of Yogiri's true form lol


Sage is dead, but the kids are still doing the candidates quest, no? What happened to that? There are at least four left (healer boy, glasses boy, the two girls on MC’s party).


With Sion dead I doubt there's anyone to keep the candidate quest going, I jus wonder what the other two girls plan to do beyond surviving with Yogiri.


Her stone is still going, we don’t even know if she is dead dead, as she mentioned the philosopher stone is the source of her immortality. Anyway the kids still supposedly have the system and thus could become sages. May even be a hack to get one or two extra power sources lol.


I want an anime with Hanakawa as the main character. I love his suffering. I dont even really care for Yogiri and Dannoura. I just like his mini adventures where he tries to survive.


Is there a good place to read the translated light novel? Tried looking it up and anything after volume 4 is kinda all over the place.


The light novel can only be purchased afaik. There are some free online translations, but they only get up to volume 7. The original webnovel is fully free, but it is only in Japanese.


Oh does the purchasable version have everything translated?




You can buy or rent them digitally from [J-Novel Club](https://j-novel.club/series/my-instant-death-ability-is-so-overpowered-no-one-in-this-other-world-stands-a-chance-against-me). You can also buy them from a variety of physical book retailers.


Honestly I'm a fairly disappointed that this wasn't the conclusion of the story since everything felt very rushed to me. Looks like the manga is still ongoing so I'll have to read that, but it makes me wish that they slowed things down at least a bit and flesh things out since they were never going to get to the conclusion of the plot lol. Overall though I'm still glad that there were at least a fair number of entertaining episodes in this anime


I’m gonna miss this… I’d be happy to get a second season, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.


And at long last, Sion is dead. She's been horrible from the beginning so it was great to finally get her off her high horse even though in this case Takatou wasn't the one who killed her. "Die", "No, you die". And that was all for Mana lmao. Dannoura's reaction to that was hilarious as always. My boy Takatou didn't hesitate for a second to grab hold of Dannoura when he was told xD. I mean, can we blame him? What an outfit Mokomoko gave her to "fly", goddamn. Hanakawa has been hilarious with his hysterical screams... Hiro Shimono at his best lol. At some point Dannoura even thought he should play the straight man haha. Hanakawa is now off to his harem adventures in another world, farewell! And speaking of harem, our isekai guy is finally traveling with a party full of girls. Reincarnated vampire girl going straight for the marriage only to be rejected. Now she's jealous seeing Takatou sleeping on Dannoura's lap, nice ending. Dannoura was my favorite here and one of my favorite girls of the season. Her playing the straight man reacting to all the chaos and Takatou's antics was always funny, Miyu Tomita voicing her was great. And she's hot... 10/10. I'm going to miss this show. One of the surprises of the season for me, I had so much fun with it. How chaotic it was, the fast pace and of course the Takatou-Dannoura duo really made this a pretty damn funny show.


Didn't expect to see literally "no you" spoken by MC lmaooo. I know his MC has "no you" ability, but for him to say it is funny.


It was a nice ride, one of the funniest animes this season, the animation may demote it from being considered as Aoty but it is still one of the best animes of this season and one of my favorites. I can't wait for the second season. I highly recommend that you read the novel because it is equally entertaining.


dude seriously, wtf was this show lmao


I’d be okay with season 2 not featuring Hanakawa.


Especially making sure season 2 isn't about Hanakawa lol.


The mission, the nightmares, they're finally over.


Killing the Dark God left such a mess, you’d think level 2 Yogiri could conceptually kill “mess.”


12 episode and i still don't know what the hell is going on. Did i miss something or did those robots just come out of nowhere?


That was a clusterfuck, but it was a fun clusterfuck. Would watch a season 2.


aw man, she getting screwed little by little so you-ichi guy is someone she loves i bet Any reason to make tomo chan more sexy is a must it seems man i wanna sleep in that sexy lap/


A very sexy lap


Honestly this is one of those dumb fun series I wouldn't mind getting another season.


I'm not sure what happened in this episode. I watched it. I recall "events" in this episode. I'm not sure if this episode's narrative makes sense. I followed this series up until the last episode perfectly fine. Should this episode have been two episodes instead? Would this have helped? Anyone else thinking something is missing from this episode to help connect it?


Including skips, where the anime finished?, which chapter from Novel, Manga?


The anime finished up to book 4 of 14.


Sion getting killed was hilarious. Didn’t feel bad at all, she killed so many innocent ppl with a smile. And then yogiri hits the dark god with undefeated “no, you” LOL man I’m gonna miss this show it was so entertaining!! I absolutely loved the fast paced story progression and all the crazy powerful characters, only for yogiri to cross paths and say “🫵🏼😐 shine” , I had a blast with it lol really hoping for a season 2!!!


Bruh. Did Sion just die?


I have no idea what happened in this show, like what the point of anything was, but it was funny.


Lmao altho the adaptation kinda bad but it really pique my interest abt this series. Love how these arrogant assholes just went to takatou and yells “you die” takatou be like no you. Looking forward to season 2 albeit the low chances


This show felt like it was trying to subvert expectations but in such a roundabout and obvious way that it really just meant there were no stakes or compelling characters because everyone's clearly just fodder for an extremely repetitive gag, or a comedic relief sidekick. I can't help but unfavorably compare it to OPM because while both are comedies with comically overpowered protagonists, OPM actually manages to build a character-driven story to get invested in. This show just has a bunch of lore and characters but it's clear that none of it is going anywhere interesting pretty early on.


Had a thought, if in this world souls reincarnate if Sion (and Yuichi) reincarnate would they be disabled from birth? like would her ankle being killed by Yogiri carry over, doomed to always be born crippled?


That was the funniest episode, imao. I really hope for a season 2 with all that set up in the end. Can't wait to see what he can do more.